Wanting to share this link to Conservative Home and their take on the BBC’s outrageous ongoing coverage of Cameron’s defence of the UK national interest. All that has been missing is black armbands and solemn music. Some interesting comments in the ConHome thread. Hope the guys over on ConHome might recognise our ongoing exposure of the BBC. Just watching Simon Hughes on the BBC telling us that there will be no sliding towards the exit door of the EU and we remain embedded in it. He’s the sort of guy the BBC like – foaming at the mouth Europhile, just like Lord Heseltine who has also been afforded plenty of BBC airspace.
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This ‘Daily Mail’ report has been updated:
“How Europhile BBC turned triumph over Britain’s veto into disaster.
Tory MPs claim broadcaster’s coverage was biased ”
By Sam Greenhill
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2072307/How-Europhile-BBC-turned-triumph-Britains-veto-disaster.html#ixzz1g7k7bX6d
loubgray Louise Gray Someone’s not v happy. RT @GregBarkerMP: #COP17 Pathetic! Bumped off @BBCr4today by plug for StephenHawkins birthday!
It is… ‘interesting’.. as to who the BBC invites on, and off, and when.
Their selection process is quite unique, at the least.
All BBC staff should have 4-hours compulsory German per week, as well as 4-hours Urdu or Arabic, if they wish to retain their jobs and golden pensions.
RogerHelmerMEP Roger Helmer Rev Rob Marshall, BBC Radio 4 Thought for the Day, compares the UK’s position to “solitary confinement”. No political bias there, then
BBCr4today BBC Radio 4 Today FT editor Lionel Barber: ‘Not clear to me the prime minister has gained anything’ from his #EU ‘veto’
Any oither editor’s views you’d care to share?
Like… from high ABC rating, public-supported papers?
I’ve blogged this too…A good day for more and more realisation (by those maybe not so sure before) of blantant BBC bias.
The Left will of course not take the Daily Mail or Conservatve Home seriously, but it is good to see the bias of the BBC, which was particularly glaring in this instance, be publically highlighted.
I think the BBC ilk feel Europhilism in Britain has taken a significant hit.
Imagine how they’re reeling from the climate change EU double whammy!
So what will the Tories actually do about it? Time to sell off the BBC me thinks.
I think that is an option. they have an international money making arm so quite why they need billions from tax payers is beyond me. All local radio can stay plus 2 maybe 3 TV channels. National radio also 2 or 3 channels maximum plus a clean out and reaffirmation of their original remit.
On the BBC paper review last night they actually raised the dM article, which is unusual as the BBC normally ignores the Mail for the most part on the paper review.
Needless to say the stooge reviewer and the beeboid were both sneering of the article and there was no opposite point of view given.
They really don’t get it at the BBC do they?
Why did the BBC start PM yesterday with umpteen bars of “I`d Like To Teach the World To Sing ” ?
Have they finally flipped ?
The coke song? Sounds like the BBC.
Not “I’d like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony”? I remember that ad, full of precious middle class socialist brats. They were just asking for a solitary Norwegian to pay them a visit.
Simon Heffer:
“Not surprisingly, the BBC seemed yesterday to have become the EU’s equivalent of Lord Haw-Haw, announcing Mr Cameron’s achievement in funereal tones, and filling the airwaves with his apocalyptic critics.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2072344/EU-summit-Never-David-Cameron-strong-position.html#ixzz1g87a3dTp
Naturally, the BBC has been upset by the Prime Minister’s failure to play the role of EU-adoring puppy, yet one should not fall into the trap of subscribing to the belief that Cameron and his party are EU-sceptic, for I do not believe this to be the case. The Daily Express for example, has been gushing in its praise of Cameron and is seeking to convince the public that we are on the verge of leaving the EU, whereas in fact, Cameron’s Conservatives have precisely as much intent of leaving the EU as they have of limiting mass immigration: none. See here: <!–[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:DoNotOptimizeForBrowser /> </w:WordDocument> </xml><![endif]–>
This morning (Saturday) the Today programme was reporting that Cameron was hosting a dinner at Chequers for 30 people where he was toasted for his success the day before. No reporting that I heard of who was at the dinner, if it had been planned beforehand and what indeed the diners were toasting Cameron for. The subliminal suggestion was that those present were the anti-Europe elite celebrating their success – but I heard no detail. From the BBC I can only assume that Cameron, having been up until 5 a.m. on his return got out his little black book and rang the 30 most Eurosceptics who had nothing otherwise arranged for a Friday night and invited them round.
