The BBC seem almost GIDDY with delight that Chancellor Osborne is up against it when it comes to making his update on the UK economy today. Evan Davies and Stephanie “Two Eds” Flanders were chuckling and making all sorts of sarcastic comments about “Plan A” now becoming “Plan B” on Today. It’s truly pathetic stuff butt all we can expect from the BBC. They WANT Labour back.
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Then followd by a mind-boggling piece about “carbon” reduction. Truly desperate.
They WANT Labour back.
Well, given the PR support to the two Eds, they are doing their best.
I also wonder if there is any reason that, the last post permitting commentray closed at 139, the next 3 from Nick Robinson have gone into broadcast only? The ‘guests’ giving their expert ‘insights’ will be epic today.
Good, the BBC can beat up on the Tories as much as they like. The Tories are so thick not to notice the bias.
I agree absolutely.
I’m having an ongoing correspondence with Jeremy Hunt and he’s absolutely adament that the BBC is wonderful and nearly always gets it just right. He also shares their views on ‘climate change’.
He obviously didn’t like being told that his Party is currently lead by a bunch of spineless socialists, so he asked, “what could be more conservative than our current policies?”
As you can imagine, my reply is VERY long. I’ve suggested that he file the e-mail and refer back to it in March 2015 if they wish to avoid being slaughtered by Ed Milliband.
then they desrve all they get
slap it right up them
My Site
I just wonder if your letters are actually getting through to Jeremy Hunt.
If you write to him as an MP letters are probably dealt with by a caseworker.
If you write to him as a Minister letters are probably dealt with by a civil servant.
Just a thought.
I’ve sent Jeremy Hunt numerous e-mails complaining about the BBC. I’ve only received two seperate replies, but both said the same thing. It’s obvious he, or his office minions, send a standard reply to correspondents. They obviously don’t read e-mails when they see the letters “BBC” and just send the pre-prepared reply to correspondents. It’s a pity more of constituents don’t write to him. He may pay more attention if enough of them complain.
I’m actually a constituent of his, and I always encourage friends to contact him, as most people have the same concerns as we do on here.
There’s been letters printed in the local paper recently as it would appear that he ignored everyone who wrote to him re. the EU referendum non-debate.
I too have sent Mr Hunt emails since he got the job and haven’t got a reply except for the bog standard email reply about how good the BeeB is and we cant interfere in anything they do.
Told him from the start that he is fighting the liebore party the unions and the BeeB and if nothing is done they deserve everything they get.
If UKIP get their act together the tories in power with UKIP.
It can’t be worse than the limpdims
why don’t they just drop all pretence,and start every news(ahem) bulletiin with the caption,”there now follows a half hour party political broadcast by and on behalf of the liebore party”
I’m just interested to know whether, if the Euro crisis does lead to a recession throughout the Eurozone, the BBC’s response will be the same as the banking crisis, where for the next three years the BBC’s economic and political comentators will be talking about the economic devastation brought on by statist European politicians and how it could have been avoided, there will be endless rounds of applause on Question Time for anyone blaming the whole thing on Eurocrats, Nikki Campbell will be hosting phone-ins discussing whether the individual politicians responsible should be stripped of their fat cat pension entitlements and Sandi Toskvig and her inner circle will be engineering cheap laughs at the very mention of her Lib Dem colleagues who wanted us to join the Euro.
£10 it won’t happen.
£1000 it won’t happen!!
£1,000,000 it won’t happen and even that’s safe
(just in case ap-w does a deal with the beeboids to win the bet: all bets will be honoured with Greek bonds)
bbc5live BBC Radio 5 Live Your Call with @nickyAAcampbell: What’s your advice to George Osborne? A few one word answers so far… Get involved
Giddy indeed. Almost like a rally, even.
They’ve got those DOGs in the top left corner of BBC3 and BBC4 channels – they might as well go the whole hog and use the Labour rose with the text “We support Labour” underneath and put them onto all BBC channels.
They could then start and end all their news programmes with “Sponsered by the Labour Party”
How about it, BBC? you’re practically there already.
Be prepared to see that odius buffoon Ed Testicles being wheeled out all over the BBC this week.
Wanting a return to a Labour government is one thing, actively working to that end is quite another. The former whilst wrong could be excused so long as the bias did not show, the latter is inexcusable.
Come to that they campaigned heavily against Bush for his mid-term election. Although not quite as hard at the following election, probably because a Democrat win looked more likely then.
Question :
Was Plan B from Outer Space –
A) The second worst movie of all time ?
B) The worlds worst broadcaster of all time ?
C) The smuggest pair on Radio of all time ?
Answer :
A) and B)
The last option – C) – was of course a trick :
As we know, there are far too many contenders competing at the BBC for that title, so there is no definative answer for that one.
Mind you, Clan C comes to mind for Stuff and Exon.
The phrase’s It’s all Greek to me ! and Crisis, what crisis ? must be unknown to them.
But I bet they’ve heard of Spend, spend, spend !
12:20 bBC news, how could Andrew Neil ever win, his three economic advisers, Flanders, toenails and Peston. Almost like the labour party at prayer, dreaming about the Red flag I expect.
This one time I’ll let the BBC off. Not becuase the bias isn’t blatant but becuase I’m not sure their cunning plan will necessarily work. I’m not sure Labour will necessrily benefit from being identified with a bunch of public servants with ‘market rate’ contracts verbally high-fiving each other about the fact a lot of their fellow citizens are facing poverty.
According to a commentator on order-order, radio 5 cut osbourne’s response to blinky. This is definite bias, Osbourne has to give the statement because he is the government, then blinky shows where he is going wrong, then osbourne shows were blinky is wrong. The bBC is biased!!!
