I orginally tried to embed the Kay tweet – it looked OK in preview but was all screwed up when posted. Can anyone suggest a site for embed codes so I don’t have to use screengrabs every time?
It was Blackbird Pie I used but it was all squashed up for some reason. There’s probably some part of the code I could’ve altered but I took the quicker option – screengrab.
Just discovered that Blackbird Pie is meant for WordPress. Sorry about that. Blogger is the red-headed stepchild of the blogging environments these days, so probably no specific options.
The comments on the Guardian website are all of a kind. The socialists all seem to suffer from the same defect when it comes to debate; their idea of debate comprises expressions of hatred for anyone who doesn’t agree with them.
“anyone who thinks Obama is a socialist has lost touch with reality”
So…Much…Irony =-O
“Because the Republicans didn’t spend millions on a failed attempt to smear Clinton over totally false allegations such as murder did they? After years and millions of taxpayer dollars wasted the best they could do was claim he got a blowjob while in office.”
“the far right Tea Party ,and who bankrolls it and the ultimate opportunist from the far right Rick Perry”
Where do they get these people? BBC green rooms? 😀
“The socialists all seem to suffer from the same defect when it comes to debate; their idea of debate comprises expressions of hatred for anyone who doesn’t agree with them.”
Heh, John, you may be on slightly shaky ground. A few quotes from your idea of debate in just the last couple of days:
“I’m not calling for Mr Balls demise, but I hope to live to see it and that I am sufficiently agile to be able to dance in the street when it occurs”
“Why is it that the good are the only ones to die young? Satan truly has taken hold of the world at the moment.”
“Dimbleby – I just hope their kids were tormented in the playground.”
“And for normality to resume in our once great country, the enemy must be totally destroyed. The enemy? socialists and muslims.”
You’ve gone to the trouble of trawling this blog to cut and paste old comments. Bless your sweet little heart. Glad we’re keeping you occupied and away from trouble. Don’t run with those scissors.
It’s no trouble and you don’t have spend time “trawling the blog” – just click on a name to see someone’s posting history; and they are not “old comments”, but taken from just the last few days.
And they are truly pathetic dez compared the to the BBC lo-vie Doug standpipe compared to Boyle let alone the class warrior cretins who the BBC allowed to call for civil unrest like steel hardy ! you obviously have a problem there as we say things which offend but do not hurt they are trying to do things and action can hurt !!
This is the same Nick Broomfield that made the very creepy documentary about serial killer Aileen Wuornos, in which he seemed to become almost infatuated with her. Very weird. I’ve no time for Palin to be honest, but hatchet jobs annoy me greatly whoever the target, as they treat the viewer like a spoonfed idiot. If you look at the clip below, he clearly didn’t like her or her kind to begin with, or the Republicans. See the part about Democrats being ‘logical’ and Republicans being ‘irrational’. This is part of the reason I don’t like Palin, she feeds into that narrative and makes it too easy for the opposition. Where are the sensible, moderate Republicans? Is Ron Paul, who I have a lot of time for, the only non-devout candidate?
Good post. I agree with you and for the same reason, I dislike certain sorts of comments that are considered defensible because the target belongs to the “other” side.
Nick Broomfield seems to be living in cloud cuckoo land.”The Republicans have given up on rational debate”, he says. Compared to what? The Democrats with their “Yes We Can”,”Hope n Change” president Obama. A feel good tele-prompter president who went to a God Damn America church for 20 yrs.
Media insiders and political commentators like Katty will enjoy every minute of Nick Broomfield’s film, I’m sure. Had Broomfield stalked Al Gore, I am sure she wouldn’t have been so quick to recommend it, but no matter. Besides, Gore would be a pretty dull subject.
Sarah Palin doesn’t actually appear in the documentary but all the negative comments about her will be grist to the mill for her denigrators and a godsend for, er, Sarah Palin.
All Palin needs to do is to use the film to re-emphasise her ‘outsider’ credentials. Look at how much they hate me, she will say; look at how they are trying to use my family, my friends and my church to discredit me.