Heard Heseltine on Sky last night.
Not all of it mind, but the bit I heard seemed supportive of Cameron-so to have the BBC quoting him today as a critic leads me to think that the Beeb interviewer must have nicked his medication or something.
Heseltine is truly one of the Guilty Men as Oborne puts it…but he`s a decent politico, and so am surprised if he has let himself be used so cheaply by those who hate the whole Tory project.
Montague-like Naughtie and Webb-simply can`t contain themselves whenever they interview anyone hostile to the EuroAnschluss. If I were a Tory, I`d cut out the middleman and let them do their fleck-spittled,swivel-eyed Europhile pieces amongst themselves…but not allow one penny of British taxpayers money to go to them.
Let Europe pay for its OWN propaganda…isn`t that what Eurovision was set up for?
Do we have to turn to Moscow RT to avoid the EU-philic BBC’s bias against British people who are opposed to the EU?
“Real EU debate is just beginning”
(inc Moscow’s RT video clip interview with Nigel FARAGE)
Any updates on bears shitting in woods?
Using BBC logic, according to my calculations there are now 170 countries which are “isolated” from the EU, “out in the cold” and living in a “two speed” World.
Shocking. How can we, and the other 169, possibly survive?
Still, this is the enema for the political class that flushes them all out.
The EU is an article of faith and the new religion of these visceral toadies that squauk about our so-called “lack of influence”.
In Beeb speak, this means a chance to suck up to Segolene Royale or Romano Prodi, whilst stuffing this country into a recycling bin-it`s an embarrassment to Mandelson and Patten, Coyle and Thomson etc.
Hence their splenetic reflex spitting of venom at Camerons little baby step that was forced upon him by Bob-a job Bonaparte in the car safety seat in Paris!
I`m glad that it`s all getting flushed out, and Cameron has inadvertedly stood on the EU/BBCs corn plaster…excellent!
Toynbee, McShane and the like are already playing in the revolving doors that the BBC will be allowing them to block for the next few months.
The best the LeftLabs can accuse Cameron of is not greasing enough Tories up in Europe before the meeting. Hence their utter helpless uselessness at this moment.
Let the Beeb and the Guardian mutually asphyxiate themselves with their respective halitosis and flatulence…two less publicly funded parasites to maintain in these tough times.
One of the comments from that link says:
“Surely they should first declare an interest.
Don’t they get quite substantial funding from the EU?”
Is this true, can anyone confirm if the BBC gets funding from the EU as well as the UK population?
Yes, it’s true:
Thank you – quite an eye opener!
I heard the Today program this morning. There was that stupid subliminal message propagated by Thought for the Day also. I no longer have a TV licence so I can’t comment on the TV – I will say though that my elderly parents rang me last night and seemed concerned. They had seen the BBC news….
The radio has has been doom and gloom and John Humphrys’ interview with George Osborne was utterly terrible. Unintelligent and unintelligible. I think even Osborne was frustrated at how negative and clueless the questions and interruptions were. I can’t bear the negativity anymore….and so little *factual* information was conveyed. For example, the numbers involved.
I almost got the feeling that WW3 was going to start!
Just heard this Osborne interview on iPlayer.
To be fair to Humphrys, he let most of the interview speak for itself-and certainly compared to Naughtie and Webbs hysterical shouting over Hague etc.
And then time started to run away from getting those 9am soundbites cut and pasted to show “isolation” eurodeniers” and “Tory Splits in the Coalition”. Along with Rupert and global warming/church child abuse…the only games in town for the BBCs editing commissariat.
So Humphrys got desperate and had the salient points highlighted in big black ink(poor souls sight won`t be what it was!)…hence the traditional Humphrys blunting of the snout by running headlong into the car crashed/parked for his convenience. Toothless old fool behaved as he`d been trained!
