It was a privilege to hear Polly back on the radio…been at least a week-even longer if we don`t include the phone-ins from Tuscany.
Good luck with listening to it…basically, only she and her failed Labour Statists could possibly have any solutions to the problems that she and her Labour Statist chums left for the rest of us to sort out.
Absolutely NO point in thinking any other way than Pollys or Justins…that Cohen has actually made a bit of money without picking the taxpayers pocket is ..well, it`s just not on!
Riots?…Liam Byrne leaving us no money?…the EU democratic deficit?…just put it in Pollys Suggestion Box at Bush House, or pass on your comments to the BBC via her handbags…one and the same thing to them both.
The woman personifies the BBC in all its smug, daddys girl entitlement…no doubt Justin is swinging in her hammock until the Doyenne returns…sometime tomorrow I`d imagine now she knows that the expenses office is once again open!
Complete nonsense! Absolute propaganda – they have reached no pole at all. They have indeed reached a place where the magnetic pole used to be, but they have reached neither the geographic pole nor the magnetic pole. In fact they are over 700km short of their target (the magnetic pole)
Of course, I predict this incredible ice-free adventure will have been made possible by all that dreadful global warming…
Much of the ‘left’, including renowned economists like Ms Toynbee, seem to have little real understanding of just how much Western governments have already loaned (effectively donated) to international banks.
Specifically, it emerged this week (via Bloomberg) that the US government loaned the international bankers $ 1.2 TRILLION.
Now it’s true that BBC-NUJ economics/business staff has missed this, but ‘Daily Mail hasn’t.
“Revealed: How Federal Reserve paid out $1.2 TRILLION in loans to Wall Street aristocracy and foreign banks”
Greece is at last catching up to enlightened civilization and banning Shariah Law for Mohammedans. Until now, Shariah Law allowing polygamy for men, preventing women from seeking divorce, and governing inheritance has superceded Greek national law. Previously, Muslim women still had the Greek legal right to seek divorce through secular courts, but usually nobody dared challenge the imams‘ rulings and women were kept under submission.
The Greeks have decided that this violates their laws on equality for men and women. They’re now more enlightened than the ArchBishop of Canterbury and the BBC, who have instead called for Shariah Law to be embraced by British domestic law in certain cases.
The BBC’s reporting on the subject: Sorry, there are no results for your search.
Are the Greeks suddenly racist now, BBC? Islamophobes because of their age-old rivalry with Turkey, perhaps, so something you wouldn’t recommend for Britain? Would anyone at the BBC care to discuss why the Greeks might have done this?
On the subject of polygamy – despite it not being legal in the UK, it is never the less recognised by our wonderfully open minded and non-judgemental benefits system.
I wish someone would explain to the poor fools at the BBC that a 1% growth in an economy is still a growth. The rate of growth of the economy has slowed in this case, not the economy itself. Probably a bit too complicated for them
As the East Coast of the US prepares itself for the onslaught of Hurricane Irene there have been warnings from every quarter – weather forecasters, mayors, governors, public officials in seven states have declared states of emergency, the BBC frames the story with “President Barack Obama has warned Hurricane Irene, currently looming off the east coast of the US, could be a “historic” storm.”
BBC-NUJ is big admirer of Chavez, and so prominently reports his support for Gaddafi. (So that’s ANC of South Africa, and Chavez Venezuela support Gaddafi, alive or dead.)
BBC-NUJ report:
“Chavez: ‘We only recognise Gaddafi’s government'”
An update, which will be of special interest to Chavez admiring, but News International and Fox News hating BBC-NUJ, concerns Chavez’s treatment of Glenn Beck:
“Beck Says Chavez Not Happy About Planned Stop in Venezuela”
The bBC, reporting from Libya and the wearing of body armour. Anybody else get the impression that the bBC feeling that it has lost out to Sky over the coverage of the fighting in Libya has decided to sex up its reporting,in which to try and regain its lost following. So this week we’ve had a so called convoy driving into Tripoli attacked by a 30mm cannon. (The only barrel anti-aircraft weapon I can think of being used in Libya is this little nasty piece of work and its 23mm) and lets be honest 4 x 23mm cannons firing down a road during an ambush, would have ripped the entire convoy apart.. On that note did anybody else notice the splash marks from all those 23mm sorry 30mm shells. I didn’t. We’ve had Orla Guerin reporting with her helmet straps undone??? In her latest report she’s taken them off completely. What’s the bloody point of wearing a helmet, if you don’t affix it to your head. Believe me when I say, trying to walk (never mind anything else) without your helmet done up is virtually impossible. They move about, they roll, and they rock from side to side. Yet in order to impress the watching public, Guerin has gone all Audie Murphy.
Next the bBC report from the docks where reinforcements landed in which to support the offensive in Tripoli. So dangerous is this assignment, that the bBC presenter is fully kitted out in which to I presume keep him safe. Yet hang on, its quiet, the troops landed at that very site have moved into the city, there is nobody around. Now have a look at his body armour. That is a full set of Press body armour. It has a flap which drops down in which to protect your nether regions why here is what it looks like when properly worn. So why has the bBC presenter got his strapped up for comfort, when apparently it is so dangerous he has to cover up.
It seems that in order to look good, the bbC has taken to lying out of its back teeth in which to win some sort of following back home. Sorry beeb most people get their news elsewhere.
Wyre Davies was also on the World Service a few days ago, apparently reporting from near Gaddafi’s compound while the rebel rabble was in the place or nearby or whatever. Guy back in the studio expressed concern for his safety. He said somehting like he’s got body armour AND HE’S BEHIND A TREE so he’s fine.
How dramatic. And how idiotic. Where does the BBC find these people? I’m convinced they don’t have to show any ability in journalism at all. All that’s needed is to have the right peecee attitude and you’ve got the job.
It’s not just the Press Kit. Love the way both “talk with their hands”. Tony Blair was the master, left us with a complete choreography of “hand jive” to underscore what is being spoken. You wonder what presenters did with their hands before we started noticing them.
What the F*** does Orla Guering look like? What a total joke. Oh and there was some other female beeboid (can’t remember who) who had her helmet on put pushed right back so it was almost on the back of her head.
Then we get John Simpson doing what I hate about the BBC, he’s lecturing us rather than reporting. Pack it in fatty we’re not interested in your leftie opinion.
It seems like us White Europeans are actually Black Africans cross bred with Neanderthal Man and that modern day Black Africans are pure bred humans.
‘The researchers say that is because after ancient humans left Africa some 65,000 years ago, they started breeding with their more primitive relations in Europe, while those who stayed in Africa did not.’
Would the BBC publish this if it was the other way around?
Of course not because it would be RACIST!
Oh, dear. Despite straying from the confines of ‘racial purity’ & having the burden of being genetically modified, White Europeans have some achievements to their name. For now, that is, until the manic beeboid drive to erase our history in favour of their brave, new hell of enforced multi culti becomes the only ‘narrative’ in town. I wonder why our forebears quit Africa? Was it riots? Was it ‘kutz’? How long before the BBC begins referring to White Europeans as half-breeds? I’ll bet Bonnie Greer is already toiling away at the revisionist musical. Oh, Lordy!
It is actually quite interesting because it suggests that the adaptive advantage from long term resident (Neanderthal) is sufficient to have survived up to 4%. This suggests that the populations of Western Eurasia are gentically distinct if this marker is present. It also suggests local continuity from the Ice Age ie over 40,000 years. So difference is not merely skin deep.
I’m quite proud of my ancient and illustrious heritage. 200,000 years with bags of climate change.
PS The matriarchal mitochondrial sequence does not present this change. No direct maternal line has survived.
The DNA is from the Neandertal blokes not the girls.
Makes one think.
PS As a descendant of an ancient much maligned and mocked ancestor, I demand a community organiser at once to draw up a list of my needs and legitimate demands from society to address my special Neandertal needs in a diverse society.
This shows you how ridiculous alot of this so called science is. If humans were interbeeding with neanderthals, wouldn’t that make neanderthals sort of human. This would be exactly the same as bulldog doing it with a poodle, they are both dogs.
But the storm is already weakening, down from cat 3 to cat 2. Talking up a storm? Have the BBC got nothing else better to do?
Now who was promising us a couple of years ago that hurricanes would become much more common and powerful, a promise made with only a crappy met office computer model and the rantings of Al Gore and the hysterical lies of fraudsters like WWF/FoE etc.
Well, what with their crappy useless coverage of Libya they probably need a good distraction right now, especially as O’Bamas economy is sinking fast.
I watched Kirsty on Newsnight last night treating Mark Steyn with great care almost deference.
Very strange. Kirsty is usually firmly on the left and Mark Steyn is , shall we say, rather right wing.
Has Kirsty suffered a flash of illuminating reality?
Perhaps the riots have made her think. She did seem rather put out by the waffling talking heads discussing the feral youths just previously.
Maybe there is hope for some of the beeboids.
What ?
Plied with alcohol in the green room as a “wrong-un” yet failing to make a reference to golliwogs or Sky News ?
And furthermore, fancy sneaking in to the studio for an interview, whatever next !
Well :
Normally the golliwog loathing, Sky hating, Evián drinking fraudsters are the only sages to be let loose on air with the “right views” ?
But on this occasion, apparently not !
Either way, admit that Mark Steyn was a BBC abberation, so in fifty years time a reincarnated Sue Mc.Lefty can host another spiffing episode of the “Reunion” entitled “How the fuck did he get onto our hallowed airwaves” ?
Assuming not everbody took Richard Black’s advice and moved to Pluto (No Pluto warming here – well not until I scare you that is) reception will, as usual, be somewhat left of centre.
But did you notice in the intro video she continually referred to him as Mark STEEN, mispronouncing his name as if she’d not really heard of him before.
But if they were on her head, that would have made her all the more the insightful journalist we know she is.
I know it’s a 4 letter word (c/o j.hardy) – Is it CCCP ?
The only reason Mark was on is probably because the BBC mistook his warning of impending disaster for the USA as a shared self-loathing. In fact the book is FANTASTIC and written with remarkable wit and insight – and a plea to a country he loves.
By the way, Imaging getting his name wrong! He was a BBC PRODUCER for God’s sake; he is a best selling internationally known author; and a major figure as a political commentator. What does that say about the level of (a) research and (b) general knowledge of the production staff at Newsnight – let alone it’s presenter KRISTINE WOOK.
Kirsty Wark is a partisan moron. The possible necessity of some of TARP doesn’t justify the entire ideology of Socialism and an endless cycle of borrowing to prop it up. Yet she’s acting as if it does, rolling her eyes at Steyn for believing it doesn’t.
“Boko Haram regards the Nigerian state as being run by non-believers, even when the country had a Muslim president.”
I’m shocked, I say. I’m shocked.
Actually, i’m not.
Then I read this. I can’t quite follow the tortuous reasoning.
“Many Muslim families still refuse to send their children to government-run “Western schools”, a problem compounded by the ruling elite which does not see education as a priority.”
followed by this.
“Against this background, the charismatic Muslim cleric, Mohammed Yusuf, formed Boko Haram in Maiduguri in 2002. He set up a religious complex, which included a mosque and an Islamic school.”
It’s almost standard practice for the BBC to describe terrorists attacks by Muslims on infidels as “audacious.”
According to the BBC, the attack by Pakistani Muslim terrorists on Mumbai, in which scores of innocents were tortured and murdered, was also “audacious.”
The most recent one so described was the murder by Muslim Arab terrorists of a number of Israeli civilians, including two small children, near Eilat. And it was the BBC’s Jerusalem Bureau Chief, no less, doing the describing on the World Service.
This is an excellent reason for the BBC to be broken up into small pieces and flushed down the toilet.
BBC Director General Mark Thompson lectures Sky TV – whines about funding :
“It’s time that Sky pulled its weight… its investment in original British content is just not enough,” he told an audience at the Edinburgh International Television Festival. (apostrophes missing all over the place)
Who the eff does he think he is? Concentrate on the quality of the output of your own network, you arrogant buffoon.
Also – yet another muppet who thinks the public sector is the economy :
“a pound out of the commissioning budget of the BBC is a pound out of UK creative economy,”
The unshaven Mark Thompson looks like a bum who has just rolled off a park bench and staggered to his feet at 11 am, woken by the sun and the traffic. Perhaps that’s where the BBC found him. You dont need talent to head that organisation, just PeeCee compliance.
