“UK riots: David Cameron attacks BBC and pledges more money for problem families.David Cameron has launched a strong attack on the BBC for advocating doing nothing in response to the riots as he pledged more money for problem families.”
The BBC’s outright political hostility towards British PM Cameron (as on ‘Today’ this morning) can be compared to its political subservience towards Democrat Obama (as evidenced in Mardell ‘reports’).
.”..perhaps the most ear-catching stuff came when Evan Davis dared to compare the Bullingdon Club with the rioters, suggesting they were a “youthful gang that engages in violent behaviour”.
Clearly irritated by the comparison, Cameron hit back with his own attack on the BBC’s reporting of the riots, hinting that it had joined the Left in suggesting that inequality was to blame for the violence and that bankers were just as much to blame as rioters.
“‘When you listen to the BBC there’s a sort of danger [‘that all these things are equated, no, no, no, no’ Davis interrupts] of trying to put these things into a great mush and make that as an excuse for not acting. Some people almost say that until we deal with the problem of inequality in our society there’s nothing you can do top deal with rioting. That’s what it can slip into if you are not careful.’
“The clear implication was that pinko BBC types were in hock to the Miliband analysis of the riots. Davis protested that was not his intention, but the point had been made.”
We know BBC-NUJ’s political line on the riots: it’s pro-‘UKUncut’., as evidenced particularly at ‘Newsnight’ which gave ‘UKUncut’ our money to make a propganda programme of it illegally occupying shops and offices, and worse.
The language here is too weak. BBC types are not in hock to Miliband. The BBC is the propaganda wing of the Labour party, and together with the Guardian, often drives their direction. We need to end the licence fee forthwith!
As you pointed out in the thread below, ‘a BBC spokesman dismissed the criticism, saying the corporation’s coverage had been “impartial and balanced“.’
Are they ever able to defend their impartiality with anything better than a variation of “we think we got it about right, because we say so”?
At last. The BBC must be held accountable. How many times did we hear Beeboids push the “root causes” Narrative? Almost without exception, every Beeboid reportin gor in the studio tried to place blame on the bankers or the Tories or the nebulous “inequality”. Many were quite willing to justify the violence and vandalism.
Quite, David. Violence and vandalism became ‘protesting’. The former has no justification at all. The latter suggests a legitmate grievance as a motive. They’re at odds with the public on this one, but don’t seem to realise.
Every day the BBC trotts out someone to say ” Youngsters tell me they have no hope. They see the way Bankers behave with their bonuses and Politicians with their expenses and the riots were a consequense.”
No they don’t say or even think along those lines. It is the BBC and their Labour colleges who come out with this tripe and offer thugs and vandals an excuse for their utter disregard for Law, Order and, in particular, other peoples’ possessions.
If any miscreant from the worst murderer to the petty criminal is offered the excuse that their behaviour is due to the actions of another, they will be very happy to pretend that is the case and consider it to be justification to continue.
Given the endless flow of morally bankrupt, wilfully blind, beeboid apologia for the looting scum, ‘it’s all down to the bankers’ etc, Aunty ought to take a look at her own source of income. Each year she extorts £3.4 billion from a reluctant public, failure to pay up results in bullying, even imprisonment. I sometimes hear the gasp of admiration from Sicily, as the Mafia wonder why they didn’t think of something like that. The next time I need a new mobile, I shall loot one to the exact value of the licence fee. When in front of the beak, I’ll say, ‘The BBC made me do it, sir.’ An excuse as vacuous as the rest of the lily-livered rubbish peddled by the holders of ‘nuanced (but remarkably craven) opinions’.
If the BBC were to get out of their biodome & really ask the public what they thought about the rioters, the darkened rooms of Wood Lane would be full of quivering, horrified beeboids. In my north London ‘hood, the consensus was that the riot squad should have smashed them to pulp. People were also remarkably relaxed about identifying the skin colour of the majority of the ‘protesters’. Us ‘bigots’, us ‘unenlightened’ people, do know something – all criminal thugs respect is….superior violence. We’ve learnt that salient fact in the real world, a place the BBC finds very disturbing.
A quick addition to my earlier comment. I’ve just heard that Keir Starmer, boss of the CPS (Couldn’t Prosecute Satan), has said rioters shouldn’t be treated as exceptional cases! Their crimes were committed under exceptional circumstances – battle zones, for Christ’s sake! I don’t want to be racist about this, but white neo-liberal fools will be the death of us.
Excellent posts, jarwill !
The useless Keir Starmer is just another Labour placeman. He and all the others should have been sacked as soon as the coalition got power. So long as they remain this country will continue to rot.
So far as I can see, nothing much has changed since the Labour Government apart from the rhetoric.
Thanks, Grant. I wonder if Cameron, with a clear Tory majority would have dealt with Starmer’s ilk? What’s left of the actual Tory party may have pressured him? I don’t know. But the Lib Dems, Clegg’s wife is an ‘ooman rights/wrongs lawyer, wouldn’t have it, that’s for sure! The beeboid mentality runs thru’ all institutions. It’s the appalling victory of Malcolm Bradbury’s ‘History Man’. Heaven help us.
One of the most anti-democratic actions of the last government was the placement of its supporters into the Civil Service. They were placed there to circumvent the Services main perceived function, the blocking of Labour policies and the continuation of the status quo. The Civil Service is well used to dealing with fly-by-wire politicians and have practiced their dark art for decades. The end result is that the more extreme and damaging policies get shuffled to committee after committee until it they are forgotten about. The Tories had the same problem but were wise enough to leave well alone. The likes of Ponting and that trident girl (name escapes me) were alleged precursors to this – moles placed into sensitive areas ready to feed the party tasty morsels.) But Old Labour was careful not to place too many, too obviously. From 1997 however Labour started to fill the ministerial offices with the party faithful, often ex-BBC employees, such as Martin Sixsmith, – all primed and ready to bury bad news. These people are still there, leaking documents ( like the Education building cuts in 2010 and Defence Review documents) to their fellow travellers in the BBC. Because many of the placemen are actually Civil Servants, rather than publicly paid party hacks (when do we get that investigation do you think?), they will be difficult to sack …
Excellent, truthful analysis, Cattle Prod. Politicians come & go, but the upper echelons of the Civil Service have been thoroughly infiltrated by the leftist moles who don’t fade away. Perhaps Mr Le Carre could devote his next novel to this appalling state of affairs, instead of bigging up Muslims as if they were the answer to all our prayers.
Keir Starmer is a human rights lawyer whose colleagues were intimately involved in the ‘human rights act overall of the police..starting in NI.
A lot of fees and expenses were earned including the infamous lawyer in the control room to assure human rights complianceduring public order events.
The lawyers were not available at the time the Riots and Looting kicked off (weekend, phones off the hook etc) and the police stood there at midnight without human rights assurance cover…at a fee, naturally while Croydon burnt.
Mr Cameron should have castrated the bbc when he assumed office last year. As time proceeds towards the next election it will become impossible for this government to do anything. Of course they have no intention of the sort, whether out of fear of the socialists or because even the organisation as it stands is more useful to them than no organisation.
Actually they’ve delivered on hundreds; far more active and ‘radical’ in 15 months than New Labour’s whole first term. HOWEVER, on many important “Conservative” promises he has not done enough – with the excuse of being hamstrung by the Lib Dems – and as many say, probably won’t.
As I posted in the other thread the BBC alone seem to keep bigging up the rants of Gaddafi claiming that there’s going to be an Iraq style insurgency, in fact I’d go as far as to say the BBC WANT such an insurgency and I wouldn’t put it past the BBC to stir it up over there, especially with the no1 supporter of nutters and dictators al Bowen now out there.
Is it my imagination or since Bowen has turned up in Libya the BBC’s reporting has taken on a pro Gaddafi slant?, well even more than it had before at any rate.
Yes, Martin. Take any issue and you know immediately which side the BBC are on. They have supported Gaddafi throughout and are making it clear that they still do. Beeboids are mentally deranged.
5live news 3.30pm. The rascist bBC says three men got sentenced for rape. A 17 year old white girl is named for luring the girls to the attack. The men are not names, they are asians. The bBC is rascist as they think asians are so superior they should not be named.
There’s a reason for this. In modern Britain, minorities are not to be linked to anything negative. Nothing must undermine the ‘multicultural success story’. Whenever someone has the audacity to link any racial or religious minority to a negative story there will be a chorus of the usual suspects eager to cry ‘racism’ without consideration of the facts, and the BBC are always more than happy to act as an enabler to maintain the wonderful diversity rainbow narrative . For the BBC to report the race of these offenders would cause them to fall foul of their own little rule and put themselves in the firing line.
Hello Reed, just doing my normal of stirring the ‘multicultural diversity bollox’ pot. It has been evident to me that at least since the time of the odious Hazel Blears as communities minister, she had issued secret orders to the media about reporting stories that might enflame opinions. It is just another lie about the independence of the bBC. So they either admit they are government stooges and cannot be believed on any thing they say or in this instance racist; the choice is theirs.
They appear to have stitched themselves up nicely, Fred. They’ve made their own feculent bed, let them lie in it. Move over, Tracey Emin, it’s going to get very crowded in there.
The men’s names are, it has to be said, clearly stated on the webpage.
I noticed the story earlier and was actually surprised it wasn’t suppressed. Mind you, it wasn’t linked via the main news page for long and is now quite difficult to find.
Hello Roland, my concern is a matter of exposure. What is going to have the largest audience 3.30pm on a friday on the radio, or a webpage. And that webpage is listed under ‘news Lancashire’, unless I know to look for it, I will not find it. The pointers on the main news pages are already pointing to other stories. So that story effectively disappears, unless I happen to be intersted in Lancashire news.
The bBC decide how they report a news story, being a short break they could have not named anyone. However, it was their choice to find time to name the girl, if so then they can find time to name them all.
Fred, I agree entirely. I probably didn’t put it well, as I was implying much the same thing in its brief appearance on the main page before becoming difficult to find.
I felt it should be pointed out that it was mentioned somewhere, before Dez or Scott came on to derail the conversation.
The main BBC Radio 4 news at 6pm named the men quite clearly. However the main focus of the story was the white girl used to lure the victims to their ordeal.
This has two BBC PC strands – thea idea that women are rarey involved in sex crimes (and therefore this is bigger news than the race of the attackers) and the ignoring of the racial differences between victims and perp, unless of course if the victims are non-white and the perps white.
This is a dangerous path to trad as it allows the BNP and other race haters, who care nothing for the victims, to use the incident as evidence of an over arching evil in Britain based on colour. Which of course is fatuous non-sense – the evil is cultural not racial.
“I still wat her to tell us which Ed was the better shag.”
Quite frightening being under Ol’ Ballsy when he’s “on the job”, I should think. I’d guess that the increase in his ‘blink rate’ turns the whole grisly operation into a re-run of “Scanners”. =-O
I’m a bit concerned at the way you shoehorn my hot ‘Black Fox’ into any discussion, Martin.
It appears that you, too, have a perfectly understandable crush on her, and I can’t help feeling that I’m ‘enabling’ this via my sexiful avatar (above left).
So the US economy is still tanking and the jobs sector is stagnant, yet if you read the BBC report you ge the impression this is nothing to do with Obama and that HE’S got the solution.
The BBC manage to blame the Conservatives for UK economy altough they have only been in (partial) power for a year but excuse Obama from any blme although he has been in power for three years, two of which with a majority in both Houses.
We know that everything the bBBC says has to be taken with a pinch of salt, unfortunatly that course of action will no longer be tolerated. Sorry can’t find link but 6pm news lastish item
He’s said similar before, but reinforcing it will definately put him in the same doghouse as Starkey. However, when even lefties like Morrissey have echoed the same view, you know there must be a major problem that’s been left to proliferate.
“Morrissey, the former Smiths singer, has sparked controversy by claiming British identity has disappeared because the country has been “flooded” by immigrants.”
When Margaret Thatcher used the word ‘swamped’ in relation to immigration the knives were out straight away (like they needed an excuse). I’m pretty sure no one is boycotting Morrissey concerts because of his views on immigration. It seems for some it’s not what is being said, but who is saying it that causes outrage.
Best thing any English person can do is to boycott London. Refuse to recognize it exists as the capital city. Bonus is if we boycott the Olympics they will be foreigners only which would be an excellent result.
In Mid Wales last week I met some Ukranian families who had decided to go in search of England and English people. They were rather puzzled to find that Wales is not England and that I too was a foreigner there.
They did say that London is no longer an English city whereas Kiev is very definitely Ukranian so if the foreigners notice this what on earth is going on?
Ethnic cleansing in a peculiarly English way. Quietly and without fuss and a little regretfully.
The consequences will be something we will all live to regret.
“Ethnic cleansing in a peculiarly English way. Quietly and without fuss and a little regretfully. “
Yes. Quite, Dave. Watch as we form an ordely queue in the departure lounge, too.
The left are always incredibly keen to dismiss the notion of a host or indigenous culture in Britain, and especially England. This is, of course, a denial of the obvious : everywhere has a host culture. Perversely, the left love to remind us of this as they ‘celebrate’ all of the wonderful cultures from other nations, it’s just their own they wish to deny. It may not be easy to define or put into words exactly what English culture or Englishness is, but most of us know exactly what isn’t, as does anyone from overseas when they visit.
Dave s,
I have been to Kiev twice. It is a beautiful city. The only problem is that is that it is full of Ukrainians !!!
I haven’t set foot in London for 20 years. It was a dump then. God knows what it is like now.
Mind you, here in sunny Edinburgh we are being swamped by Poles. And very welcome they are too ….
Morrissey is a perverse lad, Reed. He’s got himself into hot water a number of times with lyrics/comments the slavishly cultural Marxist music press have been horrified by, particularly ‘National Front Disco’, & his comments on the tedium of disco music, & the misogyny of reggae. One of his songs is called, ‘We’ll Let You Know’, a double-edged elegy with a last line that claims, ‘We are the last, truly British people you will ever know.’ I hadn’t heard it for a while until Shami Chakrabarti chose it for one of her Desert Island Discs.
“The secret immigration policy they tried to hide”. “Behind closed doors, EU negotiations will trigger a new wave of cheap labour into Britain.” Who and when will the public be informed? These are new, irreversible commitments. Not Labour, ‘even though Peter Mandelson initiated all the current agreements‘, not David Cameron or the Coalition…not UKIP, or the Greens or even the Unions
Very interesting, My Site. I remember a TV documentary a few years ago that claimed that even the Romans left behind far less of a genetic legacy in these isles than one would have thought, considering their dominance.