And so it goes on: the more slurry her opponents hurl at her, the stronger she grows.
Don’t her opponents see this?
The world is a jollier place for Palin: she is a brilliant self-publicist and a shrewd politician; she is so far removed from the political establishment as to exist on another planet. But she has something that no money and no education can buy: the common touch.
Personally, I think she is ill-equipped to hold major office (and I doubt she ever will) but long may she continue to inflict carnage on the political establishment.
Al Gore is going to have a 24-hour telethon (presumably on his own Current network) with the intent to scare everyone into thinking AGW is the causing all this “extreme” weather and we’re all doomed if we don’t do something immediately right now. If he goes through with it, the BBC will be his champion, and they will not mention the hypocritically ginormous carbon footprint of his mansion or lifestyle, nor will they inform you of his vested financial interest in carbon trading and other green boondoggles.
Nick Broomfield would find AL Gore a beacon of rationality. The man who claimed to have invented the internet and said that those who did not believe in Global Warming were racist.
Not so fast Jeremy, which is she? Is she a shrewed politician or is she ill equiped to hold office? Sounds to me you are trying to pander to two sets of supporters here?
And lets not forget that unlike President Present, Palin actually has real life work experience OUTSIDE of Government as well as being a hell of an effective Governer or Alaska.
Never the less, the thing I liked most about Palin in the last Presidential elections is that unlike the three others running for Office, she wasnt a millionaire, not only that but she didnt come by her millions thanks to being in Government either.
“Not so fast Jeremy, which is she? Is she a shrewed politician or is she ill equiped to hold office? Sounds to me you are trying to pander to two sets of supporters here? “
Afternoon, Mailman. I am not ‘pandering’ to anyone.
I have a fairly sanguine view of Sarah Palin. I respect her for what she has achieved – indeed I have far more respect for her than for those who hurl abuse at her or bitch about her dress sense or accuse her of stupidity. Stupid she assuredly is not.
Being a shrewd politician and being unfit to hold major office are not mutually exclusive, are they?
To qualify ‘shrewd’: she knows how to play the crowd and can play the media and internet game; she is populist and high-profile; she is charismatic and knows how to exploit her charisma to the max.
But are these qualities enough to make her an effective statesman? I have my doubts.
1. Will Nick Broomfield be as sympathetic towards Sarah Palin as he appears to be towards Eileen Wuomos?
2. Is he truly a dispassionate man who is intent on telling the “truth” (Note the comments about Jeb Bush in the clip)
3. In the next few weeks will the BBC press Broomfield as hard as Zeinab Badawi does in this clip when he talks to the press about his film on Sarah Palin? (Judging from Katty Kay’s glee the answer is obviously no).
Though Broomfield’s films are squirmingly entertaining, I have a very uncomfortable feeling when watching them. I sense they are as manipulative as any traditional documentary. I distrust “documentary” as a form and I don’t completely trust any documentary filmmaker – from John Grierson (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Grierson) to Nick Broomfield. Having been involved in making documentaries I know how much control the filmmaker has of the material, and I distrust them as much as I distrust myself. Please do the same.
Oh heck…not Nick Broomfield again!
Funny how the agitprop professing journalists like him, like Moore and like Pilger…all seem to prosper whatever party is in power.
Any decent state broadcaster would not allow these rentagobs any other forum that University Cine clubs.
It`s as if these rich old fools still will on the Grosvenor Square riots from their motability scooters. Time for the Right to shaft their pomp and hypocrisy in choosing Stalin and Mao as “guilty of excesses”…but see Pinochet and Thatcher as evil incarnate.
Broomfield dod some porno thing too…very creepya nd pervy.
Thanks for the link, George. An excellently-written speech, at times, devastating in its depiction of the political class in the US, & wholly applicable to the left liberal cabal that has ruined us while enriching itself – Mandelson, Blair, Straw & their property portfolios: nauseating.
I caught a few minutes of the video of Palin’s Iowa speech, which she carried off well, although she was obviously among die-hards.
