Mid week and time for a new one. It’s been a tumultuous month here on Biased BBC with great traffic, great participation and I want to thank you all for coming along and joining in the debate!
That BBC ‘but I think..(no mate, you clearly don’t)’ ‘interviewer’, Julian Marshall, is a joke. As is the blatant selectivity being adopted by the BBC in this.
Suggest folk drop an e-mail to their MP, pointing out that beeboid reporting and sensationalising of the NI story , driven by their commercial interests. As such it should be investigated as part of the hacking enquiry.
Well……did anyone catch R Omar/Life of Moh last night π
suffice to say, you thought the other 2 episodes were whitewash drivel…
a couple of bullet points, i will go to town later
1st 5 mins same fawning, :-
moh in the” top 3”? world leaders ever, was not only a “spiritual genius”?? but a “political one”??? too, moh the “ultimate role model”????, (re-sharp intake of breath), this man who changed the history of the world forever?????,( omitting that so did Hitler)…..the moniker..THE! prophet bludgeoned home at every opportunity.
the apologistfest got ramped up in ep.3, hardly surprising:-
role of women…
the veil…
the “sword” verses.
& on these, the amalgamated er.. “talents” of omar/beebo/red cresent, are combined, even so it was hard to imagine the eye watering “whoppery” that would ensue.
watch this space π i will return….
well i have !/. on Aisha, kept succinct, “moh was betrothed at 6, & ahem! properly married?? at 9” what is this? mummies & daddies……drs & nurses…. must be the bbc euphenism, for child rape,(plenty of ..er .”authentic” …text to show what he got up to with her in between)… just like all Paedophiles he did nothing for 3 yrs…then wheel out T Ramadan to lie about it….nice.
2/. Sharia succinct..”social justice?,peace??, equal rights???, human dignity???? sharia is just like western law?????” hello whopper alert. they just forgot, mandated discrimination, facist supremacism, mandated theft, rape, beatings, whippings, stonings, hand/foot decapitation, beheadings….but……apart from that π
3/.Veil/Niquab….well you see “there were a lot of people around where moh was?, with all his wives??, division was difficult??? him being next too the mosquet?????, for moh privacy was difficult??????” ……sorry but i don t get the beebo mental telepathy here…maybe non existent excuses/platitudes fit the bill. Wheel on some poor unfortunate, with a head to toe shroud,(even long black gloves). to bleat some inane imam speak, about more cover more modest???? & a non existent Quranic intepretation???
4/. Sword verse……conveniently skitted around… look, the in the insane diatribe of abrogation, the later teachings take precedence, otherwise, they don t & the teachings are false as they clearly contradict.. along with the messenger then , along with the “perfect book” etc etc etc.
” kill them whereever you find them, ouch feel the love
Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another” Quran 48:29 No no…I m struggling to find the “peace” tone here
“Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each & every ambush”.
noggin, well put….but can you delete the other three copies of this post! If you log-in you can delete your own posts. For some reason it has appeared 4 times.
By the way, nice summary. Of cours ewe know they would do the same for all the other religions, I hear Judaism and Christianity have a few followers too, even some in the UK, and the BBC are keen to address the issues…NOT.
The apologist nonsense about jihad, cue another omar wistful gaze into the(spiritual??) ether. the well worn,(laughable) drone of inner struggle.
another hmmm moment, THE prophet was the perfect human,
he wanted his perfect society, his own ideal perfect society…
oh hitler eat your heart out eh
oh moh didn t want power..(WHAT!!!), he used the ahem “arab genius”…to achieve his aims????
There is so much here to take issue with, its hard to know where to start
the overall deception of the series….denial/obfuscation etc.
the er “thinly veiled” π antisemitism,
the fawning apologistic nature of it, the guilt by omission.
in fact too much to write about.
This is where the greater danger lies: we indulge the violent potential of islamism and islam’s sacred texts because of their “religious” credentials and,
when deeds are done in its name, willingly deny the link.
The insane refusal to see how one incites the other & so are permissive towards the creed that animates the mohammedan ideology, one built on empire & submission
well well, ep 1,,,,,,50 mins of (victim),moh, (oppressed),moh
(i kid you not….poor little), moh…..
followed by a deft change of emphasis, from moh to THE prophet, bludgeoned home at every opportunity thereafter. (conveniently missing out on his mentioned uncles reading/reciting of previous scriptures) for the last 10 mins.
Rageh is hand picked for harmlessness on this one..very VERY
obscure on the meat n potatoes issues…..waxing on,(& on & on)
while wistfulling gazing into the ether on debatable nonsense.
A fluff piece of the worst kind, did i say EXCRUTIATING line up of apologists, sheesh! literally the living end…. one drawling man of peace drone,(they did however shoehorn in R.Spencer for ahem…balance don t blink wink wink)
Omar skirting around facts & anything possibly erm shall we say “difficult”
handpicking deliberately obscure reasons for hmmm VIOLENCE
ie “upset” re VIOLENCE, “offended” re VIOLENCE, “cartoons” re VIOLENCE, “writing a book” re VIOLENCE… oh i m sure you get the picture.
a prime example :-
Glibly stating “people”… can come from all over the world to Mecca”
….NO THEY CANNOT not if they re non muslim, they can t
A constant drip drip name dropping, from the talmud/bible
just like abrahamic faiths etc etc,
well no it is NOT, it considers everything
non islamic to be a/. perversion of the worst kind..b/.worse still rectified
AND you know what that means.
Piously bleating out that well used apologist drone “theres no compulsion in religion” (knowing full well this was soon abrogated)..and expects us to believe the Western understanding of it. Not the islamic narrative…ie. the observable behaviour of Muslims over 1350 years.
What have Muslims done, when they have conquered, by force or otherwise, non-Muslim lands and peoples?
Ans. They offer three possibilities: death, conversion, and, at least to those who can be classified as ahl al-kitab or “people of the book,” permanent status as dhimmis, with a host of political, economic, and social disabilities which together added up to lives of humiliation, degradation, and physical insecurity
Ep 1 ended up with moh “bigging up” ?? the women”, & was one long nauseating apologistfest. ala…victim moh, persecuted moh, misunderstood moh etc etc. Which seems to be (via the Brit Broad. Cresent..i mean Corp), somewhat excusery & biased.. . .
The accounts I think carry most weight argue that Mohammed did attempt to be.(at first )sincere. but later, carried away by success, he practised deception, extreme violence wherever it would gain his end,(power) his mental state increasingly insecure.
The key to the first period of Mohammed’s life is seen to lie in Khadija, his first wife, after whose death and the loss of five of their children, he became a prey to his evil passions.
His alleged,(sometimes convenient) revelations,& (laughable) dream miracle, can, it is claimed, be attributable to epileptic fits, or to a paroxysm of cataleptic insanity, that said
Will Ep 2 redress? Well the start …night journey to Jerusalem ? raised my eyebrows on the possible upcoming bias. In the first 5 mins, We are “treated”? To :- moh in the” top 3”? world leaders ever, was not only a “spiritual genius”?? but a “political one”??? too, moh the “ultimate role model”????, (re-sharp intake of breath), this man who changed the history of the world forever?????,( omitting that so did Hitler, & the 95% of world genocidal terrorists still cite moh as inspiration, “strike TERROR into their hearts/I have been made victorious through TERROR”).
So beebo that would be not biased then? …..continuing we have the ,(legend in his own mind) “miracle”??????? of a dream he had which is why, wait for it,…. Jerusalem,( you know the place all Muslims point their arse to 5 times a day), is. the 3rd most “holy”? place in Islam?…….one of the reasons for ramped up virrulent anti-semitism, today
& there is much much more. continuing,from the Jersalem pipe dream with well the “bullet” (titter) points.
back to victim moh, more persecuted/victim moh, the “ummah” muslim community..is based on IDEOLOGY,(oh not religion? then), more poor moh/victim moh, tripe about the Arab code of “honour”, interspersed with grim sycophantic apologists, more victim(but still peace)/banished moh, Mosques are the place the “ummah” meet to seek to “achieve” their objectives,(does that mean plan?), an overlong fawning tilt to a constitution in Medina,(that most see as the islamic excuse, used for jew murder & money/belongings grab)..that is often seen as fictitious anyway today,(but obviously not by the BBC).
This all leads to the erm “difficult” Red Cresent Films explanation for the first “holocaust” by moh, there are many disgraceful ,”nuggets” about treacherous jews, deceitful jews, a frankly eyewateringly long excuse ridden drone,(from imams etc)about moh being left with no choice, but wholesale slaughter…
& how we,(as BBC watchers), have…re emphasised by Omar simply HAVE to understand,
that he had? to do it? !
Are my kids, going to be getting this, as a component of a multi-culti RE lesson,(under a BBC moniker) anytime soon?.
“The choice of Jerusalem for the first kebla of prayer
discovers the early propensity of Mahomet in favor of the Jews;
and happy would it have been for their temporal interest, had
they recognized, in the Arabian prophet, the hope of Israel and
the promised Messiah. Their obstinacy converted his friendship
into implacable hatred, with which he pursued that unfortunate
people to the last moment of his life; and in the double
character of an apostle and a conqueror, his persecution was
extended to both worlds.” Gibbon, Decline and Fall, ch L, pt 6.
A bookish vicar in a rural backwater in 1788 would have known more about Mohammed’s dealings with the Jews than a BBC2 viewer in 2011 watching this hagiography /exercise in proselytising.
When i hear Omar & the other swathe of drivelling apologists in this doc
talking “understanding” moh, “of his time” moh, & this absolute
nonsense about interpretation/out of context, Context has nothing to do with the underlying themesο»Ώ of Islam. The Qur’an is very clear and explicit (at least about one thing) ie, about differing types of treatment / behaviour to be shown to muslims as opposed to infidels. Imo, the Qur’an that does all the incitement by itself. Women are compelled to wear veils, everyone is compelled to wage violent jihad, dhimmis must be compelled to pay a tax etc.
If these issues are out of context, the book needs badly updating, right?
So when i hear muslims always talking interpretation/context etc etc
look…the Quran itself claimsο»Ώ to be a “clear book”ο»Ώ (5:15) “easy to understand” (44:58 , 54:22 , 54:32, 54:40) “explained in detail” (6:114), “conveyed clearly”, (5:16, 10:15) and with “no doubt” in it (2:1).
Some of you may recall a Today programme item about how the CIA supposedly poisoned French town with LSD. David Vance blogged about it here, and in the comments we had severe doubts about the story and about the authenticity of the “crucial document “in particular. The Today piece was a snippet from the Radio 4 ‘Document’ programme. Looking at the programme’s webpage, I see the “crucial document” is gone – deleted, down the memory hole with ne’er a mention that it was ever there.
So just another stealth edit, then – nothing new in that. Except that I find this one particularly egregious due to the programme’s title and the accompanying blurb
‘Historical investigation programme, taking a document as a starting point from which to shed new light on past events.’
we really should expect to see the document. The document is gone but the programme remains, waiting for the gullible to come along and click ‘play’. Which frankly, Beeb, is a disgrace.
Wonder if the KGB targetted the Beeb with lovebombs of LSD back in those crazy 60s?
It would explain quite a lot-certainly the collective selective amnesia over vast swathes of our history-and their part in its portrayal seeems liked to too much pot…and even their grandkids skunk these days.
I jest-most of them won`t have grandkids…but lots of exotic yound bucks on Clapham Common…or Shepherds Bush Market if the zimmer and hips don`t hold out.
If the Met were institutionally racist-and are you questionning it bruv?-then the BBC seems institutionally stoned!
Don`t bogard that joint maan!
Well he slithered away and let the city slickers take the rap over the viglen shares, maybe he’ll slither away once more and become even more successful and rich. Life sux dont it.
Especially with Piers doubting the academic credentials & honesty of beeboid favourite Greenslade http://twitter.com/#!/piersmorgan
“And as for ‘Professor’ @GreensladeR in today’s Guardian, he admitted faking Spot The Ball for Robert Maxwell so no Mirror reader could win.”
Well, David Gregory certainly has a point there. Still, we’ll see how the BBC handles this latest twist and if Newsnight is the exception that proves the rule.
Piersgate is currently the Telegraph website’s ‘Most Read’ story, showing that there’s a strong public interest in reading about possible wrongdoing by Piers Morgan. Given how famous Morgan is, how much the BBC went to town on the NOTW, and how the latest twist involves a BBC programme, there’s surely no excuse for the BBC not to make a big deal of this – especially as they’ve already blazed the way on this with their in-the-wake-of-Guido-again Newsnight investigation (as mentioned by David).
There’s nothing on the BBC website’s homepage about it, but doing a search under ‘Piers Morgan‘ shows that they’ve just put a tiny article with a video onto the website (about an hour ago). This says its on the ‘UK’ page, but going directly to the ‘UK page‘ it’s not there, not even in the ‘Watch/Listen’ section. Where is it?
Incidentally, I see Roy Greenslade doesn’t see fit to mention Guido.
The BBC attributes the scoop to the Huff Post UK and also give a piug to Newsnight and Roy Greenslade of the Guardian (as Jeremy predicted). No mention though of Guido’s role in all this – though given the news that Guido is referring his latest scoop to the police, this should change soon.
The Telegraph’s account does the decent thing and credits Guido with being the one who deserves the ultimate credit for the Desert Island Discs scoop. Quite why the BBC’s account sees fit to completely airbrush Guido out of the story is a question for someone else to answer.
Guido himself gives credit to the Daily Beast for following his lead, and Roy Greenslade credits the Daily Beast with the scoop too. So why does the BBC give all the credit to the Huffington Post?
The Daily Beast definitely found and made the interview available first (Jul 26, 2011 11:45 PM EDT). The Huff Post only posted its transcription today (First Posted: 27/7/11 07:12 GMT).
So, again, why in God’s name are the BBC claiming the scoop for their soulmates at the Huff Post UK? (Plus Newsnight and the Guardian). Why are they not mentioning Guido and the Daily Beast?