“Let’s be clear about this” – “Lessons will be/have been/are being/learned”. The more I hear these dumb politico-speak phrases, the more I wish I could line the whole bally lot of them up in front of a Bren gun (or even something a bit newer). They are ALL without exception a waste of space, and public money, serve no useful purpose and are, to a man (or woman), lying bastards.
Not only do we get the sobbing ‘travellers’ at Dale Farm on the 6 o’clock news every night, they get on the the South East News at 6.30pm AND the One Show at 7 !!
These people have flouted the planning laws that the rest of us have to comply with
and now the UN are taking up their case and the BBC love it.
Lost count of the BBC reporters on site waiting for a confrontation !
The UN statement includes this…“Travellers and Gypsies already face considerable discrimination and hostility in wider society”
Would it not be an idea to find out why this should be – dodgy tarmacing, theft, criminal damage and intimidation maybe ???
They have turned down bricks and mortar homes and wish to live as they are
in ‘culturally acceptable accomodation’.
Could Essex not offer them a caravan site on the coast – you know, one of those
clifftops that are eroding ??
“….wish to live as they are in ‘culturally acceptable accomodation’.
That’d be somewhere in Ireland, then. Strange how the role of our neighbours over to the west seem to have been left out of this little sob-story. Nassssty England, rejecting people their own country couldn’t wait to be shot of.
Stuff and nonsense, Mr Jim ! It has a rather spiffy Hat Museum for starters. And a nice cricket ground (right next to said Hat Museum: how convenient !)
Bet Denmark doesn’t have sports grounds and millinery combinations.
It may not be pretty on the outside but I bet, like all new public sector buildings, that they’ve really gone to town on feathering the nest inside. They don’t allow themselves to go without. Austerity measures for the rest of us : designer leather chairs and relaxation pods for them.
I see what you mean, Ron. But having googled some images, it does rather prove my point that the public sector love to provide themselves, at our expense and with no expense spared, with all manner of goodies for their staff on the inside. You can’t blame them, I suppose. But someone has to pay for all of this.
That old chestnut: the doughty Al Qaeda suspect and regulation charges of torture, rendition, etc (as with Ethiopian Binyam Mohammed, Al Qaeda suspect) and the horrible Americans.
This time, INBBC takes the side of a Libyan Al Qaeda suspect.
The BBC really are a bunch of arseholes. Fatty Mardell talking about his boyfriend St Barrack of Obamastan. “He didn’t create this mess”
No, but how come the BBC are making excuses, he own the US economy. When it comes to the Tories here the BBC are quick to shut up any Tory who tries ot blame (rightl) the mess Liebore got us into. In fact the BBC go out of thier way never to mention the one eyed retard from Fife and the mess he made of the economy.
Anyone else catch Jeremy Bowen trying to shoehorn in alleged CIA torture of a ‘rebel’ whilst going over the rubble of Gadaffi’s compound? It had zero to do with the story. If true it should have been the story, if not why squeeze it in? That skunk is some piece of work, he truly is.
Oh & BTW 110 grand declared? That aint gonna run 3 houses and private everything is it? I wonder how much goes into tax havens undeclared? I really hope the BBCs favourite hypocrite gets outed.
The Daily Mail was too kind on that one. This should have been front page news with the headline Raped by the BBC. However the BBC has been raping the publics mind for decades.
So the Federal Housing Finance Agency is going to sue a bunch of banks for allegedly falsifying records on all those bad mortgages Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae bought, whixh caused the two organizations to go bust and taken over by the FHFA. This is going to get ugly.
The timing is very convenient. The President is in trouble over His mishandling of the economy which, as Mark Mardell is always keen to remind you, is not His fault. Bash the Bankers is a favorite pasttime of the Left, especially the BBC. So what better way to refocus public anger than to claim the nasty bankers were lying all along? It’s perfect. No such political analysis will be forthcoming from the BBC, as it doesn’t help their beloved Obamessiah.
Of course, what the BBC doesn’t mention is that most of the TARP bailout money has been paid back or recouped. So it’s basically BS to blame the Government’s current debt on that. So is anyone suing GM for not only not paying it all back, but for actually repaying some of it with more TARP money? Of course not, because that’s all about the President’s beloved unions. No surprise the BBC never told you any of that.
There’s also the fact that The Obamessiah is #2 on the top ten list of recipients of campaign cash from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac between 1998 and 2008. Think about that for a second: He was only a Senator for less than thee years, and already got more cash than everyone except the corrupt Sen. Chris Dodd did in a decade. It was Dodd who got sweetheart mortgage loans from Countrywide, one of firms now being sued. Has the BBC told you any of this? No.
I’m going to keep my eye on this. And you can bet that this is going to be another one of those major stories where the BBC is going to push the White House line and will censor lots of information, failing to provide the proper context.
Funny thing about Fannie May and Freddie Mac? It was the democreeps that pressed for affordable home loans to be lavished on ehthnic minorities like the black population and demanded relaxations of guidlines meant to ensure that people coild afford to pay back loans. Obviously companies rushed to exploit the relaxation in lending criteria, and so you know whats coming dont you? A massive expansion in loans and a housing bubble and easy loans meant that when the bubble burst those at the bottom paid the price.
The law suit is an attempt to blame someone/anyone else other than those who are really responsible. The democreeps need a patsy, they need someone to blame because O’Bama is well and truly f*cked for 2012, when 2012 comes around and unemployment is 10% ++++ he is going to be a one term turkey. If in doubt blame someone else, this is the leftist credo.
BTW the democreeps are going to play really dirty this time, in fact they are going to enter the gutter then the sewer and engage in some of the worst tactics yet seen.
When you say ‘ Obviously companies rushed to exploit the relaxation in lending criteria’ are you being sarcastic because … ? If memory serves it was Jimmy Carter that introduced the sub-prime loan scheme and it was a damp squib until Clinton came along. The Bionic Hair-Do created legislation that enabled Fanny Mai and Fanny Mac to force bank to give out loans. Other pressures were also brought to bare such as threatening to block mergers and acquisitions, legislation on share trading etc. On top of this the Sainted One, through his association with Acorn, organised sit ins and demos whenever a black client was denied a loan. To cover this the banks started to off load these loans and it is this that caused the crisis – the fact that other banks around the World were buying debts without really comprehending what they were purchasing. That’s when the body blow hit and the loans were defaulted and the whole pack of cards collapsed. The banks must shoulder some blame for their dodgy selling of what were essentially bad debts but the main blame falls fair and square one the Democrats and the two FMs.
What INBBC ‘NEWSNIGHT’ omitted last night from its ‘report’ on Libya, Al Qaeda and Mr Belhaj.
“How al-Qaeda got to rule in Tripoli”
“His name is Abdelhakim Belhaj. Some in the Middle East might have, but few in the West and across the world would have heard of him.
“Time to catch up. Because the story of how an al-Qaeda asset turned out to be the top Libyan military commander in still war-torn Tripoli is bound to shatter – once again – that wilderness of mirrors that is the ‘war on terror’, as well as deeply compromising the carefully constructed propaganda of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO’s) ‘humanitarian’ intervention in Libya.”
I don’t often listen to the Today Programme, as it is bad for my blood pressure, but caught the item before the 8 o’clock news on Friday. It was about free schools. Mary Bousted of the ATL criticised the Phoenix school for employing ex-servicemen without degree qualifications. When he got the chance to reply, Tom Burkard said all their teachers would have degree qualifications. So far, so fair.
On the immediately following 8 o;clock news, clips from each speaker were aired, but guess what – Bousted’s erronious criticism was quoted without Burkard’s refutation. Incompetent or disingenuous? I think we all know which.
“DAVID Cameron hits the nail on the head over the BBC’s biased riots coverage.
“The left-wing corporation produced a ‘mush’ of excuses to defend criminal looters, the PM said.
“Indeed, the BBC was quick to blame inequality, though most of those in court seemed greedy and immoral rather than badly off.
It even gave bandwagon-jumping idiots air time to blame ‘Tory cuts’.
With a straight face, the BBC insists its coverage was ‘balanced’. It was … between left and rabidly left.” http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/sun_says/244723/The-Sun-Says.html
The bBC, the murder of an Imam in London and half the story. Imam killed after morning prayer in Finsbury Park A imam who died in suspicious circumstances at a mosque in north London was killed after taking morning prayers, it has emerged.The religious leader, understood to be Sheikh Maymoun Zarzour, was found at the Muslim Welfare House in Seven Sisters Road, Finsbury Park, on Friday.A man was arrested at the scene on suspicion of murder. A post-mortem examination is being arranged. The Metropolitan Police said it was not believed to be a faith hate crime. It continued: “The sheikh was very friendly and never had an argument with anyone in the community during his career in this mosque.”The imam was blind after a childhood accident. The iman was born in Lebanon and worked as a lecturer in Islamic history before coming to the UK. In 2009 he successfully defeated Hillingdon Council in the High Court after it refused to provide him accommodation.The sheikh argued he needed “special care and attention”.
So reading the above from the bBC, an Imam was killed,(how dare they) it wasn’t a hate crime (Thus promoting the view that the UK is full of white racists) That he wouldn’t harm a fly, and that he took the council to court and won after he arrived 2 years ago because he had special needs which required to be funded at the expense of the working man. And here is what the bBC doesn’t tell you: A Lebanese Al-Jamaa al-Islamiya activist was strangled to death in Britain Friday, an official from the group told The Daily Star. Al-Jamaa al-Islamiya official Hajj Omar Sraj said Sheikh Maimoun Zarzour, the imam of Dar al-Riayah al-Islamiya in London, was strangled in the early hours of the morning by an Algerian assailant. Zarzour survived an assassination attempt near his house in Iqlim al-Kharroub in 2007 after which he left to London. Zarzour was the iman of Al-Badawi Mosque and Al-Jamaa al-Islamiya official in Shehim from 2002-06 before he headed the group’s social committee between 2007 and 2009. It appears this wasn’t the first time that somebody had tried to kill the blind Imam, in fact it was the reason he came to live in the Uk at our expense.Thanks Syria you’ve just saved the British taxpayer a lot of money.
“The Islamic Group (Arabic: Jamaa Islamiya) is a Sunni Islamist group or gathering in Lebanon. Jamaa Islamiya was founded in 1952 as the Lebanese branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. Its leader is Faisal Mawlawi. The party has a military wing known as the al-Fajr Forces. Lately, it entered the Lebanese general election, 2009 beside Future Movement in Beirut 3 district. Currently they have 1 seat in the Lebanese Parliament.” -wiki
Quite right that we paid for this guy’s special reqirements – it looks like he was one of these Muslim Brotherhood moderates the BBC keep telling us about.
So this imam was obviously given political asylum because he was involved in a sectarian clash between terrorist organizations and needed to get out of town? Nice open borders policy you’re advocating, BBC.
Another innocent lamb released from Guantanamo went back to his Al Qaeda mates and led attacks on coalition forces in Afghanistan. This time, he got killed.
BBC-NUJ’s official trade union policy is to oppose English Defence League (but BBC-NUJ does not openly state this in its politically biased ‘reports’ against the EDL).
The English Defence League was only allowed a ‘static’ presence in Tower Hamlets area of London this afternoon.
Inevitably, BBC-NUJ presents a critical view of the EDL only.
In an attempt to counter the political propaganda of BBC-NUJ-Guardian against the English Defence League, this is what a long-time indigenous citizen of the East End of London wrote a few days ago, in explaining her decision to support the EDL today:
Solyndra, a solar panel manufacturer which was the darling of the Obamessiah Administration, has gone bust. That’s $535 million of taxpayer money down the toilet on yet another green boondoggle.
I know I saw a BBC news brief on their website last night, but it seems to have vanished into the ether. All that’s left is an “Elsewhere on the web” listing of the TIME mag article I’ve linked to above.
Here’s what the BBC doesn’t want you to know:
Back when the President was bailing out a bankrupt Chrysler to protect union jobs and pensions, before selling it to Fiat, He said that unions should come first and that investors who wanted to get a little of their loss back were nasty speculators who were un-American.
Magically, this time He wants investors to get paid back first, before the taxpayers on whose behalf He Himself speculated hundreds of millions of dollars. I’m sure you’ll all be shocked to learn that the first person in line to get his money back is a top Obamessiah campaign donor and bundler.
How many people would be employed now if that money had been invested in reality rather than bogus green drivel.
BBC-NUJ’s hypocrisy, deceit and stupidity on LIBYA.
The BBC-NUJ is apparently now attempting to re-write its own history on Libya.
Two key examples:-
After years of BBC-NUJ political genuflection towards Blair and then Brown on their support of Gaddafi Islamic supremacism, suddenly BBC-NUJ now says that their Labour leaders were wrong:
BBC-NUJ has decided that the Libyan transition government is made up of ‘good guys’ (only prone to occasional impulsive murders), who no longer have strong ideological or military ties to Al Qaeda and jihad; and for whom reference to the bulwark of Shariah law in the Constitution is presumably merely a token political commitment for the future of Islamic Libya.
So, BBC-NUJ gets Libyan ‘rebel’ leaders with Al Qaeda loyalties to now say that they are reformed characters! It’s Gitmo all over again. The Gitmo jihadists were released and many of them (unreported by BBC-NUJ) went on to commit jihadist atrocities in the future!
The bBC reports on the Turkish expulsion of the Israeli Ambassador as only the bBC can, by withholding half the facts. Gaza flotilla row: New low in Turkish ties with Israel Expelling an ambassador is always a dramatic act. Turkey’s decision to order Israeli Ambassador Gaby Levi to leave Ankara by next Wednesday is a blunt statement of how far relations between the two countries have fallen over the past three years. Given the immense public anger in Turkey over the deaths of nine activists during clashes with Israeli troops aboard the flotilla, the government could hardly have asked for less than an Israeli apology. When that was refused, a strong gesture of disapproval by Turkey was inevitable.
Reading the above do you get the impression that Israel is acting all intransigent by refusing to simply say..Sorry. Well here is what the bBC doesn’t mention above.
Yes Turkey has asked Israel to say sorry, just as it has also asked Israel to lift the blockade on Gaza. (more on that later) as it has demanded that Israel pay compensation to the passengers hurt and killed on the ship hired by the Islamic charity IHH. You know that IHH which was openly funded and supported by a certain Turkish PM called Tayyip Erdogan who knew that the so called Aid convey was heading towards violence. A violence which was advertised by the head of the IHH the day before the confrontation by him saying: “ And we say: ‘If you [Israel] send the commandos, we will throw you down from here to the sea and you will be humiliated in front of the whole world'”
Then there’s how the Turkish government has slowly started playing the Israeli card in which to garners public votes , you know like demonizing Israel in the media. (News paper articles/TV shows, films etc..) all because Erogan wants the job as president which comes on line next August. Which funny enough was a position that used to be elected by members of the Turkish Parliament. However due to an amendment that was drafted in 2007 by Erdogan , the future presidents shall be elected by the citizens through a public vote.
