Oh no, it’s just too awful to contemplate. Public sector workers are going to discover just how much extra they are going to have to pay into their pensions in order to sustain that gilt-edged advantage that they so richly deserve. The BBC ran this item on the topic, you should listen to it. Teachers on 21k a year may have to pay an extra £9 a month – say it ain’t so! Even more heartbreaking, those on £150k a year (Yea, let the vast amount they are paid just go by ever so casually) may have to fund a few hundred extra if they are going to sit back and relish huge pension generosity in their retirement. BMA Chief Hamish Meldrum (Great name) reduced me to tears (of mirth) when he expressed his outrage at this onslaught on our brave hard working pubic sector workers. I was also intrigued to hear it said that many private sector workers enjoy lush pension provision. Know any?
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Brown destroyed the private pensions in Britain and the BBC said nothing at the time.
Now, energy prices are a pretty ‘hot’ issue, but I find it ‘courageous’ of a BBC employee to bring the matter of profits and pensions to the fore, when the solution closer to home on the pension front was to lock in prices, & drop service to preserve poor investment performance on the part of the trustees.
Yes he did, and for that act of stupid and spiteful vandalism alone he deserves to be incarcerated.
£9 !! this is a totally unjustified attack on our public angels! [pmsl] I mean £9 could be the difference between having a copy of the Grundy or not so this is also an attack on press freedom by the evil baby eater empire! bet Murdochs behind this, and I think it’s terrible that one person in the private sector has a “Lush pension” ? well he must know one otherwise he would be a liar and a liar in public service never ! hmm wonder if he means all the freelance BBC presenters who call themselves private for tax dodging purposes ?
Scrap the licence fee and they could easily fund their £9 a month pension increase and have a bit left over to spend on subscription tv perhaps paying only for what they really want to watch.
I share your sense of outrage. I was thinking we should have a whip round for those oppressed public sector workers who are being cripplesd by these savage and un-necessary cuts. 😀
Yep, whip them all round White City, modern version of a flogging round the fleet.
Yep, whip them all round White City, modern version of a flogging round the fleet.
The BBC stooge – Paul Lewis of Moneybox – somehow avoided saying that 1. the private sector inflation proofed/final salary dependent pensions are disappearing fast, 2. private sector pensions are/must be fully funded and, most significant of all, 3. you cannot buy a pension with benefits equivalent to those available to public sector employees at any price.
Perhaps this was the same Paul Lewis who lectured us via the “News” that energy prices were going to keep on going up, and up. And we should just use less energy, not adding of course, that if we used less the price would increase to keep the profits coming in.
It’s the same Paul Lewis who told people after 9/11 to be wary of investing in US business, which cost me dearly at the time.
In The BBCs “court of public opinion”-i.e those with the lanyard and matching wristband”-Gordon Brown was nowhere to be found since 1997.
When Liam Byrne mockingly felt that note about “the moneys all been spent”…he clearly meant that only the Labour Party knew where the treasure was buried.
That we ingrates did not vote them back in to fiddle the books and buy off the Beeb is therefore our fault!
Still-for Meldrew, Naughtie etc…it`s all good!
Montagues oh so private childcare arrangements are funded-so what are you lot worried about?
No doubt her kids gets to hear mums concerned tones in the nursery-they `ll know their own names then for Montessori!
Don`t just take ANYONE you know!…still she seems “concerned” that the rest of us are not so fortunate…but that`s exactly what Womans Hour is for!
Paul Flynn got a verbal blow job off Scottish halfwit Coline Patterson Flynn came on to tell us that it’s a disgrace the Government is spending up to £3500 to buy a desktop PC, apparently this is highly wasteful and inefficient, oh and he’s not being party politicial.
Of course as Patteron was still zipping up Flynn’s trousers he forgot ot ask WHY they hadn’t come out with this when Liebore were in power (when most of the spending was taking place) and regarding the companies that Flynn said were the main culprits just how many of them had directors giving donations to Nu Liebore.
Crapita come to mind for starters
14 million to the Liebore party, funny that Patterson didn’t ask him about that as 10 seconds on google tells you.
I suspect for effect all the figurs quoted by the BBC are before tax relief at the payers highest marginal rate!
But hey we have an agenda to persue to save the poor downtrodden public sector golden pensions because ours could be next!
The government has demonstrated an inability to communicate to the public the difference between the (ever increasing) national debt & the (reducing to far & too fast) annual budget deficit which adds to the debt each year. The BBC’s mission to inform & educate has , of course, been of no help in this respect.
As a consequence the recurring theme from the poor public sector workers is that they are paying for the sins of the bankers, they assume their costs are rising to allow government payments to the bust banks (in fact already bailed out by government borrowing), whereas the deficit has ballooned due to the collapse of tax revenues previously made on illusory bank profits. This theme runs throughout the comments here:-
One comment particularly partisan & wide of the mark says this
“The government remain largely silent on the huge bonus settlements for their friends in the banking sector, and out of pure ideology choose to punish nurses, doctors and teachers who bear no responsibility for the deficit”
In fact the deficit benefits more from the tax take from bonuses than it would from retained profits in the banks.
9 quid is a laughable…