I’ll admit I have very little sympathy for those prelates at St.Paul’s who chose to welcome the anarcho-communist rabble whilst sending the police away but who NOW think Swampy and co need to clear off. However I recommend you give THIS BBC interview a whirl. It is perfectly clear where John Humphyrs sympathies lie. I just love the way that the protestors against reality “General Assembly” line is lapped up by the BBC, suggesting that these layabouts against capitalism are in some way democrats. By way of a refreshing contrast, try this by Cranmer.
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Got to love the Berk I heard with his ‘cut’s’ and ‘no mandate’ comments not anti capitalist but more of the anti democratic sh*t that 38 dungaree came up with after they tried to hijack the last election when their political play mates got flecked by the voters and they didn’t like it, so are now trying to impose the result they want us to have with the Eddies blessing so it’s all OK as the BBC see it !!
Surely Dale Farm out Basildon way would do them for the moment.
Believe they could fare dodoge up to Blackfriars/Liverpool St and commute in like the rest of us.
Hope any baptisms at St Pauls will remove the pubes and soiled socks from the baptismal font…health and safety risk you see!
Fortunately ST Pauls is just around the corner from the BBC so they dont need to embedd a reporter sleeping in a tent with them .
Oh dear, the very idea of running St. Paul’s as if it were…(shudder)…a business – that certainly got ol’ Humph’s dander up. Wonder if Rev. Rob’s next ‘Thought for the Day’ will be about rudeness.
‘Peter’ the Protester must have been doing a tour of the BBC studios this morning. He was on ‘Breakfast’ as well.
No sympathy for St Paul’s, basically run by a bunch of f***kwits.
However, the scum who are protesting don’t get it, if they want to change the system then do it from within, get elected ot Parliament democratically and then you can change what you like.
Quote: “However, the scum who are protesting don’t get it, if they want to change the system then do it from within, get elected ot Parliament democratically and then you can change what you like”.
Er….. I think you need to be an EU Commissioner to do that nowadays!
ROBERT BROWN;, Well, i would not regard the staff as f***wits but they are a bit dim in this case. They are the types that would have approached those hairy, blood-curdling vikings as they piled out of the longships to greet them with prayers for their safe delivery o’er the ocean, and then been cloven to the teeth and their goods taken. A bit simple really.
The Church are useful idiots to the Godless BBC.
Humphrys new-found concern for the church(it`s a cathedral!) at St Pauls would be touching were he not a lazy atheist working for a quasi-satanic bunch of weirdies at the BBC.
Again the same principle applies…if the BBC think you`re on the side of right…dare I say the angels?…then you`re going to roast in hell for going along your path.
Do the exact opposite of what the BBC want you to do …and you`ll be alright!
I noticed that the BBC have been calling St Pauls a ‘church’ all day long. Maybe Richard Chartres the Bishop of London should give the BBC a bell the clarify the situation.
The BBC would rather it were a Mosque.
God only knows where Humphrys thinks he’s going with that one. Pension the poor old duffer off. Although, be honest, what is Radio Bour if it’s not a pension scheme masquerading as a Radio channel.
For the ‘protesters’ as usual it’s nothing more than…
‘Me, Me, Me, Yoohoo Everyone, Look At Me, Me, Me’.
Nothing to say, but they keep saying it.
“Look at me, I need attention!”
Cranmer link wrong (repeat of the BBC link above it) – it should be (I assume)
Ah, and there commenting is former Biased BBC regular Atlas Shrugged (as Millie Tant noted a while ago) hawking his always inventive conspiracy theories.
Sanctuary! Sanctuary!
The global political interconnections between BBC-NUJ chums of: ‘Occupy’-OWS-‘left’ and Islam, are indicated here:
“Jummah Prayers at OWS in Manhattan and Orlando Protests Reveal CAIR/ MB Connections”
Watch out for ‘Occupy’ and its chums (inc BBC-NUJ naturally) getting Islam dawa types to lead Friday Islamic prayers at St Paul’s (but not to get Christians to lead Christian prayers inside East London Mosque).
Yes while the British political elite prevent the British people from having a referendum of E.U. membership, this same elite -Labour, Lib Dems, Tories, BBC-EU -all campaign for the rapid Islamisation of the E.U through advocacy of the membership of 80 million Turks.
