There will be wet dreams in the BBC 4th form dorm after this collection of everyday cinema releases
Kermode and Mayo’s Film Review
Super Size Me star Morgan Spurlock talks about his latest film – a documentary about branding, financed purely through advertising. Plus Mark casts his critical eye over releases including Lars Von Trier’s dark apocalyptic drama Melancholia and Kevin Smith’s Christian fundamentalist horror Red State.
Is there no end to 5 Live’s talent?
Sport, news, entertainment, current affairs, movie reviews…..all served up with a thick slice of setting the world to rights!
INBBC’s shadowy political relationship with AL JAZEERA TV concealed here.
From this article, (late in the day) about conflicts inside Qatar’s Islamic Al Jazeera TV, by Hugh MILES, one might think that INBBC had no relationship with Islamic Al Jazeera.
“Al-Jazeera boss steps down : strains with Qatar royals?”
As pointed out on ‘B-BBC’, the relationship is quite close:
1.) Many ex-Beeboids work for Al Jazeera, right up to the top level, and have many presenters on Al Jazeera English;
2.) there is a technical agreement between the two organisations;
3.) INBBC commissions, via its Muslim head of religion, Aaqil Ahmed, ex-Beeboid, now Al Jazeera Muslim presenter, Rageh Omaar to do Islamic TV series on INBBC 2 TV.
4.)the two organisations are both politically anti-Israel, pro-Hamas.
Mr Miles does not mention this relationship in his article, and he makes no criticism of this observation of Islamic Al Jazeera’s political activity:
“Al Jazeera has played a leading role in the Arab Spring, teaching demonstrators tactics and strategy, giving rebel leaders a platform and airing powerful user-generated content off the Internet that galvanised millions to take to the streets.”
INBBC should sever all its relations with Islamic Al Jazeera. Licencepayers are being taken for an Islamic ride.
‘Family Security Matters’ had this earlier:
September 21, 2011
“Why has Al Jazeera’s Director General Resigned?”
ITVLauraKLaura KuenssbergUK manufacturing figs out in ten mins – altogether not the backdrop Osborne would have wanted for his big speech20 minutes ago
ITVLauraKLaura KuenssbergA little bit of better news at last – UK manufacturing figs at 51.1 – means actually growing, better than forecasts of about 48
A newbie MP talking to a young blonde lady. The MP says “it was nice to meet you, but I’ve got to go and show my face at the British Venture Capital Association reception”. The young lady immediately says “wow, that sounds like a very right-wing group.” The MP looks bemused, replying “I wouldn’t say that. It’s business, it’s not left-wing or right-wing. So what do you do?” The lady suddenly looks embarrassed: “I work for the BBC.” “Oh? Doing what exactly?” “I’m public affairs – it’s my job to persuade all of you lot that we’re not a bunch of raving left wingers.” “You’re not doing a very good job so far…” came the reply.
This Right Wing thing is just so all encompassing to beeboids. Yesterday in an interview from the conference with a Conservative MEP the beeboid interviewer categorised anti-federalism as “Right Wing” (that would have been a surprise to my former MP, the unre-constructed old Labourite Alice Mahon.
This young lady will be reading autocues and ‘interviewing’ via instruction though her earpiece from the3 edit suite before you can say ‘market rate talent starts at £96k’.
My favourite thus far…
“I’m public affairs – it’s my job to persuade all of you lot that we’re not a bunch of raving left wingers.”
Hang on, we pay the BBC to employ someone to lobby tory mps to convince them the BBC is not left wing?
The fact they have to employ someone to do this means that they are left wing?
Plus an additional bit of ‘funding’ that is… unique.
That my (Tory) MP could only cut and paste Mr. NaughtieMarr’s waffle about national treasures when tasked on specific threats to democratic process and free sppech by a censor-obsessed propaganda machine actively shaping UK policy vai an extorted £4Bpa PR budget has made my voting options easier at least.
As ever with the BBC, bias comes larded with a hefty lump of stupid. Venture Capital Association sounds ‘very right wing’? Really? How do you even get there from here? What demented parody of logic does it take to get to that point?
Pavlov’s dogs had more advanced reasoning skills than this girl.
