Did you read this BBC report on a new study by the London School of Economics and the Guardian newspaper (Naturally) which places “anti-police anger” as a key factor in the summer riots.
Of those interviewed, 85% cited anger at policing practices as a key factor in why the violence happened.
I see. Or, to put it another way, the police are to blame. How dare they try to uphold the rule of law. It’s a recurring BBC trope, all this “anger” felt by a certain type of person. And so much easier to deal with than accepting the opportunistic thuggery of a significant number of inner city inhabitants.
A whole new ‘why did the riots happen?’ industry has grown up in no time.
We should be grateful because, with all this money to pay media commentators sloshing around. And it’s NEW money, don’t you know?, we are generating economic activity which will help growth. So you are being churlish, Mr. Vance. Heh.
I’m surprised that the bbc haven’t suggested that we should be grateful to the rioters and looters because their destruction has created work and therefore jobs.
They do not understand the broken window fallicy then? This is the idea that if a window is broken, instead of being a positive thing that creates work for a glazer and encourages money to be spent, that would not otherwise be spent, therefore encouraging economic activity, what actually happens is that money is spent repairing the window, which cannot be spent on something else. Whoever privides that “something else” product or service then loses out on a sale and economic activity declines.
Whoa whoa whoa Geyza. You’ll have to slow down if you want the likes of Two Eds Flanders to understand such advanced economic theorem…
Needless to say Dame Nikki ran this as the big story on the 5 lite phone in. Who says the BBC and the Guardian have the same agenda?
“The Association Of Chief Police Officers said it was not surprised such a study saw police cited as a factor.”
Nicely done.
So the thugs and hooligans feel angry at the police, for stopping them spraying grafitti, vandalising or stealing cars, committing petty thefts and committing crime?
GOOD! Are the BBC and Guardianistas actually suggesting that the police should seek permission from criminals to uphold the law?
How dare the Met stop the ‘angry’ criminals turning London into Detroit, Jo’burg or Kingston, Jamaica. I see a valid ‘human rights’ case on its way. Come on beeboids.
…perhaps that’s what they really mean by ‘policing by consent’ – asking the criminals if it would be OK to curtail their activities for a while.
Given our colonial past, we thoroughly deserved it!
Seeing sword-weilding Seikhs, and Turks with baseball bats, having praise heaped upon them for protecting their areas, whilst the police beat the shit out of any whites who attempted to do the same, sure helped to alleviate my all-consuming sense of guilt.
So the police did almost nothing but it was still their fault?
Nothing to do with the fact that most of the rioters had ‘previous’ then?
We could disband the entire Metropolitan Police and they would still be responsible for every misfortune in some quarters, innit.
“We could disband the entire Metropolitan Police”
Mind you, sometimes I think we already have.
Guardian blames Police for LSE talking wads of cash off Gaddafi.
This short clip sums it all up for me:
Victim: “ok let me just say they weren’t all black, i was the white guy there”
Kay (interrupts): “well there were probably other white guys there but we get your point”
—Thank heavens the BBC does not make mistakes like this.
I recall when it came to the court cases, the mugs shots clearly reflected the reality (of what ‘we’ need to believe via the most trusted national broadcaster, vs.well, what actually seems to have been the case).
I expect the BBC were paying freelance videographers £100 a second for footage not containing blacks.
By Christ, they’d have earnt their money the hard way in Croydon.
Polly Bonkers was on Sky yesterday saying that the rioters and thieves were fully justified. I wish they would destroy her houses and villas and steal her property.
Such is what passes for research these days.
Firstly decide what you want to ‘find’ then go out and ‘find’ it.
I note that early reports on albeeb talked about a London School of Economics report, doubtless in the knowledge that mentioning it was co-authored by The Guardian might dent the report’s credibility somewhat.
To me co-authorship by the LSE ceases to have too much credibility either.
Sorry did I say that the the fact of the report being co-authored by the Guardian might dent its credibility?
I meant pound its credibility with a 50 ton steamhammer.
My bad
Did I say ‘ton’?
I meant of course ‘tonne’.
Again; my bad.
