A Happy New Year to you all and time for the first Open Thread of 2012!
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A Happy New Year to you all and time for the first Open Thread of 2012!
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Will have to get my stopwatch out to check lengths of interruptions by Beeboids when they want regulation or their prejudices confirmed in soundbites by noises off.
The breast implant thing on the World at One was one long whine for more regulation by Governemnt…and a side salad of the NHS hopefully getting into a bunfight with the French over who`ll be paying for the modifications(yes, it`s just like cars apparently!)
Noted also lots of Cameron “insisting” and being portrayed as having to respond to Labour…but the Labour lad being recorded with his accusations(not paraphrased as Cameron was!)
Also heard Montague being rather sniffy at the Tories and their “healthy eating” intiative amongst the Katonas down at Iceland….I`d have thought she`d have loved that idea if that nice Andy Burnham was advocating this classic New Labour hogwash.
Still-if its Tory, it`ll be bad…and the next year will carry on much as they left the last one….as cheerleaders for Obama and Balls!
This was the subject of Vicky Pollard’s phone-in today, the message of which was we need more regulation. Vicky actually said at one stage “the private sector isn’t always bad” – that’s right Vicky, not always but, in your eyes, mostly. I cannot understand why the Beeb expect the NHS to pick up the bill for the vanity of these women; it’s up to them to go back to where they had the original operations and get the clinics who bought these cheap implants to rectify the problem. Pathetic BBC statism all over again.
The breast implants should be replaced with safer BIGGER ones!
Did you see this unbelievable report in the Guardian. At first I thought it was some kind of spoof article, but apparently it is serious. Also note some of the comments from the die hard guardianistas at the bottom,who have swallowed the storyline completely.
It’s a typical BBC/Guardian lie. The BBC and the Guardian know they are facing accusations of lefty bias on a daily basis, so over Xmas when the beeboids and Guadianistas were snorting coke together and quaffing on expensive champers they will have made up some story to pump out that the BBC is biased against the Liebore scum.
No one will fall for it, excpet the usual drugged up lefties, but as I posted elsewhere this is the start of a massive lefty onslaught this year.
On a similar note Angela Eagle was interviewed by Jane Hill on BBC new over rail price hikes. Not once did Hill pin Eagle down over the 13 years of Liebore failure with the railways, it was as if Liebore had never been in power.
Regarding the fake breasts story, if you have PRIVATE cancer treatment, the NHS will deny you NHS treatment, I don’t see the difference here, except of course the plastic breaks story is a ‘sistas’ one so expect the feminist part of the ‘meeja’ to demand action.
The last part of that article is a list of Labour talking points and goals. It must be a Labour placement. But seriously, how can they complain about a lack of appearances by Labour figures when not only is Ed Balls on all the time, but the BBC’s own important “editors” openly espouse Labour policies on a regular basis? All the recent “Isolated Britain” and “Nasty Tory Cuts” and union support work wasn’t good enough for them?
As far as I can tell, Labour is better off keeping Miliband Minor out of the spotlight and letting “Two Eds” Flanders and the Guardianistas at Newsnight and the luvvies on the News Channel and all the edgy comedians do his work instead.
My first post this year (link below, just after midnight on New Year’s day, whilst drunk) was about that. I made afew comments on that thread but note the first few comments: the first 5 comments are a clearly concerted effort and 3 have the same avatar!
My last comment was:
“My own conclusion was that this thread (it is Toby Helm after all!) to allow the BBC to point to the comments and enable them to say (as they often do) that they “have it about right” which as anyone with a brain-cell can see, is patently untrue.”
Obviously those who still support Labour after all they’ve inflicted on this country are in full agreement. Some of them are completely mental – one I noticed (I kid you not) said the Guardian got the Coalition elected!!! Another called Patton a Right-Wing Tory!! Another used as his proof that Nick Robinson was nicknamed “Blue Nick”. Stupidly not realising that if all the others were Conservative they wouldn’t have mentioned his former-colour.
They really are stupid – the Guardianistas. However, it is a careful ploy (as Span Ows says) for the BBC to claim they get attacked from both sides so they must be getting it “about right”.
Also interesting to note how the BBC cheeled for Jamie Oliver and his healthy eating campaign when Liebore werein power but the one today launched by the Tories has been slaughtered by the BBC, who laughingly allowed fatty Abbott a sound bite.
Just a reminder here’s a picture of Abbott, how can someone so fat criticise the Government over healthy eating, what’s her excuse, certainly not a lack of money.
Oh god I remember her now yurrk!!! anyone got the Dignitas number ????
Don’t do it. It’s not worth it. But if you do have to, do it Budd Dwyer style.
She just eats the wrong type of people.
My teachers used to say that cannibalism had died out – so how come Abbott’s kindred are now importing fresh young victims into Britain? It’s all very well saying that we must be culturally tolerant, but this is a public health issue.
In the best Music Hall style: she doesn’t eat comedians, because they taste funny. BBC comedians, of course, are fine. Completely tasteless.
If you were that f*cking ugly, you’d comfort eat too!
You’re trying to provoke me by being nasty about my hot and sexiful black fox.
It won’t work.
But ! Be warned that IF you keep it up I’ll re-instate my previous avatar tout suite. You KNOW the one I mean. So don’t push it, OK ?
Leave it ! – it’s not worth it ! =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O 🙂
Last time I saw something that big jets were landing on it in the middle of the Atlantic.
Hopefully Dianne Abbott was confined to the radio as she held forth on “healthy eating”.
No wonder tubs with kids in private schools like herself, would rather like the option of the burqua.
The BBC were rather po-faced over the Ordsall scamp who shot the Indian student last week.
He refused to state his “real name”, and chose to be addressed as Psycho…but the BBC ignored his right to self-nomenclature and still called him Kieran.
Do I see a human rights case coming against the BBC?…the Court could have takern him at his word and got him to spell it…
Is Si Coe related to Seb I wonder?…or id deed poll now available at the duty solicitors these days-regarding the marginalised young and frightened children like him at least!
