You just KNEW the second that David Cameron had the temerity to talk of the “moral collapse” that afflicts our society BBC knives would be getting sharpened. So when Iain Duncan Smith appears on the main prime time slot on Today this morning, the interviewers key objective was to see if he could get IDS to deny Cameron’s assertion. In the BBC world view of moral relativism one must never be judgmental (unless, of course, Rupert Murdoch, Conservatives, Sarah Palin, Christianity is involved) and so it is determined to make Cameron appear extreme because he points out the obvious – namely that after decades of toxic liberal corruption more than a few people care about the difference between right and wrong.
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Under the reign of President of the National Union of Journalists, DONNACHA DELONG, we can expect BBC-NUJ branches to propagandise his (self proclaimed) morality of anarchism, and in particular his support for Luddism, and his opposition to certain ‘scum’ who clean up the streets of London.
A reprise:
“Drop the brooms, you capitalist scum ”
(by Damian Thompson)
…” here’s a name for you: Mr Donnacha DeLong, the new president of the National Union of Journalists. On Tuesday he described the ‘broom army’ of middle-class volunteers who cleaned up Clapham Junction as ‘scum’.
Yes, you read that right: scum. DeLong said so in a Facebook comment; I rang DeLong to check that it was authentic. ‘Yes, but I was referring to a particular exclusivist crowd,’ he explained. Here’s the relevant Facebook exchange, between DeLong and an anarchist ally calling himself Al Mikey:
Al Mikey: ‘[What about] the reactionary part of these clean-ups like in Clapham Junction that have overtly classist twists to them. What’s your take on them?’
Donnacha DeLong: ‘They’re scum, it’s just important to realise that they’re not all reactionary scum. A lot of anarchists have been trying to get this [clean-up] going as well.’
On Broadcasting house at the weekend, the host Paddy O’Connell interviews Boris Johnson:
At 6.30-7.30 min, just listen how the host tries to trick Johnson with a story about the Bullingdon club. You can just imagine the self-satisfied smirks and sniggers in the planning room earlier as they came up with that ruse……….Paddy, you are so edgy, so daring, so clever, so smug, so Guardianista……
Loved the “week in review” too-back from holidays early one and two-ACPO say this but Theresa May said that…back from holiday again early( plan B flip flop!)…HMIC say that but Bill Bratton couldn`t POSSIBLY say the same thing with that coarse “NooYawk” accent of his…
Oh, were there some people of colour that no-one could possibly imagine refusing to get receipts then?…I`ll pretend I never saw that…because that is what we at the BBC ALWAYS do when it`s trouble?
Bloody Murdoch-leave us here, and the poor youngsters only wanted to buy the News of the World…and it`s all gone!
Paddy O`Connell eh…just the slimeball to leave at BH whilst the adults are all at Morning Service eh?
I blame the churches for being open on a Sunday-and the schools for closing on any day!
Moral collapse lads?
Look at all the BBCs pipe cleaner scaffolding that Sophie Ellis Bexters mum lsft us before Bacon found less harmful pipes of his own to smoke from?
No collapse here-pipe cleaners from Janet, wristbands from all BBC events since 1985 and plenty bendy toys balloon craftsmen/ladies to make ity all happen. Floppy levers and foam pipes…rainbow flag on top?
All tastefully set to prop up the BBCs moral scaffolding, without that God stuff…or even facts, evidence or right and wrong at all!
No chance of any collapse after that edifice was so passionately put together by assorted dopeheads, 60s refugees and gangsta high on crack now is there?
Trust YOU to make “ill informed and populist, cheap judgements”…I`m more than angry now…I`m sad…and even disappointed on my darkest days!
Still…our lives have been spiced up and I`m showing positivity today!
Hats off to the Kaiser Chiefs for “predicting that riot” six years ago eh?
I notice that the BBC “news” is giving opposition soundbites equal billing with government policy.
This way of reporting events (what the opposition say should always be additional reporting not given equal billing) has not been seen since the Labour Party were last in opposition (funny that) and just in case we did not get the message, when Cameron was allowed a few words explaining what the government is going to do (yes they did not exclude him altogether) it was quickly followed by a girl (from leafy Oxfordshire) explaining that Cameron was wrong because she did not have a father (no explanation was given why this was the case) and she was not looting shops.
