Mid week and time for a new one. It’s been a tumultuous month here on Biased BBC with great traffic, great participation and I want to thank you all for coming along and joining in the debate!
I got an e-mail from the Beeboid Corporation about a move to H2G2 or something like that. It’s some convoluted message about passing my details on and nobody has opened the e-mails because they don’t know they really are from the Beeboids and so I may have to opt in or opt out – I forget which. (Pass on my details to where or whom, I don’t know.) I can only assume I got this missive because I have previously signed on to the Beeboid message boards.
If only the Beeboids could learn to communicate they could have started off with I am writing to you because [you are a member of a, b or c… or even because, (rather more sinister, this) “it’s all in the database“.] At least I’d know what they are rabbiting on about.
Yes, I see…except that I am not in the Douglas Adams club and the only way I know of, that Beeboids could have my e-mail address, is that I signed on for posting on message boards. I would have posted now and again on things like the tennis threads or maybe discussion of some TV programme and occasionally to comment on blogs such as Justin Webb’s when he was in the US.
Happened to catch the Jeremy Vine show yesterday on R2. It included some gems from Justin Webb …
“… who quickly settled into a caricature of the U.S. that we have become familiar with from the BBC. Within seconds he had mentioned Sarah Palin and “rootin’ tootin’ huntin’ fishin’” types not wanting anything to do with the federal government. How ungrateful these people are, he opined, given how much the federal government had spent on them. Americans, he said, “don’t really understand the extent to which, in a modern society, you need the government to spend money” … they were not “willing to pay for it”, he lectured.”
The bBC, reporting on Islamic terrorists in America and half the story.
US serviceman held amid ‘plot’ to attack Ford Hood An Awol US soldier who allegedly planned an attack on the US Army base at Fort Hood in Texas is in custody, according to US media.The 21-year-old accused was arrested after buying guns near the base and was found with bomb-making materials, officials reportedly said.The private first class allegedly told law enforcement officers he was at the base to “get even”, US media reported. The Army private is reportedly a Muslim American who had refused to deploy to Iraq.
So in the week when the bBC has shouted out ‘Christian fundermentalist ‘ for all to hear over the attacks in Norway they report on the news that a US soldier has been arrested with explosives planing an attack on Fort Hood. and hidden in they they say that he may be a muslim. No names, no background just a blured snippet. It appears that the bBC is not only unable to bring us the facts from the US,(which funny enough it can from Afghasntan/Iraq/Israel/Gaza within minutes) hours after an incident. It is also unable to read the news output from every other media provider in the States who for some strange reason have a lot more info on the story.
Here is how everybody else in the world is reporting this story and here is what I knocked up hours before the bBC did. The same bBC which leaves the reader guessing just who this US soldier is?
Allah almightly isn’t it great how the bBC goes out of its way in which to defend Islamic terrorism.
Oh and just for the info bBC, that part where he had refused to go to Iraq, “The Army private is reportedly a Muslim American who had refused to deploy to Iraq.” err actually his unit 101 Airborne was meant to deply to Afghasistan, but noting he was a Muslim they had him down for rear party, in otherwords he was to remain in the States. Why here is what I had to write on the subjectlast year.
Somebody remind me again how much the bBC spends on its so called NEWS agency?
Finally in that so called bbC breaking story here is how they feel they should report how the last Islamic soldier who went on a killing spree at Fort Hood in the same article: “On 9 November 2009, Major Nidal Hasan, an Army psychiatrist who was due to deploy to Afghanistan, allegedly shot dead 12 soldiers and one civilian before police bullets wounded him.“ He faces the death penalty if convicted.”
Allegedly BBC? Here is how you reported the story at the time: “Twelve people died and 31 were injured in the shooting at Fort Hood.A man shot after opening fire inside a US Army base in Texas has been named as Major Malik Nidal Hasan.”
Note how the bBC make him into a victim by saying he was stopped by police bullets and that Allah forbid he may get executed for carrying out his peaceful Islamic duties to kill the Kaffir.
Allegedly because that is the allegation; it will be up to a court to decide if he is guilty. Unless he is, it is presumed that he is innocent, and that only allegations have been made against him.
The earlier report said the person had been named as – that doesn’t mean it was him.
The early report was also before active proceedings were open so different reporting conditions apply.
As for your particular interpretation of the wording, well that is just your interpretation. Factually those statements are correct. How you interpret the report is up to you.
If you are suggeating that Major Nidal Hasan is just “allegedly” responsible for the Fort Hood massacre – you really are something else. A piece of work.