Ah that old BBC web news trick. Put an article that they don’t really want people to read, up on the website but have no links to it from any of the news front pages. Thus they can point to the page to ‘show’ that they have covered the story but ensure that as few people as possible can read it…
David, as a matter of interest, do your employers support your involvement on this board? Do you require authorisation (given their recent hilarious attempts to stop comrades posting on twitter etc)? I imagine such participation needs editorial clearance…
PS Must say, it is good to have a fairly innocuous Beeboid such as yourself on the board…
Yes Jeremy but NOT because of the BBC but because of Guido Fawkes. Were this a Tory boy the BBC would have Crick, Toenails etc in full flow about dodgy meetings ans ‘Tory sleaze’
Yes but no one watches Newsnight (so it’s a useful excuse to say it’s been mentioned) but I’m not aware that Radio 5 has covered it in the depth it would have if Morgan had been a Tory boy nor has it appeared on the Main 6PM or 10PM news.
We always suspected the BBC would play down phone hacking of it’s ‘favoured papers and people’
When the BBC cover the Morgan story 24/7 like Andy coulson or Rebekah Brooks I will be satisfied.
I hope you lot don;t mind but i posted these on the old general comments board late last night and I do so want to expose the wankers at the bBC for what they are: How the bBC lies how our soldiers die. Last year the bBC couldn’t bring fast enough to the Uk the story about how an Afghan soldier who had murdered 3 British soldiers had rung them up in which to explain his motives. I quote from the so called discerning bBC article: Afghan ‘killer’ of UK troops tells BBC he acted alone A man who says he is the renegade Afghan soldier who killed three British troops in Helmand province in Afghanistan has contacted the BBC.The man said he had been angry at the conduct of British troops and that he had acted alone. He said he had joined the Taliban after the attack. The UK Ministry of Defence said it was aware of the man’s claims. During the interview, which lasted about 10 minutes, he told me he was angry at the conduct of British troops in Helmand province. He accused them of killing civilians, including children. When I challenged him that civilians had been killed in Taliban attacks too, he said that the Taliban were Mujahideen fighting for their own country. He also said that British soldiers were not there to secure and reconstruct Afghanistan.
So the bBC has no problem allowing a murderer to air his views. (Contrast that with how currently the bBC is leading with the view that murderers views shouldn’t be broadcasted (Well white Christian ones)) Yet now that the inquest over the deaths of those 3 soldiers a different story emerges from the one promulgated by the bBC. In fact the bBC lies yet again in which to cover the findings of the inquest. I quote: Rogue soldier’s killings ‘prompted shock’ Lt Col Strickland said the British Army were trying to develop the partnership with the Afghan forces but there had been tensions – which he stressed was normal.For instance, British soldiers were issued with bottled water when the Afghan troops were not, which had caused problems at this particular base. There had also been an incident in which an Afghan soldier was accidentally shot by a Gurkha while on patrol. Now here is what Lt Col Strickland actually said: The inquest heard that an Afghan soldier had been disciplined after he had been caught by a Gurkha officer taking a bottle of cold water from a fridge. Later that night, a makeshift Hindu temple built by Gurkhas was vandalised, the inquest heard. In a second incident during an operation to capture a Taliban commander, a force of Afghan soldiers suddenly appeared and a Gurkha accidentally shot one. So the issue about water wasn’t that the Brits get bottled water and the ANA don’t. It was the fact, that somebody was told off for taking water out of somebody’s fridge. (You don’t take another mans water without his permission) They left out the desecration of the Hindu temple. Now would the bBC have left the story out if a Brit/Ghurka had done the same to a Mosque? Then there’s that accidental shooting of an Afghan. Notice how the bBC succulently leaves out salient snippets of the story which allows them to tell a somewhat different story. A story which paints the British in a negative light.
The bBC the fifth column for Islamic terrorism in the UK.
How the bBC lies over Iran’s treatment of Afghan asylum seeker. Afghans given ‘second chance’ in Iran Afghans started their major wave of immigration 3 decades ago after the country became occupied by the Soviet army. The ensuing years of civil war and the Taleban’s reign heightened this and only recently is the immigration route seeing some return journeys. However, there are still millions of Afghans living in Iran and Pakistan, many of whom have illegal immigration status. Karen Zarindast reports. So the bBC airs a video report how grateful Afghans should be to Iran for allowing them to stay. Why according to the bBC apologist Iran has encouraged Afghans to return to their home country and 60,000 have taken up the offer and returned . The bBC then airs a picture of happy children waving goodbye. And here is what the apologists for an oppressive Islamic theological regime doesn’t tell you: Jan 2011 Iranian Border Forces Mistreat Afghan Refugees TOLOnews has obtained a video clip showing some dead and wounded Afghan refugees lying on the ground, with Iranian border forces standing heedlessly by their side. The video shows dead bodies of a number of Afghan refugees lying on the side of a paved road while some wounded Afghan refugees are squirming with pain while some Iranian border forces are standing heedlessly by their side. This is not the first incident of its kind. Afghan refugees have always complained about Iranian border forces killing and wounding Afghans attempting to cross into Iranian soil. June 2007 Iran Forcibly Deports 100,000 Afghans AFGHANISTAN-IRAN BORDER — Dumped at this frontier outpost alongside hundreds of weary Afghan laborers, Khalil Jalil stepped out of Iran and back into Afghanistan only days after he said Iranian authorities beat him, threw him in the trunk of a car and locked him in a detention centre. The 23-year-old’s violent ejection is part of a broad Iranian crackdown on illegal Afghan migrants that has pushed more than 100,000 deportees across the border the past two months, leaving hundreds of Afghan families stranded without shelter and straining the impoverished country’s resources. Like Jalil, many of the deportees come with stories of abuse: Men beaten so badly that their legs and collarbones were broken, and legal refugees whose government-issued cards were cut into pieces by police. Iran denies the allegations of abuse and says it has forced labourers back home because the 1.5 million undocumented Afghan migrants are an enormous burden on its economy. Goebbels could have learnt a trick or two off the modern day bBC.
A famine is, of course, a declaration of failure.So who is to blame?
Here, in the aid and development hub of Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, most of those involved in the relief efforts across the Horn of Africa are too busy to get distracted by finger-pointing.But there is plenty of muttering on the sidelines. And so here is my top 10 compilation of alleged culprits for your consideration – drawn from conversations with experts, diplomats, Somali officials, foreign aid workers and some of the hungry themselves. I will leave the blindingly obvious – the drought itself – out of it. But please weigh in with your own lists or arguments.
1.America: only interested in Somalia in relation to the ‘war on terror’, piracy and oil – according to many. 2. The UN’s World Food Programme (WFP): the one organisation with the real muscle to end the famine, but because it is heavily dependent on US funding 3. Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government (TFG):this Western-backed administration is so weak, marginalised and lacking in territory that the most important role it can play right now is to keep out of the way of those fighting the famine. 4. Al-Shabab: they’ve killed aid workers and blocked outside help from getting in. What more is there to say? 5. The F-word: famine, and our obsession with it. By which I mean the collective habit of only finding the necessary money and sense of urgency when it is too late. These days Somalia’s population is, fortunately, one of the most heavily monitored in the world. It’s not just crude malnutrition rates that are factored in, but other far more sophisticated indices like household debt. 6. The media: which brings us neatly on to journalists. We are, as one leading humanitarian official told me – with a mixture of flattery and frustration – absolutely crucial in all this. 7. Kenya: as I mentioned above, I have just spent a day rushing round development projects in northern Kenya. Two simple facts emerged – Kenya’s government has woefully, scandalously underinvested in livestock support, education, and basic infrastructure in its most vulnerable communities. (He refers to the Somali refugees living in kenya) 8. Everyone else: “Let us not stand back,” was how Archbishop Desmond Tutu put it. And yet most of Africa is doing just that (how often has the famine made the front pages in newspapers on this continent?), and so is the Middle East, China, and plenty of other countries. 9. Climate change:if you accept the science, then you have to accept that these droughts are going to be coming thick and fast in the coming decades. And we all share a responsibility for that. 10. Population growth:this is crucial. In areas of northern Kenya the population has reportedly doubled in the past decade. “Twice as many people, but the same number of livestock. This is unsustainable,” a UN agriculture expert told me. Pastoralists are famously adaptable – they have to be to survive
Just noitced that Harding has inserted this into the first comments slot along with a false time line in which to make the claim that their is no overall pecking order to the list and that America isn’t really at the nbr1 spot. lying leftwing fatherless person. “1. Andrew Harding BBC 26TH JULY 2011 – 17:14
i should add that this list isn’t necessarily in any order, and that american generosity as a donor to somalia (however misdirected some may feel that’s been) should be noted.”
9) climate change and droughts? We have all heard the claims about droughts, the BBC takes them from every greenshirt and tranzi source and then pimps them. Below is a graph of drought severity spanning two centuries and note the dramatic fall off. A graph that the BBC will not/cannot produce.
The bBC and how it reports on the murder of a 8 year boy I wrote the other day how the bBC while able to knock up within minutes reports of civilians getting accidently hurt/killed by NATO/ISAF/UK doesn’t bother its arse when its fav Taliban heroes go out of their way in which to do it on purpose.
Well, what do you know, the bBC has decided to air the story of Ibrahim the murdered child. Now tell me by following the link what impression do you get of the story and how far did you get before switching off. In otherwords the bBC has gone out of its way in which to hide this story. How does it do that it rambles on about the British handing over to the afghans, how the Afghans have had a couple of gunfights, how the British hurt 5 children with machinegun fire and then and only then the bBC reveals that a child was kidnapped last Friday and near the bottom they report this: The gang of insurgents were deadly serious. Days later Ibrahim’s body was found dumped in a ditch. He had been strangled. The Taliban have denied responsibility, but Daoud is certain they were behind his son’s murder. Get that a story which was revealed by everybody else on Monday morning the bBC decides to report somewhat confusingly nearly 48 hours later and then they end it with the ‘Taliban’ denied they were behind the simple murder. So he was strangled was he bBC. Here is a Photo (Very graphic) from Micheals Yons Facebook page which shows that actually the child was tortured. Funny how the bbC can shed tears over a f-ing Ethiopian who claims he was tortured after he left the Uk. Yet a poor child who was really tortured and died and the bBC tries to cover it up so as not to expose the Taliban for what they are. F-cking racist murderous bigots.
The bBC the fifth column for Islamic terrorism in the UK
Thanks for drawing that to our intention Pounce. What a prize piece of garbage that Jonathan Beale is.
I was listening to BBC World Service a couple of days ago and that had a documentary on an alleged anti-Castro terrorist living in the USA. The presenter gravely intoned upon the advent of Bush Jr coming in, and then in the next sentence we’re informed that the Justice Department had him arrested and detained for 3 years when Bush came in. There was never any question raised about the danger of the suspect’s human rights being violated if handed over to the Castro Dictatorship, and of course, no inhibitions about using the ‘T’ word.
What followed was a trailer on a doc on the Afghan War entitled ‘Afghanistan – The Never Ending War’. No intent there obviously in damaging British morale to prosecute it.
There really are a lot of sick scum working at the BBC.
(NB: Did a bit of Googling and see, amongst other things, Mr Beale was BBC reporter at Guantanamo. Now, remind me what coverage the BBC has given Gitmo … Beale is the enemy.)
In the “dead” section of Today this morning, Lord Skidelsky, emeritus professor of political economy at the University of Warwick (and follower and biographer of Keynes) was allowed to give Osborne a good kicking. Apparently – according to Skidelski – anyone who doesn’t shout “tax and spend” is destroying the economy. BTW – as a good Keynsian – Skidelski pooh-poohs the idea that printing money causes inflation. When will the BBC bring on Liam Halligan – or any non-Keynsian – to refute this crapola? As for kicking Osborne: I agree, he should be kicked because of his “cuts”. Unfortunately, for the arguments of Skidelski, the BBC and all those geniuses in UKUnCut, the “cuts” are not cuts given that government expenditure is set to rise year by year for ever and Osborne’s ambition to “eliminate the deficit by the next election” is not only risible but does nothing to reduce this country’s overall indebtedness.
BTW Skidelski asserted that the high rate of unemployment illustrates the presence in the economy of idle resources which more public expenditure could mobilise. What he didn’t say is that much of present public sector expenditure is already a conspicuous waste of resources. Worse, however, is that many of the unemployed are simply unemployable partly because the (publicly resourced) state education system is a train wreck out of which at least 40% of its passengers emerge functionally illiterate and innumerate.
“American Progress”? What unbelievable dishonesty from the BBC. No, I take that back. Their dishonesty is quite believable.
It’s the Center for American Progress, a self-identified Progressive, Left-wing organization. The BBC deliberately censors this political affiliation, which is especially troublesome considering they’re supposedly making a point about their political opponents.
Any BBC employee reading this ought to be ashamed. I know nobody wants to come on here and get into anything about a specific BBC colleague, but you should seriously consider sending them a note about their dishonesty.
I dont know what you’re complaining about David. The BBC’s independent consultant Professor Jones has just said the BBC is being impartial if it ignores AGW sceptics. How could there possibly be anything wrong with what Black’s written?
But Britain’s science community proudly announces:
“Eiluned Pearce said: “Both the amount of light hitting the Earth’s surface and winter day-lengths get shorter as you go further north or south from the equator.”
Disturbed by the poor grammar, and mesmerised by the PhD grade explanation (why isn’t this woman in climate science?), I had a subversive thought.
In winter the days get shorter. Yes. OK.
There is less light in winter. Sure.Right. OK.
Therefore….high latitude hom sap. is experiencing an evolutionary selective pressure producing adaption. Seeing in the dark like owls (see pretty picture). She is clever because she mentions the southern hemisphere as well. So she’s on the ball.
Then the subversive thought sneaked its way into my mind.
Hang on.
In the high latitude summer the days get longer and the sun hardly sets in June. Midnight sun and all that.
In fact,across a year the whole planet gets equal amounts of light wherever you are.
So if winter night are long and dark, summer night are long and light.
Perhaps they could tell us if an adaptive pressure caused the people south of the Sahara to run faster.
In the thread referenced above (with The Graun Editor bailing out of his flaming Zero and the foot soldier refusing to accept the war is over still hacking away in the jungle of his own creation), it is ‘noteworthy’ that such science, and research and polls can be lobbed around for open discussion left, left and left of centre… only so long as the ‘right’ folk initiate it.
Lord help anyone from non ‘pure’ places even hinting at why, for instance, older white, experienced guys (in male dominated professions such as engineering) who have lived full productive lives may be less credulous of some extreme (A)GW advocacy vs. totally ripped Graun/BBC yoof demigods from non-conservative, still dogmatic tribal mediyah studies zones, tunnel visioned as to why taxing anything by the state machine is the only solution to all things.