So the British people are in this way subjected to Islamisation from without by the ‘political elite’, and from Islamisation from within, by a ‘leftist’ anti-Christian, pro-Islam rabble! And BBC-NUJ is politically active on both fronts.
My attitude to the extended fun and games at St Pauls is the same as it was to the late Brian Haw in Parliament Square: we’ve heard you – now f*** off.
In the 60s I observed at close quarters various sit-ins, particularly at LSE and the University of Chicago. Invariably the vast majority of the demonstrators were the spoiled, fatuously smug and irredeemably ignorant children of prosperous middle class parents with a sprinkling of hard-left thugs and terrorists manqués. The morons outside St Pauls appear to be the spiritual children – or grandchildren – of those very same 1960s “protestors” although I suspect that the parents this time round have rather more assistance from the taxpayer in keeping the wolf from their children’s door.
BTW on the edition of “Have I got News for You” broadcast on BBC1 last night, the rather dull customary Conservative bashing which now constitutes the first 10 minutes of every edition, comprised in part the verbal bullying of Louise Mensch – particularly by Ian Hislop who was cheered on by the audience – and support for the St Pauls demonstrators by the other panellists. If I recall correctly, the anti-Labour bashing which HIGNFY indulged in pre May 2010 was a much more good-natured affair and was actually more amusing (that is, if you prefer comic repartee to bear-baiting).
The vast majority of Labour bashing they really did was jokes about Prescott’s weight, about the time he punched someone who threw an egg at him, or Hislop’s sanctimonious chirping about Blair being a liar or joining Bush in forcing regime change in Iraq. And we’re still waiting for a single joke about The Obamessiah, to balance out eight years of weekly Bush hatred.
Also on HIGNFY (although not Friday’s edition), together with the rest of BBC’s “edgy” comic output, Mrs T is the gift that keeps on giving.
Savage criticism of Labour on HIGNFY is strangely absent. As you observed, such criticism as there was when Labour was in power, was generally restricted to Labour buffoonery, the rut of Blair’s responsibility for UK involvement in Iraq and – back to buffoonery – the antics (but not politics) of the beautiful Mrs B: for instance, the coincidence of the enactment of the Human Rights Act and the foundation and material success of Matrix Chambers (a comic gold-mine surely) has never AFAIAA been mentioned on HIGNFY (although it might have received a passing word in Private Eye).
As BBC-NUJ knows, but censors:
“Ten times as many people are demonstrating in Westminster for an EU referendum as in the City against banks. Who do you suppose will get more coverage?”
(by D Hannan)
Karzai: “God forbid, If ever there is a war between Pakistan and America, Afghanistan will side with Pakistan”
-and whose side would Islam Not BBC (INBBC) be on?
No prizes.
Has anyone asked how these self righteous people camping outside St Paul’s are supporting themselves? How do they get the time off? Not many of us could down tools at the drop of a hat to take part in this protracted demo. And not too many of the protesters seem to be of retirement age.I strongly suspect that the very system they claim to hate so much is the only thing keeping them snug and warm in their cosy tents.
Very good questions, never asked by bBC reporters (on full salary).
To soap-dodger: “When did you last apply for a job?” “Are you claiming benefits? How are you available for work today , Jobseeker allowance, while you are here at St Pauls?” “If you were ill would you expect the NHS to treat you? How much did you pay in taxes last year to support the NHS?””The roof over your head – do you pay rent, squat, or do you live at home with your parents?” “How much allowance do your parents give you?” “What do you think you will be doing in ten years time?”
From the bBC, nothing. “Why are you protesting?” Answer: “Bankers, capitalism, any old tosh, to get our voice heard”. As Martin said, We’ve heard you, now f* Off.
It’s been mentioned elsewhere and maybe here to, but whereas ITN and others were immediately describing the protesters as ‘anti-capitalist’, the BBC were giving them massive coverage that amounted to PR and leading that they weren’t ‘socialists and communists’, they are ordinary middle class people concerned about their future.
It took them a week to report what was patently obvious from the start.
One hopes Lord Leveson will be seeking an explanation for this. One hopes the Tory Party and other sincere democrats makes sure it is put before him.
BBC Bent, we are watching you.
