Bias? What bias? “Clark “surprise” at May ignorance” They just can’t help it, can they? Brodie Clark is the hero de jour of the BBC, a battering ram they are using to try and claim May’s scalp. I don’t recall the same enthusiasm to undermine Home Secretary’s when Labour were in power, do you?
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David, the link is simply to the front page.
Here’s the current headline: Brodie Clark ‘surprised’ at May fingerprint ignorance
Shouldn’t it be “ignorance” in quotes, not surprised?
The BBC have been on the wrong side of this story since it began. Now that is becoming clear, they are trying to spin it furiously that it was May at fault.
Why can no-one in the government recognise the bias of the BBC. They only have themselves to blame.
…and to add to what Frederick says. May has been proved right and has done nothing wrong but the BBC just can’t let it go.
Roland, it does say it: it is 11am and below I have copied and pasted from the news front page as it satnds right now – scroll down to the links (LHS)
Clark ‘surprise’ at May ignorance
Former UK border force head Brodie Clark says he was “surprised” ministers did not know passport checks had been relaxed.
that link leads to the story by the way, I have copied it from the news front page.
sorry for seeming to spam! here’s a screen grab (apologies for quality but I am in safe mode)
they have NOW changed it! 11:06 updtae, proof that they follow this site?
The article still leaves out two bits of info;
1) Clark is a friend of Alan Johnson MP
2) Clark failed to inform May that the 2007 arrangements clashed with the pilot.
Being a good civil servant it should had been his first duty, apparently not.
Yes , the incompetent , odious Brodie Clark is Labour through and through. That is how he got the job in the first place. Now he is in a big girl sulk. Hell hath no fury………….
‘Hell hath no fury’ — like a Labour placeman trying to keep his nose in the trough
He’s not a good civil servant though is he, he is a Labour man in place to cause trouble and I suspect that this is far from the only example of labour stooges put in to positions where they can damage the present Government. I suggested this on Cramners site the other day and was called Paranoid, who knows, maybe I am but it’s still feasable.
It’s disappeared completely off the front page (which is why I suggested linking to the article rather than front page) and the article itself now says: “Brodie Clark ‘surprised’ May unaware checks were eased“.
Obviously the BBC aren’t so keen to keep it going now. Still, as As I See It says below, damage done.
I thought they took Clarke to task on R4, had him in a muddle just after 8am.
They pushed the ignorance but still Clarke let it fall on him more in my view, they kept the ‘it’s been happening since 2007’ very quiet, I hope there’s a paper trail back to Jacqui PornQueen Smith’s door.
That’s a very good point, Clarke was basically using the ‘elf & safety’ excuse to allow anyone into the Country. May was clearly not aware of this, be interesting to ask 5 bellies if she knew about this.
Should also ask if Clarke shouldn’t have checked this was still OK with May first before assuming that orders given to him by the fat one were still OK.
There is little to hang May on over this, Ed Genital’s silly boy wife made a tit of herself yesterday in the Commons.
Thing is the Tories are doing nothing, you think someone would be asking WHY thousands of people were allowed in under Liebore without being check from 2007 onwards.
Don’t expect the BBC to highlight it.
Posted elsewhere, but the BBC seem to be ignoring Clark’s previous cock-ups and that he is a Labour placeman who is playing politics.
Also getting jittery now that Labour’s immigration policies are increasingly in the spotlight.
Doesn’t excuse May and the Tories handling this in their normal useless manner.
The BBC were showing their ‘outrage’ over what went on at airports in the summer, yet now we know that the idiot Clarke was allowing hundreds of thousands of people to simply walk into this Country back in 2007 yet the BBC remain silent.
As I posted last night I suspected that the BBC were trying to kill this story as soon as they saw that once again Liebore were talking bollocks.
What gets mew is why no Tories are out in force..but then Guido reminds me, they’ve all pissed off on holiday.
What a joke, what a total waste of Oxygen Westminster is.
This is a typical BBC story. Textbook opposition politics. Labour along with their friendly media resources as suppiled by the BBC win the hue and cry. No matter that the Tories later win the argument. Damage done. BBC/Labour placards have been written for the proles: ‘Tories/Open Borders’.
You’re quite correct, but since the Tories won’t sort out the BBC then it serves them bloody well right.