I can imagine the sneering contempt for the ‘unsophisticated’ audience that statist cultural Marxists like Mardell, Kay, Ensler & the rest of the followers of ‘The Man who would be Marvin Gaye’ will have had coursing through their tiny little minds. The crowd was white, patriotic, not nationalistic, & sophisticated enough to know that Obama is a bullshitter par excellence. Now that’s 3 things to lodge right up a beeboid’s snooty little hooter, along with the lines of taxpayer-funded charlie. If Obama loses in 2012 I really don’t know if I can bear to read Mardell’s suicide note.
Aah, how sweet. Scott starts writing again and his alter ego dez joins in soon after.
The pair are either civil partners or one and the same person. Who knows?
But there is one thing that is sure to have the gruesome twosome crawling from under their stones, or the Buttcave as it should be known, yep there is one thing guaranteed to get them more hard than geordie joe in chaps and its the mention of the fragrant Sarah P.
They are totally fixated. obsessed in a not unpathological way with an ex governor who holds no office and is not running for any office.
Now i know shes quite a bonny girl but you wouldn’t expect our own version of jedward or Dezcott to be turned by such beauty.
But, in the interests of clarity, why , dez/scott, why do you care what she says/thinks? What has she said or done that marks her out for special interest?
She is not particularly right wing. There are many governors and senators with more right wing views.
Shes not even in the betting for the next elections and you know how bookies like offering long shots (lord Lucan riding Shergar etc).
Why ? Shes a good communicator, shes a good mother, shes not super rich, shes ordinary. And i posit that this last thing is what scares the left wing elite so much.
It is easy to attack the Toffs or the Capitalists but how do you fight against a normal housewife.
Maybe Dezcott Pollyfiller toenails Rubsdonger and the looney lefterati didn’t get on very well with their mams. MIssed the odd cuddle . Aah bless.
Cassie can be quite motherly maybe she can give you a hug and solve your obvious seperation anxiety.
until then ask yourself how come Sarah P is the poster child of the left for everything that is horrible in the world. The BNP get an easier ride.
Compare the Guardian review linked to approvingly by Kay with this damning assessment of the Broomfield film in NYMag. Sounds like a truly pisspoor effort but I’m sure Katty will love it anyway.
Sarah Palin’s stance against political corruption means nothing to Katty Kay. All she cares about is a particular style of Left-wing feminism, of which Palin is the antithesis. Palin is what Katty hates and fears most: a successfel, self-made woman with no elite family heritage or elite credentials who had children early as well as late, and – worst of all – expresses devout Christian beliefs which clash with Katty’s elitist version of secular humanism.
One would think that a self-declared champion of women’s success such as Katty (see her Womenomics) would be slightly more charitable towards a self-made, successful woman, but then Palin doesn’t hold the approved thoughts, so she’s the devil incarnate.
Katty Kay and others like her hate that a white folksy basketball-playing state-educated attendee of a low-rent college could achieve such success, especially when espousing right-wing values. It’s just not sisterly. For white women career progress should follow the more traditional feminist struggles of BBC journalists such as Kay and Susanna Reid, namely a good private education, a respectable university, and a sound liberal worldview. That’s how a modern woman proves her worth and best promotes feminist ideals.
I’ve got a feeling that any complaints to Newswatch about anti-Rick Perry bias on the BBC won’t be dealt with very seriously: @RaymondSnoddyRaymond Snoddy Overheard at IBC Amsterdam – Republican Presidential runner Texas Governor Rick Perry is “George Bush without the brains”
If only those dumb Texan politicians were as clever as the smug media-bubble inhabitants Snoddy rubs shoulders with.
But I thought Bush was a trigger-happy Texan who was the stupidest President ever? I remember reading that. I think it was Sean Penn, or maybe it was Madonna said it.
The same Democrats stategy as last time: a contest to find the smartest insult or smear on a Republican candidate, with BBC journo’s retweeting as they file their expenses.