You live in a dream world. Stop trying to pretend that you are objective, above-the-fray. You are a leftie loon, pure and simple.
Yes, that is ad hominem. That’s all you deserve for your ridiculous comments.
Thank you for your reply Geoff. You wrote: “Allegedly because that is the allegation; it will be up to a court to decide if he is guilty. Unless he is, it is presumed that he is innocent, and that only allegations have been made against him.“ Good point, but hang on, by the same criteria doesn’t that make a certain Norwegian gunman innocent until proven guilty? But according to the bBC (And I have no problem with this) Breivik is guilty as hell. No allegation whatsoever . In fact that’s just it about the bBC. They only target those whom they dispise: US/UK/Jews/White people which is why they are always bloody guilty according to the bBC. Yet when its a Jo dacky then its allegations. Funny that CAIR to illuminate this board with your wisdom on just why that is?
I am not leaping to his defence. I think he is as guilty as sin. But it doesn’t matter what I think, what is at hand here is the reporting and the legal contraints that media work under.
When the media reports open legal proceedings there are very strict rules about what can and cannot be reported for fear (as the Sun and Mirror have found) of finding yourself in contempt of court. There is also the risk of a mistrial.
What is interesting is that in recent times those rules appear to have changed – so we had that situation in the Joanna Yates case where Christopher Jeffries was being trawled through the mud even though he had only been arrested, not charged. And it turned out it was nothing to do with him. Both the Sun and Mirror are now facing contempt charges.
As for the Norwegian killer, no active proceedings were taking place, so the media was free to report whatever it liked, within the bounds of defamation.
However once the killer is arrested, strictly speaking, were this the UK, then it would have to be a 32 year old man (or whatever) is helping police with their enquriies until he was charged. Then his name, age and sometimes town, can be given. At that point only allegations can be made against him.
Once the trial starts only the information that is released in the trial can be reported. Nothing else.
If – or when- he is found guilty you can then report everything and anything.
There is a very good reason for all of this. It is not the media’s job to be in the business of conducting trials. We have seen, with Christopher Jeffries, what happens when they do. However, with the rules were designed for an earlier time, before the internet, when there were very few media outlets. The internet has changed that. You end up in the absurd position, as we saw with the super-injunctions, where the media were not able to report what was common place all over the web. But that is tthe law.
The situation is different in the US because of the 1st ammendment, but then they often have to sequester juries to prevent them from being influenced by the media.
A federal wildlife biologist whose observation in 2004 of presumably drowned polar bears in the Arctic helped to galvanize the global warming movement has been placed on administrative leave and is being investigated for scientific misconduct, possibly over the veracity of that article.
Charles Monnett, an Anchorage-based scientist with the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement, or BOEMRE, was told July 18 that he was being put on leave, pending results of an investigation into “integrity issues.
Time to send Brigstocke and a few others on another license fee-funded excursion to the Arctic, right?
NASA satellite data from the years 2000 through 2011 show the Earth’s atmosphere is allowing far more heat to be released into space than alarmist computer models have predicted, reports a new study in the peer-reviewed science journal Remote Sensing. The study indicates far less future global warming will occur than United Nations computer models have predicted, and supports prior studies indicating increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide trap far less heat than alarmists have claimed.
Study co-author Dr. Roy Spencer, a principal research scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville and U.S. Science Team Leader for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer flying on NASA’s Aqua satellite, reports that real-world data from NASA’s Terra satellite contradict multiple assumptions fed into alarmist computer models.
“The satellite observations suggest there is much more energy lost to space during and after warming than the climate models show,” Spencer said in a July 26 University of Alabama press release. “There is a huge discrepancy between the data and the forecasts that is especially big over the oceans.”
Mehtab Afsar, secretary-general of the Islamic Council of Norway, was leading a delegation abroad when he started receiving phone calls from Oslo from frightened members of the Muslim community.”We heard some Muslims had already been beaten up in Oslo,” he said, “and women who were scared phoned me asking for help.”I was just hoping it was not true.”…Hassan Ali, who arrived in Norway 12 years ago after fleeing the civil war in his home country, Somalia.Since he arrived in the late 1990s, the number of Somalis has increased rapidly and now stands at more than 27,000.While Hassan Ali feels more vulnerable now following the attacks, he is not at all surprised by what has happened. He argues that hostility towards immigrants has been growing steadily in Norway over the past decade and blames the rise of right-wing parties in parliament, particularly the Progress Party, or FrP, which now holds the second-largest number of seats.”This mad man (Anders Behring Breivik) has been brain-washed by the far right party (FrP)… and has been following its ideology.
