Check out the BBC’s profile of Giles Fraser. I was just wondering what the odds are of him getting his own BBC series within a year when I saw that Toby Young had had a similar thought:
“…no opportunity for Giles Fraser to air his Left-wing views in the media is ever neglected… Perhaps the BBC can find him a berth. He’s already a regular on Thought for the Day – surprise! – and The Moral Maze could probably cope with another Left-winger on the panel. Perhaps he could present a 12-part series on BBC2 about how every church in England should be occupied by hysterical anti-capitalists until everyone in the City of London has turned over their annual bonus to the Labour Party.”
He’s a cert. A true HERO.
Of course, if Giles Lefty gets his own series then all the other Thought For The Day Guardian and God happy clappers might want one too – the Right Rev Lord Lefty of Leftygarth, John Lefty of the Lefty Community, Rhidian Lefty, Canon Dr Alan Lefty etc. Now that’s a depressing prospect.
“former member of the Socialist Workers Party”
Of course!
He may even give the Rev Richard Coles a run for his money as the BBC’s ideal clergyman. Anyone want to take me up on a bet that within the next few months he will be pouring his heart out about his dilemma on Radio 4’s “On the Ropes?”
Oh No, BBC-NUJ will have him on ‘Thought for the Day’ even more now, if that’s possible:
G. FRASER’s appearances:
Is it safe to say that this person’s resignation is one less socialist contaminating the Church of England?
I think it was on the bBC website, but I may be wrong, that he confronts difficult issues head on !
BBC News have been crawling over his story all day. Utter waste of resources, but perhaps not, if they do give him more work. SWP at the BBC…
Reckon the likes of Giles Fraser see that they will be seen as heroes in a Tiananmen Square way!
The likes of this prattling prelate will always get work at the Beeb…witness the deafening silence from Richard Chartres, Bishop of London in all this!
Imagine God trying to light a burning bush these days with these health n safety lickspittles.
The Church of England might as well roll itself up in a Persian Rug and have itself sent to Jeddah for all the good it does over here with the likes of Giles, Richie boy and Rowan!..
I think Chartres is quoted on the BBC website as saying to the effect that he owes a duty of pastoral care to Fraser. Sounds like code for “this man needs help “.
Thanks Grant!
Giles will be in no need of help if the BBC and The Guardian can take him away in a suitabe rickshaw for reprogramming.
He will yet be seen as a martyr…a conscientious objector and not beholden to the Man…not Rupert or Fred…certainly not Jesus…but to Ed and to Chris and to Manuel?
The new Holy Trinity of these three clowns WILL be wanting his “insights”…but as Jeff Randall skewered him a few months back, there won`t be any Christian content worthy of the name.
Like that useless Bishop of Liverpool or Richard Coles…the BBC continues to seek out the new generation of real-life Nimmos and Frenches…and Rowan keeps a sendin` em!
I noticed on the Radio 4 1pm news how tortured the BBC were in reporting Giles’ resignation so as to put a positive slant on it.
BBC-NUJ acts as political propagandist and liaison officer for:
‘Occupy’-‘UKUncut’- ‘OWS’.
Meanwhile at ‘OWS’:
“Occupy Wall St. Kitchen Reportedly Set to Cut Back Meals Because of Freeloaders”
Oh, the irony. 😀
ITV called him a radical left winger, I’m sure at the BBC teeth were bared at that.
Along with an angelic picture of the ‘martyr’ you have to love the Telegraph’s quote from him used as the headline:
” I could imagine Jesus being born in the camp”
Words fail me.
That’s because he probably has no real religious belief, but projects his own personality on to that of Jesus. Jesus is himself, so he worships Him.
Come on , Steve , we all know Jesus hated capitalism.
The factoid which sent shivers down my spine was this quote from the BBC biog ” . . he is also regular lecturer on moral leadership at the army’s Defence Academy at Shrivenham” That encapsulates the terminal decline of the UK.
Anyone (over the age of 12) who has ever been a member of the SWP has forfeited any right to be considered “moral” let alone a lecturer on leadership (although, I suppose, Stalin, Trotsky, Mao and Pol Pot were without doubt “moral leaders” to their apologists here*). Had Fraser been an ex-member of the BNP he wouldn’t have got a look-in at St Paul’s let alone the Defence Academy and as for being persona grata at the BBC – forget it!
* I admit that I have no idea – and little desire to know – who is in or out in the pantheon of SWP murderer-heroes
Excellent sir!
Peter Hitchens often refers to the ex SWP/RCP/MT lots and cultist bag carriers that have now permeated the very heart of any public institution in this country.
Nealy every NuLabor type has been one of Stalins useful idiots in creating soft social communism/socialism but by quiet stealth and culture bending…and liberals and the left of the Tory party will have had good links with kindred spirits with the same world view.
The Church is fatally compromised here…and typically, it would rather fawn before the BBC and Islam than look at its own history, its own Book and its own founder.
That ought to be Jesus…but our prelates find Marx and Freud, McLuhan, Chomsky, Monnet and Gramsci much more worthwhile in the following.
THat is why the Church happily lets itself look perpetually foolish then venal by the media…and then provides a flag of convenience when it shafts Tories or the like…
The Beeb’s courtship of Giles Fraser is nothing new. Ever since their love affair with the “Honest to God” author Bishop John Robinson of Woolich (no relation), the BBC has cultivated nutty leftie C of E clerics. It’s a way of pretending to be on board with the established church while quietly stabbing it in the back. The same attitude flows over into depictions of clerics in drama and comedy shows – either stupid or deranged.
I remember – even as a semi-rebellious teenager – being somewhat suprised when the BBC invited the then Archbishop of Canterbury Michael Ramsey (with the eyebrows) to debate the existence of God with pop singer Adam Faith. Adam Faith? Come on. Shame on Ramsey for agreeing to the bout.
I couldn’t find an example of the media approach to Christianity in the 1960s from the BBC but the following extract from this 1967 Granada “World in Action” program is typical of the simpering approach to important religious topics by secular journalists. (To them “religion” meant “sex”.)
However, it’s fun to see who appears alongside John Robinson in this panel as they discuss views on religion with the noted philosopher and theologian Mick Jagger.
Perhaps Giles Fraser, freed of his official shackles, can now debate the Virgin birth with Tinky Winky?
If Giles Fraser is the new St Sebastian, then posh Edward Stourton will be the empty brandy flask on the St Bernard.
He was doing “The World At One”…or” the world will be as one” as it would be more honestly named.
At least Lennon was a dopey hypocrite, unlike Ed who just couldn`t help himself.
1. Some Derek Nimmo type from St Pauls is apparently making Jesus cry in trying to remove the encampment…Ed is sad!
2. Still the next Queen of England might marry a Catholic…so Ed is happy! That he gets to rub the shins of Vincent Nichols…who spends more time trying to get rid of Catholic Schools than anything else…is a BBC bonusball.
The two items were manacled together on the show…so the anti-religious cut n pasters didn`t have to do too much to show how effete and irrelevant both Anglicans and Catholics are in the face of the State and its useful sock puppet that is the BBC!
At least Muslims stand FOR something…this craven bunch of nobodies fall for anything!