As a matter of interest, did the BBC report Sarah Palin’s speech in Iowa the other day? It was a very powerful attack on the political class, corporate cronyism and even the Republican Party took a bullet or two. I can’t find any references to it online, however.
I guess she didn’t make any high-profile gaffes and therefore is unworthy of comment. 🙂
Of course the BBC ignored it. Nothing there to help the Narrative, nothing to lash out at/make fun of. Funny how Mardell and others usually find a moment to mention a Palin appearance in their reports on Republican debates and appearances by the various candidates.
These clever liberals have got the self-congratulatory game all sewn up.
They identify supposedly evil and stupid people like Bush and Palin and pride themselves for doing so in contrast to the gullible majority.
Also, they are very good at spotting political megastars to venerate – Blair and Obama for example. They chide others for cynically failing to see their obvious towering intellectual ability, genuine caring nature and ‘dawn of a new era’ importance.
Finally they get to be betrayed by their heroes, so allowing themselves an orgy of disappointment designed to grandstand their caring natures.
A tele-prompter president who depends on race-hustlers to bring out the black vote on racial lines, whose apology to the arab world for 9/11 hasn’t exactly born the expected fruit, whose campaign platform “I’m not Bush” is wearing a bit thin, who thinks you can create jobs by forging dollars, well BBC, you sure are on the ball: a circle-jerk of smug super-annuated Guardianista media luvvies. Any wonder we despise you?
A Question Time type audience that Hitchens gives the finger as they boo. Then the audience are dumbfounded, by” the joke that allows stupid people to think they are cleverer than the President” line. They can’t laugh, but are caught off-balance, because Hitchens has nailed them and they know it.
Hitchens doesn’t yield to Maher trying to interrupt him, (lesson for BBC interviewees). The comments are good too. “Hitchens gives audience the finger. Instant boss!”
Why why why do we have to put up with the smug supercillious BBC?
I like : “Acts like an english teacher. Instant ownage!”
And : “Christopher just Hitched slapped sooo many bitches”
Hitchens may be ‘of the left’, but he is also well aware and quite willing to express the flaws and hypocrisies of his fellow travellers, many of whom regard him as a heretic and traitor for dissenting. He’s clearly fearless enough to not give a shit, as is clear in the video clip. He’s also had many angry clashes with the odious Galloway, so he gets my respect in that regard.
Search Biased BBC
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I orginally tried to embed the Kay tweet – it looked OK in preview but was all screwed up when posted. Can anyone suggest a site for embed codes so I don’t have to use screengrabs every time?
Haven’t tried these, but here are some options.
It was Blackbird Pie I used but it was all squashed up for some reason. There’s probably some part of the code I could’ve altered but I took the quicker option – screengrab.
There were a couple other options on that page, like TweetPaste.
Tweet paste? That sounds like some sort of fungicidal cream for ladies.
Just discovered that Blackbird Pie is meant for WordPress. Sorry about that. Blogger is the red-headed stepchild of the blogging environments these days, so probably no specific options.
Katty’s tweets are always from one side of the political spectrum. No exceptions. Defenders of the indefensible will remain silent, as usual.
Quite so.
The more they deride her, the more her anti-establishment message chimes with me.
what a very apt name
The comments on the Guardian website are all of a kind. The socialists all seem to suffer from the same defect when it comes to debate; their idea of debate comprises expressions of hatred for anyone who doesn’t agree with them.
“anyone who thinks Obama is a socialist has lost touch with reality”
So…Much…Irony =-O
“Because the Republicans didn’t spend millions on a failed attempt to smear Clinton over totally false allegations such as murder did they? After years and millions of taxpayer dollars wasted the best they could do was claim he got a blowjob while in office.”
“the far right Tea Party ,and who bankrolls it and the ultimate opportunist from the far right Rick Perry”
Where do they get these people? BBC green rooms? 😀
“The socialists all seem to suffer from the same defect when it comes to debate; their idea of debate comprises expressions of hatred for anyone who doesn’t agree with them.”