I’m going down to Zuccotti Park tomorrow to have a look. Any suggestions for questions I should ask if given the chance are welcome.
My ideas so far, in no particular order:
You’ve been here for weeks now, who is paying for all this?
The BBC says that your brothers in London are anti-Capitalist, while they claim that you guys aren’t but merely want to fix the system and end corporate influence on Washington. Is this correct?
Do you want your student loan debts to be wiped clean? If so, how much were are your debts and for what college degree?
Are you aware that the President got more money ($750K) from Goldman Sachs than anyone else?
Are you aware that the President has received more cash from Wall Street than all Republicans combined?
If you answer yes to the previous, why aren’t you protesting against the President or the policians who enable this stuff?
Whom did you vote for in 2008?
Are the Jews ultimately responsible for this?
This protest may “raise awareness” of the issues, but how soon do you expect things to change?
Your brothers in LA have called for violence. Do you agree with this?
If you don’t get your way soon, is violence inevitable, the only real solution?
For BBC-Democrat:
‘Discover the Networks: a guide to the political left’ –
re- “Occupy Wall Street (OWS)”
For ‘SIC’, ‘Socialist-Islamic Corporation’, aka: BBC:-
Iranian students demonstrate in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street Leftists: “Down with the United States,” “Death to Israel,” “Down with Capitalism”
Supplementary: this is whom ‘Socialist-Islamic Corporation’, (BBC) is politically in bed with:
-From Glenn BECK’s blogsite, ‘The Blaze’:
“Occupy Wall Street Spreads to…Tehran?”
I reckon most Brits despise the loons at St Paul’s, they’ll be seen as an agitprop rentacrowd just like at Dale Farm.
If this is right – most Brits will see right through the BBC nonsense. Further alienation of its audience by the BBC.
Some BBC person was claiming proudly the other day that 54% of the UK regarded the BBC highly. But years ago, it would have been 90-odd percent. Dropping and dropping, when someone has the guts to really chop the BBC down to size there won’t be mass opposition – just like there is not mass opposition to the current cuts in the BBC budget by imposing the World Service and other costs on it.
Does BBC-NUJ think that this is worthwhile impartial ‘journalism’?
“Sunshine and solidarity for City of London protesters”
(By Mario Cacciottolo)
Clearly, there is need for, and scope for many more financial cuts at BBC-NUJ.
Cacciottolo has “form” covering protesters sympathetically for the bBC. Here he is in 2009 covering the Climate Camp that disfigured Blackheath for several weeks:
Specialises in protestor-camouflage gear to get interviews with the soap-dodgers about “what they hope to achieve”. I don’t believe Mario works for nothing and can’t afford a suit. I suspect a lot of bBC journos would like to say what the protestors say, but in reality they need to resort to this sort of journalistic ventriloquism.
Well spotted; you have his number!
No hint of criticism of protesters by BBC-NUJ’s Mr Pigott in this video clip
“What’s another word for Thesaurus?” – Steven Wright
bBC new spin, the St Pauls “Occupy <Wherever>” mob are now “campers”. Hidihi! anarchist anticapitalist renta-cause! First activists, then campaigners, then protesters, now “campers”
bBC is just an embarassment. Carry on Camping indeed.
Will BBC-NUJ see this as success for ‘Occupy’ chums?:-
“St Paul’s may have to cancel Remembrance Sunday service because of ‘Occupy London’ protests”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2052630/St-Pauls-cancel-Remembrance-Sunday-service-Occupy-London-protests.html#ixzz1bjOSL05F
Update for the censoring BBC-NUJ on the privileged and the non-occupying ‘Occupy’
“Anarchist student at the centre of St Paul’s protest is the son of a property tycoon”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2053126/St-Pauls-protests-Jack-Hartcup-son-property-tycoon-centre-Occupy-London.html#ixzz1bqAfekLN
“The thermal images that prove 90% of tents in St Paul’s protest camp are left empty overnight”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2053463/The-thermal-images-prove-90-tents-St-Pauls-protest-camp-left-overnight.html#ixzz1bqBsipXH
Too funny. BBC: ZZZzzzzzzzzz
These part-time ‘occupiers’ should take their tents away with them when they go home in the evening. Or the tents should be removed for them.
“only one in ten tents were occupied after dark.”
Or, in other words, after 6pm.