You can always rely on the cringeworthy Archbishop of Canterbury and the totally barking Camilla Batmanghelidjh to pop up on the BBC and trot out their neo-Marxist agenda without any counter point. Such is the case today with both these sopping wet leftists afforded a platform to tell us that the feral rioters of last summer were misunderstood angels with dirty faces that “we” have let down. No one asked to comment who might hold a contrary view.

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  1. dave s says:

    Rowan Williams never disappoints. Every word and phrase indicatative of the  liberal’s refusal to face up to reality.
    Of course most young people do not riot. We all know that. Is this the extent of his insights?
    Please let him resign this year. His tenure is a diasater not only for the C of E but for the country.


  2. Jeremy Clarke says:

    I wonder if the Archbish would be happy to walk on his own through a housing estate in Tottenham or Tower Hamlets at 10pm on a Friday?

    It is quite noticeable that the BBC is happy to treat Christianity with, at best, scepticism and, at worst, disdain.

    When the Chief Executive of the Anglican Church engages in a spot of public self-loathing or criticises the government, however, Christianity suddenly becomes ‘relevant’.

    Odd, that.


  3. Millie Tant says:

    Off topic: Sorry to veer away from the Archbish. Just wanted to mention that the Open Thread has now fallen off the page. Not sure if this is something to do with the peculiarities of my PC or whether we need a Open Thread.


  4. 1327 says:

    Does anyone know anything about Batmanghelidjh background (other than the daughter of Iranian diplomat stuff but where she worked previously) or who handles her PR ? I’m always suspicious of characters like her who seem to pop up in the media “fully formed” all of a sudden. No gradual emergance into the media world for her. 

    Also what does her charity actually do ? Anytime she is discussed in the various newspaper discussion forums if anyone dare mention what she is doing might not be the best thing since sliced bread they are immediately jumped on by 20 or so commenters for not worshiping the multicoloured goddess.


    • Millie Tant says:

      She rescues waifs and strays and ex-offenders, I think. Our old friend Google-oogle may help.


      • 1327 says:

        Hello Millie Yes but how does she help them ? Are they fed and clothed or turned into soap (I wouldn’t object to that one).


        • Millie Tant says:

          Yes, probably fed, watered and clothed, helped with practical problems, housing, education and maybe professional therapy for whatever emotional and behavioural problems they may have and set on the right road, one hopes.


          • Hugh says:

            @Millie and 1327. Suggest you connect both brain cells and look up the work of Kids Company.


            • Millie Tant says:

              Blimey, it must have exhausted your brain cell, not to mention your manners, to come up with that one. šŸ˜›


            • ian says:

              If Hugh tells us how much money his idol earns from running Kids Company, I might credit him with half a brain cell. 


    • 1327 says:

      The Kids Company website appears to be fully PC buzzword compliant with wraparound unique multidisciplinary approach which also includes youth justice. They may do good work but it sets off my bullsh*t alarms.


      • Millie Tant says:

        It’s a bit like that ex-gang member who was given the OBE. He talked about the great work he does but if you try to find out what he actually does, it is quite hard to pin down.  When asked, he talked at 3.25 about  classes in creative writing and poetry, group sessions and one-to-one mentoring. You might think from this he was a creative writer, a poet, a teacher or summat. But is he?  And before that, at 2 20 he talked about his company and the work he does but using odd language. I couldn’t quite make it out but it sounded as if he might be saying right-now solutions and right now situations.


    • sue says:

      It’s easy for people to mock, but I don’t think you should.

      I’m a great fan of Camilla Batmanghelidjh.
      She started Kids Company ages ago against huge odds,  working with abused and neglected teenagers and young people. She persevered with  the most extreme and impossibly difficult cases, saving many of them from goodness knows what.

      I don’t think she appeared on the media ‘all of a sudden’, Kids Company started in 1996. I am interested in that kind of thing so I’ve known about her work for some time.

      Her eccentric outfits make her a natural for the telly. Her relatively recent high media profile could be a mixed blessing if it distracts her from her brilliant core work. On the other hand if it attracts publicity for the cause, so be it. Pity such a need exists.