I have commented here before about the strange geneder and racial mix in BBC drama. One afternoon this week I switched on our main TV to find it had been left on BBC1. (Nobody in the house as yet to admit to this crime!) And there was a kids’ drama programme on and for no real reason I watched it for a while. It was disheartening to see the main characters were all females in their early teens. And the 3 young male characters were props filling out prescribe cliched roles. There was the street smart cocky one, the man of action love interest which no BBC kids’ programme can be without these days, and a non-descript one who I took to be the bookish nerdy one. No guesses that the first was a Pakistani, the second an African male, and the last a white boy. So once again in a country where the majority of males are white English they are under represented. While the females are over represented. And the only male characters of interest aren’t white. If this was a one off I wouldn’t mind. But it seems to be happening with increasing frequency. I am surprised they didn’t manage to fit in a gay relationship. BTW my gay friend won’t let his neices or nephews watch the BBC because he doesn’t think it reflects British society.
I think john if you want to find out who left the TV on BBC1, then the
chances are it wont have been their Jewish, Christian, Catholic or Presbyterian friends.
However, ask your kids if any of their friends parents are “larging” it up in swish Islington wine bars and you may well find the culprit.
As TRoP’s Bombadan Score Card hits 600 dead bodies in almost 150 Islamic terror attacks catalogued since the beginning of Ramadan this year, al-Beeb’s doughty sleuths have managed to track down some ‘Christian Conservative’ rapists. In Bolivia!
Obviously in the name of ‘inclusivity’, of course – and naturally, they’re on the front page.
Yes, one would think the BBC would show a bit of interest in the daily and even hourly murders by Muslim terrorists across the planet. After all, it’s news and the BBC is a news organisation…er, or something.
Perhaps it will liberate the BBC to realise that tight enclosed religious communities that don’t allow certain freedoms usually end up with a high percentage of their young men raping and abusing.
I’m suprised in the interests of politcal correctness that the BBC did not classify these Mennonites as ‘Asian’. I gather that ‘Asian’ is a BBC code word for a certain type of religious rapist. And Mennonite is a religious adherent that begins with the letter ‘M’.
Philip, the blog i write on has been keeping a total of how many people have died violently at the hands of the relgion of peace since the start of Ramadan. At the moment it stands at 1819 and that figure doesn’t include the full figure from: Syria/Turkey/Libya.
So much for a month of thinking pure thoughts then.
Pounce, I got a warning before accessing that site, that some people had reported it for containing ‘offensive material’. It would seem you need to add another item to the long list of things that offend that particular group. That item being ‘THE TRUTH’.
“Libya bad? Manchester is worse, says [BBC] news chief The BBC’s world news editor has apologised after saying that Libyan rebels should train in riot-hit Manchester.
Jon Williams, who describes himself as a “proud Scouser”, said the Twitter comment was a joke.
But his words are potentially embarrassing to the corporation because many of his colleagues have refused to move to neighbouring Salford, where several BBC departments are relocating.
After hearing his colleague Wyre Davies interviewing rebel fighters in Tripoli with Manchester accents Mr Williams tweeted: ‘What better place to train 4 Libya.’
He swiftly added: ‘Oh dear — sorry if my friends in Manchester found the last tweet unfunny.'”
George R, no doubt Jon Williams earns enough in a month to sustain hundreds of Somalians for a year. And that I assume, is his reward for editing out news the BBC doesn’t like and writing the occasional trite piece on ‘The Editors’ blog about how wonderful the BBC is.
I’m sure this would have been discussed on here before, but would it be worth petitioning parliament to discuss an overhaul of the BBC or abolition of the licence fee?
I’m sure Guido, various Telegraph bloggers and perhaps even The Mail would plug it.
The idea of a “historic hurricane”?
The Obamas and Blairs cannot see a predictable and regularly occuring natural phenomemon without their fatuous soundbites and cliches.
As well as thinking that they`re all Churchills after the Luftwaffe have done their worst.
We can only say we have created a heck of a crop of airheaded self-important spinning ninnies where once we had politicians.
Still they`re already planning for the Post-Irene Legacy project…or at least a chance to share a scone with Sue McGregor.
“Hand of history on their shoulders”…wish it wasn`t always dusting off the dandruff…but trying to throttle these lightweight cipphers of sherberts.
AS long as the dead get put in a party bag ,and not a body bag-then the Obamas and Blairs are “cool with that!”
So how is the most ‘historic ‘ and ‘worst ever ‘ hurri?? er tropical st?? er storm no!! hmm OK how goes Oboes terrifying few wet days with a bit of wind ? well at least we can celebrate the rowers getting no where near a pole or ever a magnet lol
Sense this story is now waving its hankie…and not drowning.
Not enough rain for that…but probably a bit damp for putting out the washing.
Maybe we should keep a chart on the Beebs Top Thirty Stories…Murdoch will have been the Bryan Adams epic that refuses to get off the charts-long after anyone buys it.
Maybe Obama calmed the storm from the Bubba…”again..!”
As I sadly have to spend my bank holiday weekend in the multi-culti utopia that is our capitol city, and it being carnival weekend, I thought I would check the news for the latest info. This story is currently on the BBC news website: “Notting Hill Carnival: A tale of two residents!” It features two opinions on the carnival from people living in the area, one fairly negative, and the other positive, “it was really peaceful. I saw nothing bad happening. Everyone was just having fun in their own way”, is a quote by Cat Donohoe Out of curiosity I googled miss Donohoe and up comes her twitter account; one tweet caught my eye: “how’s the sports coverage going? Not long now until your producing debut, good luck!! Xxx” This tweet was to a Sarah Forster who’s profile states,” these are my views, not those of the BBC” – interesting. I wonder if it’s the same Sarah Forster who is an independent film maker and just happens to do a fair bit of work for the BBC at work again? The pictures illustrating the article are also odd – if you were an alien from Mars and had no idea what the Carnival was about, or who took part in it you wouldn’t get many clues…
I went to the Carnival in 1997, on ‘family day’. Soon after arriving I witnessed a stabbing. It was black on black, but still not very nice to see.
I left immediately after that, never to return.
We were only 4 months into socialist governance, and their insane social experiment, at that time. We’re now over 14 years in to it, so I dread to think what these ‘celebrations’ must be like nowadays.
It would have been an incitement to call it family day though!
How many baby fathers tanked up on blagged Red Stripe would have been shanking the other suspected daddies to prevent “dissing”?
Fathers Day must be fun as well!
Yes, it is a small world for the BBC. The point is that these lower level Beeboid bottom feeders know that it will always be the approved views that will get them their rewards from their Beeboid bosses.
The story that you link to is by one Boc Ly.
Here is another bit of unashamed pro multi-culti propaganda by the same guy.
‘Adherents of a multi-faith society looking for a good news story about Islam…..’
Just stop to think about that concept for a moment – journalists looking for good news stories? What does their editor say? Are cuddly pets or cute kids involved? No boss, it involves cuddly cute Imams! Ok son, go to press!
Yes, it is a small world for the BBC. The point is that these lower level Beeboid bottom feeders know that it will always be the approved views that will get them their rewards from their Beeboid bosses.
The story that you link to is by one Boc Ly.
Here is another bit of unashamed pro multi-culti propaganda by the same guy.
‘Adherents of a multi-faith society looking for a good news story about Islam…..’
Just stop to think about that concept for a moment – journalists looking for good news stories? What does their editor say? Are cuddly pets or cute kids involved? No boss, it involves cuddly cute Imams! Ok son, go to press!
Sorry for the html garbage at the top of my last – this is the first time I have posted on this site, and it obviously doesn’t like a copy and paste from outlook…
No worries Andy, the same has happened to me and others: what is does however is indicate the amount of unnessecary garbage that is attached to almost every Word document evn on a ‘clean’ template’.
Im with My site on this one, we point out the bias on a day to day basis but what can we actually do? I’ve mailed DV with a suggestion that hopefully will come to fruition over the next few months but certainly a petition would be a start. Did anyone notice that under the epetition system introduced by the last Labour government there were many similar petitions so it watered down any criticism of them? Also I remember seeing a statistic somewhere of the responses to all the petitions and the unsurprisingly low value of the ones that had actually made a difference. Give the public petitions and make them think we are listening to them. Fingers in ears ‘la la la Im not listening’
It is a measure of the double standards operating at the BBC that they froth at the mouth over a few clumsily expressed remarks by David Starkey, but welcome Atwan time after time to their studios. Atwan is a very dangerous bigot, he should never ever appear as a “guest commentator” on the BBC.
If he ever did appear on BBC – it should be to grill him thoroughly on his extremist rabble-rousing views, not to fawn over him as Gavin Esler frequently does.
And to think that this man is a permanent fixture on BBC Dateline London, and their ‘go to guy’ for insight into the middle east. Are they aware of his record? If they are, do they care? Probably a YES followed by a NO.
Tell me, O Beeboid, who it is who has an obsession with “black”, such as identifying as “black” and going crazy over a President who actually isn’t, categorising people as Black and asking them to identify themselves as such on application forms to for programmes such as Question Time or for jobs, for which they have quotas for “black” and ethnic minorities, often referred to by the term BME, implying that “black” people have no ethnicity or identity other than this skin colour designation.
You should ask him why all good table tennis palyers are asian! (haha…he’s an ex TT champ) He’s also half Paki (Christian) and a lefty Labour. I wonder would they put an article by Starkey on which said excatly the same thing? He has a point though, so do you Milli, black has been the “currency” of race relations for decades, if you have a tan you’re “black”: I’m blacker than some “blacks”!
Heh, I didn’t know that about table tennis or that he was a player. What about squash? Or was that Pakistani who kept winning for years and years just an exception?
Martin Bashir now on MSNBC in the US reaches out for an “expert” on how to handle a natural hurricane disaster. And invites Ray “School Bus”Nagin to advise, from his experience as Mayor of New Orleans at the time of Katrina.
Everyone outside the anti-Bush BBC bubble recognised years ago that Nagin was a total incompetent, who grievously failed his city. And a racist as well. Only BBC wallahs would regard him as an “expert”.
“We as black people, it’s time, it’s time for us to come together. It’s time for us to rebuild a New Orleans, the one that should be a chocolate New Orleans. And I don’t care what people are saying Uptown or wherever they are. This city will be chocolate at the end of the day.”
I`m told that 100 “academics” are threatening to pass the port to David Starkey. Their “open letter” says so in effect.
1. Didn`t know we HAD 100 academics anymore.
2. Anyone ever heard of any one of them?…academic in what way precisely?
3. Are they all about to audition for Starkeys guest spots and forming an orderly queue before they actually have to “meet” the fresh faced students on their way now?
4. Does their funding now rely on these quisling appeasers gestures now…like trying to boycott Israel presumably?
In short-these useless toads of NuLabor planting were happy enough with the riots until their meal was rudely interrupted by the “rough`uns” who are meant to stay the other side of the clipboard.
If I find any of my kids getting any of these 100 duffers as a lecturer, I`ll ask Starkey to apply for the Chancellorship at whatever “Uni” they find themselves safely parked at!
I’m afraid that this is how is goes. The left are prepared to use pretty tough tactics when it comes to policing their BBC. Dissenters will not be tolerated. Tough sentences will be handed down.
Alan Duncan Backs Down.
Reported in the Telegraph, Conservative Home,, the jewishnewsplace,, the rapid,,,, security,, religions.minutebyminute.inf,,,,,,
I know, I know, you’ve never heard of half of them. Well, most of them seem to have spotted it in the Telegraph. But so far, your handsomely remunerated BBC hasn’t.
What is it with the BBC and Sky News? On Sky they’ve a reporter at the place where a load of prisoners were shot and their bodies set alight to by Gaddafi forces. Right the reporter is right there and we can see it.
Yet on the BBC that halfwit Wyre Davies and the camp beeboid in the studio kept saying “we can’t confirm” and “there are rumours”. How thick do they think people are? Just stick on Sky News and you can see it. Don’t the BBC have Sky in their offices?
I’ve noticed that the BBC really hate ever using anything from Sky News.
3.5 billion a year and they still can’t get the news right.
They really shot themselves in the foot with the Duffygate episode, by recording Gordon Brown on the Jeremy Vine show being confronted with his own remarks. Once out of the bottle, they couldn’t stuff it back in.
And Sky News is FREE!!!! When will people realise the difference in quality and stop assuming that BBC News must be the best as it’s the official news source for the nation blah blah blah.
“Don’t the BBC have Sky in their offices?”
Oh they have it all right, it’s just that they dont want to spread the truth about too much, unles it’s their version of the truth IE a lie.