It’s not as though English is especially difficult to learn is it ?
And what kind of a marriage involves the feamale half of the sketch flitting back and forth between the Lost City Of Leicester and the subcontinent for fifteen years?
Well here’s Professor Buggy’s Patented Simple SolutionFor The Linguistically Indolent !
Mrs Breach-Of-Me-Ooman-Rites wants to be reunited with Mr Breach etc.
He no spikka da English. :'(
She, however, spikka da Hindi. π
So why not move back to India, for happy reunion with lonely hubby? π
Problem solved, and with no need to clog up the courts. Yay !
My bill is in the post, and translated into every language under the sun.
It continues to fascinate me that the BBC has made no editorial comments about the British Government deciding who is the official Government of Libya. Where was this understanding that national sovereignty was capricious back when they had on an endless stream of voices telling us that regime change in Iraq was illegal?
If regime change in Iraq was illegal – with two UN resolutions as opposed to one for Libay – why is this not illegal? BBC double standards again.
Mardell is a disgrace. He may not even be aware that his own beloved Obamessiah voted and speechified against it in 2006. A lie, or just gross negligence and incompetence and a failure? Either way, he does not deserve his position, and the BBC is doing you harm by having him in there.
Well done to Guido for plugging away with the Chris Huhne story (hopefully a prosecution will result) when the BBC ignored it (and still do) and of course Piers Morgan who it appears seems to be dropping himself in it more and more with his own words. Again the BBC are silent on this which when you consider the ‘hysteria’ coming from the BBC over Andy Coulson and the ‘Murdoch empire’ is surprising… well OK not really.
Reality at last forced the News Channel to mention the Huhne story today, after a definite lack of scrutiny. Plenty of time for his denial, plus a discussion of how he’s not going to step down now, no need for a cabinet reshuffle, etc. Curiously, they did not get Miliband Minor on camera to do his boilerplate line about how this cabinet minister should step down, it calls into question Cameron’s leadership, etc.
The Beeboids must want Huhne to stay on for some strange reason. Maybe they don’t like the possibility of a replacement who isn’t such a Warmist?
from the nose job yes…
but not the self importance π
im afraid…..he wanted to be left sounding
like Laurence Olivier instead of ————
π fill in blanks
i listened an excellent rebuttal on bbc world service.
by mr R.Spencer, the frustration of the interviewer was palpable
unfortunately the i link thought i had was poor.
The same scenario here, interviewr asks a question, when it kicks the narrative into touch, constant interruptions,(i particulary like the irritated look of frustration at the end..priceless).. http://youtu.be/ZbdZ7TNuoFc
¡Craig! Noggin has provided the link you were hoping for of Carrie Gracie interviewing Stephen Lennon of the EDL.
I have to say, I dont share your take on it. Certainly compared to the Paxman ‘interview’ he had his say and was treated with courtesy.
The Breivik massacres are not he moment for anyone to be warning about ‘undercurrents of anger’. Coming from the lips of Stephen Lennon in several interviews now, he’s playing the Muslim ‘but’ game.
I’ve just watched that clip and certainly she did start by politely asking questions rather than throwing out accusations in a blunt and hectoring manner as Paxman did, provoking a strong counter attack which left him reduced to silence more than once during the interview. She did interrupt a lot but she did it politely (apologising five times for interrupting) and in order to put specific follow-up questions. As a result, it developed into a much better interview than Paxman’s crude attempt to throw the book at him from the beginning.
Poor old BBC, for days since Breivik went on his shooting spree they’ve been spinning the lie that he ha links to the EDL, now on the BBC news the beeboids have had to report that there are NO links.
Oh dear poor beeboids, must find another lie to spin
The EDL would have had an excellent legal case against the BBC had they not done otherwise. Wish they hadn’t, would have been great seeing Paxman subpoeaned over his disgraceful ‘interview’ and having to justify it.
hp, yep! agreed, get of jail free card…..for beebo
& i have to admit,Carrie…..chewing a wasp, enjoyable sight
well…to me anyway:-)
still …..prettier tham Paxo s gonk impression
on Mr Lennon, yes don t think subtlety is his strongest suite
but hey they were trying to pin a number on him.
multi culti still failed, islam still a big problem, poverty is still growing immigration is too
hey i m angry about that too…..just wouldn t dream of machine gunning folks away
“And when The Guardian joins in the attack on Serbs and the BBC allows its ‘comedians’ to attack anti-fascists like the late Norris McWhirter, we see that the dissection of Fascism into its constituent parts includes a large portion of socialism which merges almost seamlessly with that authoritarian/collectivist form of capitalism called corporatism. It is the Labour Party which is most under threat electorally from the BNP, not the Conservative Party, and it was of course the BBC who between 1937 and 1939 kept Churchill and his warnings of the Nazi menace off the air. And it is the very legal structure and State enforced financing of the BBC which is so inimitably corporatist and anti-democratic.”
well FM check out the posts on pg1……. & i ve missed a boatload of complaints out!…could have put so much more
…oh just don t get me started again π
bloody biased broad cresent ……PAH!
Rags Omaar’s bucket of whitewash, ‘Three Steps to Heaven’ has something in common with ITV’s ‘Taggart’. The leading man is conspicuous by his absence. In a parallel universe, but not the Beeboidian one, a certain middle-eastern gentleman might be assisting a Scottish detective with his enquiries into child grooming & hate crimes. Back on earth, in the here & now, & particularly after the atrocity in Norway, I’m still waiting for a cold, hard look at the very dark side of Islam, & its baleful, expanding presence in Europe. A two hour documentary that pins down, & dissects, the ‘religion of pieces’, once & for all. It could start in Oslo, with the systematic rape of Norwegian women by Muslim immigrants, then onto Bow, east London, where a teacher was beaten to a pulp for teaching Muslim girls about other religions. Yes, Islam; all sweetness & light – through the cracked BBC prism it always will be. The corporation of the wilfully blind.
“Rights groups have previously called for the Israeli government to stop the demolitions of homes of Bedouin citizens.
Human Rights Watch says that nearly 90,000 Palestinian Arab Bedouins in the Negev region of southern Israel live in dozens of unrecognised towns and villages.”
This is a complex issue. But let’s unpick the BBC report. Or rather, deconstruct it to extract the ideological substructure. Also known as bias.
The term ‘Palestinian Arab Bedouin’ is flatly wrong. The Negev Bedouin are not Palestinians and do not identify as such.
But for the BBC all Arabs in Israel are ‘Palestinians’.
The Bedouin are, in fact,, Israeli citizens.
They serve in the Israeli Army and are the fastest growing demographic with health and education.
Their are problems, clearly. The main issue is landownership.
Under Turkish and ultimately British control they saw no need to register landownership. In fact, they studiously avoided doing so to avoid tax and other entanglements.
But there are problems in the ‘Wild South’ but they are those of the ‘Palestinians’.
The cultural differences to the Palestinians, or the more settled arab populations was always uneasy. In fact often hostile.
Ismail Khaldi is a Bedouin. He is the highest ranking Muslim in the Israeli foreign service.
He is quoted:
“I am a proud Israeli – along with many other non-Jewish Israelis such as Druze, Bahai, Bedouin, Christians and Muslims, who live in one of the most culturally diversified societies and the only true democracy in the Middle East. Like America, Israeli society is far from perfect, but let us deals honestly. By any yardstick you choose — educational opportunity, economic development, women and gay’s rights, freedom of speech and assembly, legislative representation — Israel’s minorities fare far better than any other country in the Middle East.”
So, the BBC has yet again written about Israeli bullies and Palestinian victims.
The narrative is both wrong, doing a disservice to objective journalism, and dangerous in these troubled times.
Great post RGH, re the Bedouin/Palestinian/Arab demarcations!
For newcomers to all this, I am grateful for the teaching here on B-BBC re Israel. I too was a lazy reflex ignoramus once-although ,having met the PLO “supporters” on countless rallies: I knew that they were nasty bigots(so was never the kind so beloved at the BBC/Guardian).
Thanks to you, to Sue, Cassandra/Itwf1964 for the ongoing education..should split that licence fee with you!
if what you say is correct then the BBC is just being it’s usual incompetent self and not properly researching the story.
I presume we are paying for this.
Yolande Knell fails to give a couple of key arguments in the Israeli government’s case:
“The agency’s representative told the court the fact that the Bedouin have homes in Rahat, some distance from Al-Arakib, shows they have no lack of housing, and that they are using public relations activities to accuse the state of repression, while they are the ones in breach of the law.”
So, not homeless and merely engaged in a publicity stunt, according to the Israeli government.
Another point in the Israeli case, which casts Israel in a particularly good light, is the reason the government gives for why the costs are so high:
“The state’s petition to the court says that in order to avoid risk to human life during the evacuation of al-Arakib, the ILA, the Green Patrol and the police had to spend considerable sums, including on cars, a helicopter and heavy machinery.”
(Jerusalem Post)
So, it’s costing so much money because Israel is being very careful to avoid causing any physical harm to the Bedouin.
There was more that enough space in Yolande Knell’s piece to include these two points. They should have been included to provide a more balanced picture.
Looking through the Haaretz report that Craig drew our attention to, I read some of the posted comments. Some clearly came from abroad.
A nasty anti-semitic one, but very representative of the Viva Palestina types , made the helpful observation that the Bedoiun should become jews and all will be well.
Tell that to the evicted settlers or any jewish squatter in Tel Aviv.
(Yes, Israel has jewish convicted criminals in prison for all the standard criminal acts….pretty normal given human nature)
But one that struck me was from a poster protesting.
As a Proud Zionist and Israeli27.07.11 | 07:20 (IDT)
I have to say, leave our bedouine brothers alone already, they love our nation, they fight for our nation, they respect our culture, and they protect our borders. Give them whatever land they lay claim to, it wouldnt hurt anyone, it is desert after all. They fought along side us since the beginning, we need to take care of them as we do our family members.’
The BBC “love their own to bits”.
Huhne might be as venal as they come-Gore might run up electricity bills that are beyond some nations…but the wristband is the thing. No one expects these people to actually pracice what they preach-in fact, more fool us for thinking that they should…so Carrington or Profumo you losers!
No-to be vulnerable to your hypocrisy makes you a victim-ask Prescott or Campbell-issues don`t crop up when Millbank have given you the disability permit.
No need to discuss issues anymore if they can contrive a charge of staring at their pint!
Huhne may yet be guilty of inefficently using up the oil reserves with his speeding…come to think of it-surely that Norwegian bloke might get a real sentence for this. Pretty fast between Oslo and Uetoy wasn`t he?
See http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=9d8_1249932452 for the late Ayatollah Khomeini’s guide to sex with animals. It seems that when you eat halal, you’re getting a helluva lot more than just meat.
Looks like the old joke about the camel being known as “the ship of the desert” because it’s full of Arab se(a)men isn’t such a joke after all. π
But really, you, lonely Muzzie that you are, get jiggy with an unsuspecting goat or ewe or camel. (Though I think the camel might have some idea of what’s up since you’ll be carrying a stepladder).
Anyway, squelch, squelch, light the post-coital ciggie and then, since YOU’VE made your ungulate of choice ‘impure’ by YOUR actions, the doubly unfortunate creature must be killed and burned.
Or passed off to the next village as some sort of Bedu Happy Meal.
Marvellous. Is this sort of thing going on in Birmingham nowadays ?
When the Beeboids’ limousine fleet is finally axed in favour of a much cheaper BBCamel Corps, we’re going to see a lot more ‘ships of the desert’ around Shepherds Bush, &, even in some cases, ecologically correct camel sharing. It could lead to some unusual couplings. Big guns like Sheik Naughtie, & the one-eyed Welsh Imam Humphrys will, of course, have their own beasts of burden. But Paxo, as he is a dwindling star, will grumpily ride pillion with the likes of Rachel ‘plastic socialist’ Burden of 5live. The combinations are endless; each, more distasteful than the last. Bloody hard luck on the camels.
“Government ordered to release Hillsborough papers”
The government has been ordered to release cabinet records of discussions in the immediate aftermath of the 1989 Hillsborough stadium disaster.
Why? What happened to the 30 year ruling?
“Mr Graham’s judgement relates to a Freedom Of Information (FoI) request from the BBC which was refused by the Cabinet Office in 2009.”
Mr Graham is Christopher Graham who worked for the BBC for 25 years…his dad worked for the BBC for over 30 years and was before that in the Oxford Union (is this code for “Commie”?)
Christopher was a councillor before working for the BBC and is now theInformation Commissioner, in charge of data protection, freedom of information etc and clealry this means the News International phone hacking scandal et.
Why Hillsboroiugh, why now? Can we expect a continuation of the Leftie “roll” (hacking, Norway killer etc)
P.S. At the bottom of the article it has the following: “Correction 27 July 2011: An earlier version of this report contained an image which was not appropriate. We apologise for this error and any distress it may have caused.”
curious…anyone spo what it was?
P.P.S. My reason for the above was does anyone know if this Christopher Graham is Common Purpose or soemthing?
I heard a report on the BBC that said the BBC were after proof that Mrs Thatcher had ‘covered up’ for the Police and the BBC want to find out if this is correct.
It makes no odds if she did or no: if the papers are relaeased the BBC will FIND proof even if there is none. They need to “stick it to her” before she dies. They’re c**nts and she is a mighty Briton.
So Newsnight dodges Piers Morgan story AND Chris Huhne and decides Libya is the top story (funny the BBC seemed to ignore that during thier assault on the Tories over Rupert Murdoch) and one about Monkeys (for a second I though that was a joke about Huhne and Morgan..but not.
Keep going BBC this is how you like to kill a story you don’t like but the Morgan story (and Huhne one) getting traction, Sky and C4 did big reports on Huhne and the papers are reporting on the Morgan hacking allegations.
More on Beeboid waste, and self-serving ‘news’ values:-“London 2012 Olympics: BBC staffing row over ‘overkill One Year To Go’ coverage.The BBC sent almost 10 times as many staff as its main news rival to cover an event marking one year until the start of the London 2012 Olympics.”
And, of course, at Islam Not BBC’s vital Islamic propaganda section, Arabic TV, based at Broadcasting House, London (East Wing, Mecca-facing), they are striking early, and their strike goes on for SIX DAYS.