Heh, John, you may be on slightly shaky ground. A few quotes from your idea of debate in just the last couple of days:
“I’m not calling for Mr Balls demise, but I hope to live to see it and that I am sufficiently agile to be able to dance in the street when it occurs”
“Why is it that the good are the only ones to die young? Satan truly has taken hold of the world at the moment.”
“Dimbleby – I just hope their kids were tormented in the playground.”
“And for normality to resume in our once great country, the enemy must be totally destroyed. The enemy? socialists and muslims.”
You’ve gone to the trouble of trawling this blog to cut and paste old comments. Bless your sweet little heart. Glad we’re keeping you occupied and away from trouble. Don’t run with those scissors.
It’s no trouble and you don’t have spend time “trawling the blog” – just click on a name to see someone’s posting history; and they are not “old comments”, but taken from just the last few days.
And they are truly pathetic dez compared the to the BBC lo-vie Doug standpipe compared to Boyle let alone the class warrior cretins who the BBC allowed to call for civil unrest like steel hardy ! you obviously have a problem there as we say things which offend but do not hurt they are trying to do things and action can hurt !!
Or in other words:
“Quick change the subject”
Quite right. Let’s keep to the original subject of Katty Kay’s biased tweets. You haven’t said much about that, so it’s all yours…
This is the same Nick Broomfield that made the very creepy documentary about serial killer Aileen Wuornos, in which he seemed to become almost infatuated with her. Very weird. I’ve no time for Palin to be honest, but hatchet jobs annoy me greatly whoever the target, as they treat the viewer like a spoonfed idiot. If you look at the clip below, he clearly didn’t like her or her kind to begin with, or the Republicans. See the part about Democrats being ‘logical’ and Republicans being ‘irrational’. This is part of the reason I don’t like Palin, she feeds into that narrative and makes it too easy for the opposition. Where are the sensible, moderate Republicans? Is Ron Paul, who I have a lot of time for, the only non-devout candidate?
Good post. I agree with you and for the same reason, I dislike certain sorts of comments that are considered defensible because the target belongs to the “other” side.
Nick Broomfield seems to be living in cloud cuckoo land.”The Republicans have given up on rational debate”, he says. Compared to what? The Democrats with their “Yes We Can”,”Hope n Change” president Obama. A feel good tele-prompter president who went to a God Damn America church for 20 yrs.
Media insiders and political commentators like Katty will enjoy every minute of Nick Broomfield’s film, I’m sure. Had Broomfield stalked Al Gore, I am sure she wouldn’t have been so quick to recommend it, but no matter. Besides, Gore would be a pretty dull subject.
Sarah Palin doesn’t actually appear in the documentary but all the negative comments about her will be grist to the mill for her denigrators and a godsend for, er, Sarah Palin.
All Palin needs to do is to use the film to re-emphasise her ‘outsider’ credentials. Look at how much they hate me, she will say; look at how they are trying to use my family, my friends and my church to discredit me.
And so it goes on: the more slurry her opponents hurl at her, the stronger she grows.
Don’t her opponents see this?
The world is a jollier place for Palin: she is a brilliant self-publicist and a shrewd politician; she is so far removed from the political establishment as to exist on another planet. But she has something that no money and no education can buy: the common touch.
Personally, I think she is ill-equipped to hold major office (and I doubt she ever will) but long may she continue to inflict carnage on the political establishment.
“..Gore would be a pretty dull subject. “
You are joking of course.
You’re correct – bad example!
How about Ed Miliband, then? 🙂
Al Gore is going to have a 24-hour telethon (presumably on his own Current network) with the intent to scare everyone into thinking AGW is the causing all this “extreme” weather and we’re all doomed if we don’t do something immediately right now. If he goes through with it, the BBC will be his champion, and they will not mention the hypocritically ginormous carbon footprint of his mansion or lifestyle, nor will they inform you of his vested financial interest in carbon trading and other green boondoggles.
Or… they could be balanced and factual.
But I wouldn’t hold your breath.