“Over the last three years we have felt we are not welcome here,” says Hassan Ali.”Every Sunday the papers are writing only negative things about the Somalis. People are leaving and more will leave as the pressure builds up.”Members of other immigrant communities are also concerned about what they say is the negative attitude towards them.
So according to the bBC muslims are the real victrims in Norway, Here is what they don’t want you to know:
Norway’s NRK reports (13.03.2010) of the antisemitism directed towards Jews by the Muslim community in bothSweden and in Norway. The shocking report first focuses on Jews in Malmö Sweden, who are leaving for elsewhere because the situation there -due in part to the mayor, Ilmar Reepalu’s lack of interest in tackling the problem of antisemitism- has become intolerable.The report then takes notice of the situation in Norwegian schools, in which many students who come from Muslim backgrounds are openly antisemitic, and even going so far as to approvingly speak of the Koran authorizing the murder of Jews
Teacher 1, female: “It is the notorious publically exposing of Jews. Everything from jokes to revealing death threats” It’s in the Koran that you must kill the Jews, it’s right for all Muslims to hate Jews. Jews should be killed if they come here to this school“, is the students who said. To praise Hitler for what he did with the Jews is another classic case of students at my school. The worst thing about this is that Jew-hatred has been completely legitimized in large groups of pupils with a Muslim background. ”
Teacher 2, male: “I see a Jew hatred, especially in social studies lessons. Students say the Jews control everything, the entire West is controlled by Jews. Several also said that they admire Hitler because he killed Jews. “The attack on the Twin Towers in New York on 11 September 2001, there were Jews who were behind it.” In my class if someone says they support terrorism, there are some who protest. But if someone expresses Jew-hatred, no one protests. ”
Teacher 3, female: “Several students sneer when I talk about the Holocaust. A boy stood up and commanded me to stop talking about Jews and the Holocaust. Most of these kids are born and raised in Norway. I find it shocking that it’s possible to grow up in Norway with such attitudes.”
Teacher 4 male. “ Fucking Jew “is a heavily used term of abuse during school hours. Had I been a Jew, I would have felt it very offensive. These statements are a big problem.”The Teachers NRK have talked with have the impression that the pupils in Norwegian schools get many of their positions via radio and television broadcasts and via satellite.
Every rape in Oslo the past 5 years, where the rapist could be identified, was committed by a male of non-western background.In Oslo all sexual assaults involving rape in the past year has been committed by males of non-western background this was the conclusion of a police report published today. This means that every single rape assault in the last five years, where the rapist could be identified, he was a man of foreign origin.
Those are only the tip of the huge iceberg where muslims, yes muslims have made their own bed and are now crying sobs stories for having to lie in it. And instead of reporting the news as it is, the bBC reports it as their Islamic masters tell them how to report it.
“Most of these kids are born and raised in Norway. I find it shocking that it’s possible to grow up in Norway with such attitudes.”
Oh goody. Another infidel who doesn’t get it. And a teacher, too. That’s comforting.
So, Miss “Hello birds, hello sky”, here’s what you need to know:
They’re not IN Norway, they’re in a part of the Caliphate that has snow in Winter and is (currently) populated by unbelievers, sluts and Joooz. You probably fit all three categories FYI.
N.B. “Not IN Norway” can also be adapted to “Not IN England/France/Spain/Germany/Any hive of apostasy under the sun”.
It isn’t just Piers Morgan. It is the indication that the Mirror was up to its neck in stuff – endemic.
News0fTheWorld bad, the Murdochs who were not directly involved need to be decapitated, BSkyB shut down, headlines for 2 weeks, round the clock coverage.
Daily Mirror – leftie paper, minimum coverage by the BBC, just a line or two here and there.
The BBC has presented its relentless campaign against Rupert Murdoch in ethical terms – unfit to govern etc. All focussed on the NoW. No suggestions I have seen that there were problems at the Sun or the Times or the Sunday Times. 1% of the NI empire.
Where’s the balance when it is the Mirror. And its then-editor ? Where is the BBC relentless attack on the proprietors of the Mirror ?
While not surprised that Sarah Payne’s phone was hacked by NI – who told the press that her number had been found? Was it Mrs Payne herself – so upset that she went straight to the press (but isn’t it the press that she is upset with?) or was it the police who slipped out the message – and did they receive money for doing so?