This is an ideal time to CLOSE DOWN this INBBC Islamic propaganda outfit, BBC ARABIC TV, and use the whole of Broadcasting House in the service of the British people, NOW.
“BBC Arabic Service journalists to strike from Saturday”
Their excuse for this behavior is always going to be that they have way more channels and programmes to satisfy than their competitors. It’s still wasteful to have five people making the same report from the same place, and if it’s anything like what I’ve witnessed, all of them doing it while standing next to the same production van. It’s wasteful, but the BBC way is to have special personalities for each channel and each show, justifying to themselves the need to have individual performances, even though they’re all saying the same thing.
Did anyone else catch the BBC paper review? I missed the first couple of minutes but swear that the Piers Morgan hacking story wasn’t mentioned at all even though it’s on the front of some of the papers.
The tool doing the review was some leftist who was accusing the Republicans of ‘hating Obama’. funny that he didn’t seem to know Obama once voted against raising the debt ceiling, does that make Barry a nutter as well then?
In keeping with its ethical science policy the BBC did a piece on the Bateson Report today, bigging up deficiencies in animal experimentation, complete with a representative of Stop the Monkey Holocaust or some such, keen to emphasise that 1 in ten lab experiments on monkeys lead to no appreciable scientific advance. There too was old man Bateson describing 10% of work as ‘rather pedestrian’ in not-very-thundering tones. It occurred to me that 90% of this work must be bloody useful in that case, but that wasn’t the overall impression given by the report. Sure enough, further examination reveals that the Bateson Report is very positive about both standards and results in this area of research. 10% seems to be a particularly low (and worthwhile) ‘wastage’ rate given the likely importance of medical findings. I wonder if Prof. Stephen Jones thinks that we should dispense with the views of the anti-monkey genocide brigade since such experimentation is so demonstrably useful and succesful? I suspect not!
(But, this becomes in INBBC Islamophilic headline lingo):
“German men on terror charges remanded”
The fact is that the two men are Muslims and refuse to recognise the court procedure because of their commitment to Islam; this seems more pertinent to the case than the fact that they are Germans, INBBC.
Interesting snippet in a DT article yesterday saying two years ago the BBC submitted an FOI request for the 10 Downing Street papers relating to Hillsborough. I wonder who was PM then? Why would the BBC be so interested?
A few days ago an item on the BBC told us that last year the population continued to rise , but for the first toime for a few years it was not due to immigration, rather a rise in birth rate.
My local (excellent) paper (daringly?) published an item a couple of days ago titled “Immigration boosts birth rate” as indicated to them by a senior NHS person in the region involved in maternity.
On Today this morning (28th) they review the conviction of 2 criminals that murdered the British honeymoon couple Mr and Mrs Mullany in 2008 in Antigua.
The couple were shot, execution style, in the back of the head and a few quid and mobile phones were stolen. The mobile’s sim was switched immediately by one of the perps and used which placed him close to the scene at the time.
We are then told that the poor people of Antigua see rich tourists as easy targets. So that’s okay then; http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-14218970
Last nights Newslight really took some nerve!
We had James Purnell sitting on a plastic chair opposite Liam Byrne as they discussed welfare reform-and this in the coutryard of an inner city housing estste I`d say…but where else?
The whole piece managed not to mention that these two Nulababble “ministers” from Browns Bunker not only spent the nations inheritance on buying votes, but left a note to that effect on leaving “office”. No mention of that-we are where we are remember?Bloody Thatcher!
After Purnell(no longer a Labor Liar-just a IPPR researcher in search of truths…all of which only Brown or Miliband could ever know-so there!) we got a Tory and a liberal.
Hard to say because Paxman ignored them for the last few minutes-shut them up too!
The big question in the eyes of Paxman was not welfare reform after all-but does James still talk to Blessed Ed?…and would he give us the goss on whether he MIGHT return to the Labor Party Cabinet of all the talents-you know-should things go well for Labour…and if the BBC could get this “exclusive” for tomorrows bulletins, that would be “awfully naice” too!
The BBC is the new Channel 9…one party internal debates are “news”…and the ex-losers, liars and lickspipples of Browns droolings
are now the coming men (in the deluded despicable world of Newsnight anyway!)
Your post reminded me of something and I looked up Purnell. It seems that Purnell spent a fair bit on expenses too, pulling the switching trick of designating properties as first or second homes according to whether you were talking to the Commons office about expenses or to the Revenue about capital gains tax when you had sold a property. He even claimed for tax advice relating to the sale of his London flat. What’s that got to do with expenses of running an MPs’ office? Anyway, he and his spokesman denied that there was anything improper about his dealings with his property and the Revenue.
Then with that flat sold and living in a rental property, he allegedly claimed for more rent than he paid on a flat he rented with his fiancee. His spokesman denied this.
And on the same flat he put in a substantial claim for cleaning expenses even though when he left, it was like a pigsty, according to photos shown in one of the newspapers, and the landlord withheld the £2500 deposit as a result. So it was reported in various places, e.g.
Now, according to wiki, “Whilst renting a flat between 2004 and 2006 Purnell claimed £100 a month for cleaning expenses and £586 for repairs. At the end of the lease the landlord kept the £2,520 deposit, claiming the flat to have been in a poor state. A spokesman for Purnell stated: “James felt frustrated that the landlord refused to return the deposit. He initially pursued the matter through legal channels but let it rest as the costs of fighting it further would far outweigh recouping the deposit”. Now, what interests me about that is what his spokesman said. It simply isn’t true that it would cost more to fight it legally than the value of the deposit. All he had to do was take a small claim through the county court, costing nothing but the court’s small registration and summons fees. You can take such a claim yourself without legal representation and be heard in an informal setting, the parties sitting around a table with a legally qualified person such as a solicitor, to listen to the claim and evidence for both sides, then make the decision and order of the court. I know because many years ago a couple of friends and I took a case to the court when an estate agent had withheld our deposit for no reason other than being crooked. We told the presiding solicitor the facts of our case very straighforwardly. The other party didn’t turn up and we had to go through the rigmarole again but we won our case. So if wiki is accurately quoting his spokesman about that, he would appear to be making something up to try to pull the wool over our eyes (because it sounds plausible, doesn’t it, to say it would cost too much to pursue legally and maybe he thinks, “how are those gullible mugs going to know any different?” ) and in that case I am left wondering what else that this spokesman has said, may also be untrue.
The latest market rate talent decides on a bit of self-validation and gets slaughtered on logical fallacies, evideciary failures, cherry picking, straw man arguments, etc.
Immediately most critical comments get referred, often for days.
Now the kapo clean-up squads have been deployed to deal with the rest, usually on the basis of ‘off topic’, which in the BBC hive mind means ‘anything we fancy if no other excuse can be found’.
So old Thompson has been opining on the hacking story coverage. I think it was my site who posted a link to it but I cannot remember on which thread I saw it. It looks like a candidate for a main post, though.
I had thought at first I was reading some high-minded reflection upon the nature of journalism and ethics etc. It took until paragraph nine though, to show what the purpose of this rare foray into the blog sphere really was: as bit of score-settling and hitting the enemy. What with preambling through eight paras, it’s not exactly DQQ (delivering quality quick) or whatever that incomprehensible thing is called.
[Para 9]: But there are still searching questions for British journalism to answer. Many newspapers with strong investigative teams and many notable journalists with an outstanding record of holding other institutions and walks of life to account showed a marked reluctance to explore the phone-hacking story until events and the public furore made it inevitable. In some cases, they not only refused to investigate the story themselves but heaped opprobrium on those that did. According to Stephen Glover, writing some months ago in the Independent, for example, “the BBC has conspired with the Guardian to heat up an old story and attack Murdoch”. Even in recent days, there’s been an attempt in papers that have nothing to do with News International to suggest that our coverage of the story is far more extensive than other news providers and motivated by spite or glee rather than proper news priorities.
Haha! We all know the Beeboid Corporation has only proper news priorities, don’t we?
Read further down this missive and by the end you will feel sure that the Beeboid has been reading this and other blogs. Surely not!
QUOTE: Perhaps it’s inevitable that newspapers and columnists who are already parti pris on the subject of the BBC find it impossible to judge our coverage except through a distorting mirror of imagined conspiracies and motives. The British public take a more straightforward view and on this, as on every other major story, they simply trust the BBC more than any other news provider to tell them the plain unvarnished truth. I also believe they will give short shrift to those brave souls who are already trying to run the argument that the “real” story revealed by events at Wapping is about the dominance of Britain’s public broadcaster and that the right public policy response to phone hacking and criminality at the News of the World is – but of course! – to hobble the BBC.
Hobble the Beeboid Corporation. How cruel a thought. I can’t bear it… sob…sob…
StewGreenJan 24, 18:31 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Yep : Immigration lawyer, Ivon Sampson says the deportation of over a million illegal immigrants in Britain is ‘an impossible…
Up2snuffJan 24, 18:23 Midweek 22nd January 2025 MM, according to the Guardian about Y2K, – and they should know – Oceania had larger emississions of CO2 than…
Northern VoterJan 24, 18:22 Midweek 22nd January 2025 When I was in the RN, meteorological officers were what we called schoolies. That is Instructor Officers told to do…
StewGreenJan 24, 18:18 Midweek 22nd January 2025 ITV local news Alan Lewis stole Β£900 from a farmshop and drove away wih the worker on the bonnet He’s…
ZephirJan 24, 18:12 Midweek 22nd January 2025 During the deabate on paki mass rape of white children: [img]https://i.postimg.cc/9FkGQTgN/images.jpg[/img]
ZephirJan 24, 18:07 Midweek 22nd January 2025 [img]https://i.postimg.cc/Kvp53Cjf/Capture-2.jpg[/img]
ZephirJan 24, 18:05 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Not humour anymore [img]https://i.postimg.cc/BnyNkRGb/Untitled.jpg[/img]
ZephirJan 24, 18:00 Midweek 22nd January 2025 If a sense of humour was appropriate, which is debatable starmer, they really fucked up there
Rob in CheshireJan 24, 17:49 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Superman stands for truth, justice and the American way, so he is literally a Nazi.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) gnawing on a bone;
Robert Spencer of ‘Jihadwatch’ gets under 5 minutes to answer back on World Service (starts at 8 mins in):
Also at:
Spencer on the BBC answers the Norway murder smears
Daniel Greenfield: In Defense of Robert Spencer
Spencer on the BBC answers the Norway murder smears
That BBC ‘but I think..(no mate, you clearly don’t)’ ‘interviewer’, Julian Marshall, is a joke. As is the blatant selectivity being adopted by the BBC in this.
Suggest folk drop an e-mail to their MP, pointing out that beeboid reporting and sensationalising of the NI story , driven by their commercial interests. As such it should be investigated as part of the hacking enquiry.
Well……did anyone catch R Omar/Life of Moh last night π
suffice to say, you thought the other 2 episodes were whitewash drivel…
a couple of bullet points, i will go to town later
1st 5 mins same fawning, :-
moh in the” top 3”? world leaders ever, was not only a “spiritual genius”?? but a “political one”??? too, moh the “ultimate role model”????, (re-sharp intake of breath), this man who changed the history of the world forever?????,( omitting that so did Hitler)…..the moniker..THE! prophet bludgeoned home at every opportunity.
the apologistfest got ramped up in ep.3, hardly surprising:-
role of women…
the veil…
the “sword” verses.
& on these, the amalgamated er.. “talents” of omar/beebo/red cresent, are combined, even so it was hard to imagine the eye watering “whoppery” that would ensue.
watch this space π i will return….
well i have
!/. on Aisha, kept succinct,
“moh was betrothed at 6, & ahem! properly married?? at 9”
what is this? mummies & daddies……drs & nurses….
must be the bbc euphenism, for child rape,(plenty of ..er .”authentic”
…text to show what he got up to with her in between)…
just like all Paedophiles he did nothing for 3 yrs…then wheel out
T Ramadan to lie about it….nice.
2/. Sharia succinct..”social justice?,peace??, equal rights???, human dignity???? sharia is just like western law?????”
hello whopper alert.
they just forgot, mandated discrimination, facist supremacism, mandated theft, rape, beatings, whippings, stonings, hand/foot decapitation, beheadings….but……apart from that π
3/.Veil/Niquab….well you see “there were a lot of people around where moh was?, with all his wives??, division was difficult???
him being next too the mosquet?????, for moh privacy was difficult??????”
……sorry but i don t get the beebo mental telepathy here…maybe non existent excuses/platitudes fit the bill.
Wheel on some poor unfortunate, with a head to toe shroud,(even long black gloves). to bleat some inane imam speak, about more
cover more modest???? & a non existent Quranic intepretation???
4/. Sword verse……conveniently skitted around…
look, the in the insane diatribe of abrogation, the later teachings take precedence, otherwise, they don t & the teachings are false
as they clearly contradict.. along with the messenger then , along with the “perfect book” etc etc etc.
” kill them whereever you find them, ouch feel the love
Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another” Quran 48:29 No no…I m struggling to find the “peace” tone here
“Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each & every ambush”.
No still not getting it
noggin, well put….but can you delete the other three copies of this post! If you log-in you can delete your own posts. For some reason it has appeared 4 times.
By the way, nice summary. Of cours ewe know they would do the same for all the other religions, I hear Judaism and Christianity have a few followers too, even some in the UK, and the BBC are keen to address the issues…NOT.
whoops sorry about that, thought there was something funny
going, on took ages to load
must be them damn jooos from the posts below
The apologist nonsense about jihad, cue another omar wistful gaze into the(spiritual??) ether. the well worn,(laughable) drone of inner struggle.
another hmmm moment, THE prophet was the perfect human,
he wanted his perfect society, his own ideal perfect society…
oh hitler eat your heart out eh
oh moh didn t want power..(WHAT!!!), he used the ahem “arab genius”…to achieve his aims????
There is so much here to take issue with, its hard to know where to start
the overall deception of the series….denial/obfuscation etc.
the er “thinly veiled” π antisemitism,
the fawning apologistic nature of it, the guilt by omission.
in fact too much to write about.
This is where the greater danger lies: we indulge the violent potential of islamism and islam’s sacred texts because of their “religious” credentials and,
when deeds are done in its name, willingly deny the link.
