More revealing tweets from a BBC journalist, this time BBC Home Affairs correspondent Matt Prodger:
The Tobin tax is a good idea because of those who oppose it:
An appearance by the Taxpayers’ Alliance on Radio 4 drew this response:
He doesn’t dislike all lobby groups, though:
Taxing the rich is a recurring theme in Prodger’s tweets:
(The above one links to lefty “tax justice” campaigner Richard Murphy. See Guido for more on him.)
He seems to have a bit of an agenda, wouldn’t you say?
I love the “Taxpayers’ Alliance is a political pressure group “. Where do the BBC find these prats ?
Just as well the Left don’t have any political pressure groups.
Beeboids are total , utter , plonkers !
Yes, imagine a Beeboid tweeting something along the lines of “Friends of the Earth are a politcal pressure group, they don’t represent all Earth-friendly people.” Not very likely.
Yes, but his Tweets represent his own opinions and not those of the, cough, BBC. Only the “usual suspects” would accuse him (or any other BBC reporter) of letting his own views inform his reporting.
“Taxpayers vote their representatives in parliament,” says young Matt.
Indeed they do. And who voted for Jose Manuel Barroso?
Prodger: “Taxpayers vote their representatives into parliament”
Prodger: “Usual suspects lined up against the tobin tax: Hannan, Hoban, Carswell”
Er… all elected by taxpayers.
Who elects Beeboids ?
No taxation without representation !
Oh, I forgot, we have Chris Pratten to protect our interests. Er, who elected him ?
“Taxpayers vote their representatives into parliament” So do non-taxpayers.
There is nothing wrong with beeboids tweeting their personal views. It lets us know where the balance is in that August organisation.
Just because we highlight the left wing views which we oppose, does not mean that the BBC are biased.
I must have missed the equal number of right wing tweets from other beeboids expressing their personal views. The BBC tells us that they are a balanced and impartial organisation afterall. I mean, there ARE right wing views at the BBC, aren’t there?… Anyone?
Hmm so would that make Christian aid a political pressure group like save the children ! but he has no problem with them ? oh what a joy it is to be in the fold of the BBC, you can spit your political ideology at anyone and they can do sod all to pull you up for your political pressuring and blatant outright bias !
I bet he does have a problem with Christian Aid. Islam Aid would be another matter !
Islam Aid – also known as DfID.
He looks like a bit of a cock and his words confirm my detailed analysis.
I read Mr Prodger’s ‘tweets’ and came up with some analysis that I thought summed him up perfectly. Sadly, Mr Slagg beat me to the punch. Well done sir. Mr Prodger also looks like a chap who couldn’t hold his ale.
Matt Prodger: Some of his articles which I have found on the BBC site:
Was Tottenhams riot a cry of rage?, in which he blames the government for spending cuts which caused the riot!
From Guantanamo to a tiny Pacific Island: A heartbreaking story of 6 Muslims who were arrested by the US army in Afghanistan and who were forced to move to a Pacific Island as their own country (China) were judged to be a risk to their well-being if they were sent back home, the terrible injustice of these poor men (who had no explanation for being in a middle of a combat zone) is according to Prodger compounded by ” being unable to make the pilgrimage to Mecca” !!!
From Guantanamo to a tiny Pacific islan
Yes, Mr Prodger, the Tottenham riot was a cry of rage – by the evil, hyper-violent drug gangs who dislike the ‘feds’ having the audacity to come onto ‘their’ manors & disrupt their disgusting activities. It was a show of strength, not a protest about cuts to youth services. The idiocy of far left minds like Prodger’s knows no bounds. He has been programmed to get just about everything wrong.
PS: I thought the role of BBC journalists was to report the news even-handedly and in a disinterested fashion, not to “Fisk” a proposal and “[show] it for what it is”. That would sort of imply that the journalist in question is skewing his report to fit his own, pre-determined conclusion.
Just sayin’.
Many would call the BBC a ‘political pressure group’, and we haven’t elected any of their campaigners.
Leftland, a shame free zone.
The feel no shame for they have no principles.
Is Gramsci College just shurning out these airheads…and the BBC merely mopping them all up.
I don`t believe for a moment that this wally has ever done a days thinking for himself in his life…prep school, grammar/private school, Oxbridge and then to the finishing school for the fatuous and phoney that is the BBC.
Who voted him in then…who pays him to spout this student stuff…oh yes, it`s us with a compulsory union levy called a licence fee.
Time to gang up and all refuse to pay our licence fee until this man has been sacked…then we`ll go for the next one…a rolling wave of rebellion against having to pay these tossers to talk twaddle!
Twitter can be a double-edged sword.
Mehdi Hasan, much beloved as an ‘expert’ ‘guest’ ‘pundit’ on BBC quite a lot (SKY too, TBF) seems to be getting into a fair bit of hot water on the veracity of his claims on matters ME.
One is sure that, considering Mr. Hassan’s reliablity in this area, if borne out the BBC might review his cosy nook in the green room?
Mind you, after that trader chappie, who comes in and gets to say whatever they fancy seems a turkey shoot.
Guessing Johann Hari already booked for the sofa?
BBC still censoring all news of the story. Revolving-door human rights principles as usual.
No ne ever voted the Guardian into power yet the BBC treats then like they are the Government.
Watching the BBC coverage of the Labour party conference, you could have been forgiven for thinking that Labour were still in government. The defference the BBC paid was ridiculous.