To borrow a line from Ann Coulter, if you threw a bucket of water over this woman in the middle of the night, she’d jerk awake blaming right-wing extremists.
Whom did Paddy O’Connell (“Broadcasting House” on Radio 4 on Sunday) ask for his opinion of hymns, on the 50th anniversary of “Songs of Praise”? Why, the superbrain Jewish-atheist Sir and Dr Jonathan Miller. Much as commenters on blogs dismiss belief in a “sky-fairy”, he dismissed the obvious absurdity of disembodied intelligence as utterly beneath the consideration of his own massive embodied intelligence, but did allow that the <i>overhearing</i> of a hymn tune was sometimes pleasant, because one’s brain was not then insulted by “grotesque absurdities” of the content. (To the reductionist Miller, “disembodied intelligence” is simply a contradiction because of the very definition of “intelligence”. This impoverished view of the universe cannot permit any meaningful discussion of “angels and arrchangels and the whole company of heaven”.) When the BBC are not insulting Christianity they are patronizing it.
50 years of Songs of Praise eh?
Who else would the BBC ask but one of their crumbly luvvie atheists from central casting…I`m guessing that Grayling and Dawkins were at morning communion then!
Miller is a classic luvvie fraud…The Body in Question was quite good in a seventies way, but the pretentious self-worshipping polymath is only Ustinov without the Russsian.
Think I last saw him shaking his fist at a homoeopath from his solar-powered bath chair, but to no effect as ever.
I remember him doing a book on graffiti asa the working classes art form, and then running out of his Hampstead mansion outraged at someone chalking his own wall.
That is all you will ever need to know about the talentless one from Beyond the Fringe…a BBC trustie who hates words like “love” and “justice” in the sense of his hymn…but loves the use of the Marxist claptrap phrases like those already quoted.
How many useless idiots at the BBC masquerade as useful then….if Last Word wasn`t around we`d not notice if he was living or dead anyway!
Hopefully they`ll get Dot Cotton to write his obituary!
Oh…and another thing!
The words to the hymn Miller so hates were written well over 100 years ago…and are still sung and quoted!
Wonder how long anything that Miller has ever said or written will be remembered and quoted by any future generations.
Heck…none of us could have known he`d added operatic marker pen to Lewis Carrolls masterpiece even when he and the BBC must have told us all ad nauseum!
Miller-a thickies cartoon of what a clever bloke would look like-is in my top twenty tosspots that reduced Britain to what it is today…but he is parked at the care home exit door behind Shirley, Bennboy and Warnock.
Another slice of Battyburg any of you?
Actually he said, that accidental killings by the IRA of civilians could be described as “murders”. It’s all a matter of POV. No suggestion that some could be cold blooded murder and others criminal negligence. Not a hint of skepticism.
Just check out the accompanying photograph. Could this sad face be of a killer or a saint?
Of course, somewhat an exercise in futlity as anything ‘chopped’ seems to get reinstated when the dust settles, and yet more licence fee goes to pensions for the blokes popping the Dad’s Army re-run tapes in.
BBCRBlackRichard BlackAccording to George Osborne’s speech just now, graphene has just won the Nobel Physics prize…
Not sure emerging from the bunker in this way is the smartest play consodering the BBC is under the spotlight on political partiality AND for being utter pants at any scinence reporting.
But a full 1/2 shandy for the boy at the office bar tonight!
AdamRutherfordAdam RutherfordOsborne praises the ‘Rutherford bros’ for splitting the atom. Me & Ern? this is the same gov who want Newton’s thermodynamics taught. Genii.
So, making leaps form sloppy proofing by PPE grads (don’t know why pols don’t get an actual scientist to do so, if they can find one in Westminster) to how physics get taught, by the `Miaow petty collective’. Looking at Labour’s track record, and that of the BBC, not sure the sisters should be opening this can of worms. And any wimmin they can field either.
Funny how the BBC makes sure to tell you that the case against Amanda Knox “has been tested in two courts”, but kind of swept under the rug the fact that the case against Troy Davis was tested all the way up to the Supreme Court.
Blimey. They must be going ballistic about now, then.
