As everyone saw over the last few days, there was a reasonable-sized far-Left protest in New York City against “Wall Street”. The BBC’s coverage of these people was as different from the way they reported on Tea Party protests as the goals of the former are from the latter. In other words, vastly different.
As just one of the most obvious examples, I’d like to see someone show me the Tea Party equivalent of the video the BBC posted in one of their follow-up reports about the Wall Street protest. The opening lines of the voice-over:
“Today, there was a protest march of over 1000 peaceful protesters, some with signs, chanting peaceful slogans….”
The speaker is one of the protesters, given air time by the BBC to describe the protest from his point of view. This is part of an interview with him by the BBC News. Can anyone find me even a single example of the BBC doing this at a Tea Party protest? Also, Spot the Missing Word: “anger”. Where’s the anger, BBC?
Notice that there is talk of arrests, police needing to use force, etc. As always, the violence comes from the Left, yet the BBC ignores it. In stark contrast, please recall just how many times the BBC told us about the “boiling anger” of the Tea Party movement. Every report mentioned the “anger”. Yet when we get BBC reports on far-Left protests, we hear how “peaceful” they are. In fact, the BBC even allows the protesters to define themselves, again a 180 degree turnaround from the BBC’s treatment of Tea Partiers. How many arrests have there been at Tea Party events, BBC? Answers on the head of a pin…..
Let’s also recall the time that Mark Mardell took a silly unique incident of a senior citizen engaging in a momentary physical struggle with a Left-winger, and spun it as the violence coming from the Right. In actual fact, it was the Left-winger who started the physical confrontation, which ended in the older man biting off the Left-winger’s fingertip. Mardell used this to frighten you, and threaten about a looming violence coming from the Right. Which, of course, has never materialized. The offensive, biased top BBC man in the US even questioned the rational behind the senior citizen’s political point of view, and even ended his short post by asking: “And can any Americans out there explain why this debate has got quite so heated?”
Wake me up when he does this about one of these far-Left protesters. It won’t happen, because he and the rest of the BBC understand and sympathize with their motives. On the other hand, when it’s the far-Left on which they’re reporting, the BBC takes great care to make sure to avoid giving you the impression that these people are filled with rage, and give them unchallenged air time to express their intentions. Don’t hold your breath waiting for the likes of Peter Allen saying that these far-Left protesters are “a bit strong for our tastes.”
The best the BBC can do is edit this video report by an actual Beeboid so that it opens with the words “Angry at their treatment by the banks, and by the police.” How have the banks mistreated these people, I wonder? A strange characterization, to be sure. The title of the report shows that these particular far-Left protesters were marching on police headquarters. Did the Tea Partiers ever do such a thing? Of course not. Yet here, the BBC report is sympathetic, not fearful. The anger is shown in a remarkably different light. In fact, here we’re given a justification for that anger, whereas the anger of the Tea Party movement was left up in the air, its rationale even questioned by BBC correspondents.
Worse still, it’s compared – favorably? – to the recent protests in Madrid. Those were extremely violent and destructive, but since the Beeboids support their political agenda, that’s played way down. Completely unlike the initial BBC reports about the Tea Party movement, there is no editorializing, no suspicious commentary about their motives, no mention of an unseen guiding hand of national organizations.
Side note: I’m very amused to hear that one of the things these people were protesting against are “multi-billion dollar bank bailouts”. Funny how that was an extreme right-wing thing to do back when the Tea Party movement was doing it. Clear evidence of BBC political bias on that specific issue.
When it’s a far-Left protest, the BBC makes sure to show you a special slide-show of the marchers and their interaction with the police, but without the editorializing and fretting that was omnipresent in their reports on Tea Party events. No sneering, no worrying about motives, no insulting with sexual innuendos. Where was the equivalent for a single Tea Party protest? This is a glaring disparity, considering how the Tea Party movement represents a far larger segment of the US than do these far-Left protesters. Sure, many people are unhappy with Wall Street and the mess to which they contributed, but most people in the US don’t want it all shut down like these far-Left types do.