Talking of BBC-science (an oxymoron?), James Delingpole has this critique:
“Still, as you’d expect, the BBC remains dutifully on-message. Read this report by its science correspondent Pallab Ghosh and you’ll be left in little doubt that a) the latest results are dull beyond measure and b) that if they do mean anything at all, it’s that global warming is still very much man-made.”
The Wonders of the Universe presenter said public service broadcasting had a “very important” role to play in changing the direction of society.
Don’t they know it. That’s the whole problem : A state broadcaster as a tool for social engineering. I like his programs, I just wish these people would stick to doing their job and not lecture us about their views. Of course he thinks the BBC in beyond reproach, it’s given him a platform to put across his love of science and made him very successful. He should stick to that, he wasn’t employed to be a PR guru for the BBC.
He said it was the “British disease” to damage successful institutions.
He should know, he helped create New Labour’s election anthem ‘Things Can Only Get Better’, which they certainly didn’t. Tony Blair did more to damage the institution of Parliament than any other PM in recent history.
To be more specific, Prof Cox, it’s the British Left’s ‘disease’; that pathology that compels them to infiltrate ‘successful institutions’ (especially education, which then spreads the sickness), ‘damage’ them, & then remake them in an ‘appropriate’ form – riddled with anti-British cultural Marxist robots who, on contentious subjects, have actually stopped thinking. The 100+ ‘historians’, the usual suspects, who are decrying Dr Starkey’s justifiable comments on gangsta depravity, are a chilling example of how far academia has been ‘damaged’.
The BBC has been equally ‘damaged’. So far is it from its original charter, that it is now nothing more than New Labour’s remorseless, unquestioning mouthpiece – a mouth that never closes, that never utters a word out of line, be it news, or drama. A mouth from which the rank breath of corruption & decay flows like an ill wind. Prof Cox likes his music. When I was a child there was a band called, ‘The Mindbenders’. Now we have a state broadcaster that fits that description. Already the riots of August are being recast through the Tuscan prism.They will join Brixton ’81 in the beeboid pantheon of ‘uprisings’ that were, to the vast majority. no such thing. The BBC? ‘Damaged’ beyond psychiatric help. Poisonous.
Thanks, Reed. Beeboid arrogance is systemic, & relentless. They think they are untouchable. Which can be a dangerous position to hold. When ‘Sunni’ Jim Naughtie used the ‘c’ word, he did it, I think, as a dare rather than it being a mistake. I’m sure there was much mirth in the studio. This ‘breakthrough’ was, of course, gleefully taken up by Marr, Toksvig etc: a licence to sink further into the quagmire.
In another time, & country, I could see these beeboid bigwigs chortling over some crass anti-semitic remark as they warmed their well-padded arses around the fire at a Volkischer Beobachter editorial policy meeting. Jeremy ‘Don’t kiss me’ Hardy has talked of shooting people in the neck. Sweet man.
It was also Mandelson’s theme tune, My site. Despite a double sacking he’s moving into an £8 million house/chateau? Unpicking his fiscal journey, a metaphor for many New Labour spivs, would be a rewarding mission for some ‘fearless hack’. If they lived long enough. Mandy loves his Ivans, & they don’t love nosy journos.
BBC-NUJ (and Gompertz) politically acquiese to Marxist, LOACH.
It sounds as though Loach politically bullies Gompertz and cameraman, but they accept it.
[Excerpt, from Gompertz piece on interviewing the Marxist propagandist, LOACH]- :
“The political line is set from the top with a quote from Friedrich Engels opening the programme. The polemic of the piece is clear: socialism is best. Ken Loach grins and nods when I remark on this. It is the polite smile of a person who has just be told the bleedin’ obvious by someone who knows less than they do. Of course it’s socialist his eyes are saying, what did you expect?
As we leave Ken asks the cameraman if he is a member of BECTU. ‘No’ is the reply. ‘I’ll pop downstairs and fetch you a form then’ said the irrepressible director. ”
‘Irrepressible’ is it, Gompertz? Or Marxist bullying?
And what’s the purpose of giving LOACH even more political propaganda? Apart from the obvious.
This is on the BBC-NUJ ‘ARTS’ page, not its ‘MARXIST’ page:-
The bBC, Greenham common protesters and half the story. ‘Key’ role of women from Wales in Greenham peace camp Campaigners have recalled how a march from Cardiff to the US base at Greenham Common 30 years ago began a peace camp that attracted worldwide attention.
Ok In 1979 Nato decided to base Cruise missiles at Greenham, which prompted a number of women from Wales, including Karmen Thomas and Ann Pettit, to organise the march. So according to the bBC, the nice girlies only decided to start walking after NATO decided to base Cruise missiles at Greenham airbase. Gee I wonder why NATO did that. I wonder if it had anything to do with the positioning of nearly 500 SS20 missiles by Russia from 1976 onwards which together with their new policy of a nuclear first strike made the leaders of Europe look towards the US for a helping hand. A helping hand I should add didn’t see US cruise missiles arrive in the UK until November 1983. Something else the bBC doesn’t mention. After the Cold War ended in 1988, Greenham Common was emptied of missiles and the base was formally handed back to the RAF in 1992. Ms Lent said: “The Cruise missiles went, the air base has gone, the common is a common again “So I think Welsh women played a critical role: without them nothing would have happened.” Really and the bBC, leaves out the freedom movement in Eastern Europe, the war in Afghanistan which bled Russia dry and how trying to keep a quantitative edge in which to combat NATOs qualitative edge in the end bankrupt the USSR which in turn saw Perestroika end the cold war. This didn’t come about by hippies, dykes and CND members but actually by the policies of Maggie Thatcher and Ronald Regan. Oh how that must stick in the throats of the ethical Tampax lot. (During the 80s the guardian actually ran with an ad which promoted reusable sanitary towels. When I cut the ad out and posted it to a friend of mine, she told me to F-off.)
Nice to see the bBC rewriting history in which to say that the dykes of Greenham common wont he war.
“Grandma what did you do doing the war?”
“I was the cleanest person there, I had a woman in twice a week to clean”
“On the other hand — and this is the other side of the Soviet intelligence, very important: perhaps I would describe it as the heart and soul of the Soviet intelligence — was subversion. Not intelligence collection, but subversion: active measures to weaken the West, to drive wedges in the Western community alliances of all sorts, particularly NATO, to sow discord among allies, to weaken the United States in the eyes of the people of Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America, and thus to prepare ground in case the war really occurs. To make America more vulnerable to the anger and distrust of other peoples.
In that sense, the Soviet intelligence [was] really unparalleled. … The [KGB] programs — which would run all sorts of congresses, peace congresses, youth congresses, festivals, women’s movements, trade union movements, campaigns against U.S. missiles in Europe, campaigns against neutron weapons, allegations that AIDS … was invented by the CIA … all sorts of forgeries and faked material — [were] targeted at politicians, the academic community, at [the] public at large. …”
Oleg Kalugin ex KGB
So on Sky News the headline is the massacre of those people in Libya by Gaddafi’s mob, on the BBC we get fatty Simpson taking a tour of Gaddafi’s private jet and showing us where he took a dump.
All very nice, Simpson tells us that Gaddafi’s image as the hard man who liked to live the simple life was fake… what you think we didn’t know that you fat twat?
What is it with the BBC at the moment? Can’t they bring themselves to see that yet another of their beloved dictators is a mass murderer?
The bBC, sexing up Hurricane Irene and half the story. So, Hurricane Irene which has been downgraded in under 12 hours from Cat 3 to a Cat 1 Hurricane has hit the US Mainland and the bBC just has to send a picture of doom and gloom in which to help substantiate it global warming agenda. Have a look at the photo below which has the following caption: “Bands of high winds and rain lashed the North Carolina coast and its resorts, pushing surf up to the backs of some houses and hotels in some places.” Wow, that’s pretty bad you think, when you see what the people living in those homes have to put up with. That is until you see the same house in the much riledDaily Mail with the following caption: Full force winds: A row of beachfront houses, some condemned before the arrival of Hurricane Irene, get lashed by wind, rain, and the rising Atlantic Ocean Condemned you say, a quick search find this story from April 2010 which reports (And shows ) that the houses in question have been served condemned papers by the local council since 2009. Have a look at the video on the link, maybe there’s a reason why those houses are on stilts. In fact a google map view of NC beaches shows that there is a penchant for building right up to the shores edge. Something the bBC doesn’t make clear.
They just can’t help it, can they. Any positive story that they feel they ought to disapprove of must be given a questioning or even negative headline. They’ve used the word ‘clear’ in relation to the British Army in the same way that we use the word ‘impartial’ when refering to the BBC on this site .
Mark Thomas will have been “influenced” by Bill Hicks…chain smoking, drug taking old boozehound without a funnybone in his body.
Still he hated George Bush, so would have been a hero of the Revolution…the likes of Hardy, Briggers,Steele and of course Mr Thomas have followed the same arc of unfunniness but at the dugs of the StatesComedic Council .
BBC/Amnesty/Channel4 …whatever. In any forum it`s just not funny…but we`re paying so what the hell?
Hicks had a couple of hours on BBC4 last night. Spectacularly useless.The Americans saw him for what he was..a “cult”!…but we saps in Britain saw him as Blairs jester to come…but he sadly never made it to attend Conference in 1994!
Truth is-death has not made him any less funny…Thomas can give us twenty minutes silence for Bills memory…it`s called his “comedy spot” I believe!
One of the great things about Internet, technology, and personal weather stations today is that I can sit comfortably in my home in California and watch the storm progress on the other coast. This map from Weather Underground suggests that Irene isn’t packing hurricane force winds as it makes landfall in North Carolina, and is rapidly weakening.
The big BBC scare story? Not so big after all was it? The storm to end all storms, the real life Hollywood epic? After all the hype and after all the scaremongering we have a non story again.
Children will be banned from watching shooting events under Boris Johnson’s Olympic ticket giveaway.
London schoolchildren are eligible for 125,000 Olympic tickets but these will not include any featuring guns, as Games organisers and City Hall fear a backlash from the anti-gun lobby.
Giving children tickets to the events, at the Royal Artillery Barracks in Woolwich, could have appeared at odds with Mayor Boris Johnson’s bid to quell teenage gun and knife crime.
A source said: “We decided it would not be appropriate. It’s the only sport children will not be able to go to as part of the Ticketshare scheme.”
Another step towards wetness. Good luck with that.
Children will be banned from watching shooting events, and boxing, judo and karate; plus that nasty brutish rugby; oh, and rowing and relays etc where they have big sticks /batons that could be used to hit people, all medal ceremonies in case strangling come to mind. And running, it might show them how to avoid police. Boris Johnson has banned the Olympics.
They also must prohibit children from watching all running events lest the impressionable youths get the idea that they can run away from the cops. And ban them from the decathelon with all those violent weapons thrown around, along with their associated individual competitions. Don’t want the kiddies thinking it’s cool to throw rocks or steel-tipped projectiles. So archery must be off limits as well.
And ban them from watching platform diving, don’t want to encourage the youths to jump off cliffs or whatever.
The Sunday programme this week informs us that the not so mobile “reavellers at Dale Farm, Wickford are of the Catholic persuasion.
As expected the little word “Irish” is somehow forgotten before Catholic. One argument put forward to leave them alone was that it would only move the problem elsewhere. Of course that is what the Irish government did when they changed their laws to make many traveller “activities” criminal rather than civil matters. Hence the sharp rise in travellers in England a few years ago, which strangely coincided with establishment of illegal encampments around the country!
Expect lots of sympathetic coverage on the BBC in the next few days when eviction notices are served on Wednesday
I could not understand why the item was included in the Sunday programme – it is meant to be a 7am hours on general religious matters.
The evictions do not raise any religious issues. The item was only there because the BBC found some daft (young?) PC priest to argue that justice and the civil law should not run its course.
The priest claimed that his parishoners have not rebuked him for his soft daft line. I hope they now round on him after his stupid remarks this morning.
There are no theological issues at all against a legal eviction as we are all subject to the law.
In fact, as the good clergyman must surely know:
St Paul Romans 13
. “Paul tells his readers that it is sinful to oppose God by opposing secular, civil authority. Even Jesus had accepted the temporal sovereignty of Rome, paying the required tax and never criticizing imperial policies. Paul’s directive in verse seven to “Render to what is due them” echoes Jesus’ statement to render to Caesar what is Caesar’s.”
I`m very proud to come from my Irish background.
