BBC bias was on wonderful display this morning in this CRINGING interview with Ed Balls. Listen to Stephanie “Two Eds” Flanders set up Naughtie’s sycophantic interview with her former boyfriend by suggesting that the “arguments on the state of the global economy are running his way.” Really? I missed that but then again Stephanie has a very unique insight into Balls. On the economic substance of the matter, Balls is trotting out the infantile leftist argument that we need to get “growth” by increasing State expenditure and hiking taxes on “the rich” – so nothing new there. He even got away with suggesting that our fiscal problems are ENTIRELY the fault of the Banks, so absolving the recklessness of the Government in which he served. This was not an interview, it was a pathetic supplication and the BBC should be ashamed of itself.
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“the BBC should be ashamed of itself”?
If only Mr V!
BBC bias is becoming apparent way beyond this blog.
Their choice of talking heads…their setting up agendas of their own wishes…their sly slants and sleights of hand.
They are past the march through the institutions in their partners slippers…and begging Dr Martens from any passing pal of Abu Hamza.
Because they are stupid and privileged and have squatted up in their ivory towers so long…they REALLY think that they are on historys winning side…the inevitable rise to greatness!
If only they knew…they are hated for every half-arsed brainwashing exercise as learned from their 70s psychological and business tutors up at Oxbridge. They are obvious and clueless…no passeran!
They are far from ashamed…they are shameless!
If you see them as Frank Gallaghers without the family wit, then that is now “our” BBC.
No-one wants it either except for those it employs…or those in the media who suck at its bloated corpse for a semblance of credibilty for when the recreational drugs get passed round.
Blinky “Plan B” Balls. What an utter twat.
“Mr. Ed the Talking Balls”.
Stephanie “Hippo” Flanders is wrong (not for the first time) when she says that “arguments on the state of the global economy are running his way.” There was an American woman on Sky yesterday who represented a large group of economists who believe the exact opposite. They know that increasing taxes leads to lower tax revenue and vice versa. The Talking Balls hasn’t got a clue.
Surely it is improper for the BBC to use Flanders to interview her former boyfriend ? How can that be deemed “impartial” ?
The BBC is truly brazen in its arrogance.
It was James Naughtie who did the Today interview. Ms Flanders merely gave us her opinions – sorry, objective facts – beforehand.
Still most improper, I felt.
So did 2 eds flounders give the names of who’s backing Eddie blinkys ideas or was it just what she heard off ballsups boss beaker ?
My there’s a lot of ‘b’s ‘ about must be all the global warming !!
It was an appalling broadcast. Every now and then the BBC’s breathtaking bias can still surprise. Toady truly lived up to its moniker this morning.
was she talking balls,talking to balls,talking about balls?
or just ball licking?
that picture above reminds me of Arnie in Total Recall,when they were ejected from the tunnels near the end of the movie and there was no air
thye big bulging eyes ready to pop out of their sockets
only balls is no Arnie 😉
Seems to me there must be three huge tits in that picture but only one is visible.
Ed Balls – yesterday.
Reminds me of the Alan Partridge episode when Alan was hypnotized and kept on being “a little scary monster.” (Grrrr !)
Except that I enjoyed that, and for Ballsy to provide me with the same entertainment value will involve treacle, Death Valley and Fire Ants.
I despair – Today used to be a show worth listening to, given that doesn’t want to hear people banging on about sport or celebrity trivia.
But the shocking misrepresentations that they put across as even-handed reportage makes me want to scream – and smug doesn’t even come close to describing the presenter’s style.
a) was Browns bag carrier and arse wiper throughout all that deluded drooling mans career in handing the nation over to Brussels.
b) was photographed in a Nazi uniform when at university and was alleged to be a young Tory at that time
c)seemed happy to claim for his two houses and fiddle the main residence to maximise his claims -along with his appallling wife who gave us Home Info Packs amongst other crap
d)was Damien McBrides chum throughout all the abuse-not only of Tories-but even Blair and Darling etc throughout all labours squandering of the national assets
e) hung onto his seat-cosily enough next to his wifes-by the seat of his leather trenchcoat
f)crops up in any emails/scandals involving the last lots sleaze, bitching, corruption and general uselessness.