But the bBC doesn’t mention any of that instead it boils all of this down to Israel not saying sorry.
Really? Here is what the Turkish media was saying in June of this year before the report came out: A report that was prepared by a UN panel inquiry into the deadly Israeli raid on an aid flotilla in May 2010 that killed nine civilians in international waters has advised Israel to cave into demands by Turkey — offer an apology and pay compensation for the normalization of bilateral relations. Although the report is complete, it has not officially been released yet. A reliable source at the UN headquarters, who requested anonymity due to the sensitivity of the issue, told Today’s Zaman on Wednesday that in its report, the inquiry panel is advising Israel to offer an apology and pay compensation to Turkey over the killings. The report is expected to be presented to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon upon his return to New York. He was on a visit to Spain earlier this week and then headed to a trilateral summit with Greek and Turkish Cypriot leaders in Geneva on Thursday. The report, which will only be signed by Palmer and Uribe, is expected to argue that the blockage of Gaza by Israel is legal. If the report were to be released with content legitimizing and legalizing Israel’s blockade and embargo on Gaza, it would spark a harsh reaction from Turkey.“If they really drafted a report saying that the blockage is legal, then it means that they do not have the slightest idea about international law. Drafting such a report would mean that they are not relying on international legal norms but instead, they are creating a new international legal norm that does not actually exist,” a Turkish governmental official, who requested anonymity due to the sensitivity of the issue, told Today’s Zaman on Thursday.
Get that in June of this year, the Turkish government was saying if the report didn’t support their train in thought they would get very, very angry and as we have seen the Turks have done just that. So is this all about saying sorry or something else indeed.
Which brings me back to the blockade in Gaza. Turkey last night stated that it is going to bolster its Eastern Med fleet in which provide safety to maritime navigation in the East Mediterranean. Erdogan has informed the navy that he intends to use them to escort convoys to Gaza and that he also intends to go himself. Get that, because Turkey didn’t get the result it wanted it has upped the ante with Israel prior to the elections for President next year. (he is currently the PM).
As for calling the blockade of Gaza a crime against humanity.Turkey has blockaded Armenia since 1993. Funny how the bBC doesn’t mention that. As for this: Ending military co-operation means the Turkish armed forces will have to look elsewhere for equipment. In the past it signed substantial contracts with Israeli companies to upgrade its US-made planes and tanks. Last year it took delivery of ten Israeli-made Heron drones, which are being used in the war against Kurdish insurgents along the border with Iraq.
Here is what I wrote on the very subject last month:
The current Turkish democratic Islamism is in all kinds of trouble..given its neighbourhood…Syria was being actively courted and that has gone sour, the Iranian initiative has achieved..nothing. The Armenian reprochment has gone on ice and the Kurdish problem is beginning to seethe again.
It is clear that the Turks in the guise of Gul, Erdogan and Davatoglu were trying to put pressure on the UN Palmer commission to amend its findings, with the US, UK and France trying to persuade the Turks off their high horse. The report has been ‘delayed’ three times and was months late. To the bitter end, the Turks played their ‘card’ but it didn’t come off. Hence their ire.
Another loose cannon floating around in the Islamic stew.
“Another little parable for our times is the story of Sweden’s refusal to lease its most powerful ice-breaker to help the United States in supplying its McMurdo base in Antarctica. The Swedes told Hillary Clinton that they need the Oden at home, after two years of unusually thick winter ice have brought shipping to a halt in the northern Baltic. The Americans have relied on the Oden’s services for five years because, as revealed by the Autonomous Mind blog, they have run down their own ice-breaker fleet, believing that global warming would render it unnecessary.
“The Baltic nations, including Sweden, Russia, Finland and Estonia, now realise they need all the ice-breakers they can get, to avoid a repetition of the horror last spring when more than 100 ships were trapped in abnormally severe pack ice at both ends of Russia.
Meanwhile, the BBC – as usual at the peak of the Arctic’s summer melt – prattles on about ships that sail round the top of Russia and Canada, and the ice soon vanishing altogether. In its strange bubble, the BBC seems unaware that ships could do this 70 years ago, before “global warming”, and that the real story is the crisis created by the massive return, for two successive winters, of ice to the Gulf of Finland and the Sea of Okhotsk.”
– from: ‘The lights may go out in Germany even sooner than in Britain’
Spent today with some of the family at a place any self respecting Beeboid/Guardianista would have hated.
The Dorset Steam show near Blandford.
Thousands of people of all ages enjoying themselves and I never saw a policeman. Some of our army but they were amongst friends.
No wilding, No groups of “youths” no trouble.
A bit “hideously white” though in fact 99.9% .Not at all “vibrantly multicultural”.
Just like England used to be before it was “enriched by diversity”.
And didn’t we all notice it and appreciate what we had.
Compare and contrast the Notting Hill event and the thousands of police needed. The arrests and the violence.
Is it any wonder London is now a dirty word in old England.
Looking forward to the Notting Hill Electric Car Event lined up for next year…sponsored by the Guardian.
None of that global warming stuff…solar powered chainsaws for all!
Mandelson got that electric car for the biodome still…the solar powered calculators look a bit lonely as I write
I can only imagine your family’s disappointment that a perfect day was ruined because an old banger named Vanessa Red-Red-Person failed to turn up and enter the Extreme Steam and Hot Air Dale Farm Threshing Handicap.
How would you have turned her off ? and is it possible ?
And to think it could have been steamrolled for future generations by the BBC using equipment bought at a good price from those nice Irish people of Kentish descent.
Fred Dibdob famously said :
“Oh well, bugger off and live in Vanessa’s back garden if she likes you that much”, furthermore he wisely lamented :
“If you are tired of London, then you are not beyond hope and I hope you get a real life instead”.
Vanessa-“award winning actress” did her funny turn on Vines useless show on Thursday.
If ever the word “patronising” could be defined…her tone exemplified it…as if Patricia Hewitt taught her by correspondence!
Vanessa basically thinks that if “travellers” litter the place or refuse to pay for hairdos etc (you missed a root-I`m not paying for that!) then what of it?…if the police don`t care then why should you?
Vanessa ddidn`t once address the question about how many travellers she has let stay in her spacious house and garden…or indeed if she had ever met one before the WRP had her adopt one to breathe life into Gerry Healeys corpse.
Still Vine`s not there to ask questions…I pine for Jimmy Young these days…he was a titan compared to this Trenchcoat Twerp!
1.) the right of AHMADINEJAD’s Islamic Republic of Iran state TV, ‘PRESS TV’ to freely broadcast 24/7, anti-West, pro-Talban, pro-Hamas, pro-Hizbollah propaganda from its London studios;
2.) the denial of freedom of English Defence League’s right to march in Tower Hamlets, London;
3.) the right of AHMADINEJAD’s ‘PRESS TV’ (which like the BBC journalists’ trade union, NUJ, wants to ban the EDL) to propagandise against what it calls the ‘racist’ EDL on ‘PRESS TV’ website.
The BBC website is bigging up a nostalgic ‘Greenham Common Peace Camp’ wimmin thing.
The sheer looniness of the event and its utter failure is presented in all the cliches but not once is the reason for the US stationing of nuclear armed cruise missiles explained. No reason why. Nor that, in the light of history, Reagan and Thatcher were 100% right in their strategic thinking.
In 1976, the Soviet Union began stationing a new generation of Medium- Range Nuclear Missiles (SS-20s), aimed at Western Europe. Already the U.S. and NATO had been talking about modernizing theater nuclear forces. French President Giscard d’Estaing and German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt put pressure on President Jimmy Carter to counter the Soviet SS-20 nuclear threat by stationing American medium range missiles in Western Europe. In mid-December 1979, NATO adopted the “dual track” decision (negotiations with Moscow to remove the SS-20, or deployment of American missiles).
With the deterioration of U.S. – Soviet relations, President Reagan decided to station 108 “Pershing” missiles and 464 “Cruise” missiles on the territory of NATO allies Great Britain, West Germany, and Italy. When the American missiles started arriving in Europe in 1983, a considerable peace movement emerged in Europe (in part financed by the Kremlin). This was mirrored by the “nuclear freeze” movement in the United States, protesting and trying to block the stationing of the missiles and the launching of a new arms race. The stationing of the missiles signaled Western firmness and eventually induced disarmament talks with the Soviets. Therefore, the Pershing and Cruise missiles have been nicknamed “the weapons that won the Cold War.”
And now there are no nuclear missiles targetted at our homes and cities. And Russia, while no great friend, is no enemy.
Those Greenham women should just be forgotten…except as evidence that some people just shouldn’t be given space by a state broadcaster.
Following on from RGHs post; The bBC, Greenham common and rewriting the history with a leftist hue Greenham peace camp celebrated on 30th anniversary bBC reporter Louisa Baldini explains right at the end of the viseo that actually the women of the greenham protest movement was the reason why cruise missiles left the UK after the end of the coldwar. Really? I wonder if the bBCs school program promote that version of history to our youth?
Nothing about the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treatysigned in 1987 by the USSR and the US which saw the removal of all nuclear and conventional ground-launched ballistic and cruise missiles with intermediate ranges Just think if the ladies of Greenham Common Protest camp had actually got their way, then that treaty would never have been signed and russian nukes may still be pointed in their thousands into Europe. But sign they did and by May 1991 every nuke tipped cruise missile was destroyed by the americans. That people was achived by playing hardball with the bully on the otherside of the garden fence. Not by munching rugs in a field while your tent mate cooks up lentil soup paid for I should add by the bloody KGB
The bBC, reporting on biased reporting against Climate change. Journal editor resigns over ‘problematic’ climate paper By Richard Black The editor of a science journal has resigned after admitting that a recent paper casting doubt on man-made climate change should not have been published.The paper, by US scientists Roy Spencer and William Braswell, claimed that computer models of climate inflated projections of temperature increase.It was seized on by “sceptic” bloggers, but attacked by mainstream scientists.
So the bBCs expert on the Environment writes up on how the editor of a science journal has stepped down after Pro climate change scientists complained about an article which went against the current grain of how the earth is getting hotter by using data from NASA satellites to show that the Earth dumps a lot more heat into space than it is given credit for. (Which I suppose could explain the cold wet summer we had..Remember the threat of droughts we had earlier on..What droughts?)
Anyway as this article is about flawed judgmental thinking and I suppose from both Black and the bBC about how climate change sceptics can only be myopic and biased. You may like to have a butchers at the caption underneath the photo Black and the bBC publish of one of the authors of this yet to be officially declared incorrect article.
The BBC is fighting a PR campaign. The science they take on trust. It has become ‘received wisdom’. What frustrates them is the huge problem that is taught to every marketing professional. Fear marketing ie do this or else something bad happens isa double edged sword. The more you insist that terrible things are happening..that clown fish are going deaf, that millions of people will die if we don’t follow the green technology route, the more people get annoyed. This is a psychological reality.
Yet we are assailed with doom and gloom and guilt-trips about our lifestyles and choices.
The problem is that the science is not ‘settled’. It is a working hypothesis in which so much uncertainty is clustered that while the precautionary principle might be the best course, it should not exclude other voices or findings that cast doubt on the hypothesis.
Black acknowledges the existance of the ‘sceptic’ whom he finds irksome. He avidly reports the case of the editor to point out that sceptics are persistant nuisances who are seeking to sow the tares in the green fields of climate truth as he reports it. We should be on our guard against these subversives who can even take in editors who are decent chaps because they resign on realising their ‘folly’.
Would Richard Black care to answer truthfully the question ‘If the scientist had been a ‘commited’ Muslim would Black or the BBC used that in the photo caption?’
The Hadiths find ‘global warming’ an evidence for the theology of the last days and that Allah’s plan is working out just fine. The scenario is psychologically millenarianist in its appeal. Lots of references to the al-Masih ad-Dajjal’s return as soon as Arabia greens again. (among a ton of other signs which, because they are a constant in human means that the Islamic New World order is eschatological permanently just around the corner).
But evolution is a definite no no for the pious Muslim. That cuts to close to the bone of pious Muslim identity.
Descended from primates?
No. The fossils are evidence of unbelievers turned ape as a punishment. This fulfills:
“When they were too arrogant to [desist from] what they had been forbidden, We said to them, ‘Be you apes, humiliated'” (Qur’an 7:166).
I notice a difference between Sky and the BBC on the reporting of the security services and Libya. Sky show images of Tony Blair (Labour party) licking the arse of Gaddafi, the BBC show nothing and make NO mention of Liebore in their reporting, presumably in the hope people believe their reporting that it’s the evil Tories who are to blame.
I’m looking forward to the BBC being dragged kicking and screaming into the media reality that everyone is going to see in their Sunday papers ….the letters from Blair and Brown to the Big G which reveal a complete eager acceptance of Gaddafi’s style of governance.
The extract that turned my stomach was the Ramadan/Eid greetings.
“At this sacred time of harmony and reconciliation, recalling how our compassionate God has mercy on mankind, I would like to express my personal best wishes to you, ……
Best wishes, yours ever, Tony”
I can’t wait.
Ramadan Kareem as Gordon Brown so elegantly puts it. Ramadan Kareem, indeed.
Oh dear. Not a good Sunday for Liebore in the papers. McBust was as popular as a turd in a swimming pool according to Darling and Liebore lied a lot over Libya.
Want to be the BBC ignores all that and finds some anti Tory angle somewhere along the lines?
So the bank crisis would only last 6 months would it Brown?
the BBC News 24 ticker tape should say ‘We apologise for the bollocks that we ‘report’, but we are missing a brain cell due to the Government Cuts’…any other suggestions?
BBC News 24… ‘William Hague has no knowledge of the these reports due to a previous government’ …and the previous Government was not mentioned by the BBC
The BBC are NOT happy. They are fishing for links between the Tory Government and Gaddafi. Dotun Adebayo on Radio was interviewing some woman from some human rights lot who refused to take the BBC line of blaming the current government, although she said they did have questions to answer because they were now in power and responsible for MI6.
However, she made it clear it was Liebore who were in the shit.
So how will the BBC spin this? Well what the BBC normally does it get the Guardian newspaper to write a piece making up some lies about the current Government and Gaddafi that the BBC can then run on the news as ‘facts’. The BBC will then simply drop the story once everyone works out the Guardian story was a load of bollocks. The BBC do this a lot.