Ireland will not have these criminal types toddling up and down their country, so guess where they end up?
Only Britain is such a patsy for other peoples wasters and criminals…and no wonder we have a joke of a legal/planning system.
These “travellers” are just the barium meal in a pretty sick and stupid country, that has lost its will to live.
Be fair to the BBC, some of their Libya reporting has been very….apt.
Intrepid John Simpson has manfully levered himself and the Beeb camera team up the ramp and into Gadaffi’s private jet. It was a bit of a squeeze but worth the effort because it revealed some posh if over-opulent, bad taste styling that saw its better days in the 1970s. The lumbering old Jumbo was captured while over encumbered with bling and looked very much stuck on the runway in Tripoli.
Orla Guerin appeared completely lost running around down in the anti-Western Arab dictator’s bunker. Seemed to be looking for something down there that she couldn’t quite locate. Well, one thing is for sure – Sky had already been and gone.
Rupert Wingfield-Hayes (how did he get the gig with that name? It wouldn’t have happened in John Cody Fidler-Simpson’s day). Well our Rupert (don’t snigger, respect his background and culture) he was in the back of a pickup driving fast around town with an excitable bunch of boys and doing an occasional Uies to dodge imaginary incoming.
Clive Myrie (the Beeb black guy) was closest to the frontline and the all dangerous young lads actually doing the fighting near Sirte. (Don’t tell Prof Starkey just in case he makes something of that).
Sharp and very funny Mr See It!
Love the description of Simpson being a “lumbering old Jumbo”…the plane becomes the man and vice versa.
Poor old Orla…never seems happy does she?…maybe Rupert could share a few of his names and make an honest woman of her…she`d have to leave the BBC though to be that though!
You might be onto something about Clive…passes the Starkey test for a posh black voice as well…and it`s a bit much to risk him in a minesweeping operation so Jumbo can swan through the hotel foyer like Lawrence of Arabia.
Maybe it would be woth the airmiles at this stage to send the whole Today team there for a week to swwpe a few mines…sorry…talk to a few posh hacks…about what REALLY is going on in Tripoli.
Simpson…lumbering old Jumbo!…what a burqa!
Bejesus but our darling Orla from the emerald isle is already spoken for, so she is….to be sure, to be sure….
Not to a ‘Palestinian’ (she insists). As far as I can make out her better half Michael Gorgy (Reuters) is an Egyptian Arab with a US passport. I really couldn’t say if he’s a practising Muslim but if there’s any poligamy in the wind it will be hubby who will be ‘extending his family plan’.
Oh and that rumour about Orla and Irish Labour leader Dick Spring (snigger snigger Dick Spring to Arab Spring – this stuff writes itself) as being the reason she was on his party list for the 1994 Dublin Euro Election….
What do you mean she’s gone too far in her anti-Israel bias? Give her an MBE and send her to Africa.
“The influential Libyan tribe of a slain rebel army commander vowed on Saturday to take justice into their own hands if rebel leaders do not release the results of an investigation into his death by the end of Ramadan.
Abdel Fattah Younes, the interior minister under Muammar Gaddafi who defected near the outset of Libya’s six-month uprising, was killed on July 28 after rebel leaders summoned him for questioning, infuriating members of his family and tribe.
“After Eid, that is the final deadline,” Tarek, one of Younes’ sons said in an interview at the family’s Benghazi compound. He did not say exactly what the tribe intended to do if the results were not released.
The rebel leadership council’s chief, Mustafa Abdel Jalil, told reporters on Wednesday authorities would arrest the suspected killers “when the higher interests of this revolution will not be damaged”, stoking anger among Younes supporters.
The murder has presented a steep test to the insurgents’ nascent National Transitional Council as it tries to set up a credible justice system and sidestep tribal fault lines that could further destabilise the war-battered and heavily-armed
Members of Younes’ family, who blame Islamist militants for his death, said the council’s failure to hold the suspected killers to account would suggest rebel leadership was infiltrated by “radicals” with a “hidden agenda”.
“We need to prevent the tyranny of Gaddafi turning into the tyranny of those ideological groups,” said Mohammed Hamid, Younes’ nephew. “There are those who want the country to be run by militias like Afghanistan.”
Younes’ Obeidat tribe and its allies had promised to join the “front lines” against those accused of the crime if the council does not release the names of the suspects, he added. – Reuters”
The situation in Libya is worse than the MSM is telling people. According to Debka file, the forces who captured Gaddafi’s compound and are the strongest group of armed rebels in Tripoli are, in effect, an al Qaeda linked outfit: the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group.
quote from article:”For the first time, therefore, the armies of Western members of NATO took part directly in a bid by extremist Islamic forces to capture an Arab capital and overthrow its ruler.”
Note the masterful way the article avoids any speculation as to why an Israeli player should be booed in Malaysia, beyond the throwaway line about “a country which does not recognise Israel.”
Link doesn’t work, so here’s the cut-and-pasted article:
Malaysian FA apologises to Benayoun over racist abuse
Malaysia’s football federation has apologised after Chelsea complained that Yossi Benayoun had suffered racist abuse during last week’s friendly. The Football Association of Malaysia said “if such an incident did happen, we would like to apologise to the player… and also to Chelsea FC.”
Chelsea responded on Friday, saying “the matter is now closed”.
Benayoun is one of the few Israelis to have played in Malaysia, a country which does not recognise Israel.
The 31-year-old Benayoun was jeered each time he touched the ball in a match against a Malaysian XI on 21 July. Agency reports from the match in Kuala Lumpur said the abuse was directed at Benayoun.
The Malaysian FA, however, said the abuse would have “involved a small section of spectators”.
In reply to the MFA’s statment, Chelsea said: “We appreciate the prompt ttention the Malaysian FA has given our complaint.
“Chelsea Football Club is committed to eradicating all discriminatory behaviour from the game and urges the MFA to take appropriate steps to stamp out this type of behaviour in future.
“The club and Yossi accept the apology.”
Chelsea have one more match left on their Asian tour – against Aston Villa in Hong Kong on 30 July – before they return to England.
Anti-racism campaigners Kick It Out have called for Malaysia’s football authorities to look at the issue of anti-semitic prejudice.
A spokesman for the group said: “Kick It Out supports the action taken by Chelsea on this matter.
“After working with the club on the recent ‘Y-Word’ film, aimed squarely at challenging anti-semitism and anti-Jewish abuse and featuring Frank Lampard, it’s a strand of discrimination which is front of mind for both organisations.
“In addition, the campaign is keen to engage with Malaysian authorities around the issue and how football can play its part in educating mass audiences to become better versed on issues around faith and religion.”
I wonder if Ed Stourton reads Pajamas Media? Only he was hosting Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the man who plans to build an Islamic community centre near Ground Zero in New York this morning on R4.
Imam Rauf was promoting his address the Edinburgh Festival of Spirituality and Peace and talking to our Presenter Edward Stourton about his perspective on 9/11 and how he hopes to bridge the divide between Christianity and Islam.
Over at Pajamas, Barry Rubin is sure such a mosque, or community center, or what have you, will never be built. He alludes to the latest assurance company to accuse Hisham Elzanaty, one of the money men behind the so-called Ground Zero mosque development, of orchestrating a “highly developed and sophisticated kickback scheme” that allegedly reaped more than $5 million for Elzanaty and others.
The BBC always gives Islamic fellas a platform without ever mentioning the reasons why they seem to attract barrages of criticism from certain quarters. Quite Baffling.
Stourton is exactly the cringing cultural gonk that any Beeb show loves to have. Catholic(with a small c)…doesn`t mind getting kicked around because he`s posh and privately-schooled…and will say anything. Whether it`s sucking up to Any Question panellists…or sucking up to any progressives/Islamists/apologists for those higher up the pay grade…Ed`s your man!
What is it with that name Edward at the minute?…
Thanks for getting up to listen to this Sue…Stourton makes Clifford Longley look “religious”!
BRISSLESMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 All out broadcasting on Islamic Eid – celebrating in Parliament no less too. Can we expect other religious festivals to…
tomoMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 we’ve too many of these types in the UK … [img][/img]
ZephirMar 31, 20:40 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Well, well, part 2: “Guardian editors helped fuel Southport riots by showing contempt for the white working class, peer claims…
tomoMar 31, 20:25 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Actually, quite a fair comparison [img][/img]
ScrobleneMar 31, 20:12 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps when the awful, corrupt EU gets its accounts signed off, (never done), they can pontificate, meanwhile normal British citizens…
ZephirMar 31, 20:10 Start the Week 31st March 2025 I would suspect a surfeit of Prosecco or whatever crap this lot consume.
Fedup2Mar 31, 20:07 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps she has adopted the US Democrat recent practice of swearing at public speeches to show ‘authenticity ‘ …. Apparently…
Rob in CheshireMar 31, 19:56 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Democracy is a system whereby the citizens can vote for anyone their betters allow them to.
It was a privilege to hear Polly back on the radio…been at least a week-even longer if we don`t include the phone-ins from Tuscany.
Good luck with listening to it…basically, only she and her failed Labour Statists could possibly have any solutions to the problems that she and her Labour Statist chums left for the rest of us to sort out.
Absolutely NO point in thinking any other way than Pollys or Justins…that Cohen has actually made a bit of money without picking the taxpayers pocket is ..well, it`s just not on!
Riots?…Liam Byrne leaving us no money?…the EU democratic deficit?…just put it in Pollys Suggestion Box at Bush House, or pass on your comments to the BBC via her handbags…one and the same thing to them both.
The woman personifies the BBC in all its smug, daddys girl entitlement…no doubt Justin is swinging in her hammock until the Doyenne returns…sometime tomorrow I`d imagine now she knows that the expenses office is once again open!
I see the BBC are reporting that the Pultney rowing expedition has reached “the north pole” –
Complete nonsense! Absolute propaganda – they have reached no pole at all. They have indeed reached a place where the magnetic pole used to be, but they have reached neither the geographic pole nor the magnetic pole. In fact they are over 700km short of their target (the magnetic pole)
Of course, I predict this incredible ice-free adventure will have been made possible by all that dreadful global warming…
Appalling journalism.
Much of the ‘left’, including renowned economists like Ms Toynbee, seem to have little real understanding of just how much Western governments have already loaned (effectively donated) to international banks.
Specifically, it emerged this week (via Bloomberg) that the US government loaned the international bankers $ 1.2 TRILLION.
Now it’s true that BBC-NUJ economics/business staff has missed this, but ‘Daily Mail hasn’t.
“Revealed: How Federal Reserve paid out $1.2 TRILLION in loans to Wall Street aristocracy and foreign banks”
Read more:
$1 Trillion is such a large number, that this visual representation may help:
Here is a video clip which tries to give us the picture: “Crash Course Chapter 11: How Much Is A Trillion?”
Many economists (but not in Ms Toynbee’s league) argue that there is an insolvency of the banks crisis, rather than simply a debt crisis.
Greece is at last catching up to enlightened civilization and banning Shariah Law for Mohammedans. Until now, Shariah Law allowing polygamy for men, preventing women from seeking divorce, and governing inheritance has superceded Greek national law. Previously, Muslim women still had the Greek legal right to seek divorce through secular courts, but usually nobody dared challenge the imams‘ rulings and women were kept under submission.
The Greeks have decided that this violates their laws on equality for men and women. They’re now more enlightened than the ArchBishop of Canterbury and the BBC, who have instead called for Shariah Law to be embraced by British domestic law in certain cases.
The BBC’s reporting on the subject: Sorry, there are no results for your search.
Are the Greeks suddenly racist now, BBC? Islamophobes because of their age-old rivalry with Turkey, perhaps, so something you wouldn’t recommend for Britain? Would anyone at the BBC care to discuss why the Greeks might have done this?
The BBC is silent.
On the subject of polygamy – despite it not being legal in the UK, it is never the less recognised by our wonderfully open minded and non-judgemental benefits system.
Search this document for ‘polygamous’ :
Also, for your dismay :
It’s a mad effin’ world, init.
I wish someone would explain to the poor fools at the BBC that a 1% growth in an economy is still a growth. The rate of growth of the economy has slowed in this case, not the economy itself. Probably a bit too complicated for them
I spotted an economist on twitter pointing out the BBC’s failings with regards to the US economic growth figures. From @notayesmansecon
“BBC News 24 should not put on its screen that the US economy grew by 0.4% in the first quarter of 2011.Its annualised so its 0.1% #gfc2“
As the East Coast of the US prepares itself for the onslaught of Hurricane Irene there have been warnings from every quarter – weather forecasters, mayors, governors, public officials in seven states have declared states of emergency, the BBC frames the story with “President Barack Obama has warned Hurricane Irene, currently looming off the east coast of the US, could be a “historic” storm.”
