The BBC seem a tad embarrassed by the news that South Africa – that wonderful rainbow nation – is refusing to accept a UN motion to unfreeze $1.5bn of Libyan assets to fund emergency humanitarian aid. I wonder why South Africa seems reluctant to help the Libyan Rebels? We may never know.
Here’s Nelson
“I shall therefore take the liberty to invite our guests to rise and raise their glasses with me in salute to Muamar Qaddafi, our Brother Leader of the Revolution of the Libyan Jamahariya”
Mandela speaks for the Labour Party again then!
Blair and Brown can only dream of such panache and courage!
It’s an African problem, which must be solved by Africans. Can’t touch it, right, BBC?
Never understood what idiot came up with the term ‘Rainbow Nation’.
What would your reaction be if somebody said “Look, there’s a rainbow” and you did look, you twit, and saw the sky was shaded in flesh and sallow and various tones of brown.
You’d feel pretty short-changed, wouldn’t you ?
Black South Africans will never forget that Gaddafi was solidly behind them during the anti-Apartheid “struggle.” It made him a friend for life, no matter that he brutalised his own people and exported terrorism.
So naturally any enemy of Gaddafi is an enemy of the New South Africa.
It would be no surprise to learn that he has found shelter in a multi-million dollar mansion in a plush suburb of Johannesburg.
Just as Obama is beyond criticism to BBC-NUJ, so too is Mandela.
This, one might think, creates a political difficulty for BBC-NUJ in ANC’s refusal to act against Gaddafi, and so slow down some wonderful Islamic ‘Arab Spring’ in Libya.
But no. BBC-NUJ just keeps quiet about it.
Speaking of embarrassing photos….
Thankfully, both now rendered impotent.
Another touching moment for us all to share :
There will always be a warm welcome for you in Kirkcaldy brother leader.
Who put me with that man, was it Sue?