Another day and another concerted attack on Greek PM Papandreou by “the international community” and its mouthpieces such as the BBC. Did you catch this? David Buik was incredibly angry and outraged about the decision by the Greek PM to consult the Greek people – thus delivering the message the BBC wanted. Furthermore, the BBC itself is longing for Papandreou to lose the vote of confidence that will be held tomorrow, and it is holding the Finance Minister up as hero.
As I write this, the BBC is running the story that Papandreou is about to resign. Presumably this will mean no referendum and hence the BBC will be content. It’s VITAL to EU interests that the people do not get to speak – rarely was tyranny so obvious and yet, remarkably, ignored by our well funded State Broadcaster.
The Beebs rising crescendo and hate-filled bile and venom knows no limits…very similar to the anti-Murdoch stuff a few months ago, so there clearly is an agenda much as there was bakc then(and of course still is, the Beeb will never “draw a line and move on”…as Alex Ferguson has learned).
You can see that the BBC is just Eurovision without the silly songs and costumes…funded and totally dependent on the Eurosaps like Patten, Coyle and down to the dregs like Buik and Bacon.
Last time I noticed, Greece was still a sovereign state and capable of deciding for itself what it has to do to get away from the Euro jackboots and German Shepherds that the BBC demand for protecting their own Goebbels like embryonic Empire-in-the-baking!
That will be its crime at the BBC…to stay sovereign and to actually ask the plebs(plebiscite!) if they want the wheels on the waggon to come off now or next month.
The BBC are incandescent…as are all they fund and who groom it in return…but they have to hold back on the firestarters and arsonists, whilst we try a few scented candles that Becks or the Dalai Lama left them on reception.
The BBCs vitriol will corrode them by the day…Greece will once again be a sovereign nation with retsina traded, long after the BBC have gone the way of Leni Reifenstal, Schracht, Funk, Speer, Goebbels and all theo other functionnaires that wanted to unite us all in a eurozone somewhat precipitously in 1938.
Rather a plebiscite that`s a pain…than the parasite of the Beeb Bureau that will have us in its re-education classes if we let it dare pronounce on the Greeks, Italians or anyone else.
How very dare they indeed…not in my name eh, you Limewashed Nazis!
“Last time I noticed, Greece was still a sovereign state” …Until they retify the latest bailout deal. Then they become a wholly owned subsidiary of the EU and lose ALL fiscal and monitory sovevereignty.
Tweeted a moment ago:
Bruno Waterfield
#eurozone, from a very good source, double checked: the depth of EU anger at Papendreou’s announcement was because he had threatened a referendum at eurozone summit on 23 Oct to try and win concessions. Merkel had demanded that Greece surrendered all fiscal sovereignty to an EU-IMF team led by a German official who “would supervise every moment of the Greek fiscal and budgetary process”. The Greek PM said that such a transfer of power would require popular consent via a referendum. The German Chancellor backed down.”
Clearly Greece’s democracy is now an utter sham and they now live under a totally oligarchic tyranny.
This was bound to happen. It’s funny how this whole EU deal was supposed to be the first major step towards a United States of Europe, yet even before it begins the individual States have less rights than the US ones still do after more than two centuries of our own little experiment.
I don’t know if this will have changed by the time I post this, but considering that Papandreou has just claimed that he and his cabinet are not resigning.
Has the BBC gone off half cock again? Only too keen to celebrate the destruction of democracy where it threatens giving people a genuine say in who governs them?
It looks like another BBC classic, they have now changed the headline to say there are “Calls for Greek PM to resign”. Presumably there may also be “calls” for him to stay and hold a referendum, but we all know which angle the BBC comes from.
The BBC does not so much report any more as ‘calls’, as 99% (see what I did there) of the time they are the ones doing the calling, so their news is in fact merely an internal press release of their own reampant advocacy.
Which begs the question: If there is a referendum and the Greeks vote against austerity and thus against saving the Euro, will the BBC repeat their Lisbon Narrative that the public just didn’t understand the issue well enough to vote correctly?
Getting bored of listening to the Beeboids talking out of both sides of their mouths about this issue. Back when the Greeks were destroying their cities, the BBC was telling us they were angry at austerity measures and didn’t want the government to impose it on them. Now that auserity is being imposed from Brussels and Papendreou wants the Greeks to have a vote, the BBC says that this is him “passing responsibility” onto the public.
