I’ve been listening to BBC News all morning, and have only heard one passing reference to the previous Government’s close co-operation with the Gaddafi regime.
In fact the BBC seem to have gone to extraordinary lengths NOT to report the scandalous behaviour of the Blair/Brown Governments pandering and fawning. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2033779/MICHAEL-BURLEIGH-This-saga-moral-squalor-shames-Britain.html
Call me a cynical old fool if you like, but I think the BBC know where the bodies are buried on this one, and are frantically trying to divert attention away from this.
I wonder out loud if there is a link between Mr Blair’s & Mr Mandelson’s new found wealth?
INBBC now politically endorses the ‘rebel’ transitional government of Libya, erasing the al Qaeda/ jihad commitment of much of its leadership, including INBBC’s new ‘Binyam Mohamed’, al Qaeda’s BELHAJ,
INBBC sees Al Qaeda claims of ‘torture’ (which all Al Qaeda footsoldiers are told to claim by its leadership) as truth, and so INBBC condemns Western governments from an Al Qaeda political perspective!
Whose side is INBBC on? That of THE OTHER.
“How al-Qaeda got to rule in Tripoli ”
For INBBC inc Bowen:-
“Abdelhakim Belhaj, aka Abu Abdallah al-Sadek, is a Libyan jihadi. Born in May 1966, he honed his skills with the mujahideen in the 1980s anti-Soviet jihad in Afghanistan.
“He’s the founder of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) and its de facto emir – with Khaled Chrif and Sami Saadi as his deputies. After the Taliban took power in Kabul in 1996, the LIFG kept two training camps in Afghanistan; one of them, 30 kilometers north of Kabul – run by Abu Yahya – was strictly for al-Qaeda-linked jihadis.
“After 9/11, Belhaj moved to Pakistan and also to Iraq, where he befriended none other than ultra-nasty Abu Musab al-Zarqawi – all this before al-Qaeda in Iraq pledged its allegiance to Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri and turbo-charged its gruesome practices.
“In Iraq, Libyans happened to be the largest foreign Sunni jihadi contingent, only losing to the Saudis. Moreover, Libyan jihadis have always been superstars in the top echelons of ‘historic’ al-Qaeda – from Abu Faraj al-Libi (military commander until his arrest in 2005, now lingering as one of 16 high-value detainees in the US detention center at Guantanamo) to Abu al-Laith al-Libi (another military commander, killed in Pakistan in early 2008). ”
I heard this covered on Today this morning after the 8:00 news. I guess it was too big for even the BBC to ignore. Somehow, the discussion with Jeremy Bowen and Kim Howells failed to mention, even once (as far as I noticed) which party was in government when it all happened.
So something of this magnitude happened under a Labour government, and the politician they go to for comment is a Labour one. If it had been the other way round, is there anyone who seriously thinks that a Labour politician wouldn’t have been hot-footed round to Broadcasting House to denounce the whole thing and demand an immediate public enquiry? And does anyone really think the Tories’ involvement wouldn’t have been shouted from the rooftops?
I noted how desperate the BBC toadies were to avoid the word ‘labour’ and how gentle the questioning of the ex minister was. Anyone could be forgiven for thinking that it was in fact a conservative regime in charge during the period specified. No mention yet of the LSE and labour and the Gadaffi clan yet though is there?
So as the wind blows and the sun trys to shine in this neck of the woods is there anybody else out there who would agree with me that this past summer has been a typical British summer. A mish mash of all weathers. You know the reason why so many people go abroad in which to try and get a couple of weeks of uninterrupted sunshine Here’s the bBCs version of events: Abnormal UK weather boosts autumn crops But July’s rainfall turned out to be higher than average, and the Met Office has said figures indicate the June to August period was the coolest since 1993. The temperature during August has been below normal by about one degree Celsius in most parts of the UK and overall the country received 126% of the normal monthly rainfall.
So according to the bBC, because the UK weather has acted like it has for the past 2000 years, unpredictable, that is a reason to deem it ‘Abnormal’ I’ll tell you what’s abnormal in the above piece the constant referral to the word ‘drought’ yet the article states: “ overall the country received 126% of the normal monthly rainfall.”
Now I fully understand why the likes of the bBC have changed from saying Global warming to Climate change. The facts on the ground show that people would soon (As they are already) start to question if the earth is heating up why has it been so cool and wet instead of hot and dry?
There is no way that the BBC (or anyone else, for that matter) is ever going to recover the rapidly dying belief in AGW, or successfully deny the fact that the climate has changed ever since there’s beena climate. Most folk can see for themselves what’s (or rather what’s not) happening, by now. They can see that all the doom-laden forecasts are not coming to pass, and Luton hasn’t acquired a mediterranean climate (nor will it). They can see that the sea level isn’t going to inundate Hammersmith tomorrow, the there is less sunspot activity, and that there’s an increase in associated vulcanicity and seismic activity. They are also aware that one’s “carbon footprint” is a load of bollocks, and that CO2 generally isn’t the villain it’s made out to be.
The British summer appears to have been typical, without all this alarmist, abnormal nonsense the BBC aspire to. It’s all becoming like the pointless and useless severe weather warnings that the Met office puts out, when there is going to be some weather.
So why does the BBC keep feeding the lie, and allowing themselves to be ridiculed daily? Silly buggers.
Has anybody else noticed the raft of Pro Greenham Common protester articles this week which are commemorating the march to setting up a so called peace camp outside the airbase.If I didn’t know better I would get the impression that the peace camp actually achieved something, err no it didn’t.
So why is the bBC promoting this spread of anti-Nuclear articles? Could it have something to do with how since the Japanese earthquake , the left have been going hammer and tongs in which to vilify Nuclear energy and how better than to raise the spectre of nasty American nuclear weapons in which to keep the momentum going. Funny enough while nearly everybody else in the media world is talking about how foolhardy the Germans have been in closing down their Nuclear power plants resulting in them ironically importing nuclear derived electricity from France because their impressive clean energy production capability (one of the largest in the world) can only provide around 5% of Germanys needs.
Of course thanks to Labours dithering while they were in power it won’t be long before we in the UK will experience power cuts, When that happens and the ethical latte crowd are unable to watch or listen to the bBC,do you think they will change their minds and badger the government to build more power stations?
If the power cuts come by 2015, you can bet that labour’s acolytes in the BBC will be blaming the tory led coalition for the power cuts, whilst opposing any measure to increase power production from any efficient source.
The coalition IS to blame along with their labour friends, the liblabcn are fully to blame for the insae energy policies that will lead to the elderly poor dying come winter.
The liberal and conservative and labour energy policies are identical.
Radio 5 are visiting Gitmo this week as part of their ‘wonderful’ 9/11 coverage. Apart from the obvious (can’t we lock all of Radio 5 up there) I just wonder if the beeboids will compute that St Barrack of Obamastan hasn’t closed it like he promised “With a flick of the pen Guantanamo was closed” nor has he put anyone on trial in the USa and that the military courts are stillproceeding.
I’m betting we won’t get that but we will get lots of typical anti Bush bollocks from Al Radio 5.
Note how he ends the article by getting Obama of the hook for not closing it :
“But with Mr Obama’s determination to close it down defeated by a Congress revolted by the idea of trying the detainees on American soil, it may be a long time before nature reclaims Guantanamo as a whole.”
Didn’t the Democrats have control of BOTH houses for the first two years of the Obama Administration? He could have had it closed if the will was REALLY there. I’m guessing, once he took office, he was confronted with the reality of just what kind of people were being held there. The thought of the possibility of any number of them being released and re-engaging in the fight against America and the political fall-out that would follow probably slowed his urgency to close the place down. Politicians of all colours are self-serving : they have their own futures to think of too.
The more sinister side to this comment is the creation of the impression that under normal circumstances foreign reporters would be allowed to talk to those who are deemed a threat to a country’s security.
Additionally the BBC have finally a peice about Blair being the Godfather of one of Murdoch’s kids.
Funnily enough, in spite of their very close relationship, and the fact that all the hacking which is now being investigated happened when Blair and Murdoch were at their closest, the BBC fails to mention hacking once in that article.
I guess that they cannot tie this story into an attack on Cameron so they omit the Hacking allegations altogether, for a change.
My now there’s a thing just messing around and found that the Labour party address in London is
‘Old Queen street’
No wonder the BBC spend so much time round there !! :-$
theJeremyVineJeremy VineBrian calls @BBCRadio2, says planning problems are due to middle-class people blocking developments, calls them “mean-minded menaces”
Gosh, Jezza, one can only guess how that comment made it through the selection filter to be broadcast/promoted by you.
This ‘what folk (we choose) are saying’ is looking a bit transparent, mate.
That was fun. Just watched BBC fave legal type Baroness Helena Kennedy decry cameras in courts because ‘the media can’t be trusted 2 show whole story’.
Aunty included. I presume the ‘access all green rooms’ card code is being changed as we speak.
Or will this be another ‘unique’/that’s different moment? Of many. it’s hard to tell, as there so many standards around I feel like I’m surrounded by an Agincourt re-enactment.
Isn’t BBC-NUJ-Patten being quiet about this when, after all, this is what it propagandises for all along?:
an end to British national sovereignty, and a rapidly Islamising E.U.:-
“Former German Chancellor Calls for United States of Europe With Turkey as Member”
The BBC are really going for the Tories over this Libya MI6 nonsense, they really must think we’re all idiots if we don’t know which party was in charge.
More worryingly MI5/6 are clearly next on the BBC’s long march. Worrying because I can’t see any politicians with the spine or gumption to D-notice the whole Marxist lot of them.
2:20pm news24 – typical throw away comment by the bBC. ‘Free school’ not a labour idea therefore must be crap. So the presenter said, free school not accountable to the local population, therefore not a good idea, therefore bad. How is a council run school in any practical way accountable to the local population.
This is indicative of the mountain of tiny negative digs that accumulate to brain wash the public as to what is good and what is bad.
I Quote Frank Gardner, BBC Security correspondent (Whatever one of those is? I guess its probably one of those titles that makes you sound much more important than you really are!), from his analysis which was published alongside an article on your website regarding MI6 being involved in (or at least knowing about) the torture of Libyans by Gaddafi forces: “What these documents appear to show is that Britain was turning a blind eye to maltreatment, and that’s really the question that’s going to have to be answered by the government.”