      • cjhartnett says:

        An interesting programme on Batmanghedghli showed that she lived alone in the Brbican, and would never have wanted to either have children or to have been responsible for them outside office hours in effect.
        Her naivity in the frankly barking excuses made by her for the behaviour she sees is absolutely awful-but the neuroscientists would never gainsay her, becasue she`s a useful cause to ally yourself to. I heard her and her “thermostat” tripe on Radio4 once, and Humphrys just lapped it all up…where was Colin Blakemore when we needed him?
        Privately educated at Sherborne, and clearly has never had to live with the consequences of what her kids have done to others.
        Now this is not to say that she hasn`t done some good, saved some kids and raised a needed cause higher up in profile…but her lack of discernement, her guilt-ridden privilege and a Savile-like disdain for children in families gives me the creeps.
        Happy to be convinced otherwise however…


    • deegee says:

      Wikipedia to the rescue. Strange I would have thought she wore a cape and fought crime in Teheran City  šŸ˜‰  

      Camila Batmanghelidjh
      From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
      Camila Batmanghelidjh

      Camila Batmanghelidjh receiving her honorary doctorate from the Open University in April 2008
      Born 1963
      Tehran, Iran
      Known for Businesswoman, author and philanthropist
      Camila Batmanghelidjh (“Batmanjelidge”, born 1963, Tehran, Iran) is an English businesswoman, charity leader and author of Iranian and Belgian origin. She has been living in England since the age of 11[1] and founded two charities – the place2b and Kids Company where she and her team care for 14,000 vulnerable children and young people in London. The charity operates from three street level centres in Southwark, Lambeth and Camden, as well as working in 37 inner-city schools. She lives in West Hampstead.


      Batmanghelidjh was born in Tehran into a wealthy professional family. Her mother was a Roman Catholic from Belgium, while her Muslim, Persian father was the highly controversial doctor Fereydoon Batmanghelidj. Her family were supporters of the Shah and so hugely impacted by the 1979 revolution. She moved to England when she was 11 years old. She attended the fee paying Sherborne Girls school in Dorset, where she claims “everybody thought I was completely odd. Y’know they just thought I was a total oddball”.

      She went on to gain a first in Theatre and Dramatic Arts from the University of Warwick.

      Severely dyslexic, she has to dictate everything and cannot use a computer or text.  She has been described as “Britain’s most colourful charity leader”.In 2009 the Women in Public Life Awards named her Businesswoman of the Year.

      She is well known for her eccentric and flamboyant dress sense:

      “it takes me probably 5 minutes to get dressed. I don’t think about it at all… But the way I dress matches my psychological energy, so when I get up in the morning I think ‘What colour do I want to wear today?’ and I just bung it on really quickly and get out. I don’t worry about what people think at all… And it’s instantaneous – I instantly know what fabrics go together and what doesn’t – and it’s just instinctive.”


  5. Louis Robinson says:

    The headline “Britain has let down young people, says Archbishop”(Telegraph) should read “Young people have let Britain down”.



    • Reed says:

      Exactly, Louis! I think many, perhaps most, feel the same way, as the images of people being burnt out of their homes and businesses being ransacked went around the world for all to see. These scumbags didn’t represent me and their bogus justifications for their actions certainly didn’t find any sympathy with me. Shame on these apologists for such abhorent behaviour.

      This man is the very embodiment of the useful idiot. He legitimises all of the lies and falsehoods that the left have attached, for political ends, to the riots this summer. I resent the position and influence afforded this unelected mouthpiece for Marxist ‘unreality’ (as he would probably put it).


  6. Barry says:

    Pity we don’t have this guy instead:

    David Cameron must allow the Church to maintain a central role in public life

    Instead, we’re expected to listen to a ludicrous pantomime dame and a bearded twit who lost his grip on reality years ago.


  7. john says:

    You’ve got to wonder what’s under Druid Rowan’s ceremonial cloak.
    Trainers from Foot Locker perhaps ?
    Crotchless panties from la Senza ?
    What we can agree on however is that his left-wing brain is out in the open for all to see.
    No wonder the BBC love him, unlike his dwindling congretation.


  8. London Calling says:

    And you’ve got to wonder what’s under Camilla Batmanghelidjh’ ethnic frock – Rowan Williams?
    “Is that your crook under your cassock Archbish, or are you just pleased to see me?!”


  9. grangebank says:

    Ordinary people understand those rioters , its the establishment that doesn`t .
    That`s why ordinary people want proper punishments in the legal system but the Establishment – Gramiscians and Guardianistas – want tea and sympathy handed to thugs .