Guess this dude has a monopoly on “historic” as long as it isn’t “historic debt”. Why doesn’t he simply calm the storm?
He’s heroic because Bush didn’t give the same warning about Katrina or something, right, BBC? You know it makes sense.
BBC-NUJ, Hugo CHAVEZ, and Glenn BECK.
BBC-NUJ is big admirer of Chavez, and so prominently reports his support for Gaddafi. (So that’s ANC of South Africa, and Chavez Venezuela support Gaddafi, alive or dead.)
BBC-NUJ report:
“Chavez: ‘We only recognise Gaddafi’s government'”
An update, which will be of special interest to Chavez admiring, but News International and Fox News hating BBC-NUJ, concerns Chavez’s treatment of Glenn Beck:
“Beck Says Chavez Not Happy About Planned Stop in Venezuela”
The bBC, reporting from Libya and the wearing of body armour.
Anybody else get the impression that the bBC feeling that it has lost out to Sky over the coverage of the fighting in Libya has decided to sex up its reporting, in which to try and regain its lost following. So this week we’ve had a so called convoy driving into Tripoli attacked by a 30mm cannon. (The only barrel anti-aircraft weapon I can think of being used in Libya is this little nasty piece of work and its 23mm) and lets be honest 4 x 23mm cannons firing down a road during an ambush, would have ripped the entire convoy apart.. On that note did anybody else notice the splash marks from all those 23mm sorry 30mm shells. I didn’t. We’ve had Orla Guerin reporting with her helmet straps undone??? In her latest report she’s taken them off completely. What’s the bloody point of wearing a helmet, if you don’t affix it to your head. Believe me when I say, trying to walk (never mind anything else) without your helmet done up is virtually impossible. They move about, they roll, and they rock from side to side. Yet in order to impress the watching public, Guerin has gone all Audie Murphy.
Next the bBC report from the docks where reinforcements landed in which to support the offensive in Tripoli. So dangerous is this assignment, that the bBC presenter is fully kitted out in which to I presume keep him safe. Yet hang on, its quiet, the troops landed at that very site have moved into the city, there is nobody around. Now have a look at his body armour. That is a full set of Press body armour. It has a flap which drops down in which to protect your nether regions why here is what it looks like when properly worn. So why has the bBC presenter got his strapped up for comfort, when apparently it is so dangerous he has to cover up.
It seems that in order to look good, the bbC has taken to lying out of its back teeth in which to win some sort of following back home. Sorry beeb most people get their news elsewhere.
Yeah, I saw Wyre Davis earlier today in the exact report of your screenshot on the right. I thought it looked funny, and now I know why.
Wyre Davies was also on the World Service a few days ago, apparently reporting from near Gaddafi’s compound while the rebel rabble was in the place or nearby or whatever. Guy back in the studio expressed concern for his safety. He said somehting like he’s got body armour AND HE’S BEHIND A TREE so he’s fine.
How dramatic. And how idiotic. Where does the BBC find these people? I’m convinced they don’t have to show any ability in journalism at all. All that’s needed is to have the right peecee attitude and you’ve got the job.
It’s not just the Press Kit. Love the way both “talk with their hands”. Tony Blair was the master, left us with a complete choreography of “hand jive” to underscore what is being spoken. You wonder what presenters did with their hands before we started noticing them.
What the F*** does Orla Guering look like? What a total joke. Oh and there was some other female beeboid (can’t remember who) who had her helmet on put pushed right back so it was almost on the back of her head.
Then we get John Simpson doing what I hate about the BBC, he’s lecturing us rather than reporting. Pack it in fatty we’re not interested in your leftie opinion.
It seems like us White Europeans are actually Black Africans cross bred with Neanderthal Man and that modern day Black Africans are pure bred humans.
‘The researchers say that is because after ancient humans left Africa some 65,000 years ago, they started breeding with their more primitive relations in Europe, while those who stayed in Africa did not.’
Would the BBC publish this if it was the other way around?
Of course not because it would be RACIST!
Oh, dear. Despite straying from the confines of ‘racial purity’ & having the burden of being genetically modified, White Europeans have some achievements to their name. For now, that is, until the manic beeboid drive to erase our history in favour of their brave, new hell of enforced multi culti becomes the only ‘narrative’ in town. I wonder why our forebears quit Africa? Was it riots? Was it ‘kutz’? How long before the BBC begins referring to White Europeans as half-breeds? I’ll bet Bonnie Greer is already toiling away at the revisionist musical. Oh, Lordy!
It is actually quite interesting because it suggests that the adaptive advantage from long term resident (Neanderthal) is sufficient to have survived up to 4%. This suggests that the populations of Western Eurasia are gentically distinct if this marker is present. It also suggests local continuity from the Ice Age ie over 40,000 years. So difference is not merely skin deep.
I’m quite proud of my ancient and illustrious heritage. 200,000 years with bags of climate change.
PS The matriarchal mitochondrial sequence does not present this change. No direct maternal line has survived.
The DNA is from the Neandertal blokes not the girls.
Makes one think.
PS As a descendant of an ancient much maligned and mocked ancestor, I demand a community organiser at once to draw up a list of my needs and legitimate demands from society to address my special Neandertal needs in a diverse society.
The BBC should meet your Neanderthal needs, RGH. It’s very ‘low brow’ these days. :-E
This would explain a lot then:
This shows you how ridiculous alot of this so called science is. If humans were interbeeding with neanderthals, wouldn’t that make neanderthals sort of human. This would be exactly the same as bulldog doing it with a poodle, they are both dogs.
Obama warns of historic hurricane
But the storm is already weakening, down from cat 3 to cat 2. Talking up a storm? Have the BBC got nothing else better to do?
Now who was promising us a couple of years ago that hurricanes would become much more common and powerful, a promise made with only a crappy met office computer model and the rantings of Al Gore and the hysterical lies of fraudsters like WWF/FoE etc.
Well, what with their crappy useless coverage of Libya they probably need a good distraction right now, especially as O’Bamas economy is sinking fast.
I watched Kirsty on Newsnight last night treating Mark Steyn with great care almost deference.
Very strange. Kirsty is usually firmly on the left and Mark Steyn is , shall we say, rather right wing.
Has Kirsty suffered a flash of illuminating reality?
Perhaps the riots have made her think. She did seem rather put out by the waffling talking heads discussing the feral youths just previously.
Maybe there is hope for some of the beeboids.
The BBC actually deigned to allow Mark Steyn on air? Pretty amazing.
I felt that Mark was treated in the usual way that any of us are when the BBC have ascertained we hold the “wrong views”
What ?
Plied with alcohol in the green room as a “wrong-un” yet failing to make a reference to golliwogs or Sky News ?
And furthermore, fancy sneaking in to the studio for an interview, whatever next !
Well :
Normally the golliwog loathing, Sky hating, Evián drinking fraudsters are the only sages to be let loose on air with the “right views” ?
But on this occasion, apparently not !
Either way, admit that Mark Steyn was a BBC abberation, so in fifty years time a reincarnated Sue Mc.Lefty can host another spiffing episode of the “Reunion” entitled “How the fuck did he get onto our hallowed airwaves” ?
Assuming not everbody took Richard Black’s advice and moved to Pluto (No Pluto warming here – well not until I scare you that is) reception will, as usual, be somewhat left of centre.
But did you notice in the intro video she continually referred to him as Mark STEEN, mispronouncing his name as if she’d not really heard of him before.
because she knew he could and would rip her to shreds if she tried her usual shite; like David, I’m amazed he was on.
Kirsty didn’t have her knickers on.
But if they were on her head, that would have made her all the more the insightful journalist we know she is.
I know it’s a 4 letter word (c/o j.hardy) – Is it CCCP ?
Here’s the Mark STEEN interview
The only reason Mark was on is probably because the BBC mistook his warning of impending disaster for the USA as a shared self-loathing. In fact the book is FANTASTIC and written with remarkable wit and insight – and a plea to a country he loves.
By the way, Imaging getting his name wrong! He was a BBC PRODUCER for God’s sake; he is a best selling internationally known author; and a major figure as a political commentator. What does that say about the level of (a) research and (b) general knowledge of the production staff at Newsnight – let alone it’s presenter KRISTINE WOOK.
Kirsty Wark is a partisan moron. The possible necessity of some of TARP doesn’t justify the entire ideology of Socialism and an endless cycle of borrowing to prop it up. Yet she’s acting as if it does, rolling her eyes at Steyn for believing it doesn’t.
Goodness me, have ‘audacious militants’ transmogrified into ‘Jihadist terrorists’ since they have attacked the UN?
Of course not!!
Check out ‘militant Islamist group’ and a subheading of – you guessed it – ‘Audacious’
The BBC painting Boko Haram a ‘whiter shade of pale’.
Sorry, I’ll get my coat.
“Boko Haram regards the Nigerian state as being run by non-believers, even when the country had a Muslim president.”
I’m shocked, I say. I’m shocked.
Actually, i’m not.
Then I read this. I can’t quite follow the tortuous reasoning.
“Many Muslim families still refuse to send their children to government-run “Western schools”, a problem compounded by the ruling elite which does not see education as a priority.”
followed by this.
“Against this background, the charismatic Muslim cleric, Mohammed Yusuf, formed Boko Haram in Maiduguri in 2002. He set up a religious complex, which included a mosque and an Islamic school.”
My brain hurts.
Trying to find reason in fundaMENTAL religion will cause brain-pains.
It’s almost standard practice for the BBC to describe terrorists attacks by Muslims on infidels as “audacious.”
According to the BBC, the attack by Pakistani Muslim terrorists on Mumbai, in which scores of innocents were tortured and murdered, was also “audacious.”
The most recent one so described was the murder by Muslim Arab terrorists of a number of Israeli civilians, including two small children, near Eilat. And it was the BBC’s Jerusalem Bureau Chief, no less, doing the describing on the World Service.
This is an excellent reason for the BBC to be broken up into small pieces and flushed down the toilet.
The use of the adjective ‘audacious’ is something that the BBC should be very careful about.
This is the synonym cluster associated with ‘audacious’.
. daring, enterprising, brave, bold, risky, rash, adventurous, reckless, courageous, fearless, intrepid, valiant, daredevil, death-defying, dauntless, venturesome
The synonym cluster suggests a positive aspect to the word ‘audacious’.
To use the word as a qualifier to an act of barbarous terrorism is quite inappropriate.
BBC Director General Mark Thompson lectures Sky TV – whines about funding :
“It’s time that Sky pulled its weight… its investment in original British content is just not enough,” he told an audience at the Edinburgh International Television Festival. (apostrophes missing all over the place)
Who the eff does he think he is? Concentrate on the quality of the output of your own network, you arrogant buffoon.
Also – yet another muppet who thinks the public sector is the economy :
“a pound out of the commissioning budget of the BBC is a pound out of UK creative economy,”
A pound out of the TV tax is one out of the hands of the Islington Cocaine dealers…or Salford as it is now.
The unshaven Mark Thompson looks like a bum who has just rolled off a park bench and staggered to his feet at 11 am, woken by the sun and the traffic. Perhaps that’s where the BBC found him. You dont need talent to head that organisation, just PeeCee compliance.
I have commented here before about the strange geneder and racial mix in BBC drama. One afternoon this week I switched on our main TV to find it had been left on BBC1. (Nobody in the house as yet to admit to this crime!) And there was a kids’ drama programme on and for no real reason I watched it for a while. It was disheartening to see the main characters were all females in their early teens. And the 3 young male characters were props filling out prescribe cliched roles. There was the street smart cocky one, the man of action love interest which no BBC kids’ programme can be without these days, and a non-descript one who I took to be the bookish nerdy one. No guesses that the first was a Pakistani, the second an African male, and the last a white boy. So once again in a country where the majority of males are white English they are under represented. While the females are over represented. And the only male characters of interest aren’t white. If this was a one off I wouldn’t mind. But it seems to be happening with increasing frequency. I am surprised they didn’t manage to fit in a gay relationship. BTW my gay friend won’t let his neices or nephews watch the BBC because he doesn’t think it reflects British society.
Eh? Surely it’s the Pakistani and African males who are overrepresented.