He made a fool of himself-even for a Saturday.
Loved those little protestations of not being biased and only trying to get at the facts…it needs Hannan, Pickles,Redwood and a few other less-polite types to really blast the Toady show into a well-deserved oblivion.
Osborne is just too nice…but at least Bernard Jenkin was able to condemn the BBC on Newsnight last night.
No Glenn Beck or Ann Coulter here yet unfortunately though…
I heard Humph’s interview with Osbourne this morning.
The BBC man’s anti-Tory distaste and pro-Euro bias was obvious through his ill-informed, pointless and repetitious nagging.
He repeatedly stamped his little foot and seemed to be on the point of balling.
In fact Humph sounded just like a six year-old protesting at being taken away from the party before his share of the ice cream and jelly had been served.
‘…but we’re not at the table! We’re not at the table! We’re not at the table…’
In Heseltine’s tissue of desperate lies on Today this morning, the most egregious was to bring in Churchill as the progenitor of the “United States of Europe”. Sure, Churchill liked the idea of the USE per his speech (which Heseltine placed as being given during rather than after WW2) here http://www.churchill-society-london.org.uk/astonish.html . Predictably, Heseltine forbore to mention (he’s on the BBC after all so neither accuracy not truth is required), as the last sentence of the speech (set out below) affirms, that Churchill did not see Britain as a part of the USE, only as a well-wisher and enabler of the “new Europe”
“Great Britain, the British Commonwealth of Nations, mighty America, and I trust Soviet Russia – for then indeed all would be well – must be the friends and sponsors of the new Europe and must champion its right to live and shine.”
Like the warmists (who, funnily enough, are almost to a man also eufanatics) Heseltine and his allies (inside and outside the BBC) must lie to make their case: admission of the truth would damage the case beyond repair.
Now if hest wanted a historical figure who wanted one Europe under one government then Hitler would be a better pick surely ? I mean Churchill ?? he was a little Englander [ the B-BBC hate them] or to me a man of outstanding pride in one nation under the queen !!
Norman Tebbitt also slams Heseltine and the BBC:
The grand climax came with his reminder to us all that Winston Churchill had advocated “a United States of Europe”. He didn’t continue to remind us that Churchill had added that Britain should not be a part of that USE. I would hesitate to accuse Michael Heseltine of dishonesty. I think that it was a simple demonstration of his capacity for self-delusion. Sadly, the interviewer was either unaware of what Churchill said, or unwilling to break the BBC Europhile concensus, and simply let him get away with it.
What a sad exhibition of self-deception and poor radio journalism. A taste of what will be to come should we ever have a referendum on our relationship with the EU or the USE.
In writing that “I would hesitate to accuse Michael Heseltine of dishonesty” it seems that Lord Tebbitt is prepared to allow Heseltine – the Cassius of the political assassination of Mrs T – benefit under the Old Pals* Act.
* “Pals” as in friends/colleagues not Palestinians 🙂
Naughtie, I believe at the time of the € launch, ran a selective version of the Churchill speech, and there was a furore over him misquoting Churchill as advocating British membership of a USE. TODAY admitted they’d misquoted Churchill as I remember. And here they are, with Heseltine at it again ..
It’s too bad The All Seeing Eye wasn’t running a buzzword bingo game yesterday. I would have cleaned up. Even the Thought for the Day got in an “Isolated”. How did that magically happen, I wonder?
Agenda? What agenda?
Tim Willcox on the News Channel just now seriously – and successfully – challenging total Labour BS, with all the buzzwords, about Cameron’s veto from Chris Leslie (sp?). Willcox was actually stating what Cameron said he got right, and asking the Labour mouthpiece how exactly he got it wrong, and pressed him to explain what Labour would have done. Obviously there’s no answer to that, because Labour wouldn’t have been able to do anything either. The Labour dope kept dodging the questions and just repeated the same talking points over and over. Willcox seriously challenged him to give answers.