I had to switch off SKY… again.. not so much for any attempt at trying to explain away the legal outcome (which seems to be a BBC trait) when it runs counter to the hive desire, but the sheer volume of tripe packing ouyt the ‘story’.
One more bozo being asked how they feel and one more ‘send us your views’, and a bacon butyy was going through the screen.
BBC-NUJ opposes deportation of illegal and criminal immigrants from UK.
Of course, BBC-NUJ wants Human Rights Act in Britain, so preferential treatment of e.g. all immigrants can continue.
So, in a report on Conservative Party on this, BBC-NUJ shifts the emphasis from the Tories who largely oppose the Act, to the politicos who support it: Lib Dems, Labour, and to the omnipresent BBC-NUJ and LSE chum, Chakrabarti, who represents no one, but who is given the last word:
“Home Secretary Theresa May wants Human Rights Act axed”
Of course, in its day to day ‘reporting’, BBC-NUJ is inclined to censor out the many cases where the Act is used to stop e.g the deportation of dangerous criminals and jihadists:
“‘Hate preacher wins human rights payout… even though he shouldn’t be here at all”
I wonder if we could offer Stafford Smith, Chakhrabhati, Michael Moore and Noam Chomsky a shark fishing cruise somewhere off the Somali coast?
That should clear the sharks away….and surely give our Liberal luvvies something fascinating to mull over in chambers a few years hence.
What a way to feed back to Amnesty about the mockery of `uman rights case law being flouted inappropriately in Mogadishu.
I feel a wristband appeal coming on…maybe we could fly to each others benefits David a la Phil Collins in 1985?
That’s some of the most blatant pandering to lefty-liberal sentimentality I’ve seen for a long time.
This is the standout bit : Federal prison is a frightening, perilous environment of intrigue, violent gangs, terrible food and severe isolation, even for the most hardened criminal.
Just what do they think these pirates are?!?!! Loveable rogues of the high seas??? They reveal the reality of modern pirates in their own article, fer fux ache :
On Monday morning, Muhidin Salad Omar was sentenced to life in prison after pleading guilty to his part in the hijacking in February of the yacht S/V Quest, in which pirates shot to death four American sailors.
…and then there’s this little weep : Language and cultural barriers will make it difficult for the men to form the support groups and informal social networks that lawyers and social workers say are necessary to get by in prison.
Are they going to effing summer camp, or on an exchange visit!!!
The poor loves – deprived a family life by the oppressive and vicious American justice system. I’m distraught – I feel their pain – tears on keyboard as I type. Bollox.
Next week: the BBC publishes a heart-rending piece about the plight of Ian Huntley, as he serves his life sentence. Terrible food, hostile inmates and a rock-hard bed are making life terribly hard for the Soham murderer.
I think that the BBC think that these jolly black tars of the high seas( can I use that word “black” here…or are they “people of colour at this particular moment in time?”) are devoid of eyes, ears, legs etc…and so therefore are a “vulnerable” minority-viz “disabled”!
Think we can expect The Motability Alliance to be pushing for scooters up on deck as well as the traditional benefits package we offer them all as Captain Birdseye pipes them all ashore!
If we offered them scooters, benefits then they might not need to be challenging whitey out on the oceans…seasickness makes any sailor boy a little eggy m`lud!
I’m quite sure that last week after Ed Testicles gave his speech Radio 5 didn’t give a Tory Minister the chance to give a counter argument. Needless today Radio wheeled out some lefty goon to challenge Osborne with female beeboid nodding in approval.
BBC News Channel just told me that Al-Megrahi is now claiming that his responsibility for the Lockerbie bombing has been “exaggerated”, and that more info is coming soon to explain that. Tim Willcox was told to report by his producers that Megrahi now is very ill and needs more medicine.
My goodness, but Megrahi seems to have made a miraculous recovery from that coma he was in when the BBC was outside his door. Funny how the Beeboids didn’t share our skepticism at the time, and no mention of that whatsoever today. I love selective impartiality.
To be honest, I think we`re getting off quite lightly!
I`m sure our vulnerable Muslim gentleman has had to move his chemo appointment from Benghazi to Tripol, whereas he had regular medication up in bonnie Scotland!
