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Here’s a misleading BBC sob story from the US with an anti-Christian agenda.
Lingering stigma helps Aids epidemic ravage US South
I’ll just sum it up. Bascially, the AIDS epidemic in this small town is due to ugly Christian conservatives instructing poor black folks not to use condoms and to stigmatize AIDS because of homosexuality, thus driving unsafe sexual behavior to unhealthy levels.
Except Clover, SC has a massively high rate of violent crime and injecting drugs problem, which spreads HIV in poor black communities. It’s not like there’s a big homosexual community being ravaged. Basically, all these violent drug criminals share needles, get infected, then go home and infect their various baby-mamas, who in turn give birth to infected babies. There’s your epidemic, not really caused by conservative Christians.
Notice that it’s only in the black community, which is less than a quarter of the population. Are we supposed to assume that white Christians in South Carolina aren’t equally conservative, equally stigmatizing of AIDS? Or are whites more enlightened than blacks? Oh, dear, better not go there. No, it’s a problem in the black community because of the criminal element, not the Christian element.
Except that doesn’t fit the BBC’s agenda, so Matthew Davis or some other BBC boos in the US instructed Michael Maher to spin it another way. There isn’t a single mention of how it’s spread, not a single mention of intravenous drug use, not a single mention of multiple baby-mamas.
It’s easy to say that there’s a stigma about AIDS because of the homosexual angle, but let’s face it: this is not the cause of the spread of it. The cause is drug use and the refusal of criminals to use condoms. Even if the good black reverends of the South speak out every day, it won’t change the underlying cause. Hands up all those who think violent drug criminals listen to their local pastor.
The BBC basically pre-selected the Narrative, then sent someone out there to select facts to support it. Half the story – and the most important part of it – is missing entirely. Don’t trust the BBC on US issues.
It is the same with AIDS in Africa. The BBC blames the Catholic Church’s stance for contraception for the spread of AIDS. However when in Kenya and Uganda the Church along with the African governements launched the ABC programme (abstenence be faithful, if nessary use a condom) HIV rates dropped from 20% to 5%.
However in South Afica which is not a Catholic country when the WHO came in and promoted their condom only solution HIV rates went up from 20% to 30%. It has only resently started to drop.
Why did HIV spread in Afica so quickly? Because Africans practice a loose form of polygamy. A man may have six wives and if one of them is infected then the rest get infected. Monogamy is the key.
In Washington DC the HIV rate for African Americans is 20%, that is four times more than Kenya. I can’t see why the BBC is blaming Christians because protestants have no problem with contraception. And I thought America was very progressive, especially in Washington.
Where’s the big BBC story about how Alastair Campbell leaked his own testimony, which puts the lie to every single BBC report about it during the week? Guido is still waiting for an apology from Ross Hawkins.
Alan Bennett drops in for tea with Occupy London Protestors
Guardian 26th November
‘Playwright – no stranger to political engagement – leaves signed copies of books at camp’s literary tent’
Evening Standard 1st December
‘Two signed copies of Alan Bennett’s work left by the author in the St Paul’s camp library tent have vanished. The playwright, pictured when he visited last week and drank tea with the activists, dedicated the text of the play The History Boys and his memoir A Life Like Other People’s “To Occupy London”. Today a camp spokeswoman confirmed the works were no longer there.
Some activists claim it hints at the “infighting” which has set in at the camp. One said: “Everyone is really fed up. People are feeling a loss of purpose. We’re here because we believe bankers should be brought to account. We are forgetting all this as a few people try to control what the rest are doing.”
Look forward to the Beeb covering this?
Over to you BBC news hounds…..
i think if the BBC got rid of the lefty luvvies and lefty gay men/women, it would be a lot less biased
It’d also have just one employee.
(And since Sir Bruce Forsyth is rising 83 now, I think it would be a bit heartless to have him do all that extra work).
INBBC’s Ms KNELL omits real political issues in Egypt, such as:
Is “Democratic” Egypt Progressing or Regressing?