Can I remind him that this evidence dates back to 2004, so these allegations should not be answered by the current government as he states, but the previous Labour government who where in charge at the time. His error makes it look like he is blaming the current government for something Labour did. Little things like this only make it easier for people to think your organisation has left wing bias. And as many people complain about the BBC being biased in this way, maybe you should take extra care when wording articles, as little errors like this could easily be avoided.
Nice catch, I’m more interested about how China has been caught out trying to sell lots of weapons to Gadiffi as late as July of this year. I quote from that article:
Meanwhile, China’s government has admitted that Chinese arms manufacturers held talks as recently as July with representatives of Colonel Gaddafi’s government who were seeking arms and ammunition as his forces battled rebels. The meetings happened in China while a UN ban on such sales was in place. But China’s Foreign Ministry has insisted that no actual weapons were supplied to Libya.
Anybody think that China is given an easy time here? Maybe that explains in this somewhat hard to find article on the subject by the bBC. the bBC does it again. This during a time of an arms embargo, now look back at how the bBC made a huge song and dance about 40 year old british weapons found inside Libya and how the left kicked off over the issuing of exporrt licences to allow a company to take 2 sniper rifles to a trade show. Rifles I should which were deactivated . But according to the left (Including the bBCs so caled defence experts) this was the smoking gun. Oh that and the looking funny at a terorrist is a human rights crime.
(Anybody else wondering how all these so called terrorists who claim they were tortured are all walking around without a mark on them?)
Inevitably INBBC ‘Newsnight’ tonight has this preview of its political propaganda:
“We’ll examine if Britain was turning a blind eye to maltreatment and colluding with the Libyan government to arrange the removal of a terror suspect to Tripoli.” – and ‘Newsnight’ should add, but doesn’t:
‘We WON’T emphasise that it was the LABOUR governments of Blair and Brown who were in charge at the time, and who indulged and conspired with Gaddafis.
‘But we WILL take the word of Al Qaeda activist, BELHAJ, against that of Western governments any day of the week.’
Not once in this beeboid piece of crap does it specifically refer to the last LABOUR Government, except in allowing Jack man of straw to deny he knew anything.
Radio 5 spinning for Liebore again. The vile and leftie Aasmah Mir talks about “previous Governments and Foreign Secretaries” Note the plural which she used.
When will the bloody Conservatives take their balls out of Nick Clegg’s purse and start making some noise about the Labour/Gaddafi axis. They really need to make a storm about Labour’s complicity in this regime. Grow a spine and get angry, you bunch of softies!!!!!! The BBC are busy stitching you lot up as the bad guy once again, even though you were in opposition. I despair of the current bunch of Tories sometimes. They really need to start speaking up to defend themselves. It shouldn’t be difficult, considering the record of Blair/Brown.
For all those who, like me, have long thought that Blair got away with so much corruption and betrayal of the British people without ever being held properly to account, there seems to be a growing amount of evidence coming to light of his dodgy dealings. I’m really hoping that one day the chancers Blair and Campbell and their nasty little clique will get their comuppance. I don’t imagine the BBC having much stomach for this, though.
Sins of the past that still haunt Miliband :
“This weekend, a double blow for Miliband: documents found in the bombed-out ruins of Tripoli show the Labour governments of Blair and Brown kowtowed grotesquely to Colonel Gaddafi and his sons.”
“They accepted information extracted from Islamic terrorist suspects in Libyan torture chambers and gave the Gaddafi regime intelligence about opponents living in Britain.”
“In addition, pass-the-sickbag stories about Blair advising Saif Gaddafi on his PhD thesis and Brown writing to the barking Colonel at Ramadan ‘to wish you and your family well in this holy month’. A huge scandal, whatever excuses are offered.”
Cameron and the Tories are a waste of space. don’t expect anything from them. They are not even in charge of the coalition, the Lib Dems are. Pathetic !
under this new free school initiative, how many would be set up as islamic?
or faith school in general, this appears to be a crackpot plan, encouragement for segregation, where non is needed & should be positively discouraged…did they learn nothing from Oldham?
much dangerous talk of “inclusive islamic education”or.. uh oh “inclusive islamic enviroment”, worse still, flying around………….ahem, asking for trouble??
one example below,
“The Noor Ul Islam Trust a charity, linked to a mosque, which runs a well-regarded private school in the borough and other services. It has set up a petition under the heading newIslamicfree school in Waltham Forest which as of last week had 498 signatures. The trust says another 1,000 people have also signed the petition on paper.
The petition says: “The aim of the school is to offer an inclusive Islamic environment where children are encouraged to have high aspirations”
‘What seems more plausible, however, is that with the Prime Minister’s antennae so finely tuned to the Guardian/BBC agenda, he simply took fright at the vitriol being hurled from the Left.’
If Melanie Philips is right, and I fear she is, policy in the UK is now driven, irrespective of government, by one minor, failing paper, and the uniquely -funded broadcast monolith that it inspires and complements.
That is no way to run a democratic country.
Little about Cameron has impressed so far, and I am now writing to my MP, and one of the Conservative party’s ‘rising stars’, to tell ’em they’ve lost any chance of my vote until the politico-media farce that exists between the government of the day and the BBC is sorted out.
Running a country by the propaganda of a delusional, isolated, well-connected but talent poor ‘elite’ has unfortunate historical precedent.
The majority have no power anymore, look at the wishes of the British people regarding immigration of 3rd world benefit addicts, the refusal to allow a referendum on the EU.
Who gives a flying f*ck that some islamist swine claims he was tortured? The vast majority of the British people would welcome some evil islamists getting their just desserts in the deserts, the vast majority of people dont care about some ghastly foreign islamists human rights and yet this has become a big issue debated in parliament, the same parliament that will not allow a referendum on the EU and will not open a free public inquiry into the CAGW fraud.
The majority no longer have any power or influence, the power and authority now rests with a minority.
1997-2010 was Phase 1 of the New Labour project to turn this country on its head, to wilfully wreck it, to accelerate the turmoil fiscally, & socially, to induce a crisis of national identity by flooding this land with arriviste strangers of, often, very dubious intent, often agents of chaos – aided & abetted by the BBC, who are now the Opposition’s irrepressible front bench spokesmen/PR dept. until the red flag, along with the Islamic battle flag, flies over No.10 – that will be Phase 2. Far deeper fragmentation/Civil War. The BBC knows that many of the electorate find New Labour unpalatable, so they have taken on the mantle of the unofficial, but chillingly effective Opposition by setting the agenda that Cameron has to answer to, that of the cultural Marxist Mediocracy. The BBC? ‘The Voice of the Nation’ that despises the body that sustains it, & strives relentlessly to kill it off by a thousand stabs, until a new Frankenstein’s monster rears up out of the rubble. A monster that will have voices of his own, & little time for the plaintive voice of Aunty.
“Who gives a flying f*ck that some islamist swine claims he was tortured?”
Well I don’t. I live in SE London, with the usual wide mix of people within a one mile radius – so not exactly Mayfair. I visit lowland Scotland on a regular basis and every time I’m struck but how unhealthy and defeated many of them look – either emaciated or bloated, with little in-between, or so it seems.
I know that the Scottish diet is the butt of jokes and much of it is self-inflicted etc, but this shouldn’t be happening in 2011. In my opinion, matters like this are worth a “flying f*ck”.
An article by the Telegraph’s music critic about the self-declared anti-elitist Beeboid Controller of Radio 3 and the Proms:
A few nights ago, I was sitting in the audience at the Proms – as you do when you’re a critic – trying to concentrate on the music, but being constantly distracted by the visual packaging that the BBC now wraps around the performances it broadcasts on television. With lurid purple-and-red lighting like some sleazy nightclub, the intention seems to be to turn the Albert Hall into a lap-dancing establishment. … …What does such decor have to do with serious music? Nothing. But it has a lot to do with “bringing it to a wider public”, as the mantra runs…. …According to concerned individuals and organisations such as the ever-vigilant “Friends of Radio 3”, we’re in for yet another bout of dumbing down…
In its search for that “wider public”, Radio 3 is edging ever closer to the comfortable banality of Classic FM. It uses celebrity presenters. It replaces informed discussion with vacuous blather. It fills vast tracts of airtime with disc-jockey formats. It slips into Classic FM’s (commercially successful) routine of selling art as relaxation – as if Bach, Brahms, and the other towering giants of music churned out all those notes for tired executives to sleep through.
He accuses Wright of not resisting the pressures of competition from Classic for audience ratings.
The arguments that Wright should be advancing, forcefully, are these. First, the figures count for nothing, in that they compute quantity of listening as opposed to quality (a lot of Classic FM listeners merely have it in the background, without any critical engagement). Second, the means that Classic FM uses to acquire these figures – all those exhortations to relax through snippets of familiar tunes – are inappropriate in serious broadcasting. And third, that there’s no disgrace in being a minority station if the reason for your modest pull is that you aim high. Serious art will never compete with EastEnders for the national interest – but its value can’t be measured in those terms.
That these arguments are either not being advanced, or are falling on deaf ears, is depressingly clear from the new schedules that are at the heart of the current scrap. Wright has called them “refreshing”, but they look like more of the same: a descent into banality. More ill-informed chat. More drivetime disc-spinning. And more audience participation – with the stomach-churning threat of phone-ins so that listeners can warm each other’s hearts with reminiscences of how they first heard Carmina Burana on their honeymoon, or during a school trip to Prestatyn. … But the slide is undeniable. Not long ago a trade organisation called RadioCentre, which represents commercial stations in the UK, reported that Radio 3 was trespassing on its patch with “creeping popularisation”. Meanwhile, though audience figures are up, the amount of time each listener spends with the station is down – which supports the claim that, even if the station is attracting new, casual listeners, it’s also losing old ones.
It’s a scathing commentary on Radio 3 and the Beeboid Corporation and I must say some of it resonates with me. I find Radio 3 depressingly formulaic. There is so much chat interspersed with music that it might as well be Radio 1 or Radio 2 but with a different sort of music played between the segments of chitter chatter. I would like something different from Radio 3, such as more live performances; more recordings of complete compositions instead of itty bitty extracts to fill in between chatter; less chitter chatter generally and more serious discussions about the history of music, about particular composers and the development of their music illustrated by recordings or live performances of key compositions.
Sadly, ever since the Charter and Agreement was revised, this is a losing argument. These days, unless it’s a politically correct special interest, ratings = value for money, the end. We’ve seen it over and over.