Though, from the look of it, some may soon think exhaling needs banning. So best keep it in.
Nick Broomfield would find AL Gore a beacon of rationality. The man who claimed to have invented the internet and said that those who did not believe in Global Warming were racist.
Not so fast Jeremy, which is she? Is she a shrewed politician or is she ill equiped to hold office? Sounds to me you are trying to pander to two sets of supporters here?
And lets not forget that unlike President Present, Palin actually has real life work experience OUTSIDE of Government as well as being a hell of an effective Governer or Alaska.
Never the less, the thing I liked most about Palin in the last Presidential elections is that unlike the three others running for Office, she wasnt a millionaire, not only that but she didnt come by her millions thanks to being in Government either.
“Not so fast Jeremy, which is she? Is she a shrewed politician or is she ill equiped to hold office? Sounds to me you are trying to pander to two sets of supporters here? “
Afternoon, Mailman. I am not ‘pandering’ to anyone.
I have a fairly sanguine view of Sarah Palin. I respect her for what she has achieved – indeed I have far more respect for her than for those who hurl abuse at her or bitch about her dress sense or accuse her of stupidity. Stupid she assuredly is not.
Being a shrewd politician and being unfit to hold major office are not mutually exclusive, are they?
To qualify ‘shrewd’: she knows how to play the crowd and can play the media and internet game; she is populist and high-profile; she is charismatic and knows how to exploit her charisma to the max.
But are these qualities enough to make her an effective statesman? I have my doubts.
Watch this clip
Now answer these questions:
1. Will Nick Broomfield be as sympathetic towards Sarah Palin as he appears to be towards Eileen Wuomos?
2. Is he truly a dispassionate man who is intent on telling the “truth” (Note the comments about Jeb Bush in the clip)
3. In the next few weeks will the BBC press Broomfield as hard as Zeinab Badawi does in this clip when he talks to the press about his film on Sarah Palin? (Judging from Katty Kay’s glee the answer is obviously no).
Though Broomfield’s films are squirmingly entertaining, I have a very uncomfortable feeling when watching them. I sense they are as manipulative as any traditional documentary. I distrust “documentary” as a form and I don’t completely trust any documentary filmmaker – from John Grierson (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Grierson) to Nick Broomfield. Having been involved in making documentaries I know how much control the filmmaker has of the material, and I distrust them as much as I distrust myself. Please do the same.
Agreed, and the lefty auteurs are the ones to distrust most.
Oh heck…not Nick Broomfield again!
Funny how the agitprop professing journalists like him, like Moore and like Pilger…all seem to prosper whatever party is in power.
Any decent state broadcaster would not allow these rentagobs any other forum that University Cine clubs.
It`s as if these rich old fools still will on the Grosvenor Square riots from their motability scooters. Time for the Right to shaft their pomp and hypocrisy in choosing Stalin and Mao as “guilty of excesses”…but see Pinochet and Thatcher as evil incarnate.
Broomfield dod some porno thing too…very creepya nd pervy.
Sarah Palin totally gets it
(by James Delingpole).
Thanks for the link, George. An excellently-written speech, at times, devastating in its depiction of the political class in the US, & wholly applicable to the left liberal cabal that has ruined us while enriching itself – Mandelson, Blair, Straw & their property portfolios: nauseating.
I caught a few minutes of the video of Palin’s Iowa speech, which she carried off well, although she was obviously among die-hards.
I can imagine the sneering contempt for the ‘unsophisticated’ audience that statist cultural Marxists like Mardell, Kay, Ensler & the rest of the followers of ‘The Man who would be Marvin Gaye’ will have had coursing through their tiny little minds. The crowd was white, patriotic, not nationalistic, & sophisticated enough to know that Obama is a bullshitter par excellence. Now that’s 3 things to lodge right up a beeboid’s snooty little hooter, along with the lines of taxpayer-funded charlie. If Obama loses in 2012 I really don’t know if I can bear to read Mardell’s suicide note.
