Today is “A” level results day and the BBC was able to provide their usual unique coverage of this annual debasement of standards,tribute to the excellent unionised teaching profession. So many happy kids, of course,here is the BBC shot chosen to illustrate the scene at a typical English school.
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Photo caption should read –
“Congratulations on getting an A* in rioting, er, oppression studies.
Here’s your prize – oh you’ve already got a plasma TV.”
A pic typical of lefty Labour London borough leftlets as suppiled in seventeen languages. One of the happier days I’ve had this last year or so was when Boris scrapped Red Ken’s propaganda ‘free’ newspaper that previously had been shoved through my letterbox on a regular basis. All the happy welfare multiculturalism; it always made me want to phone my cousin in Mogadishu and tell him to get himself and the family over tout suite – and then I would remember that I didn’t have a cousin in Mogadishu.
..but much to your surprise 15 Somalian families claim you as their family and reason to be in the UK! 😉
My mistake was to pass the paper on instead of binning it.
Free toilet roll surely?
Of course, they’ll all be rushing back, for their gap-year, to help their nation in it’s time of need . . . . Oh, no, they never seem to be too bothered about that.
Yes, I too was delighted to see everyone receive an “A” in everything.
More cannon fodder to go off to “Uni” and come out the other end brainwashed by Marxist lecturers in hating the middle class and the UK in particular.
Get your CV’s into the BBC quickly, just in case in your mid-twenties you start to think for yourself.
An ‘ology’
God. I didn’t realise how much times have changed. That would NEVER be shown nowadays!
I suspect this is entirely intentional as the usual coverage is as follows:
The picures there are from around the UK, where real people live: places most of the BBC don’t know exist.
Now now. Must we all be so cynical. It’s down to the dedication of the entirely wonderful teachers and the hard work of a uniquely gifted and studious generation of young people. And next year, it will be even more so. When I did A-levels it was common to do three at the most, very few did more and even fewer got A grades. Now it seems the norm to do 5 or more and receive a string of A stars(new) and A grades. Someone ought to be doing a scientific study of the brains of these students. The intelligence of the human race is evolving at a rate unheard of in our history. Quite incredible, really. In the true sense of the word.
Yes and the same number of people passed every year, if one year got lucky with an easier exam they just upped the pass levels fo reach grade, now it’s everyone will pass unless you’re already dead.
My teachers at the time (late 80s) were very up front about this. The pass mark, and thus the numbers passing, was linked to the number of places available at university in the coming year. Some years it would be more difficult to pass, others slightly easier.
I am currently reading a book entitled : Bias in Mental Testing by Arthur R Jensen, 1980. In the Preface, this sentence stood out for its prescience :
“With enforced universal education now combined with the current trend toward inflation of school grades,diplomas, and other formal credentials…”
The inflation of achievement started at least in the late 1970s in the USA and I can assume that it was imported here soon afterwards. The socialists may have accelerated it during the horrific 13 years of blatent New Labour social engineering years, but it started many years before.
Yes indeed – many years before. The whole education establishment in the UK is in the grip of the current exponents of the philosophies of the Frankfurt School. These are cultural Marxists who have been actively working under the radar on the downfall of the West by spreading their poison throughout UK and US institutions ever since the 1930s.
They have done this by stealth, of course, not wishing to draw public attention to their Communist agenda, because they know that exposing it as such would lead to public outcry. Instead, they have worked hand in hand with the useful idiots in academia, in imposing what they described as the “transvaluation of all values” – basically a complete reversal of all previously held tenets and societal standards. Melanie Phillips has frequently written on this, calling it “the world turned upside down”. Its aim is to impose Communism by a process of attrition, attacking the West’s cultural and religious bulwarks. In doing so, it corrodes society from within. The emtertainment and news media is a powerful ally in all this, as we can see every day of the week with the BBC.
So, having successfully infected society with political correctness, and reversing the traditional ideas of right and wrong, the Frankfurters then redefined the very purpose of education itself. Indeed, it wrote openly about American public education that it did not matter if children learned any skills or facts. All that mattered was that they graduate from school with the “right attitudes” on certain questions.
This same totalitarian mindset is evident at the BBC – one senses they would graduate with honours from the faculty of Social Engineering at Frankfurt. So, their campaign of destroying standards through grade inflation is just one battle in the bigger war in education which they have almost won. Schools in the UK simply exist now to produce Labour-voting drones. All to the undisguised approval and delight of the cultural Marxists of the BBC.
What’s infuriating is the complete denial of this self-evident truth in the face of such overwhelming evidence.
Excuse the tautology. :-E
One and one make three (arts degree, sorry).
Man made global warming is making the world hotter and hotter, which correlates perfectly with higher and higher A level grades. Global warming makes you cleverer, it’s obvious. Why can’t the bBc see it? They see it everywhere else… Ah, they see it only when it’s for the worse.