It’s gone from being a ‘factor’ to a ‘key factor’ and the last I heard Policing practices were now a ‘major factor’ in the riots… Keep cranking up the narrative.
Such is the power of narrative. Although clearly ludicrous and not believed by anyone now, the BBC will bang on about this over the next months and years, through its ‘documentaries’ ‘comedians’ and ‘dramas’ (I expect a leftist drama called Anarchy in the UK will be commissioned at some stage). Soon the ‘police to blame’ meme will be embedded in public psyche entering the level of “everybody knows” down England’s ale-houses and any dissenters will be shouted down as fascists and Murdoch-puppets.
Daniel you have hit the nail on the head there and that ability to set the narrative over the long and medium term is one of the Beebs most powerful weapons.
As an example I expect that in the next 5 or 10 years the narrative on why we never joined the disaster that was on the Euro was that Blair and Brown saved us from it when the evil Tories wanted us to join.
The BBC online report includes this:
The BBC’s Newsnight programme has had exclusive access to the results of the LSE-Guardian study.
Yet another Newsnight/Guardian tie-in. They should retitle it “Newsnight – in association with the Guardian”.
Newsnight’s blog is doing about as well as the Graun piece.
This is shaping up as the next 0:10 ‘opinions are divided’ claim, when all bar the inhabitants of the very small bubble that is the Gaun/BBC axis of weevils are appalled, but they see themsleves as ‘balancing’ the rest of the UK population.
Whatever it is, ‘representative’ it is not.
Who they wheel out to ‘analyse’ or guest comment will be fascinating.
Perhaps they could ask the mother of that poor kid who had his throat slit by black gangsters in East London at the weekend, how she feels about the police reducing stop-and-search procedures.
“Yeah the reason why I was stopped and arrested for having a car full of stolen HD TVs is because I am white, my parents are millionaires and they dare stop me instead of a black geezer.”
F-ing pigs shouldn’t they be out catching real criminals?
I’m noticing an awful lot of these “a study by the Guardian newspaper has shown that….” type of report on the BBC recently. Not so many “a study by the Telegraph” or “a study by the Mail” ones, though.
My imagination, I’m sure.
The exclusive access aspect may be a bit of barrier, as I don’t think the Telegraph or Mail have had an extra key cut for Aunty.
Surprise surprise, the research was funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Note – for some reason the “link” tab is greyed out – hence why I had to paste the whole link.
Ah, the UAF/Searchlight-funding, white-hating Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Anger ‘felt’ by a certain type of person in a report contrived by ‘a certain type of person. Does anyone have confidence the integrity of a Guarian/LSE ‘inquiry’. You or I could have written the ‘conclusions’ of such a report as soon as it was announced. I’m sure there was no loaded selection or loaded ‘interviewing’ of the (cough) ‘offending community’ to produce the Marxist conclusions of this report.
Here is what one might consider a more honest report commissioned by HMG. It’s worth looking at the composition of those who compiled the report. Absolutely no reason to think they’d be biased in favour of HMG, the opposite in fact. The report basically attributes the riots to greed and weak policiing.
“Anger ” that makes people do criminal acts is a mark of phsychopaths .
rectified by tea and sympathy , and shifting the blame to someone else .
“Guardian-LSE whitewash of UK summer riots show the Left is in denial.”
“The UK riots were a product of a social democratic entitlement culture for which theft and looting were merely the logical conclusion.”
And LSE’s hypocrisy and Islamophilia continues.
LSE Director Ms Rees said (‘Times’, 1 Dec, p34) that it was ‘a mistake’ for LSE to have accepted money from Saif al-Islam Gaddafi; but, Ms Rees doe not mention that the LSE continues to accept money from Abu Dhabi, Kuwait and Turkey, no doubt so that the LSE can continue to put on Islamophilic courses on the Middle East, etc. and to support Turkey’s application to join the E.U.
