Well then, I doubt that there is anyone who has turned the BBC on today who has not been beaten around the head by the racism that abounds in the UK, in the Police, and as manifest in the murder of Stephen Lawrence. Look, like all civilised people I find the murder of any person revolting (One reason I am in favour of the death penalty, unlike the self righteous but hypocritical BBC ) but the BBC is absolutely cloying with all this talks of “Institutionalised racism.” I was amazed to hear former Met Commissioner Lord (sic) Blair actually boasting about the fact that the Police no longer treat all murders as equal. Truly we live in Orwellian times. I don’t understand how the BBC can elevate the murder of Stephen Lawrence to be above that of so many other vile acts but yet if we believe what it is broadcasting that is exactly the case. Do you agree?
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I wonder if the Guardian/BBC axis think “prison works” for the likes of Norris and Dobson?
Yes no bleating about prison being full today, in fact the BBC have been complaining that the sentences are not tough enough, woo hoo all Michael Howard all of a sudden at the BBC.
I’m still waiting for Shami to appear and tell us how we shouldn’t let this one case convince us to throw away our Umanrites.
Apparently the BBC-NUJ-Guardian political line is that the Lawrence murder is THE crime of the 20th and 21st centuries.
The BBC should be very very careful what it wishes for. The emotion in their “reporting” is extremely dangerous.
Proper balance on the issue of race is absolutely critical, especially when they are responsible for over 70% of the the news output in Great Britain.
If they keep getting this balance wrong the consequences for justice and our society are deeply worrying.
Yes and they are a main part of why this is such big story, hysterical out of proportion reporting.
look … there are many many stabbings, many orchestrated by hate, many bad injuries, too many murders, still in that same area!
Where are all these victims profiles? … eh!
Are they all to be able to create a legal “moneypit” with “teams”
of solicitors on hand?.
It is an orchestrated media circus, prime example
5live today outrageously monstrously over the top …
note this morning
your call dominated by a black police assn spokesman, one from the london met black police, i suppose the black lawyers assn, or reps from the institute of black solicitors will pop up at sometime, or the lawrence family “teams” of solicitors will have a rep,
(its a good job A Hanson isn t around to mention somebody might be “coloured” , today, with this farce … i swear they d throw the key away 😀 )
Have you also noticed that all these associations define ‘black’ as ‘non-white’?
It’s very telling as to the real agenda!
The long tradition of double jeopardy has been thrown out the window. Not that I am not glad to see these two vile people being locked up. But maybe an alternative voice saying that we have had to give up a long-held protection from the state should be mentioned by Shami.
There is something unhealthy about the whole case; from the perpetration, to the half-hearted investigation, to the labelling of whites as racist at every opportunity, to the over-the-top bias in reporting on this crime. I feel contaminated by the whole episode and I half suspect it’s because socialists have used it to beat us, the majority white population, with the guilt bat. I’m sick of seeing and hearing the word racist. I’m also very unnerved by the removal of double-jeopardy in bringing criminals to justice.
Agree entirely. However, there seems to be widespread unease at the implication that this murder was somehow worse than, say, Kriss Donald, PC Keith Blakelock or PC Patrick Dunne.
Were the criminals who tortured and murdered Kriss Donald somehow less culpable than Norris and Dobson? People have been reminded of crimes that I suspect the BBC and Guardian would prefer to forget and, in that respect, the grieving contest is backfiring.
Completely agree. Whilst the Lawrence murder was terrible, as all murders are, it was just another terrible waste of a human life. It was NOT more terrible because the victim’s skin happened to be black, even if that was the reason the murderers chise him as their victim. It was simply a terrible waste of human life. Would his death have been any less tragic had the motive been a mugging gone wrong?
Just as whenever black or Asian youths kill white youths they are equally as terrible as the Laurence case, no worse, no better. Just as when a husband kills a wife, or a wife kills a husband, or any individual human kills another human in cold blood.
This racist raising up of some victims, purely based on skin colour, is prejudicial, racist, bigited and wrong!
The outcome has not been uniformly good in the police either and has led directly to increased costs to pay for endless “diversity training seminars” and has resulted in over promotion for officers, based on the colour of their skin, to meet quotas. It has resulted in victims from ethnic minorities being ignored and the crimes committed upon them not being investigated, because it may harm cultural sensitivity to investigate “honour” beatings, rapes, Child abuse and incestuous births. Child abuse is rampant within certain communities, but the bleeding heart lefties claim it is culturally acceptable.
Such racism and bigotry is equally as disgraceful and unacceptable as the vile racism which existed within some elements of policing prior to the 1990s.
Funnily enough, the left never recognise their OWN racist bigotry, do they?
I note that on the same day as the Lawrence verdict, in the case of Emma West, there was an extra charge added of causing ‘alarm, harassment and distress’ to the passengers of some inner City train….No doubt law suits will follow by the dozen, as these tormented wretches find they’re unable to sleep at nights, because of the of trauma that has ensued via Wests waycist rant.