Have we not put his life at unnecessary risk I`m wondering…and no doubt Shami and Clive, Gareth etc are asking the same question?
Not only that…but East renfrewshires Youth Justice System will be concerned that our bombs are somehow affecting his electronic tag…that ankle bracelet needs no radar or other interferences from NATO etc…have we not thought all this through?
So to conclude…hope that wonderful Libyan cancer crushing regime that has given Maghrabhi those extra years may yet be introduced here…Gadhaffi posters to be sent to our hospices perhaps now the Libyans seem to have tired of him!
That BBC obituary for Last Word will have to be rewritten yet again…
The BBC jumps to inform you about the latest smear piece by their fellow travellers at the Washington Post on Rick Perry. It’s a non-story, and the only possible negatives against Perry are based entirely – and I do mean entirely – on unsubstantiated hearsay. Yet since the BBC looks to the WaPo for guidance on US issues, they rush to report it anyway.
The WaPo claims that the offensive word was still faintly visible as recently as last year under coats of paint, but no photo accompanies the article. Of course there isn’t a photo, because it’s all BS. In fact, none of the WaPo hit pieces on Perry about this include a photo of the allegedly offensive rock – even the one where they put up a map of the property. Yet the BBC doesn’t hesitate to leap on the smear-wagon.
I keep saying that this is how the BBC behaves: they look to the WaPo and other far-Left media on what and how to report on US issues. And this is clear proof.
Sure, Herman Cain spoke out based on the misinformation fed to him. If he steps back from that unfounded criticism, you can bet that the BBC won’t tell you.
Hey, BBC: now that your WaPo thought leaders have reported that the President was warned not to visit Solyndra, will you report that? I won’t hold my breath. Instead, the new “digital media” hires are doing lightweight magazine pieces and weeping over Somali pirates going to the stripey hole.
BRISSLESMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 All out broadcasting on Islamic Eid – celebrating in Parliament no less too. Can we expect other religious festivals to…
tomoMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 we’ve too many of these types in the UK … [img][/img]
ZephirMar 31, 20:40 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Well, well, part 2: “Guardian editors helped fuel Southport riots by showing contempt for the white working class, peer claims…
tomoMar 31, 20:25 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Actually, quite a fair comparison [img][/img]
ScrobleneMar 31, 20:12 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps when the awful, corrupt EU gets its accounts signed off, (never done), they can pontificate, meanwhile normal British citizens…
ZephirMar 31, 20:10 Start the Week 31st March 2025 I would suspect a surfeit of Prosecco or whatever crap this lot consume.
Fedup2Mar 31, 20:07 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps she has adopted the US Democrat recent practice of swearing at public speeches to show ‘authenticity ‘ …. Apparently…
Rob in CheshireMar 31, 19:56 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Democracy is a system whereby the citizens can vote for anyone their betters allow them to.
There will be wet dreams in the BBC 4th form dorm after this collection of everyday cinema releases
Kermode and Mayo’s Film Review
Super Size Me star Morgan Spurlock talks about his latest film – a documentary about branding, financed purely through advertising. Plus Mark casts his critical eye over releases including Lars Von Trier’s dark apocalyptic drama Melancholia and Kevin Smith’s Christian fundamentalist horror Red State.
Is there no end to 5 Live’s talent?
Sport, news, entertainment, current affairs, movie reviews…..all served up with a thick slice of setting the world to rights!
INBBC’s shadowy political relationship with AL JAZEERA TV concealed here.
From this article, (late in the day) about conflicts inside Qatar’s Islamic Al Jazeera TV, by Hugh MILES, one might think that INBBC had no relationship with Islamic Al Jazeera.
“Al-Jazeera boss steps down : strains with Qatar royals?”
But the truth is quite different.
As pointed out on ‘B-BBC’, the relationship is quite close:
1.) Many ex-Beeboids work for Al Jazeera, right up to the top level, and have many presenters on Al Jazeera English;
2.) there is a technical agreement between the two organisations;
3.) INBBC commissions, via its Muslim head of religion, Aaqil Ahmed, ex-Beeboid, now Al Jazeera Muslim presenter, Rageh Omaar to do Islamic TV series on INBBC 2 TV.