What a 24 carat bunch of “white middle class left wing pricks” (TM Pat Condell).
Yes – not to mention their self-righteousness when confronting them with the evidence. Their mindest that only their opinion has any worth is so typical of their arrogance.
It’s cruel to the young because they believe that they have achieved. 97% of them.
I am more concerned whether their achievement, not wishing to take away from the personal relief of youngster who had a mere 1 in 30 chance of not achieving, but from the countries point of view, what education is really all about rather than a photo opportunity in mid August, is what the OECD (PISA) comparative studies says about the nations comparative standard.
OECD (PISA) compares basic skills in reading, writing and mathematics. A comparison is made of countries around the world.
Unfortunately, the result is not so flattering for UK education. In fact, it rather rains on the whole parade that countries with less do more.
I agree. It’s a cruel con-trick, played by governments and teaching bodies for their own self-adulation, at the expense of the students who are given a distorted view of their own success. This can only lead to disenchantment when encountering the real world.
“..BBC shot chosen to illustrate the scene at a typical English school.”
In the not too distant future this will be the norm.
In parts of London it already is a typical school. The reason is not of itself unrestricted immigration, it is area-specific “white flight”. When Ben and Sophie turn up to their local school recruitment open day for little Chloe, they notice something amiss. Hardly a white face in the class. If they can’t stretch to private education, “for sale” signs go up next day. You can stuff any amount of multi-culti bollocks down peoples throats. What you can’t do is force them to sacrifice their children to it. All the right-on lefties I have known suddenly start to behave differently. That includes my local Labour MPs.
Same as it ever was. Their ideals are always for others to live by, aren’t they Ms. Abbott.
ROBERT BROWN; Not forgetting Harriet Harman of course, i from now on will refer to the recent troubles as the Harman Riots of 2011. She was the arch exponent of the fatherless family, except her own of course.
And was also the most vociferous proponent of female only short-lists. Until her husband was standing, of course.
Like it Robert.
Lots of lawyers are indeed “Harman Riots” proponents…but they won`t “Act” on it will they?
See what I`ve done there Marcus…“the Harmon Riots Act ?”…can we use that one for Sandi or Jeremy?…
ROBERT BROWN; Cannot believe, well, yes i can, that they show a wretched muslim, i guess, just defies belief. Heard a good joke; Two Somali women on a bus going to the social security offices[where else] one says to the other, in Somali, ‘ i feel so at home here in Britain, after only six months i can speak Polish’. Oh, alright, sorry. Friend posted a thingy to me on the interestingnet, about how to get to the front of the queue at the social, a doctors surgery, or at a job centre. He just printed off the image and made a copy of an official badge. The badge denoted, with crest, ‘UK BORDER AGENCY’. Worked a treat apparently. Oh, fine, back in my hole.
here in the west midlands it is the norm,out of a class of 30 only two were white and one was a pole the other english.
Now why would anyone want to employ Eastern Europeans over these ‘British’ school leavers?
Dodgy degrees have been going for some time now. Back in the late 80s, early 90s – the date was 4th July – a Sergeant remined us it was US Independence Day, so I asked him what is celebrated on 14th July, he couldn’t think of it so I turned to this young girl I knew had a history degree (Polytechnic) and said “You’ll know”. She replied “I haven’t got a clue”.
My mouth dropped open so far she could have counted my fillings if she’d wanted to. I said “I thought you had a history degree!” , at this point the Sergeant suddenly remembered what 14th July meant, and the girl said “I did Tudor History”.
I still can’t believe that anyone studying a high level of history (of whatever period) will not know what is probably the most important single date in world history: the one that led to violent revolutions all over the world. Surely a history degree should indicate an interest and basic knowledge of all major events.
The date that invented the concept of revolution. The concept of Left and Right. That tore Europe apart and is probably still the most important turning point in Western history which influences us to this day…for good and for ill.
Presumably we can get rid of prison education now that everyone is so clever before getting their sentences.
There was me thinking that Blunketts (rather slow) bobbies are still having to read everybody their rights…because they can`t read them for themselves.
I thought this was a joke, so I went onto to check. I am, not for the first time, at a loss for words. The BBC is a scandalous, evil, insane, hateful, dangerous organisation and simply must be stopped. I am so delighted those somali girls, all here legally no doubt, have done so well in their A-levels in advanced benefits claiming.
BBC must have spent a while looking for that picture.
Levels of education within the Somali community are low. A 2005 Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) report found that 50 percent had no qualifications and 3 percent had higher-education qualifications.
Lazy picture editors select stock photos according to their sense of what’s flavour of the month. The stock agencies have volumes of this stuff. Earlier in the day the bBC had a trio of white girls laughing over their results. A stealth edit replaced them with boys laughing. Then a more sinister stealth edit replaced the boys with an ethnic stock shot, probably when the Diversity Police clocked on. Imagine working in this nightmare organisation where your thoughts are constantly on trial.