Of course if you ask the rioters, educated in nothing except advanced victimology, for their motives you will only get the answer they want you to believe. How many, when asked, will reply honestly that they are in fact career criminals with multiple arrests and convictions, enamoured with gang culture having dropped out of school. How many will relate that they see spoiling for a fight and generally causing trouble as just their way of passing the time with their mates – it’s just what they do. Are we really to believe that they will admit that the riots in the streets provided an opportunistic cover to nick a bounty of household bling, rather than the smaller scale shoplifting that they regularly indulge in. Not very likely, is it – admitting that you are a worthless, thieving scumbag who has done a good job of excluding yourself from opportunity by your own behaviour. Far more convenient to project your own failures on to others : the police, the bankers, the rich, ‘the system’ blah blah….
In other words, this report is an exercise in self-fulfillment, for both it’s authors and those surveyed.
As usual, the Commentator is on top of things :
So now the LSE/Guardian tell the BBC that the rioters reckon the police were to blame? And the Beeb dutifully report that as an established fact.
But have we forgotten about all those commentators that the BBC have previously given a platform for shouting that it was all about ‘anger’ at the ‘Tory Cuts’?
Did that last BBC endorsed narrative hit the buffers, possibly because the public found out who the rioters were in terms of their ethnicity and previous criminal records?
So now the left through the BBC wants us to agonise about why our criminal friends can’t stand the rozzers.
And of course we are supposed to believe the LSE/Guardian because they have been researching down with the youth. And they won’t have an axe to grind now will they?
Well this morning I happened to read an interesting comment from American crimewriter Patricia Cornwell about her rather more realistic crime research.
Did Anything surprise you about the women’s prison?
‘I was struck by how many inmates convince themselves over time they shouldn’t be in there. I know a lot are unfairly incarcerated but there’s a syndrome of people brainwashing themselves after a while because the reality of what they’ve done to their lives is too painful’.
As an outsider, I find this all very confusing, so let me see if I have this straight:
1. Shami and Liberty, given a regular platform by the BBC last year, more or less handcuff the police, get to stand over their shoulders in the control room making sure they don’t kettle too much or harm a hair on a protester’s head during student protests several months ago.
2. Due to pressure from human rights organization such as Liberty, as well as fear of bad press from the BBC and the Guardian (both of whom blame the police for everthing), the vacuous May told police to stand back, don’t kettle too much or harm a hair on a protester’s head when it all kicked off in Tottenham.
3. Gangs and the usual anarchist suspects see the BBC footage of the police letting things get out of hand, the riots spread. BBC and Guardian blame police no matter what they do or don’t do.
4. Police finally allowed to start doing their jobs, but by then it’s too late. Violent mobs throw rocks and bottles and things at them, burn down buildings, etc.
5. BBC and Guardian blame the police.
6. The LSE – with Shami on the board – gets together with the Guardian to do a study which blames the police.
Did I miss anything?
Did I miss anything?
Nope. What’s more, your succinct report summarises much more accurately and honestly the problems and causes of our summer of shame….and it cost nothing! Well done, sir.
Typical Guardian. Ask the rioters, and their response makes headlines – blame the police. Did any rioters say that the police were too few, too disorganised, too meek, etc. as the other reports all concluded? No, they blamed the police for instigating the riots. What a load of cobblers!
Now then… a report of a survey by the Guardian in association with the LSE…what possible conclusions WOULD we expect?
1. Plod had it coming bruv.
2. The Guardian and its useful idiots stoked the fires and warmed their cockles at the riots periphery.
3. The rioters were outraged at Saif Gadhaffi getting an M.A from the Libyan Suckoff Emporium, and thought he should have been entitled to EMA.
Of the three above, only one is false…the one that these privlleged twerps in the academic orbit of the MSM chose to highlight.
If I were a policeman, I would invite all the rioters to a staff party, then bus them in to Hampstead, Islington etc for four nights and cordon them in…let`s see how Polly, Shami, Ed, Harriet etc cope with it all.
“How police abandoned streets to riot mobs: Officers ‘gave impression of surrender'”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2067178/How-police-abandoned-streets-riot-mobs-Officers-gave-impression-surrender.html#ixzz1fgFxKVgK
The BBC, busily looking for solutions to the rioting, has found a possible answer in the US: curfews. It worked in Philadelphia, so why not Britain?
While I’m not sure how a nighttime curfew will do anything to stop daytime rioting by adults, there’s one key factor in Philadelphia that doesn’t exist in London or Manchester: a black mayor. Can you imagine the outcry from the same people who whine about the racism of stop-and-search when a white mayour and a white police chief set a curfew which – in London, anyway – will mostly affect black youth?