  10. ltwf1964 says:

    I just noticed the strapline under the bbc OB from sandringham on the royals

    “Royal Family to attend mass at Sandringham today”

    a clever trick for the head of the C of E………


    • Natsman says:

      “Royal Family to attend mass at Sandringham today”

      That should, of course, have read:  “Royal Family to attend mass suicide at Sandringham today”


  11. cjhartnett says:

    These two libbie luvvies are basically the Krankies for the Conchies.
    Those who feel no need to blag from Foot Locker when Jermyn St remains an option.
    Heard Batmangoolies on desert Island Discs and all you need to know about this child catcher is all in there…privilege plus guilt-ridden self pity, as well as disdain for real kids who live in fear of her little darlin`s.
    On this day meant to celebrate the Holy Family…funny that Rowan has nothing to say about all the BabyFathers, the benefits bandits and the anti-male Harmans/Womans hour crowd that created much of the rioting behaviour we saw in August.
    Years of snivelling round the BBC and wilfully turning his gaze from what is happening to his flock in Nigeria, Indonesia, Pakisatn and Egypt…but really bothered that honour killings can`t be tried in Sharia courts in Bethnal Green or wherever.
    The man personifies the useful idiot so beloved and employed as an “agent of influence” by Gramscis goons…and Lyse Doucett even quoted Gramsci the other day as if it were Beeb scripture.
    Maybe Rowan will scoot out of Lambeth Palace and let Camillas darlings so something useful with it!


  12. Daniel Smith says:

    I heard some piffle in my time but that spiel by Rowan takes the biscuit. He speaks to adults like they were babies “being grown-up doesn’t mean forgetting about the young” while adoscelents are regarded as fonts of wisdom but who are sadly “not infallible”. It shows eloquently the complete moral inversion which has taken place.
    But the way why are food parcels needed in London? I thought that’s what the welfare state was for?


  13. grangebank says:

    BBC ask the archbish what he thought of telly tax evaders ?


  14. Invicta1066 says:

    I am very sorry but clearly you are deluded if you think the BBC pro left-wing.  On CIF in the Guardian today Ed Milliband claims the BBC is too pro Coalition!  There are over a 1000 comments the huge majority agreeing with this, some even complaining about right-wing bias in Question Time.  The well-informed highly intelligent readers and posters on this Guardian site are always right.

    Reading just some of the comments, makes you realize that brain washing actually works on a small but influential section of society.  I find this very worrying.

    On lighter note Gillian Reynolds will be reviewing BBC radio programmes over the past year on R4, with her she will have the media critics from…The Observer and Guardian!


    My appreciation and thanks to the majority of correspondents on this site who provide both a counterbalance and informed comments to so much of the propaganda pumped out by the BBC..


    There are so many very good programmes on radio and TV, it is such a pity that certain politics, culture and religion are allowed to contaminate and slant the output.

    Best wishes to all for a better 2012.



    • Geyza says:

      That is just a natural symptom of left wing thinking.  They abhor dissent in all forms, even when it is minor and rare.  To the labour luvvies, any slight moment when the BBC rarely is less than critical of the coalition, they see this as blatant anti-labour bias.  However the BBC is clearly a left of centre propaganda wing of the labour party, but even the BBC are now having trouble matching propaganda to reality.  Labour under Miliband is so dire that even their greatest supporters in the BBC are having rare doubts about them.


  15. Will says:

    Rowan might be a lefty prick but the BBC can hardly be accused of bias for giving him airtime – He is the head of the CofE after all.


    • London Calling says:

      He certainly is head of CoE, you are quite right,  but you wonder how the BBC would handle it if the head of the CoE was a “right wing prick”. Same airtime? A Jeremy Clarkson in full religious regalia. What then? A phone-in of CoE elders disagreeing with him? A balancing left-wing cleric on tap? Or just forgetting to invite him unless absolutely necessary.


    • Martin says:

      He’s only getting airtime because the BBC see him as ‘right on’


  16. Martin says:

    The Archdick of Canterbury would be better advised to work out why his churches are being deserted in droves by people who don’t subscribe to his lefty crap.


  17. David Preiser (USA) says:

    hose involved in the disturbances had been a minority, Dr Williams said. 
    Charities’ work with youngsters showed “the gifts they can offer… when they feel safe and loved”, he added.  
    Baloney. Those “youngsters” got involved in the “disturbances” precisely because they felt safe in doing so.


  18. matthew rowe says:

    Got to hand it to the weirdy beardy frock wit  he shows the purest form of leftwittery !
    I.e that the more people point out how wrong he is the more convinced of his infallibility he becomes !!


  19. Millie Tant says:

    There was a 15-minute programme called One to One on Radio 4 last Tuesday , in which Bridget Kendall interviewed the Archbishop about his interest in Dostoyevsky. Apparently, he even took some time off to write a book about him.  