Contrary to the performance of all other Beeboids when talking to a Conservative on this issue, Willcox was not arguing or telling the Labour guy that he was wrong. Instead, he was stating what Cameron’s position was and asking how exactly Cameron was ruining the Eurozone, and how specifically Labour would have done differently. Big difference from Webb shouting over Hague or Ben Beeboid telling Lord Lawson he was wrong.
This is the first challenge to the Labour, pro-EU line I’ve seen from any Beeboid so far. I guess Willcox balances out the other two dozen Beeboids screaming about the horror.
All credit to Willcox. It takes guts to put your career on the line and actually seek a few facts which might be contrary to the Narrative. After all this was why the BBC got rid of David Whitehouse. A few awkward questions; an injudicious note of scepticism; mention of a possibility that the sun might affect climate; and Whitehouse was out the door.
I’ve been watching Tim Wilcox too.. he deserves pludits.. he has been the least partisan presenter I’ve seen. He has arguely both sides, unfortuantly what he reports, when he reports it and who is interviewers is decided by the faceless BBC lefties in the control booth who spin for Labour 24/7.
I found it telling that Leslie behaved as if Willcox was giving his opinion rather than asking a question from a different perspective. We’re told over an over again that that’s what the BBC top talent does and that they’re not biased, yet at one point Leslie retorted, “You’ve bought into the myth” put out by Cameron. Willcox correctly replied that he was merely stating the position set out by the Government.
I find it interesting that Leslie assumed that Willcox was biased and not simply doing his job.
This was remarkably different from all the rest of his colleagues, from Nick “But He Was a Young Conservative So the BBC Can’t Be Biased” Robinson telling Cameron he was wrong to Justin Webb telling Hague he was wrong, to Ben in Brussels telling Lamont he was wrong, and on down the list.
Except for a couple of instances where they thought they saw an opening – like Ben did with Farage – they’re generally not posing questions in the form of “this is what the other side says, can you explain how they’re wrong and you’re right”. Instead, they’re all telling the Conservative that they’re wrong, and all from one side of the argument.
I’d love to have one of our defenders of the indefensible demonstrate how Willcox’s performance was the same as all the rest of them.
ian asked on the At War thread if the BBC received money from the EU. They don’t get any direct funding, but apparently Worldwide borrowed £50 million (pg. F79 of pdf file) from the European Investment Bank from some reason. I guess they couldn’t quickly access any of the record £1.165 billion in gross profits Worldwide made last year.
That doesn’t explain the relentless pro-EU bias, though.
There seems to be some doubt over whether the BBC gets outright European Commission grants or not. It certainly did at one time –
I don’t think Churchill would have been in favour of the EU in its present form, as he said:
“We are with Europe, but not of it. We are linked but not comprised. We are associated but not absorbed. And should European statesmen address us and say ‘Shall we speak for thee?’ we should reply, ‘Nay, Sir, for we dwell among our own people'”.
Now we dwell among foreigners! Still, Cameron’s done us proud, there yet might be a Britain worth saving!
Just came across this from Deputy Political Editor James Landale, from Thursday, before all the fuss:
EU summit: How to judge success or failure for UK
Landale tried to give everyone some benchmarks with which to judge whether or not Cameron was successful. Needless to say, the whole thing is framed from the perspective that a new agreement with everyone, including the UK with a special waiver for the City, was the best outcome for Cameron. Well, sort of. But only if one wants to bail out more countries and prop up a failed currency and tie one’s own banks to failing ones.
The definition of failure is, of course, that there’s no deal between any of the countries, and Cameron gets no extra protection for the City. Which is pretty funny as a failure for a new deal could be considered a success for anyone not interested in being forced to bail out another country and a bunch of European banks while making British banks take a write-down. No deal, no new protections needed, obviously, so it’s just a dumb thing to say.
But the BBC perspective seems to have been made clear before it all went down. Narrative? What Narrative?
More devious pro-EU propaganda from BBC-NUJ.
BBC-NUJ has an intrinsically E.U. political viewpoint, NOT a British one.
So, re-recent EU summit, BBC-NUJ only broadcasts propaganda from fellow like-minded journalists from France, Germany and Poland.
Typically, the opinions of BRITISH people are censored out by BBC -NUJ.