Aah, how sweet. Scott starts writing again and his alter ego dez joins in soon after.
The pair are either civil partners or one and the same person. Who knows?
But there is one thing that is sure to have the gruesome twosome crawling from under their stones, or the Buttcave as it should be known, yep there is one thing guaranteed to get them more hard than geordie joe in chaps and its the mention of the fragrant Sarah P.
They are totally fixated. obsessed in a not unpathological way with an ex governor who holds no office and is not running for any office.
Now i know shes quite a bonny girl but you wouldn’t expect our own version of jedward or Dezcott to be turned by such beauty.
But, in the interests of clarity, why , dez/scott, why do you care what she says/thinks? What has she said or done that marks her out for special interest?
She is not particularly right wing. There are many governors and senators with more right wing views.
Shes not even in the betting for the next elections and you know how bookies like offering long shots (lord Lucan riding Shergar etc).
Why ? Shes a good communicator, shes a good mother, shes not super rich, shes ordinary. And i posit that this last thing is what scares the left wing elite so much.
It is easy to attack the Toffs or the Capitalists but how do you fight against a normal housewife.
Maybe Dezcott Pollyfiller toenails Rubsdonger and the looney lefterati didn’t get on very well with their mams. MIssed the odd cuddle . Aah bless.
Cassie can be quite motherly maybe she can give you a hug and solve your obvious seperation anxiety.
until then ask yourself how come Sarah P is the poster child of the left for everything that is horrible in the world. The BNP get an easier ride.
Compare the Guardian review linked to approvingly by Kay with this damning assessment of the Broomfield film in NYMag. Sounds like a truly pisspoor effort but I’m sure Katty will love it anyway.
For BBC=Democrat’s K.KAY:
-SARAH PALIN on drug company cronyism
Sarah Palin’s stance against political corruption means nothing to Katty Kay. All she cares about is a particular style of Left-wing feminism, of which Palin is the antithesis. Palin is what Katty hates and fears most: a successfel, self-made woman with no elite family heritage or elite credentials who had children early as well as late, and – worst of all – expresses devout Christian beliefs which clash with Katty’s elitist version of secular humanism.
One would think that a self-declared champion of women’s success such as Katty (see her Womenomics) would be slightly more charitable towards a self-made, successful woman, but then Palin doesn’t hold the approved thoughts, so she’s the devil incarnate.
Katty Kay and others like her hate that a white folksy basketball-playing state-educated attendee of a low-rent college could achieve such success, especially when espousing right-wing values. It’s just not sisterly. For white women career progress should follow the more traditional feminist struggles of BBC journalists such as Kay and Susanna Reid, namely a good private education, a respectable university, and a sound liberal worldview. That’s how a modern woman proves her worth and best promotes feminist ideals.
Yes, I think it’s very similar to the elitist bigotry displayed against Palin by Justin Webb, back when he was working the US beat.
I’ve got a feeling that any complaints to Newswatch about anti-Rick Perry bias on the BBC won’t be dealt with very seriously:
@RaymondSnoddy Raymond Snoddy Overheard at IBC Amsterdam – Republican Presidential runner Texas Governor Rick Perry is “George Bush without the brains”
If only those dumb Texan politicians were as clever as the smug media-bubble inhabitants Snoddy rubs shoulders with.
Good thing the BBC has an unbiased man like Snoddy to keep them on the straight and narrow.
Still waiting for a defender of the indefensible to show us an openly partisan tweet from a Beeboid which isn’t from the Left.
Funny what the BBC’s finest genetically impartial troops seem to be around, hear, and pass on.
And what not.
‘…presenter of BBC’s Newswatch (whose views, in absence of the usual weasel, I evidently do represent)’
I like his notion of ‘A-list’ darling, mind.
“George Bush without the brains”
But I thought Bush was a trigger-happy Texan who was the stupidest President ever? I remember reading that. I think it was Sean Penn, or maybe it was Madonna said it.
The same Democrats stategy as last time: a contest to find the smartest insult or smear on a Republican candidate, with BBC journo’s retweeting as they file their expenses.