Well, at least the Newsbeat Beeboid managed to get in a mention of the importance of city-funded youth facilities in keeping kids out of trouble. That’s probably all that mattered anyway to the Agenda.
Then you have my local MP (Con) that says that Blackberry(TM) orchestrated the riots;
One really doesn’t know who to believe anymore 🙂
WE should encourage the BBC/Guardian/LSE /etc in their futile attempts to deny reality.
Nobody except the deluded fellow travellers believes a word of this nonsense.
It defies common sense. But then common sense has never been much inevidence in liberal academia.
Pretty soon the majority will see through their nonsense and bring an end to their gibbering.
Interesting the comments on Mr. Easton’s foolish outing are going about as well as on the Newsnight Editors’ thread and that of Mr. Younge.
Maybe they can close the country for comments?
BBC-NUJ-Guardian-LSE-‘Newsnight’ tonight pushes the ‘left’s vapid political line to defend the rioters; featuring that ‘statistician’ with no numbers/ the emperor with no clothes: BBC-NUJ-Guardian-LSE-‘Newsnight’s Mr EASTON.
His blog has this unfathomable piece (his diagram’s a beaut):-
“Were the riots caused by bad manners?” (-not of the rioters, but of the police!!!)
This seems to be Easton’s ‘statistical analysis’ in a nutshell:
“There is a growing body of evidence that, if you want people to obey the law, then the police must treat communities with courtesy, friendliness and fairness.”
Note there is no mutuality in this; there is no suggested responsibility of ‘courtesy, friendliness and fairness’ on behalf of putative rioters!
It’s all a joke analysis.
Cue Officer Krupke.
…and of course we all know, even with the Euro still on the brink of collapse, this poxy excuse for a report on very old news will be the prominent topic on Question Time this week, for the assembled lefties to indulge in their latest faux-outrage episode. Cue the obvious and deliberate conflating of the two favoured BBC/lefty narratives : (1) the ratcheting up of the marginalised, disenfranchised youth-victim-of-police-brutality narrative with (2) the Dickensian poverty inducing Tory Cutz for ideological reasons only (too deep, too fast).
I predict lots of this during the QT live blog…
Any other newspaper stupid enough to collaborate with Newsnight would surely risk seeing its work leaked to the Guardian first. Newsnight is Guardian TV.
I reckon Owen ‘chav’ Jones…and for balance…Red Penny. >:o
The next Rowntree Trust report will no doubt be blaming those wicked shopkeepers.
Fancy provoking the young/vulnerable/marginalised with all those fags, tellies and trainers…as well as that hideous White Lightning stuff so loved by the oiks!
Police-shopkeepers-schools…absolutely everyone but their own lard-arse policies and half a century of sheer malice and stupidity.
Rowntree Trust
“We are an independent, progressive organisation committed to funding radical change towards a better world.
The JRCT makes grants to individuals and to projects seeking the creation of a peaceful world, political equality and social justice.”
No mention of political democracy, or the freedom of people in a democracy to reject Rowntree’s preferred direction of “radical change”.
Typical Third Sector Facists
I thought that it had already been established that the vast majority of rioters were serial criminals. If that is the case then their complaints of police harrassment lack any justification. In taking part in last summer’s wanton vandalism and robbery they proved the police were justified in their attitude towards them.
We really can’t keep treating this scum as though they are the victims.
Bring on the rubber bullets!
Rubber my arse. A poll conducted during the riots showed a preference for real bullets.
Maybe the anger towards the police would be replaced by fear if the police were allowed to do their jobs properly.
The government should have said to the police on day one, ‘Do whatever is necessary to bring this nonsense to an end! And don’t mess about! These scum are raping our country!’.
But instead, we had a load of liberal waffle about ‘policing by consent’, and the rioters saw the police as nothing more than a minor inconvenience.
And why didn’t we bring the army in, when the police were stretched to breaking point?
It was like Cameron’s decisions were driven by the thought of ‘What will the Guardian & the BBC think of our response?’