“Egyptian women: your new government will want you back in the kitchen”
(by Michael Weiss)
“How the Veil Conquered Cairo University”
(Interview with Nonie Darwish)
It seems that INBBC’s Ms KNELL avoids reading e.g. the blogs of
Barry Rubin:
Raymond Ibrahim:
Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report:
Hamas Says Don’t Worry About A Muslim Brotherhood Victory In Egypt
-and apparently like the rest of the INBBC MB Cairo Bureau, Ms Knell has no criticism of the Muslim Brotherhood:
you couldn t make it up alert
Saudis fear there will be ‘no more virgins’ and people turn gay if female drive ban lifted,” Daily Mail from er…top π saudi univ??????
so far, most recent thing on el beeb Viewpoint: Saudi women should not drive
Was Clarkson’s joke agreed in advance? http://yfrog.com/nvuvhzp
not surprised learned the russell brand lesson, well..
“theres no bad publicity” eh
if it didn t make the news would have been more of one,
seeing as they control the output.
straw man syndrome or what.
oh & clarkson, bloody privlidged asswipe,
man his sh-ts getting “old”
That wouldn’t suprise me, the joke sounded scripted, with the scripted question in the middle.
How the windmill fraudsters peddle their fraud:
The windmill racketeers have their eyes on South Korea which is planning to buy windills and Vestas want a share of the market…hmmm..what to do… Oooh yes they say, lets buy airtime from the BBC in the form of a fake news report about the benefits of Vestas windmills over home produced South Korean windmills.
How much did the BBC get paid to air this blatant puff piece for Vestas? Prime shots of the brand name, Vestas worker praising Vestas products as more reliable and product established, cut to more shots of the Vestas brand name.
Multinationals pay huge sums of money in the form of genuine adverts to peddle their products, there are strict rules on adverts to ensure that companies must label their programmes as adverts but the BBC are seemingly exempt. Just another day in the life of a degenerate media empire called the BBC, the rules only apply to others.
BBC-NUJ-Labour (inc D Casciani) advocate Mass Immigration to UK, so have devious headline:
“Immigration cuts: Londoners and Scots ‘more opposed'”
The main fact, concealed by BBC-NUJ-Labour, is according to the poll:
“Our poll supported previous findings that a large majority of people in Britain favour cuts in immigration. 69% of respondents to the survey we commissioned said they want immigration reduced.”
So, quite devious reporting by BBC-NUJ-Labour on immigration again.
Alternative source material on immigration is available at:
Not a story for BBC-NUJ:
How India squanders British aid
By Sue Reid
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2068856/How-India-squanders-British-aid.html#ixzz1fNbCAtPh
BBC-NUJ has apparently edited its world map to exclude AUSTRALIA and NEW ZEALAND from its global reporting.
BBC-NUJ stopped reporting on CANADA years ago.
In contrast, INBBC has decided to report heavily on Islamic EGYPT and on Islamic PAKISTAN.
Is BBC-NUJ politically prejudiced against the white Commonwealth?
Yes, but not just those countries. It’s Europe as well. The Beeboid intro to its news channel likes to trail loads of places in “Asia”, Middle East, Africa and God knows where else before it mentions Europe. A couple of places, such as Paris and Rome are then tacked on like an afterthought.
Yes, true. It is an ‘Obama’ view of the world, with maybe his childhood Islamic Indonesia as INBBC’s cultural geographical centre.
Europe is only of interest to INBBC in so far as it needs to be Islamised, apparently; it is a view on the world which INBBC employs Islamic broadcaster Al Jazeera’s Rageh Omaar to propagandise in the TV series on e.g. ‘An Islamic History of Europe’ which INBBC had him present.
Talking about Obama’s view of the world:
“Another Gaffe? Obama Calls British Embassy ‘English’ Embassy”
One can see why BBC-NUJ readily propgandises on Obama’s political world-view:
Glenn Beck Explains Obama, Part 1 (7 min video).
Glenn Beck Explains Obama, Part 2 (7min video)
-with D’Souza.
hey quit whining, obama/el beeb have to concentrate
on the right people, right issues, to make sure we re safe π , a
nd don t cause offence, don t you understand anything π
Obama Cleanses the Terrorism Glossary http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=38019
John Bolton: WH Removing All References To Islam In … http://www.breitbart.tv/john-bolton-wh-removing-all-references-to-islam
Yes, it’s been mentioned somewhere else on this blog already. I see that David Preiser has a slipped in a subtle little joke about it on his latest post. Very funny.
My comment was referring to George R’s comment about the English Embassy.
Just add that to the long list of Obamessiah gaffes the BBC won’t tell you about. In stark contrast to how they highlighted every single little slip-up by Bush.
“Is BBC-NUJ politically prejudiced against the white Commonwealth?”