Oh and Alistiar Darling is really laying into the one eyed twat from Fife. So how will the BBC spin this? Well Nick the prick Robinson will tell us that he knew about this all the time (funny you never mentioned it then Nick) and that it was nothing really and you always get these ‘tensions’ in politics “just look at the Tories” will be Robinsons like from Liebore HQ
They won’t. If you can’t spin it, don’t cover it. I expect it will be brushed over. Perhaps a brief mention on 10 o’clock News with no further exploration and then onto the next story : how the cuts are affecting ‘the most vulnerable members of society’ – or someting like that.
Darling ‘Fairly Brutal’ Brown Regime, The Tories claim Labour is still in denial about the economy – after extracts from Alistair Darling’s memoirs are published.
They are following this with Libya.
The BBC News website, however, is leading with Foreign NHS takeovers ‘discussed’, followed by Scottish Tories ‘to be disbanded’
The other headlines on the BBC home page are: Strauss-Kahn arrives in France Sixty arrests after EDL protest Domestic workers in visa protest ‘All dead’ in Chilean air crash Libya spy papers ‘show CIA links’ Arrest in pensioner murder hunt Illness sees Adele cancel gigs
As for Darling and Brown? Nothing at all. Quite amazing – even for the biased BBC!
The Brown-Balls-Darling story is on the Politics page, but it’s a report that hasn’t been updated for two days and is in seventh place in the pecking order, behind a number of negative stories for the government and the Tories.
And who to get to massage the stories about Gordon Brown and Labour’s links with Libya? You could have placed money on the answer the BBC has come up with for this morning’s Breakfast. Yes, they’ve called in Kevin Maguire (intimately linked to the Brown inner circle).
Over on Radio 4, Paddy O’Connell’s Gordcasting House, which will doubtless do everything it can to downplay any difficulties for Labour (and Brown in particular). has called in….(drum roll)…Steve Richards of the Independent – another arch Labour loyalist. The programme will doubtless make a lot of the problems for the Scottish Tories and make light of the Darling story (if they don’t just ignore it, or let Richards dismiss it).
Kevin Maguire and Steve Richards. How blatant can they get?
‘As for Darling and Brown? Nothing at all. Quite amazing – even for the biased BBC! ‘
The BBC, and especially the oompa-loompas that are the market rate talents in politics, either did not know anything and are therefore incompetent. Or they did and are utterly complicit in a propaganda cover up that makes bloke now on the phone in Libya still saying Gaddafi is winning, seem like Woodward & Bernstein.
Comical Robinson indeed. See he’s back, briefly, from one set of hols, and already selective on what he thinks is worthy of ‘analysing’.
Had a certain respect for Mr. Darling, but that was dented when he and Philip Hammond dug a credibility hole ‘debating’ with Jonny Ball on Daily Politics when they both lied through their teeth.
However, here we have, clear as day, what was going on, and the delusions then that still seem to be getting credence from the tarnished bubble that is the Labour/Graun/BBC axis of weevils. Brown was a barking mad kamikaze pilot, and we all knew it, save a small cabal that had a vested interest in flying along, if with golden parachutes ready to bail comfortably having milked the doomed flight as much as possible before impact.
They were wrong and lied then, and seem to feel the best way to deal with that is simply ramp up the mendacious farce in its ‘reporting’ and ‘guest’ selection and interviews.
If I see Balls given airtime any more, it should only be in a set of stocks, not to be served a tickle on the tummy.
Bet he’s who we’ll get on Marr today, and asked more on his holiday reading than any of this meaty fare.
Just seen this ridiculously left-wing item: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-14764357
“Karl Marx may have been wrong about communism but he was right about much of capitalism”
“more and more people are starting to think Karl Marx was right.”
“Marx… was far more perceptive than most economists in his day and ours.
“As capitalism has advanced it has returned most people to a new version of the precarious existence of Marx’s proles.”
” just as he predicted, the bourgeois world has been destroyed”
The ‘precariat’ has replaced the ‘proleteriat’ in the formula.
Well explained here. You can see how excited the Marxists (and Leftists) are about the potential of their brand new element in the eternal battle against the ‘rich’.
“Precarious literally means unsure, uncertain, difficult, delicate. As a political term it refers to living and working conditions without any guarantees: for example the precarious residential status of migrants and refugees, or the precariousness of everyday life for single mothers. Since the early 1980s the term has been used more and more in relation to labour. Precarious work refers to all possible forms of insecure, non-guaranteed, flexible exploitation: from illegalised, seasonal and temporary employment to homework, flex- and temp-work, to subcontractors, freelancers, or so called self-employed persons.”
PS Marxism is a pseudo-science. It displays all the signs of an atheist religion. A closed logic system.
Its energy is, of course, the “will to power” based on envy. Would be tribunes of the people. The barrack room lawyer.
It’s in clever-clever neo-Marxist mode, trying to look balanced by saying Marx was wrong about one thing, then banging on about ‘class’ ad nauseam.
It seems they think that interpreting everything in terms of class will somehow keep Marx’s ideas alive. And the stream of publications and articles trying to do so certainly continues…
No doubt this is part of the BBCs subtle attempt to make Socialism appear middle of the road.
PS: Reed is exactly right about how the BBC will follow the (not very enthusiastically reported) Darling-Brown news-item with some searing journalism about inequalities etc immediately afterwards – that is their MO
I think a bit of a campaign is under way. Saint Polly was banging on about class last week, a bit like the peasants in ‘Holy Grail’. (“He must be a King, he hasn@t got shit all over him…”)
More to the point, what the BBC and its’ Frankfurt school doctrine dictate is that economic decision making should be taken from individuals who acting in their best interests and are the ‘unseen hand’ that drives economic interaction – and placed in the ‘hidden hands’ of a cabal of marxists who make decisions on everybodies’ behalf to ‘improve society’. This is apparently ‘fair’ (the word has dropped from the Labour guide to writing news stories – temporarily -so we havent head BBC shouting about fairnness for a while…) Of course you get no say whatsoever in how society is to be improved. This generally means mega death cmpaigns against class enemies, famine, economic collapse, forced labour, Gulags, incarceration in mental assylums for people who do not believe that ‘scientific socialism’ is the best of all worlds. Fairness becomes entirely arbitrary – everything the cabal does is ‘fair’ by definition. This political and economic stance has, historically, led -quite literally – to every conceivable outrage and atrocity possible. I don’t wanr that kind of faieness thank you, but I would like the BBC to report it. I wonder if they will be giving any space to journalists who want to re-examine the ‘glamour’ of fascism and its economic plans? (A similarly foul ideology)
Unfortunately it seldom if ever works out that what the self appointed decison makers do with society is in anybodies’ interest far less the best interest of everyone. Plans devolve into personal projects and focus on the cabal (perfectly illustrated by the Brown terror and the BBC tumblweed that accompanied it).
Stalin thought there should be a canal from the Baltic to the White Sea. A brilliant socially beneficial project said everyone who didn’t want to end up dead or digging it until they died. a) it was to shallow for ships, b) it froze solid for eight months of the year c) there was no demand for such a canal economically, and strategically warships were too big to use it. In a sane capitalist scoiety no one would have built it – in a socialist command economy they were told to get on with it by any means possible. According to the Gulag Archipeligo it cost a human life for every metre of its length. It is and always has been useless.
Marxim is a foul pseudo religion based on a few assertions and a pile of circular analysis. Above all it has been repeated ly shown to be completely and utterly wrong
Polly back from Tuscany then?
Shirley Williams being dusted off and taken out of the dark broom cupboard that she hangs upside down in?
Vanessa Redgrave rolling around the BBC measuring up for curtains and shagpile for Gadhafi, and his vulnerable travelling family community?
How many bats does the BBC belfry hold…and will these endangered old birds be still able to squauk from the duck pond by Salford docks next year?
The RSPB must be informed…and the UN/EU will take a dim view of it too I reckon
There’s one reason why the issue of class is suddenly in vogue at the BBC : we now have a ‘posh’ Prime Minister who is also a Conservative. It’s an ideal alignment for them to commence with a subtle mode of attack :
1. Make class a more commonly discussed issue
2. Create an ‘us and them’ narrative
3. Constantly push the idea that the ‘savage’ cuts will affect the poor whilst the rich are unaffected
4. Remind people that the PM is one of THEM and not one of US.
5. Tories are once again the nasty party for the posh and the rich.
Darling’s revealations of chaos, a brutal regime and Brown’s appalling decisions – BBC News : “Mr Brown is unreachable for comment”. Here’s a thought BBC, why not go and find a comment from a Conservative? You havent yet for Darling’s memiors.
You had no problems seeking comments from Labour MPs, union bosses, public sector workers or the Labour voting man on the street when revelations about previous Tory Prime Ministers came to light.
Very true. However interviewing Brown himself would be a bit of a challenge as I believe his is somewhere in orbit around the planet Zog and the BBC poll tax doesn’t run to inter stellar communication equipment – yet!
Sky News, on the other hand, was quite able to find a Conservative to comment on the Brown/Darling story last night. Curious that the BBC couldn’t find one.
A new dilemma for BBC News to “report”.
Their poster-boy, Gaddafi, has just told his adoring public that they must unite and repel the alliance of invaders.
The alliance he is referring to, is of course, NATO and AL QAEDA.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called βfirst among equals β which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I donβt know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
“UK riots: David Cameron attacks BBC and pledges more money for problem families.David Cameron has launched a strong attack on the BBC for advocating doing nothing in response to the riots as he pledged more money for problem families.”
The BBC’s outright political hostility towards British PM Cameron (as on ‘Today’ this morning) can be compared to its political subservience towards Democrat Obama (as evidenced in Mardell ‘reports’).
“Cam Bullish over Bullingdon”
(by Paul Waugh)
.”..perhaps the most ear-catching stuff came when Evan Davis dared to compare the Bullingdon Club with the rioters, suggesting they were a “youthful gang that engages in violent behaviour”.
Clearly irritated by the comparison, Cameron hit back with his own attack on the BBC’s reporting of the riots, hinting that it had joined the Left in suggesting that inequality was to blame for the violence and that bankers were just as much to blame as rioters.
“‘When you listen to the BBC there’s a sort of danger [‘that all these things are equated, no, no, no, no’ Davis interrupts] of trying to put these things into a great mush and make that as an excuse for not acting. Some people almost say that until we deal with the problem of inequality in our society there’s nothing you can do top deal with rioting. That’s what it can slip into if you are not careful.’
“The clear implication was that pinko BBC types were in hock to the Miliband analysis of the riots. Davis protested that was not his intention, but the point had been made.”
We know BBC-NUJ’s political line on the riots: it’s pro-‘UKUncut’., as evidenced particularly at ‘Newsnight’ which gave ‘UKUncut’ our money to make a propganda programme of it illegally occupying shops and offices, and worse.
The language here is too weak. BBC types are not in hock to Miliband. The BBC is the propaganda wing of the Labour party, and together with the Guardian, often drives their direction. We need to end the licence fee forthwith!
As you pointed out in the thread below, ‘a BBC spokesman dismissed the criticism, saying the corporation’s coverage had been “impartial and balanced“.’
Are they ever able to defend their impartiality with anything better than a variation of “we think we got it about right, because we say so”?
At last. The BBC must be held accountable. How many times did we hear Beeboids push the “root causes” Narrative? Almost without exception, every Beeboid reportin gor in the studio tried to place blame on the bankers or the Tories or the nebulous “inequality”. Many were quite willing to justify the violence and vandalism.
Cameron should repeat this every day.
Quite, David. Violence and vandalism became ‘protesting’. The former has no justification at all. The latter suggests a legitmate grievance as a motive. They’re at odds with the public on this one, but don’t seem to realise.
Every day the BBC trotts out someone to say ” Youngsters tell me they have no hope. They see the way Bankers behave with their bonuses and Politicians with their expenses and the riots were a consequense.”
No they don’t say or even think along those lines. It is the BBC and their Labour colleges who come out with this tripe and offer thugs and vandals an excuse for their utter disregard for Law, Order and, in particular, other peoples’ possessions.
If any miscreant from the worst murderer to the petty criminal is offered the excuse that their behaviour is due to the actions of another, they will be very happy to pretend that is the case and consider it to be justification to continue.
Reed:They’re at odds with the public on this one, but don’t seem to realise.
No, theyjust don’t care. They are not interested in what the public says or wants, they would rather not have any dealings with them.
Wrong, very wrong; the BBC do like one dealing they have with the public – extorting the licence fee!
Given the endless flow of morally bankrupt, wilfully blind, beeboid apologia for the looting scum, ‘it’s all down to the bankers’ etc, Aunty ought to take a look at her own source of income. Each year she extorts £3.4 billion from a reluctant public, failure to pay up results in bullying, even imprisonment. I sometimes hear the gasp of admiration from Sicily, as the Mafia wonder why they didn’t think of something like that. The next time I need a new mobile, I shall loot one to the exact value of the licence fee. When in front of the beak, I’ll say, ‘The BBC made me do it, sir.’ An excuse as vacuous as the rest of the lily-livered rubbish peddled by the holders of ‘nuanced (but remarkably craven) opinions’.
If the BBC were to get out of their biodome & really ask the public what they thought about the rioters, the darkened rooms of Wood Lane would be full of quivering, horrified beeboids. In my north London ‘hood, the consensus was that the riot squad should have smashed them to pulp. People were also remarkably relaxed about identifying the skin colour of the majority of the ‘protesters’. Us ‘bigots’, us ‘unenlightened’ people, do know something – all criminal thugs respect is….superior violence. We’ve learnt that salient fact in the real world, a place the BBC finds very disturbing.
A quick addition to my earlier comment. I’ve just heard that Keir Starmer, boss of the CPS (Couldn’t Prosecute Satan), has said rioters shouldn’t be treated as exceptional cases! Their crimes were committed under exceptional circumstances – battle zones, for Christ’s sake! I don’t want to be racist about this, but white neo-liberal fools will be the death of us.
Excellent posts, jarwill !
The useless Keir Starmer is just another Labour placeman. He and all the others should have been sacked as soon as the coalition got power. So long as they remain this country will continue to rot.
So far as I can see, nothing much has changed since the Labour Government apart from the rhetoric.
Thanks, Grant. I wonder if Cameron, with a clear Tory majority would have dealt with Starmer’s ilk? What’s left of the actual Tory party may have pressured him? I don’t know. But the Lib Dems, Clegg’s wife is an ‘ooman rights/wrongs lawyer, wouldn’t have it, that’s for sure! The beeboid mentality runs thru’ all institutions. It’s the appalling victory of Malcolm Bradbury’s ‘History Man’. Heaven help us.