Not exactly BBC bias because Channel 4 leading with the story too – but seems to be getting more publicity that the Piers Morgan hacking.
Guess they’re polishing off their circumlocutions so noone’s the wiser as to ‘motivation’. Having, in various quarters, been straining at the leash to associate anyone whose expressed disquiet about Islam with the murder spree of Mr Breitvic, they’ll be straining at the leash to condemn anyone who associates Mr Abdo’s terrorism charges with his religion, which goes without saying what it is.
A fascinating twist to this lastest arrest though, usually Police discover that terrorism suspects are nonces, this time its the other way round.
The bBC and its mission statement of only airing articles which paints Hamas as victims.
Here is the news from a real Islamic news agency bBC. Rocket fired from Gaza hits Israel A rocket fired from the Gaza Strip hit southern Israel on Thursday without causing injuries or damage, the Israeli military said. The rocket landed in an open field in the Hof Ashkelon region,the military said, adding that the projectile was the 24th to hit Israel this month. July has seen an uptick in the number of rockets and other projectiles fired at Israel from Gaza after several months of calm following a flare-up of violence in April, when an anti-tank missile fired from Gaza hit an Israeli school bus, killing a teenager.
So how many people here knew that 24 rockets/Missiles had been launched into Israel from Gaza this month. Funny enough the bBC hasn’t reported anyone of those 24 missile strikes , yet it has reported twice on the Israel responce. Usually by pointing out how an innocent palestinian has been injured/murdered by the hook nosed jews.
Comrade Marxist Mason takes his pre-planned, pre-determined historical journey across America tonight, spinning his usual narrative, and freely mixing up fiction and fact:
Pamela Geller says it: “I anxiously await the same intense and extensive mainstream media coverage and obsession that we witnessed immediately after and in the ensuing days of the Norway massacre to determine the motivation behind this explosive plot at Fort Hood. I expect extremists Brian Williams, Anderson Cooper, the NY Times, LA Times, IHT, CNN, BBC, et al, to be just as rabidly obsessed and consumed with investigating what ideology incited this Muslim to recruit for jihad.”
Lucy PevenseyJan 24, 23:01 Weekend 25th January 2025 This is like watching an episode of the old Batman. President Trump has terminated Dr. Anthony Fauci’s security deal that…
wwfcJan 24, 22:58 Weekend 25th January 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ffer6mccZ4&ab_channel=TheQuartering
LoobylooJan 24, 22:45 Midweek 22nd January 2025 What could possibly go wrong. And to print that this week…no wonder so many kids are missing from school.
vladJan 24, 22:35 Weekend 25th January 2025 The Independent – a woke liberal rag, and I do mean rag – is delighted to reminisce and scoff at…
Fedup2Jan 24, 22:32 Weekend 25th January 2025 Lucy – I think they are shocked that he asks them if they have any questions and then answers them…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiJan 24, 22:29 Weekend 25th January 2025 It seems to be about an ist-on from what I’ve found. I’d wondered about chic ago and certain clubs there.
Fedup2Jan 24, 22:28 Weekend 25th January 2025 Flotsam – well i didnt do it … I’ll have a look in the deletion file in the morning to…
LoobylooJan 24, 22:25 Weekend 25th January 2025 Maybe they have a large apprenticeship scheme, ie the govt gives them a shit load of money to ‘employ’ useless…
I got an e-mail from the Beeboid Corporation about a move to H2G2 or something like that. It’s some convoluted message about passing my details on and nobody has opened the e-mails because they don’t know they really are from the Beeboids and so I may have to opt in or opt out – I forget which. (Pass on my details to where or whom, I don’t know.) I can only assume I got this missive because I have previously signed on to the Beeboid message boards.
If only the Beeboids could learn to communicate they could have started off with I am writing to you because [you are a member of a, b or c… or even because, (rather more sinister, this) “it’s all in the database“.] At least I’d know what they are rabbiting on about.
David Preiser kindly explained it to me, my having had the same thing.
It’s Douglas Adams club that they took over and are now shifting.
Your point about them being p*ss poor at explaining anything sensibly is, of course, totally correct.
Yet another market rate talent FUBAR.
Yes, I see…except that I am not in the Douglas Adams club and the only way I know of, that Beeboids could have my e-mail address, is that I signed on for posting on message boards. I would have posted now and again on things like the tennis threads or maybe discussion of some TV programme and occasionally to comment on blogs such as Justin Webb’s when he was in the US.