I think john if you want to find out who left the TV on BBC1, then the
chances are it wont have been their Jewish, Christian, Catholic or Presbyterian friends.
However, ask your kids if any of their friends parents are “larging” it up in swish Islington wine bars and you may well find the culprit.
As TRoP’s Bombadan Score Card hits 600 dead bodies in almost 150 Islamic terror attacks catalogued since the beginning of Ramadan this year, al-Beeb’s doughty sleuths have managed to track down some ‘Christian Conservative’ rapists. In Bolivia!
Obviously in the name of ‘inclusivity’, of course – and naturally, they’re on the front page.
Yes, one would think the BBC would show a bit of interest in the daily and even hourly murders by Muslim terrorists across the planet. After all, it’s news and the BBC is a news organisation…er, or something.
Perhaps it will liberate the BBC to realise that tight enclosed religious communities that don’t allow certain freedoms usually end up with a high percentage of their young men raping and abusing.
I’m suprised in the interests of politcal correctness that the BBC did not classify these Mennonites as ‘Asian’. I gather that ‘Asian’ is a BBC code word for a certain type of religious rapist. And Mennonite is a religious adherent that begins with the letter ‘M’.
Philip, the blog i write on has been keeping a total of how many people have died violently at the hands of the relgion of peace since the start of Ramadan. At the moment it stands at 1819 and that figure doesn’t include the full figure from: Syria/Turkey/Libya.
So much for a month of thinking pure thoughts then.
Pounce, I got a warning before accessing that site, that some people had reported it for containing ‘offensive material’. It would seem you need to add another item to the long list of things that offend that particular group. That item being ‘THE TRUTH’.
“Libya bad? Manchester is worse, says [BBC] news chief
The BBC’s world news editor has apologised after saying that Libyan rebels should train in riot-hit Manchester.
Jon Williams, who describes himself as a “proud Scouser”, said the Twitter comment was a joke.
But his words are potentially embarrassing to the corporation because many of his colleagues have refused to move to neighbouring Salford, where several BBC departments are relocating.
After hearing his colleague Wyre Davies interviewing rebel fighters in Tripoli with Manchester accents Mr Williams tweeted: ‘What better place to train 4 Libya.’
He swiftly added: ‘Oh dear — sorry if my friends in Manchester found the last tweet unfunny.'”
“BBC pay cuts? A £20,000 raise and three executives off hook”
George R, no doubt Jon Williams earns enough in a month to sustain hundreds of Somalians for a year. And that I assume, is his reward for editing out news the BBC doesn’t like and writing the occasional trite piece on ‘The Editors’ blog about how wonderful the BBC is.
Nice work if you can get it.
I’m sure this would have been discussed on here before, but would it be worth petitioning parliament to discuss an overhaul of the BBC or abolition of the licence fee?
I’m sure Guido, various Telegraph bloggers and perhaps even The Mail would plug it.
The idea of a “historic hurricane”?
The Obamas and Blairs cannot see a predictable and regularly occuring natural phenomemon without their fatuous soundbites and cliches.
As well as thinking that they`re all Churchills after the Luftwaffe have done their worst.
We can only say we have created a heck of a crop of airheaded self-important spinning ninnies where once we had politicians.
Still they`re already planning for the Post-Irene Legacy project…or at least a chance to share a scone with Sue McGregor.
“Hand of history on their shoulders”…wish it wasn`t always dusting off the dandruff…but trying to throttle these lightweight cipphers of sherberts.
AS long as the dead get put in a party bag ,and not a body bag-then the Obamas and Blairs are “cool with that!”
Any event that forces Obama to miss a round of golf must surely be historic!
So how is the most ‘historic ‘ and ‘worst ever ‘ hurri?? er tropical st?? er storm no!! hmm OK how goes Oboes terrifying few wet days with a bit of wind ? well at least we can celebrate the rowers getting no where near a pole or ever a magnet lol
Sense this story is now waving its hankie…and not drowning.
Not enough rain for that…but probably a bit damp for putting out the washing.
Maybe we should keep a chart on the Beebs Top Thirty Stories…Murdoch will have been the Bryan Adams epic that refuses to get off the charts-long after anyone buys it.
Maybe Obama calmed the storm from the Bubba…”again..!”
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As I sadly have to spend my bank holiday weekend in the multi-culti utopia that is our capitol city, and it being carnival weekend, I thought I would check the news for the latest info.
This story is currently on the BBC news website: “Notting Hill Carnival: A tale of two residents!”
It features two opinions on the carnival from people living in the area, one fairly negative, and the other positive, “it was really peaceful. I saw nothing bad happening. Everyone was just having fun in their own way”, is a quote by Cat Donohoe
Out of curiosity I googled miss Donohoe and up comes her twitter account; one tweet caught my eye: “how’s the sports coverage going? Not long now until your producing debut, good luck!! Xxx” This tweet was to a Sarah Forster who’s profile states,” these are my views, not those of the BBC” – interesting. I wonder if it’s the same Sarah Forster who is an independent film maker and just happens to do a fair bit of work for the BBC Impartiality at work again?
The pictures illustrating the article are also odd – if you were an alien from Mars and had no idea what the Carnival was about, or who took part in it you wouldn’t get many clues…
I went to the Carnival in 1997, on ‘family day’. Soon after arriving I witnessed a stabbing. It was black on black, but still not very nice to see.
I left immediately after that, never to return.
We were only 4 months into socialist governance, and their insane social experiment, at that time. We’re now over 14 years in to it, so I dread to think what these ‘celebrations’ must be like nowadays.
It would have been an incitement to call it family day though!
How many baby fathers tanked up on blagged Red Stripe would have been shanking the other suspected daddies to prevent “dissing”?
Fathers Day must be fun as well!
Yes, it is a small world for the BBC. The point is that these lower level Beeboid bottom feeders know that it will always be the approved views that will get them their rewards from their Beeboid bosses.
The story that you link to is by one Boc Ly.
Here is another bit of unashamed pro multi-culti propaganda by the same guy.
‘Adherents of a multi-faith society looking for a good news story about Islam…..’
Just stop to think about that concept for a moment – journalists looking for good news stories? What does their editor say? Are cuddly pets or cute kids involved? No boss, it involves cuddly cute Imams! Ok son, go to press!
If you enjoy a cringe or two check his Twitter….!/boc_ly
And by the way these people are fair game because they are living it up on our tax dollar.
Yes, it is a small world for the BBC. The point is that these lower level Beeboid bottom feeders know that it will always be the approved views that will get them their rewards from their Beeboid bosses.
The story that you link to is by one Boc Ly.
Here is another bit of unashamed pro multi-culti propaganda by the same guy.
‘Adherents of a multi-faith society looking for a good news story about Islam…..’
Just stop to think about that concept for a moment – journalists looking for good news stories? What does their editor say? Are cuddly pets or cute kids involved? No boss, it involves cuddly cute Imams! Ok son, go to press!
If you enjoy a cringe or two check his Twitter….!/boc_ly
And by the way these people are fair game because they are living it up on our tax dollar.
Sorry for the html garbage at the top of my last – this is the first time I have posted on this site, and it obviously doesn’t like a copy and paste from outlook…
No worries Andy, the same has happened to me and others: what is does however is indicate the amount of unnessecary garbage that is attached to almost every Word document evn on a ‘clean’ template’.
Notepad or some other basic text editor eliminates all that.
Im with My site on this one, we point out the bias on a day to day basis but what can we actually do? I’ve mailed DV with a suggestion that hopefully will come to fruition over the next few months but certainly a petition would be a start. Did anyone notice that under the epetition system introduced by the last Labour government there were many similar petitions so it watered down any criticism of them? Also I remember seeing a statistic somewhere of the responses to all the petitions and the unsurprisingly low value of the ones that had actually made a difference. Give the public petitions and make them think we are listening to them. Fingers in ears ‘la la la Im not listening’
INBBC’s chum, ATWAN:
“Abdel Bari Atwan endorses Eilat attacks”
It is a measure of the double standards operating at the BBC that they froth at the mouth over a few clumsily expressed remarks by David Starkey, but welcome Atwan time after time to their studios. Atwan is a very dangerous bigot, he should never ever appear as a “guest commentator” on the BBC.
If he ever did appear on BBC – it should be to grill him thoroughly on his extremist rabble-rousing views, not to fawn over him as Gavin Esler frequently does.
He holds one of the BBC’s most-approved thoughts: Israel is evil, the root cause of all evils in the Middle East. So he can say whatever he likes.
More info on the delightful warmonger Mr. Atwan :
“and Allah willing, it will attack Isreal as well”
“If the Iranian missiles strike Israel, by Allah, I will go to Trafalgar Square and dance with delight.”
And to think that this man is a permanent fixture on BBC Dateline London, and their ‘go to guy’ for insight into the middle east. Are they aware of his record? If they are, do they care? Probably a YES followed by a NO.
Some clever clogs Beeboid lecturing us about why it is wrong to generalise people as “black”:
Tell me, O Beeboid, who it is who has an obsession with “black”, such as identifying as “black” and going crazy over a President who actually isn’t, categorising people as Black and asking them to identify themselves as such on application forms to for programmes such as Question Time or for jobs, for which they have quotas for “black” and ethnic minorities, often referred to by the term BME, implying that “black” people have no ethnicity or identity other than this skin colour designation.
You should ask him why all good table tennis palyers are asian! (haha…he’s an ex TT champ) He’s also half Paki (Christian) and a lefty Labour. I wonder would they put an article by Starkey on which said excatly the same thing? He has a point though, so do you Milli, black has been the “currency” of race relations for decades, if you have a tan you’re “black”: I’m blacker than some “blacks”!
Heh, I didn’t know that about table tennis or that he was a player. What about squash? Or was that Pakistani who kept winning for years and years just an exception?
“king” Khan.
Once a BBC ignoramus, always a BBC ignoramus.
Martin Bashir now on MSNBC in the US reaches out for an “expert” on how to handle a natural hurricane disaster. And invites Ray “School Bus”Nagin to advise, from his experience as Mayor of New Orleans at the time of Katrina.
Everyone outside the anti-Bush BBC bubble recognised years ago that Nagin was a total incompetent, who grievously failed his city. And a racist as well. Only BBC wallahs would regard him as an “expert”.
Ray Nagin, quite racist really :
“We as black people, it’s time, it’s time for us to come together. It’s time for us to rebuild a New Orleans, the one that should be a chocolate New Orleans. And I don’t care what people are saying Uptown or wherever they are. This city will be chocolate at the end of the day.”
Wow! Ethnic cleansing.
Even made it into the Urban Dictionary :
I`m told that 100 “academics” are threatening to pass the port to David Starkey. Their “open letter” says so in effect.
1. Didn`t know we HAD 100 academics anymore.
2. Anyone ever heard of any one of them?…academic in what way precisely?
3. Are they all about to audition for Starkeys guest spots and forming an orderly queue before they actually have to “meet” the fresh faced students on their way now?
4. Does their funding now rely on these quisling appeasers gestures now…like trying to boycott Israel presumably?
In short-these useless toads of NuLabor planting were happy enough with the riots until their meal was rudely interrupted by the “rough`uns” who are meant to stay the other side of the clipboard.
If I find any of my kids getting any of these 100 duffers as a lecturer, I`ll ask Starkey to apply for the Chancellorship at whatever “Uni” they find themselves safely parked at!
I’m afraid that this is how is goes. The left are prepared to use pretty tough tactics when it comes to policing their BBC. Dissenters will not be tolerated. Tough sentences will be handed down.
Alan Duncan Backs Down.
Reported in the Telegraph, Conservative Home,, the jewishnewsplace,, the rapid,,,, security,, religions.minutebyminute.inf,,,,,,
I know, I know, you’ve never heard of half of them. Well, most of them seem to have spotted it in the Telegraph. But so far, your handsomely remunerated BBC hasn’t.
What is it with the BBC and Sky News? On Sky they’ve a reporter at the place where a load of prisoners were shot and their bodies set alight to by Gaddafi forces. Right the reporter is right there and we can see it.
Yet on the BBC that halfwit Wyre Davies and the camp beeboid in the studio kept saying “we can’t confirm” and “there are rumours”. How thick do they think people are? Just stick on Sky News and you can see it. Don’t the BBC have Sky in their offices?
I’ve noticed that the BBC really hate ever using anything from Sky News.
3.5 billion a year and they still can’t get the news right.
They still resent Sky for recording Gordon Brown calling Mrs. Duffy a bigoted woman. The Beeboids really hated using that.