Noted too that CeeLo Green is in trouble for daring to change Lennons hymn to atheism(Imagine) with “all all religions true”.
Funny how intolerant Lennon-worshippers are when it comes to herstics and changing the liturgy isn`t it? Myabe they ought to take over the Cof E as no one religious seems to be doing anything with it at the moment!
Oh…they already have..
I gather that the nice, moonfaced Alex Salmond is going all out this year to promote his greenie, globally warmy, climate changey stance.
With apparent “newbies” clambering aboard the absurd eco bandwagon, what chance do we have of bringing its loony progress to an abrupt, well-deserved halt?
I mean, even the ridiculous Olympic farce has suddenly gone less green with the provision of 4,000 BMWs for VIPs to play with, at the public’s expense. The “greenest” Olympics ever, eh? Fat chance. Greedy bastards
I find there’s something very sinister about the SNP – they are like an even more virulent strain of NuLabour and probably twice as dangerous. Just as an example (close to my heart), their dangerously pro-AGW stance is frankly mad as a bag of kittens and looks likely to cost taxpayers an absolute fortune.
God, I really hope the entire AGW house of cards comes crashing down some time very soon. Poor Scotland. I grieve for you.
No PM’s speech on main BBC UK news page yet they had “Tory trap”, anti Maggie and other pro Labour stories there for DAYS!
Remember this? “Nine people were killed and dozens wounded when Israeli troops boarded a flotilla carrying aid for Gaza on 31 May 2010”.
Fast forward to late December 2011, as the old year was dying, a reporter from the Spanish newspaper “ABC” reported meeting three “activists” in Syria. They were there to research their future role in planned riots in Damascus. One of them was Mehdi al-Hatari, described as “the former creator and commander of the Brigade of Tripoli, an elite group of fighters, trained by consultants from Qatar, who fought fiercely in the final battle for the capital”, which brought about the demise of Ghadafi.
“I was wounded in the assault on the “Mavi Marmara” al_Hatari says and spent nine days in jail in Tel Aviv”. You’d never guess but this international traveler has an Irish passport and lives in Dublin.
Now a further link in the chain: “After the seizure of Tripoli, al-Harati was named second-in-command to Abdul-Hakim Belhadj, the head of the newly formed Tripoli Military Council. Belhadj is the historical leader of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), the Libyan affiliate of al-Qaeda.”
Perhaps the BBC should revise its website?
Peace activists seem to be quite militarian these days, don’t they.
I do not often bother to watch programmes from BBC TV drama series, but when I do they always seem to rely on “Deus ex machina” (odd given the usually atheist leanings of the BBC). It happened again at the start of the second series of Sherlock, where the arch-villain changes his mind about bumping off an at his mercy Sherlock (I remember a story settled by a near impossible kill shot by Watson in the first series).
It’s like the Saturday morning picture’s serials – rather a disgrace from such a well resourced & regarded organisation. And depressing that the far fetched plots are lapped up by vast numbers of viewers.
I was looking forward to this, since I enjoyed the previous series. That probably was the best drama I’ve seen on the BBC in years, an actually intelligent plot which held the viewer in suspense. Naturally it was not a patch on the Jeremy Brett series which will be repeated long after this one has been forgotten, but such is the low standard at the BBC now that something even half decent is hailed as a masterpiece.
This series was back to business as usual. The warning signs were there is the last series with its astonishingly camp version of Moriarty, but now we have an obsession with sexual tittilation and modern technology (particularly endless mobile phone messages and references to blogging) which is well down to the BBC’s standard fare.
I raher enjoyed Sherlock and the campness was not over the top. The get out of the start of the programme was silly but no sillier than many Dr Who episodes. What upset me was the airplane seating mistake!
Last week the BBC carried a new radio version of Dickens’ Tale of Two Cities.
At several points the new version departed sharply from the text, particularly at the end. Lord knows why – it certainly was not an improvement.
Maybe the BBC’s budget should be cut to stop them making endless new versions of stuff they have already done. Yes, Great Expectations last week looked good – so maybe there is a case for SOME new versions, in this case to mark the bicentenary of his birth. But often they just seem to spend money – OUR money – just for the sake of it. Easy come, easy go.
I can see no reason whatever for the BBC to try any new radio versions of the Sherlock Holmes stories. They already have the entire genre in the last adaptation, as well as earlier versions with other actors. But I expect they are already pushing ideas around for a big new series, lots of internal memos on how to gild the lily.
The arrogance of the liberal left is astounding but consistent with the belief that their delusions are the only way to look at the world. That all other veiwpoints are by definition wrong if not pernicious.
The natural party of government, the political wing of the British people etc etc.
Drivel of course. If the BBC is belatedly waking up to the obvious fact that there is an alternative view to liberalism and that view enjoys considerable popular support then about time. It has a duty to give a voice to this.
As for the Guardian it has long since abandoned reality and it’s demise will be the making of it.
Just came across this interesting article in The Telegraph about MillipEd’s gurus and lo and behold one of them is none other than a Chicagoan community activist and old mucker of the Beeboid’s idol:
…Hot on his heels was Arnie Graf. Graf is no ordinary guru. The Chicago-based community activist was once Barack Obama’s guru, which in the hierarchy of guri puts you damn near the top. Now he’s Ed Miliband’s guru. Where that puts you in the hierarchy is less clear.
Anyway, Graf popped up in the Financial Times on Saturday to tell the world’s business leaders: “Martin Luther King took the kairos moment, Obama had a kairos moment and he didn’t take it. He could have challenged the financial markets the way Roosevelt did but he didn’t take it. I think Ed has a kairos moment to win this argument.”
No, I didn’t have a clue either. But apparently a kairos moment is, “a ‘special time’ when circumstances and leaders collide”.