I watched a recording of “The Golden Ring” the other day – a 1965 BBC documentary about the recording of Götterdämmerung by Decca in Vienna in the 1960s. It was interesting to compare the style with its modern equivalent (or what its modern equivalent would be like, if it had one).
Long takes, presenter ( Humphrey Burton) barely visible, no irritating drum kit accompaniment and total concentration on the subject. You couldn’t find a better example than this of how BBC standards have slipped in serious documentary making.
True Barry as in comedy drama and every other area of TV compared to what ITV and C4 put out in all these areas the BBC is falling so far behind they have been lapped more time then a cats bowl !!
You’re right, Grant. But if you think that’s bad, you should have seen what they served up as the Comedy Prom. I had the misfortune to hear some of it on the radio.
The first-ever ComedyProm, hosted by musician, actor and comedian Tim Minchin at the Royal Albert Hall. Tim weaves his way through an unpredictable evening of musical comedy, fun and surprises and is joined by guests including Maestro winner Sue Perkins, musical cabaret duo Kit and the Widow, the puppet Mongrels, and Doc Brown.
And they roped some unfortunate musicians into this farrago:
Soprano Susan Bullock and pianist Danny Driver attempt to keep the musical standard from plummeting too far. Jules Buckley conducts the BBC Concert Orchestra.
Michael Deacon is the Telegraph’s TV & Radio Features Editor. He writes TV reviews and interviews, specialising in comedy and entertainment. <img src=”http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/culture/files/2010/12/mike1.jpg”/>
The Daily Telegraph’s Radio Critic tells us more about this farrago:
Radio 3’s Comedy Prom (Saturday) the first ever, sounded like just the thing. How wrong could a mere listener be? On the radio, this event had all the appeal of a party next door, full of people laughing uproariously at each other for no reason perceptible to anyone not actually present. Tim Minchin, the host, lacked any facility to describe to his radio audience what was going on. Papier mâché horses’ heads were mentioned, ditto lavatory seats and plungers, none of them visible, audible or worth imagining. Kit and The Widow came on, making fun of Andrew Lloyd Webber and Stephen Sondheim but not very well. A melancholy song about pollution followed, then soprano Susan Bullock joined them for what was described as curry-oke, a singalong version of Nessun Dorma which was said to be in Punjabi and sounded quite astonishingly patronising and racist. The interval talk was a bit better, but not much. Comedians Natalie Haynes and Steve Punt talked about comedy in literature, acting out one little scene from Aristophanes and another from Shakespeare badly enough to contradict their claims that, this way, they made sense. The Prom second half began with one of those pastiche piano pieces that meander from parody to parody, Rachmaninov to Tchaikovsky to Gershwin to Nino Rota to Pop Goes the Weasel and Roll Out the Barrel. All praise to the BBC Concert Orchestra for playing throughout with gusto and good humour. Curses on everyone else who took part in this grim exercise in condescension.
[I posted this a few minutes ago and it appeared twice so I clicked on delete at the end of the second one and both disappeared. Weird. First time I’d noticed a Delete button, too.]
One bit of dumbing down that I’d welcome on radio3 would be a little more G & S – they manage to squeeze in enough Gershwin and Bernstein but seem to think what ought to be treated as an important phenomenon of British musical history should take its chance among the detritus of 70 years of pop music over on radio 2. Whole weeks go by before they might condescend to play a quick overture to Iolanthe or an old recording of ‘A wandering minstrel I’.
No doubt their disdain for light music is the main reason but I’m sure the views of Stephen Fry ( that the Savoy operas are just UKIP set to music) are held many Beeboids.
Check it out: another ambush interview on Today. Ruth Davidson was on to talk about the possible dissolution of the Scottish Conservative Party.
20 seconds in, the first words out of her mouth are a complaint:
“First of all, I just think you’ve been a little bit naughty, ’cause (SFX: an audible “Awww” from Humphrys) I was invited on this morning to talk about the historical context of this. I was supposed to be following a political historian from Edinburgh University, and I just found out from your producer a second ago that that’s not going to be the case.”
Humphrys, in a slightly precious, surely not condescending tone, his pitch beginning high and quickly descending: “Ohhh”.
Davidson continued, while Humphrys mumbled, “My apologies”, “I’m not sure how out of perspective you want to talk about this, but shoot fire.”
Mark Mardell has done his first biased blogpost from Guantanamo, and he doesn’t bother to hide the fact that he’s come in with pre-conceived notions. He just knows what’s been going on, full stop. He talks to a Muslim “cultural advisor” who has worked at the prison for years. No matter what the guy says, Mardell simply doesn’t believe him, and closes his post by saying it’s impossible to know what’s actually going on. In other words, like always, nothing anyone tells him will change his mind.
NIGERIA: INBBC’s continual mis-reporting of Islam.
In this latest piece, INBBC typically identifies the victims of murderous attacks in Nigeria as Christians, but INBBC does not mention Muslims as perpetrators.
INBBC’s opening title and extract on Nigeria:
“Nigeria’s Jos hit by new wave of attacks” (Note that impersonal headline: no perpetrators.)
“At least 16 people have been killed in the latest violence between rival groups in central Nigeria’s Plateau state, officials say.
The villages of Babale and Dabwak, mostly inhabited by a Christian community, were attacked on Sunday night, the officials said.
Eleven people were killed the previous night in another village, Tatu.
More than 1,000 have been killed in religious and ethnic violence in Jos over the past two years.”
The above ‘report’ is written by BBC’s ISHAQ KHALID. Now I don’t know whether Mr. Khalid is Muslim. or Christian or what.
But he is able to name the religion of the victims, but not that of the perpetrators.
Instead, Mr Khalid mixes up Muslims and Christians so as to deliberately not put any emphasis on Islamic jihad perpetrators of violence.
I have to say that I cannot trust INBBC Mr Khalid’s reports on Nigeria.
I suppose with the anniversary of 9/11 approaching we’ll have a week of weepy pieces about the hell that is being a muslim in the UK, the way the BBC did immediately after 7/7. In vain will we wait for a piece on the hell that is being an indigenous member of the population of the UK mainly thanks to those same people.
I watched “Four Lions” on Channel Four last night and it was British political satire at its best. It made me proud to be British.
Of course it was not on the BBC. It was too interested in reality to be on the BBC. You can only imagine the sort of film the BBC would have produced.
Actually you do not have to imagine. Take “White Girl” for example. James Walton in the Daily Telegraph noted that
“the idea of the [White] season was to dig beneath the demeaning stereotypes. Last night’s drama, though, was entirely based on them…Leah [from a disfunctional white working class background] noticed how lovely all the Muslims were, and how well they treated their daughters…she found herself drawn to their religion….It led to a drama that managed to be both unbelievable and boringly predictable at the same time.”
A BBC production which was “unbelievable and boringly predictable at the same time”. How unusual. A Leftist sermon bearing absolutely no relation to the reality of British life on the BBC? How unexpected.
“..how lovely all the Muslims were” Where the mother stays at home and does the child reaering and domestic chores and the man is the head of the family and what he says goes… etc. In short everything the left hate in a Christian family. The socialists do not do irony.
I expect others have commented on this but there appears to be a concerted attempt by the BBC to rubbish the free schools.
The word has been passed down from the Guardian/teaching unions and we are being bombarded with thinly disguised negative comments on all news outlets
I can see why this matters so much to them. To control the education of the next generation is key to implementing the permanent liberal state.
Ignore the parents and grandparents and get the child to think as you want.
This will be a bitter battle and expect the BBC to be on the attack.
If the schools succeed ( even if some are faith schools ) then the liberal elite will suffer a major defeat.
I noticed that one liberal argument is that the schools will favour the middle classes. Quite. It is the middle classes that administer and run the country. The liberal elite really doesn’t want the children of that class exposed to incorrect thoughts.
The BBC continue to back the wrong horse every time.
Whether it`s Livingston or AV, free schools or shooting Bin Laden-they just have this ability to go out on a perverse limb and be devils advocate…perverted and satanic; wrong headed or thick and out-of touch?…take your pick!
I therefore predict a flood of free schools that can`t do any worse than what Labour left us with…and the continual slow death of the BBC.
Wish we could speed it up though!
They comment on Ken Clarke’s comments to the Guardian who maintains that the riots are the result of poor criminal rehab and that better results could be attained by reforming criminals rather than just putting them in prison. However according to the BBC political correspondent;
“But his proposals have been criticised by Labour ministers who say they are driven by a desire to save money rather than cut crime.”
“But his proposals have been criticised by Labour ministers who say they are driven by a desire to save money rather than [insert appropraite service].”
This is the cut-n-paste labour/bbc comment response to everything nowadays
i’ve often considered putting up notices here and there with the site url on it……people would come here out of interest and maybe pull up a chair and stay a while
In the run-up to the UNHRC sessions in Geneva, the western media has got into the over drive mode to give a turbo boost to the on-going war crimes witch hunt against Sri Lanka’s political and military leaders, who defeated terrorism. Under a screaming headline, Donors knew of shelling civilians, a BBC report on a leaked US diplomatic cable claims that ‘international donors were aware of artillery attacks on Tamil civilians by the Sri Lankan military in the last stages of the war against Tamil Tigers, according to Wikileaks revelations’. It adds in the same breath, “However, donor nations have stopped short of making their knowledge public.”
This is a classic example of a propagandistic twist! BBC’s claim that donors were aware of ‘shelling civilians’ is based on a statement the then Norwegian Ambassador in Colombo supposedly made at a meeting of the envoys of the so-called Tokyo Co-chair nations, as reported by US Ambassador to Sri Lanka at that time, Robert Blake, in a cable to Washington. No sensible person would depend on information furnished by Norwegian envoys to form opinions on Sri Lanka, given Norway’s prejudices against this country and its partiality to the LTTE. However, even if one were to go by what has been attributed to the Norwegian Ambassador in Blake’s diplomatic missive, one would see that he has not said the Sri Lankan military deliberately shelled civilians contrary to the BBC’s interpretation of his statement. He has only said, according to Blake, “[Basil] Rajapaksa lamely pointed out that G[o]SL forces had come under fire from LTTE artillery within the safe zone and they had to defend themselves.” (Emphasis added) Blake has said quoting his Norwegian counterpart, “[Norwegian] Ambassador pointed out such retaliatory shelling had killed many civilians and was a reversal of the government’s own commitment not to use heavy weapons.” Blake’s cable is based on mere hearsay and the Norwegian Ambassador’s claim that Basil made the statement attributed to him has not been substantiated. It will be interesting to hear Basil’s side of the story. Anyone could have come out with any claim at such a closed door meeting of diplomats because the participants would not have expected by any stretch of the imagination that what they spoke so freely would ever enter the public domain!