Now the one thing people can agree about across the political spectrum is the damage caused by absent fathers in welfare dependent inner city families, but the BBC could not pass up an opportunity to promote that day’s spin from the Labour Party – that Tories are only interested in kneejerk reactions in case you missed it.
As usual the BBC “Tories are only interested in kneejerk reactions” is not interested in news, it is interested in the narrative “Tories are only interested in kneejerk reactions” being pushed that day
by the “Tories are only interested in kneejerk reactions” Labour Party HQ.
Now the BBC “Tories are only interested in kneejerk reactions” do not believe that absent fathers are not a problem, nor is it the case that the “Tories are only interested in kneejerk reactions” Labour Party unconcerned about the problem of absent fathers, but it is a case of let us pretend the absence of fathers is not problem (and that nobody thinks it is a problem) because today we have this “Tories are only interested in kneejerk reactions” agenda, and we can attack the Tories for ignoring the problem of absent father’s tomorrow, if that happens to be the narrative being pushed by the Labour Party.
In other words yet again the BBC (and its marketing department the BBC) do not give a **** about the inner cities (just so long as the police keep their client voters out of their neighbourhoods) the only thing that interests them is the re-election of the Labour Party gravy train.
Their pro-Labour spinning is so instinctive that even though the money has all gone, and it will be several Tory governments before there will be enough money to fill their pockets once more, but they just cannot help themselves.
I know it has been said many times before, but I will say it again, it is not the people who tried to tidy up the streets that are scum, it is the Leftist BBC that is the scum of the Earth.
I’ve noticed worse on R5. Cameron/Osborne makes a speech and the summary headline is from Labour. e.g “Ed Balls says government is in denial”. Nothing about what the governement said – they do that later,.
Forgot to mewntion-nay, the imperative-to attend a face painting workshop and paint on a nice smile…Levi Bellfield could only approve.
Have they got into the prisons then this lot?…poster paints and chalks not as easy as drugs,booze and mobiles I guess!
No wonder the clients seem so keen to get out for the day…por things!
I laughed out loud when Naughtie suggested that some of the rioters felt alienated from society by reading in the papers that MPs fiddled their expenses. Complete disconnect from the reality of what he said.
Yes, I’m sure most of those gangsta-remtards are regular readers of The Telegraph. :-E
Strange that, and they say they won’t let us have a referendum on the EU as its too complicated. Even the illiterate morans rioting and looting were doing it because a conservative MP had a moat paid for out of expenses .
No doubt Naughtie reads the questions from a Labour script, he certainly does not seem to have any common sense.
Reckon PM is just nosing it as pernicious slyly slanted bias for today!
Didn`t hear Today, but do know that Martha was more stupid than sly on her last trot around the circus ring>
I say Mairs Mare is pretty much the baseline of sly…just heard him musing about whether or not those scamps from the riot experiential workshops of last week…whether we should name and shame them or not!
Only at the BBC and their associated organ bags( New Statesman etc) would this be heralded as a debate and one worth having!
Funny though eh?…the fearless right to know…transparency…let`s have names and hack your phone…more CCTV and the like…freedom of the press etc…all seems to go through the Selfridges window doesn`t it?
The BBC would rather NOT know thank you very much-what about their CVs…the chance of stigmatising them, or even( you`ll not believe this, but it happens!) GLORIFYING their activities…a reward even! Quelle horreur…
And not only do they not want to know-neither should we…you prurious lot you!
No-I don`t know the rules for that…but I did enjoy the mother on the courtyard steps with all those bleeps to season her “constructive and considered take” on her young mans alleged indiscretions!
He was going to be a f*** golfer you t**ts before you took `is f***in golf club back! Bas***ds! He`s only 12 you c***s!
The fragrant voice of frail feminity…if thats` not Lady Patten, it was a good impression!
The BBC is the ultimate dysfunctional couple in a small caravan with a few dozen kids…who`s counting?
Mrs Chav who loves the kids to bits…she runs Strictly and the other lowbrow stuff!…in some weird pact with Mr Zen…foftily doing the radio4 stuff and doesn`t give a f***…but lets the old trout say it for him anyway!
She adds passion to it-and who are any of us to judge as he gets our licence fees to support the whoe fiasco!
robert brown; Hats off to you cj, great sense of humour, made me laugh, i can just visualize this stuff.