Guess what kind of governments the people elected?
The BBC are nothing if not spiteful and childish scum sucking pond life, as soon as New Zealand elected a right wing government they became a non country as far as positive news is concerned. Look at the reconstruction of the quake damage and how fast they have got back on their feet. Some wonderful stories, positive reports by the bucket load BUT the BBC has blackballed NZ for positive news and operates a strict policy of news apartheid.
The same with Canada, before the election Canada was reported on but after a right wing government was elected the BBC enacted their spiteful policy of blackballing Canada. And the same goes for Chile, no positive news is allowed, the ultra left rent a rabble violent thugs got airtime but any positive news is censored and all because the people elected a right wing government.
As I say, the BBC are nothing if not spiteful and hate filled and practice gross prejudice against their ideological enemies.
Take Spain, no really, the BBC fell over itself to hide the word ‘socialist’ from the title of Spanish socialist government, every possible measure was taken to disasociate any reference to socialism and its grotesuqe failures. Now that Spain has elected a right wing government we are seeing the same blackballing policy from the BBC, look at a BBC globe and large areas are missing. Far from removing the term conservative or right wing from any negative reports about Spain the political affiliations are now welded on to each report.
The BBC have aired 100% more positive news slots to f*cking Cuba,a cruel dictatorship with dissidents in its jails and no free elections and they are getting more positive news slots than Canada/Spain/Chile/New Zealand FFS.
“The BBC are nothing if not spiteful and childish scum sucking pond life, as soon as New Zealand elected a right wing government they became a non country as far as positive news is concerned”
Cassandra, you wrote this six days after the election – and that’s long enough for you deduce that; “the BBC has blackballed NZ for positive news”?!
Oh apart from the day before yesterday:
“In its annual report, the agency ranked New Zealand, Denmark and Finland as the least corrupt among 183 countries.”
Is that all you got Dez?
Piss poor example of a general report and NOTHING about New Zealand itself.
I thought you said there was a “a strict policy of news apartheid”? Or is it not quite so strict after all?
Perhaps there is something absolutely amazing that has happened in New Zealand in the last six days that BBC high command decided to keep secret from the rest of us down here on planet earth.
No doubt you’ll now tell me all about it…
I’m sure the BBC will take notice of Canada again after they drop out of the Kyoto Accord.
The News Channel is still running the Clarkson apology. Is there some secret agreement between the BBC and the union bosses that in order for their groveling to be accepted they have to run the apology story X number of times for the rest of the week?
How the BBC ganged up with the militant Left to attack Jeremy Clarkson
Sometime in the future historians are going to write books on when and how GB became a joke country. As we used to say ” Mickey Mouse”
The Clarkson non story tells us all we need to know about this unhappy land. It is becoming a joke. Governed, pontificated to and increasingly peopled by morons.
I give up.
I’m starting to think Clarkson has become a sort of Bizarro Jonnie Marbles of the strike day. When Marbles threw the pile of foam at Murdoch, all the Murdoch haters were angry that he had made nasty Uncle Rupert into a victim, taking attention away from his evildoings, etc.
Clarkson, on the other hand, made the unions into the victims, taking attention away from the fact that their strike was pointless, contra BBC the majority of people didn’t support them 100%, and in fact things were better off without them in many ways. Except for parents who had to take a hit for their children being out of school for the day, obviously.
The unions should be thanking Clarkson, not complaining about him.
INBBC presents political propaganda, not news.
Compare and contrast:
1.) -which INBBC censors out:
“Tunisia: Muslims besiege university, take hostages to demand face veils, end of mixed classes”
2.) -INBBC’s utopian propaganda on Tunisia:
Has anyone spotted a BBC mention that Campbell leaked his own Leveson testimony and the BBC was wrong about Guido?
Important notice from INBBC Head Office to sub-editors:
Avoid this report in the ‘Daily Mail;avoid words ‘Muslim’,
‘Pakistani’, ‘Asian’.
“Groomed for sex at 12, stabbed to death at 17: Shocking life of white teenage mother murdered after Asian lover rejected her child”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2069055/Laura-Wilson-Groomed-sex-12-stabbed-death-17.html#ixzz1fOxcM1Dy
Important follow-up to above directive.
There have been rumours of unspecified questioning of INBBC’s directive on that sensitive matter.
