Well then, wonder what you make of the BBC’s coverage of the Euro-talks and David Cameron’s decision to veto the proposed Treaty. Nick Robinson seems to think we are now at war with Merkozy and her Gaulieters and that Britain is “isolated”. Good, I am glad we are as isolated as possible from the folly in Brussels. But the BBC is painting this as if it was the end of days when in fact many may see this as Britain standing up for itself, just for once. Clearly the very thought of that is unbearable to the BBC.
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Is there anybody out there who knows how much money the BBC gets from the European Commission every year? Any guesses?
At the centre , isolated , empty chair , in the room , at the high table , in the driving seat , listening at the door , playing an active part , influence , have our voice heard , being ignored , throw our weight behind ,not listened too , lead , journey , on the train , kick in the teeth , help solve , being alone , on our own , solitary ,insular , detached , grumpy (?!) and dozens of analogies .
Yep , the EUrophiles know how to use a thesuarus . But I think one word encapsulates their reasoning ;-bollocks .
Today programme a parody of itself – who do they get for the top 8.10am slot this morning to comment on the momentous events – Lord Heseltine, of course.
Agenda ? What agenda ?
Meanwhile from Durban we are told that the negotiations may be extended another day, they are close to agreeing a road map for further negotiations. Why not say “They are agreeing nothing”.
Yes, BBC-Europhile ‘Today’ (Montague) talks only with Europhile Heseltine.
“Cameron enjoys his best ever newspaper coverage but the BBC is spinning for Brussels”
By Tim Montgomerie
A quick scan of most active, interactive BBC controlled blogs show that things are not being seen outside of the hive the way that £4Bpa monopoly control of the airwaves would wish it.
They are not stupid.
I therefore predict a subtle move away from overt EUphilic support, from EUcalypse groupie guest experts to EUmagaddon woe-tides from sobbing ‘reporters’ that are failing to impress, or convince anyone, to the stronger and less overtly tribally-associated ground of ‘Coalition Splits’.
This may also be be fraught. I have tolerated the coalaition on the basis of what was best for the UK. However the outpourings of some Lib Dems, given voice that perhaps may backfire to the plans of those seeking them out, have bee so clearly in the interests of EU masters, the brand of that party is now electoral poison to many.
Whichever way, the BBC’s loyalty has been laid bare.
And speaking FOR the nation shown to be the delusion of the bunker that only a Downfall spoof could explain.