    Turns out this programme was an abridged edition of a longer interview of 21 minutes

    Intrigued by the discussion of Dostoyevsky, I listened to the longer version to see what I had missed. They had left out some of the best bits, or at least the most amusing ones,  such as when he had a bit of a dig at Richard Dawkins at around 8mins 30secs  – 8 50. This segment concluded with a funny little satisfied half-chuckle from the Archbish when the interviewer reminded  him that he’d had a go at Dawkins in the book.  

    Now, was it left out because the Beeboids couldn’t bear anyone having a go at their patron saint Dawkins? Or was it purely a disinterested decision, dictated by the time constraints of that programme slot? Or did they feel it would require a balancing riposte from Dawkins, in the interests of the famous impartiality?

    Anyway, there were a couple of moments of hilarity when the Archbish made jokes against himself. One was when he was asked  at about 13 30 to  13 45 who was his favourite character in Dostoyevsky and he chose a character whom he described as a failed bishop and laughed, saying, Don’t ask why!  
    Another was when he mentioned Dovostovesky’s parody of 19th century student radical activism and he gave one of his knowing, self-deprecating chuckles when he said he knew about 20th century radical activism – at about 15 50.

    But the clincher was probably the one from about 17 35 – 18 00 when he seemed almost to be parodying himself, meandering about in his convoluted fashion about exercising caution in assuming one side of any argument is God’s (or some such Bishy guff like that), only to pull himself up and come out with a phrase that I never expected to hear him utter but has often been used of himself: wishy washy!  That was an enjoyable moment.   šŸ˜€


    • cjhartnett says:

      Thanks for this…I only heard what the radio gave us last Tuesday.
      Real pity that Rowan isn`t doing something else apart from leading the Christian Church in England at this time…because he would be good at so many other things.
      He`s a media naif and has no certainities, which is a worry when it comes to morality and politics…let alone the non-negotiable aspects of that Book he`s supposed to know…and it`s not by Dostoyevsky.


  20. cjhartnett says:

    And if we could ditch Rowan Willaims, look who is coming up the track?
    I see that James Jones-Bishop of Liverpool-is doing some radio programme about prisons…can`t begin to think what his conclusions will be, nor what the BBC were thinking of to let some Reverend BlueJeans guy onto such loaded territory!
    And , no doubt Giles Fraser and Stephen Lowe won`t be too far away should the reverend Jim need to phone a friend.
    My radio is already dripping wet with the crocodile tears and soggy sentiments of this crop of water cress…it`s as if Iran or North Korea needs help, and as if the BBC aren`t already mopping up the cultural agenda and allowing Islam to sipe its shoes all over it.
    Maybe Dawn French may yet become the next Archbsihop of Canterbury…at least she hates Anne Diamond!


  21. Jonathan S says:

    i think for this year’s Halloween, the kiddies should dress up as the Archbishop of Cunterbury


  22. burbette123 says:

    I do look at your site from time to time, and although it is interesting, one wonders what the point of it is.  The horrid bbc is still sucking up our money and spewing out all the nonsense you write about.  So has Biased BBC achieved anything at all?
    Perhaps it would be wiser and more productive to urge MP’s, or to shame them into looking at the whole concept of state-funded media in our so-called democracy.
    I’ve addressed this subject before, but maybe this time YOU MIGHT HAVE THE COURAGE TO RESPOND AND JUSTIFY THE SITE’S EXISTENCE!


    • Barry says:

      You have a point. I do think we’re preaching to the choir much of the time.


      • cjhartnett says:

        Can`t agree Barry and Burbette!
        It`s been a lifesaver for me and has probably stopped a few fights in a pub somewhere.
        I`ve learned more about media analysis, anti-Jewish reporting, global warming deceits and the anti-English/American slant that the BBC do as reflex…as well as the pro-EU/anti Judeo-Christian slop that they paddle about in.
        The BBC will be going…and the idea of getting a Hunt or whoever to back the abolition of Statists Little Helper is a wate of an email.
        Hope  you`ll join us in not paying for Attenboroughs Photoshop, and a Happy New Year in any event!


        • Barry says:


          Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying we’re wasting our time – particularly as lots of new names seem to be contributing. And, as you say, it helps us keep our sanity.

          However, a lot of people out there seem reasonably happy with the BBC. This might be a reflection on them, but it’s still something we have to contend with. And don’t get me started on the apparent indifference of so-called Conservative MPs. I don’t understand why they allow themselves to be undermined on a daily basis.