One of the most anti-democratic actions of the last government was the placement of its supporters into the Civil Service. They were placed there to circumvent the Services main perceived function, the blocking of Labour policies and the continuation of the status quo.
The Civil Service is well used to dealing with fly-by-wire politicians and have practiced their dark art for decades. The end result is that the more extreme and damaging policies get shuffled to committee after committee until it they are forgotten about.
The Tories had the same problem but were wise enough to leave well alone.
The likes of Ponting and that trident girl (name escapes me) were alleged precursors to this – moles placed into sensitive areas ready to feed the party tasty morsels.) But Old Labour was careful not to place too many, too obviously.
From 1997 however Labour started to fill the ministerial offices with the party faithful, often ex-BBC employees, such as Martin Sixsmith, – all primed and ready to bury bad news.
These people are still there, leaking documents ( like the Education building cuts in 2010 and Defence Review documents) to their fellow travellers in the BBC.
Because many of the placemen are actually Civil Servants, rather than publicly paid party hacks (when do we get that investigation do you think?), they will be difficult to sack …
Excellent, truthful analysis, Cattle Prod. Politicians come & go, but the upper echelons of the Civil Service have been thoroughly infiltrated by the leftist moles who don’t fade away. Perhaps Mr Le Carre could devote his next novel to this appalling state of affairs, instead of bigging up Muslims as if they were the answer to all our prayers.
You’re probably right, Mr. Cattle. What they have done will be VERY hard to undo, and they knew it.
Keir Starmer is a human rights lawyer whose colleagues were intimately involved in the ‘human rights act overall of the police..starting in NI.
A lot of fees and expenses were earned including the infamous lawyer in the control room to assure human rights complianceduring public order events.
The lawyers were not available at the time the Riots and Looting kicked off (weekend, phones off the hook etc) and the police stood there at midnight without human rights assurance cover…at a fee, naturally while Croydon burnt.
This is how Question Time should be every week…
Brilliant. After a pretty awful week, you have started my weekend with a great laugh !
It made me laugh too, Grant. Glad to have helped out a little.
I just showed it to my 85-year old mother , who can be a little prudish, and even she laughed !
Mr Cameron should have castrated the bbc when he assumed office last year. As time proceeds towards the next election it will become impossible for this government to do anything. Of course they have no intention of the sort, whether out of fear of the socialists or because even the organisation as it stands is more useful to them than no organisation.
he’s a waste of sapce
made loads of promises and hasn’t delivered on one
Yes, Cameron is totally , utterly useless.
Actually they’ve delivered on hundreds; far more active and ‘radical’ in 15 months than New Labour’s whole first term. HOWEVER, on many important “Conservative” promises he has not done enough – with the excuse of being hamstrung by the Lib Dems – and as many say, probably won’t.
al-Beeb first in with the Israel-bashing on the Turkish Ambassadorial expulsion.
They’ve picked themselves the most ominous-looking photograph they could find from the IHH’s flotilla vessel, the Mavi-Marmara.
Except that the IDF solldier from the bording party pictured is actually carrying a paintball gun.
See the blog for evidence and a detailed timeline you wil never find on the BBC.
Being a leading participant in the worldwide leftist and Islamist campaign to delegitimise Israel and dehumanise Jews – This Is What We Do.
As I posted in the other thread the BBC alone seem to keep bigging up the rants of Gaddafi claiming that there’s going to be an Iraq style insurgency, in fact I’d go as far as to say the BBC WANT such an insurgency and I wouldn’t put it past the BBC to stir it up over there, especially with the no1 supporter of nutters and dictators al Bowen now out there.
Is it my imagination or since Bowen has turned up in Libya the BBC’s reporting has taken on a pro Gaddafi slant?, well even more than it had before at any rate.
Yes, Martin. Take any issue and you know immediately which side the BBC are on. They have supported Gaddafi throughout and are making it clear that they still do. Beeboids are mentally deranged.
5live news 3.30pm. The rascist bBC says three men got sentenced for rape. A 17 year old white girl is named for luring the girls to the attack. The men are not names, they are asians. The bBC is rascist as they think asians are so superior they should not be named.
There’s a reason for this. In modern Britain, minorities are not to be linked to anything negative. Nothing must undermine the ‘multicultural success story’. Whenever someone has the audacity to link any racial or religious minority to a negative story there will be a chorus of the usual suspects eager to cry ‘racism’ without consideration of the facts, and the BBC are always more than happy to act as an enabler to maintain the wonderful diversity rainbow narrative . For the BBC to report the race of these offenders would cause them to fall foul of their own little rule and put themselves in the firing line.
Hello Reed, just doing my normal of stirring the ‘multicultural diversity bollox’ pot. It has been evident to me that at least since the time of the odious Hazel Blears as communities minister, she had issued secret orders to the media about reporting stories that might enflame opinions. It is just another lie about the independence of the bBC. So they either admit they are government stooges and cannot be believed on any thing they say or in this instance racist; the choice is theirs.
They appear to have stitched themselves up nicely, Fred. They’ve made their own feculent bed, let them lie in it. Move over, Tracey Emin, it’s going to get very crowded in there.
No I think it goes back further than Hazel Blears.
The men’s names are, it has to be said, clearly stated on the webpage.
I noticed the story earlier and was actually surprised it wasn’t suppressed. Mind you, it wasn’t linked via the main news page for long and is now quite difficult to find.
Hello Roland, my concern is a matter of exposure. What is going to have the largest audience 3.30pm on a friday on the radio, or a webpage. And that webpage is listed under ‘news Lancashire’, unless I know to look for it, I will not find it. The pointers on the main news pages are already pointing to other stories. So that story effectively disappears, unless I happen to be intersted in Lancashire news.
The bBC decide how they report a news story, being a short break they could have not named anyone. However, it was their choice to find time to name the girl, if so then they can find time to name them all.
Fred, I agree entirely. I probably didn’t put it well, as I was implying much the same thing in its brief appearance on the main page before becoming difficult to find.
I felt it should be pointed out that it was mentioned somewhere, before Dez or Scott came on to derail the conversation.
Of course, a Scottie or a Dezzie would say the fact it is reported somewhere shows the BBC is unbiased !!!!!
The main BBC Radio 4 news at 6pm named the men quite clearly. However the main focus of the story was the white girl used to lure the victims to their ordeal.
This has two BBC PC strands – thea idea that women are rarey involved in sex crimes (and therefore this is bigger news than the race of the attackers) and the ignoring of the racial differences between victims and perp, unless of course if the victims are non-white and the perps white.
This is a dangerous path to trad as it allows the BNP and other race haters, who care nothing for the victims, to use the incident as evidence of an over arching evil in Britain based on colour. Which of course is fatuous non-sense – the evil is cultural not racial.
I thought I was seeing things:
“BCC boss calls for the Government to ‘radically change’ the welfare system”
silly me
Has anybody noticed how quickly the comments section on Stephanie floundering Flanders ‘s blog was closed?
I am sure that the fact that so many comments were pointing out her long holiday from blogging was only a coincidence.
You also might have thought that with so much going on we would have had more posts. Has she gone on holiday again?
Her brain went on holiday a long time ago, I still wat her to tell us which Ed was the better shag.
Well they’ve both fucked the rest of us – why shouldn’t she get her turn.
“I still wat her to tell us which Ed was the better shag.”
Quite frightening being under Ol’ Ballsy when he’s “on the job”, I should think. I’d guess that the increase in his ‘blink rate’ turns the whole grisly operation into a re-run of “Scanners”. =-O
I can’t imagine who I least want to think about being on the job, Ed Testicles or Dianne Abbott.
…and you went and put them both in the same image for us. Ick.
I’m a bit concerned at the way you shoehorn my hot ‘Black Fox’ into any discussion, Martin.
It appears that you, too, have a perfectly understandable crush on her, and I can’t help feeling that I’m ‘enabling’ this via my sexiful avatar (above left).
So new avatar, it is !
There. Now you can start to heal.
…hopefully not JacSmith.
Who mentioned the porn queen? You did, Reed. Only you. Oh dear, oh dear, that’s another disturbing obsession to add to the grim litany on here…………
I think the above posts are absolutely disgusting.
Once I have stopped laughing , I am going to make a formal complaint to the moderator.
So the US economy is still tanking and the jobs sector is stagnant, yet if you read the BBC report you ge the impression this is nothing to do with Obama and that HE’S got the solution.
I’m confused BBC, just who has been running the US economy for the last 2 years? What happened to all that stimulus money?
The BBC manage to blame the Conservatives for UK economy altough they have only been in (partial) power for a year but excuse Obama from any blme although he has been in power for three years, two of which with a majority in both Houses.
In the case of the US economy, I blame Abraham Lincoln.
We know that everything the bBBC says has to be taken with a pinch of salt, unfortunatly that course of action will no longer be tolerated. Sorry can’t find link but 6pm news lastish item
“London is no longer an English city and that’s how it got the Olympics, says John Cleese”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2032956/John-Cleese-London-longer-English-city-thats-got-2012-Olympics.html#ixzz1Wp3lQdku
BBC reaction?
Less of John Cleese on BBC?
He’s said similar before, but reinforcing it will definately put him in the same doghouse as Starkey. However, when even lefties like Morrissey have echoed the same view, you know there must be a major problem that’s been left to proliferate.
“Morrissey, the former Smiths singer, has sparked controversy by claiming British identity has disappeared because the country has been “flooded” by immigrants.”
When Margaret Thatcher used the word ‘swamped’ in relation to immigration the knives were out straight away (like they needed an excuse). I’m pretty sure no one is boycotting Morrissey concerts because of his views on immigration. It seems for some it’s not what is being said, but who is saying it that causes outrage.
Best thing any English person can do is to boycott London. Refuse to recognize it exists as the capital city. Bonus is if we boycott the Olympics they will be foreigners only which would be an excellent result.
In Mid Wales last week I met some Ukranian families who had decided to go in search of England and English people. They were rather puzzled to find that Wales is not England and that I too was a foreigner there.
They did say that London is no longer an English city whereas Kiev is very definitely Ukranian so if the foreigners notice this what on earth is going on?
Ethnic cleansing in a peculiarly English way. Quietly and without fuss and a little regretfully.
The consequences will be something we will all live to regret.
“Ethnic cleansing in a peculiarly English way. Quietly and without fuss and a little regretfully. “
Yes. Quite, Dave. Watch as we form an ordely queue in the departure lounge, too.
The left are always incredibly keen to dismiss the notion of a host or indigenous culture in Britain, and especially England. This is, of course, a denial of the obvious : everywhere has a host culture. Perversely, the left love to remind us of this as they ‘celebrate’ all of the wonderful cultures from other nations, it’s just their own they wish to deny. It may not be easy to define or put into words exactly what English culture or Englishness is, but most of us know exactly what isn’t, as does anyone from overseas when they visit.
The worry is that we may not ‘all live to regret’ this; I fear that many of us will die in the next stages of this process.
Dave s,
I have been to Kiev twice. It is a beautiful city. The only problem is that is that it is full of Ukrainians !!!
I haven’t set foot in London for 20 years. It was a dump then. God knows what it is like now.
Mind you, here in sunny Edinburgh we are being swamped by Poles. And very welcome they are too ….
Morrissey is a perverse lad, Reed. He’s got himself into hot water a number of times with lyrics/comments the slavishly cultural Marxist music press have been horrified by, particularly ‘National Front Disco’, & his comments on the tedium of disco music, & the misogyny of reggae. One of his songs is called, ‘We’ll Let You Know’, a double-edged elegy with a last line that claims, ‘We are the last, truly British people you will ever know.’ I hadn’t heard it for a while until Shami Chakrabarti chose it for one of her Desert Island Discs.
And it’s going to get less Englsh if the EU (and the UK) have anything to do with it. Sorry in advance for being a ‘blog hussy’ π
“The secret immigration policy they tried to hide”. “Behind closed doors, EU negotiations will trigger a new wave of cheap labour into Britain.” Who and when will the public be informed? These are new, irreversible commitments. Not Labour, ‘even though Peter Mandelson initiated all the current agreements‘, not David Cameron or the Coalition…not UKIP, or the Greens or even the Unions
Read this book to debunk the leftist myth that we’re ‘a nation of immigrants’:
Intersting stuff, chimes with a comment of RGH’s a few weeks ago.
Very interesting, My Site. I remember a TV documentary a few years ago that claimed that even the Romans left behind far less of a genetic legacy in these isles than one would have thought, considering their dominance.
“Let’s be clear about this” – “Lessons will be/have been/are being/learned”. The more I hear these dumb politico-speak phrases, the more I wish I could line the whole bally lot of them up in front of a Bren gun (or even something a bit newer). They are ALL without exception a waste of space, and public money, serve no useful purpose and are, to a man (or woman), lying bastards.
And so are the BBC
Not only do we get the sobbing ‘travellers’ at Dale Farm on the 6 o’clock news every night, they get on the the South East News at 6.30pm AND the One Show at 7 !!
These people have flouted the planning laws that the rest of us have to comply with
and now the UN are taking up their case and the BBC love it.
Lost count of the BBC reporters on site waiting for a confrontation !
The UN statement includes this…“Travellers and Gypsies already face considerable discrimination and hostility in wider society”
Would it not be an idea to find out why this should be – dodgy tarmacing, theft, criminal damage and intimidation maybe ???
They have turned down bricks and mortar homes and wish to live as they are
in ‘culturally acceptable accomodation’.
Could Essex not offer them a caravan site on the coast – you know, one of those
clifftops that are eroding ??
“….wish to live as they are in ‘culturally acceptable accomodation’.
That’d be somewhere in Ireland, then. Strange how the role of our neighbours over to the west seem to have been left out of this little sob-story. Nassssty England, rejecting people their own country couldn’t wait to be shot of.
Oh, and Pikeys + Anarchists + The U.N. = The enemy in plain view and very conveniently in one place.
As Kenny Everett had it :“Round ’em up, put ’em in a field, and Bomb The Bastards !”
They’ve actually rounded themselves up – that’s very helpful- so onto part two of the program.
I do miss Kenny Everett. So brave of him to come out of the closet during a period of such intolerance to his kind. Conservatives, that is. π
Hmm well due to the defence cuts all we have avalable is a Lancaster so we may have to get the Yanks to help out again and borrow a b-17 or 2 !
We’ve got one flying Vulcan bomber, that’s all we need.
Yep i’d forgot about her now that i would pay to see !!