Here is another
ROBERT BROWN; Guy in the high-viz looks as though he can hear a fizzing or ticking sound in the guy’s rucksack next to him. Just the place to set it off though. Suicidal Mossad agent?
I knew I’d seen him elsewhere:
Here is another
PICTURES<img style=”width: 96px; height: 54px; cursor: pointer;” src=””/>“Participants in this years London Marathon showed a surprising conformity in their choice of costumes.”
We have come a long way in just 40 years.
Of course, Mark Steyn, in ‘America Alone’ thinks that Europe (inc Britain) as we have known them are finished both demographically and in terms of the lack of will to fight for the values of Western civilisation.
[Extract] here:
Oh my God. The BBC used a picture of some black people. How disgusting.
Here’s some more pictures used by the BBC today:
I was just about to say that this was a thread that twatboy dez would appear on
then I scroll down and see that the twat has appeared 2 days early
Every year we get fewer kids leaving primary school with reasonable levels of literacy and numeracy. Every year we get better A level results.
Is there a link?
You’ve missed the point totally, Dez. This photo was used to illustrate the story on the front of the news page. The BBC suggests that this is a typical scene. It’s only AFTER you click on the story you get the other photos.
It’s STILL being used to illustrate other ‘A Level’ stories by the way…
don’t worry Steven
he’s just a beeboid trollboy sockpuppet
rubber ear him
I think Dez is useful: if we were all to agree it could become a bit of a clique and some would wonder if it was healthy and correct; then Dez comes along and shows how right we are so we can continue happily highlighting the bias that infests the BBC.
Not bias directly but has anyone noticed that the BBC never reports on the blatant opportunism of the Labour party. Every potentially populist grandstand is full of Milibands’ polict wonk..
“Labour have launched a campaign against a proposed cull of badgers in England to curb tuberculosis in cattle.”
Miliband has ditched every one of his so called policies and provided “knee-jerk” (TM Miliband and co – as appearing on the BBC all week) headline grabbing stories rather than thought through policies – remember his great cancer triumph two months agowhere a charity was deliberately politicised to score a point at PMQs
Why is it (I think I know the answer by the way) that none of the multitude of highly paid BBC political ‘journalists’ can see this? This latest campaign
“Labour has launched an online petition and has written to more than 25,000 supporters of previous countryside and animal welfare campaigns asking them to lobby their MPs about the issue”
is the most blatant opportunism. Does anyone really think that the shadow cabinet cares a jot for badgers or nasty tory farmers with tubercular cattle bieng shot behind walls of bales?. I think thay the Labour party just want a 10 min slot in PMQ’s plus some soft interviews on the back of this ‘issue’ to attack the government. Who cares if a few cows die and a few farmers are bankrupted.
Isn’t it strange that it seems that the BBC has given it a bit of ‘publicity oxygen’ too. It is almost as if someone has worked out a media strategy. Lets find a populist emotive issue – a badgers, lots of fluffy wittle animals being killed by the Tories (nasty party image – great. Lets bang on about this faux ‘issue‘ on the TV and radio and have a bust up in PMQs. Policy will go ahead but who cares. Super, speed dial BBC news editor….
Sorry – forgot to mention – petition has 81 signatures (as at 0715). This huge campaign obviously fully justifies a story flagged as the most important news story in the ‘politics’ news section of the BBC web page.
Hand in glove. BBC journalists and labour political strategists – probably (absolutely literally) married to each other and sharing the’grid’ over breakfast every day
This is just a rabble-rousing ploy to appeal to some of Labour’s core supporters to get re-engaged with the party. Nothing gets these small-minded class bigots out of bed faster than a chance to stick it to the nasty, greedy, rich, Tory voting, land-owning countryside set.
Kids and teachers have been using self-assessment for years in effect.
Schools of course have been well rewarded for phoning in their claim to greatness-so no surprise that they just keep getting better.
(Wasn`t Labours 1997 anthem true then?…course it was!)
I myself have awarded myself 3A* in Theology, Hard Sums and Proper Science(non-Ricin) module…yeah, that`s three innit?
These are based on my blogs over the last “munf or dat”...hard to say with all mi `erb!
Only got an A in “Israel/USA Appreciation Sciences” though…so I`m as “speshul here as mi homie Dez!”
Still…we can help each other out so Uni is still an opshun as long as the Laybur get to medal next summer innit?
(Sorry bluds…only got a B for In`lish!)
“A-levels have become a national joke”
(by Toby Young)
I would go futher – a large proportion of our “universities” are a joke.
From A-level to Agitprop on only a year
What used to be the more dim blokes in donkey jackets (the SWP), activism is the new clarion call, and the girls want in on “protest”
NuLabour economic policy never did add up. On the one hand it was supposed to be education, education, etc implying a high tech high wage economy and on the other hand they threw the doors wide open for low wage migrants.
Yes I turned on the news, re the A level results and thought it was a school in downtown Mogadishu.