Happened to catch the Jeremy Vine show yesterday on R2. It included some gems from Justin Webb …
“… who quickly settled into a caricature of the U.S. that we have become familiar with from the BBC. Within seconds he had mentioned Sarah Palin and “rootin’ tootin’ huntin’ fishin’” types not wanting anything to do with the federal government. How ungrateful these people are, he opined, given how much the federal government had spent on them. Americans, he said, “don’t really understand the extent to which, in a modern society, you need the government to spend money” … they were not “willing to pay for it”, he lectured.”
Blog plug: http://wp.me/p1CkQu-5q
He says that, even though the government has spent lots and LOTS and LOTS and the people can see where that got them!
Good stuff, Vir.
The bBC, reporting on Islamic terrorists in America and half the story.
US serviceman held amid ‘plot’ to attack Ford Hood
An Awol US soldier who allegedly planned an attack on the US Army base at Fort Hood in Texas is in custody, according to US media. The 21-year-old accused was arrested after buying guns near the base and was found with bomb-making materials, officials reportedly said.The private first class allegedly told law enforcement officers he was at the base to “get even”, US media reported.
The Army private is reportedly a Muslim American who had refused to deploy to Iraq.
So in the week when the bBC has shouted out ‘Christian fundermentalist ‘ for all to hear over the attacks in Norway they report on the news that a US soldier has been arrested with explosives planing an attack on Fort Hood. and hidden in they they say that he may be a muslim. No names, no background just a blured snippet. It appears that the bBC is not only unable to bring us the facts from the US,(which funny enough it can from Afghasntan/Iraq/Israel/Gaza within minutes) hours after an incident. It is also unable to read the news output from every other media provider in the States who for some strange reason have a lot more info on the story.
Here is how everybody else in the world is reporting this story and here is what I knocked up hours before the bBC did. The same bBC which leaves the reader guessing just who this US soldier is?
Allah almightly isn’t it great how the bBC goes out of its way in which to defend Islamic terrorism.
Oh and just for the info bBC, that part where he had refused to go to Iraq,
“The Army private is reportedly a Muslim American who had refused to deploy to Iraq.”
err actually his unit 101 Airborne was meant to deply to Afghasistan, but noting he was a Muslim they had him down for rear party, in otherwords he was to remain in the States. Why here is what I had to write on the subjectlast year.
Somebody remind me again how much the bBC spends on its so called NEWS agency?
Finally in that so called bbC breaking story here is how they feel they should report how the last Islamic soldier who went on a killing spree at Fort Hood in the same article:
“ On 9 November 2009, Major Nidal Hasan, an Army psychiatrist who was due to deploy to Afghanistan, allegedly shot dead 12 soldiers and one civilian before police bullets wounded him.“
He faces the death penalty if convicted.”
Allegedly BBC? Here is how you reported the story at the time:
“Twelve people died and 31 were injured in the shooting at Fort Hood.A man shot after opening fire inside a US Army base in Texas has been named as Major Malik Nidal Hasan.”
Note how the bBC make him into a victim by saying he was stopped by police bullets and that Allah forbid he may get executed for carrying out his peaceful Islamic duties to kill the Kaffir.
Allegedly because that is the allegation; it will be up to a court to decide if he is guilty. Unless he is, it is presumed that he is innocent, and that only allegations have been made against him.
The earlier report said the person had been named as – that doesn’t mean it was him.
The early report was also before active proceedings were open so different reporting conditions apply.
As for your particular interpretation of the wording, well that is just your interpretation. Factually those statements are correct. How you interpret the report is up to you.
If you are suggeating that Major Nidal Hasan is just “allegedly” responsible for the Fort Hood massacre – you really are something else. A piece of work.
You live in a dream world. Stop trying to pretend that you are objective, above-the-fray. You are a leftie loon, pure and simple.
Yes, that is ad hominem. That’s all you deserve for your ridiculous comments.
Thank you for your reply Geoff. You wrote:
“Allegedly because that is the allegation; it will be up to a court to decide if he is guilty. Unless he is, it is presumed that he is innocent, and that only allegations have been made against him. “
Good point, but hang on, by the same criteria doesn’t that make a certain Norwegian gunman innocent until proven guilty? But according to the bBC (And I have no problem with this) Breivik is guilty as hell. No allegation whatsoever . In fact that’s just it about the bBC. They only target those whom they dispise: US/UK/Jews/White people which is why they are always bloody guilty according to the bBC. Yet when its a Jo dacky then its allegations. Funny that CAIR to illuminate this board with your wisdom on just why that is?