Coming on top of their ludicrous report on the Mavi Marmara, yet another reason to leave the UN.
Not, of course, a BBC-NUJ interview with EDL.
Tommy Robinson Interviewed on Danish TV
What can only speculate what the Danish reporter made of the shitpit that is Luton.
Stuff and nonsense, Mr Jim ! It has a rather spiffy Hat Museum for starters. And a nice cricket ground (right next to said Hat Museum: how convenient !)
Bet Denmark doesn’t have sports grounds and millinery combinations.
What a nonsense it all has become.
It may not be pretty on the outside but I bet, like all new public sector buildings, that they’ve really gone to town on feathering the nest inside. They don’t allow themselves to go without. Austerity measures for the rest of us : designer leather chairs and relaxation pods for them.
I don’t know, Reed. Have you watched “Football Focus” since the move ? Looks like a student bedsit without the refinement.
The BBC should get some knd of prize for designing buildings that are uglier than the Television Center and Pebble Mill combined.
They have not matched the spectacular ugliness of the new council building in Yate. 31 million of your pounds worth of eyesore.
I see what you mean, Ron. But having googled some images, it does rather prove my point that the public sector love to provide themselves, at our expense and with no expense spared, with all manner of goodies for their staff on the inside. You can’t blame them, I suppose. But someone has to pay for all of this.
‘NEWSNIGHT’ tonight:-
INBBC’s top story tonight?
That old chestnut: the doughty Al Qaeda suspect and regulation charges of torture, rendition, etc (as with Ethiopian Binyam Mohammed, Al Qaeda suspect) and the horrible Americans.
This time, INBBC takes the side of a Libyan Al Qaeda suspect.
Was it ever thus?
INBBC relegates this:-
Libya, an Important Land for Jihad
For ‘Newsnight’ tonight:
– has a non-utopian, non-anti-Western analysis of Libya, and the same Libyan Muslim:
Relax! Libya’s rebel commander downplays his jihadist “past”
It’s just been on the 10 o’clock news.
And guess what piece of pondlife has just resurfaced in time to do the interview ? Yes, ’tis Effendi Bowen, back from his cave ! Allahu akbar !
The BBC really are a bunch of arseholes. Fatty Mardell talking about his boyfriend St Barrack of Obamastan. “He didn’t create this mess”
No, but how come the BBC are making excuses, he own the US economy. When it comes to the Tories here the BBC are quick to shut up any Tory who tries ot blame (rightl) the mess Liebore got us into. In fact the BBC go out of thier way never to mention the one eyed retard from Fife and the mess he made of the economy.
Anyone else catch Jeremy Bowen trying to shoehorn in alleged CIA torture of a ‘rebel’ whilst going over the rubble of Gadaffi’s compound? It had zero to do with the story. If true it should have been the story, if not why squeeze it in? That skunk is some piece of work, he truly is.
Newsnight went big on the whole thing as well.
Bowen really is nothing but an old Fakir.
And I wish he would Fakir Off.
© Carry on up the Khaiber
On a BBC news bulletin:
‘Cameron responds to criticism he has become more right wing…’
I wonder if the word criticism would be used to someone who has been claimed to of become more left wing?
More evidence, if any were needed, that BBC News is the broadcaster of New Labour Talking Points.
Interesting that Roy Spencer gets labeled as a religious but WHILE the real Religious nut, Bob Ward, gets no such labeling.
Surely this isnt an example of the BBC trying to discredit someone, someone who just happens to be a sceptic?
No, the BBC would NEVER do anything like that would they?
Oh & BTW 110 grand declared? That aint gonna run 3 houses and private everything is it? I wonder how much goes into tax havens undeclared? I really hope the BBCs favourite hypocrite gets outed.
Lessons will be learnt I expect…. The safety of our customers blah blah. Its all horseshit of course but there we are.
Bit more from the DM here.
The Daily Mail was too kind on that one. This should have been front page news with the headline Raped by the BBC. However the BBC has been raping the publics mind for decades.
And they’ve been screwing free speech all that time too.
So the Federal Housing Finance Agency is going to sue a bunch of banks for allegedly falsifying records on all those bad mortgages Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae bought, whixh caused the two organizations to go bust and taken over by the FHFA. This is going to get ugly.
The timing is very convenient. The President is in trouble over His mishandling of the economy which, as Mark Mardell is always keen to remind you, is not His fault. Bash the Bankers is a favorite pasttime of the Left, especially the BBC. So what better way to refocus public anger than to claim the nasty bankers were lying all along? It’s perfect. No such political analysis will be forthcoming from the BBC, as it doesn’t help their beloved Obamessiah.
Of course, what the BBC doesn’t mention is that most of the TARP bailout money has been paid back or recouped. So it’s basically BS to blame the Government’s current debt on that. So is anyone suing GM for not only not paying it all back, but for actually repaying some of it with more TARP money? Of course not, because that’s all about the President’s beloved unions. No surprise the BBC never told you any of that.
There’s also the fact that The Obamessiah is #2 on the top ten list of recipients of campaign cash from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac between 1998 and 2008. Think about that for a second: He was only a Senator for less than thee years, and already got more cash than everyone except the corrupt Sen. Chris Dodd did in a decade. It was Dodd who got sweetheart mortgage loans from Countrywide, one of firms now being sued. Has the BBC told you any of this? No.
I’m going to keep my eye on this. And you can bet that this is going to be another one of those major stories where the BBC is going to push the White House line and will censor lots of information, failing to provide the proper context.
Funny thing about Fannie May and Freddie Mac? It was the democreeps that pressed for affordable home loans to be lavished on ehthnic minorities like the black population and demanded relaxations of guidlines meant to ensure that people coild afford to pay back loans. Obviously companies rushed to exploit the relaxation in lending criteria, and so you know whats coming dont you? A massive expansion in loans and a housing bubble and easy loans meant that when the bubble burst those at the bottom paid the price.
The law suit is an attempt to blame someone/anyone else other than those who are really responsible. The democreeps need a patsy, they need someone to blame because O’Bama is well and truly f*cked for 2012, when 2012 comes around and unemployment is 10% ++++ he is going to be a one term turkey. If in doubt blame someone else, this is the leftist credo.
BTW the democreeps are going to play really dirty this time, in fact they are going to enter the gutter then the sewer and engage in some of the worst tactics yet seen.
When you say ‘ Obviously companies rushed to exploit the relaxation in lending criteria’ are you being sarcastic because … ?
If memory serves it was Jimmy Carter that introduced the sub-prime loan scheme and it was a damp squib until Clinton came along. The Bionic Hair-Do created legislation that enabled Fanny Mai and Fanny Mac to force bank to give out loans. Other pressures were also brought to bare such as threatening to block mergers and acquisitions, legislation on share trading etc. On top of this the Sainted One, through his association with Acorn, organised sit ins and demos whenever a black client was denied a loan.
To cover this the banks started to off load these loans and it is this that caused the crisis – the fact that other banks around the World were buying debts without really comprehending what they were purchasing.
That’s when the body blow hit and the loans were defaulted and the whole pack of cards collapsed.
The banks must shoulder some blame for their dodgy selling of what were essentially bad debts but the main blame falls fair and square one the Democrats and the two FMs.
What INBBC ‘NEWSNIGHT’ omitted last night from its ‘report’ on Libya, Al Qaeda and Mr Belhaj.
“How al-Qaeda got to rule in Tripoli”
“His name is Abdelhakim Belhaj. Some in the Middle East might have, but few in the West and across the world would have heard of him.
“Time to catch up. Because the story of how an al-Qaeda asset turned out to be the top Libyan military commander in still war-torn Tripoli is bound to shatter – once again – that wilderness of mirrors that is the ‘war on terror’, as well as deeply compromising the carefully constructed propaganda of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO’s) ‘humanitarian’ intervention in Libya.”
I don’t often listen to the Today Programme, as it is bad for my blood pressure, but caught the item before the 8 o’clock news on Friday. It was about free schools. Mary Bousted of the ATL criticised the Phoenix school for employing ex-servicemen without degree qualifications. When he got the chance to reply, Tom Burkard said all their teachers would have degree qualifications. So far, so fair.
On the immediately following 8 o;clock news, clips from each speaker were aired, but guess what – Bousted’s erronious criticism was quoted without Burkard’s refutation. Incompetent or disingenuous? I think we all know which.
‘The Sun’ on BBC and riots, (scroll down):
“Left and riot”
“DAVID Cameron hits the nail on the head over the BBC’s biased riots coverage.
“The left-wing corporation produced a ‘mush’ of excuses to defend criminal looters, the PM said.
“Indeed, the BBC was quick to blame inequality, though most of those in court seemed greedy and immoral rather than badly off.
It even gave bandwagon-jumping idiots air time to blame ‘Tory cuts’.
With a straight face, the BBC insists its coverage was ‘balanced’.
It was … between left and rabidly left.”
BBC-NUJ’s Ms Walker, PM Cameron, and riots.
BBC-NUJ’s Ms Walker asks (section under her photo):
“Is David Cameron an old-style, right-wing Tory, praising courts for locking up rioters, or a compassionate Conservative prepared to hug a hoodie?”
I ask her:
“Is she an old-style, left-wing Labourite, praising courts which free rioters, or a compassionate Beeboid prepared to hug ‘UKUncut’?”
The bBC, the murder of an Imam in London and half the story.
Imam killed after morning prayer in Finsbury Park
A imam who died in suspicious circumstances at a mosque in north London was killed after taking morning prayers, it has emerged.The religious leader, understood to be Sheikh Maymoun Zarzour, was found at the Muslim Welfare House in Seven Sisters Road, Finsbury Park, on Friday.A man was arrested at the scene on suspicion of murder. A post-mortem examination is being arranged.
The Metropolitan Police said it was not believed to be a faith hate crime.
It continued: “The sheikh was very friendly and never had an argument with anyone in the community during his career in this mosque.”The imam was blind after a childhood accident.
The iman was born in Lebanon and worked as a lecturer in Islamic history before coming to the UK. In 2009 he successfully defeated Hillingdon Council in the High Court after it refused to provide him accommodation.The sheikh argued he needed “special care and attention”.
So reading the above from the bBC, an Imam was killed,(how dare they) it wasn’t a hate crime (Thus promoting the view that the UK is full of white racists) That he wouldn’t harm a fly, and that he took the council to court and won after he arrived 2 years ago because he had special needs which required to be funded at the expense of the working man.
And here is what the bBC doesn’t tell you:
A Lebanese Al-Jamaa al-Islamiya activist was strangled to death in Britain Friday, an official from the group told The Daily Star. Al-Jamaa al-Islamiya official Hajj Omar Sraj said Sheikh Maimoun Zarzour, the imam of Dar al-Riayah al-Islamiya in London, was strangled in the early hours of the morning by an Algerian assailant.
Zarzour survived an assassination attempt near his house in Iqlim al-Kharroub in 2007 after which he left to London. Zarzour was the iman of Al-Badawi Mosque and Al-Jamaa al-Islamiya official in Shehim from 2002-06 before he headed the group’s social committee between 2007 and 2009.
It appears this wasn’t the first time that somebody had tried to kill the blind Imam, in fact it was the reason he came to live in the Uk at our expense.Thanks Syria you’ve just saved the British taxpayer a lot of money.
Al-Jaqmaa al-Islamiya:
“The Islamic Group (Arabic: Jamaa Islamiya) is a Sunni Islamist group or gathering in Lebanon. Jamaa Islamiya was founded in 1952 as the Lebanese branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. Its leader is Faisal Mawlawi. The party has a military wing known as the al-Fajr Forces. Lately, it entered the Lebanese general election, 2009 beside Future Movement in Beirut 3 district. Currently they have 1 seat in the Lebanese Parliament.” -wiki
Quite right that we paid for this guy’s special reqirements – it looks like he was one of these Muslim Brotherhood moderates the BBC keep telling us about.
So this imam was obviously given political asylum because he was involved in a sectarian clash between terrorist organizations and needed to get out of town? Nice open borders policy you’re advocating, BBC.
Another innocent lamb released from Guantanamo went back to his Al Qaeda mates and led attacks on coalition forces in Afghanistan. This time, he got killed.
BBC: Zzzzzzzzzzzz
BBC-NUJ’s official trade union policy is to oppose English Defence League (but BBC-NUJ does not openly state this in its politically biased ‘reports’ against the EDL).
The English Defence League was only allowed a ‘static’ presence in Tower Hamlets area of London this afternoon.
Inevitably, BBC-NUJ presents a critical view of the EDL only.
BBC-NUJ chums at ‘Guardian’ (similarly anti-EDL, by official NUJ policy) also decides to support Muslim organisations in London against the police:
“Muslims criticise Scotland Yard for telling them to engage with EDL.
Metropolitan police say English Defence League is ‘not extreme’, but sends 3,000 officers to planned demonstration”
In an attempt to counter the political propaganda of BBC-NUJ-Guardian against the English Defence League, this is what a long-time indigenous citizen of the East End of London wrote a few days ago, in explaining her decision to support the EDL today:
“Welcome to Tower Hamlets”
You have to love their caption on the first image :
“There was flag-waving and chanting at the EDL protest“
Well how disgraceful. I mean – flag waving !!!!!!!
The “Rival Demonstration” looks dynamic though :
Yes, BBC-NUJ has to paint EDL in worst colours: NUJ policy.
In contrast, BBC-NUJ seems to regard the anti-culture philistines who sabotaged the Proms for Hamas in a much better light.
Solyndra, a solar panel manufacturer which was the darling of the Obamessiah Administration, has gone bust. That’s $535 million of taxpayer money down the toilet on yet another green boondoggle.
I know I saw a BBC news brief on their website last night, but it seems to have vanished into the ether. All that’s left is an “Elsewhere on the web” listing of the TIME mag article I’ve linked to above.
Here’s what the BBC doesn’t want you to know:
Back when the President was bailing out a bankrupt Chrysler to protect union jobs and pensions, before selling it to Fiat, He said that unions should come first and that investors who wanted to get a little of their loss back were nasty speculators who were un-American.
Magically, this time He wants investors to get paid back first, before the taxpayers on whose behalf He Himself speculated hundreds of millions of dollars. I’m sure you’ll all be shocked to learn that the first person in line to get his money back is a top Obamessiah campaign donor and bundler.
How many people would be employed now if that money had been invested in reality rather than bogus green drivel.
BBC-NUJ’s hypocrisy, deceit and stupidity on LIBYA.
The BBC-NUJ is apparently now attempting to re-write its own history on Libya.