Another BBC report on this far-Left protest mentions their “anger at police”, which is very revealing. Again, the BBC helpfully provides the reason for the anger, as if it’s the police’s fault these people want to commit vandalism and violence. At the Tea Party protests I’ve attended, the rapport between the police and the protesters could not have been more civilized. Because there was no vandalism or violence, or even the remotest of hint of any. Many of us even thanked the police afterwards for their time. Why is the Left allowed – even expected – to behave differently, but not a single peep from the Beeboids?
The difference between the BBC’s treatment of protests from the far-Left and protests from the non-Left couldn’t be more drastic, or more obvious.
Gotta re-post this corker from Guido’s site:
A newbie MP talking to a young blonde lady. The MP says “it was nice to meet you, but I’ve got to go and show my face at the British Venture Capital Association reception”. The young lady immediately says “wow, that sounds like a very right-wing group.” The MP looks bemused, replying “I wouldn’t say that. It’s business, it’s not left-wing or right-wing. So what do you do?” The lady suddenly looks embarrassed: “I work for the BBC.” “Oh? Doing what exactly?” “I’m public affairs – it’s my job to persuade all of you lot that we’re not a bunch of raving left wingers.” “You’re not doing a very good job so far…” came the reply.
Its taken me a while to figure this out! Apologies for being so slow Its the word British that sounds “very right-wing”. Its quite sad isn’t it words like English, patriotic, Christian are basically dirty words in the BBC lexicon. I heard a review on 5-live (Kermode) on the film Red State describing “Right Wing Christians” in Waco style seige. I haven’t seen the film yet but truly suspect that they are only referred to as right-wing because they have guns but would be grateful if anyone can correct me. In the meantime I am referring to any left winger as comrade – childish I know but it helps
You may be right but I assumed it was the word “Capital” that was offensive to the Beeboid, as in “Capitalism”.
Many beeboids do not know the difference between venture capital and vulture capitalists and assume they all asset strip good companies employing hard working union members throwing entire workforces on the dole and entire communites into despair.
The BBC are ok with Kapital when spelt with a ‘K’
It’s a Michael Moore film, so of course the Beeboids are on side.
Yes, the BBC-NUJ does not seem adverse to accepting some violence on the political left -whether in Britain, America or elsewhere.
We have seen how BBC-NUJ does not object to ‘greenie’ illegal, physical occupations of power stations in Britain, nor of UK Uncut’s occupations (and worse) of shops and offices.
And in America, BBC-NUJ reports do not condemn ‘anti-white racism’ of Black Panthers. Glenn Beck has this, but MSM, inc BBC-NUJ doesn’t:
‘Glenn Beck:
(10 min video)
Any violence at a left-wing rally is usually because it’s been “hi-jacked” or “infiltrated”. Funny how these hi-jackers and infiltrators always seem to identify so closely with left-wing causes.
That, of course, is their raison d’être…
I watched a SKY ‘report’ the other day, and they also decided the narrative was best framed by a US version of ‘Swampy Does Dallas’.
This stoner dude was whniging that, despite their peacefulness, they were moved on by the police. One suspects blocking a major bridge access may have had something to do with it. What did he expect? Set up a Traveller Community for a decade?
At least the ‘analyst’ conceded that there did not seem to be a clear idea of what they wanted, simply they were against everything.
(The media comprising a significant % of the ‘crowd’ being apposite)
What the BBC also missed in these protests are the amount of tea-partiers with signs saying “end the fed!” Following Ron Paul’s mission to return the issuance of money back to Congress as the constitution demands, thus removing power from corrupt Marxist Corporatists.
This is NOT a protest against Capitalism, or Climate change or any of the other lefty campaigns which the left wing media feel comfortable covering.
This is a protest against the left wing corporatism and the pillage of ‘main street’ to bail out Wall Street. Capitalists would have let the banks fail. The lefty corporatists used massive theft and fraud from the tax-payer to bail out failed businesses. That is NOT capitalism.
True. In fact I happened to stand among a group of Paul supporters who shouted just that at regular intervals at one of the Tea Party protests I’ve attended.
Instead, the Beeboids were focused on the much more rare Hitler-related signs.