Of course, we pay Beeboids PRODGER and co to propagandise for what they hope would be the consequences of their beloved E.U. bureuacracy introducing a ‘Tobin tax’ on financial transactions:
1.) more power to the E.U. bureaucracy, and less power to nation states;
2.)’Wikipedia’*:- “In early November 2009, at the G20 finance ministers summit in Scotland, the British Prime Minister ‘Mr. Brown and Nicolas Sarkozy, France’s president, suggested that revenues from the Tobin tax could be devoted to the world’s fight against climate change, especially in developing countries.”
Obviously if such as tax were implemented in E.U, it would economically distort international economic activity, with financial institutions shifting their trade elsewhere, as such an EU tax would not be globally enforcible, although Beeboids would want it to be.
As ever, I ask how come none of the staff at our genetically-impartial national broadcaster ever get caught tweeting about the need for a British second amendment, their support for capital punishment or how much they loved Sarah Palin’s last speech?
Matt Todger, haha. Get it? I know, it’s humour at the level of Ren and Stimpy.
Still… Matt Todger, haha.
Luckily you beat me to it, so you can take the flak !
I notice that once again the BBC’s beloved National Death Service is in the dock for killing more of its patients.
I wonder if the BBC’s Peter Allen will be sneering at the NHS for killing people and saying “the public simply don’t trust state healthcare” like he did when he attacked private healthcare over the recent case of people being abused in private care homes.
My 80 plus year old Uncle has been in hospital for about 2 months now, in fact in 2 hospitals. Amazingly, he looks as if he will pull through. I visited him in each of the hospitals ( it is quite a long drive from me ). The conditions in both were utterly disgusting, a total disgrace. I have now visited 5 hospitals this year, all disgusting. And this is in Scotland. God only knows how bad it is in England !
Yes, I thought it was the evil profit motive that would cause this kind of thing to happen?
Exactly David, according to the BBC the NHS should be the pinnacle of world healthcare systems as none of those nasty profit making scum are allowed near it. But of course the best healthcare is available in the USA, well it was the best until St Barack of Obamstan got hold of it.
I just hope I never have to go to hospital in Norway, Sweden, France, Holland, Switzerland…… the list is almost endless. It must be awful in these countries.
I have visited 2 hospitals in poor little Gambia. They can’t afford fancy equipment, but they were spotlessly clean and staffed by human beings.
Why do the BBC not do a fearless documentary exposing the NHS ?
These morans are so biased they can’t hide it and so dumb they prove it on Twitter… another partisan to add to the ‘watchlist’ … these tweets prove he’s a lefty lovie so all of his articles can be reviewed for betryal of that bias. Thanks for the tip off.
I wonder how much we pay him. He sounds like a typical champaigne socialist.
“He was born in Bristol, but brought up in the Gulf, then moving to Scotland where he attended Banchory Academy.”
I wonder if the family moved so he could get into a good school?
What really grinds my gears is that so many of these BBC lefties, who were so appalled by and opposed to Thatcher’s wretched poll tax, are more than happy to suck on the teat of a corporation that is entirely funded by a poll tax. Hypocrites.
Banchory Academy is an excellent school and Banchory, very posh. No slumming it for Mr. Prodger. He sounds like a character from a Dickens novel.
You’ve smoked out another one DB. A scan of Matt Prodger’s tweets certainly show him acting as a left-wing commentator. Wonder what Helen Boaden would make of this.
Re-tweets don’t necessarily imply endorsements, as the BBC employees like to say on their twitter blurb, but Prodger sure seems to like retweeting comments from Guardian journalists or from BBC tweeters linking to Guardian articles. Henry Kissinger even goes onto his ‘enemies list’ for attacking the Guardian!
Of course, he’s not so keen on the Daily Mail. There are lots and lots of digs at that paper, including:
MattProdger matt prodger “@MailOnline: “We’re number one for news in Europe! Official figures make MailOnline the most popular news site” These are the end days
There are a smattering of digs at the Telegraph too, and – so far as I can see – yet no links to/re-tweets from that paper.
There are also a lot of re-tweets from Labour MPs, councillors and failed candidates. Not so many (if any) Tories. There’s also a smattering of American lefties, plus Murdoch haters, left-wing campaigners, Tory bashers and the like.
As BBC Waste says, one for the watchlist. (A long list now).
“Byrdes of on kynde and color flok and flye allwayes together.”
William Turner, 1545
The fact that Beeboids seem to be obsessed with tweeting gives a clue to their average mental age and it just about makes it into double figures.
Discussing people we knew at a reunion last night. Seems virtually everyone knows someone who went into hospital and came out with a serious problem unrelated to what they went in with.
I always love the comment about “cannot afford the childcare”. So the principle is that you want to farm your darling(s) off to people who are paid peanuts while you go and earn more.
Of course legislation to regulate child minding has helped, hasn’t it?
‘Usual suspects lined up against the tobin tax: Hannah, Hoban, Carswell and “spare us a penny” city traders. Suggests it could be popular.’
As are the FT, the specialist business press, the City, the CBI and the government. So, incidentally, does the Swedish finance minister – Sweden saw the consequences of introducing a tax on financial transactions, after all.
But don’t let that get in the way of your partisan posturing, Matt.
The Guardian probably supports it so that’s all right, then. And it’s “popular”. So are immigration freezes, capital punishment and public flogging.
A FTT sounds great, in principle. Okay, so it will take money out of EU economies and probably destroy the derivatives market, but that’s cool. The question is, however: who will ultimately end up paying for it, d’ya think?