‘Now that auserity is being imposed from Brussels and Papendreou wants the Greeks to have a vote, the BBC says that this is him “passing responsibility” onto the public.’
Just back from a few days there.
What. A. Dump.
Greeted at EuroStar Midi by about 300 coppers like an honour guard at the entrance.
Maybe better in town where one co-delegate had his bag nicked by the vast criminal underclass that seems to own the outdoors and all poublic spaces.
Mind you, there seems a more serious criminal bunch in the Parliament there.
BBC now reporting he will resign and that he won’t resign. Mad.
Robert Peston on the News Channel right now saying he finds it “shocking” that Euro mandarins suggest that Greek might leave the Euro. He is stunned that the market mavens think this is good news.
What? No more forced lending to crappy countries who won’t pay it back? Who could have imagined the markets might smile on such a concept?
Mr Papandreou is now but a gauleiter in the EU reich. As is our Mr Cameron. And as Dr Goebbels oversaw the propaganda services for his fuhrer so does the bbc for the EU junta.
Notice how no mention is ever made to any of the other 14 members of the eurozone during this masquerade. Just Mr sarcastic and Mrs murky.
The funniest thing I have heard is people saying that Greece can’t leave the Euro because there is no “mechanism” for this. Of course, the EU always sticks to its rules.
Actually , even funnier is watching assorted Beeboids, male and female, getting their knickers in a twist. Just like the EU “leaders”, they are running around like headless chickens. A bunch of useless wasters, the whole lot of them !
I for one hope that the Greeks get rid of George!
We could surely hire him to take charge of this country…all he has to do is say we can have that referendum and we`ll soon boot out our overpriced poltroons.
If he brings us a few bottles of duty-free retsina, he can bring Nana Mouskouri as Deputy…AND get his Elgin Marbles back too!
Vicky Pryce, Constantin Michalos…clearly the media will only allow us selected Greek pastries to consider.
All suited, smart Europhiles with (no doubt) a berth at the EU if they continue to stab their own nation in the back at every opportunity…and good English speakers.
Just the kind of elite that the political class and their microphone bearers like to do their conflabs with.
Seems there is only one script allowed for all of them.
That said-words like summonsed, dressing down, sent packing are outrageous slurs on another countries elected Prime Minister…the BBC etc still behave like Lord Reiths Godless missionaries to fleece four generations instead of only the three!
Truly despicable…Lagarde and Peston/Flanders etc have not been elected by ANYONE to speak as they do…unlike Papandreou.
And just when I thought the Murdoch stuff could not go any lower in the pork barrel of the EU/UN/IMF etc…
It was only in May that Stephanie Flanders told us that the Greek bail out was going well. Hence her nickname of Floundering Flanders….
Also I notice that currently the back catalogue section of Stephanomics or Stupidonomics as the Independent comments section put it seems not to be working…….
So Steph can selectively quote and forget the many articles which were completely wrong!
Wall to wall slurry being thrown at the Greeks and anyone daring to want a referendum.
The elite really had better be careful…this pouring of scorn on democracy when it dares to make a break for it is really dangerous for them.
All the forces ranged against the Greek PM are as undemocratic and privileged an elite as you could get.
It didn`t save the autocratic Czar, nor Mari Antoinette…so why the hell do the BBC and the EU think that we the little people of Europe will let the likes of Sarkozy get away with snuffing out the only trusted way of restoring security and some trust.
As they drag democracy with contempt through their own mud baths…they should be aware that democrats will not allow them to continue to mock and belittle just about the only safety valve we need.
These fools obviously never learned their classical history…Greek word abound like crisis and chaos, and they had better learn something fast about their literal derivation from the cradle of democracy and its very language.
Speaking of David Buik here is his insight into Fred Goodwin and RBS
“Fred Goodwin is as good as you’ll get … He has the right vision.”
3 month later RBS collapsed!
We do seem in an era when such track records seem now destined to ensure ever greater profile and peer support… if mianly in ‘sectors’ where delivery metrics seem a smidge ‘unique’.
Does anyone credible pay any attention to such talking heads when what issues forth is utter tripe?
The EU is hoping Communist China will come to the rescue. Well that’s not suprising as Communists did not like to hold referendums in their beloved Peoples Democratic Republics either.