Here’s another little nugget from Twitter just to keep the blog ticking over on a quiet day. This tweet comes from Mark Sandell, editor of the BBC’s World Have Your Say discussion show (and also Mr Victoria Derbyshire):
He couldn’t resist – he just had to put a #nice tag in there. He’s also concerned that not enough musicians are lending their support to the Occupy Wall Street demos. (Right-on Jane Bradley was on hand to offer one example via the Huffington Post.)
UPDATE 19:00. Within the past hour:
Do you think Sandell is trying to send us a message that he’s one of the BBC’s Untouchables?
Mr Victoria Dreadfulshire?
More to be pitied than mocked IMO.
But the BBC can’t be full of biased Leftoids because Chris Patten is Chair of the Trust. Dez told me so.
Still waiting for a single partisan tweet from the non-Left. Any lurking Beeboids are welcome to contribute, and any defenders of the indefensible are encouraged to forward this to any BBC employee of your choice.
No “lurking non-left Beeboid” would dare to raise their heads above the parapet. They have mortgages and families.
Don’t you love the ‘diversity’ in the nation’s broadcaster?
Would that be the Reagan who brought down the Soviet Union? Yes the nasty left just don’t like to see freedom brought to the “masses”
No these are the heroes of the lefties
No, no, JHT, the Soviet Union collapsed because they didn’t do the beautiful ideology right.
Or it was all thanks to Gorbachev.
The truly “unfortunate” Bush is the one in his twitter blurb:
mark sandell@MRSandell Bush House
Well, there’s a surprise – he doesn’t like the ‘Mail’:
“MRSandell mark sandell
Why what’s this falling out of my last copy of #notw ? A leaflet urging me to buy a Mail on Sunday next week.#nevergoingtohappen
10 Jul”
I bet it isn’t. Still, at least he re-tweets a half-decent, on-topic joke:
Man walks into Doctor’s and says “Doctor, I think I’m addicted to Twitter.” Doctor looks at him and says “Sorry, I don’t follow you.”
From twitter right on up (or down, as the BBC uses the former as the basis of its content) to mainstream news, those of a certian disposition don’t seem to have a single positive thought in their pretty (if vacant) little heads. However, for misguided, and porrly directed bile……
No musicians eh?
What…no Steve Earle?
Wow…still, if Billy Bragg can get his pedalo out of Lyme Regis by the next tide, he could be over there by next week!
Imagine David Walliams being the gleeful porpoise soaring on the bow waves in joyful union of man and fake poseur.
You tell me which is which…as if any of us could care less!
The musicians are probably afraid that if they go to an Obama Youth gathering, they’ll get their guitars seized like happened to Gibson guitars, run by a prominent Republican donor, while Democrat-aligned businesses were left alone.
I make that Story No 2566 that the BBC’s 8000 strong US Bureau has refused to cover.Fatty Mardell was probably too tied up penning six hundred word screeds on how venomous Sarah Palin is, to write anything about government agents harrassing dissident owned businesses.
And the Tea Party has Gibson’s back.
Ordinary folk protesting on behalf of a legendary American guitar maker. An ideal story for one of the BBC’s hipster US hacks, surely? Apparently not.
(A month before the Feds raided Gibson in August its chief exec appeared on BBC Breakfast but that was just an excuse for a BBC hack to go into self-promoting minstrel mode. I don’t think there’s been any follow-up since.)
I hope Ms Bradley and Mr. Sandell will be interested to learn their favourite “musician” showed up a few hours ago at the Occupy Wall Street demonstration in $355 Givenchy plaid shirt and $1000 Balmain Jeans.
Millionaires and billionaires anyone?
Tim Stanley made a similar point re Kanye West.
Is that Billy Bragg , the wealthy West Country squire ?
Welcome back !
No, its Bill Bragg the “singer, songwriter and activist” as he calls himself.
Strangely just back from Question Time where he believes he’s Trending, and that the twittersphere is supporting him. Tells us alot about the infiltration of the bBC by the left – a version of Freemasonry – twitter #tags, correct wristband, correct politics, secret handshakes, say no more, you are one of “us”.
Excuse my ignorance, I don’t follow these lightweights, but I had no idea of their torrid history. This is incest:
“…brings back memories of another (couple split) at Five Live when Fi Glover’s two-year marriage to BBC editor Mark Sandell ended when he left her for rival presenter Victoria Derbyshire. The affair had developed as the pair chatted about football during breaks between programmes.
Read more:
Had no idea talking about football Beat Viagara with these moppets.
Bragg has been marinated in false self-awareness for so long that he is beyond reason. He’s shameless. A man who briefly leaves his palatial seaside home in Dorset to lecture the white working classes of Barking on how to vote would, you might think, see at least a sliver of hypocrisy in his posturing. Not our Billy. He puts his boat race about a bit then returns to his splendidly undiverse, horribly white corner of unenriched England where he probably bellows at the sea like a foghorn.
He has a song, ‘Between the Wars’ – I was a miner/I was a docker/I was a railway man/Between the wars/I raised a family/In times of austerity/With sweat at the foundry/Between the wars. No Billy, you were none of those things, but you’ve leeched off the hard memories of those who were & paraded yourself around the students’ union bars like some posturing leftie playboy, playing only to the hopelessly naive because they’re a safe audience. I actually think you’re more cynical than sentimental about the British working classes, by Christ, they’ve given you a meal ticket long enough. The word ‘phoney’ can never do you justice. Wanker.
I wonder what Leftie scum like Bragg would do if “Travellers” camped out in his garden ! What a scumbag !
Well, if he started ‘singing’, Grant, the ‘travellers’ would be over the county line quicker than a beeboid signing up for a Common Purpose course.
Having despised Fi Glover for years, I now have some sympathy with our Beeb Ringer!
Good Lord-how many closed circles of hell do there recurring names and their “partners” comprise there at the BBC.
Does anyone not connected…or not “one of them” stand a chance of ever getting onto the wireless these days?
Bromide in the Aqua Libre for the lot of `em!
Sandell’s follow-up tweet:
MRSandell mark sandell Quote from @billybragg on #whys on protest music @rock_hall ‘i don’t want to live in James Blunt’s world’
Slagging off James Blunt. That’s some hardcore shit right there from the Squire of Dorset – no wait, I mean the Bard of Barking of course (he’ll always be the Bard of Barking to Mark Sandell, that’s for sure).
Sorry that would be James Blunt?
EX armoured reconnaissance officer in the NATO deployment in Kosovo,champion skier of the entire Royal armoured Corps and who stood guard at the coffin of the Queen mother during the days of her lying in State and was part of the funeral procession on 9 April 2002?
Yep lets save ourselves from his type?? F$^*(*%%$tossers!
i don’t want to live in James Blunt’s world’
Maybe not hardcore, but it does score 5.5 on the Easton-Young Incivility Index.
I think you have made Mark Sandall up. Tell me it is a joke on a quiet day.
a lot of these wankers live in a universe that you would think could only be made up
planet bBC- pc bonkers world
Nice work, DB. Views are his own, etc. Except they all share the same views, and news producers have to ask their friends on Twitter how to expand their intellectual diversity.