          Perhaps those of us with Conservative MPs should harangue them regularly with choice extracts from this blog.

          I believe there was talk of a book at one time?


          • Millie Tant says:

            I think an e-mail bulletin with selected edited articles from here used to go out to various prominent people including a number of MPs.


          • cjhartnett says:

            Really good idea Barry.
            Sense that USA, Israel, Global Warming are bagged already…but I`d be happy to put my hat into the ring re education or faith/Christian bias!


      • Roy Stirred-Oyster says:

        The number of posts/posters doesn’t necessarily reflect blog readership – I have been an avid fan for about 7 years yet I rarely post.
        Additionally, I spread the good word to anyone who’ll listen whenever I get the chance.


    • Millie Tant says:

      You do have a belligerent way of putting a point and concluding a message.

      I am not the blog owner(s) and cannot presume to speak for it or its owner(s) but I would say that the point of it is clear and I can think of a number of ways in which it has an effect in the public arena, including on MPs.


      • Louis Robinson says:

        You can NEVER make a point enough times. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. The Climate Chnage crowd got their message over by repeating their message enough times till poeple began to hear it.

        Why should the devil have all the good music?


    • David Preiser (USA) says:

      burbette, you’ve been following this blog long enough to know that it does affect change at the BBC, albeit in small ways. Aside from from getting them to change the infamous CBBC 9/11 write-up, there have been other corrections done at the prompting of complaints by people here, not to mention the real affect on Beeboid twittering.

      Then there’s the work on Black and Harrabin done by Robin Horbury, which nicely compliments attacks by other blogs on the BBC’s Warmist propaganda. And we know the Beeboids are aware of that.

      If nothing else, it’s ripples in the pond, information provided so that at least some people grasp just how dishonest and partisan the BBC can be on certain subjects. Real information has been provided by many people here on many subjects, which helps a lot. This blog may not carry the weight of a Louise Mench piece in the Telegraph or a Daily Mail screed, but it does have an affect in the long term.

      Obviously more can be done.


    • 1327 says:

      Burbette sadly the Beeb is so ingrained into British life change isn’t going to happen overnight and we have to take the long view. Just a few years ago the Beeb sucsessfully pushed the meme that it was the worlds finest broadcaster , it was totally impartial and made no mistakes (well just a few little ones). The meme was that people thinking otherwise were few in number and probably barking mad as well. This site has altered all that now if anyone Googles biased BBC up comes this site. It appears to have a couple of hundred regular posters who frequently appear amusing and intelligent. So people who think the Beeb produces low quality cr*p programming know they aren’t insane or alone. This view of the Beeb has now to be spreading across the British part of the Internet with posters on all kinds of forums openly saying that the Beeb frankly isn’t very good. Now that view is starting to leak into the British papers. Step by step we are making progress.


      • Reed says:

        I have to agree with CJ here. This blog has made me much more aware of what to look out for in terms of bias, particularly in areas where I’m not that well informed, like Israel and the Middle East. This blog might not reach the ‘important’ people very often, but for us regular plebs it has been a great source of information, especially during big news events like the summer riots. The more the public become informed and the less blindly they accept what is reported by ANY news source the better. The automatic assumption by many that the BBC is the most trusted broadcaster, given it’s public service remit, is something that needs to be challenged continually. This blog provides a forum for just that.

        I think David Vance once gave a fugure of 15 thousand(?) hits weekly for this blog, so it reaches far more people than the membership might suggest. Perhaps it might be a good idea to have a regular post (once a month) for the hosts to relay some site stats for us to examine.


  23. Sacha says:

    New Year, New Bias. An easy Spot The Difference to start:

    29th Dec – Ed Miliband’s New Year message

    16 paragraphs with Ed’s comments, no dissenting voices

    2nd Jan – David Cameron’s New Year message

    3 Cameron paragraphs
    2 Miliband paragraphs
    1 Clegg paragraph
    14 Cameron paragraphs
    2 Clegg paragraphs

    I’m happy with this, the main story is given prominence but with room for dissenting voices. Contrast that with Ed’s remarks which are not critiqued at all though.


    • Alfie Pacino says:

      Well spotted, Sacha. No room for any criticism of Labour whatsoever, but a rampant free for all on Cameron’s message.