INBBC Staff are reminded of:
1.) long-established INBBC multicultural journalistic practice, as endorsed by our College of Journalism many times;
2.) a strict interpretation of the Director’s special preferential treatment of Islam in Britain.
3.) as you know, the police, the three main political parties, and the trade unions all follow this practice.
4.) staff are asked to be aware not to show any Islamophobic sympathies at this politically sensitive time.
Thank you.
Good article at The Commentator :
Life is (almost) glorious on the margins of EU integration, whatever the BBC says.
There is much talk of Britain being isolated as talks on the Eurozone crisis continue. But who wants to be at the centre of project doomed to failure?
The arrogance of NHS staff make me laugh. Some dopey woman was one Dame Nikki’s phone this morning slagging off Clarkson and another woman who called in pointing out that the public sector lot were over reacting got verbally abused by the nurse.
Nurse then got a strop on and said “I’m off to treat my Lukemia patients” or something and flounced off. Clearly she had enough time to hold on the phone line to get onto Dame Nikki’s call without bothering about her patients (that’s if she were a real nurse and not just a BBC employee pretending to be one)
But wait a minute how DARE we say negative things about the NHS, they are all wonderful harding working honest people. No one has EVER died in an NHS hospital because the nurses were shit at their jobs or bone idle have they? No one EVER died because the nurses couldn’t be arsed to feed them or even give them water? No one EVER died in an NHS hospital because the nurses couldn’t be arsed with even basic hygiene have they?
No, nurses are wonderful and anyone who dares to point out that perhaps in reality like every other branch of the public sector quite a few of them are shit at their job and couldn’t care less about the poor sods they are supposed to care for.
Knowing a few in my time they all seem to think that holiday can be boosted by at least three weeks of ‘sickies’ over the year.
Not all in the NHS are shit, but the idea that somehow these are all caring loving ‘angel’s’ is also a total myth and the BBC might be better off showing a bit of reality here.
Every week there is some report telling us how shit the NHS is, nurses like to think they are the heart of the NHS, in which case a lot more blame should be going on them.
WOW…not really BBC but it does show why they are like they are: just happened across the NUJ guidelines…via another blog.
The NUJ guidelines on race reporting…if it were questioned in court they are totally inocuous and ‘resonable’…but…BUT…
Agenda? What agenda?
Bbc news Nine people arrested last year today found guilty for plotting terrorist attacks and targetting public buildings. Not one mention of the ‘M’ word or the ‘I’ word.
BBC News: “Men held liable for Omagh bomb denied permission to appeal”
Not one mention of the ‘C’ word
One supposes such as Mr. Livingstone would approve, as certain full context narratives can need uniquely polishing by omission.
Still one is sure there is balance of sorts depending on where, and how hard you look…
This entry is now closed for comments – at 4. Not bad.
One is sure, in certain minds, many wrongs somehow make it all right.
The RA has always had one or two Protestant members. The inla also had right footing followers.most of the port members were revolutionary lefty scum like yourself
Dez , me old contrarian ,when did the Taliban have Christian suicide bombers
How many Buddhists for Bagdad went ballistic in Iraq
Prot not port. Bloody ipad
Dez – that’s because those responsible for the Omagh bombing don’t use political violence in order to remove parliamentary democracy and replace it with Papal rule.
Rather obviously.
It looks like Herman Cain is going to bow out of the election race tomorrow (Saturday), due to the affair scandal. <img src=”extra/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-frown.gif” title=”Frown” border=”0″ alt=”Frown”/>
His campaign manager (who should have been fired ages ago anyway) keeps saying everything’s going to be fine, but that’s his job and no one beleives him anymore. Cain apparently told Hannity that he’s just a soft touch and sometimes helps people out financially without telling his wife. But even if that’s true, how many conservatives are going to trust someone who lies to his wife? Ain’t gonna happen, I’m afraid.
It’s a shame, as in my opinion he’s the only one who could beat the President. And yes, it’s cos he is black. That’s not why I thought he’d make a better President than the rest of them, but it is why only Cain can disarm the Left’s only real weapon: racism.
Mardell would have to shut the hell up about his claim that the Tea Party movement is driven by crypto-racism, and none of the usual suspects in the mainstream media could make a single sound about the Bradely Effect or any other nonsense.
But that’s probably all over now, and we’re stuck with Romney or Gingrich, neither of whom can win. So it’s most likely going to be four more years of a Community Organizer in Chief who will only get worse as time goes on.