The insane refusal to see how one incites the other & so are permissive towards the creed that animates the mohammedan ideology, one built on empire & submission
below are ep 1 & 2
well well, ep 1,,,,,,50 mins of (victim),moh, (oppressed),moh
(i kid you not….poor little), moh…..
followed by a deft change of emphasis, from moh to THE prophet, bludgeoned home at every opportunity thereafter. (conveniently missing out on his mentioned uncles reading/reciting of previous scriptures) for the last 10 mins.
Rageh is hand picked for harmlessness on this one..very VERY
obscure on the meat n potatoes issues…..waxing on,(& on & on)
while wistfulling gazing into the ether on debatable nonsense.
A fluff piece of the worst kind, did i say EXCRUTIATING line up of apologists, sheesh! literally the living end…. one drawling man of peace drone,(they did however shoehorn in R.Spencer for ahem…balance don t blink wink wink)
Omar skirting around facts & anything possibly erm shall we say “difficult”
handpicking deliberately obscure reasons for hmmm VIOLENCE
ie “upset” re VIOLENCE, “offended” re VIOLENCE, “cartoons” re VIOLENCE, “writing a book” re VIOLENCE… oh i m sure you get the picture.
a prime example :-
Glibly stating “people”… can come from all over the world to Mecca”
….NO THEY CANNOT not if they re non muslim, they can t
A constant drip drip name dropping, from the talmud/bible
just like abrahamic faiths etc etc,
well no it is NOT, it considers everything
non islamic to be a/. perversion of the worst kind..b/.worse still rectified
AND you know what that means.
Piously bleating out that well used apologist drone “theres no compulsion in religion” (knowing full well this was soon abrogated)..and expects us to believe the Western understanding of it. Not the islamic narrative…ie. the observable behaviour of Muslims over 1350 years.
What have Muslims done, when they have conquered, by force or otherwise, non-Muslim lands and peoples?
Ans. They offer three possibilities: death, conversion, and, at least to those who can be classified as ahl al-kitab or “people of the book,” permanent status as dhimmis, with a host of political, economic, and social disabilities which together added up to lives of humiliation, degradation, and physical insecurity
there is so much whitewash ALREADY
Ep 1 ended up with moh “bigging up” ?? the women”, & was one long nauseating apologistfest. ala…victim moh, persecuted moh, misunderstood moh etc etc. Which seems to be (via the Brit Broad. Cresent..i mean Corp), somewhat excusery & biased.. . .
The accounts I think carry most weight argue that Mohammed did attempt to be.(at first )sincere. but later, carried away by success, he practised deception, extreme violence wherever it would gain his end,(power) his mental state increasingly insecure.
The key to the first period of Mohammed’s life is seen to lie in Khadija, his first wife, after whose death and the loss of five of their children, he became a prey to his evil passions.
His alleged,(sometimes convenient) revelations,& (laughable) dream miracle, can, it is claimed, be attributable to epileptic fits, or to a paroxysm of cataleptic insanity, that said
Will Ep 2 redress? Well the start …night journey to Jerusalem ? raised my eyebrows on the possible upcoming bias. In the first 5 mins, We are “treated”? To :- moh in the” top 3”? world leaders ever, was not only a “spiritual genius”?? but a “political one”??? too, moh the “ultimate role model”????, (re-sharp intake of breath), this man who changed the history of the world forever?????,( omitting that so did Hitler, & the 95% of world genocidal terrorists still cite moh as inspiration, “strike TERROR into their hearts/I have been made victorious through TERROR”).
So beebo that would be not biased then? …..continuing we have the ,(legend in his own mind) “miracle”??????? of a dream he had which is why, wait for it,…. Jerusalem,( you know the place all Muslims point their arse to 5 times a day), is. the 3rd most “holy”? place in Islam?…….one of the reasons for ramped up virrulent anti-semitism, today
& there is much much more. continuing,from the Jersalem pipe dream with well the “bullet” (titter) points.
back to victim moh, more persecuted/victim moh, the “ummah” muslim community..is based on IDEOLOGY,(oh not religion? then), more poor moh/victim moh, tripe about the Arab code of “honour”, interspersed with grim sycophantic apologists, more victim(but still peace)/banished moh, Mosques are the place the “ummah” meet to seek to “achieve” their objectives,(does that mean plan?), an overlong fawning tilt to a constitution in Medina,(that most see as the islamic excuse, used for jew murder & money/belongings grab)..that is often seen as fictitious anyway today,(but obviously not by the BBC).
This all leads to the erm “difficult” Red Cresent Films explanation for the first “holocaust” by moh, there are many disgraceful ,”nuggets” about treacherous jews, deceitful jews, a frankly eyewateringly long excuse ridden drone,(from imams etc)about moh being left with no choice, but wholesale slaughter…
& how we,(as BBC watchers), have…re emphasised by Omar simply HAVE to understand,
that he had? to do it? !
Are my kids, going to be getting this, as a component of a multi-culti RE lesson,(under a BBC moniker) anytime soon?.
“The choice of Jerusalem for the first kebla of prayer
discovers the early propensity of Mahomet in favor of the Jews;
and happy would it have been for their temporal interest, had
they recognized, in the Arabian prophet, the hope of Israel and
the promised Messiah. Their obstinacy converted his friendship
into implacable hatred, with which he pursued that unfortunate
people to the last moment of his life; and in the double
character of an apostle and a conqueror, his persecution was
extended to both worlds.” Gibbon, Decline and Fall, ch L, pt 6.
A bookish vicar in a rural backwater in 1788 would have known more about Mohammed’s dealings with the Jews than a BBC2 viewer in 2011 watching this hagiography /exercise in proselytising.
When i hear Omar & the other swathe of drivelling apologists in this doc
talking “understanding” moh, “of his time” moh, & this absolute
nonsense about interpretation/out of context, Context has nothing to do with the underlying themesο»Ώ of Islam. The Qur’an is very clear and explicit (at least about one thing) ie, about differing types of treatment / behaviour to be shown to muslims as opposed to infidels. Imo, the Qur’an that does all the incitement by itself. Women are compelled to wear veils, everyone is compelled to wage violent jihad, dhimmis must be compelled to pay a tax etc.
If these issues are out of context, the book needs badly updating, right?
So when i hear muslims always talking interpretation/context etc etc
look…the Quran itself claimsο»Ώ to be a “clear book”ο»Ώ (5:15) “easy to understand” (44:58 , 54:22 , 54:32, 54:40) “explained in detail” (6:114), “conveyed clearly”, (5:16, 10:15) and with “no doubt” in it (2:1).
oh wally don t get me started again π
Some of you may recall a Today programme item about how the CIA supposedly poisoned French town with LSD. David Vance blogged about it here, and in the comments we had severe doubts about the story and about the authenticity of the “crucial document “in particular. The Today piece was a snippet from the Radio 4 ‘Document’ programme. Looking at the programme’s webpage, I see the “crucial document” is gone – deleted, down the memory hole with ne’er a mention that it was ever there.
So just another stealth edit, then – nothing new in that. Except that I find this one particularly egregious due to the programme’s title and the accompanying blurb
‘Historical investigation programme, taking a document as a starting point from which to shed new light on past events.’
we really should expect to see the document. The document is gone but the programme remains, waiting for the gullible to come along and click ‘play’. Which frankly, Beeb, is a disgrace.
What the BBC often calls ‘evolving the story’ is usually at best stealth editting.
Actually it is often only professional @rse-covering up attempts at rewriting history that have been nailed. Bad precedents there.
No excuse. And as bad as any ‘gate’ their knickers are dripping over currently.
Excellent follow-up Beeboidal.
If I remember rightly the image of that ‘X-file‘ was one of the photographs at the bottom of the BBC article, now removed.
The comments on an American blog also tore this ‘document’ apart, one of which summed the whole thing up:
Ugh. Very disappointing that the BBC would publish this so uncritically.
Wonder if the KGB targetted the Beeb with lovebombs of LSD back in those crazy 60s?
It would explain quite a lot-certainly the collective selective amnesia over vast swathes of our history-and their part in its portrayal seeems liked to too much pot…and even their grandkids skunk these days.
I jest-most of them won`t have grandkids…but lots of exotic yound bucks on Clapham Common…or Shepherds Bush Market if the zimmer and hips don`t hold out.
If the Met were institutionally racist-and are you questionning it bruv?-then the BBC seems institutionally stoned!
Don`t bogard that joint maan!
I notice Guido is doing all the heavy lifting regarding Piers Morgan and alleged phone hacking, but home come the BBC seem VERY silent on this issue?
We both know the answer to that.
Greenslade has blogged on Piersgate today in the Guardian so I guess that means the BBCwon’t be far behind.
Well he slithered away and let the city slickers take the rap over the viglen shares, maybe he’ll slither away once more and become even more successful and rich. Life sux dont it.
Especially with Piers doubting the academic credentials & honesty of beeboid favourite Greenslade
“And as for ‘Professor’ @GreensladeR in today’s Guardian, he admitted faking Spot The Ball for Robert Maxwell so no Mirror reader could win.”
Newsnight lead with it on Friday 22nd.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/newsnight/9547747.stm Special Investigation no less.
Ah, welcome back. Flying visit?
Just in time, though sorely missed regarding some recent goodies.
BBC ‘doesn’t cater for braindead viewers’
Any ideas on whether Danny Cohen was involved?
Well, David Gregory certainly has a point there. Still, we’ll see how the BBC handles this latest twist and if Newsnight is the exception that proves the rule.
Piersgate is currently the Telegraph website’s ‘Most Read’ story, showing that there’s a strong public interest in reading about possible wrongdoing by Piers Morgan. Given how famous Morgan is, how much the BBC went to town on the NOTW, and how the latest twist involves a BBC programme, there’s surely no excuse for the BBC not to make a big deal of this – especially as they’ve already blazed the way on this with their in-the-wake-of-Guido-again Newsnight investigation (as mentioned by David).
There’s nothing on the BBC website’s homepage about it, but doing a search under ‘Piers Morgan‘ shows that they’ve just put a tiny article with a video onto the website (about an hour ago). This says its on the ‘UK’ page, but going directly to the ‘UK page‘ it’s not there, not even in the ‘Watch/Listen’ section. Where is it?
Incidentally, I see Roy Greenslade doesn’t see fit to mention Guido.
Newsnight is not that relevant it’s putting the story on Radio 4, Radio 5 and the main BBC news that matters. So far it’s not been covered.
Well, fair’s fair, the BBC website are certainly reporting it now – Morgan dismisses hacking claims.
The BBC attributes the scoop to the Huff Post UK and also give a piug to Newsnight and Roy Greenslade of the Guardian (as Jeremy predicted). No mention though of Guido’s role in all this – though given the news that Guido is referring his latest scoop to the police, this should change soon.
The BBC plugging all its closest allies.
Plugging at the expense of that famous ‘integrity’.
Shaping up as a no lose…
@ MrHarryCole Harry Cole
Oh come off it BBC, this wasn’t a Huffpo story:http://bbc.in/op5WXK
Didn’t see Craig’s post and reproduced, apologies.
The Telegraph’s account does the decent thing and credits Guido with being the one who deserves the ultimate credit for the Desert Island Discs scoop. Quite why the BBC’s account sees fit to completely airbrush Guido out of the story is a question for someone else to answer.
Guido himself gives credit to the Daily Beast for following his lead, and Roy Greenslade credits the Daily Beast with the scoop too. So why does the BBC give all the credit to the Huffington Post?
The Daily Beast definitely found and made the interview available first (Jul 26, 2011 11:45 PM EDT). The Huff Post only posted its transcription today (First Posted: 27/7/11 07:12 GMT).
So, again, why in God’s name are the BBC claiming the scoop for their soulmates at the Huff Post UK? (Plus Newsnight and the Guardian). Why are they not mentioning Guido and the Daily Beast?
Don’t worry Daniel, I didn’t see My Site‘s and have just done the same!
Ah that old BBC web news trick. Put an article that they don’t really want people to read, up on the website but have no links to it from any of the news front pages. Thus they can point to the page to ‘show’ that they have covered the story but ensure that as few people as possible can read it…
David, as a matter of interest, do your employers support your involvement on this board? Do you require authorisation (given their recent hilarious attempts to stop comrades posting on twitter etc)? I imagine such participation needs editorial clearance…
PS Must say, it is good to have a fairly innocuous Beeboid such as yourself on the board…
Good to see you again, David.
Yup, you’re right and thanks for the link. As you’re probably aware, however, the story has grown an extra leg or two today.
Yes Jeremy but NOT because of the BBC but because of Guido Fawkes. Were this a Tory boy the BBC would have Crick, Toenails etc in full flow about dodgy meetings ans ‘Tory sleaze’
Dear David Gregory,
Small handy hint, for future reference. π
Come on sue get with it. This is BBC Twitter English.
Watched by about ten people, hardly the whole first 15 minutes of every news bulletin like NI got…
Yes but no one watches Newsnight (so it’s a useful excuse to say it’s been mentioned) but I’m not aware that Radio 5 has covered it in the depth it would have if Morgan had been a Tory boy nor has it appeared on the Main 6PM or 10PM news.
We always suspected the BBC would play down phone hacking of it’s ‘favoured papers and people’
When the BBC cover the Morgan story 24/7 like Andy coulson or Rebekah Brooks I will be satisfied.
I’m suprised that Morgan still has his liberty after endangering the lives of British soldiers in Iraq.
I hope you lot don;t mind but i posted these on the old general comments board late last night and I do so want to expose the wankers at the bBC for what they are:
How the bBC lies how our soldiers die.
Last year the bBC couldn’t bring fast enough to the Uk the story about how an Afghan soldier who had murdered 3 British soldiers had rung them up in which to explain his motives. I quote from the so called discerning bBC article:
Afghan ‘killer’ of UK troops tells BBC he acted alone
A man who says he is the renegade Afghan soldier who killed three British troops in Helmand province in Afghanistan has contacted the BBC.The man said he had been angry at the conduct of British troops and that he had acted alone. He said he had joined the Taliban after the attack.
The UK Ministry of Defence said it was aware of the man’s claims.
During the interview, which lasted about 10 minutes, he told me he was angry at the conduct of British troops in Helmand province. He accused them of killing civilians, including children.