However, the fact remains, we repeat, that even the Norwegian envoy in spite of all his prejudices against Sri Lanka has not said that civilians were the target of shelling by the security forces. There is a stark difference between the deliberate act of ‘shelling civilians’ and civilians being killed by retaliatory shelling on LTTE artillery positions by the Sri Lankan military who ‘had to defend themselves’.
If the Sri Lankan military had been shelling civilians as BBC claims, the Co-chairs should have intervened to stop it immediately. Why didn’t they do so? BBC provides the answer quoting Blake: “Japan and Norway objected to a call by the EU to issue a statement on the ‘potential humanitarian catastrophe’ on the grounds that Sri Lanka was ‘making an effort’ to respond to previously raised concerns.” (Emphasis ours) “They argued that a critical public statement now might set back Basil’s efforts to provide more food,” Blake has said. (Emphasis added) But, if civilians had been targeted, would the Co-chairs have opted for mulling over a mere statement and stopped short of issuing it, instead of taking tough action to stop the shelling to protect the people in the safe zone? If the situation had been so bad, shouldn’t the Co-chairs have called it a humanitarian catastrophe instead of a ‘potential’ humanitarian catastrophe?
Interestingly, Blake has said the Co-chairs decided against going public with a critical statement on shelling as they did not want Basil’s efforts to provide ‘more’ food to suffer a setback. One of the allegations against Sri Lanka is that it starved the LTTE-held areas during the war. But, Blake’s statement runs counter to that charge because when he says ‘more food’, he obviously refers to food stocks in addition to those already provided. Else, he would have simply said Basil’s efforts to provide ‘food’….
BBC has craftily illustrated its report with a file photo of dead civilians––presumably one of the handout pictures from the LTTE––with a quotation from the Norwegian ambassador as the caption to give the impression that they were killed in shelling by the Sri Lankan military. But, curiously, BBC has not thought it fit to highlight, with background info etc, a statement by the same envoy that the LTTE did not want to surrender; it has been tucked away in the final paragraph of the report. Blake’s cable revealed by Wikileaks quotes the Norwegian envoy as having said that ‘the LTTE acknowledged that they face military defeat, but did not indicate that they were prepared to lay down their arms. The LTTE made clear to Norway that they do not see outright surrender as an option.” This statement gives the lie to a much propagated LTTE claim, which constitutes one of the war crimes allegations that the Sri Lankan army shot dead LTTE leaders who offered to surrender waving white flags!
Outspoken US Defence Attaché, Lt. Col. Lawrence Smith, who incurred the wrath of the State Department bigwigs by questioning, at an international defence seminar the Sri Lanka Army conducted in Colombo from May 31 to June 02 this year, the credibility of the claim by some lesser LTTE cadres that their leaders wanted to surrender, stands vindicated! The State Department worthies who promptly dissociated themselves from his remarks have been left with egg on their face! Blake’s cable is proof that they were well informed that the LTTE had ruled out the possibility of surrender, but they chose to suppress it, not wanting to contradict their claim that the LTTE leaders were killed despite their offer to give themselves up.
Pro-LTTE spin docs ought to realise that their propaganda lies come with a short life span.
In the spirit of balance, i have to say I have again been compelled to kill the SKY feed on my PC PiP in disgust.
The Irish buffoon, interviewing a Gov spokesperson after a heart-string tugging piece on a wounded Libyan kid, suddenly veers off and demands that he ‘take up the case’.
Now what we saw was awful and compelling. And if a sappy populist ‘news’ medium wants to play to the crowd, that’s their lookout, but pulling such a stunt for ‘nasty gov’ ratings on a public servant constrained by obvious precedent was frankly risible. If too typical.
They are all at it. This flipping from one story to another to simply embarrass the interviewee is getting out of hand, especially on such as Today.
Yes; Guardian-LSE: home of two extreme politically biased organisation, purveyors of cultural Marxism, political correctness and multiculturalism. They are chums of, and interlocked with BBC-NUJ. Eg. Guardian’s Jackie Ashley is married to BBC-NUJ’s Andrew Marr; and Shami Chakrabarti, an LSE governor throughout the Saif Gaddafi degree/donation scandal is a chum of BBC-NUJ.
We know the Conclusion of the Guardian-LSE report, because that will have been written first, and the Guardian has been propagandising its political line on the riots all along. Causes: their slogans of ‘deprivation’, ‘inequality’, ‘bankers’, ‘cuts’; Non-Causes: personal activity of the rioters. Policy conclusion: give rioters more money, replace Tory government.
No doubt LSE’s particular contribution will be on the lack of ‘liberty’ and ‘integration’ of immigrants due to white racism. Policy conclusion: the need for more immigrants, especially from Asia and Africa (excluding Israel) to be publicly financed as students at Britsh universities, like LSE, with priority over British indigenous white students.
A quote from one of your articles: ‘But his proposals have been criticised by Labour ministers who say they are driven by a desire to save money rather than cut crime.’
Just to remind you there aren’t any Labour ministers anymore they aren’t in power!
We all know the BBC mandarins like Helen Boaden will simply roll their eyes and say that this is the inevitable result of having too many very, very young people, poorly trained, being paid very, very low wages. It won’t mean a thing to them that these mistakes always happen from one side. They will never question their hiring practices.
Just a wee thought, next time Polly Paxo Steele , Prickstocke Hardy Black or Dimbleby bugger off To Tuscany or some other pretentious holiday destination , will somebody please publish a list of their addresses so we can give them to some new agers and they can lay claim to the empty property and squat.
Let’s see how they like it when some crusty with dredds shits in their kitchen sink or walks around in their smalls.
According to Wikipedia, “Marxist” squats are quite popular in Italy (though squatting is not legal) so I’m sure Polly would welcome her brother and sisters in class war.
Have a look at the following screen dumps from the bBC news website.
Notice the absence of articles about how the Uk can only be guilty in torturing Islamic terrorists suspects?.
Last night Abu Bowen revealed the name of an ex MI5 person who now works for BP.Today you’ve be hard pushed to find any mention of the story on the bBC.
After I mentioned last night that it appears the bBC feels it is at war with the British government, it seems the Empire has struck back.
MarkyMarkMar 31, 14:42 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Christine Lagarde avoids jail, keeps job after guilty verdict in negligence trial This article is more than 8 years old…
NISAMar 31, 14:35 Start the Week 31st March 2025 As a demonstration of its even handedness the BBC have held off for as long as it possibly could before…
AlthepalerpMar 31, 14:34 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Are you a White Male? Don’t be discriminated against – sell up and move abroad while you still can.
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 31, 14:32 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Compare Le Pen’s case with Ursula von de Leyen and Christine Lagarde where Le Pen was doing similar levels of…
tomoMar 31, 14:22 Start the Week 31st March 2025 I’m not responsible for toenail damage if you click through to the video. [img]https://i.ibb.co/Zpnz2zQj/dickhead.jpg[/img] -you’ve been warned- https://x.com/Sargon_of_Akkad/status/1906691365984952566
Fedup2Mar 31, 14:12 Start the Week 31st March 2025 EG – not sure but I heard that the appeal process can take time so with their version of TTK…
MarkyMarkMar 31, 14:11 Start the Week 31st March 2025 “Today’s new allegations of bribery at the European Parliament show how it has failed to learn any meaningful lessons from…
MarkyMarkMar 31, 14:09 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Wonder if reporters can zoom in and see serial number on weapons and who supplied them? [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQUBRLb1redTydaO4Sx46cKcL3yXcC4nliUVg&s[/img]
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 31, 14:08 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Fed. I thought I heard on GB News that Le Pen has a 4 year sentence, 2 suspended and 2…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 31, 14:04 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Vlad. I keep seeing ninja turtles each time I see a picture of that lot.
I’ve been listening to BBC News all morning, and have only heard one passing reference to the previous Government’s close co-operation with the Gaddafi regime.
In fact the BBC seem to have gone to extraordinary lengths NOT to report the scandalous behaviour of the Blair/Brown Governments pandering and fawning.
Call me a cynical old fool if you like, but I think the BBC know where the bodies are buried on this one, and are frantically trying to divert attention away from this.
I wonder out loud if there is a link between Mr Blair’s & Mr Mandelson’s new found wealth?
INBBC now politically endorses the ‘rebel’ transitional government of Libya, erasing the al Qaeda/ jihad commitment of much of its leadership, including INBBC’s new ‘Binyam Mohamed’, al Qaeda’s BELHAJ,
INBBC sees Al Qaeda claims of ‘torture’ (which all Al Qaeda footsoldiers are told to claim by its leadership) as truth, and so INBBC condemns Western governments from an Al Qaeda political perspective!
Whose side is INBBC on? That of THE OTHER.
“How al-Qaeda got to rule in Tripoli ”
For INBBC inc Bowen:-
“Abdelhakim Belhaj, aka Abu Abdallah al-Sadek, is a Libyan jihadi. Born in May 1966, he honed his skills with the mujahideen in the 1980s anti-Soviet jihad in Afghanistan.
“He’s the founder of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) and its de facto emir – with Khaled Chrif and Sami Saadi as his deputies. After the Taliban took power in Kabul in 1996, the LIFG kept two training camps in Afghanistan; one of them, 30 kilometers north of Kabul – run by Abu Yahya – was strictly for al-Qaeda-linked jihadis.
“After 9/11, Belhaj moved to Pakistan and also to Iraq, where he befriended none other than ultra-nasty Abu Musab al-Zarqawi – all this before al-Qaeda in Iraq pledged its allegiance to Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri and turbo-charged its gruesome practices.
“In Iraq, Libyans happened to be the largest foreign Sunni jihadi contingent, only losing to the Saudis. Moreover, Libyan jihadis have always been superstars in the top echelons of ‘historic’ al-Qaeda – from Abu Faraj al-Libi (military commander until his arrest in 2005, now lingering as one of 16 high-value detainees in the US detention center at Guantanamo) to Abu al-Laith al-Libi (another military commander, killed in Pakistan in early 2008). ”
So our new Libyan friend left Afghanistan after 9/11. Says it all!