…all this therefore makes him JUST the man for the BBC to ask about anything pertinent to todays crises and issues of the day.
Only the BBC would give this blinking shit any houseroom and a megaphone to lie, deceive, creep and smear…and usually without anyone to argue with what he actually DID to this country when in education or the Treasury.
You can tell what the BBC is like by the company it pays to consort with…utter venal amoral bastards of their own New Reich
Ace scummery. 😀
I didn’t actually hear this interview as I took the opportunity of Balls’ appearance to make a cup of coffee, clean my teeth and have a shower. Of course, the reason I remember exactly what I did was because I was astonished that by the time I’d finished he was STILL being interviewed. Good ol’ BBC impartiality!
I heard the interview and was none the wiser as to what it is that Mr Balls thinks we should do. Other than cut the deficit more slowly.
Unless I dozed off through sheer boredom (quite possible) he was never asked how much more slowly, what level of borrowing could be maintained without spooking the markets etc etc. A truly awful interview which shed light on nothing.
The whole half hour from 8am tells you all you need to know what Auntie Beeb requires that we use as psychic mouthwash.
1. Balls spouting off…like James I kept turning it off but the toad continued to croak unquestioned and uninterrupted by Gentleman Jim
2. Some patsy piece on Leningrad being the new Stalingrad when it came to WW2. Stalin apparently was “quite upfront” about the suffering of the Soviet people…oh, how splendid!…presumably he used his opinion poll surveys of their evaluations of NVKD treatment prior to leaving the gulags.
3. Yet ANOTHER puff with Seb Coe about a year to the Paralympics…and what about all those tickets for sale Seb?
Only the BBC would force the Paralympics on us, like its womens world cup etc…basically any sport will do and the more “right on” it is…the better.
That was the half hour of compulsory concerns and causes we needed to know really ought to matter
1. Vote Labour back in
2. Stalin was the father of market research
3. For Gods sake wear a wristband if you`ll not be buying a ticket to the motobility derby next summer!
‘Two Eds’ needs to go back to Larry Summers and ask him if Keynes really wanted such giant, permanent structural deficits. And how are the banks responsible for out-of-control government spending and failed stimulus programs?
Ed Balls may be a proven liar and as a minister he displayed world-class incompetence; he also played a key role in bringing the United Kingdom to the point of bankruptcy. That said, the BBC does have a statutory responsibility to allow Shadow ministers air-time – even repulsive ones like Balls.
That said, I would dearly like to know what has been going on behind the scenes between George Osborne and Stephanie Flanders.
To my naked ears, Ms. Flanders can barely conceal her contempt for the ‘nauseating’ Osborne or his policies.
Now, she may be virulently anti-Tory or perhaps still carries a torch for one or both of her Eds, but I can’t help thinking there is something more personal going on here…
It just doesn’t even cross the minds of the BBC that even if we WANTED to keep on borrowing, the markets wouldn’t let us.
Alistair Darling has already shown that the one eyed twat and the Nazi don’t have a clue, but it’s just the way the BBC don’t ask the obvious question.
Where are you going to borrow the money from as the markets won’t lend it to you or they will lend it as such a high interest rate it will crash the economy.
So Liebore’s answer to everything is yet more debt?
Exactly. The countries who did what Balls and Flanders advise now need to be bailed out by the Germans who didn’t listen to them. The BBC really needs to do rethink this “editor” concept. It’s a joke, and certainly nothing to do with providing balance or maintaining impartiality.
I’m not calling for Mr Balls demise, but I hope to live to see it and that I am sufficiently agile to be able to dance in the street when it occurs. That goes for Ms Ball (Cooper) too. And the rest of the thieving scum who inhabit the vast majority of the socialist labour party and their dissembling sycophants in the bbc. Why is it that the good are the only ones to die young? Satan truly has taken hold of the world at the moment.
I think we need them around to keep toxifying the Labour brand. Long may the Labour party continue to lift it’s cloak and expose it’s Balls. 🙂
“How BBC’s credit crunch ice queen Stephanie Flanders fell Ed over heels…with Balls AND Miliband” (2010)
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