When I challenged him that civilians had been killed in Taliban attacks too, he said that the Taliban were Mujahideen fighting for their own country. He also said that British soldiers were not there to secure and reconstruct Afghanistan.
So the bBC has no problem allowing a murderer to air his views. (Contrast that with how currently the bBC is leading with the view that murderers views shouldn’t be broadcasted (Well white Christian ones)) Yet now that the inquest over the deaths of those 3 soldiers a different story emerges from the one promulgated by the bBC. In fact the bBC lies yet again in which to cover the findings of the inquest. I quote:
Rogue soldier’s killings ‘prompted shock’
Lt Col Strickland said the British Army were trying to develop the partnership with the Afghan forces but there had been tensions – which he stressed was normal.For instance, British soldiers were issued with bottled water when the Afghan troops were not, which had caused problems at this particular base. There had also been an incident in which an Afghan soldier was accidentally shot by a Gurkha while on patrol.
Now here is what Lt Col Strickland actually said:
The inquest heard that an Afghan soldier had been disciplined after he had been caught by a Gurkha officer taking a bottle of cold water from a fridge. Later that night, a makeshift Hindu temple built by Gurkhas was vandalised, the inquest heard. In a second incident during an operation to capture a Taliban commander, a force of Afghan soldiers suddenly appeared and a Gurkha accidentally shot one.
So the issue about water wasn’t that the Brits get bottled water and the ANA don’t. It was the fact, that somebody was told off for taking water out of somebody’s fridge. (You don’t take another mans water without his permission) They left out the desecration of the Hindu temple. Now would the bBC have left the story out if a Brit/Ghurka had done the same to a Mosque? Then there’s that accidental shooting of an Afghan. Notice how the bBC succulently leaves out salient snippets of the story which allows them to tell a somewhat different story. A story which paints the British in a negative light.
The bBC the fifth column for Islamic terrorism in the UK.
How the bBC lies over Iran’s treatment of Afghan asylum seeker.
Afghans given ‘second chance’ in Iran
Afghans started their major wave of immigration 3 decades ago after the country became occupied by the Soviet army. The ensuing years of civil war and the Taleban’s reign heightened this and only recently is the immigration route seeing some return journeys. However, there are still millions of Afghans living in Iran and Pakistan, many of whom have illegal immigration status.
Karen Zarindast reports.
So the bBC airs a video report how grateful Afghans should be to Iran for allowing them to stay. Why according to the bBC apologist Iran has encouraged Afghans to return to their home country and 60,000 have taken up the offer and returned . The bBC then airs a picture of happy children waving goodbye.
And here is what the apologists for an oppressive Islamic theological regime doesn’t tell you:
Jan 2011
Iranian Border Forces Mistreat Afghan Refugees
TOLOnews has obtained a video clip showing some dead and wounded Afghan refugees lying on the ground, with Iranian border forces standing heedlessly by their side. The video shows dead bodies of a number of Afghan refugees lying on the side of a paved road while some wounded Afghan refugees are squirming with pain while some Iranian border forces are standing heedlessly by their side. This is not the first incident of its kind. Afghan refugees have always complained about Iranian border forces killing and wounding Afghans attempting to cross into Iranian soil.
June 2007
Iran Forcibly Deports 100,000 Afghans
AFGHANISTAN-IRAN BORDER — Dumped at this frontier outpost alongside hundreds of weary Afghan laborers, Khalil Jalil stepped out of Iran and back into Afghanistan only days after he said Iranian authorities beat him, threw him in the trunk of a car and locked him in a detention centre. The 23-year-old’s violent ejection is part of a broad Iranian crackdown on illegal Afghan migrants that has pushed more than 100,000 deportees across the border the past two months, leaving hundreds of Afghan families stranded without shelter and straining the impoverished country’s resources. Like Jalil, many of the deportees come with stories of abuse: Men beaten so badly that their legs and collarbones were broken, and legal refugees whose government-issued cards were cut into pieces by police. Iran denies the allegations of abuse and says it has forced labourers back home because the 1.5 million undocumented Afghan migrants are an enormous burden on its economy.
Goebbels could have learnt a trick or two off the modern day bBC.
The bBC and who it blames for the famine in Somalia
‘Top 10 culprits’ of Horn of Africa famine
Article written by Andrew Harding Africa correspondent
A famine is, of course, a declaration of failure.So who is to blame?
Here, in the aid and development hub of Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, most of those involved in the relief efforts across the Horn of Africa are too busy to get distracted by finger-pointing.But there is plenty of muttering on the sidelines. And so here is my top 10 compilation of alleged culprits for your consideration – drawn from conversations with experts, diplomats, Somali officials, foreign aid workers and some of the hungry themselves. I will leave the blindingly obvious – the drought itself – out of it. But please weigh in with your own lists or arguments.
1.America: only interested in Somalia in relation to the ‘war on terror’, piracy and oil – according to many.
2. The UN’s World Food Programme (WFP): the one organisation with the real muscle to end the famine, but because it is heavily dependent on US funding
3. Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government (TFG): this Western-backed administration is so weak, marginalised and lacking in territory that the most important role it can play right now is to keep out of the way of those fighting the famine.
4. Al-Shabab: they’ve killed aid workers and blocked outside help from getting in. What more is there to say?
5. The F-word: famine, and our obsession with it. By which I mean the collective habit of only finding the necessary money and sense of urgency when it is too late. These days Somalia’s population is, fortunately, one of the most heavily monitored in the world. It’s not just crude malnutrition rates that are factored in, but other far more sophisticated indices like household debt.
6. The media: which brings us neatly on to journalists. We are, as one leading humanitarian official told me – with a mixture of flattery and frustration – absolutely crucial in all this.
7. Kenya: as I mentioned above, I have just spent a day rushing round development projects in northern Kenya. Two simple facts emerged – Kenya’s government has woefully, scandalously underinvested in livestock support, education, and basic infrastructure in its most vulnerable communities. (He refers to the Somali refugees living in kenya)
8. Everyone else: “Let us not stand back,” was how Archbishop Desmond Tutu put it. And yet most of Africa is doing just that (how often has the famine made the front pages in newspapers on this continent?), and so is the Middle East, China, and plenty of other countries.
9. Climate change: if you accept the science, then you have to accept that these droughts are going to be coming thick and fast in the coming decades. And we all share a responsibility for that.
10. Population growth: this is crucial. In areas of northern Kenya the population has reportedly doubled in the past decade. “Twice as many people, but the same number of livestock. This is unsustainable,” a UN agriculture expert told me. Pastoralists are famously adaptable – they have to be to survive
Just noitced that Harding has inserted this into the first comments slot along with a false time line in which to make the claim that their is no overall pecking order to the list and that America isn’t really at the nbr1 spot. lying leftwing fatherless person.
“1. Andrew Harding BBC
26TH JULY 2011 – 17:14
i should add that this list isn’t necessarily in any order, and that american generosity as a donor to somalia (however misdirected some may feel that’s been) should be noted.”
Whose fault is it that the UN WFP is funded mostly by the US? Is that our fault, too? Lame.
Every time this topic comes up, I’m reminded of this:
Excellent stuff as always, pounce.
9) climate change and droughts? We have all heard the claims about droughts, the BBC takes them from every greenshirt and tranzi source and then pimps them. Below is a graph of drought severity spanning two centuries and note the dramatic fall off. A graph that the BBC will not/cannot produce.
They could publish it if it was adjusted slightly.
Interesting stuff. Do you have a link/source?
The bBC and how it reports on the murder of a 8 year boy
I wrote the other day how the bBC while able to knock up within minutes reports of civilians getting accidently hurt/killed by NATO/ISAF/UK doesn’t bother its arse when its fav Taliban heroes go out of their way in which to do it on purpose.
Well, what do you know, the bBC has decided to air the story of Ibrahim the murdered child. Now tell me by following the link what impression do you get of the story and how far did you get before switching off. In otherwords the bBC has gone out of its way in which to hide this story. How does it do that it rambles on about the British handing over to the afghans, how the Afghans have had a couple of gunfights, how the British hurt 5 children with machinegun fire and then and only then the bBC reveals that a child was kidnapped last Friday and near the bottom they report this:
The gang of insurgents were deadly serious. Days later Ibrahim’s body was found dumped in a ditch. He had been strangled. The Taliban have denied responsibility, but Daoud is certain they were behind his son’s murder.
Get that a story which was revealed by everybody else on Monday morning the bBC decides to report somewhat confusingly nearly 48 hours later and then they end it with the ‘Taliban’ denied they were behind the simple murder. So he was strangled was he bBC. Here is a Photo (Very graphic) from Micheals Yons Facebook page which shows that actually the child was tortured. Funny how the bbC can shed tears over a f-ing Ethiopian who claims he was tortured after he left the Uk. Yet a poor child who was really tortured and died and the bBC tries to cover it up so as not to expose the Taliban for what they are. F-cking racist murderous bigots.
The bBC the fifth column for Islamic terrorism in the UK
Thanks for drawing that to our intention Pounce. What a prize piece of garbage that Jonathan Beale is.
I was listening to BBC World Service a couple of days ago and that had a documentary on an alleged anti-Castro terrorist living in the USA. The presenter gravely intoned upon the advent of Bush Jr coming in, and then in the next sentence we’re informed that the Justice Department had him arrested and detained for 3 years when Bush came in. There was never any question raised about the danger of the suspect’s human rights being violated if handed over to the Castro Dictatorship, and of course, no inhibitions about using the ‘T’ word.
What followed was a trailer on a doc on the Afghan War entitled ‘Afghanistan – The Never Ending War’. No intent there obviously in damaging British morale to prosecute it.
There really are a lot of sick scum working at the BBC.
(NB: Did a bit of Googling and see, amongst other things, Mr Beale was BBC reporter at Guantanamo. Now, remind me what coverage the BBC has given Gitmo … Beale is the enemy.)
Is there anything Michael Crick generates that is not prefaced ‘sources say..’ or ‘I am told..’?
How did he ever get called a reporter?
Person the twittercades sisters… and you girls too!
In the “dead” section of Today this morning, Lord Skidelsky, emeritus professor of political economy at the University of Warwick (and follower and biographer of Keynes) was allowed to give Osborne a good kicking. Apparently – according to Skidelski – anyone who doesn’t shout “tax and spend” is destroying the economy. BTW – as a good Keynsian – Skidelski pooh-poohs the idea that printing money causes inflation. When will the BBC bring on Liam Halligan – or any non-Keynsian – to refute this crapola? As for kicking Osborne: I agree, he should be kicked because of his “cuts”. Unfortunately, for the arguments of Skidelski, the BBC and all those geniuses in UKUnCut, the “cuts” are not cuts given that government expenditure is set to rise year by year for ever and Osborne’s ambition to “eliminate the deficit by the next election” is not only risible but does nothing to reduce this country’s overall indebtedness.
BTW Skidelski asserted that the high rate of unemployment illustrates the presence in the economy of idle resources which more public expenditure could mobilise. What he didn’t say is that much of present public sector expenditure is already a conspicuous waste of resources. Worse, however, is that many of the unemployed are simply unemployable partly because the (publicly resourced) state education system is a train wreck out of which at least 40% of its passengers emerge functionally illiterate and innumerate.
Black and (purely coincidental press) cronies digging a VERY big unPC hole for themselves…
dpcarrington – #conservative white men in US most likely to be #climate #skepticsgu.com/p/3vzn4/tw same for cons old men in UK http://bit.ly/ebDrIe
BBCRichardBlack @leohickman – see bbc.in/56tAct and American Progress report referenced
Surprised they are not planning a trip to Nepal to pick up where Otto Rahn left off.
Graun already reduced to ‘But the Daily Mail does it!’ kneejerks.
Also points to Telegraph having a much higher readership.
Yeah, about that, how come the BBC is wall to wall featuring your little niche paper then?
Oh, and one is not sure that Geoff Lean and Louise Grey are exactly rampant sceptics anyway.
Is this the calibre of debate Dr. Jones has mandated the BBC can only serve up?
“American Progress”? What unbelievable dishonesty from the BBC. No, I take that back. Their dishonesty is quite believable.
It’s the Center for American Progress, a self-identified Progressive, Left-wing organization. The BBC deliberately censors this political affiliation, which is especially troublesome considering they’re supposedly making a point about their political opponents.
Any BBC employee reading this ought to be ashamed. I know nobody wants to come on here and get into anything about a specific BBC colleague, but you should seriously consider sending them a note about their dishonesty.
I dont know what you’re complaining about David. The BBC’s independent consultant Professor Jones has just said the BBC is being impartial if it ignores AGW sceptics. How could there possibly be anything wrong with what Black’s written?
On a lighter note, from the team that brought you Black and Harrabin, the BBC science department has been talking to scientists again.
Did you know that:
Dark winters ‘led to bigger human brains and eyeballs’
I’m sure that a lot of people didn’t know that.
But Britain’s science community proudly announces:
“Eiluned Pearce said: “Both the amount of light hitting the Earth’s surface and winter day-lengths get shorter as you go further north or south from the equator.”
Disturbed by the poor grammar, and mesmerised by the PhD grade explanation (why isn’t this woman in climate science?), I had a subversive thought.
In winter the days get shorter. Yes. OK.
There is less light in winter. Sure.Right. OK.
Therefore….high latitude hom sap. is experiencing an evolutionary selective pressure producing adaption. Seeing in the dark like owls (see pretty picture). She is clever because she mentions the southern hemisphere as well. So she’s on the ball.
Then the subversive thought sneaked its way into my mind.
Hang on.
In the high latitude summer the days get longer and the sun hardly sets in June. Midnight sun and all that.
In fact,across a year the whole planet gets equal amounts of light wherever you are.
So if winter night are long and dark, summer night are long and light.
Perhaps they could tell us if an adaptive pressure caused the people south of the Sahara to run faster.
The lions, perhaps.
In the thread referenced above (with The Graun Editor bailing out of his flaming Zero and the foot soldier refusing to accept the war is over still hacking away in the jungle of his own creation), it is ‘noteworthy’ that such science, and research and polls can be lobbed around for open discussion left, left and left of centre… only so long as the ‘right’ folk initiate it.
Lord help anyone from non ‘pure’ places even hinting at why, for instance, older white, experienced guys (in male dominated professions such as engineering) who have lived full productive lives may be less credulous of some extreme (A)GW advocacy vs. totally ripped Graun/BBC yoof demigods from non-conservative, still dogmatic tribal mediyah studies zones, tunnel visioned as to why taxing anything by the state machine is the only solution to all things.