I heard this covered on Today this morning after the 8:00 news. I guess it was too big for even the BBC to ignore. Somehow, the discussion with Jeremy Bowen and Kim Howells failed to mention, even once (as far as I noticed) which party was in government when it all happened.
So something of this magnitude happened under a Labour government, and the politician they go to for comment is a Labour one. If it had been the other way round, is there anyone who seriously thinks that a Labour politician wouldn’t have been hot-footed round to Broadcasting House to denounce the whole thing and demand an immediate public enquiry? And does anyone really think the Tories’ involvement wouldn’t have been shouted from the rooftops?
I’m awaiting Scott/dez’s comments on this with baited breath.
I haven’t been watching today but has much been made of Blair being Uncle Rupert’s daughter’s godfather?
I noted how desperate the BBC toadies were to avoid the word ‘labour’ and how gentle the questioning of the ex minister was. Anyone could be forgiven for thinking that it was in fact a conservative regime in charge during the period specified. No mention yet of the LSE and labour and the Gadaffi clan yet though is there?
Yes and Bowen concluded his report by saying the arrangement continued under the new Government.
The slippery bastard!
The ‘L’ word was as absent from that interview as the ‘M’ word when discussing child sex grooming in the North of England!
So as the wind blows and the sun trys to shine in this neck of the woods is there anybody else out there who would agree with me that this past summer has been a typical British summer. A mish mash of all weathers. You know the reason why so many people go abroad in which to try and get a couple of weeks of uninterrupted sunshine Here’s the bBCs version of events:
Abnormal UK weather boosts autumn crops
But July’s rainfall turned out to be higher than average, and the Met Office has said figures indicate the June to August period was the coolest since 1993. The temperature during August has been below normal by about one degree Celsius in most parts of the UK and overall the country received 126% of the normal monthly rainfall.
So according to the bBC, because the UK weather has acted like it has for the past 2000 years, unpredictable, that is a reason to deem it ‘Abnormal’ I’ll tell you what’s abnormal in the above piece the constant referral to the word ‘drought’ yet the article states:
“ overall the country received 126% of the normal monthly rainfall.”
Now I fully understand why the likes of the bBC have changed from saying Global warming to Climate change. The facts on the ground show that people would soon (As they are already) start to question if the earth is heating up why has it been so cool and wet instead of hot and dry?
There is no way that the BBC (or anyone else, for that matter) is ever going to recover the rapidly dying belief in AGW, or successfully deny the fact that the climate has changed ever since there’s beena climate. Most folk can see for themselves what’s (or rather what’s not) happening, by now. They can see that all the doom-laden forecasts are not coming to pass, and Luton hasn’t acquired a mediterranean climate (nor will it). They can see that the sea level isn’t going to inundate Hammersmith tomorrow, the there is less sunspot activity, and that there’s an increase in associated vulcanicity and seismic activity. They are also aware that one’s “carbon footprint” is a load of bollocks, and that CO2 generally isn’t the villain it’s made out to be.
The British summer appears to have been typical, without all this alarmist, abnormal nonsense the BBC aspire to. It’s all becoming like the pointless and useless severe weather warnings that the Met office puts out, when there is going to be some weather.
So why does the BBC keep feeding the lie, and allowing themselves to be ridiculed daily? Silly buggers.
BBC – stupid is, as stupid gets
Bugger that should read tries and not trys. Sorry.
Has anybody else noticed the raft of Pro Greenham Common protester articles this week which are commemorating the march to setting up a so called peace camp outside the airbase. If I didn’t know better I would get the impression that the peace camp actually achieved something, err no it didn’t.
So why is the bBC promoting this spread of anti-Nuclear articles? Could it have something to do with how since the Japanese earthquake , the left have been going hammer and tongs in which to vilify Nuclear energy and how better than to raise the spectre of nasty American nuclear weapons in which to keep the momentum going. Funny enough while nearly everybody else in the media world is talking about how foolhardy the Germans have been in closing down their Nuclear power plants resulting in them ironically importing nuclear derived electricity from France because their impressive clean energy production capability (one of the largest in the world) can only provide around 5% of Germanys needs.
Of course thanks to Labours dithering while they were in power it won’t be long before we in the UK will experience power cuts, When that happens and the ethical latte crowd are unable to watch or listen to the bBC, do you think they will change their minds and badger the government to build more power stations?
If the power cuts come by 2015, you can bet that labour’s acolytes in the BBC will be blaming the tory led coalition for the power cuts, whilst opposing any measure to increase power production from any efficient source.
I’ll blame the tory led coalition as well – I’ve never seen such shambolic nonsense as our nation’s current energy policy
The coalition IS to blame along with their labour friends, the liblabcn are fully to blame for the insae energy policies that will lead to the elderly poor dying come winter.
The liberal and conservative and labour energy policies are identical.
It’s all too late now anyway, but the great thing about power cuts is that they will shut down the BBC !
Radio 5 are visiting Gitmo this week as part of their ‘wonderful’ 9/11 coverage. Apart from the obvious (can’t we lock all of Radio 5 up there) I just wonder if the beeboids will compute that St Barrack of Obamastan hasn’t closed it like he promised “With a flick of the pen Guantanamo was closed” nor has he put anyone on trial in the USa and that the military courts are stillproceeding.
I’m betting we won’t get that but we will get lots of typical anti Bush bollocks from Al Radio 5.
Mardell is apparently with them. Can’t wait to hear his hand-wringing and self-rigtheous indignation disguised as reporting.
He’s already posted some :
Note how he ends the article by getting Obama of the hook for not closing it :
“But with Mr Obama’s determination to close it down defeated by a Congress revolted by the idea of trying the detainees on American soil, it may be a long time before nature reclaims Guantanamo as a whole.”
Didn’t the Democrats have control of BOTH houses for the first two years of the Obama Administration? He could have had it closed if the will was REALLY there. I’m guessing, once he took office, he was confronted with the reality of just what kind of people were being held there. The thought of the possibility of any number of them being released and re-engaging in the fight against America and the political fall-out that would follow probably slowed his urgency to close the place down. Politicians of all colours are self-serving : they have their own futures to think of too.
By “Politicians of all colours” I didn’t mean….oh bollox. Racism, init.
…a link from that Mardell page caught my eye :
“A Liverpool hospital trust has launched an inquiry into how a job advert stating “the usual rubbish about equal opportunities” was published.”
Nice to know that others are as tired of this shit as we are on here.
Aw… They won’t let him talk to detainees!
The more sinister side to this comment is the creation of the impression that under normal circumstances foreign reporters would be allowed to talk to those who are deemed a threat to a country’s security.
Those nasty Americans.
Additionally the BBC have finally a peice about Blair being the Godfather of one of Murdoch’s kids.
Funnily enough, in spite of their very close relationship, and the fact that all the hacking which is now being investigated happened when Blair and Murdoch were at their closest, the BBC fails to mention hacking once in that article.
I guess that they cannot tie this story into an attack on Cameron so they omit the Hacking allegations altogether, for a change.
It’s also tucked away in the politics pages.
The BBC are an absolute disgrace.
My now there’s a thing just messing around and found that the Labour party address in London is
‘Old Queen street’
No wonder the BBC spend so much time round there !! :-$
theJeremyVine Jeremy Vine Brian calls @BBCRadio2, says planning problems are due to middle-class people blocking developments, calls them “mean-minded menaces”
Gosh, Jezza, one can only guess how that comment made it through the selection filter to be broadcast/promoted by you.
This ‘what folk (we choose) are saying’ is looking a bit transparent, mate.
That was fun. Just watched BBC fave legal type Baroness Helena Kennedy decry cameras in courts because ‘the media can’t be trusted 2 show whole story’.
Aunty included. I presume the ‘access all green rooms’ card code is being changed as we speak.
Or will this be another ‘unique’/that’s different moment? Of many. it’s hard to tell, as there so many standards around I feel like I’m surrounded by an Agincourt re-enactment.
Isn’t BBC-NUJ-Patten being quiet about this when, after all, this is what it propagandises for all along?:
an end to British national sovereignty, and a rapidly Islamising E.U.:-
“Former German Chancellor Calls for United States of Europe With Turkey as Member”
The BBC are really going for the Tories over this Libya MI6 nonsense, they really must think we’re all idiots if we don’t know which party was in charge.
More worryingly MI5/6 are clearly next on the BBC’s long march. Worrying because I can’t see any politicians with the spine or gumption to D-notice the whole Marxist lot of them.
2:20pm news24 – typical throw away comment by the bBC. ‘Free school’ not a labour idea therefore must be crap. So the presenter said, free school not accountable to the local population, therefore not a good idea, therefore bad. How is a council run school in any practical way accountable to the local population.
This is indicative of the mountain of tiny negative digs that accumulate to brain wash the public as to what is good and what is bad.
Dear The BBC,
I Quote Frank Gardner, BBC Security correspondent (Whatever one of those is? I guess its probably one of those titles that makes you sound much more important than you really are!), from his analysis which was published alongside an article on your website regarding MI6 being involved in (or at least knowing about) the torture of Libyans by Gaddafi forces: “What these documents appear to show is that Britain was turning a blind eye to maltreatment, and that’s really the question that’s going to have to be answered by the government.”
Can I remind him that this evidence dates back to 2004, so these allegations should not be answered by the current government as he states, but the previous Labour government who where in charge at the time. His error makes it look like he is blaming the current government for something Labour did. Little things like this only make it easier for people to think your organisation has left wing bias. And as many people complain about the BBC being biased in this way, maybe you should take extra care when wording articles, as little errors like this could easily be avoided.
Many thanks,
James M. Gowland
Nice catch, I’m more interested about how China has been caught out trying to sell lots of weapons to Gadiffi as late as July of this year. I quote from that article:
Meanwhile, China’s government has admitted that Chinese arms manufacturers held talks as recently as July with representatives of Colonel Gaddafi’s government who were seeking arms and ammunition as his forces battled rebels. The meetings happened in China while a UN ban on such sales was in place. But China’s Foreign Ministry has insisted that no actual weapons were supplied to Libya.
Anybody think that China is given an easy time here? Maybe that explains in this somewhat hard to find article on the subject by the bBC. the bBC does it again. This during a time of an arms embargo, now look back at how the bBC made a huge song and dance about 40 year old british weapons found inside Libya and how the left kicked off over the issuing of exporrt licences to allow a company to take 2 sniper rifles to a trade show. Rifles I should which were deactivated . But according to the left (Including the bBCs so caled defence experts) this was the smoking gun. Oh that and the looking funny at a terorrist is a human rights crime.