On Today this morning who should pop onto the airwaves but Roger Harrabin speaking – I assume – during a break in his (enforced?) holiday in Michigan. He announced further news of progress concerning the BBC Weather Test http://news.bbc.co.uk/today/hi/today/newsid_9669000/9669983.stm involving an array of commercial and taxpayer-funded weather forecasters. Unfortunately, one taxpayer-funded entity – the Meteorological Office – has, so far, refused to take part in an important segment of the Test which IMHO defeats the whole object of the exercise.
BTW, if you look at who comprised – with Roger I assume – the steering committee for this exercise you’ll see a list of some of the great and the good of warmism. And even then Roger can’t be completely open about the great and the good. For instance we are told that Professor Lenny [sic] Smith of the London School of Economics was on the steering committee. What we weren’t told is that Lenny is a professor at the Grantham Research Institute at LSE: so much for openness and credibility. Were I Piers Corbyn – who has accepted the challenge – I’d be well advised to insist on some kind of independent, impartial, unbiased team to run the test and assess the results. It’s all very well to have an agreed-to protocol for the test but, as we know from that hero of the BBC – Stalin, it’s not the votes of the people that counts, it’s who counts the votes of the people.
According to Roger, “the project [the Weather Test] is a collaboration between BBC News, the Royal Meteorological Society, the Royal Statistical Society and other academics”. The president of the RMS is Tim Palmer – a known CAGW nutter – who is on the project’s steering committee and the project’s secretary is Professor Paul Hardaker, Chief Executive of the RMS. I suspect that the religious beliefs of the other unnamed “academics” also tend to warmism. Far be it from me to be cynical about this project but, unless the Met is fully involved and the project teams (both those running and those assessing the project’s results) are genuinely impartial, this Test is simply an extension of the mock inquiries into Climategate 1. In other words the results will be pre-ordained and the Weather Test report has already been written.
Oh, and according to harrabin Joe Bastardi is “controversial” the all too familiar term for a BBC enemy. Funny how all the BBCs ideological enemies are ‘contraversial’ isnt it?
Just watching Norman Smith’s ‘review of the year in politics.
Well a great year for Red Ed it appears, what planet is Smith on?
Just seen Sky News political reporter Joey Jones (gizza job, BBC) telling us that Cameron is feeling the pressure of Labour’s onslaught, labelling him as a toff with no appreciation of the serf’s lot. You would think that Labour were roaring ahead in the polls & that Ed will still be leading the party in a year’s time
Red Ed probably will survive the year – the Labour Party are remarkably loyal/delusional.
Anyway you never know, something might turn up and the Tories may implode/the BBC may win.
Sky are too damned woolly in employing this idiot.
He covers for the mighty Jeff Randall-does Jeff know who takes his name and turns it to Pesto?
Does Rupert know that this Beeber in embryo is spouting like a wrung lettuce?…get him to mind Jon Snows bike until he gets to know what he is talking about…not Snow of course,he`ll never know the drivel he gushes forth!)
Im all for public school educated toffs being excluded from top positions of power in politics . Mind you that`s the three main parties f#### then .
BBC Radio greivance.
Anuj Bidve. Yet another report on the Beeb’s favourite murder story this Christmas and Radio 4 airs a statement from his father still moaning about facebook being quicker off the mark than the Salford cops.
The BBC report ends (I kid you not) with ‘…and a reminder that vigil is planned to start at six….’
So just like their reports that include ‘…and the demo begins at….’ the BBC are once again hard at work making the news!
Yet there were pursed lips at young Stapletons chosen stage name of Psycho…not good form to make the law look an ass!
That is what it will look like after our marginalised hooded gentleman has been excused, condoned and fawned round by media, courts and legal shit-surfers…in short, he has made a mockery of justice before Rozenberg, Harman and Chakhrabhati get THEIR chance to get him a challenging community sentence-serving samosas at Media City, Salford perhaps?
That the BBC can get hollow loughs and cynicism from their po-faced shrines of convenience just shows how much disrepute and contempt we all feel for the media and its precious law poses.
Hang the little shit and grovel round the poor family in India until we actaully have a country where their good sons will get through a year here!
“the Beeb’s favourite murder story this Christmas”
A student from India, who was excited to study in England, walks with his friends along a street in Salford in the early morning (because a group of them are hoping to join a queue at a shop with a Sale) and a complete stranger pulls out a gun and shoots him through the head for no reason.
This may be routine where you live (Mexico City?) but I find it shocking incitement of “the way we are now” in this country.
That a “vigil is planned to start at Six’ tells me that there are still some decent people in this county.
Not you obviously.
I think it being “the beeb’s favourite murder story” refers to the elevated coverage that this crime received over several others in which the perpetrators were black or asian.
That the BBC prefers to report some murders more than others is an established fact. This is regrettable but true, I’m afraid, wild.
“the BBC prefers to report some murders more than others”
You are right of course, but if this was widely reported I find this wholly understandable. I found myself wanting to write a letter of apology to his family in India, and I don’t even send Christmas cards!
You are right but the answer is to treat all violent acts with exemplary punishment irrespective of class or colour or belief.
Never listen to so called extenuating circumstances.
Stop all the liberal handwringing about prison not working. It works for society by removing the scum. It is not supposed to work for the criminal. That is a modern liberal delusion.
There are hate killings in the new modern multicultural UK, the place where criminals are victims and not to blame for their criminality, I am surprised that the bankers are not blamed or the Tories.
The progressive left wanted this kind of society so badly, now they have it and look at the result and its going to get a whole lot worse, this is only the start.
Too true. I can see “guardian angels” with sub-machine guns coming soon…..
“I can see “guardian angels” with sub-machine guns coming soon…..”
Then you really would see some concerted effort by our “services” of law and order. Nothing they hate more than somebody else getting in on their act.
CK: Not just killings. There are many serious assaults like this which get little attention because nobody died.
This was at least a BBC report, although I managed to miss it.
In a strange sort of way I find this particularly objectionable because of the casual way in which the violence was used.
If the courts actually punished criminals rather than letting them run free to re-offend over and over again, this argument would be different.
