When he took over BBC1, Controller Danny Cohen said the Corporation was overrun with middle-class programmes. In his first speech at the Edinburgh Television Festival since moving to BBC1 from BBC3 in November, Mr Cohen, 37, said: ‘I want to get the balance right and for people to think that on BBC1 we have a greater diversity. Now he has turned his attention to crime drama, saying there are too many male detectives on TV. Hideously white. Now Hideously male. As a Biased BBC reader pointed out to me;
“Personally, I think
there are too many white, middle-aged, males at BBC, pushing political agendas
instead of doing their jobs – I trust that Danny Cohen will do the right thing
and step down!”
I guess it’s only when we have transsexual Islamic Detectives solving crime under Sharia Law that Danny will feel his mission is accomplished?
And you have the nub of the problem right there. This guy has some ideas that he wants to impose on us. Does he care what we might want? Of course not – he just wants us to think the BBC is more diverse – which is what he wants.
Hmmm… The non-singing detective, perhaps?
Too many white middle class homosexuals, that’s for certain.
But then there are programmes like Inspector Lynley. Yes a male detective in the senior role – except he is the aristocratic fool that has to be rescued by his working class female assistant.
Perhaps Cohen would like my idea of a group of fiesty chav female detectives battling Ultra right wing Christian drug dealers, Israeli pimps and American suicide bombers?
One’s lesbian, they are all single mothers, and have an oppressive male boss.
I’ll take 10%.
Patten, Thompson, other Thomson…now Cohen!
Who decides that these cabbages are savoy and not pickled?…and why are we expected to pay for such vegetables whilst lumbering the useless greens round as a forfeit?
Democracy?…licence fee paying value for money?…accountability and transparency?…let`s bring that Arab Spring her, but not allow any Arabs to help us…given what Sharia says about the BBC(useful glove puppet to be amputated when it`s convenient) I`d not expect it though.
Jersey’s finest : Jamal Burka-rac ?
Perry May-Stone ?
Midsomer Martyrs ?
Midnight C-Allah?
Halal And Pascoe ?
Lesbian Inspector Morse, and instead of Bach she listens to K.D. Lang.
Sounds like a perfect opportunity to bring out a new, lighter version of Prime Suspect, this time starring Miranda Hart.