No wonder people turn to ‘Daily Mail’, etc for expression of British people who are talking about British interests:
“Day PM put Britain first: Defiant Cameron stands up to Euro bullies… but French plot revenge for historic veto”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2071952/Eurozone-crisis-David-Cameron-vetoes-EU-treaty-save-euro.html#ixzz1gAGZ4nyB
10 days ago, the headlines were “10 days to save the Euro”.
Nothing has been done that firmly saves the Euro. France, with Germany in tow, has set up a mechanism that MAY tighten up fiscal responsibility among Euro states. SOMETIME. MAYBE.
That does nothing to save the Euro from imminent collapse.
The Euro is screwed unless either the dead beat Countires like the PIGS leave it or the ECB underwrites all the debt and the Germans won’t do that.
As Dan Hannan just pointed out on Sky News we buy more from the EU than we sell it, so there will be no trade war unless the Jerries and Froggies want to lose big time.
The Euro is screwed unless either the dead beat Countires like the PIGS leave it…
It’s possibly the other way round!
“Britain should pity those still trapped in the euro nightmare”
(by Janet Daley)
What a shock, Sky News doing their paper review (with the excellent Daniel Hannan) are reporting that the opinion polls out tomorrow show the Country backs Cameron’s actions by something like 2/3’s approving.
So guess WHICH ‘world class broadcaster’ won’t bother reporting the polls then?
An obvious headline on BBC-NUJ:
‘BBC alone as UK vetoes Euro deal.’
BBC “isolated”
They are strongly pushing the theme that Cameron has upset Gleggy boy, and suggesting that is a bad thing for Cameron.
If we all shared BBC values it would be, but since BBC values are a minority it is a plus for Cameron.
If we all had BBC values we would already to to far in the Euro to ever get out.
Via Westminster shenanigans, we of course are being treated to Mr. Clegg’s upset.
Oddly, the ‘facts’ so far seem based on ‘sources who say’.
Less concern on how what is the stance now being a bit different to the stance that was so last week, accepting this is a long week in politics (and commentator memories, when it suits).
Also the opportunism of some, a bit on the sidelines, given airtime to say not what they would do, but what they wouldn’t.
Maybe a MilliLoaf version of ‘Bat out Hell’ next’?
I am still trying to grasp how what I thought a veto meant has had as much effect on what’s rolling across the continent as some commentators seem to be gleefully reporting, whilst very sad too.
The public appears not to be co-operating.
Of course, these are the wrong kind of responses to polls, and hence need ‘explaining’. Apparently the public hasn’t ‘understood’ the issues ‘properly’. This of course can happen even if referenda are granted, in which case they get held again and again until the correct result is obtained.
This blitzkrieg politics is interesting, but some of the columns in operation, especially as they take the 5th, are a concern.
BBC-EU’s new hero: dozy CLEGG.
While CAMERON was sensibly not doing the deal on Brussels, CLEGG was asleep:
‘Clegg sleep while Euro burns.’
While BBC-EU concentrates on what it hopes are Cameron’s political problems, it tries to raise/rouse Clegg as its dozy hero.
[Excerpt from BBC-EU’s ‘bedtime-for-Clegg stories’]:
“The BBC understands Mr Clegg was dismayed when he was woken early on Friday to hear of the PM’s decision.”
‘Sunday Express’, in contrast:
Mr Clegg was unavailable for comment: because of ‘lie-in’.
I’d like to add there are dozens of comments at the end of this article relating to the bias and how poor the reporting is. Go down to the All Comments Section and click Highest Rated and enjoy! Of course the biased Editor’s Picks is gradually distorting the counts…
If the Tories are the dicks of the nation, it is time for them to get the Liberals removed by circumcision!
Easliy and cheaply done at the moment,and we could send Brussels their Pattens and Cleggs in a buy one…buy another one at ten times the price deal!
Being economically illiterate Sarky would agree…then put the little turd up on a Poundland shelf as a miniature of state!
Whilst polls show peoples’ opinions differ from the BBC’s over Europe, the BBC’s favourite retailer is varying from the BBC line
on the economy.
“High street gloom is being oversold, says John Lewis”