Unlike the BBC , Gramscians and Guardianists , we dont want Salford or anywhere else to become like your quoted Mexico City , just so that we can be socially engineered into the Bureaucrats Republic of EU Vassal States .
Have a word with the Archbiffobear of Countmoney to put him right .
The BBC’s favourite murder
The apparent existence of ‘public shock’ or ‘public outrage’ over a particular story is a familiar argument that is often used in the defence of biased BBC reporting.
Of course it is deployed so as to disengenuously turn a blind eye to the bias by selection and emphasis on a story in contrast to the lack of interest and ommission by the BBC of several other similar stories.
By terming this ‘the BBC’s favourite murder’ I am drawing attention to the fact that from the very outset the BBC have been drawn to this one – due, I contend, to the fact that the BBC are more comfortable with the character and background of the participants and the apparent issues raised.
White on black crimes with possible ‘racial motivation’ seem to excite the BBC in a special way. I would further content that this is so because they play easily into the existing bias and prejudice of left-liberal self-loathing anglophobia.
This story has been broadcast constantly across BBC news outlets daily to the point where the local Salford population have indeed been moved to feelings of guilt and self-loathing – hence the mawkish spectacle of the vigil. A vigil which the BBC publicicised and promoted.
Mexico City
Surely it is the BBC who are presenting this as some kind of state of the nation cause celebre. It is the BBC that is implying that this is in some way a typical event rather than the truth : that this was an extemely rare aberration and the fault of some lone psycho (allegedly).
Some of the other recent murder stories, where the BBC have given only cursory reports, are far more typical and they may well be cause for national debate. Debates which the BBC sweeps under the carpet.
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) presents another political propaganda piece for Hamas’s jihad-supporting, Ismail HANIYA.
“Gaza’s Hamas PM visits Turkish aid ship Mavi Marmara”
For a non-INBBC, critical view of Haniya, see, e.g. ‘Jihadwatch’ –
Hamas PM: We are a nation of jihad and martyrdom
As Hamas and Haniya are jihad supporting, so too, is its broadcaster, and I don’t just mean Al Jazeera.
INBBC, reporting, and not reporting, on BANGLADESHIS with UK connections:
INBBC not reporting this; it is necessary to refer to ‘Daily Mail:-
“‘Why can’t I Skype my friends and relatives abroad from prison?’ Whine of Bangladeshi terrorist jailed for plotting to blow up passenger jet”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2081259/Rajib-Karim-Whine-Bangladeshi-terrorist-jailed-plotting-blow-passenger-jet.html#ixzz1iKSF4V3B
[Perhaps if jihadist complained about not getting i-Player,
INBBC may have shown more Binyam-like interest.]
INBBC reporting this, without discussing the impact of reparation of funds from UK on British economy, and without discussion rates of labour, and labour conditions in this case of economic activity in an Islamic country, Bangladesh:
“‘Londonis’ build big in Bangladesh”
(inc video clip)
Note how Beeboid regards this Bangladeshi millionaire, compared with e.g. Murdoch.
Does anyone know what the usual turnaround time is on e-mails to the BBC? Curious about their radio news headline that “Official papers have revealed how Margaret Thatcher’s ministers believed Liverpool should be abandoned to a fate of managed decline” I e-mailed them on 30 December simply asking who the ministers referred to in their headline were. I’ve had a holding response but nothing else yet.
I had a reply to a complaint on this within 24hrs.
Which I sent staright back as it was utter tripe. With a bunch of questions, liek yours, that might not suit them to try and answer.
Bit longer this time.
Jihad How It Is or How It Isn’t?
Daphne Anson investigates how the BBC markets Islam on Bitesize.
More stuff you won’t see on the state broadcaster
Gaza Hamas rockets injure Gazans and damage Gazan property
Bad link.
The Guardian 31 Dec 2011- Headline: Labour turns on BBC over pro Coalition coverage
“[Labour] Party prepares for series of policy announcements by accusing corporation of becoming coalition ‘echo chamber'”
– Labour officials have passionately submitted that if the BBC must be an echo chamber for political organisations – they must once again be “our” echo chamber.
“The Observer has learned that Labour chiefs have written to the corporation raising concerns that its party spokesmen are not receiving their fair share of airtime at a time when they are neck and neck with the Tories in opinion polls.”
– After all what is the BBC to do other than to more vigourously pursue its core role as an echo chamber for various politically – appointed spokespersons – and, of course, fashionably – leftist comedians.
‘“The Observer has learned that Labour chiefs have written..’
Arf. Reading a fax can have that effect.
Must be a rare time the BBC hasn’t ‘learned’ it at the same instant.
Not bias, but a moan about general BBC waste… I don’t normally receive the BBC London local news on the BBC1 Breakfast programme, but I guess because of a problem with my normal region I got London’s news at 7am.
Why does it need 2 people to basically read out a 3-4 minute news slot?
Two people sitting next to each other infront of the camera – newsreader 1 welcomes us to the news and promptly passes to newsreader 2 who tells us about the various traffic problems.
Back to newsreader 1 who gives us a brief summary of about 3 local headlines including a plug for Labour London Mayor candidate complaining about tube fare increases (happens every January and I suspect would have been covered on the local news most days for the last 2-3 weeks anyway but why not have another little dig at the evil London Toreees).
Finally back to newsreader 2 to tell us what the weather will be like today.
That was it!
2 people to read out some pre-scripted and autocued text. I am just surprised they didn’t have a 3rd person standing outside, in the dark, under an umbrella telling us about some slow moving traffic queue!
The News Channel has co-anchors much of the time as well. I guess the fact that they have to occasionally do interviews is too much for one person to handle. Huw Edwards seems to be able to deal on his own, but the others mostly don’t.
I’m surprised they didn’t have three, i.e. two for the news and one to read the weather forecast.
There’s a separate Beeboid entirely to read out what the Met feeds them every half hour. It’s de rigueur to breezily hand things over to the weather muppet with a “Hi-ya!”
Stuff on Hungary. Protests…lots of pictures on the BBC website.