4.)the two organisations are both politically anti-Israel, pro-Hamas.
Mr Miles does not mention this relationship in his article, and he makes no criticism of this observation of Islamic Al Jazeera’s political activity:
“Al Jazeera has played a leading role in the Arab Spring, teaching demonstrators tactics and strategy, giving rebel leaders a platform and airing powerful user-generated content off the Internet that galvanised millions to take to the streets.”
INBBC should sever all its relations with Islamic Al Jazeera. Licencepayers are being taken for an Islamic ride.
‘Family Security Matters’ had this earlier:
September 21, 2011
“Why has Al Jazeera’s Director General Resigned?”
The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report
ITVLauraK Laura Kuenssberg UK manufacturing figs out in ten mins – altogether not the backdrop Osborne would have wanted for his big speech20 minutes ago
ITVLauraK Laura Kuenssberg A little bit of better news at last – UK manufacturing figs at 51.1 – means actually growing, better than forecasts of about 48
9 minutes ago
Somethings never change, at least we aren’t paying for her now 🙂
From Guido:
Overheard in the Midland Hotel Bar II
A newbie MP talking to a young blonde lady. The MP says “it was nice to meet you, but I’ve got to go and show my face at the British Venture Capital Association reception”. The young lady immediately says “wow, that sounds like a very right-wing group.” The MP looks bemused, replying “I wouldn’t say that. It’s business, it’s not left-wing or right-wing. So what do you do?” The lady suddenly looks embarrassed: “I work for the BBC.” “Oh? Doing what exactly?” “I’m public affairs – it’s my job to persuade all of you lot that we’re not a bunch of raving left wingers.” “You’re not doing a very good job so far…” came the reply.
This Right Wing thing is just so all encompassing to beeboids. Yesterday in an interview from the conference with a Conservative MEP the beeboid interviewer categorised anti-federalism as “Right Wing” (that would have been a surprise to my former MP, the unre-constructed old Labourite Alice Mahon.
This young lady will be reading autocues and ‘interviewing’ via instruction though her earpiece from the3 edit suite before you can say ‘market rate talent starts at £96k’.
My favourite thus far…
“I’m public affairs – it’s my job to persuade all of you lot that we’re not a bunch of raving left wingers.”
Hang on, we pay the BBC to employ someone to lobby tory mps to convince them the BBC is not left wing?
The fact they have to employ someone to do this means that they are left wing?
Plus an additional bit of ‘funding’ that is… unique.
That my (Tory) MP could only cut and paste Mr. NaughtieMarr’s waffle about national treasures when tasked on specific threats to democratic process and free sppech by a censor-obsessed propaganda machine actively shaping UK policy vai an extorted £4Bpa PR budget has made my voting options easier at least.
As ever with the BBC, bias comes larded with a hefty lump of stupid. Venture Capital Association sounds ‘very right wing’? Really? How do you even get there from here? What demented parody of logic does it take to get to that point?
Pavlov’s dogs had more advanced reasoning skills than this girl.
To borrow a line from Ann Coulter, if you threw a bucket of water over this woman in the middle of the night, she’d jerk awake blaming right-wing extremists.
In leftyland, just about all business is a right wing construct of oppression and exploitation.
The public sector – warm and cuddly.
The private sector – boo-hiss.
It pays their wages though, doesn’t it.
The BBC – complicit in oppression and exploitation!!!!!!!!
Whom did Paddy O’Connell (“Broadcasting House” on Radio 4 on Sunday) ask for his opinion of hymns, on the 50th anniversary of “Songs of Praise”? Why, the superbrain Jewish-atheist Sir and Dr Jonathan Miller. Much as commenters on blogs dismiss belief in a “sky-fairy”, he dismissed the obvious absurdity of disembodied intelligence as utterly beneath the consideration of his own massive embodied intelligence, but did allow that the <i>overhearing</i> of a hymn tune was sometimes pleasant, because one’s brain was not then insulted by “grotesque absurdities” of the content. (To the reductionist Miller, “disembodied intelligence” is simply a contradiction because of the very definition of “intelligence”. This impoverished view of the universe cannot permit any meaningful discussion of “angels and arrchangels and the whole company of heaven”.) When the BBC are not insulting Christianity they are patronizing it.
can you see the same type of language used in reference to 2the prophet”(ahem) Mo-Ham Mad?
don’t hold your breath
50 years of Songs of Praise eh?
