Peas in a Pod

Isn’t Kevin Connolly like Mark Mardell? They’ve both got alliterative sounding names, their voices sound similarly sneery, and they even wear the same shirt.
Kevin has been busy in the West Bank recording the sounds of a weekly Friday demonstration by Palestinians against Israeli occupation.

“Israeli soldiers disperse the tiny crowd with a couple of volleys of stinging, choking tear gas!”

The scoundrels!

“It all feels a little jaded. A little like the international game of getting the Israelis and the Palestinians back to the negotiating table.”

He then hurries off to interview Mustafa Barghouti, the *moderate* Palestinian politician who is so moderate and non violent that he calls for Fatah and Hamas to be *unified*. He now wants the international community to be pro-active, just as they were in Libya, that’s how moderate and non violent he is.
Next Kevin scampers off to interview an Israeli settler, that symbol of everything we love to hate about Israel. The settler, complete with American accent and a notion that ‘the Jew’ has a special affinity with ‘the dog’, (H/T Biodegradable) and no doubt God himself, represents what Connolly undoubtedly sees as Israel’s misguided belief that they have a God-given right to *Palestinian land*. The settler duly hates Netanyahu.

Next, for balance, he trots off to find an Israeli author who hates the settler movement and Netanyahu.

What is the point, I wonder? We already know all this. We’ve already been told that settlers are extremists and loonies. We’ve already been told that settlements are the obstacle to peace. We’ve already been told that, if we’re being honest, none of us can stand Netanyahu. We already know that Israel is a major obstacle to world peace. We already know that Islam is the religion of peace.
We’ve been educated to accept all these things as a given.
But why?
Why don’t more people ask why Palestinian Arabs are entitled to demand the return of territory they lost in wars they themselves instigated? Why doesn’t anyone challenge the Palestinian leadership’s outrage at Israel’s legitimate and necessary precautions against terrorism whilst openly lauding terrorists and declaring that they’ll never accept a Jewish state? Why doesn’t anyone on the BBC acknowledge that charges against Israel of ethnic cleansing and apartheid are hypocritical and false when Abbas openly states that any Palestinian state will be Judenrein? Why doesn’t the BBC devote any air time whatsoever to enlightening us as to the legality or otherwise of Israel’s position regarding settlements? Why does Connolly meekly accept Barghouti’s outrageously hypocritical description of the Israeli government being full of settlers and extremists without asking him what the ‘Palestinian government’ is full of?

As Connolly very well knows, his report says nothing new. In his own words, it all feels a little jaded. And a lot biased.

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15 Responses to Peas in a Pod

  1. Grant says:

    Not only do these repulsive two Beeboids wear similar shirts, and indeed jackets, but they look as if they dine in the same restaurants.
    Disgusting creatures.


  2. David Preiser (USA) says:

    I can’t take anything Kevin “Teabagger” Connolly says seriously.  The BBC has cenosred all news of the Palestinians’ desire for a Judenfrei state, as they’ve censored the same desires from others.  Can’t expect Connolly to rise above the filth.


  3. Cassandra King says:

    Strange that while the so called ‘Palestinians’ demand a ‘Judenfrei’ state for themselves they at the same time require a future Jewish state to assimilate a large number of so called ‘refugees’ in a so called ‘right of return’?

    Obviously the BBC either does not grasp this peculiar stance or more likely they grasp the mechanics of it all too well. The question is why the BBC has never touched on the real motivations of the ‘Palestinians’ AKA Arab settlers.

    A Judenfrei ‘Palestinian’ state next to a shrunken Israel that still includes a large portion of so called ‘Palestinians’ is the strategic goal. But why? Now, the ugly reality of that future would be one of constant ‘Palestinian’ intifada/terrorism/trouble making designed to perpuate the fight against the Jews from inside a smaller and more vulnerable Israel. Its a simple and effective strategy and one not examined by the BBC. The very day after a settlement based on ‘Palestinian’ strategy would see ‘Palestinian’ trouble makers within the new borders of Israel causing unrest and making demands and being assisted by a Judenfrei state across the new border. The fantasy as pimped by the BBC sees some kind of fantasy ending where everyone is happy and the conflict ends, in fact any settelment based on ‘Palestinian’ demands would in fact be the starting point for the hate filled Jew hating Arabs.


  4. David Preiser (USA) says:

    Obviously the BBC either does not grasp this peculiar stance or more likely they grasp the mechanics of it all too well.

    They get it, and they approve.  This is the standard position of those who believe Israel has no right to exist as a Jewish State.  Scratch a Beeboid, and “Zionism = Racism” will bleed out.

    The question is why the BBC has never touched on the real motivations of the ‘Palestinians’ AKA Arab settlers. 

    It detracts from the Narrative of heroism in the face of oppression.


  5. sue says:


  6. Buggy says:

    “Isn’t Kevin Connolly like Mark Mardell? They’ve both got alliterative sounding names, their voices sound similarly sneery, and they even wear the same shirt.”

    You’re too polite to say it, Sue, so I’ll bite the bullet:

    “And neither one could score in a monkey whorehouse if they were dressed as a banana.”


    • Grant says:

      Well, Buggy, I have never tried to “score in a monkey whorehouse ” , but I shall take your word for it.  😉


  7. Span Ows says:

    this is a bit of an ad hominem attack, Dez and others would accuse you of just writing nasty things about this pair of fat white useless bias evil twats.


  8. Span Ows says:

    …and you insult peas! Although I wouldn’t mind betting these two are green!…plus little, round and like a vegetable if you put them in a real job.


  9. Biodegradable says:

    Another day – another chance to demonise Israel and paint the “Palestinians” as the victims:

    Viewpoint: I’m Palestinian – but where am I from?

    Of course there are Jews who can’t list the place of birth of their children as “Jerusalem, Israel”, but who cares? Certainy not the BBC who have never covered this story:

    US Supreme Court begins hearing Jerusalem passport case

    Parents demand Israel’s capital be listed as birthplace


  10. pounce_uk says:

    Any chance of a new board???