But is the BBC informing us (and the world) about the background in Hungary? My feeling is ‘no’. The natural home of the BBC is the liberal left. In Hungary this is where the former communists have migrated. We call biased BBC. In Hungary, the institutions of the state media are populated by the progeny of the former apparatchiks…and the bias is crass.
To provoke a bit of thought…(from a Hungarian website, my emphases)
“In the view of Fidesz, the communists were never ejected; in return for surrendering political power, they were allowed to retain economic power and re-invent themselves as the Hungarian Socialist Party. For Fidesz, the election victory this year is the latest round of a battle that began in communist times. And now that Fidesz has a two-thirds majority, it claims finally to have the mandate and means to complete the job.”
Now this is not only “in the view of the Fidesz” it is also in the view of us, their voters. This is why we gave them our votes and this is the job we expect them to do.
You cry ‘authoritarianism’ only to find out that the law is a “picking all the most rotten bits of Europe’s media legislation” Do you go hysterical about the countries having those media legislations? Do you and your collegues call those countries ‘smelling’, their inhabitants ‘bacteria’ like it happened many times in the past few weeks in the Western media?
Were you blogging last year about Mrs Lendvai – a former censor(!) of the Communist regime – leading those so called ‘Socialists’? Were you defending democracy when we, Fidesz voters were beaten up and tear gased on the streets of Budapest after a totally peaceful gathering – by those Socialists you now demand to be considered real democrats? It was not violent protesters or even angry demonstrators – even those handful of provocators had to be chased there from another part of the city – it was we, with our families and kids, going peacefully home after listening to Mr Orban, until out ways were cut by riot police, tear gas, gum bullets and horsemen.
Were you here to defend our freedom and democracy from the (former) government? Ever blogged about how Gyurcsany cordoned off the people protesting against him from guests,politicians and journalist 23/10/2006? I don’t remember so. So, please, keep your advice now too.
The more hypocritical arrogance you pour on our country, the more united we’ll stand behind our cabinet. After less than a year on government, despite all the heavy attacks by the media from both inside and outside Fidesz’s popularity is at 62% now! Because they do exactly what we – and not The Economist, the IMF, Bruxelles – expect them to do.
And this is real democracy. You easily label it populism, but that’s simply a disdain of the people, of us, voters, citizens, civilians to do so. Maybe it’s you who should think about your concept of democracy a bit – I doubt Bruxelles or Strassbourg have ever had such a popular support behind them. Maybe you should take a closer look at who the real hypocrites are …”
kevinbakhurst Kevin Bakhurst BBC’s Sherlock Holmes and the case of nudity before the 9pm watershed dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/arti… – didn’t stop the Mail reprinting the pictures
Another thing not stopping them: the voluntary nature of those funding their hypocricies, vs. the unique compulsion demanded in support of our public broadcaster.
These market rate talents really don’t quite get the difference between what a private outfit gets up to, and the one overpaying them.
T&A drives ratings. Ratings drive salaries. You, Kevin, are in the same gutter as the DM, for the same reasons, and just can’t accept it.
kevinbakhurst Kevin Bakhurst Some very strong audiences for #BBCNews Channel over Xmas/New Year 24 Dec to 2 Jan – ave 1.20 % share (Sky News ave 0.59%)
BBC priorities.
not sure if I understand this…BBC, the national multi channnel broadcaster that reaches every corner of the UK ONLY got twice as many viewers as evil need-to-pay Sky?
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) refuses to make explicit that its ‘Arab Spring’ (Islamic Winter) means the dominance of Islam, the application of Shariah law, and the political drive for a Caliphate.
Instead, INBBC concentrates only on regurgitating the obvious : about this beding thec 3rd round of elections.
‘Jihadwatch’ is more incisively analytical, e.g.:-
Egypt: Salafists refrain from New Year’s greetings to Copts
Egypt: Islamic preacher calls for government ministry for “promotion of virtue”
“Supreme Guide” of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood reiterates that caliphate is its goal
Earlier this very morning, a BBC Reporter on Today Programme in utter dismay that the NHS was being attacked by a Republican candidate, the bounce in his voice was hilarious.
Vicky Pollard attacking Cameron for the ‘cuts’ this morning. Failed to mention WHY the cuts are needed.
‘A man complained to the BBC about this in writing, and kept asking for me to be sacked. And we kept saying, “No, he’s apologised – and to the person in question, who seems satisfied by the apology.” But through the bizarre system of complaints that we sometimes operate here, we had to take this through enormous numbers of bureaucratic procedures.’
Nick Robinson – http://www.totalpolitics.com/articles/284832/in-conversation-with-nick-robinson.thtml
What bureaucratic procedures are gone through when a complaint is made?
I’d just assumed it was a case of ‘Write a letter politely telling the person to sling their hook, and move onto the next complaint’.
‘we had to take this through enormous numbers of bureaucratic procedures.’
Process over result.
The end of which is not in doubt, hence the hoop jumping required to try and make it either go away or look like it is being taken serioulsy.
Sad that Robinson seems to think that nobody at the BBC does opinion journalism. Does he not pay attention to any of it?
Radio 5 just had ‘their’ Government spokesman on once again, that being Keith Vaz, who is the BBC’s goto man for anything they want as a sound bite.
Since when did Vaz become part of the Government?
Looks like I spoke too soon (on the Mardell thread) about the BBC mostly ignoring Ron Paul. Because he’s featuring near the top of the Iowa polls, both Mardell and one of the other 55 Beeboids beavering away in the US have discussed his policies today.
Mardell says that, except for the talk of massive spending cuts, Paul mostly sounds like a left-wing Democrat, and that the crowd at his speech looks more like a bunch of Occupiers than regular Republicans. Which sounds about right, as several Occupiers I spoke to in Zuccotti Park allowed that they’d think about Paul if they ever bothered to vote. It’s his isolationist and anti-corporate rhetoric that excites them. They casually ignore the rest of his positions, and we all know how that kind of attitude works out.