Who else would the BBC ask but one of their crumbly luvvie atheists from central casting…I`m guessing that Grayling and Dawkins were at morning communion then!
Miller is a classic luvvie fraud…The Body in Question was quite good in a seventies way, but the pretentious self-worshipping polymath is only Ustinov without the Russsian.
Think I last saw him shaking his fist at a homoeopath from his solar-powered bath chair, but to no effect as ever.
I remember him doing a book on graffiti asa the working classes art form, and then running out of his Hampstead mansion outraged at someone chalking his own wall.
That is all you will ever need to know about the talentless one from Beyond the Fringe…a BBC trustie who hates words like “love” and “justice” in the sense of his hymn…but loves the use of the Marxist claptrap phrases like those already quoted.
How many useless idiots at the BBC masquerade as useful then….if Last Word wasn`t around we`d not notice if he was living or dead anyway!
Hopefully they`ll get Dot Cotton to write his obituary!
Oh…and another thing!
The words to the hymn Miller so hates were written well over 100 years ago…and are still sung and quoted!
Wonder how long anything that Miller has ever said or written will be remembered and quoted by any future generations.
Heck…none of us could have known he`d added operatic marker pen to Lewis Carrolls masterpiece even when he and the BBC must have told us all ad nauseum!
Miller-a thickies cartoon of what a clever bloke would look like-is in my top twenty tosspots that reduced Britain to what it is today…but he is parked at the care home exit door behind Shirley, Bennboy and Warnock.
Another slice of Battyburg any of you?
Is it just me or has BBC coverage of the England Rugby world cup campaign been remarkable for its unremitting negativity?
It fits well with typical BBC English self-loathing.
So, to what do the England lads’ crimes amount?
A lack of a Scots brogue, an Irish lilt, a Welsh baritone?
Plenty of others feel the same…
Some IRA killings could be said to be murder: McGuinness
Actually he said, that accidental killings by the IRA of civilians could be described as “murders”. It’s all a matter of POV. No suggestion that some could be cold blooded murder and others criminal negligence. Not a hint of skepticism.
Just check out the accompanying photograph. Could this sad face be of a killer or a saint?
Mother and father terms to be dropped from passports
Apparently it offends same-sex parents. How many?
How long before the BBC drops ‘mother’ and ‘father’ from the acceptable lexicon?
If Harriet had her way – it would just be ‘father’ that was dropped.
homo “parents”
makes me want to hurl
So the Labour Party still run the Home Office.
What happened to this chap?
“Cameron has identified the breakdown of the traditional family as a major cause of social disorder in Britain.”
Since they asked…
Of course, somewhat an exercise in futlity as anything ‘chopped’ seems to get reinstated when the dust settles, and yet more licence fee goes to pensions for the blokes popping the Dad’s Army re-run tapes in.
People have noticed that Radio 4 has been “ring-fenced”, and one of the commenters offers an explanation: Helen Boaden used to be its controller.
Oo… he’s back, and with sciency stuff taboot..
BBCRBlack Richard Black According to George Osborne’s speech just now, graphene has just won the Nobel Physics prize…
Not sure emerging from the bunker in this way is the smartest play consodering the BBC is under the spotlight on political partiality AND for being utter pants at any scinence reporting.
But a full 1/2 shandy for the boy at the office bar tonight!
Ah… he read it in the Gran…
AdamRutherford Adam Rutherford Osborne praises the ‘Rutherford bros’ for splitting the atom. Me & Ern? this is the same gov who want Newton’s thermodynamics taught. Genii.
So, making leaps form sloppy proofing by PPE grads (don’t know why pols don’t get an actual scientist to do so, if they can find one in Westminster) to how physics get taught, by the `Miaow petty collective’. Looking at Labour’s track record, and that of the BBC, not sure the sisters should be opening this can of worms. And any wimmin they can field either.