Two key examples:-
After years of BBC-NUJ political genuflection towards Blair and then Brown on their support of Gaddafi Islamic supremacism, suddenly BBC-NUJ now says that their Labour leaders were wrong:
“Libya: Gaddafi regime’s US-UK spy links revealed”
BBC-NUJ has decided that the Libyan transition government is made up of ‘good guys’ (only prone to occasional impulsive murders), who no longer have strong ideological or military ties to Al Qaeda and jihad; and for whom reference to the bulwark of Shariah law in the Constitution is presumably merely a token political commitment for the future of Islamic Libya.
So, BBC-NUJ gets Libyan ‘rebel’ leaders with Al Qaeda loyalties to now say that they are reformed characters! It’s Gitmo all over again. The Gitmo jihadists were released and many of them (unreported by BBC-NUJ) went on to commit jihadist atrocities in the future!
BBC-NUJ misses out this:
“How al-Qaeda got to rule in Tripoli”
Instead, BBC-NUJ goes on about the horrors of America’s ‘rendition’.
It clear, whether it’s reporting Gaza, Tripoli or Tower Hamlets, which side INBBC is on.
The bBC reports on the Turkish expulsion of the Israeli Ambassador as only the bBC can, by withholding half the facts.
Gaza flotilla row: New low in Turkish ties with Israel
Expelling an ambassador is always a dramatic act. Turkey’s decision to order Israeli Ambassador Gaby Levi to leave Ankara by next Wednesday is a blunt statement of how far relations between the two countries have fallen over the past three years. Given the immense public anger in Turkey over the deaths of nine activists during clashes with Israeli troops aboard the flotilla, the government could hardly have asked for less than an Israeli apology. When that was refused, a strong gesture of disapproval by Turkey was inevitable.
Reading the above do you get the impression that Israel is acting all intransigent by refusing to simply say..Sorry. Well here is what the bBC doesn’t mention above.
Yes Turkey has asked Israel to say sorry, just as it has also asked Israel to lift the blockade on Gaza. (more on that later) as it has demanded that Israel pay compensation to the passengers hurt and killed on the ship hired by the Islamic charity IHH. You know that IHH which was openly funded and supported by a certain Turkish PM called Tayyip Erdogan who knew that the so called Aid convey was heading towards violence. A violence which was advertised by the head of the IHH the day before the confrontation by him saying:
“ And we say: ‘If you [Israel] send the commandos, we will throw you down from here to the sea and you will be humiliated in front of the whole world'”
Then there’s how the Turkish government has slowly started playing the Israeli card in which to garners public votes , you know like demonizing Israel in the media. (News paper articles/TV shows, films etc..) all because Erogan wants the job as president which comes on line next August. Which funny enough was a position that used to be elected by members of the Turkish Parliament. However due to an amendment that was drafted in 2007 by Erdogan , the future presidents shall be elected by the citizens through a public vote.
But the bBC doesn’t mention any of that instead it boils all of this down to Israel not saying sorry.
Really? Here is what the Turkish media was saying in June of this year before the report came out:
A report that was prepared by a UN panel inquiry into the deadly Israeli raid on an aid flotilla in May 2010 that killed nine civilians in international waters has advised Israel to cave into demands by Turkey — offer an apology and pay compensation for the normalization of bilateral relations. Although the report is complete, it has not officially been released yet.
A reliable source at the UN headquarters, who requested anonymity due to the sensitivity of the issue, told Today’s Zaman on Wednesday that in its report, the inquiry panel is advising Israel to offer an apology and pay compensation to Turkey over the killings. The report is expected to be presented to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon upon his return to New York. He was on a visit to Spain earlier this week and then headed to a trilateral summit with Greek and Turkish Cypriot leaders in Geneva on Thursday. The report, which will only be signed by Palmer and Uribe, is expected to argue that the blockage of Gaza by Israel is legal. If the report were to be released with content legitimizing and legalizing Israel’s blockade and embargo on Gaza, it would spark a harsh reaction from Turkey.“If they really drafted a report saying that the blockage is legal, then it means that they do not have the slightest idea about international law. Drafting such a report would mean that they are not relying on international legal norms but instead, they are creating a new international legal norm that does not actually exist,” a Turkish governmental official, who requested anonymity due to the sensitivity of the issue, told Today’s Zaman on Thursday.
Get that in June of this year, the Turkish government was saying if the report didn’t support their train in thought they would get very, very angry and as we have seen the Turks have done just that. So is this all about saying sorry or something else indeed.
Which brings me back to the blockade in Gaza. Turkey last night stated that it is going to bolster its Eastern Med fleet in which provide safety to maritime navigation in the East Mediterranean. Erdogan has informed the navy that he intends to use them to escort convoys to Gaza and that he also intends to go himself. Get that, because Turkey didn’t get the result it wanted it has upped the ante with Israel prior to the elections for President next year. (he is currently the PM).
As for calling the blockade of Gaza a crime against humanity.Turkey has blockaded Armenia since 1993. Funny how the bBC doesn’t mention that. As for this:
Ending military co-operation means the Turkish armed forces will have to look elsewhere for equipment. In the past it signed substantial contracts with Israeli companies to upgrade its US-made planes and tanks. Last year it took delivery of ten Israeli-made Heron drones, which are being used in the war against Kurdish insurgents along the border with Iraq.
Here is what I wrote on the very subject last month:
The current Turkish democratic Islamism is in all kinds of trouble..given its neighbourhood…Syria was being actively courted and that has gone sour, the Iranian initiative has achieved..nothing. The Armenian reprochment has gone on ice and the Kurdish problem is beginning to seethe again.
It is clear that the Turks in the guise of Gul, Erdogan and Davatoglu were trying to put pressure on the UN Palmer commission to amend its findings, with the US, UK and France trying to persuade the Turks off their high horse. The report has been ‘delayed’ three times and was months late. To the bitter end, the Turks played their ‘card’ but it didn’t come off. Hence their ire.
Another loose cannon floating around in the Islamic stew.
Christopher Booker, ‘Sunday Telegraph”
“The real ice story: BBC misses the boat again”
“Another little parable for our times is the story of Sweden’s refusal to lease its most powerful ice-breaker to help the United States in supplying its McMurdo base in Antarctica. The Swedes told Hillary Clinton that they need the Oden at home, after two years of unusually thick winter ice have brought shipping to a halt in the northern Baltic. The Americans have relied on the Oden’s services for five years because, as revealed by the Autonomous Mind blog, they have run down their own ice-breaker fleet, believing that global warming would render it unnecessary.
“The Baltic nations, including Sweden, Russia, Finland and Estonia, now realise they need all the ice-breakers they can get, to avoid a repetition of the horror last spring when more than 100 ships were trapped in abnormally severe pack ice at both ends of Russia.
Meanwhile, the BBC – as usual at the peak of the Arctic’s summer melt – prattles on about ships that sail round the top of Russia and Canada, and the ice soon vanishing altogether. In its strange bubble, the BBC seems unaware that ships could do this 70 years ago, before “global warming”, and that the real story is the crisis created by the massive return, for two successive winters, of ice to the Gulf of Finland and the Sea of Okhotsk.”
– from: ‘The lights may go out in Germany even sooner than in Britain’
Spent today with some of the family at a place any self respecting Beeboid/Guardianista would have hated.
The Dorset Steam show near Blandford.
Thousands of people of all ages enjoying themselves and I never saw a policeman. Some of our army but they were amongst friends.
No wilding, No groups of “youths” no trouble.
A bit “hideously white” though in fact 99.9% .Not at all “vibrantly multicultural”.
Just like England used to be before it was “enriched by diversity”.
And didn’t we all notice it and appreciate what we had.
Compare and contrast the Notting Hill event and the thousands of police needed. The arrests and the violence.
Is it any wonder London is now a dirty word in old England.
Looking forward to the Notting Hill Electric Car Event lined up for next year…sponsored by the Guardian.
None of that global warming stuff…solar powered chainsaws for all!
Mandelson got that electric car for the biodome still…the solar powered calculators look a bit lonely as I write
d s
I can only imagine your family’s disappointment that a perfect day was ruined because an old banger named Vanessa Red-Red-Person failed to turn up and enter the Extreme Steam and Hot Air Dale Farm Threshing Handicap.
How would you have turned her off ? and is it possible ?
And to think it could have been steamrolled for future generations by the BBC using equipment bought at a good price from those nice Irish people of Kentish descent.
Fred Dibdob famously said :
“Oh well, bugger off and live in Vanessa’s back garden if she likes you that much”, furthermore he wisely lamented :
“If you are tired of London, then you are not beyond hope and I hope you get a real life instead”.
Vanessa-“award winning actress” did her funny turn on Vines useless show on Thursday.
If ever the word “patronising” could be defined…her tone exemplified it…as if Patricia Hewitt taught her by correspondence!
Vanessa basically thinks that if “travellers” litter the place or refuse to pay for hairdos etc (you missed a root-I`m not paying for that!) then what of it?…if the police don`t care then why should you?
Vanessa ddidn`t once address the question about how many travellers she has let stay in her spacious house and garden…or indeed if she had ever met one before the WRP had her adopt one to breathe life into Gerry Healeys corpse.
Still Vine`s not there to ask questions…I pine for Jimmy Young these days…he was a titan compared to this Trenchcoat Twerp!
What ‘freedom’ means in today’s Britain:
1.) the right of AHMADINEJAD’s Islamic Republic of Iran state TV, ‘PRESS TV’ to freely broadcast 24/7, anti-West, pro-Talban, pro-Hamas, pro-Hizbollah propaganda from its London studios;
2.) the denial of freedom of English Defence League’s right to march in Tower Hamlets, London;
3.) the right of AHMADINEJAD’s ‘PRESS TV’ (which like the BBC journalists’ trade union, NUJ, wants to ban the EDL) to propagandise against what it calls the ‘racist’ EDL on ‘PRESS TV’ website.
“Iran’s Global Terrorist Reach” (2010)
Alternative view of EDL to that of BBC-NUJ –
-by B-BBC commenter, ‘Durotrigan’:
Some items/video clips on EDL:
Video: Islamo-Marxist Mob confronts Police
Video of EDL marching past Tower of London
Video: Tommy Robinson aka Stephen Lennon addresses…
First Video from Today’s UAF/EDL Tower Hamlets Dem…
EDL Tower Hamlets Demo Live Coverage
Celebrities note the Death of London and the EDL p…
‘Durotrigan’s site:
Another non-BBC NUJ report on English Defence League:
“From Tower Hamlets to Tower Bridge”http://www.newenglishreview.org/blog_display.cfm/blog_id/37642
The BBC website is bigging up a nostalgic ‘Greenham Common Peace Camp’ wimmin thing.
The sheer looniness of the event and its utter failure is presented in all the cliches but not once is the reason for the US stationing of nuclear armed cruise missiles explained. No reason why. Nor that, in the light of history, Reagan and Thatcher were 100% right in their strategic thinking.
In 1976, the Soviet Union began stationing a new generation of Medium- Range Nuclear Missiles (SS-20s), aimed at Western Europe. Already the U.S. and NATO had been talking about modernizing theater nuclear forces. French President Giscard d’Estaing and German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt put pressure on President Jimmy Carter to counter the Soviet SS-20 nuclear threat by stationing American medium range missiles in Western Europe. In mid-December 1979, NATO adopted the “dual track” decision (negotiations with Moscow to remove the SS-20, or deployment of American missiles).
With the deterioration of U.S. – Soviet relations, President Reagan decided to station 108 “Pershing” missiles and 464 “Cruise” missiles on the territory of NATO allies Great Britain, West Germany, and Italy. When the American missiles started arriving in Europe in 1983, a considerable peace movement emerged in Europe (in part financed by the Kremlin). This was mirrored by the “nuclear freeze” movement in the United States, protesting and trying to block the stationing of the missiles and the launching of a new arms race. The stationing of the missiles signaled Western firmness and eventually induced disarmament talks with the Soviets. Therefore, the Pershing and Cruise missiles have been nicknamed “the weapons that won the Cold War.”
And now there are no nuclear missiles targetted at our homes and cities. And Russia, while no great friend, is no enemy.
Those Greenham women should just be forgotten…except as evidence that some people just shouldn’t be given space by a state broadcaster.
Following on from RGHs post;
The bBC, Greenham common and rewriting the history with a leftist hue
Greenham peace camp celebrated on 30th anniversary
bBC reporter Louisa Baldini explains right at the end of the viseo that actually the women of the greenham protest movement was the reason why cruise missiles left the UK after the end of the coldwar. Really? I wonder if the bBCs school program promote that version of history to our youth?
Nothing about the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treatysigned in 1987 by the USSR and the US which saw the removal of all nuclear and conventional ground-launched ballistic and cruise missiles with intermediate ranges
Just think if the ladies of Greenham Common Protest camp had actually got their way, then that treaty would never have been signed and russian nukes may still be pointed in their thousands into Europe. But sign they did and by May 1991 every nuke tipped cruise missile was destroyed by the americans. That people was achived by playing hardball with the bully on the otherside of the garden fence. Not by munching rugs in a field while your tent mate cooks up lentil soup paid for I should add by the bloody KGB
The bBC, reporting on biased reporting against Climate change.
Journal editor resigns over ‘problematic’ climate paper
By Richard Black
The editor of a science journal has resigned after admitting that a recent paper casting doubt on man-made climate change should not have been published.The paper, by US scientists Roy Spencer and William Braswell, claimed that computer models of climate inflated projections of temperature increase.It was seized on by “sceptic” bloggers, but attacked by mainstream scientists.
So the bBCs expert on the Environment writes up on how the editor of a science journal has stepped down after Pro climate change scientists complained about an article which went against the current grain of how the earth is getting hotter by using data from NASA satellites to show that the Earth dumps a lot more heat into space than it is given credit for. (Which I suppose could explain the cold wet summer we had..Remember the threat of droughts we had earlier on..What droughts?)
Anyway as this article is about flawed judgmental thinking and I suppose from both Black and the bBC about how climate change sceptics can only be myopic and biased. You may like to have a butchers at the caption underneath the photo Black and the bBC publish of one of the authors of this yet to be officially declared incorrect article.
Meanwhile the CERN research into cloud formation due to cosmic rays goes unreported by the BBC.
The BBC is fighting a PR campaign. The science they take on trust. It has become ‘received wisdom’. What frustrates them is the huge problem that is taught to every marketing professional. Fear marketing ie do this or else something bad happens isa double edged sword. The more you insist that terrible things are happening..that clown fish are going deaf, that millions of people will die if we don’t follow the green technology route, the more people get annoyed. This is a psychological reality.
Yet we are assailed with doom and gloom and guilt-trips about our lifestyles and choices.