Beeboid Brian Wheeler reinforces the meme that Occupiers like Paul. Wheeler does a fairly reasonable job of outlining some basics of Paul’s platform, but censors information about his anti-abortion stance (curious, as the BBC loves to point out how other candidates are social conservatives) and his anti-Israel position. The fact that a significant percentage of Tea Party types don’t go for his isolationism or anti-Israel stance also seems to escape the Beeboids.
Wheeler does bring up the noise about those ugly newsletters, but leaves it as them being dismissed out of hand by his followers. Funny how the BBC wasn’t so sanguine about the accusations against pro-Israel Cain and Gringrich, eh?
It’s also amusing how this year is so different from 2008 in that we don’t see Beeboids breathlessly enthusing about the candidates this time. Anyone who remembers their behavior last time will know what I mean. You can bet none of the Republicans will give a Beeboid the reply Hillary Clinton gave to Matt Frei when he ran up to her for a quote: “You’ve been very faithful to my campaign.”
Katty Kay tweets: Mitt says Obama thinks US should become Europe. When will US politicians drop this line?! It’s rubbish.
Definition of willful blindness
Katty’s right: the President wants us to become not more like Europe but more like China.
Under Chairman Mao.
Just witnessed a piece of vile prejudice by the bBC. They showed the video of the the statements by Doreen and Nevile Lawrence. Then they wrote a short summation, from Doreen she was still very critical of the police. They did not report that Neville was very supportive of the police. The bBC have no sence of fair balance.
As with Dowlers, I suspect the family sensitivities will get dropped very quickly as various dogma-heavy prejudices get run up the flagpole using the latest poor excuses.
Twitter currently seems split arguing more over the extent that the Daily Mail secured this eventual result.
Again, ratings and agenda trump justice or news value.
Newsnight is back tonight, ‘analysing’ it all. As the world seemed to continue without the insights of Jezza, Kirsty, Emily and their bevvy of ‘expert’ editors these last few weeks, I am hard pressed to see what value it serves, save as a megaphone for selective opinion.
Certainly their grasp of facts, and choice of guests seldom inproves matters.
One is highly delighted that two of Stephen Lawrence’s murderers have gone down, but one very unpleasant side effect is that all the looney old coots who put together the MacPherson Report are being trundled out as if they represent some good that came out of the Lawrence murder rather than an abject disaster caused by it. When these crazed old coots are put in straight-jackets then justice would hve been fully served in one respect at least. They just had millionaire Marxist barrister Michael Mansfield on as well. Thanks to this posturing piece of garbage this day nearly never came thanks to preening, self serving decision to bring the case to court under private prosecution when there wasn’t enough evidence.
One does feel unease about ‘double-jeapordy’ being abolished, but when feral vermin like Mssrs Dobson and Norris are convicted one has to be in favour.
The only shame is they dont face hanging.
Oh strewth, now we’ve got Keith Vaz on. The memory of Stephen Lawrence deserves far better.
Would you really be happy to see two people killed based on old trace evidence? Are you sure you don’t want them dead because you’ve been presented with an exceptional amount of evidence of how awful they are?
If Dobson and Norris deserve to hang, so do a hell of a lot of others including, perhaps, the delightful individual who punched a 96 year pensioner to the ground simply because he was in his way. The pensioner didn’t die but the casual reliance upon violence was the same, IMO.
How many times is the News Channel going to repeat the segment with that raspy-voiced doctor saying how the police are totally racist and just arrest black people “for the fun of it”? It’s getting a bit old and not helpful since I haven’t heard that the killers were let off because corrupt, racist police deliberately hid evidence. “Shoddy” or careless police work is one thing, but they keep saying that new scientific techniques are what enabled the convictions, which is not the same thing as racists hiding evidence.
Isn’t it odd that the Stephen Lawrence trial is getting far more coverage than the trial of Kriss Donald’s killers got? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Kriss_Donald
The BBC is intent on carrying on their sly bias, all the way until we get the inevitable social disorder.
Stephen Lawrence was cruelly murdered, as was that Indian student in Salford.
Yet because the BBC think these heinous crimes extra-heinous just because they tack that weasel word “hate” in front of the word “crime”; we get full-on hagiographs of the victims and continual waving of the shrouds with their favourite words like “institutionalised” “racist” and “progress in diversity”-and all scrawled on the shrouds as they get passed around the hacks with their crayons in hand.
It`s truly evil to regard the deaths of these young men as somehow mattering more that that of Kriss Donald-as if whites getting murdered cannot be regarded as a hate crime. For that would disturb the overarching narrative the liberal elite will peddle every chance that they get!
If anything is going to create race riots, it will be this effort to think the lives of black people being of more use to the chattering classes than those of white ones.
Quite! I don’t recall this ugly freak having much to say about Kriss Donald, Charlene Downes etc.
Not surprising that he worships the most vile criminal in modern British history, Tony Blair.
And I don’t recall seeing any Ian Brady/Myra Hindley-style pictures of Kriss Donald’s murderers being plastered all over the media either.
However, we’ve been assured that the jury weren’t prejudiced, having been recruited exclusively from an obscure jungle tribe in the middle of the Amazon.
Just seen an interview on BBC London with a young black lad telling us how dangerous it was wandering the streets of Eltham late at night. I’m sure it was, but I’ve never seen a similar interview with a white lad telling of the dangers to be found in Hackney, Brixton, Tower Hamlets, Catford and any assortment of enriched ghettoes we have had foist upon us!
Meanwhile away from these shores it looks very very nasty in the Gulf. Oil is going up in price and the sounds of war seem to be getting louder.
The Iranians have made a specific threat to the Us navy which even Obama cannot ignore.
Is our media interested? Not at all.
I suspect it will be a bit of a shock to them if and when the war starts. No doubt Mardell will be on hand to explain it all to us.
Along with Bowen , Simpson and the rest .
No need to worry then.