And, an update of a NEW arrest today on another Fort Hood alleged attack by another Muslim* on FORT HOOD.
(*’M’ word to be edited out by INBBC. But the word ‘Christian’ wouldn’t be.)
“AWOL Soldier with ‘Islamic Extremist Literature’ Arrested Near Ft. Hood ”
As Geoff Watts says – innocent until proved guilty.
Muslim, looks like bang-to-rights to me – but we shall see.
Why is it that lefties leap to the defence of baddies ?
I am not leaping to his defence. I think he is as guilty as sin. But it doesn’t matter what I think, what is at hand here is the reporting and the legal contraints that media work under.
When the media reports open legal proceedings there are very strict rules about what can and cannot be reported for fear (as the Sun and Mirror have found) of finding yourself in contempt of court. There is also the risk of a mistrial.
What is interesting is that in recent times those rules appear to have changed – so we had that situation in the Joanna Yates case where Christopher Jeffries was being trawled through the mud even though he had only been arrested, not charged. And it turned out it was nothing to do with him. Both the Sun and Mirror are now facing contempt charges.
As for the Norwegian killer, no active proceedings were taking place, so the media was free to report whatever it liked, within the bounds of defamation.
However once the killer is arrested, strictly speaking, were this the UK, then it would have to be a 32 year old man (or whatever) is helping police with their enquriies until he was charged. Then his name, age and sometimes town, can be given. At that point only allegations can be made against him.
Once the trial starts only the information that is released in the trial can be reported. Nothing else.
If – or when- he is found guilty you can then report everything and anything.
There is a very good reason for all of this. It is not the media’s job to be in the business of conducting trials. We have seen, with Christopher Jeffries, what happens when they do. However, with the rules were designed for an earlier time, before the internet, when there were very few media outlets. The internet has changed that. You end up in the absurd position, as we saw with the super-injunctions, where the media were not able to report what was common place all over the web. But that is tthe law.
The situation is different in the US because of the 1st ammendment, but then they often have to sequester juries to prevent them from being influenced by the media.
Don’t tell Richard Black:
Arctic scientist under investigation
A federal wildlife biologist whose observation in 2004 of presumably drowned polar bears in the Arctic helped to galvanize the global warming movement has been placed on administrative leave and is being investigated for scientific misconduct, possibly over the veracity of that article.
Charles Monnett, an Anchorage-based scientist with the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement, or BOEMRE, was told July 18 that he was being put on leave, pending results of an investigation into “integrity issues.
Time to send Brigstocke and a few others on another license fee-funded excursion to the Arctic, right?
David P here is something else we shouldn’t tell Dick:
NASA satellite data from the years 2000 through 2011 show the Earth’s atmosphere is allowing far more heat to be released into space than alarmist computer models have predicted, reports a new study in the peer-reviewed science journal Remote Sensing. The study indicates far less future global warming will occur than United Nations computer models have predicted, and supports prior studies indicating increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide trap far less heat than alarmists have claimed.
Study co-author Dr. Roy Spencer, a principal research scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville and U.S. Science Team Leader for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer flying on NASA’s Aqua satellite, reports that real-world data from NASA’s Terra satellite contradict multiple assumptions fed into alarmist computer models.
“The satellite observations suggest there is much more energy lost to space during and after warming than the climate models show,” Spencer said in a July 26 University of Alabama press release. “There is a huge discrepancy between the data and the forecasts that is especially big over the oceans.”
Apparently this is what the bBC feels is breaking news:
The bBC its mindset that Muslims can only be victims and bring us a story about Islamic victims in Norway.
Norway‘s Muslim immigrants ponder future
Mehtab Afsar, secretary-general of the Islamic Council of Norway, was leading a delegation abroad when he started receiving phone calls from Oslo from frightened members of the Muslim community.”We heard some Muslims had already been beaten up in Oslo,” he said, “and women who were scared phoned me asking for help.”I was just hoping it was not true.”… Hassan Ali, who arrived in Norway 12 years ago after fleeing the civil war in his home country, Somalia.Since he arrived in the late 1990s, the number of Somalis has increased rapidly and now stands at more than 27,000.While Hassan Ali feels more vulnerable now following the attacks, he is not at all surprised by what has happened. He argues that hostility towards immigrants has been growing steadily in Norway over the past decade and blames the rise of right-wing parties in parliament, particularly the Progress Party, or FrP, which now holds the second-largest number of seats.”This mad man (Anders Behring Breivik) has been brain-washed by the far right party (FrP)… and has been following its ideology.