Heh, first it’s Sarah Palin then it’s Herman Cain… the teabaggers seem remarkably adept at following the biggest cartoon stereotype they can find.
“Mardell would have to shut the hell up about his claim that the Tea Party movement is driven by crypto-racism…”
“…he’s the only one who could beat the President. And yes, it’s cos he is black.”
Hilarious is it?
Sick puppy!
The poisonous smearing of a good man by the sick MSM, by unproven accusations and innuendo. The democreep MSM usiing greedy gold digging skanks out for money, never mind that one of the skanks has a direct relationship with David Axelrod, you may remember him as Obamas attack dog. And the spiv lawyer is a democreep.
So carry on laughing, I am sure you find the degeneration of the MSM quite hilarious, a good man destroyed by a degenerate political party and an equally degenerate MSM.
Oh good grief, he’s a Pez dispenser with legs.
What cartoon stereotypes are you referring to? And do you think the Democrats would be found to be similar/same/worse if given similar treatment?
Why continue to acknowledge this boring twat?
he’s beyond parody
Sorry ltwf1964, dickhead he may be but I like to be charitable and always give it one final chance to come up with a valid point; futile I know. =-O
Don’t feed the troll.
Dez, you need to have a look at this video of Mark Mardell’s appearance at the BBC College of Journalsim in September. He very clearly states that he believes the Tea Party to be driven by racism, even though he says he hasn’t seen open evidence of it. He claims to see the signs of it anyway.
Watch the section of the video from 54:45, and then see if you laugh at my statement.
Once you’re done with that, please explain in whatever depth you can manage how the current President is any more capable, competent, came to office with more experience, and is less of a cartoon character than Herman Cain. I dare you.
If you take up neither of my challenges, you will no longer have any credibility in my eyes.
“If you take up neither of my challenges, you will no longer have any credibility in my eyes.”
“you need to have a look at this video of Mark Mardell… He very clearly states that he believes the Tea Party to be driven by racism…”
Quite honestly David I think you are better than this. I watched the video and Mardell says no such thing.
Someone from the floor suggests that during the last Presidential elections there was an undercurrent of racism. Mardell recalls one interviewee but then very clearly states that he is atypical.
He answers: “I’ve been to lots of Tea Party meetings and I honestly don’t think most of them are racist… I think for them it is about the Government spending their money…”.
I suggest you watch the video again yourself; the twisted way you have interpreted it is really quite bizarre.
“…how the current President is any more capable, competent, came to office with more experience, and is less of a cartoon character than Herman Cain.”
I made no comparison to the current President, or allusions to Cain’s capabilities, competence or experience. That’s just you dumping your straw all over the place.
Fair enough, I agree that to a certain extent all Presidential candidates are Cartoon Characters but there is Disney and there is Hanna Barbera.
I have one question for you (the source of my hilarity):
Why do you think Herman Cain’s skin colour makes it more likely that he would of been elected President?
Please say it isn’t; “I’m not racist, some of my best candidates are black” (!)
Ha ha! at Cain, helping people without telling his wife. I believe him; thousands wouldn’t. π Seriously though, that’s a poor show for the Republicans that they can’t find a credible candidate with a realistic chance, given the current state of the economy and everything else.
BBC spot the missing words weekend competition…20 or more apragraphs and the nearest clue hey give is the Kurdish Women’s Rights Org….no I word or M word anywhere.
“‘Honour’ attack numbers revealed by UK police forces”
“UK police recorded at least 2,823 so-called honour attacks last year, figures from 39 out of 52 forces show.
A freedom of information request by the Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation (Ikwro) revealed that nearly 500 of these were in London.”
Yes, INBBC will not make the link between Islam and honour killings.
174 page document:
“Crimes of the Community: Honour-based Violence in the UK”
And INBBC will not make the link between mass immigration to Britain from Islamic countries and incidence of honour killings, rapes and murders of English girls and women. In fact, INBBC wants more immigration into Britain from such Islamic countries!
And INBBC censors on-going evidence of violence, rape and murders of white English girls by Muslim men.
“I’m gonna send that kaffir bitch straight to hell”: Muslims sexually exploit, honor murder non-Muslim teen in UK
honour killings, violence, beatings all over bbc news this morning…
to someone just tuning in….who? would do such despicable, abhorrent acts?
well acording to el beeb, atually you d have to guess……not even “asians” this morning yep its..the mysterious “some families” slot……mind you (chortle)
they have a blink and you miss her, lady from iran/kurdistan, in fleeting.
any ideas?