Would the Duffy material ever have been broadcast if the BBC had recordeed it?
They really shot themselves in the foot with the Duffygate episode, by recording Gordon Brown on the Jeremy Vine show being confronted with his own remarks. Once out of the bottle, they couldn’t stuff it back in.
Behold our former Prime Minister :
And Sky News is FREE!!!! When will people realise the difference in quality and stop assuming that BBC News must be the best as it’s the official news source for the nation blah blah blah.
“Don’t the BBC have Sky in their offices?”
Oh they have it all right, it’s just that they dont want to spread the truth about too much, unles it’s their version of the truth IE a lie.
Guardian’s Edinburgh TV event is for BBC-NUJ political propaganda.
Mr Brian Cox is the latest propagandist for the BBC-NUJ.
Cox might well have added to his politically myopic, BBC-NUJ servile address:
‘I see my financial career with the BBC-NUJ as important to me. so like censoring Prof Jones,I also accept BBC censorship against climate debate.
‘Although I have no particular knowledge on the issue, I, like the BBC-NUJ, am totally against the Murdochs. Thank you. Is the cheque in the post?’
And now here is Cox’s publicly subsidised political propaganda on BBC -NUJ’s publicly subsidised news website:
“Prof Brian Cox hits out at BBC critics”
Talking of BBC-science (an oxymoron?), James Delingpole has this critique:
“Still, as you’d expect, the BBC remains dutifully on-message. Read this report by its science correspondent Pallab Ghosh and you’ll be left in little doubt that a) the latest results are dull beyond measure and b) that if they do mean anything at all, it’s that global warming is still very much man-made.”
-from ‘Telegraph’ blog’ –
” Sun Causes Climate Change Shock ”
And here we have the Al Gore-BBC-NUJ intimidatory way of closing down debate on climate science:
(video clip)
“Fighting for Mother Earth’s Civil Rights: Al Gore Says Debating With Him on Climate Science Is the Moral Equivalent of Being a Bull Connor Racist”
This Prof Brian Cox spoof always makes me laugh….
From the Brian Cox article :
The Wonders of the Universe presenter said public service broadcasting had a “very important” role to play in changing the direction of society.
Don’t they know it. That’s the whole problem : A state broadcaster as a tool for social engineering. I like his programs, I just wish these people would stick to doing their job and not lecture us about their views. Of course he thinks the BBC in beyond reproach, it’s given him a platform to put across his love of science and made him very successful. He should stick to that, he wasn’t employed to be a PR guru for the BBC.
He said it was the “British disease” to damage successful institutions.
He should know, he helped create New Labour’s election anthem ‘Things Can Only Get Better’, which they certainly didn’t. Tony Blair did more to damage the institution of Parliament than any other PM in recent history.
To be more specific, Prof Cox, it’s the British Left’s ‘disease’; that pathology that compels them to infiltrate ‘successful institutions’ (especially education, which then spreads the sickness), ‘damage’ them, & then remake them in an ‘appropriate’ form – riddled with anti-British cultural Marxist robots who, on contentious subjects, have actually stopped thinking. The 100+ ‘historians’, the usual suspects, who are decrying Dr Starkey’s justifiable comments on gangsta depravity, are a chilling example of how far academia has been ‘damaged’.
The BBC has been equally ‘damaged’. So far is it from its original charter, that it is now nothing more than New Labour’s remorseless, unquestioning mouthpiece – a mouth that never closes, that never utters a word out of line, be it news, or drama. A mouth from which the rank breath of corruption & decay flows like an ill wind. Prof Cox likes his music. When I was a child there was a band called, ‘The Mindbenders’. Now we have a state broadcaster that fits that description. Already the riots of August are being recast through the Tuscan prism.They will join Brixton ’81 in the beeboid pantheon of ‘uprisings’ that were, to the vast majority. no such thing. The BBC? ‘Damaged’ beyond psychiatric help. Poisonous.
‘rank breath of corruption & decay’.
Nice. Well…not nice, but you know what I mean. Quality phrase indeed.
Thanks, Reed. Beeboid arrogance is systemic, & relentless. They think they are untouchable. Which can be a dangerous position to hold. When ‘Sunni’ Jim Naughtie used the ‘c’ word, he did it, I think, as a dare rather than it being a mistake. I’m sure there was much mirth in the studio. This ‘breakthrough’ was, of course, gleefully taken up by Marr, Toksvig etc: a licence to sink further into the quagmire.
In another time, & country, I could see these beeboid bigwigs chortling over some crass anti-semitic remark as they warmed their well-padded arses around the fire at a Volkischer Beobachter editorial policy meeting. Jeremy ‘Don’t kiss me’ Hardy has talked of shooting people in the neck. Sweet man.
I believe that tune was aimed at immigrants, benefit-scroungers, criminals and foreign dictators.
It was also Mandelson’s theme tune, My site. Despite a double sacking he’s moving into an £8 million house/chateau? Unpicking his fiscal journey, a metaphor for many New Labour spivs, would be a rewarding mission for some ‘fearless hack’. If they lived long enough. Mandy loves his Ivans, & they don’t love nosy journos.
Great news…. there will be rice n peace after all…..
(did you see what I did there?)
‘teenagers’ are the new ‘youths’
BBC-NUJ (and Gompertz) politically acquiese to Marxist, LOACH.
It sounds as though Loach politically bullies Gompertz and cameraman, but they accept it.
[Excerpt, from Gompertz piece on interviewing the Marxist propagandist, LOACH]- :
“The political line is set from the top with a quote from Friedrich Engels opening the programme. The polemic of the piece is clear: socialism is best. Ken Loach grins and nods when I remark on this. It is the polite smile of a person who has just be told the bleedin’ obvious by someone who knows less than they do. Of course it’s socialist his eyes are saying, what did you expect?
As we leave Ken asks the cameraman if he is a member of BECTU. ‘No’ is the reply. ‘I’ll pop downstairs and fetch you a form then’ said the irrepressible director. ”
‘Irrepressible’ is it, Gompertz? Or Marxist bullying?
And what’s the purpose of giving LOACH even more political propaganda? Apart from the obvious.
This is on the BBC-NUJ ‘ARTS’ page, not its ‘MARXIST’ page:-
“Ken Loach: Uncomfortable truths”
The bBC, Greenham common protesters and half the story.
‘Key’ role of women from Wales in Greenham peace camp
Campaigners have recalled how a march from Cardiff to the US base at Greenham Common 30 years ago began a peace camp that attracted worldwide attention.
In 1979 Nato decided to base Cruise missiles at Greenham, which prompted a number of women from Wales, including Karmen Thomas and Ann Pettit, to organise the march.
So according to the bBC, the nice girlies only decided to start walking after NATO decided to base Cruise missiles at Greenham airbase. Gee I wonder why NATO did that. I wonder if it had anything to do with the positioning of nearly 500 SS20 missiles by Russia from 1976 onwards which together with their new policy of a nuclear first strike made the leaders of Europe look towards the US for a helping hand. A helping hand I should add didn’t see US cruise missiles arrive in the UK until November 1983. Something else the bBC doesn’t mention.
After the Cold War ended in 1988, Greenham Common was emptied of missiles and the base was formally handed back to the RAF in 1992. Ms Lent said: “The Cruise missiles went, the air base has gone, the common is a common again “So I think Welsh women played a critical role: without them nothing would have happened.”
Really and the bBC, leaves out the freedom movement in Eastern Europe, the war in Afghanistan which bled Russia dry and how trying to keep a quantitative edge in which to combat NATOs qualitative edge in the end bankrupt the USSR which in turn saw Perestroika end the cold war. This didn’t come about by hippies, dykes and CND members but actually by the policies of Maggie Thatcher and Ronald Regan. Oh how that must stick in the throats of the ethical Tampax lot. (During the 80s the guardian actually ran with an ad which promoted reusable sanitary towels. When I cut the ad out and posted it to a friend of mine, she told me to F-off.)
Nice to see the bBC rewriting history in which to say that the dykes of Greenham common wont he war.
“Grandma what did you do doing the war?”
“I was the cleanest person there, I had a woman in twice a week to clean”
“On the other hand — and this is the other side of the Soviet intelligence, very important: perhaps I would describe it as the heart and soul of the Soviet intelligence — was subversion. Not intelligence collection, but subversion: active measures to weaken the West, to drive wedges in the Western community alliances of all sorts, particularly NATO, to sow discord among allies, to weaken the United States in the eyes of the people of Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America, and thus to prepare ground in case the war really occurs. To make America more vulnerable to the anger and distrust of other peoples.
In that sense, the Soviet intelligence [was] really unparalleled. … The [KGB] programs — which would run all sorts of congresses, peace congresses, youth congresses, festivals, women’s movements, trade union movements, campaigns against U.S. missiles in Europe, campaigns against neutron weapons, allegations that AIDS … was invented by the CIA … all sorts of forgeries and faked material — [were] targeted at politicians, the academic community, at [the] public at large. …”
Oleg Kalugin ex KGB
CNN 2007
So on Sky News the headline is the massacre of those people in Libya by Gaddafi’s mob, on the BBC we get fatty Simpson taking a tour of Gaddafi’s private jet and showing us where he took a dump.
All very nice, Simpson tells us that Gaddafi’s image as the hard man who liked to live the simple life was fake… what you think we didn’t know that you fat twat?
What is it with the BBC at the moment? Can’t they bring themselves to see that yet another of their beloved dictators is a mass murderer?
The bBC, sexing up Hurricane Irene and half the story.
So, Hurricane Irene which has been downgraded in under 12 hours from Cat 3 to a Cat 1 Hurricane has hit the US Mainland and the bBC just has to send a picture of doom and gloom in which to help substantiate it global warming agenda.
Have a look at the photo below which has the following caption:
“Bands of high winds and rain lashed the North Carolina coast and its resorts, pushing surf up to the backs of some houses and hotels in some places.”
Wow, that’s pretty bad you think, when you see what the people living in those homes have to put up with. That is until you see the same house in the much riled Daily Mail with the following caption:
Full force winds: A row of beachfront houses, some condemned before the arrival of Hurricane Irene, get lashed by wind, rain, and the rising Atlantic Ocean
Condemned you say, a quick search find this story from April 2010 which reports (And shows ) that the houses in question have been served condemned papers by the local council since 2009. Have a look at the video on the link, maybe there’s a reason why those houses are on stilts. In fact a google map view of NC beaches shows that there is a penchant for building right up to the shores edge. Something the bBC doesn’t make clear.
Nice work pounce_uk, the EXACT same houses…surely the BBc aren’t trying to create a false impression?
It’s the use of quotes again. ‘twats’
‘clears’ British army
Seriously, why do they do this stuff?
They just can’t help it, can they. Any positive story that they feel they ought to disapprove of must be given a questioning or even negative headline. They’ve used the word ‘clear’ in relation to the British Army in the same way that we use the word ‘impartial’ when refering to the BBC on this site .
This will please everyone on this site :
“Comedian Mark Thomas has made the shortlist for the Amnesty International Freedom of Expression awards.”
That’s a word that should really have quote marks around it!
Talking of unfunny comedians, beloved by the BBC, there’s a review completely panning Marcus Brigstock’s latest literary offering, ‘God collar’, at:
the article is entitled: ‘the unfunniest arse in God’s universe’.
Mark Thomas will have been “influenced” by Bill Hicks…chain smoking, drug taking old boozehound without a funnybone in his body.
Still he hated George Bush, so would have been a hero of the Revolution…the likes of Hardy, Briggers,Steele and of course Mr Thomas have followed the same arc of unfunniness but at the dugs of the StatesComedic Council .
BBC/Amnesty/Channel4 …whatever. In any forum it`s just not funny…but we`re paying so what the hell?
Hicks had a couple of hours on BBC4 last night. Spectacularly useless.The Americans saw him for what he was..a “cult”!…but we saps in Britain saw him as Blairs jester to come…but he sadly never made it to attend Conference in 1994!
Truth is-death has not made him any less funny…Thomas can give us twenty minutes silence for Bills memory…it`s called his “comedy spot” I believe!
Hurricane Irene not packing much of a “punch” so far Posted on August 27, 2011 by Anthony Watts
One of the great things about Internet, technology, and personal weather stations today is that I can sit comfortably in my home in California and watch the storm progress on the other coast. This map from Weather Underground suggests that Irene isn’t packing hurricane force winds as it makes landfall in North Carolina, and is rapidly weakening.