(Anybody else wondering how all these so called terrorists who claim they were tortured are all walking around without a mark on them?)
Islam Not BBC (INBBC): enablers for Libya’s jihadists?
Jihadists plot to take over Libya
Inevitably INBBC ‘Newsnight’ tonight has this preview of its political propaganda:
“We’ll examine if Britain was turning a blind eye to maltreatment and colluding with the Libyan government to arrange the removal of a terror suspect to Tripoli.” – and ‘Newsnight’ should add, but doesn’t:
‘We WON’T emphasise that it was the LABOUR governments of Blair and Brown who were in charge at the time, and who indulged and conspired with Gaddafis.
‘But we WILL take the word of Al Qaeda activist, BELHAJ, against that of Western governments any day of the week.’
“How al-Qaeda got to rule in Tripoli ”
Not once in this beeboid piece of crap does it specifically refer to the last LABOUR Government, except in allowing Jack man of straw to deny he knew anything.
So what did Gordon Brown and Tony Blair know? Will Panorama be investigating? I think we know the answer.
How can the BBC forget who were Gaddafi’s friends.
Can’t find the pictures of Regan, Thatcher or Bush shaking hands with the tyrant.
Radio 5 spinning for Liebore again. The vile and leftie Aasmah Mir talks about “previous Governments and Foreign Secretaries” Note the plural which she used.
So what party would that be then?
When will the bloody Conservatives take their balls out of Nick Clegg’s purse and start making some noise about the Labour/Gaddafi axis. They really need to make a storm about Labour’s complicity in this regime. Grow a spine and get angry, you bunch of softies!!!!!! The BBC are busy stitching you lot up as the bad guy once again, even though you were in opposition. I despair of the current bunch of Tories sometimes. They really need to start speaking up to defend themselves. It shouldn’t be difficult, considering the record of Blair/Brown.
For all those who, like me, have long thought that Blair got away with so much corruption and betrayal of the British people without ever being held properly to account, there seems to be a growing amount of evidence coming to light of his dodgy dealings. I’m really hoping that one day the chancers Blair and Campbell and their nasty little clique will get their comuppance. I don’t imagine the BBC having much stomach for this, though.
Sins of the past that still haunt Miliband :
“This weekend, a double blow for Miliband: documents found in the bombed-out ruins of Tripoli show the Labour governments of Blair and Brown kowtowed grotesquely to Colonel Gaddafi and his sons.”
“They accepted information extracted from Islamic terrorist suspects in Libyan torture chambers and gave the Gaddafi regime intelligence about opponents living in Britain.”
“In addition, pass-the-sickbag stories about Blair advising Saif Gaddafi on his PhD thesis and Brown writing to the barking Colonel at Ramadan ‘to wish you and your family well in this holy month’. A huge scandal, whatever excuses are offered.”
Cameron and the Tories are a waste of space. don’t expect anything from them. They are not even in charge of the coalition, the Lib Dems are. Pathetic !
under this new free school initiative, how many would be set up as islamic?
or faith school in general, this appears to be a crackpot plan, encouragement for segregation, where non is needed & should be positively discouraged…did they learn nothing from Oldham?
much dangerous talk of “inclusive islamic education”or.. uh oh “inclusive islamic enviroment”, worse still, flying around………….ahem, asking for trouble??
one example below,
“The Noor Ul Islam Trust a charity, linked to a mosque, which runs a well-regarded private school in the borough and other services. It has set up a petition under the heading new Islamic free school in Waltham Forest which as of last week had 498 signatures. The trust says another 1,000 people have also signed the petition on paper.
The petition says: “The aim of the school is to offer an inclusive Islamic environment where children are encouraged to have high aspirations”
‘What seems more plausible, however, is that with the Prime Minister’s antennae so finely tuned to the Guardian/BBC agenda, he simply took fright at the vitriol being hurled from the Left.’
If Melanie Philips is right, and I fear she is, policy in the UK is now driven, irrespective of government, by one minor, failing paper, and the uniquely -funded broadcast monolith that it inspires and complements.
That is no way to run a democratic country.
Little about Cameron has impressed so far, and I am now writing to my MP, and one of the Conservative party’s ‘rising stars’, to tell ’em they’ve lost any chance of my vote until the politico-media farce that exists between the government of the day and the BBC is sorted out.
Running a country by the propaganda of a delusional, isolated, well-connected but talent poor ‘elite’ has unfortunate historical precedent.
I want, and will have no part of it.
We live in a time of the tyranny of the minority.
The majority have no power anymore, look at the wishes of the British people regarding immigration of 3rd world benefit addicts, the refusal to allow a referendum on the EU.
Who gives a flying f*ck that some islamist swine claims he was tortured? The vast majority of the British people would welcome some evil islamists getting their just desserts in the deserts, the vast majority of people dont care about some ghastly foreign islamists human rights and yet this has become a big issue debated in parliament, the same parliament that will not allow a referendum on the EU and will not open a free public inquiry into the CAGW fraud.
The majority no longer have any power or influence, the power and authority now rests with a minority.
1997-2010 was Phase 1 of the New Labour project to turn this country on its head, to wilfully wreck it, to accelerate the turmoil fiscally, & socially, to induce a crisis of national identity by flooding this land with arriviste strangers of, often, very dubious intent, often agents of chaos – aided & abetted by the BBC, who are now the Opposition’s irrepressible front bench spokesmen/PR dept. until the red flag, along with the Islamic battle flag, flies over No.10 – that will be Phase 2. Far deeper fragmentation/Civil War. The BBC knows that many of the electorate find New Labour unpalatable, so they have taken on the mantle of the unofficial, but chillingly effective Opposition by setting the agenda that Cameron has to answer to, that of the cultural Marxist Mediocracy. The BBC? ‘The Voice of the Nation’ that despises the body that sustains it, & strives relentlessly to kill it off by a thousand stabs, until a new Frankenstein’s monster rears up out of the rubble. A monster that will have voices of his own, & little time for the plaintive voice of Aunty.
“Who gives a flying f*ck that some islamist swine claims he was tortured?”
Well I don’t. I live in SE London, with the usual wide mix of people within a one mile radius – so not exactly Mayfair. I visit lowland Scotland on a regular basis and every time I’m struck but how unhealthy and defeated many of them look – either emaciated or bloated, with little in-between, or so it seems.
I know that the Scottish diet is the butt of jokes and much of it is self-inflicted etc, but this shouldn’t be happening in 2011. In my opinion, matters like this are worth a “flying f*ck”.
You must be going to Glasgow. 😀
Close – Lanarkshire.
Nobody goes to Lanarkshire voluntarily, you must have a good reason.
Try Edinburgh or beautiful Perthshire for a touch of class !
Grant – yes, the in-laws.
My wife was born in Pitlochry – far better. Must have had a very good reason for leaving.
An article by the Telegraph’s music critic about the self-declared anti-elitist Beeboid Controller of Radio 3 and the Proms:
A few nights ago, I was sitting in the audience at the Proms – as you do when you’re a critic – trying to concentrate on the music, but being constantly distracted by the visual packaging that the BBC now wraps around the performances it broadcasts on television. With lurid purple-and-red lighting like some sleazy nightclub, the intention seems to be to turn the Albert Hall into a lap-dancing establishment. …
…What does such decor have to do with serious music? Nothing. But it has a lot to do with “bringing it to a wider public”, as the mantra runs….
…According to concerned individuals and organisations such as the ever-vigilant “Friends of Radio 3”, we’re in for yet another bout of dumbing down…
In its search for that “wider public”, Radio 3 is edging ever closer to the comfortable banality of Classic FM. It uses celebrity presenters. It replaces informed discussion with vacuous blather. It fills vast tracts of airtime with disc-jockey formats. It slips into Classic FM’s (commercially successful) routine of selling art as relaxation – as if Bach, Brahms, and the other towering giants of music churned out all those notes for tired executives to sleep through.
He accuses Wright of not resisting the pressures of competition from Classic for audience ratings.
The arguments that Wright should be advancing, forcefully, are these. First, the figures count for nothing, in that they compute quantity of listening as opposed to quality (a lot of Classic FM listeners merely have it in the background, without any critical engagement). Second, the means that Classic FM uses to acquire these figures – all those exhortations to relax through snippets of familiar tunes – are inappropriate in serious broadcasting. And third, that there’s no disgrace in being a minority station if the reason for your modest pull is that you aim high. Serious art will never compete with EastEnders for the national interest – but its value can’t be measured in those terms.
That these arguments are either not being advanced, or are falling on deaf ears, is depressingly clear from the new schedules that are at the heart of the current scrap. Wright has called them “refreshing”, but they look like more of the same: a descent into banality. More ill-informed chat. More drivetime disc-spinning. And more audience participation – with the stomach-churning threat of phone-ins so that listeners can warm each other’s hearts with reminiscences of how they first heard Carmina Burana on their honeymoon, or during a school trip to Prestatyn.
But the slide is undeniable. Not long ago a trade organisation called RadioCentre, which represents commercial stations in the UK, reported that Radio 3 was trespassing on its patch with “creeping popularisation”. Meanwhile, though audience figures are up, the amount of time each listener spends with the station is down – which supports the claim that, even if the station is attracting new, casual listeners, it’s also losing old ones.
It’s a scathing commentary on Radio 3 and the Beeboid Corporation and I must say some of it resonates with me. I find Radio 3 depressingly formulaic. There is so much chat interspersed with music that it might as well be Radio 1 or Radio 2 but with a different sort of music played between the segments of chitter chatter. I would like something different from Radio 3, such as more live performances; more recordings of complete compositions instead of itty bitty extracts to fill in between chatter; less chitter chatter generally and more serious discussions about the history of music, about particular composers and the development of their music illustrated by recordings or live performances of key compositions.
Sadly, ever since the Charter and Agreement was revised, this is a losing argument. These days, unless it’s a politically correct special interest, ratings = value for money, the end. We’ve seen it over and over.
I watched a recording of “The Golden Ring” the other day – a 1965 BBC documentary about the recording of Götterdämmerung by Decca in Vienna in the 1960s. It was interesting to compare the style with its modern equivalent (or what its modern equivalent would be like, if it had one).
Long takes, presenter ( Humphrey Burton) barely visible, no irritating drum kit accompaniment and total concentration on the subject. You couldn’t find a better example than this of how BBC standards have slipped in serious documentary making.