News, priorities, budgets… you know… then usual…
IndependentAge Independent Age Intersting BBC story on first ever retirement home for gay people in Spain
Funny how the BBC makes sure to tell you that the case against Amanda Knox “has been tested in two courts”, but kind of swept under the rug the fact that the case against Troy Davis was tested all the way up to the Supreme Court.
Wrong kind of court on the wire?
Blimey. They must be going ballistic about now, then.
I had to switch off SKY… again.. not so much for any attempt at trying to explain away the legal outcome (which seems to be a BBC trait) when it runs counter to the hive desire, but the sheer volume of tripe packing ouyt the ‘story’.
One more bozo being asked how they feel and one more ‘send us your views’, and a bacon butyy was going through the screen.
BBC-NUJ opposes deportation of illegal and criminal immigrants from UK.
Of course, BBC-NUJ wants Human Rights Act in Britain, so preferential treatment of e.g. all immigrants can continue.
So, in a report on Conservative Party on this, BBC-NUJ shifts the emphasis from the Tories who largely oppose the Act, to the politicos who support it: Lib Dems, Labour, and to the omnipresent BBC-NUJ and LSE chum, Chakrabarti, who represents no one, but who is given the last word:
“Home Secretary Theresa May wants Human Rights Act axed”
Of course, in its day to day ‘reporting’, BBC-NUJ is inclined to censor out the many cases where the Act is used to stop e.g the deportation of dangerous criminals and jihadists:
“‘Hate preacher wins human rights payout… even though he shouldn’t be here at all”
By Chris Greenwood And James Slack
Read more:–shouldnt-all.html#ixzz1ZjSGhHsf
How typical: total sympathy from the BBC for a couple of Somali pirates sentenced to life in the “alien, unforgiving world” of US prison.
Get out the violins, folks.
I wonder if we could offer Stafford Smith, Chakhrabhati, Michael Moore and Noam Chomsky a shark fishing cruise somewhere off the Somali coast?
That should clear the sharks away….and surely give our Liberal luvvies something fascinating to mull over in chambers a few years hence.
What a way to feed back to Amnesty about the mockery of `uman rights case law being flouted inappropriately in Mogadishu.
I feel a wristband appeal coming on…maybe we could fly to each others benefits David a la Phil Collins in 1985?
That’s some of the most blatant pandering to lefty-liberal sentimentality I’ve seen for a long time.
This is the standout bit :
Federal prison is a frightening, perilous environment of intrigue, violent gangs, terrible food and severe isolation, even for the most hardened criminal.
Just what do they think these pirates are?!?!! Loveable rogues of the high seas??? They reveal the reality of modern pirates in their own article, fer fux ache :
On Monday morning, Muhidin Salad Omar was sentenced to life in prison after pleading guilty to his part in the hijacking in February of the yacht S/V Quest, in which pirates shot to death four American sailors.
…and then there’s this little weep :
Language and cultural barriers will make it difficult for the men to form the support groups and informal social networks that lawyers and social workers say are necessary to get by in prison.
Are they going to effing summer camp, or on an exchange visit!!!
The poor loves – deprived a family life by the oppressive and vicious American justice system. I’m distraught – I feel their pain – tears on keyboard as I type. Bollox.
Lawks a-mercy. That is some article.
Next week: the BBC publishes a heart-rending piece about the plight of Ian Huntley, as he serves his life sentence. Terrible food, hostile inmates and a rock-hard bed are making life terribly hard for the Soham murderer.
I think that the BBC think that these jolly black tars of the high seas( can I use that word “black” here…or are they “people of colour at this particular moment in time?”) are devoid of eyes, ears, legs etc…and so therefore are a “vulnerable” minority-viz “disabled”!
Think we can expect The Motability Alliance to be pushing for scooters up on deck as well as the traditional benefits package we offer them all as Captain Birdseye pipes them all ashore!
If we offered them scooters, benefits then they might not need to be challenging whitey out on the oceans…seasickness makes any sailor boy a little eggy m`lud!
cj, surely sending them on a Greenpeace boat for some lofty environmental pursuit would kill several birds with the one stone.
sheesh! bring a tear to glass eye
“get out the violins”… up the cases, re- a “boat 😀 load”
of machine guns…yeharrr! pepper them pirates
‘the alien, unforgiving world of the American jail system?’