Actually, I think the US sanctions on anyone who buys oil from Iran is starting to hurt. Their currency is collapsing, they can’t pay for basic government stuff. Blocking Hormuz will hurt Iran way more than anyone else, so war may not be necessary. Israel can quietly bomb something later, maybe, like they did to Syria.
I take your point but is the Iranian regime rational? It seems to think it is living in the end of days and the return of the Mahdi who will lead them against the West. Sometimes the lunatics really do get control of a nation.
This little story has been doing the rounds for the last few weeks.
Celia Sanchez, right-hand woman to Fidel Castro, revolutionary heroine and latter-day Latin American saint, according to Linda Pressly’s syrupy article and From Our Own Correspondent.
Next week: From Our Own Correspondent explores the life of Ekaterina Svanidze, wife of Russian hero Josef Stalin, who rescued little fluffy kittens and single-handedly rescued Russia and did lots of wonderful things and gave fantastic blow(cont’d p. 94).
-is INBBC censoring Jihad from UK?:-
-“British voice behind a call to arms for Somalia’s Islamic terrorists.
Video reports of al-Shabaab battles with Somali forces feature jihadist with London accent”
Of course, UK ‘political elite’ (inc many Beeboids) want us to give more money to Somalia (which will likely find its way to jihadists of Al Shabaab); and the British people have already given over areas of Britain to Somalians, together with the welfare payments to accommodate mass Somali immigration here as well.
And that’s just the Somalians.
“The Problems With Somali Immigrants: Asylum Fraud, Juvenile Crime, Honor Crimes, Illegal Money Transfers and Islamism” (2009).
I’m watcdhing some old episodes of the BBC\’s Robin Hood sries from a few years back. You can see why the BBC loved Hood, steeling from the rich and giving to the poor. Stop the injustice an inequality, it fits in with their narrative perfectly! Mind you watching the beginning Series 3 episode 2 and there is this really really fit blonde woman on….
Newsnight is annoying me this evening! Their treatment of the notion that the Met were institutionally racist 20 years ago is breathtakingly uncritical!
What a wide variety of opinion they had when discussing Saint Stephen of Lawrence!?
I say put an end to all stop and search procedures in the black slums, then see what the ‘community leaders’, black-supremacists and social Marxists say after a few weeks of rapidly escalating black on black stabbings and shootings.
They should have got David Starkey on! That would have made for a lively discussion! LOL!
From a Paul Mason interview with the Guardian – http://www.guardian.co.uk/theobserver/2012/jan/01/paul-mason-newsnight-china-novel-interview?INTCMP=SRCH
Q: Wikipedia has you pegged as a one-time Trot and member of Workers’ Power.
A: The BBC won’t allow us to talk about our politics so if I told you what my politics were at college I would then have to explain to you what my politics are now and, in Facebook terms, they fall under that tick box “It’s Complicated”. The throughline of my reporting is about people and actually it is about social justice and I will defend that. What I am trying to do is get to the detail, the gritty, granular, uncomfortable detailed reality of what social injustice means.
So advocacy journalism is okay so long as he doesn’t put his beliefs down on paper?
The throughline of my reporting is about people and actually it is about social justice and I will defend that.
When an economics editor says he’s committed to ‘social justice’, you can be pretty sure he’s just another marxist in hiding. Social justice, regardless of whether one assumes it to be positive or negative, is an agenda. What about just reporting the facts as they are presented, minus ANY agenda?
The phrase “social justice” is wheeled out when Leftists want to justify taking money away from other people and putting it into their own pocket. Much as a BBC journalist (making a film about poverty in Salford) takes money away from you (by using the State) and puts it into their own pocket. BBC journalists are strong believers in “social justice”.
It is not enough for the BBC that murderers such as those of Stephen Lawrence are proved racist. No, not enough. The BBC is intent on establishing the idea that England is institutionally racist.
This is the prevailing concept that underpins the double standards in their apartheid reporting.
What Beeboids censors on ‘racism’:
Caucasophobia — the Accepted Racism
A black man’s killing of a white woman:
-a story for BBC-NUJ to censor.
“On Christmas day, a 55 year old white Seattle English teacher, Prudence Hockley, was beaten to death by her ex-con black bodybuilder boyfriend, Johnnie Lee Wiggins. ”
You won’t find this story on the BBC news website: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2070562/Muslim-girl-gang-kicked-Rhea-Page-head-yelling-kill-white-slag-FREED.html
Excellent article, thanks for posting. I especiall liked these lines:
“Western proponents of Political Correctness are ideologically close to White Supremacists, since they assign a “special status” to white people that they don’t give to anybody else. It doesn’t make it any more just that this “special status” is negative. The opposite of White Supremacy can perhaps be called the White Worthlessness Syndrome (WWS). Self-hating white Westerners are victims of WWS.”
Ed West explains why ‘anti-racism’ is really just a code for ‘anti-white’ in this article.
Bizarrely, someone (flushkinmcpushkin) has just commented on a thread that’s almost 3 years old. How does this happen? Even if they have come via a Google result on a particular subject, do they not look at the dates on the comments before joining in a long gone conversation?
Nothing to do with BBC bias, but just something Cranmer posted that I found disturbing, even as someone with no skin in the game:
A knighthood for ‘services to the enlargement of the European Union’?
Madness. The BBC would be celebrating this if Cameron wasn’t a Bullingdon Boy.
Perhaps the medal should be presented a bit like this…
…bit mean of me. *DONT_KNOW*
Now here is the other side, a side that the BBC is desperately keen to hide.
Podcast Transcript – The Fifth Column –
Michael Buerk on the Climate Summit
The latest so-called Climate Summit, that’s been taking place in Durban, hasn’t made many waves. It could be because global warming seems less daunting if you can no longer afford heating bills. It could also be that we’re getting fed up with the bogus certainties and quasi-religious tone of the great climate change non-debate.
Now, I don’t know for certain that man’s activities are causing the planet to heat up. Nobody does. We simply cannot construct a theoretical model that can cope with all the variables.