“George Bush without the brains”
It’s the apogee of put-downs within the world of broadcast media.
Have a look at this clip of Christopher Hitchens on Bill Maher’s Realtime, talking about ‘Bush is an idiot’ jokes.
Watch the dejected look on Maher’s face when Hitchens says : “This is now the joke that stupid people laugh at”. It’s priceless.
Have a look at this clip of Christopher Hitchens on Bill Maher’s Realtime talking about the typical ‘Bush is an idiot’ jokes.
The look on Maher’s face when Hitchens says : “This is now the joke that stupid people laugh at” is priceless.
Have a look at this clip of Christopher Hitchens on Bill Maher’s Realtime talking about the typical ‘Bush is an idiot’ jokes.
The look on Maher’s face when Hitchens says : “This is now the joke that stupid people laugh at” is priceless.
As a matter of interest, did the BBC report Sarah Palin’s speech in Iowa the other day? It was a very powerful attack on the political class, corporate cronyism and even the Republican Party took a bullet or two. I can’t find any references to it online, however.
I guess she didn’t make any high-profile gaffes and therefore is unworthy of comment. 🙂
Of course the BBC ignored it. Nothing there to help the Narrative, nothing to lash out at/make fun of. Funny how Mardell and others usually find a moment to mention a Palin appearance in their reports on Republican debates and appearances by the various candidates.
These clever liberals have got the self-congratulatory game all sewn up.
They identify supposedly evil and stupid people like Bush and Palin and pride themselves for doing so in contrast to the gullible majority.
Also, they are very good at spotting political megastars to venerate – Blair and Obama for example. They chide others for cynically failing to see their obvious towering intellectual ability, genuine caring nature and ‘dawn of a new era’ importance.
Finally they get to be betrayed by their heroes, so allowing themselves an orgy of disappointment designed to grandstand their caring natures.
A tele-prompter president who depends on race-hustlers to bring out the black vote on racial lines, whose apology to the arab world for 9/11 hasn’t exactly born the expected fruit, whose campaign platform “I’m not Bush” is wearing a bit thin, who thinks you can create jobs by forging dollars, well BBC, you sure are on the ball: a circle-jerk of smug super-annuated Guardianista media luvvies. Any wonder we despise you?
Have a look at this clip of Christopher Hitchens on Bill Maher’s Realtime talking about the typical ‘Bush is an idiot’ jokes.
The look on Maher’s face when Hitchens says : “This is now the joke that stupid people laugh at” is priceless.
Have a look at this clip of Christopher Hitchens on Bill Maher’s Realtime talking about the typical ‘Bush is an idiot’ jokes.
The look on Maher’s face when Hitchens says : “This is now the joke that stupid people laugh at” is priceless.
Have a look at this clip of Christopher Hitchens on Bill Maher’s Realtime talking about the typical ‘Bush is an idiot’ jokes.
The look on Maher’s face when Hitchens says : “This is now the joke that stupid people laugh at” is priceless.
Thanks for that link Reed, marvelous.
A Question Time type audience that Hitchens gives the finger as they boo. Then the audience are dumbfounded, by” the joke that allows stupid people to think they are cleverer than the President” line. They can’t laugh, but are caught off-balance, because Hitchens has nailed them and they know it.
Hitchens doesn’t yield to Maher trying to interrupt him, (lesson for BBC interviewees). The comments are good too. “Hitchens gives audience the finger. Instant boss!”
Why why why do we have to put up with the smug supercillious BBC?
Some of the comments are good, LC.
I like : “Acts like an english teacher. Instant ownage!”
And : “Christopher just Hitched slapped sooo many bitches”
Hitchens may be ‘of the left’, but he is also well aware and quite willing to express the flaws and hypocrisies of his fellow travellers, many of whom regard him as a heretic and traitor for dissenting. He’s clearly fearless enough to not give a shit, as is clear in the video clip. He’s also had many angry clashes with the odious Galloway, so he gets my respect in that regard.