The problem is that the science is not ‘settled’. It is a working hypothesis in which so much uncertainty is clustered that while the precautionary principle might be the best course, it should not exclude other voices or findings that cast doubt on the hypothesis.
Black acknowledges the existance of the ‘sceptic’ whom he finds irksome. He avidly reports the case of the editor to point out that sceptics are persistant nuisances who are seeking to sow the tares in the green fields of climate truth as he reports it. We should be on our guard against these subversives who can even take in editors who are decent chaps because they resign on realising their ‘folly’.
Would Richard Black care to answer truthfully the question ‘If the scientist had been a ‘commited’ Muslim would Black or the BBC used that in the photo caption?’
Just for a giggle.
The Hadiths find ‘global warming’ an evidence for the theology of the last days and that Allah’s plan is working out just fine. The scenario is psychologically millenarianist in its appeal. Lots of references to the al-Masih ad-Dajjal’s return as soon as Arabia greens again. (among a ton of other signs which, because they are a constant in human means that the Islamic New World order is eschatological permanently just around the corner).
But evolution is a definite no no for the pious Muslim. That cuts to close to the bone of pious Muslim identity.
Descended from primates?
No. The fossils are evidence of unbelievers turned ape as a punishment. This fulfills:
“When they were too arrogant to [desist from] what they had been forbidden, We said to them, ‘Be you apes, humiliated'” (Qur’an 7:166).
So that’s that then.
I notice a difference between Sky and the BBC on the reporting of the security services and Libya. Sky show images of Tony Blair (Labour party) licking the arse of Gaddafi, the BBC show nothing and make NO mention of Liebore in their reporting, presumably in the hope people believe their reporting that it’s the evil Tories who are to blame.
I’m looking forward to the BBC being dragged kicking and screaming into the media reality that everyone is going to see in their Sunday papers ….the letters from Blair and Brown to the Big G which reveal a complete eager acceptance of Gaddafi’s style of governance.
The extract that turned my stomach was the Ramadan/Eid greetings.
“At this sacred time of harmony and reconciliation, recalling how our compassionate God has mercy on mankind, I would like to express my personal best wishes to you, ……
Best wishes, yours ever, Tony”
I can’t wait.
Ramadan Kareem as Gordon Brown so elegantly puts it. Ramadan Kareem, indeed.
Honestly, I can’t wait.
Oh dear. Not a good Sunday for Liebore in the papers. McBust was as popular as a turd in a swimming pool according to Darling and Liebore lied a lot over Libya.
Want to be the BBC ignores all that and finds some anti Tory angle somewhere along the lines?
So the bank crisis would only last 6 months would it Brown?
the BBC News 24 ticker tape should say ‘We apologise for the bollocks that we ‘report’, but we are missing a brain cell due to the Government Cuts’…any other suggestions?
Just replace the ticker with a count-down :
Number of days until next Labour government…
It’s what they’re for : BBC=PPB (for Labour).
BBC News 24… ‘William Hague has no knowledge of the these reports due to a previous government’ …and the previous Government was not mentioned by the BBC
The BBC are NOT happy. They are fishing for links between the Tory Government and Gaddafi. Dotun Adebayo on Radio was interviewing some woman from some human rights lot who refused to take the BBC line of blaming the current government, although she said they did have questions to answer because they were now in power and responsible for MI6.
However, she made it clear it was Liebore who were in the shit.
So how will the BBC spin this? Well what the BBC normally does it get the Guardian newspaper to write a piece making up some lies about the current Government and Gaddafi that the BBC can then run on the news as ‘facts’. The BBC will then simply drop the story once everyone works out the Guardian story was a load of bollocks. The BBC do this a lot.
Oh and Alistiar Darling is really laying into the one eyed twat from Fife. So how will the BBC spin this? Well Nick the prick Robinson will tell us that he knew about this all the time (funny you never mentioned it then Nick) and that it was nothing really and you always get these ‘tensions’ in politics “just look at the Tories” will be Robinsons like from Liebore HQ
So how will the BBC spin this?
They won’t. If you can’t spin it, don’t cover it. I expect it will be brushed over. Perhaps a brief mention on 10 o’clock News with no further exploration and then onto the next story : how the cuts are affecting ‘the most vulnerable members of society’ – or someting like that.
How well you know the BBC!
The Sky News website is leading with:
Darling ‘Fairly Brutal’ Brown Regime, The Tories claim Labour is still in denial about the economy – after extracts from Alistair Darling’s memoirs are published.
They are following this with Libya.
The BBC News website, however, is leading with Foreign NHS takeovers ‘discussed’, followed by Scottish Tories ‘to be disbanded’
The other headlines on the BBC home page are:
Strauss-Kahn arrives in France
Sixty arrests after EDL protest
Domestic workers in visa protest
‘All dead’ in Chilean air crash
Libya spy papers ‘show CIA links’
Arrest in pensioner murder hunt
Illness sees Adele cancel gigs
As for Darling and Brown? Nothing at all. Quite amazing – even for the biased BBC!
The Brown-Balls-Darling story is on the Politics page, but it’s a report that hasn’t been updated for two days and is in seventh place in the pecking order, behind a number of negative stories for the government and the Tories.
And who to get to massage the stories about Gordon Brown and Labour’s links with Libya? You could have placed money on the answer the BBC has come up with for this morning’s Breakfast. Yes, they’ve called in Kevin Maguire (intimately linked to the Brown inner circle).
Over on Radio 4, Paddy O’Connell’s Gordcasting House, which will doubtless do everything it can to downplay any difficulties for Labour (and Brown in particular). has called in….(drum roll)…Steve Richards of the Independent – another arch Labour loyalist. The programme will doubtless make a lot of the problems for the Scottish Tories and make light of the Darling story (if they don’t just ignore it, or let Richards dismiss it).
Kevin Maguire and Steve Richards. How blatant can they get?
‘As for Darling and Brown? Nothing at all. Quite amazing – even for the biased BBC! ‘
The BBC, and especially the oompa-loompas that are the market rate talents in politics, either did not know anything and are therefore incompetent. Or they did and are utterly complicit in a propaganda cover up that makes bloke now on the phone in Libya still saying Gaddafi is winning, seem like Woodward & Bernstein.
Comical Robinson indeed. See he’s back, briefly, from one set of hols, and already selective on what he thinks is worthy of ‘analysing’.
Had a certain respect for Mr. Darling, but that was dented when he and Philip Hammond dug a credibility hole ‘debating’ with Jonny Ball on Daily Politics when they both lied through their teeth.
However, here we have, clear as day, what was going on, and the delusions then that still seem to be getting credence from the tarnished bubble that is the Labour/Graun/BBC axis of weevils. Brown was a barking mad kamikaze pilot, and we all knew it, save a small cabal that had a vested interest in flying along, if with golden parachutes ready to bail comfortably having milked the doomed flight as much as possible before impact.
They were wrong and lied then, and seem to feel the best way to deal with that is simply ramp up the mendacious farce in its ‘reporting’ and ‘guest’ selection and interviews.
If I see Balls given airtime any more, it should only be in a set of stocks, not to be served a tickle on the tummy.
Bet he’s who we’ll get on Marr today, and asked more on his holiday reading than any of this meaty fare.
Absolutely right as usual, Martin. A reminder for the rest of us of Nick Robinson’s dishonesty about the goings on at Labour’s No. 10:
Blair and Brown: An apology
The Hubris of Nick Robinson
He knowingly withheld information and at times essentially lied to the license fee payers for years.
Just seen this ridiculously left-wing item: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-14764357
“Karl Marx may have been wrong about communism but he was right about much of capitalism”
“more and more people are starting to think Karl Marx was right.”
“Marx… was far more perceptive than most economists in his day and ours.
“As capitalism has advanced it has returned most people to a new version of the precarious existence of Marx’s proles.”
” just as he predicted, the bourgeois world has been destroyed”
In fact Marx was right about Communism: really it was a fantasy work of fiction about Utopia where the people are really ants.
Eh? what’s that you say, he was serious? And some people tried? Jeez!!
That is classic neo-Marxism.
The ‘precariat’ has replaced the ‘proleteriat’ in the formula.
Well explained here. You can see how excited the Marxists (and Leftists) are about the potential of their brand new element in the eternal battle against the ‘rich’.
“Precarious literally means unsure, uncertain, difficult, delicate. As a political term it refers to living and working conditions without any guarantees: for example the precarious residential status of migrants and refugees, or the precariousness of everyday life for single mothers. Since the early 1980s the term has been used more and more in relation to labour. Precarious work refers to all possible forms of insecure, non-guaranteed, flexible exploitation: from illegalised, seasonal and temporary employment to homework, flex- and temp-work, to subcontractors, freelancers, or so called self-employed persons.”
PS Marxism is a pseudo-science. It displays all the signs of an atheist religion. A closed logic system.
Its energy is, of course, the “will to power” based on envy. Would be tribunes of the people. The barrack room lawyer.
I always enjoy your posts, RGH. Although, I have to admit, I often need to google quite a lot. π
Yep I was about to have my say about that π
It’s in clever-clever neo-Marxist mode, trying to look balanced by saying Marx was wrong about one thing, then banging on about ‘class’ ad nauseam.
It seems they think that interpreting everything in terms of class will somehow keep Marx’s ideas alive. And the stream of publications and articles trying to do so certainly continues…
No doubt this is part of the BBCs subtle attempt to make Socialism appear middle of the road.
PS: Reed is exactly right about how the BBC will follow the (not very enthusiastically reported) Darling-Brown news-item with some searing journalism about inequalities etc immediately afterwards – that is their MO
I think a bit of a campaign is under way. Saint Polly was banging on about class last week, a bit like the peasants in ‘Holy Grail’. (“He must be a King, he hasn@t got shit all over him…”)
More to the point, what the BBC and its’ Frankfurt school doctrine dictate is that economic decision making should be taken from individuals who acting in their best interests and are the ‘unseen hand’ that drives economic interaction – and placed in the ‘hidden hands’ of a cabal of marxists who make decisions on everybodies’ behalf to ‘improve society’. This is apparently ‘fair’ (the word has dropped from the Labour guide to writing news stories – temporarily -so we havent head BBC shouting about fairnness for a while…) Of course you get no say whatsoever in how society is to be improved. This generally means mega death cmpaigns against class enemies, famine, economic collapse, forced labour, Gulags, incarceration in mental assylums for people who do not believe that ‘scientific socialism’ is the best of all worlds. Fairness becomes entirely arbitrary – everything the cabal does is ‘fair’ by definition. This political and economic stance has, historically, led -quite literally – to every conceivable outrage and atrocity possible. I don’t wanr that kind of faieness thank you, but I would like the BBC to report it. I wonder if they will be giving any space to journalists who want to re-examine the ‘glamour’ of fascism and its economic plans? (A similarly foul ideology)
Unfortunately it seldom if ever works out that what the self appointed decison makers do with society is in anybodies’ interest far less the best interest of everyone. Plans devolve into personal projects and focus on the cabal (perfectly illustrated by the Brown terror and the BBC tumblweed that accompanied it).
Stalin thought there should be a canal from the Baltic to the White Sea. A brilliant socially beneficial project said everyone who didn’t want to end up dead or digging it until they died. a) it was to shallow for ships, b) it froze solid for eight months of the year c) there was no demand for such a canal economically, and strategically warships were too big to use it. In a sane capitalist scoiety no one would have built it – in a socialist command economy they were told to get on with it by any means possible. According to the Gulag Archipeligo it cost a human life for every metre of its length. It is and always has been useless.
Marxim is a foul pseudo religion based on a few assertions and a pile of circular analysis. Above all it has been repeated ly shown to be completely and utterly wrong
Polly back from Tuscany then?
Shirley Williams being dusted off and taken out of the dark broom cupboard that she hangs upside down in?
Vanessa Redgrave rolling around the BBC measuring up for curtains and shagpile for Gadhafi, and his vulnerable travelling family community?
How many bats does the BBC belfry hold…and will these endangered old birds be still able to squauk from the duck pond by Salford docks next year?
The RSPB must be informed…and the UN/EU will take a dim view of it too I reckon
There’s one reason why the issue of class is suddenly in vogue at the BBC : we now have a ‘posh’ Prime Minister who is also a Conservative. It’s an ideal alignment for them to commence with a subtle mode of attack :
1. Make class a more commonly discussed issue
2. Create an ‘us and them’ narrative
3. Constantly push the idea that the ‘savage’ cuts will affect the poor whilst the rich are unaffected
4. Remind people that the PM is one of THEM and not one of US.
5. Tories are once again the nasty party for the posh and the rich.
Labour For The Win!!!!
al beeb having no problem covering the protests in Tel Aviv about the state of the economy
what a contrast with the lack of so much as a mention of the daily missile attacks from hamastan on towns such as Sderot
but that would show jews as human beings under pressure wouldn’t it?
can’t have that can we?
more good news
dailt telegraph reports that the BBC recruitment magazine the Grauniad is having to ditch its supplements and lay off at least 120 staff
on the flipside,they’ll probably walk straight into a job at al beeb
still,one tentacle of the leftist monster withering is something to cheer
Yes; a typical job interview at BBC-NUJ:
‘Multiple choice question. Just write down which 3 of these 5 the BBC-NUJ supports and which 2 it opposes:-
at least try to make it difficult! π
In all innocence I turned on BBC (Labour) Radio 4 this morning and – to coin a phrase – you couldn’t make it up….
I get John Grey telling me “Why an increasing number of people believe Karl Marx was right”.
As Tony Handcock once said to June Whitfield “I didn’t come here for a lecture on communism!”
Darling’s revealations of chaos, a brutal regime and Brown’s appalling decisions – BBC News : “Mr Brown is unreachable for comment”. Here’s a thought BBC, why not go and find a comment from a Conservative? You havent yet for Darling’s memiors.
You had no problems seeking comments from Labour MPs, union bosses, public sector workers or the Labour voting man on the street when revelations about previous Tory Prime Ministers came to light.
Very true. However interviewing Brown himself would be a bit of a challenge as I believe his is somewhere in orbit around the planet Zog and the BBC poll tax doesn’t run to inter stellar communication equipment – yet!
Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. Gordon Brown is a turd from Uranus. π
Sky News, on the other hand, was quite able to find a Conservative to comment on the Brown/Darling story last night. Curious that the BBC couldn’t find one.
A new dilemma for BBC News to “report”.
Their poster-boy, Gaddafi, has just told his adoring public that they must unite and repel the alliance of invaders.
The alliance he is referring to, is of course, NATO and AL QAEDA.