Honour killings.
Compare headlines:
1.) ‘Daily Mail’
“Alarming rise in Muslim honour killings as thousands of cases reported to police last year.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2069459/Alarming-rise-Muslim-honour-killings-thousands-cases-reported-police-year.html#ixzz1fSxlJyOz
2.) INBBC:
“‘Honour’ attack numbers revealed by UK police forces”
You’d think the BBC would be first to ‘honour’ Muslims at every opportunity π
I have been quite critical of the MSM in their deployment of vox pops that seem to be trying to milk a story for all it’s worth.
But I do wonder if there is something more subtle at play.
Last night there was a story on SKY (can’t speak for the BBC, but if it was grief-industry PR inspired, I am sure it would have been) about ‘the poor’ being kicked into fuel poverty.
This is actually is serious, and deserves treating serioulsy.
However I was intrigued by their choice of victim and manner of interview.
Young, blonde, single muvva (natch)… in the lounge of her not unpleasant home, with every light in the house blazing, dressed in a plunge neckline single layer top.
Don’t know if she was sharing her woes from more clement climes, but here it was a bit nippy and the family JM were all in thick jummies, and even most the empathetic junior member had an umprompted view as to the extent of her ‘plight’.
That’s pretty common among youngsters who have grown up with central heating and everything available to them on demand. It wouldn’t occur to them to put on a jumper or a cardigan or a pair of woolly socks in the house. They just don’t have that mentality. Some eventually acquire it though when they leave home to go to university and find they have bills to pay in cold flats and houses and have to subsist on tea and toast when the money runs out. You also find the same sort of thing in the workplace where people go around in the thinnest garb and demand that the heating be turned ever higher.
Yes, I saw it and until I turned the sound on I thought they were interviewing a recent lottery winner aside her rather tasteless Xmas tree.
Islamising Middle East.
After months of misreporting the Islamisation of the Middle East (inc Egypt), INBBC reverts to its default position of presenting criticism of Israel today.
“Islamist bloc wins 60 percent of vote in Egypt elections.
“Radical Islamic Salafi movement’s Al-Nour Party does surprisingly well, with 20 percent of the vote, according to Al-Jazeera; Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party garners 40 percent.”
Does INBBC’s Mr LEYNE in Cairo think it “impressive” that (segregated) male and female Egyptians queued for so long at polling stations to predominantly vote in Islamic Salafist and Muslim Brotherhood candidates who intend to impose sharia law?
And does INBBC think that the most important aspect of the Egyptian elections is the ‘turnout’?!
INBBC headline:
“Egypt election officials announce 62% turnout”
Is it unfair to characterise the BBC as a detached left-leaning elite with unbalanced interests? Interests mind you which it is forever attempting to push on the British public?
Is the BBC obsessed with feminism? Preocupied with homosexuality? Does it have a prevailing preference for the Celtic fringe of the British Isles? Does it succome to Western self-loathing but have an attachment to communist China? And a hankering for Islamic culture?
Well let’s have a look at Kirsty Wark’s The Review Show pick of best books to buy this Christmas….
Caitlin Moran How to be a Woman. As summed up by the Guardian ‘a no-holds-barred polemic (with jokes) about modern feminism’.
Ian Rankin The Impossible Dead. He used to appear beside Labour’s Wendy Alexander but Rankin is now a Green supporter. A professional Scot his new fictional cop is (of course) in Internal Affairs and dedicated to investigating the bad eggs in the police.
Matthew Hollis Now All Roads Lead to France Co-editor of 101 Poems Against War Hollis writes this biography of poet Edward Thomas. Edwardian literary world and a doomed war poet.
Craig Thomas Habibi The writer rebelled against his Christian fundamentalist parents in Michigan although he still agrees with the teachings of Jesus (right on). His graphic novel is a fictionalised Islamic fairytale exploring the common heritage of Christian and Islamic cultures. Oh, and there is some child rape in it.
Alice Munro Selected Stories Well – being a Canadian – this ‘extremely proficient’ writer seems to have slipped through on to the list. She focuses on the small details of the lives of people in her native Ontario.