True Barry as in comedy drama and every other area of TV compared to what ITV and C4 put out in all these areas the BBC is falling so far behind they have been lapped more time then a cats bowl !!
I was looking forward to Saturday’s Prom on BBC TV until I saw that it was “Hits from Hollywood” or some such crap. The BBC, dumber and dumber.
You’re right, Grant. But if you think that’s bad, you should have seen what they served up as the Comedy Prom. I had the misfortune to hear some of it on the radio.
The first-ever Comedy Prom, hosted by musician, actor and comedian Tim Minchin at the Royal Albert Hall. Tim weaves his way through an unpredictable evening of musical comedy, fun and surprises and is joined by guests including Maestro winner Sue Perkins, musical cabaret duo Kit and the Widow, the puppet Mongrels, and Doc Brown.
And they roped some unfortunate musicians into this farrago:
Soprano Susan Bullock and pianist Danny Driver attempt to keep the musical standard from plummeting too far. Jules Buckley conducts the BBC Concert Orchestra.
I’ve also seen a reference to a Horrible History Prom. I dread to think what that might be.
4/5 stars in The Telegraph review. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/proms/8702928/BBC-Proms-2011-Comedy-Prom-Albert-Hall-review.html
I do like a bit of Flanders and Swann myself even if The Telegraph critic doesn’t.
Michael Deacon is the Telegraph’s TV & Radio Features Editor. He writes TV reviews and interviews, specialising in comedy and entertainment. <img src=”http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/culture/files/2010/12/mike1.jpg”/>
He would, wouldn’t he?
The Daily Telegraph’s Radio Critic tells us more about this farrago:
Radio 3’s Comedy Prom (Saturday) the first ever, sounded like just the thing. How wrong could a mere listener be?
On the radio, this event had all the appeal of a party next door, full of people laughing uproariously at each other for no reason perceptible to anyone not actually present. Tim Minchin, the host, lacked any facility to describe to his radio audience what was going on. Papier mâché horses’ heads were mentioned, ditto lavatory seats and plungers, none of them visible, audible or worth imagining. Kit and The Widow came on, making fun of Andrew Lloyd Webber and Stephen Sondheim but not very well. A melancholy song about pollution followed, then soprano Susan Bullock joined them for what was described as curry-oke, a singalong version of Nessun Dorma which was said to be in Punjabi and sounded quite astonishingly patronising and racist.
The interval talk was a bit better, but not much. Comedians Natalie Haynes and Steve Punt talked about comedy in literature, acting out one little scene from Aristophanes and another from Shakespeare badly enough to contradict their claims that, this way, they made sense. The Prom second half began with one of those pastiche piano pieces that meander from parody to parody, Rachmaninov to Tchaikovsky to Gershwin to Nino Rota to Pop Goes the Weasel and Roll Out the Barrel. All praise to the BBC Concert Orchestra for playing throughout with gusto and good humour. Curses on everyone else who took part in this grim exercise in condescension.
[I posted this a few minutes ago and it appeared twice so I clicked on delete at the end of the second one and both disappeared. Weird. First time I’d noticed a Delete button, too.]
One bit of dumbing down that I’d welcome on radio3 would be a little more G & S – they manage to squeeze in enough Gershwin and Bernstein but seem to think what ought to be treated as an important phenomenon of British musical history should take its chance among the detritus of 70 years of pop music over on radio 2. Whole weeks go by before they might condescend to play a quick overture to Iolanthe or an old recording of ‘A wandering minstrel I’.
No doubt their disdain for light music is the main reason but I’m sure the views of Stephen Fry ( that the Savoy operas are just UKIP set to music) are held many Beeboids.
Key al-Qaeda leader connected with plots against U.S., Europe, and Australia arrested in Pakistan
INBBC’s only question would be: has Mauritani been ‘renditioned’.
Check it out: another ambush interview on Today. Ruth Davidson was on to talk about the possible dissolution of the Scottish Conservative Party.
20 seconds in, the first words out of her mouth are a complaint:
“First of all, I just think you’ve been a little bit naughty, ’cause (SFX: an audible “Awww” from Humphrys) I was invited on this morning to talk about the historical context of this. I was supposed to be following a political historian from Edinburgh University, and I just found out from your producer a second ago that that’s not going to be the case.”
Humphrys, in a slightly precious, surely not condescending tone, his pitch beginning high and quickly descending: “Ohhh”.
Davidson continued, while Humphrys mumbled, “My apologies”, “I’m not sure how out of perspective you want to talk about this, but shoot fire.”
Mark Mardell has done his first biased blogpost from Guantanamo, and he doesn’t bother to hide the fact that he’s come in with pre-conceived notions. He just knows what’s been going on, full stop. He talks to a Muslim “cultural advisor” who has worked at the prison for years. No matter what the guy says, Mardell simply doesn’t believe him, and closes his post by saying it’s impossible to know what’s actually going on. In other words, like always, nothing anyone tells him will change his mind.
NIGERIA: INBBC’s continual mis-reporting of Islam.
In this latest piece, INBBC typically identifies the victims of murderous attacks in Nigeria as Christians, but INBBC does not mention Muslims as perpetrators.
INBBC’s opening title and extract on Nigeria:
“Nigeria’s Jos hit by new wave of attacks” (Note that impersonal headline: no perpetrators.)
“At least 16 people have been killed in the latest violence between rival groups in central Nigeria’s Plateau state, officials say.
The villages of Babale and Dabwak, mostly inhabited by a Christian community, were attacked on Sunday night, the officials said.
Eleven people were killed the previous night in another village, Tatu.
More than 1,000 have been killed in religious and ethnic violence in Jos over the past two years.”
The above ‘report’ is written by BBC’s ISHAQ KHALID. Now I don’t know whether Mr. Khalid is Muslim. or Christian or what.
But he is able to name the religion of the victims, but not that of the perpetrators.
Instead, Mr Khalid mixes up Muslims and Christians so as to deliberately not put any emphasis on Islamic jihad perpetrators of violence.
I have to say that I cannot trust INBBC Mr Khalid’s reports on Nigeria.
A reminder for INBBC:
Nigerian authorities say mastermind of U.N. bombing was Boko Haram member who just returned from Somalia, has links to al-Qaeda
“Nigeria: Muslim mob hacks Christian family to death”
I suppose with the anniversary of 9/11 approaching we’ll have a week of weepy pieces about the hell that is being a muslim in the UK, the way the BBC did immediately after 7/7. In vain will we wait for a piece on the hell that is being an indigenous member of the population of the UK mainly thanks to those same people.
A nice little puff piece for Karl Marx here thanks to our BBC. No mention of Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot for some reason.
I watched “Four Lions” on Channel Four last night and it was British political satire at its best. It made me proud to be British.
Of course it was not on the BBC. It was too interested in reality to be on the BBC. You can only imagine the sort of film the BBC would have produced.
Actually you do not have to imagine. Take “White Girl” for example. James Walton in the Daily Telegraph noted that
“the idea of the [White] season was to dig beneath the demeaning stereotypes. Last night’s drama, though, was entirely based on them…Leah [from a disfunctional white working class background] noticed how lovely all the Muslims were, and how well they treated their daughters…she found herself drawn to their religion….It led to a drama that managed to be both unbelievable and boringly predictable at the same time.”
A BBC production which was “unbelievable and boringly predictable at the same time”. How unusual. A Leftist sermon bearing absolutely no relation to the reality of British life on the BBC? How unexpected.
“..how lovely all the Muslims were” Where the mother stays at home and does the child reaering and domestic chores and the man is the head of the family and what he says goes… etc. In short everything the left hate in a Christian family. The socialists do not do irony.
…or the truth.
Anything about wife-beating in muslim families ? I guess not.
I expect others have commented on this but there appears to be a concerted attempt by the BBC to rubbish the free schools.
The word has been passed down from the Guardian/teaching unions and we are being bombarded with thinly disguised negative comments on all news outlets
I can see why this matters so much to them. To control the education of the next generation is key to implementing the permanent liberal state.
Ignore the parents and grandparents and get the child to think as you want.
This will be a bitter battle and expect the BBC to be on the attack.
If the schools succeed ( even if some are faith schools ) then the liberal elite will suffer a major defeat.
I noticed that one liberal argument is that the schools will favour the middle classes. Quite. It is the middle classes that administer and run the country. The liberal elite really doesn’t want the children of that class exposed to incorrect thoughts.
The BBC continue to back the wrong horse every time.
Whether it`s Livingston or AV, free schools or shooting Bin Laden-they just have this ability to go out on a perverse limb and be devils advocate…perverted and satanic; wrong headed or thick and out-of touch?…take your pick!
I therefore predict a flood of free schools that can`t do any worse than what Labour left us with…and the continual slow death of the BBC.
Wish we could speed it up though!
Just noticed Laura Kuenssberg has moved from the BBC and now works for ITV News, for some reason I suddenly find her more attractive…
You need to get treatment for that !
BBC News at Ten tonight is even more biased and Labour loving as ever
According to the BBC Labour is still in power. On this page loaded at 21:55;
They comment on Ken Clarke’s comments to the Guardian who maintains that the riots are the result of poor criminal rehab and that better results could be attained by reforming criminals rather than just putting them in prison. However according to the BBC political correspondent;
“But his proposals have been criticised by Labour ministers who say they are driven by a desire to save money rather than cut crime.”
Nice one Beeb. Nothing like denial over reality.
“But his proposals have been criticised by Labour ministers who say they are driven by a desire to save money rather than [insert appropraite service].”
This is the cut-n-paste labour/bbc comment response to everything nowadays
Why is Paxman asking Darling how to solve the economic crisis? It was him and his halfwit jock mate that got us into this mess.
What a soft interview Paxman gave Darling, hardly any mention of the one eyed moron.
i wish we could ‘leaflet bomb’ the UK about the BBC bias, and see what response this would have
i’ve often considered putting up notices here and there with the site url on it……people would come here out of interest and maybe pull up a chair and stay a while
Newsnight doing a whole piece on Libya/MI6 without mentioning LABOUR once.
Paxman is such a typical hypocritical lefty twat
Wikileaks & spin docs
September 5, 2011, 12:00 pm
In the run-up to the UNHRC sessions in Geneva, the western media has got into the over drive mode to give a turbo boost to the on-going war crimes witch hunt against Sri Lanka’s political and military leaders, who defeated terrorism. Under a screaming headline, Donors knew of shelling civilians, a BBC report on a leaked US diplomatic cable claims that ‘international donors were aware of artillery attacks on Tamil civilians by the Sri Lankan military in the last stages of the war against Tamil Tigers, according to Wikileaks revelations’. It adds in the same breath, “However, donor nations have stopped short of making their knowledge public.”