Just been watching Newsnight and they keep repeating blame the police narrative and that it was an anti-Police riots.
Yet the BBC downplays the scale of looting in London. Over 30 miles of London was looted. Listening to LBC over the 3 days people were calling up and describing cars pulling up and the looting of jewelers.
And as for one of the interviewees blaming no opportunities to go to University, why were the bookshops left alone and not looted?
A sickening one sided report from the LSE or Gaddafi Junior High as I like to call it.
the Newsnight programme was appalling – surprised there hasn’t be more comment on this site (has everybody given up on it?). Voxpox by rioters blamed everybody but themselves and was taken by Paxman, Lammy and uncle tom cobley except the minister as the truth – no suggestion that the rioters could have been playing up to the ‘researchers’ and their recording machines. One even said he had come back from holiday abroad to take part in the rioters – even though it appeared that he hadn’t a job – so how had he paid for the holiday – or an expensive short-notice flight home?
Yes, I am appalled by it. The Beeboid Corporation is stupid and immoral enough to think giving credence to this garbage from destructive low-life criminals is worthwhile and respectable. Apart from the minister, it took PC Blair, of all people! to have to point out to the credulous thick Beeboid that these people are criminals and that is what the police have to deal with. Even the woman whose shop had been ransacked and had apparently been persuaded to a bit of hand wringing, noted the lack of morals and any sense of actions having consequences.
The Beeboid Corporation doesn’t recognise immorality, criminality and self-justifying belligerence even when wallowing in a hand-wringing programme that has just spent 20 minutes highlighting all of those things.
If only the police, in the whole of society, is showing some sense of authority and disapproval, telling these people what is right and what is wrong and what is acceptable and what not, how are they ever going to learn to behave?
The BBC/Guardian/LSE asked 100 prisoners “Was your sentence too harsh?” 98% agreed and blamed the draconian justice system.
What a farce.
BBC-NUJ-Guardian-LSE- ‘Newsnight’ stitch up conclusion on England’s riots:
-‘it was the police that caused them.’
Who says so?: Newsnight, mouthpiece of the rioters, committedly ‘chaired’ for them tonight by Paxman.
‘Daily Mail’:
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2067178/How-police-abandoned-streets-riot-mobs-Officers-gave-impression-surrender.html#ixzz1fhpNSyvN
“Britain’s liberal intelligentsia has smashed virtually every social value.”
By Melanie Phillips
11th August 2011
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2024690/UK-riots-2011-Britains-liberal-intelligentsia-smashed-virtually-social-value.html#ixzz1fhqxXgzX
LSE must be so rich now that they can do without British taxpayers’ money.
They didn’t mind kettling whites who were trying to defend their communities.
I blame the police for the speeding ticket they gave me .
They were`nt around , then they were , it was too harsh , I was marginalised by people having faster cars than me , Im a victim .
Brendan O’Neill:
” Getting the rioters to do their dirty work.
“The Guardian’s study of the August riots is pure advocacy research, designed to harness the power of riotous menace to chattering-class causes. ”
Also part of the pro-rioters’ camp, along with BBC-NUJ:
“The Archbishop of Canterbury makes excuses for a criminal mob while turning his disapproval on the forces of law and order ”
The rioters are a product of a society that’s lost its way, largely due to the meddling of the left-wing mindset. First devaluing the family unit in a variety of ways, then increasingly neutering authority.
‘No responsibility’ has become the catch phrase of the perpetrator or the manacle of those who could redress the problems.
Since they never admit they’re wrong, or see the error of their ways, the left-wingers carry on pursuing their agenda to lay the blame for society’s faults elsewhere – preferably something that will give themselves even more power – neutering more authority.
So they approach the present day (lost souls) criminals, and give them an out if they will parrot the line that they want to advance. Any surprise the rioters go along with it? It’s a kind of indoctrination that religion has been using for aeons, except in this case, God doesn’t figure into it.
Their agenda is clear! What’s the future for this country where civil disobedience will be greeted by the media to further their own message – whatever it is at the time.
Silly me, I didn’t realise the rioters were victims
The only use for The Guardian is to cut into small squares to hang in the loo. Imagine it’s suprise when it meets itself coming the other way.