The big BBC scare story? Not so big after all was it? The storm to end all storms, the real life Hollywood epic? After all the hype and after all the scaremongering we have a non story again.
Will the Beeboids find sudden new respect for Boris Johnson because of this?
Children banned from shooting events in 2012 ticket giveaway
Children will be banned from watching shooting events under Boris Johnson’s Olympic ticket giveaway.
London schoolchildren are eligible for 125,000 Olympic tickets but these will not include any featuring guns, as Games organisers and City Hall fear a backlash from the anti-gun lobby.
Giving children tickets to the events, at the Royal Artillery Barracks in Woolwich, could have appeared at odds with Mayor Boris Johnson’s bid to quell teenage gun and knife crime.
A source said: “We decided it would not be appropriate. It’s the only sport children will not be able to go to as part of the Ticketshare scheme.”
Another step towards wetness. Good luck with that.
Starting guns will be banned from the Athletic events too maybe, just in case any children are there?
It’s ridiculous and pathetic, I don’t think even the newt loving nazi would have gone that far.
LOL! Ready…Steady…GO!
Children will be banned from watching shooting events, and boxing, judo and karate; plus that nasty brutish rugby; oh, and rowing and relays etc where they have big sticks /batons that could be used to hit people, all medal ceremonies in case strangling come to mind. And running, it might show them how to avoid police. Boris Johnson has banned the Olympics.
They also must prohibit children from watching all running events lest the impressionable youths get the idea that they can run away from the cops. And ban them from the decathelon with all those violent weapons thrown around, along with their associated individual competitions. Don’t want the kiddies thinking it’s cool to throw rocks or steel-tipped projectiles. So archery must be off limits as well.
And ban them from watching platform diving, don’t want to encourage the youths to jump off cliffs or whatever.
Shame on you for crabbing this protection for youthful innocence !
After all, what London child would even know what a gun looks like ?
The Sunday programme this week informs us that the not so mobile “reavellers at Dale Farm, Wickford are of the Catholic persuasion.
As expected the little word “Irish” is somehow forgotten before Catholic. One argument put forward to leave them alone was that it would only move the problem elsewhere. Of course that is what the Irish government did when they changed their laws to make many traveller “activities” criminal rather than civil matters. Hence the sharp rise in travellers in England a few years ago, which strangely coincided with establishment of illegal encampments around the country!
Expect lots of sympathetic coverage on the BBC in the next few days when eviction notices are served on Wednesday
I could not understand why the item was included in the Sunday programme – it is meant to be a 7am hours on general religious matters.
The evictions do not raise any religious issues. The item was only there because the BBC found some daft (young?) PC priest to argue that justice and the civil law should not run its course.
The priest claimed that his parishoners have not rebuked him for his soft daft line. I hope they now round on him after his stupid remarks this morning.
There are no theological issues at all against a legal eviction as we are all subject to the law.
In fact, as the good clergyman must surely know:
St Paul Romans 13
. “Paul tells his readers that it is sinful to oppose God by opposing secular, civil authority. Even Jesus had accepted the temporal sovereignty of Rome, paying the required tax and never criticizing imperial policies. Paul’s directive in verse seven to “Render to what is due them” echoes Jesus’ statement to render to Caesar what is Caesar’s.”
Here endeth the sermon.
I`m very proud to come from my Irish background.
Ireland will not have these criminal types toddling up and down their country, so guess where they end up?
Only Britain is such a patsy for other peoples wasters and criminals…and no wonder we have a joke of a legal/planning system.
These “travellers” are just the barium meal in a pretty sick and stupid country, that has lost its will to live.
“One argument put forward to leave them alone was that it would only move the problem elsewhere.”
Yes, BBC. We’re actually quite keen on that scenario.
Be fair to the BBC, some of their Libya reporting has been very….apt.
Intrepid John Simpson has manfully levered himself and the Beeb camera team up the ramp and into Gadaffi’s private jet. It was a bit of a squeeze but worth the effort because it revealed some posh if over-opulent, bad taste styling that saw its better days in the 1970s. The lumbering old Jumbo was captured while over encumbered with bling and looked very much stuck on the runway in Tripoli.
Orla Guerin appeared completely lost running around down in the anti-Western Arab dictator’s bunker. Seemed to be looking for something down there that she couldn’t quite locate. Well, one thing is for sure – Sky had already been and gone.
Rupert Wingfield-Hayes (how did he get the gig with that name? It wouldn’t have happened in John Cody Fidler-Simpson’s day). Well our Rupert (don’t snigger, respect his background and culture) he was in the back of a pickup driving fast around town with an excitable bunch of boys and doing an occasional Uies to dodge imaginary incoming.
Clive Myrie (the Beeb black guy) was closest to the frontline and the all dangerous young lads actually doing the fighting near Sirte. (Don’t tell Prof Starkey just in case he makes something of that).
Sharp and very funny Mr See It!
Love the description of Simpson being a “lumbering old Jumbo”…the plane becomes the man and vice versa.
Poor old Orla…never seems happy does she?…maybe Rupert could share a few of his names and make an honest woman of her…she`d have to leave the BBC though to be that though!
You might be onto something about Clive…passes the Starkey test for a posh black voice as well…and it`s a bit much to risk him in a minesweeping operation so Jumbo can swan through the hotel foyer like Lawrence of Arabia.
Maybe it would be woth the airmiles at this stage to send the whole Today team there for a week to swwpe a few mines…sorry…talk to a few posh hacks…about what REALLY is going on in Tripoli.
Simpson…lumbering old Jumbo!…what a burqa!
Bejesus but our darling Orla from the emerald isle is already spoken for, so she is….to be sure, to be sure….
Not to a ‘Palestinian’ (she insists). As far as I can make out her better half Michael Gorgy (Reuters) is an Egyptian Arab with a US passport. I really couldn’t say if he’s a practising Muslim but if there’s any poligamy in the wind it will be hubby who will be ‘extending his family plan’.
Oh and that rumour about Orla and Irish Labour leader Dick Spring (snigger snigger Dick Spring to Arab Spring – this stuff writes itself) as being the reason she was on his party list for the 1994 Dublin Euro Election….
What do you mean she’s gone too far in her anti-Israel bias? Give her an MBE and send her to Africa.
Poor old Gaddafi makes Ron Jeremy look handsome.
Gadaffi looks like Bob Dylan!
I`ve yet to see the two together.
Excellent work !!!!!!!!!!!
From Reuters. Not the BBC. My highlights.
“The influential Libyan tribe of a slain rebel army commander vowed on Saturday to take justice into their own hands if rebel leaders do not release the results of an investigation into his death by the end of Ramadan.
Abdel Fattah Younes, the interior minister under Muammar Gaddafi who defected near the outset of Libya’s six-month uprising, was killed on July 28 after rebel leaders summoned him for questioning, infuriating members of his family and tribe.
“After Eid, that is the final deadline,” Tarek, one of Younes’ sons said in an interview at the family’s Benghazi compound. He did not say exactly what the tribe intended to do if the results were not released.
The rebel leadership council’s chief, Mustafa Abdel Jalil, told reporters on Wednesday authorities would arrest the suspected killers “when the higher interests of this revolution will not be damaged”, stoking anger among Younes supporters.
The murder has presented a steep test to the insurgents’ nascent National Transitional Council as it tries to set up a credible justice system and sidestep tribal fault lines that could further destabilise the war-battered and heavily-armed
Members of Younes’ family, who blame Islamist militants for his death, said the council’s failure to hold the suspected killers to account would suggest rebel leadership was infiltrated by “radicals” with a “hidden agenda”.
“We need to prevent the tyranny of Gaddafi turning into the tyranny of those ideological groups,” said Mohammed Hamid, Younes’ nephew. “There are those who want the country to be run by militias like Afghanistan.”
Younes’ Obeidat tribe and its allies had promised to join the “front lines” against those accused of the crime if the council does not release the names of the suspects, he added. – Reuters”
This is instructive if linked to this:
We shall have to see how this pans out in the weeks to come.
Given all the BBC coverage of Libya, it is surprising this charge has never been mentioned.
Well, maybe not so surprising. Par for the course, I suppose.
“Islamic militants among prisoners freed from Libyan jail” *
*(Above word, ‘militants’ is, of course, Western liberal/Left euphemism for ISLAMIC JIHADISTS.)
“Cal Thomas: Prospects for pluralistic, tolerant democracy in Libya are grim; can we at least send them the bill?”
For INBBC Arab Spring Dept:
“We’re cheering on a football crowd with AK-47s, who could be worse than Gaddafi ”
(by Peter Hitchens)
Read more:
The situation in Libya is worse than the MSM is telling people. According to Debka file, the forces who captured Gaddafi’s compound and are the strongest group of armed rebels in Tripoli are, in effect, an al Qaeda linked outfit: the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group.
quote from article:”For the first time, therefore, the armies of Western members of NATO took part directly in a bid by extremist Islamic forces to capture an Arab capital and overthrow its ruler.”
* (BBC licencepayers’ cash)
The fog clears momentarily:
Rise of strict Islam exposes tensions in Malaysia
But it has nothing to do with Britain, right?
From last month (not sure if it was mentioned here at the time) :
Note the masterful way the article avoids any speculation as to why an Israeli player should be booed in Malaysia, beyond the throwaway line about “a country which does not recognise Israel.”
Link doesn’t work, so here’s the cut-and-pasted article:
Malaysian FA apologises to Benayoun over racist abuse
Malaysia’s football federation has apologised after Chelsea complained that Yossi Benayoun had suffered racist abuse during last week’s friendly.
The Football Association of Malaysia said “if such an incident did happen, we would like to apologise to the player… and also to Chelsea FC.”
Chelsea responded on Friday, saying “the matter is now closed”.
Benayoun is one of the few Israelis to have played in Malaysia, a country which does not recognise Israel.
The 31-year-old Benayoun was jeered each time he touched the ball in a match against a Malaysian XI on 21 July. Agency reports from the match in Kuala Lumpur said the abuse was directed at Benayoun.
The Malaysian FA, however, said the abuse would have “involved a small section of spectators”.
In reply to the MFA’s statment, Chelsea said: “We appreciate the prompt ttention the Malaysian FA has given our complaint.
“Chelsea Football Club is committed to eradicating all discriminatory behaviour from the game and urges the MFA to take appropriate steps to stamp out this type of behaviour in future.
“The club and Yossi accept the apology.”
Chelsea have one more match left on their Asian tour – against Aston Villa in Hong Kong on 30 July – before they return to England.
Anti-racism campaigners Kick It Out have called for Malaysia’s football authorities to look at the issue of anti-semitic prejudice.
A spokesman for the group said: “Kick It Out supports the action taken by Chelsea on this matter.
“After working with the club on the recent ‘Y-Word’ film, aimed squarely at challenging anti-semitism and anti-Jewish abuse and featuring Frank Lampard, it’s a strand of discrimination which is front of mind for both organisations.
“In addition, the campaign is keen to engage with Malaysian authorities around the issue and how football can play its part in educating mass audiences to become better versed on issues around faith and religion.”
From that article about Malaysia :
“People who hold more progressive or alternative views don’t dare to speak up in public.”
Not at all comparable to the UK. Nope….not at all.
I wonder if Ed Stourton reads Pajamas Media? Only he was hosting Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the man who plans to build an Islamic community centre near Ground Zero in New York this morning on R4.
Imam Rauf was promoting his address the Edinburgh Festival of Spirituality and Peace and talking to our Presenter Edward Stourton about his perspective on 9/11 and how he hopes to bridge the divide between Christianity and Islam.
Over at Pajamas, Barry Rubin is sure such a mosque, or community center, or what have you, will never be built. He alludes to the latest assurance company to accuse Hisham Elzanaty, one of the money men behind the so-called Ground Zero mosque development, of orchestrating a “highly developed and sophisticated kickback scheme” that allegedly reaped more than $5 million for Elzanaty and others.
The BBC always gives Islamic fellas a platform without ever mentioning the reasons why they seem to attract barrages of criticism from certain quarters. Quite Baffling.
Stourton is exactly the cringing cultural gonk that any Beeb show loves to have. Catholic(with a small c)…doesn`t mind getting kicked around because he`s posh and privately-schooled…and will say anything. Whether it`s sucking up to Any Question panellists…or sucking up to any progressives/Islamists/apologists for those higher up the pay grade…Ed`s your man!
What is it with that name Edward at the minute?…
Thanks for getting up to listen to this Sue…Stourton makes Clifford Longley look “religious”!