This is a classic example of a propagandistic twist! BBC’s claim that donors were aware of ‘shelling civilians’ is based on a statement the then Norwegian Ambassador in Colombo supposedly made at a meeting of the envoys of the so-called Tokyo Co-chair nations, as reported by US Ambassador to Sri Lanka at that time, Robert Blake, in a cable to Washington. No sensible person would depend on information furnished by Norwegian envoys to form opinions on Sri Lanka, given Norway’s prejudices against this country and its partiality to the LTTE. However, even if one were to go by what has been attributed to the Norwegian Ambassador in Blake’s diplomatic missive, one would see that he has not said the Sri Lankan military deliberately shelled civilians contrary to the BBC’s interpretation of his statement. He has only said, according to Blake, “[Basil] Rajapaksa lamely pointed out that G[o]SL forces had come under fire from LTTE artillery within the safe zone and they had to defend themselves.” (Emphasis added) Blake has said quoting his Norwegian counterpart, “[Norwegian] Ambassador pointed out such retaliatory shelling had killed many civilians and was a reversal of the government’s own commitment not to use heavy weapons.” Blake’s cable is based on mere hearsay and the Norwegian Ambassador’s claim that Basil made the statement attributed to him has not been substantiated. It will be interesting to hear Basil’s side of the story. Anyone could have come out with any claim at such a closed door meeting of diplomats because the participants would not have expected by any stretch of the imagination that what they spoke so freely would ever enter the public domain!
However, the fact remains, we repeat, that even the Norwegian envoy in spite of all his prejudices against Sri Lanka has not said that civilians were the target of shelling by the security forces. There is a stark difference between the deliberate act of ‘shelling civilians’ and civilians being killed by retaliatory shelling on LTTE artillery positions by the Sri Lankan military who ‘had to defend themselves’.
If the Sri Lankan military had been shelling civilians as BBC claims, the Co-chairs should have intervened to stop it immediately. Why didn’t they do so? BBC provides the answer quoting Blake: “Japan and Norway objected to a call by the EU to issue a statement on the ‘potential humanitarian catastrophe’ on the grounds that Sri Lanka was ‘making an effort’ to respond to previously raised concerns.” (Emphasis ours) “They argued that a critical public statement now might set back Basil’s efforts to provide more food,” Blake has said. (Emphasis added) But, if civilians had been targeted, would the Co-chairs have opted for mulling over a mere statement and stopped short of issuing it, instead of taking tough action to stop the shelling to protect the people in the safe zone? If the situation had been so bad, shouldn’t the Co-chairs have called it a humanitarian catastrophe instead of a ‘potential’ humanitarian catastrophe?
Interestingly, Blake has said the Co-chairs decided against going public with a critical statement on shelling as they did not want Basil’s efforts to provide ‘more’ food to suffer a setback. One of the allegations against Sri Lanka is that it starved the LTTE-held areas during the war. But, Blake’s statement runs counter to that charge because when he says ‘more food’, he obviously refers to food stocks in addition to those already provided. Else, he would have simply said Basil’s efforts to provide ‘food’….
BBC has craftily illustrated its report with a file photo of dead civilians––presumably one of the handout pictures from the LTTE––with a quotation from the Norwegian ambassador as the caption to give the impression that they were killed in shelling by the Sri Lankan military. But, curiously, BBC has not thought it fit to highlight, with background info etc, a statement by the same envoy that the LTTE did not want to surrender; it has been tucked away in the final paragraph of the report. Blake’s cable revealed by Wikileaks quotes the Norwegian envoy as having said that ‘the LTTE acknowledged that they face military defeat, but did not indicate that they were prepared to lay down their arms. The LTTE made clear to Norway that they do not see outright surrender as an option.” This statement gives the lie to a much propagated LTTE claim, which constitutes one of the war crimes allegations that the Sri Lankan army shot dead LTTE leaders who offered to surrender waving white flags!
Outspoken US Defence Attaché, Lt. Col. Lawrence Smith, who incurred the wrath of the State Department bigwigs by questioning, at an international defence seminar the Sri Lanka Army conducted in Colombo from May 31 to June 02 this year, the credibility of the claim by some lesser LTTE cadres that their leaders wanted to surrender, stands vindicated! The State Department worthies who promptly dissociated themselves from his remarks have been left with egg on their face! Blake’s cable is proof that they were well informed that the LTTE had ruled out the possibility of surrender, but they chose to suppress it, not wanting to contradict their claim that the LTTE leaders were killed despite their offer to give themselves up.
Pro-LTTE spin docs ought to realise that their propaganda lies come with a short life span.
In the spirit of balance, i have to say I have again been compelled to kill the SKY feed on my PC PiP in disgust.
The Irish buffoon, interviewing a Gov spokesperson after a heart-string tugging piece on a wounded Libyan kid, suddenly veers off and demands that he ‘take up the case’.
Now what we saw was awful and compelling. And if a sappy populist ‘news’ medium wants to play to the crowd, that’s their lookout, but pulling such a stunt for ‘nasty gov’ ratings on a public servant constrained by obvious precedent was frankly risible. If too typical.
They are all at it. This flipping from one story to another to simply embarrass the interviewee is getting out of hand, especially on such as Today.
‘The Guardian and the London School of Economics, with a serious assist from Twitter, will study what led to the UK riots http://jr.ly/d9pa‘
Oh, good Lord.
Looked up ’empirical’ to see what it should be. A combo of the Graun, LSE and twitter seems rather unlikely to be anything like.
Cue BBC, one is sure, to broadcast … ‘the results’. Probably with narrative enhanced.
Can the system get any more bent?
Yes; Guardian-LSE: home of two extreme politically biased organisation, purveyors of cultural Marxism, political correctness and multiculturalism. They are chums of, and interlocked with BBC-NUJ. Eg. Guardian’s Jackie Ashley is married to BBC-NUJ’s Andrew Marr; and Shami Chakrabarti, an LSE governor throughout the Saif Gaddafi degree/donation scandal is a chum of BBC-NUJ.
We know the Conclusion of the Guardian-LSE report, because that will have been written first, and the Guardian has been propagandising its political line on the riots all along. Causes: their slogans of ‘deprivation’, ‘inequality’, ‘bankers’, ‘cuts’; Non-Causes: personal activity of the rioters. Policy conclusion: give rioters more money, replace Tory government.
No doubt LSE’s particular contribution will be on the lack of ‘liberty’ and ‘integration’ of immigrants due to white racism. Policy conclusion: the need for more immigrants, especially from Asia and Africa (excluding Israel) to be publicly financed as students at Britsh universities, like LSE, with priority over British indigenous white students.
The Beeb either read this blog or someone decided to proof read the Ken Clarke report last night because it has been amended to;
But his proposals have been criticised by Labour shadow ministers who say they are driven by a desire to save money rather than cut crime.
Here is the original article;
I sent them the following:
Dear the BBC,
A quote from one of your articles: ‘But his proposals have been criticised by Labour ministers who say they are driven by a desire to save money rather than cut crime.’
Just to remind you there aren’t any Labour ministers anymore they aren’t in power!
Many Thanks,
James M. Gowland
The problem is that the BBC can’t accept that Labour lost the election. They are in denial. Twats !
We all know the BBC mandarins like Helen Boaden will simply roll their eyes and say that this is the inevitable result of having too many very, very young people, poorly trained, being paid very, very low wages. It won’t mean a thing to them that these mistakes always happen from one side. They will never question their hiring practices.
Just a wee thought, next time Polly Paxo Steele , Prickstocke Hardy Black or Dimbleby bugger off To Tuscany or some other pretentious holiday destination , will somebody please publish a list of their addresses so we can give them to some new agers and they can lay claim to the empty property and squat.
Let’s see how they like it when some crusty with dredds shits in their kitchen sink or walks around in their smalls.
According to Wikipedia, “Marxist” squats are quite popular in Italy (though squatting is not legal) so I’m sure Polly would welcome her brother and sisters in class war.
Paddy, that would be hilarious, maybe a group of Pikey’s or a Somalian family of 22 moving in, would love to see that report..
The BBC.. cutting edge news and current affairs resource, or tired monolith that actually is so vast it hasn’t clue what’s going on even internally.
Now, I may be mistaken, but from RHS Nav Bar ‘More Correspondents’ is this still the case?:
Sept 6:
Michael CrickPolitical editor, Newsnight
Lifting the lid on the world of politics
urbanfox26 Nikki Marks by MichaelLCrickMichael Crick’s final farewell to the Newsnight set after 19 years @MichaelLCrick yfrog.com/h2noslwj30 Jul
The_Spectator The Spectator Coffee House: I spy a BBC bias bit.ly/pBCaEr
People are noticing, more and more.
So many leaky dykes (down, Martin, I am taking Dutch folklore), and I think Aunty is running out of fingers.
<img src=”″/>
<img src=”″/>
<img src=”″/>
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With apologies…the Obama cartoons should have appeared in picture format and not the long link ..
Re-political bias of forthcoming Guardian-LSE’s ‘politically correct’ report on riots:
-no doubt London School of Gaddafi Economics and Political Science goes up further in Beeboid esteem:
“Former student sues LSE over its ‘gender bias’ against men”
Possibly the thing that eventually does for the Labour/PPE/BBC/Graun axis of weevils will be mundane, like Al Capone’s taxes.
But a bit of ‘PC on PC’ unfriendly ire will suffice.
Have a look at the following screen dumps from the bBC news website.
Notice the absence of articles about how the Uk can only be guilty in torturing Islamic terrorists suspects?.
Last night Abu Bowen revealed the name of an ex MI5 person who now works for BP. Today you’ve be hard pushed to find any mention of the story on the bBC.
After I mentioned last night that it appears the bBC feels it is at war with the British government, it seems the Empire has struck back.
at the risk of sounding like a stuck record,I’m well chuffed to see the contributors to this site growing by the day
it’s great to see names I have never seen before
there are bound to be more lurkers who for whatever reason do not want to post
don’t be shy-we don’t bite-get posting!!
unless your a beeboid leftard of course 😉
typo king,me
I agree. I have only been able to dip in occasionally over the last month, but it is great to see so many new names.