Unlike the Club Med-esque deal offered their victims” Assuming one gets to their resort havens.
Still, could be worse, they could have ended up at Frankland Prison.
Simple answer let them do their time in a Somali prison.
“Prison conditions are extremely poor and dangerous. Overcrowding, dangerous health conditions, and abuse by guards exist in Somali prisons.”
The BBc are not only stupid they are dangerously mad.
Here is a profile of the “propagandist”
Remember, this report didn’t occur in a vacuum: it was ordered by a BBC editor. Max Deveson at work, perhaps?
‘Shot to death’????
Who’d have thunk it? I guess there’s now two six-letter words beginning with M that the BBC won’t use.
Yes….Murder – such an ugly, judgemental word. Rather removes the sugar coating they’ve given these poor, misunderstood unfortunates.
I’m quite sure that last week after Ed Testicles gave his speech Radio 5 didn’t give a Tory Minister the chance to give a counter argument. Needless today Radio wheeled out some lefty goon to challenge Osborne with female beeboid nodding in approval.
David Willetts met for-profit university firms
How very dare he! Off with his head!
Unique funding (ie: spend what you like and bill the public, plus hadling fee) firms… not a problem.
BBC News Channel just told me that Al-Megrahi is now claiming that his responsibility for the Lockerbie bombing has been “exaggerated”, and that more info is coming soon to explain that. Tim Willcox was told to report by his producers that Megrahi now is very ill and needs more medicine.
My goodness, but Megrahi seems to have made a miraculous recovery from that coma he was in when the BBC was outside his door. Funny how the Beeboids didn’t share our skepticism at the time, and no mention of that whatsoever today. I love selective impartiality.
To be honest, I think we`re getting off quite lightly!
I`m sure our vulnerable Muslim gentleman has had to move his chemo appointment from Benghazi to Tripol, whereas he had regular medication up in bonnie Scotland!
Have we not put his life at unnecessary risk I`m wondering…and no doubt Shami and Clive, Gareth etc are asking the same question?
Not only that…but East renfrewshires Youth Justice System will be concerned that our bombs are somehow affecting his electronic tag…that ankle bracelet needs no radar or other interferences from NATO etc…have we not thought all this through?
So to conclude…hope that wonderful Libyan cancer crushing regime that has given Maghrabhi those extra years may yet be introduced here…Gadhaffi posters to be sent to our hospices perhaps now the Libyans seem to have tired of him!
That BBC obituary for Last Word will have to be rewritten yet again…
The One Show again today, a mouth piece of the Labour Party for the uneducated masses, the show is a joke.
The BBC jumps to inform you about the latest smear piece by their fellow travellers at the Washington Post on Rick Perry. It’s a non-story, and the only possible negatives against Perry are based entirely – and I do mean entirely – on unsubstantiated hearsay. Yet since the BBC looks to the WaPo for guidance on US issues, they rush to report it anyway.
The WaPo claims that the offensive word was still faintly visible as recently as last year under coats of paint, but no photo accompanies the article. Of course there isn’t a photo, because it’s all BS. In fact, none of the WaPo hit pieces on Perry about this include a photo of the allegedly offensive rock – even the one where they put up a map of the property. Yet the BBC doesn’t hesitate to leap on the smear-wagon.
I keep saying that this is how the BBC behaves: they look to the WaPo and other far-Left media on what and how to report on US issues. And this is clear proof.
Sure, Herman Cain spoke out based on the misinformation fed to him. If he steps back from that unfounded criticism, you can bet that the BBC won’t tell you.
Hey, BBC: now that your WaPo thought leaders have reported that the President was warned not to visit Solyndra, will you report that? I won’t hold my breath. Instead, the new “digital media” hires are doing lightweight magazine pieces and weeping over Somali pirates going to the stripey hole.
The BBC’s US bureau is an absolute joke.
Ah, the BBC and its media ‘sources’…
They do like printing what they do like hearing.
And not, of course, anything they don’t like.
There’s a word for that. And in genetics, it’s a mutation.