Leslie T Chang Factory Girls No nothing to with Dagenham in the 1960s or with Andy Warhol, this is about the lives and exlpoitation of modern migrant Chinese megafactory workers and how Western consumers get the best of the deal.
Tana French Faithful Place Dublin-based Irish crime fiction. No doubt balances Rankin’s Edinburgh-based Scots crime fiction. Oh for Yachy Da the Welsh detective!
Janet Winterson Why be happy when you can be normal hardly need to explain Winterson’s background of Pentecostal parents, discovery of lesbianism and leaving home at 16.
So what do you reckon that list says about the Beeb?
(Sorry to raise the tone).
It says, ‘Never mind the quality, feel the leftism’.
Surprised there’s no room on that list for the must-have book this festive season: The brand new Haynes workshop manual for the Tiger tank.
Much more fun.
did anyone catch any questions? from (edl founding town) luton……
stated as from a “culturally diverse”& “impoverished” part of the town….
hmmm what does that mean? π
oh & its on “Diversity FM” ??? for none bbc listeners this week too???
immediately stating guest, Bonnie Greer, (ohhh brother!) whose new “opera”???? (ROFL) is all about the horror of N Griffin being on QT… π
ie not biased at all then
for anyone who can stomach it for comedic value
I turned on the radio, heard Bonnie Greer being introduced – and immediately switched off.
There must be many thousands of interesting people the BBC could use on these panels. People with real-world experience. But they so often revert to their boring and limited Rolodex of lefties.
seeing as s khan/b greer are on why not stephen lennon..
well…at least he s from the town, and would tell the truth
You missed the best or rather, worst, bit of Any Questions? As good, or as bad, an example of clear bias as you’ll get.
From I’m guessing around 10 mins in, Sadiq Khan and Jeremy Hunt were going back and forth about the economy, the debt and government borrowing, Plan A, youth and adult unemployment, Labour’s position and credibility etc etc.
At around 12 mins or so, Sadiq Khan had quoted figures of 1+ million for youth and 2.7m for adult unemployment. Jeremy Hunt was responding about how youth unemployment had started going up under the Labour Government and he went on to compare our rate with Greece’s which is 40+ per cent and that’s what happens when you lose control of your finances…
At this point, at 13mins 22secs, like a pouncing tiger, Jonathan Dimbleby leapt in with this astonishing attack:
“Let me raise something with you, Sadiq…You wrote not so long ago this year about the government: For them, tightening your belt is taking two holidays instead of three or having one au pair instead of two.
If you have a background that is one dimensional and have not had the life experiences or understood what sacrifice means for ordinary punters, I would say it’s difficult…a Cabinet that does not understand the real challenges that people face. Do you think that people like Jeremy Hunt do not have the appropriate life experiences to understand sacrifice?”
In the above quoted passage, I honestly am not sure where Khan ends and Dimbleby begins, so smooth and seamless seems (ouch!) the join.
Khan eagerly seized the proferred baton, attacking the PM’s attitude at PMQs to the poor cleaners, dinner ladies etc. < Sob > followed by much audience cheering…Nicely whipped up there, Jonathan.
Job done, at 14 30, he then asks Jeremy Hunt if he wishes to respond. Ah…Beeboid Impartiality! It’s in the genes, don’t you know?
Listen on for Jeremy Hunt’s protest at 14 40 at Dimbleby’s intervention and Dimbleby’s huffy response.
Er… correction: proffered.
dimbleby…pouncing tiger π
like it…takes some visualising though
Any chance of a new open thread please?
David’s gone mad and run off somewhere. π
Opera from the Met is back! Just starting now on Radio 3. Handel!
Indeed, and Rodelinda (Renne Fleming).
As we all know ‘honour killings’ are a proud British tradition going back hundreds of years.
Okay, of course it’s not. It’s something that’s an abomination, a disgustingly evil act, that even to use the word ‘honour’ in its description is a complete misnomer. With figures coming out today of nearly 3,000 murders of this description carried out in the UK last year, then society needs to see just what is going on, and who are committing these acts, in order to address it.
The headline in the Daily Mail tells us clearly
Alarming rise of Muslim ‘honour attacks’ in the UK as police reveal thousands were carried out last year
The BBC prefers to ignore this essential detail however. I know we are clever enough to deduce it for ourselves, but you have to ask yourself, why is the BBC purposefully avoiding stating the obvious?
‘Honour’ attack numbers revealed by UK police forces