  24. Murray says:

    You think you have problems with the BBC try living in Scotland. BBC Scotland is full of Labour supporters from presenters, journalists to editors. The BBC in Scotland openly campaighn for Labour having dropped any attempt at pretending to be impartial. The latest one is Labour’s Scottish Health spokesperson Labour MSP Jaickie Baillie announced new figures revealing Scottish Hospitals at the top of a European league table of Healthcare Associated Infections. It emerged the figures were from2005/6 when LABOUR was in power. The BBC made the original claim a main story on its BBC Scotland news bulletin today knowing full well they were false figures and made no mention of any opposing view including the fact the figures were from 2005/6 when Labour was in power.


  25. cjhartnett says:

    And a delight to hear the BBC tell us what Alex Salmonds message to the nation was this morning…so much more on message for Naughtie and the other Jellyjocks plying their trade down here-but doing rather well down here as well.
    Their king across the water says that energy will be a problem-so I expected some grim Cameron charges from some care home in Dunfermline or suchlike…
    But not a bit of it…like the Welsh Parlaiment, they`ll not be bound by such petty borders…no, it`s worldwide energy policy Alex worried over. For Gods sake-won`t somebody please think of the children…especially as we`ll not be paying for it in Holyrood.
    Maybe Al Magrabhi has a bucket or two of oil sloshing around where his saline drip was meant to be…
    Why does the Beeb give us this fat flapjocks kilt swilling when the fragrant Moira Anderson or suchlike might have a song for New Years Eve…anyone but bleedin` Jools Holland and his ever lasting, ever morphing band!
    Heck…we`d happily take the Proclaimers if you`re not using them up there!


    • Murray says:

      Well in a couple of years we will be shot of the bias BBC and the rascist little Englanders. BBC bias and people such as your self all aid to the cause of independence.


      • cjhartnett says:

        No offence meant Murray.
        I`m not getting at Scotland and the Scots at all…just the media plastic ones who dance on a shortbread tin, but do too well down here…Kirsty, Jim and the like.
        I don`t see what Alex Salmonds thoughts on energy poverty in the developing world has to do with me-or why the BBC seem to think it matters as much as Camerons views. 
        Salmond is the ultimate politico and phoney-blessed by the utter uselessness of the opposition.
        He`s already looking over your shoulder to Euroland and any policies that they will allow him to offer…as I say, it`s against the Scottish political class both sides the Tweed…BBC or SNP.
        By the way…England will be wanting its independence too I`m sure..certainly down here in the South West, there`s a radical history of Wessex that needs revisiting!


      • Lacewing says:

        “racist little Englanders”
        There are none more racist than the Scots – and I speak as a Scot myself!


  26. Merlin says:

    This type of lilly-livered rainbow coloured cardigan wearing liberalism is the root cause of the complete collapse in discipline we see in our schools and streets. These utopian liberal theorists who, in their heads, still reside in the 60s are completely out of touch with reality and are destroying the very fabric of our society by removing all social boundaries for our youth. When will these socialist dreamers learn that you cannot liberalise uneducated and violent youths who have no deterrents whatsoever. They need hard discipline and must learn respect through hard work and contributing to society. The Archbishop  would do well to stop advertising his silly infantile lefty ideals and .get on with doing a better job at running the once great Church of this country.


    • ltwf1964 says:

      two thumbs up from me on that one


    • cjhartnett says:

      Spot on Merlin!
      Luckily their faded tie dye rainbow flags are now in pastel shades because the dyes were not tearproof, and all those noses to blow onto said flags have taken their toll.
      Radio Goebbels and Sturmer-lite are forever set to eleven too…it`s as if we didn`t vote for Boris, Camerons half arsed bunch, AV or to keep the congestion charge out of Manchester!
      An echo chamber of privilege with the Guardian forever sued as a sounding board…or more like a baffle board these days.
      Would love to commission some pavement theatre in Islington in recreating the street events of extreme shopping irony from last summer…got to be an Arts Councli grant here hasn`t there?


      • Reed says:

        Well said, Merlin. We’ve been saying the same in this household for years. The problem is that the more the left’s philosophy of failure reveals itself and all it’s toxic fall-out poisons society, the more they dig in. Their response is usually that we all just need MORE of what they have to offer, as they haven’t been able to properly complete the project. So, you see, it’s really the ‘forces of conservatism’ holding back the ‘progressives’ that is to blame for the problems we all see. It’s doubly dishonest, and about all you can expect from these people.


  27. George R says:

    “Rowan Williams hasn’t been nearly kind enough to those poor rioters ”


    Come on, Beeboids, we know you approve of rioters, from a safe distance.

    So why not give them your Manchester ‘non-removal, removal’ bonuses?