Note the difference (I am just suprised the BBC even attributed, as they usually don’t)..
SkyNews Sky NewsBalls: Osborne Has ‘Failed Colossally’
BBCNews BBC News (UK)“Plan A has failed colossally. Year ago govt said UK was out of danger zone – been proved wrong”, Ed Balls says
Meanwhile, at a planet nowhere near here….
BBCPolitics BBC PoliticsBBC Experts: Nick Robinson – Paul Mason – Stephanie Flanders – #bbceconomy
Shape the edit to suit… cut out anything that doesn’t… The BBC is really getting this propaganda thing down pat.
Oddly enough, I thought that Evan Davis` report from Leeds/Bradford in regard of the economy was surprisingly fair and -dare I say-informative and fair.
It was after the 8am news,and am trying to think of anything that might have affected me…but it seemed a good report!
Yes. Here it is:
In the US, the CBO has admitted that the $830 billion Stimulus didn’t work, and will actually shrink the economy. And let’s not forget the $4.7 billion thrown down the Green energy toilet to companies which are failing or already bankrupt. No jobs created there. The paltry sum Osborne is going to put into capital spending is a drop in the bucket compared to this, as would be any amount Ed Balls might claim he’d spend, if the BBC would get him to put his money where his mouth is for once and actually state a figure.
Yet at the BBC, they’re gagging for it anyway. Redder Ed constantly demands more spending, his ex-girlfriend approves, in spite of reality staring us all in the face.
The LSE and Harvard Business School run the show there and in Labour, so no wonder they’re living in a fantasy world.
I did notice as Osborne spoke Toenails and Peston both tweeted comments only to the ‘negative’ points from his speech.
But like I say the Tories deserve the kicking off the BBC, you can expect QT this week to tear them apart.
Peston is being pathetic. Better to have belt-tightening in the short term than a societal collapse later. Did he learn nothing from Spain or Greece? All he can do is keep saying “slump”. Does he not grasp the lunacy of bitching about this and then saying Italy can’t reduce it’s borrowing costs without some kind of default? Osborne just might be able to keep borrowing costs at very low levels, which is what is needed. What the hell is wrong with Peston?
Robinson is just a PPE hack looking at the speech in terms of political soundbites. The books won’t be balanced by the next election, belts will be tightened, more pain next year, etc. Why did the banking crisis hurt more than we thought, Nick? Any ideas about which former Chancellor and Prime Minister is responsible? Any thoughts on whether or not giving more money to the IMF to bail out Socialists might affect the figures?
Do these Beeboids seriously think that following the policies of the European countries having to get bailed out is a good idea? They’re just pissed off they had only one copy of the budget announcement to share between them.
Given Peston’s connections, his attitude is hardly surprising. From his Wikipedia entry –
Peston supports the British charity Common Purpose UK. Peston and the CEO of Common Purpose, Julia Middleton are also both members of The Media Standards Trust
The Media Standards Trust wants to regulate what we are allowed to see and hear. As of course does the EU.
Remember Robert Peston when he was at the FT was writing that the UK needs to join the Euro..
How would that have worked out Robert?
The drones at the bBC want “Labour back”, but its not the Labour they will actually get or the Labour that is on offer.
It is some imaginary Labour Party they want. It has Chairman Mao the loving Father in charge, who knows best and will make everybody happy. Fairness and justice will rule the world, and evil Tories and nastiness will simply wither away. It is the fantasy Labour Party they want back. The one they argued about long into the night in the Student Union bar. And it does not exist.
What exists is a monstrous party of the Dunce of Kircaldy, The Prime Mentalist, in the pocket of organised Labour, The Northern Brotherhood, everything they touch fails. But still they want “Labour back”
Because they still feel guilty about their priviledged upbringing that got them into the bBC.
I think that they`d prefer a Cabinet of All their Talents as picked by Brussels these days.
They really no longer speak for any segment of Britain but the Guardian reader with cow eyes for the poor but a blind trust fund for their own spawn.
The BBC and the rest of our State Media
How the estabklishment closes ranks! The Home Office even threatened whistleblowers on wartime collaborators with prosecution. Don’t suppose the beeb reported that, either.
BBC News24 was running last night with the headline “DEBT falling less quickly than expected”. Will someone explain to those dipsticks the difference between “deficit” and “debt”?
Rachel Burden on Radio 5/TUC gets into deep water interviewing the Chancellor at 6.45. He has to correct her several times for her slack use of data, so she turned to trying to embarrass him by playing the toff card e.g. How did he understand ordinary folk/ what economies were being forced on his household etc? Burden does not stop to think that perhaps she gets a higher income than Osborne. After flailing around for some minutes she enlists the help of veteran (and it shows) “business” reporter Mickey Clarke, unfortunately he is as sloppy with the facts as she was & Osborne has to correct Clarke as well
‘He has to correct her several times for her slack use of data, ‘
Assuming the estimate is accurate enough to frustrate the cherry vulture flock now on O/T scurrying through the archive with their stopwatches, just what are we paying for if accuracy is, at best, optional?
Uniquely funding Labour party political (coiunter)point making is of little value.
At least on SKY there was some snese of balance this morning, as doe-eyed union moppets claiming they ‘just wanted what they were promised’ had pointed out that, on pensions, things can go down as well as up (at least, in the real world), and who do they think made these promises to sucker their fealty on the first place?
Totally genius guest selection by SKY just now.
As the airwaves abound with the only folk free to gob away, strikers, while the rest of us work to pay for their ‘gaurantees’, they serve two brain dead wimmin who, lobbed the softest of softballs, can’t articulate a snesible argument between them save what they deserve and isn’t fair.
It’s a neat twist on the BBC technique of seducing a Tory wet on as ‘balance’ and then let them dig amassive hole all on their own.