Don’t know if any of you heard Up all night on Radio 5 but poor old BBC’s Chris Mason got a right strop on after being called “a dirty Tory scumbag” apparently it’s not that the woman called ‘a tory’ that, it’s that HE was called it. Oh and Dotun said “yes I’d not like being called a dirty Tory scumbage either”
No Dotun but I’m sure you support the people who do call Tories that.
Click here and go 16 minutes in
Slight overuse of the word ‘us’ by our fearless reporter, who ‘is not a member of any political party.’
His account was breathtaking in its naivite.
It appears that there were several placards attacking US support for Israel linking it to Jews employed in the financial sector. Susan Sarandon talked about “our Arab brothers being ahead of us in democracy” but presumably there’s a catch-up going on when it comes to hatred of Jews.
What a shock, eh? And no surprise that the BBC sweeps this under the rug, as usual.
If she ever spent any time in the nations of her ‘Arab brothers’ she’d realise just how lacking in democracy they really are, especially where women are concerned. As ever, the left putting forward a narrative that ‘the West’ is uniquely degenerate and corrupt. Nonsense.
To the far-Left, “democracy” means “we get what we want”. I.E. the exact kind of mob rule the Founding Fathers didn’t want, and even the original Greeks warned against.
Maybe Susan Sarandon should have asked Lara Logan what “our Arab brothers” do to those trying to report their protests especially if they happen to be nubile white Western women. Note how anti-semitism plays a significant role:
(Warning: this content is not for minors or for those of a sensitive or nervous disposition);
Paxman on Newsnight “The Tories and Lib Dems cheated Gordon Brown out of power”
Perhaps a slip of the tongue Paxman, Brown lost the election you talentless lefty twat.
That’s just a repeat of the Left’s accusations against George Bush.
The left just hate democracy – they can’t trust the people to always “vote the right way”. If the left-wing could do away with voting they would: Tony Blair was so dissatisfied with the prospect that he would be eventually caught out he changed the electorate by bringing in “grateful” commonwealth citizens by the million who have automatic voting rights.
Well, I admit it was a bit more complex, but I’d like to think Mr. Brown’s exit was down to folk like me not voting for him on account of not wishing to be governed anymore by a fiscally irresponsible dictatorial nutcase.
But if the £4Bpa impartial billion media monopoly BBC and millionaire Mr. Paxman wish to see it as ‘their’ man was cheated by democratic process, then that is… again.. unique.
Along with my having to fund this propaganda.
Some pathetic middle-class student on Question Time told Boris J. that Ken Livingston was the real mayor of London. To be fair to Dimbleby, once he realised what the simple boy had said, did correct him. But it shows that the left just cannot believe that sometimes the voters see through their unremitting propaganda and lies coming from all the TV channels and don’t accept the will of the people.
They hate the people, contrary to their claims of being their defenders.
Cheated him out of power? WTF? So Brown’s labour getting almost a million fewer votes in 2010 than John Major’s tories got in their humiliating thrashing in 1997, had nothing to do with Brown losing power.
Paxman was a joke on Newsnight….how you can phone it all in whilst sitting in the presenters chair is a new one on me.
Still-he kept little Kevin Maguires seat warm for him…how on earth do these Browning bed-wetters still get to hold forth on the news? As if any leftie has learned anything since 1983!
If I were the Tory rabble, I`d not bother taking a seat in front of the Newsnight numpties until ONE of them proves to have a brain that wasn`t pickled in Ali Campbells slop bucket these last twenty years or so.
Sadly, the Tory rabble aren`t much brighter than their pink poodle counterparts…
BBC-NUJ: only opposed to non-SOROS bankers/capitalists!
BBC-NUJ promotes Soros’s hypocritical view of bankers as he is a billionaire capitalist who finances left-wing causes!
BBC-NUJ’s political line: build the phoney political alliance of Soros and his financed ‘left’ organisations.
“George Soros’ sympathy for Wall Street protesters”
An alternative to BBC-NUJ’s political sycophancy for Soros (who, of course, bet against the pound sterling):
GLENN BECK on Soros (Nov 2010) Part 1 of several parts to be found on Youtube:
‘Soros: the Puppetmaster’
For Soros’ acolytes at BBC-NUJ:
‘Profile of George SOROS’.
About covers things, especially teh BBC glee club.