A campaign for INBBC and S. Chakrabarti to join?:
“Requiring immigrants to speak English ‘breaches human rights,’ claims couple as they launch legal bid to overturn ruling”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2019056/UK-immigration-Speaking-English-requirement-breaches-human-rights-claim-couple.html#ixzz1TJqLrToy
The wonders of ‘multicultural’, mass immigration Britain.
It’s not as though English is especially difficult to learn is it ?
And what kind of a marriage involves the feamale half of the sketch flitting back and forth between the Lost City Of Leicester and the subcontinent for fifteen years?
Well here’s Professor Buggy’s Patented Simple Solution For The Linguistically Indolent !
Mrs Breach-Of-Me-Ooman-Rites wants to be reunited with Mr Breach etc.
He no spikka da English. :'(
She, however, spikka da Hindi. π
So why not move back to India, for happy reunion with lonely hubby? π
Problem solved, and with no need to clog up the courts. Yay !
My bill is in the post, and translated into every language under the sun.
“The release of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber, to Libya was a “great mistake”, William Hague said.”
What does INBBC have on this online at present?
– One short reference, three-quarters down its ‘report’:
“UK expels Gaddafi diplomats and recognises Libya rebels”
“Libya’s Self Proclaimed New Leader Has The Mark Of The Islamist”
It continues to fascinate me that the BBC has made no editorial comments about the British Government deciding who is the official Government of Libya. Where was this understanding that national sovereignty was capricious back when they had on an endless stream of voices telling us that regime change in Iraq was illegal?
If regime change in Iraq was illegal – with two UN resolutions as opposed to one for Libay – why is this not illegal? BBC double standards again.
Oh dear, the BBC have got some digging on their hands if they are going to bury Guido’s latest news item. And he’s going to the Police………………
You really couldn’t make it up http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14311382?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter
They attributed the Morgan story to Huffpo UK, they also cite Greenslade, no mention of Guido though!
Any defenders of the indefensible want to address this?
Mardell on News24 now, when asked if there has ever been a problem with voting through the debt ceiling before said no, never. A blatant lie isn’t it?
Mardell is a disgrace. He may not even be aware that his own beloved Obamessiah voted and speechified against it in 2006. A lie, or just gross negligence and incompetence and a failure? Either way, he does not deserve his position, and the BBC is doing you harm by having him in there.
Tub of Mardell has steadily gone downhill from a not very great starting point.
EGYPT, and the INBBC’s basic political misunderstanding of the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD (MB).
E.g. INBBC’s LEYNE doesn’t mention the MB until 80% into his rambling piece here:
INBBC, Leyne and co should make the following part of their daily reading on the MB:
For INBBC, inc Cairo branch, and Arabic TV branch: “Misperceptions of the Arab Spring”
For fun, balance…
Well done to Guido for plugging away with the Chris Huhne story (hopefully a prosecution will result) when the BBC ignored it (and still do) and of course Piers Morgan who it appears seems to be dropping himself in it more and more with his own words. Again the BBC are silent on this which when you consider the ‘hysteria’ coming from the BBC over Andy Coulson and the ‘Murdoch empire’ is surprising… well OK not really.
Reality at last forced the News Channel to mention the Huhne story today, after a definite lack of scrutiny. Plenty of time for his denial, plus a discussion of how he’s not going to step down now, no need for a cabinet reshuffle, etc. Curiously, they did not get Miliband Minor on camera to do his boilerplate line about how this cabinet minister should step down, it calls into question Cameron’s leadership, etc.
The Beeboids must want Huhne to stay on for some strange reason. Maybe they don’t like the possibility of a replacement who isn’t such a Warmist?
David, that’s only because Miliband Minor is having his nose done. Pravda says that the dear leader is now recovering.
from the nose job yes…
but not the self importance π
im afraid…..he wanted to be left sounding
like Laurence Olivier instead of ————
π fill in blanks
i listened an excellent rebuttal on bbc world service.
by mr R.Spencer, the frustration of the interviewer was palpable
unfortunately the i link thought i had was poor.
The same scenario here, interviewr asks a question, when it kicks the narrative into touch, constant interruptions,(i particulary like the irritated look of frustration at the end..priceless)..
¡Craig! Noggin has provided the link you were hoping for of Carrie Gracie interviewing Stephen Lennon of the EDL.
I have to say, I dont share your take on it. Certainly compared to the Paxman ‘interview’ he had his say and was treated with courtesy.
The Breivik massacres are not he moment for anyone to be warning about ‘undercurrents of anger’. Coming from the lips of Stephen Lennon in several interviews now, he’s playing the Muslim ‘but’ game.
I’ve just watched that clip and certainly she did start by politely asking questions rather than throwing out accusations in a blunt and hectoring manner as Paxman did, provoking a strong counter attack which left him reduced to silence more than once during the interview. She did interrupt a lot but she did it politely (apologising five times for interrupting) and in order to put specific follow-up questions. As a result, it developed into a much better interview than Paxman’s crude attempt to throw the book at him from the beginning.
Well spotted Noggin!
anyone got a link (that works) for that R Spencer BBC W/S?
Poor old BBC, for days since Breivik went on his shooting spree they’ve been spinning the lie that he ha links to the EDL, now on the BBC news the beeboids have had to report that there are NO links.
Oh dear poor beeboids, must find another lie to spin
The EDL would have had an excellent legal case against the BBC had they not done otherwise. Wish they hadn’t, would have been great seeing Paxman subpoeaned over his disgraceful ‘interview’ and having to justify it.
hp, yep! agreed, get of jail free card…..for beebo
& i have to admit,Carrie…..chewing a wasp, enjoyable sight
well…to me anyway:-)
still …..prettier tham Paxo s gonk impression
on Mr Lennon, yes don t think subtlety is his strongest suite
but hey they were trying to pin a number on him.
multi culti still failed, islam still a big problem, poverty is still growing immigration is too
hey i m angry about that too…..just wouldn t dream of machine gunning folks away
Pat Condell, spot on as ever:
You would have thought that Essex Police passing a file on a government Minister to he CPS would be news worthy?
Clearly not, now why might that be?
1. Huhne isn’t a Tory
2. He’s a wet leftie who spouts ll that climate change crap so loved by demented beeboids.
“The Fascist Guardian”
[Concluding excerpt]:
“And when The Guardian joins in the attack on Serbs and the BBC allows its ‘comedians’ to attack anti-fascists like the late Norris McWhirter, we see that the dissection of Fascism into its constituent parts includes a large portion of socialism which merges almost seamlessly with that authoritarian/collectivist form of capitalism called corporatism. It is the Labour Party which is most under threat electorally from the BNP, not the Conservative Party, and it was of course the BBC who between 1937 and 1939 kept Churchill and his warnings of the Nazi menace off the air. And it is the very legal structure and State enforced financing of the BBC which is so inimitably corporatist and anti-democratic.”
FM if you want to “find the bbc s stance on religion”
just ask Aquill Ahmed….he ll be sure to give you the lowdown
on who s No 1…..
I decided not to watch the Mohammed programme when I heard the prophet (pigs be upon him) was not to appear in it.
I guess that tells us the BBC’s stance on the religion.
Anyway, here’s a snippet about the BBC giving yet another extremist a platform.
well FM check out the posts on pg1……. & i ve missed a boatload of complaints out!…could have put so much more
…oh just don t get me started again π
bloody biased broad cresent ……PAH!
Rags Omaar’s bucket of whitewash, ‘Three Steps to Heaven’ has something in common with ITV’s ‘Taggart’. The leading man is conspicuous by his absence. In a parallel universe, but not the Beeboidian one, a certain middle-eastern gentleman might be assisting a Scottish detective with his enquiries into child grooming & hate crimes. Back on earth, in the here & now, & particularly after the atrocity in Norway, I’m still waiting for a cold, hard look at the very dark side of Islam, & its baleful, expanding presence in Europe. A two hour documentary that pins down, & dissects, the ‘religion of pieces’, once & for all. It could start in Oslo, with the systematic rape of Norwegian women by Muslim immigrants, then onto Bow, east London, where a teacher was beaten to a pulp for teaching Muslim girls about other religions. Yes, Islam; all sweetness & light – through the cracked BBC prism it always will be. The corporation of the wilfully blind.
Here we go again.
“Rights groups have previously called for the Israeli government to stop the demolitions of homes of Bedouin citizens.
Human Rights Watch says that nearly 90,000 Palestinian Arab Bedouins in the Negev region of southern Israel live in dozens of unrecognised towns and villages.”
This is a complex issue. But let’s unpick the BBC report. Or rather, deconstruct it to extract the ideological substructure. Also known as bias.
The term ‘Palestinian Arab Bedouin’ is flatly wrong. The Negev Bedouin are not Palestinians and do not identify as such.
But for the BBC all Arabs in Israel are ‘Palestinians’.
The Bedouin are, in fact,, Israeli citizens.
They serve in the Israeli Army and are the fastest growing demographic with health and education.
Their are problems, clearly. The main issue is landownership.
Under Turkish and ultimately British control they saw no need to register landownership. In fact, they studiously avoided doing so to avoid tax and other entanglements.
But there are problems in the ‘Wild South’ but they are those of the ‘Palestinians’.
The cultural differences to the Palestinians, or the more settled arab populations was always uneasy. In fact often hostile.
Ismail Khaldi is a Bedouin. He is the highest ranking Muslim in the Israeli foreign service.
He is quoted:
“I am a proud Israeli – along with many other non-Jewish Israelis such as Druze, Bahai, Bedouin, Christians and Muslims, who live in one of the most culturally diversified societies and the only true democracy in the Middle East. Like America, Israeli society is far from perfect, but let us deals honestly. By any yardstick you choose — educational opportunity, economic development, women and gay’s rights, freedom of speech and assembly, legislative representation — Israel’s minorities fare far better than any other country in the Middle East.”
So, the BBC has yet again written about Israeli bullies and Palestinian victims.
The narrative is both wrong, doing a disservice to objective journalism, and dangerous in these troubled times.
It just reinforces the myth.
That is shameful.
The disinformation is a disgrace.
And I just noticed that the copy was by Yolanda Nell.
She really is so BBC. Goes to Humman Rights Watch, writes her article and shows wilful ignorance.
All she has to do is get out of the hotel bar and ask around.
Great post RGH, re the Bedouin/Palestinian/Arab demarcations!
For newcomers to all this, I am grateful for the teaching here on B-BBC re Israel. I too was a lazy reflex ignoramus once-although ,having met the PLO “supporters” on countless rallies: I knew that they were nasty bigots(so was never the kind so beloved at the BBC/Guardian).
Thanks to you, to Sue, Cassandra/Itwf1964 for the ongoing education..should split that licence fee with you!
if what you say is correct then the BBC is just being it’s usual incompetent self and not properly researching the story.
I presume we are paying for this.
Yolande Knell fails to give a couple of key arguments in the Israeli government’s case:
“The agency’s representative told the court the fact that the Bedouin have homes in Rahat, some distance from Al-Arakib, shows they have no lack of housing, and that they are using public relations activities to accuse the state of repression, while they are the ones in breach of the law.”
So, not homeless and merely engaged in a publicity stunt, according to the Israeli government.
Another point in the Israeli case, which casts Israel in a particularly good light, is the reason the government gives for why the costs are so high:
“The state’s petition to the court says that in order to avoid risk to human life during the evacuation of al-Arakib, the ILA, the Green Patrol and the police had to spend considerable sums, including on cars, a helicopter and heavy machinery.”
(Jerusalem Post)
So, it’s costing so much money because Israel is being very careful to avoid causing any physical harm to the Bedouin.
There was more that enough space in Yolande Knell’s piece to include these two points. They should have been included to provide a more balanced picture.
Oh, and the photo of a couple of sad-looking Bedouin women and a sleeping child is pretty manipulative too.
Very much worth a post by itself I’d have thought.
Looking through the Haaretz report that Craig drew our attention to, I read some of the posted comments. Some clearly came from abroad.
A nasty anti-semitic one, but very representative of the Viva Palestina types , made the helpful observation that the Bedoiun should become jews and all will be well.
Tell that to the evicted settlers or any jewish squatter in Tel Aviv.
(Yes, Israel has jewish convicted criminals in prison for all the standard criminal acts….pretty normal given human nature)
But one that struck me was from a poster protesting.
As a Proud Zionist and Israeli27.07.11 | 07:20 (IDT)
I have to say, leave our bedouine brothers alone already, they love our nation, they fight for our nation, they respect our culture, and they protect our borders. Give them whatever land they lay claim to, it wouldnt hurt anyone, it is desert after all. They fought along side us since the beginning, we need to take care of them as we do our family members.’
No further comment.
Even C4 news mentioned the Huhne case and his ‘difficulties’ so come on BBC.
The BBC “love their own to bits”.
Huhne might be as venal as they come-Gore might run up electricity bills that are beyond some nations…but the wristband is the thing. No one expects these people to actually pracice what they preach-in fact, more fool us for thinking that they should…so Carrington or Profumo you losers!
No-to be vulnerable to your hypocrisy makes you a victim-ask Prescott or Campbell-issues don`t crop up when Millbank have given you the disability permit.
No need to discuss issues anymore if they can contrive a charge of staring at their pint!
Huhne may yet be guilty of inefficently using up the oil reserves with his speeding…come to think of it-surely that Norwegian bloke might get a real sentence for this. Pretty fast between Oslo and Uetoy wasn`t he?
See http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=9d8_1249932452 for the late Ayatollah Khomeini’s guide to sex with animals. It seems that when you eat halal, you’re getting a helluva lot more than just meat.
Looks like the old joke about the camel being known as “the ship of the desert” because it’s full of Arab se(a)men isn’t such a joke after all. π
But really, you, lonely Muzzie that you are, get jiggy with an unsuspecting goat or ewe or camel. (Though I think the camel might have some idea of what’s up since you’ll be carrying a stepladder).
Anyway, squelch, squelch, light the post-coital ciggie and then, since YOU’VE made your ungulate of choice ‘impure’ by YOUR actions, the doubly unfortunate creature must be killed and burned.
Or passed off to the next village as some sort of Bedu Happy Meal.