“Over the last three years we have felt we are not welcome here,” says Hassan Ali.”Every Sunday the papers are writing only negative things about the Somalis. People are leaving and more will leave as the pressure builds up.”Members of other immigrant communities are also concerned about what they say is the negative attitude towards them.
So according to the bBC muslims are the real victrims in Norway, Here is what they don’t want you to know:
Norway’s NRK reports (13.03.2010) of the antisemitism directed towards Jews by the Muslim community in bothSweden and in Norway. The shocking report first focuses on Jews in Malmö Sweden, who are leaving for elsewhere because the situation there -due in part to the mayor, Ilmar Reepalu’s lack of interest in tackling the problem of antisemitism- has become intolerable.The report then takes notice of the situation in Norwegian schools, in which many students who come from Muslim backgrounds are openly antisemitic, and even going so far as to approvingly speak of the Koran authorizing the murder of Jews
Teacher 1, female: “It is the notorious publically exposing of Jews. Everything from jokes to revealing death threats” It’s in the Koran that you must kill the Jews, it’s right for all Muslims to hate Jews. Jews should be killed if they come here to this school“, is the students who said. To praise Hitler for what he did with the Jews is another classic case of students at my school. The worst thing about this is that Jew-hatred has been completely legitimized in large groups of pupils with a Muslim background. ”
Teacher 2, male: “I see a Jew hatred, especially in social studies lessons. Students say the Jews control everything, the entire West is controlled by Jews. Several also said that they admire Hitler because he killed Jews. “The attack on the Twin Towers in New York on 11 September 2001, there were Jews who were behind it.” In my class if someone says they support terrorism, there are some who protest. But if someone expresses Jew-hatred, no one protests. ”
Teacher 3, female: “Several students sneer when I talk about the Holocaust. A boy stood up and commanded me to stop talking about Jews and the Holocaust. Most of these kids are born and raised in Norway. I find it shocking that it’s possible to grow up in Norway with such attitudes.”
Teacher 4 male. “ Fucking Jew “is a heavily used term of abuse during school hours. Had I been a Jew, I would have felt it very offensive. These statements are a big problem.”The Teachers NRK have talked with have the impression that the pupils in Norwegian schools get many of their positions via radio and television broadcasts and via satellite.
Every rape in Oslo the past 5 years, where the rapist could be identified, was committed by a male of non-western background. In Oslo all sexual assaults involving rape in the past year has been committed by males of non-western background this was the conclusion of a police report published today. This means that every single rape assault in the last five years, where the rapist could be identified, he was a man of foreign origin.
Those are only the tip of the huge iceberg where muslims, yes muslims have made their own bed and are now crying sobs stories for having to lie in it. And instead of reporting the news as it is, the bBC reports it as their Islamic masters tell them how to report it.
“Most of these kids are born and raised in Norway. I find it shocking that it’s possible to grow up in Norway with such attitudes.”
Oh goody. Another infidel who doesn’t get it. And a teacher, too. That’s comforting.
So, Miss “Hello birds, hello sky”, here’s what you need to know:
They’re not IN Norway, they’re in a part of the Caliphate that has snow in Winter and is (currently) populated by unbelievers, sluts and Joooz. You probably fit all three categories FYI.
N.B. “Not IN Norway” can also be adapted to “Not IN England/France/Spain/Germany/Any hive of apostasy under the sun”.
Richard Bacon ‘defends’ Piers Morgan over the phone hacking allegation in an interview with Roy Greenslade.
Compare that to how Bacon and the rest of the BBC treated Andy Coulson who is treated as guilty by the BBC
Interview with Roy Greenslade starts right after news
It’s a real hoot, the BBC as we suspected are defending Morgan for EXACTLY the same thing they want Coulson for.
It isn’t just Piers Morgan. It is the indication that the Mirror was up to its neck in stuff – endemic.
News0fTheWorld bad, the Murdochs who were not directly involved need to be decapitated, BSkyB shut down, headlines for 2 weeks, round the clock coverage.
Daily Mirror – leftie paper, minimum coverage by the BBC, just a line or two here and there.
The BBC has presented its relentless campaign against Rupert Murdoch in ethical terms – unfit to govern etc. All focussed on the NoW. No suggestions I have seen that there were problems at the Sun or the Times or the Sunday Times. 1% of the NI empire.