For what it’s worth, I think anthropogenic warming is taking place, and, anyway, it would be a good thing to stop chucking so much bad stuff into the atmosphere.
What gets up my nose is being infantilized by governments, by the BBC, by the Guardian that there is no argument, that all scientists who aren’t cranks and charlatans are agreed on all this, that the consequences are uniformly negative, the issues beyond doubt and the steps to be taken beyond dispute.
You’re not necessarily a crank to point out that global temperatures change a great deal anyway. A thousand years ago we had a Mediterranean climate in this country; 200 years ago we were skating every winter on the Thames.
And actually there has been no significant rise in global temperatures for more than a decade now.
We hear a lot about how the Arctic is shrinking, but scarcely anything about how the Antarctic is spreading, and the South Pole is getting colder.
Droughts aren’t increasing. There are fewer of them, and less severe, than a hundred years ago. The number of hurricanes hasn’t changed, the number of cyclones and typhoons has actually fallen over the last 30 years.
And so on.
There may be answers, I think there probably are – to all these quibbles – I would like to hear them.
I don’t want the media to make up my mind up for me.
I don’t need to be told things by officialdom in all its forms, that are not true, or not the whole truth, for my own good.
I resent the implication that the exercise of my reason is “inappropriate”, an act of generational selfishness, a heresy.
I want a genuine debate about the assumptions behind the more apocalyptic forecasts.
As recently as 2005, for instance, the UN said there would be 50 million climate refugees by 2010.
That was last year.
OK – so where are they?
I would like to hear a clash of informed opinion about what would actually be better if it got warmer as well as worse.
Where do you see reported the extraordinary greening of the Sahel, and shrinking of the Sahara that’s been going on for 30 years now – the regeneration of vegetation across a huge, formerly arid swathe of dirt poor Africa. More warming means more rainfall. More CO2 means plants grow bigger, stronger, faster.
I would like a real argument over climate change policy, if only to rid myself of the nagging feeling that sometimes it’s a really good excuse for banging up taxes and public-sector job creation.
It’s not happening. It’s a secular issue but skepticism is heresy.
They talk the language of science, but it is really a post-God religion that rejects relativist materialism.
Its imperative is moral.
It looks to a society where some choices are obviously, and universally held to be, better than others.
A life where having what we want is not a right and nature puts constraints on the free play of desires.
To reinvent, in short, a life where there is good and bad, right and wrong.
As with all religions, whether the underlying narrative is true, has become beside the point.” – Michael Buerk, 16 Dec 2011 Transcript
A good read. Thanks for this, Cassandra.
The scene is set well..
‘Speaking to the Guardian, Attenborough strongly refuted the suggestion that he lacked objectivity’
Then the digging begins..
‘‘I wish that I didn’t have to educate people on climate change,’
Raising educate and inform remits that place what actually occurs, which are more dogma and selective editorial, seems ‘brave’.
Speaking of selective editorial…
‘They were quite happy with the idea of us simply explaining where we can after the programme.”
How much after? Hidden in the credits, or airly waving at something on the internet that may be accessed in a cabinet in a basement of the local library, behind a door marked ‘Beware of the Leopard’?
That snippet seems not to have made it to the piece.
I wasn’t too fussed by the ‘fake’ (that was down to the Daily Mirror, which also seems to have slid off the radar of those making a counter fuss) as it didn’t interfere with much, but the facile nature of the market rate defences have made it an issue. An ongoing one.
BBCBreakfast BBC Breakfast The Iron Lady tells the story of Margaret Thatcher, we ask how true to life it really is* with @MichaelWhite and Dame Ann Leslie
*Or…. how it does/doesn’t reflect the BBC narrative?
Don’t watch ‘BBC Breakfast’ (glad to see they don’t claim ‘news’), but I am sure it was very fair.
Actually, from the dross in the morning to Newsnight, I notice that ‘they’ refer now to ‘we ask’ all the time.
Guys, the issue these days is who you don’t invite on and what you don’t ask vs. what you do.
This “racist” carthorse is being whipped around the track once again for us to respond too.
Poor old thing is clapped out and weighed down by all the baggage of the race industry…Bonnie Grrer, Herman Ouseley, Medhi Hasan….Polly Toynbee alone ought to be enough to break the old nags back.
The axles of the bandwagon groan with wristbands, free workshop places and all manner of reports and pamphlets being offered.
That we in the paddock get whipped too and the mud spattered from their buckets as they pass(Dobbin not being energetic enough to raise the dirt himself as he plods past) is no excuse not to stand to attention and weep and applaud like a Noth Korean soldier.
“You`re either with us…or you`re against us” to quote a greater brain, than any on the bandwagon.
Some socity they`re creating…where the death of a decent black kid draws such scorn in the way it is being used by the Liberal elite to pull Dobbin from the knackers yard -yet again-and have Stephen Lawrences colours put on it-replacing Millie Dowler for the season.
Kriss Donalds colours are beige and therefore of no interest to you lot out there…
Got to be code words from their old Marxist/class consciousness days has there not?
Will now add “social justice” to “solidarity” as their kite-flying password to a free byline on any BBC medium of their choosing.
Good article somewhere here by Ed West-and how “anti-racist” is actually very racist…a negative White Supremacy movement!
Ta for posting these links!
In his guess about potential global ‘flashpoints’ in 2012, INBBC’s Mr GARDNER, does actually use the phrase ‘”jihadist violence” in his introduction.
He goes on to list all the potential flashpoint countries, which all happen to be Islamic countries, with UK’s Olympics and GCHQ thrown in as targets for we know who:
“Global terror: Potential flashpoints in 2012”
Will Mr Gardner do further research for himself to work out why Islam is so associated with violence? I’d have thought he’d have got there by now. (Hint: read up on tenets of Islam, and on imperialist history of Islam.)
And will he be allowed to continue to use the phrase “jihadist violence” throughout 2012, or will the language drift back to the left’s standby exoneration words for Islamic jihad:- ‘militants’, ‘activists’, or ‘terrorists’?