Marvellous. Is this sort of thing going on in Birmingham nowadays ?
When the Beeboids’ limousine fleet is finally axed in favour of a much cheaper BBCamel Corps, we’re going to see a lot more ‘ships of the desert’ around Shepherds Bush, &, even in some cases, ecologically correct camel sharing. It could lead to some unusual couplings. Big guns like Sheik Naughtie, & the one-eyed Welsh Imam Humphrys will, of course, have their own beasts of burden. But Paxo, as he is a dwindling star, will grumpily ride pillion with the likes of Rachel ‘plastic socialist’ Burden of 5live. The combinations are endless; each, more distasteful than the last. Bloody hard luck on the camels.
“Government ordered to release Hillsborough papers”
The government has been ordered to release cabinet records of discussions in the immediate aftermath of the 1989 Hillsborough stadium disaster.
Why? What happened to the 30 year ruling?
“Mr Graham’s judgement relates to a Freedom Of Information (FoI) request from the BBC which was refused by the Cabinet Office in 2009.”
Mr Graham is Christopher Graham who worked for the BBC for 25 years…his dad worked for the BBC for over 30 years and was before that in the Oxford Union (is this code for “Commie”?)
Christopher was a councillor before working for the BBC and is now the Information Commissioner, in charge of data protection, freedom of information etc and clealry this means the News International phone hacking scandal et.
Why Hillsboroiugh, why now? Can we expect a continuation of the Leftie “roll” (hacking, Norway killer etc)
P.S. At the bottom of the article it has the following: “Correction 27 July 2011: An earlier version of this report contained an image which was not appropriate. We apologise for this error and any distress it may have caused.”
curious…anyone spo what it was?
P.P.S. My reason for the above was does anyone know if this Christopher Graham is Common Purpose or soemthing?
I heard a report on the BBC that said the BBC were after proof that Mrs Thatcher had ‘covered up’ for the Police and the BBC want to find out if this is correct.
It makes no odds if she did or no: if the papers are relaeased the BBC will FIND proof even if there is none. They need to “stick it to her” before she dies. They’re c**nts and she is a mighty Briton.
Sticking it to the BBC requires Tories with balls, there are none in Parliament.
‘Jihadwatch’ on:-
‘reinforcing Islamophobic stereotypes’.
Afghanistan: Jihad/martyrdom suicide bomber murders Kandahar mayor with bomb hidden in turban
“Taliban suicide bomber assassinates mayor of Kandahar”By Bill Roggio
Read more: http://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2011/07/taliban_suicide_bomb_29.php#ixzz1TO6tLiRZ
So Newsnight dodges Piers Morgan story AND Chris Huhne and decides Libya is the top story (funny the BBC seemed to ignore that during thier assault on the Tories over Rupert Murdoch) and one about Monkeys (for a second I though that was a joke about Huhne and Morgan..but not.
Keep going BBC this is how you like to kill a story you don’t like but the Morgan story (and Huhne one) getting traction, Sky and C4 did big reports on Huhne and the papers are reporting on the Morgan hacking allegations.
More on Beeboid waste, and self-serving ‘news’ values:-“London 2012 Olympics: BBC staffing row over ‘overkill One Year To Go’ coverage.The BBC sent almost 10 times as many staff as its main news rival to cover an event marking one year until the start of the London 2012 Olympics.”
And BBC-NUJ is planning its next strike for Monday – because they want more of our money to fund their Olympian jaunts.
Comrade Mason is setting up his BBC-NUJ placards already, no doubt.
And, of course, at Islam Not BBC’s vital Islamic propaganda section, Arabic TV, based at Broadcasting House, London (East Wing, Mecca-facing), they are striking early, and their strike goes on for SIX DAYS.
This is an ideal time to CLOSE DOWN this INBBC Islamic propaganda outfit, BBC ARABIC TV, and use the whole of Broadcasting House in the service of the British people, NOW.
“BBC Arabic Service journalists to strike from Saturday”
Their excuse for this behavior is always going to be that they have way more channels and programmes to satisfy than their competitors. It’s still wasteful to have five people making the same report from the same place, and if it’s anything like what I’ve witnessed, all of them doing it while standing next to the same production van. It’s wasteful, but the BBC way is to have special personalities for each channel and each show, justifying to themselves the need to have individual performances, even though they’re all saying the same thing.
Did anyone else catch the BBC paper review? I missed the first couple of minutes but swear that the Piers Morgan hacking story wasn’t mentioned at all even though it’s on the front of some of the papers.
The tool doing the review was some leftist who was accusing the Republicans of ‘hating Obama’. funny that he didn’t seem to know Obama once voted against raising the debt ceiling, does that make Barry a nutter as well then?
In keeping with its ethical science policy the BBC did a piece on the Bateson Report today, bigging up deficiencies in animal experimentation, complete with a representative of Stop the Monkey Holocaust or some such, keen to emphasise that 1 in ten lab experiments on monkeys lead to no appreciable scientific advance. There too was old man Bateson describing 10% of work as ‘rather pedestrian’ in not-very-thundering tones. It occurred to me that 90% of this work must be bloody useful in that case, but that wasn’t the overall impression given by the report. Sure enough, further examination reveals that the Bateson Report is very positive about both standards and results in this area of research. 10% seems to be a particularly low (and worthwhile) ‘wastage’ rate given the likely importance of medical findings. I wonder if Prof. Stephen Jones thinks that we should dispense with the views of the anti-monkey genocide brigade since such experimentation is so demonstrably useful and succesful? I suspect not!
‘ 2 Muslims entering Dover on terror charges.’
(But, this becomes in INBBC Islamophilic headline lingo):
“German men on terror charges remanded”
The fact is that the two men are Muslims and refuse to recognise the court procedure because of their commitment to Islam; this seems more pertinent to the case than the fact that they are Germans, INBBC.
I bet the BBC is pissed off they were not “right wing blonde blue eyed Christian nutters”
damn right, & they still try to spin it<!– S ILIN –>
Anders Behring Breivik did not have any links with extreme right-wing organisations in Britain. <!– E ILIN –>
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) continues its role as political representative for Islam, on a global scale.
INBBC decides to censor this on Norway:
“Making sense of Norwegian anti-Semitism ”
Instead, INBBC’s Mr Galpin simply acts as broadcaster for some Muslims in Norway, with all other groups excluded from Galpin’s representation:
“Norway’s Muslim immigrants ponder future”
Instead, INBBC acts as
Apologies if duplication of previous messages.
Interesting snippet in a DT article yesterday saying two years ago the BBC submitted an FOI request for the 10 Downing Street papers relating to Hillsborough. I wonder who was PM then? Why would the BBC be so interested?
A few days ago an item on the BBC told us that last year the population continued to rise , but for the first toime for a few years it was not due to immigration, rather a rise in birth rate.
My local (excellent) paper (daringly?) published an item a couple of days ago titled “Immigration boosts birth rate” as indicated to them by a senior NHS person in the region involved in maternity.
For some reason the BBC did not tell us that!
‘the BBC submitted an FOI request’
Well, if there is evidence of wrongdoing, the truth will out.
Now, speaking of which, why agin does the BBC get to claim exemptions for such on its activities again?
bbc r5contrive 9.00am
“do you, REALLY, need to speak english ?” in the uk…
obviously an issue close to beebos heart…
interview with an indian (translated) π
her husband….immigrant welfare board etc
suppose chakrabati is somewhere
lurking with intent
ohhh brother!
hope callers tear beebo a new one
paulmasonnews Paul Mason BBC launches global iPlayer app http://bit.ly/qO5TaR
I don’t have an iPad, and will never own one. Typical BBC fixed on the medium they all have already. Make it a real app and I’ll consider it.
On Today this morning (28th) they review the conviction of 2 criminals that murdered the British honeymoon couple Mr and Mrs Mullany in 2008 in Antigua.
The couple were shot, execution style, in the back of the head and a few quid and mobile phones were stolen. The mobile’s sim was switched immediately by one of the perps and used which placed him close to the scene at the time.
We are then told that the poor people of Antigua see rich tourists as easy targets. So that’s okay then;
Last nights Newslight really took some nerve!
We had James Purnell sitting on a plastic chair opposite Liam Byrne as they discussed welfare reform-and this in the coutryard of an inner city housing estste I`d say…but where else?
The whole piece managed not to mention that these two Nulababble “ministers” from Browns Bunker not only spent the nations inheritance on buying votes, but left a note to that effect on leaving “office”. No mention of that-we are where we are remember?Bloody Thatcher!
After Purnell(no longer a Labor Liar-just a IPPR researcher in search of truths…all of which only Brown or Miliband could ever know-so there!) we got a Tory and a liberal.
Hard to say because Paxman ignored them for the last few minutes-shut them up too!
The big question in the eyes of Paxman was not welfare reform after all-but does James still talk to Blessed Ed?…and would he give us the goss on whether he MIGHT return to the Labor Party Cabinet of all the talents-you know-should things go well for Labour…and if the BBC could get this “exclusive” for tomorrows bulletins, that would be “awfully naice” too!
The BBC is the new Channel 9…one party internal debates are “news”…and the ex-losers, liars and lickspipples of Browns droolings
are now the coming men (in the deluded despicable world of Newsnight anyway!)
Your post reminded me of something and I looked up Purnell. It seems that Purnell spent a fair bit on expenses too, pulling the switching trick of designating properties as first or second homes according to whether you were talking to the Commons office about expenses or to the Revenue about capital gains tax when you had sold a property. He even claimed for tax advice relating to the sale of his London flat. What’s that got to do with expenses of running an MPs’ office? Anyway, he and his spokesman denied that there was anything improper about his dealings with his property and the Revenue.
Then with that flat sold and living in a rental property, he allegedly claimed for more rent than he paid on a flat he rented with his fiancee. His spokesman denied this.
And on the same flat he put in a substantial claim for cleaning expenses even though when he left, it was like a pigsty, according to photos shown in one of the newspapers, and the landlord withheld the £2500 deposit as a result. So it was reported in various places, e.g.
Now, according to wiki, “Whilst renting a flat between 2004 and 2006 Purnell claimed £100 a month for cleaning expenses and £586 for repairs. At the end of the lease the landlord kept the £2,520 deposit, claiming the flat to have been in a poor state. A spokesman for Purnell stated: “James felt frustrated that the landlord refused to return the deposit. He initially pursued the matter through legal channels but let it rest as the costs of fighting it further would far outweigh recouping the deposit”.
Now, what interests me about that is what his spokesman said. It simply isn’t true that it would cost more to fight it legally than the value of the deposit. All he had to do was take a small claim through the county court, costing nothing but the court’s small registration and summons fees. You can take such a claim yourself without legal representation and be heard in an informal setting, the parties sitting around a table with a legally qualified person such as a solicitor, to listen to the claim and evidence for both sides, then make the decision and order of the court.
I know because many years ago a couple of friends and I took a case to the court when an estate agent had withheld our deposit for no reason other than being crooked. We told the presiding solicitor the facts of our case very straighforwardly. The other party didn’t turn up and we had to go through the rigmarole again but we won our case.
So if wiki is accurately quoting his spokesman about that, he would appear to be making something up to try to pull the wool over our eyes (because it sounds plausible, doesn’t it, to say it would cost too much to pursue legally and maybe he thinks, “how are those gullible mugs going to know any different?” ) and in that case I am left wondering what else that this spokesman has said, may also be untrue.
Whitehouse RickRolls twitter…
Oh how we laughed, imagine this was done while GWB was President…
And Mark Mardell was just telling you that it’s the Tea Party people who aren’t grown up. I smell desperation.
Classic BBC stealth censorship
The latest market rate talent decides on a bit of self-validation and gets slaughtered on logical fallacies, evideciary failures, cherry picking, straw man arguments, etc.
Immediately most critical comments get referred, often for days.
Now the kapo clean-up squads have been deployed to deal with the rest, usually on the basis of ‘off topic’, which in the BBC hive mind means ‘anything we fancy if no other excuse can be found’.
BBC news : Oliver and Olivia were the most popular baby names across England and Wales in 2010 for the second year running, figures show.
What name did ‘figures show’ was the 4th most popular and that BBCoots Corporation will never ever ever tell you?
Give you a clue.
Begins with M
So old Thompson has been opining on the hacking story coverage. I think it was my site who posted a link to it but I cannot remember on which thread I saw it. It looks like a candidate for a main post, though.
I had thought at first I was reading some high-minded reflection upon the nature of journalism and ethics etc. It took until paragraph nine though, to show what the purpose of this rare foray into the blog sphere really was: as bit of score-settling and hitting the enemy. What with preambling through eight paras, it’s not exactly DQQ (delivering quality quick) or whatever that incomprehensible thing is called.
[Para 9]:
But there are still searching questions for British journalism to answer. Many newspapers with strong investigative teams and many notable journalists with an outstanding record of holding other institutions and walks of life to account showed a marked reluctance to explore the phone-hacking story until events and the public furore made it inevitable. In some cases, they not only refused to investigate the story themselves but heaped opprobrium on those that did. According to Stephen Glover, writing some months ago in the Independent, for example, “the BBC has conspired with the Guardian to heat up an old story and attack Murdoch”.
Even in recent days, there’s been an attempt in papers that have nothing to do with News International to suggest that our coverage of the story is far more extensive than other news providers and motivated by spite or glee rather than proper news priorities.
Haha! We all know the Beeboid Corporation has only proper news priorities, don’t we?
Read further down this missive and by the end you will feel sure that the Beeboid has been reading this and other blogs. Surely not!
Perhaps it’s inevitable that newspapers and columnists who are already parti pris on the subject of the BBC find it impossible to judge our coverage except through a distorting mirror of imagined conspiracies and motives. The British public take a more straightforward view and on this, as on every other major story, they simply trust the BBC more than any other news provider to tell them the plain unvarnished truth. I also believe they will give short shrift to those brave souls who are already trying to run the argument that the “real” story revealed by events at Wapping is about the dominance of Britain’s public broadcaster and that the right public policy response to phone hacking and criminality at the News of the World is – but of course! – to hobble the BBC.
Hobble the Beeboid Corporation. How cruel a thought. I can’t bear it… sob…sob…
Here’s the link to Thompson’s outing on the Editors’ blog: http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/theeditors/2011/07/investigative_journalism_in_th.html