Where’s the balance when it is the Mirror. And its then-editor ? Where is the BBC relentless attack on the proprietors of the Mirror ?
While not surprised that Sarah Payne’s phone was hacked by NI – who told the press that her number had been found? Was it Mrs Payne herself – so upset that she went straight to the press (but isn’t it the press that she is upset with?) or was it the police who slipped out the message – and did they receive money for doing so?
Not exactly BBC bias because Channel 4 leading with the story too – but seems to be getting more publicity that the Piers Morgan hacking.
Classic Bacon to Greenslade “you’re going after him because he’s a celebrity” so why did the BBC go after Coulson?
Typical BBC scum that defend their lefty mates.
Yet again the BBC is behind the curve on this story:-
Guess they’re polishing off their circumlocutions so noone’s the wiser as to ‘motivation’. Having, in various quarters, been straining at the leash to associate anyone whose expressed disquiet about Islam with the murder spree of Mr Breitvic, they’ll be straining at the leash to condemn anyone who associates Mr Abdo’s terrorism charges with his religion, which goes without saying what it is.
A fascinating twist to this lastest arrest though, usually Police discover that terrorism suspects are nonces, this time its the other way round.
The bBC and its mission statement of only airing articles which paints Hamas as victims.
Here is the news from a real Islamic news agency bBC.
Rocket fired from Gaza hits Israel
A rocket fired from the Gaza Strip hit southern Israel on Thursday without causing injuries or damage, the Israeli military said.
The rocket landed in an open field in the Hof Ashkelon region,the military said, adding that the projectile was the 24th to hit Israel this month. July has seen an uptick in the number of rockets and other projectiles fired at Israel from Gaza after several months of calm following a flare-up of violence in April, when an anti-tank missile fired from Gaza hit an Israeli school bus, killing a teenager.
So how many people here knew that 24 rockets/Missiles had been launched into Israel from Gaza this month. Funny enough the bBC hasn’t reported anyone of those 24 missile strikes , yet it has reported twice on the Israel responce. Usually by pointing out how an innocent palestinian has been injured/murdered by the hook nosed jews.
Gee I wonder why?
BBC-NUJ ‘Newsnight’s America:
-from John Steinbeck to Paul Mason.
Comrade Marxist Mason takes his pre-planned, pre-determined historical journey across America tonight, spinning his usual narrative, and freely mixing up fiction and fact:
“In Steinbeck’s footsteps: America’s middle-class underclass”
Mason relating himself to John Steinbeck ? (leftie though Steinbeck was)
That’s like me “retracing the steps of Ernest Hemingway” Kilimanjaro here I come.
INBBC’s Mr Danahar, trying to think like a Muslim, puts out this headline on Ramadan:
“Libya unrest: Ramadan to slow anti-Gaddafi rebels”
A supplementary for INBBC and Danahar:
on Ramadan and Islamic Jihad’
-from ‘Creeping Sharia’
“Ramadan is the month of Jihad” (2009, video clip)
“Muslim soldier arrested in new jihad plot against Fort Hood”
[Opening extract]:
Pamela Geller says it: “I anxiously await the same intense and extensive mainstream media coverage and obsession that we witnessed immediately after and in the ensuing days of the Norway massacre to determine the motivation behind this explosive plot at Fort Hood. I expect extremists Brian Williams, Anderson Cooper, the NY Times, LA Times, IHT, CNN, BBC, et al, to be just as rabidly obsessed and consumed with investigating what ideology incited this Muslim to recruit for jihad.”
Of course, INBBC censors out any reference to the MUSLIM identity of man arrested, and to MUSLIM identity of Fort Hood killer Major Hasan.
Now if either of them could have been described as ‘Christian’…
“US serviceman held amid ‘plot’ to attack Fort Hood”
Notice that Pamela Geller includes the BBC in her list of rabid defenders of Islamist terrorists.
Is the global warming scam finally blown away?
Much anti beeb comments on Guido re NASA findings.
As yet I have not been able to find BBC reference.
IRAN. Updates for INBBC, which is, of course, inclined to go poltiically easy on the Islamic Republic of Iran, and provider of Hamas.
US: “Treasury targets Iran’s ‘secret deal’ with al Qaeda”By Thomas Joscelyn
Read more: http://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2011/07/treasury_targets_ira_1.php#ixzz1TUIWwGhk
“The last thing we need is the head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards running Opec ”
(by Con Coughlin)