And yet in Leicester last week, when four Somalian females screeched “kill the white bitch” as they knocked a woman unconscious in an unprovoked attack, what happened again?
That would be the case when a very violent, racist attempted murder was blamed on “alcohol” and the perpetrators walked free.
Blacks cannot be racist apparently, even when trying to murder someone for being white! [ /sarc ] Had they succeeded in their attempted murder, then this would have been EQUALLY (not more or less) tragic as the Laurence murder.
poor Emma West, being born white.
If only she had been a black refugee from some godforsaken part of our world. If only she had been abused by a gang of white racists. If only she had been riduculed for being a minority in her own land. Poor Emma. and God help her children for having a mother who spoke the truth; if only she had kept her mouth shut . If only she had accepted the inevitable consequences of multicutiral, anti-white, anti-christian England,as our socialist, ethnic-lovers, would have us bow down to.
The worst part of this case is not the length of time it has taken to convict, not the furore over the police, MacPherson, the abject racial politics nor even the death of Lawrence but the removal of double jeapody.
These two scrotes (and whether they were guilty of this crime or not they were and are scrotes) stood absolutely no chance of a fair trial. The media had already convicted them and the BBC made damn sure that the jury knew what result was required. Guilty or not they were doomed from the moment labour removed the double jeapody clause.
Now the left have carte blance to persue those they don’t like. Like the IRA always stated – they only have to get lucky once – the left can now gaol any one they don’t like, on any trumped up charge, because all they need to do is keep at it.
It’s not as if the left have a history of using prisons as a means of moulding society according to their wishes, or anything…
Nice one…it is a fact lost on most “of the left” that when the get absolute power millions tend to end up dead.
I mention this elsewhere…but let me repeat what Lord Sir Ian Blair said…all this happened before he got to head up the Met-in the bad old days when” policing was colourblind and everybody got treated just the same”.
Thankfully courts and custody suites will now take the experiences brough to the desk by our vulnerable and oppressed minorities with their vested interest ragbags of grievances into account.
What Magna Carter guv?…wasn`t she Georges partner in that awful Sweeney stuff…or did he end up in a Durham sea coal thingy?
Thank you Sir Lord Ian…why weren`t these murderers done for health and safety violations I wonder…seemed to work for De Menezes case as I recall!
An American report of 5 months ago:-
“Black Murders Eight Whites;
Media Blame Whites
In today’s new racism, white criminals are criminals, but black criminals are largely victims.”
By Dennis Prager
BBC 5 Live this morning before 8am and we have – for the first time in my living memory – we have a long and detailed examination of prison tariffs for murder. And this is prior to the Stephen Lawrence murder sentence being delivered today.
The legal expert explains a complex system which, by the way, has little to do with what we understand as a ‘life’ sentence. The Beeboid seems a little taken aback and cuts to the chase on behalf of the listener ‘Well, what is the minimum we are looking at?’
That’s the way BBC….never mind that tedious concept of editorial balance….at last you are sticking up for the victim in a criminal case!
Is the end in sight for BBC ‘institutional victimism’? Or will it rear its ugly head again after today?
Suck it up, a juicy media story (for all outlets) whilst the BBC go the polemic route as per ususal. It’s January 4th in year where this story will be pretty much overshadowed by some truly historical events.
Is the Beeb falling out of love with Liverpool?
Slightly o/t but in the same vein. It seems that 5 Live (that awkward mix of sport and left-liberal comment) has a strong editorial line that Liverpool FC ought to have accepted with good grace the ruling that their Uraguayan player made racist comments on the pitch.
I know, the Beeb aren’t really supposed to have an editorial line – are they?
‘It’s not the FA making this ruling…it’s a QC’
Well it must be true then, debate closed.
Who says the Beeb have an agenda?
Oh, and Liverpool – anti-Thatcher theater of schemes – consider yourself well and truly trumped!
Again, it would have been interesting, let alone balanced, to have got someone on Today who believes that the Macpherson Report and the abolition of an 800-year old principle of Common Law were not signposts to “justice for Stephen” or even “justice” but signalled a surrender to the real racism now endemic in the body politic. No-one mentioned that the reason for formal processes and rock-like principles – like the double jeopardy rule – concerning the enforcement of law is above all the protection of the innocent. While we all agree (I think) that those found guilty yesterday were probably the actual perps, tomorrow (or the day after) someone who has already been acquitted of a crime against bien pensant thought and whose guilt is not so unanimously believed in will be hauled through the courts (maybe someone who, amongst other crimes, has refused to pay the BBC tax).
Yes the guilty should be punished but, again, no-one mentioned that the reason the double jeopardy rule had to be abolished was that a member of Matrix Chambers encouraged the Lawrences in an ill-considered private prosecution which acquitted the famous five of the Lawrence murder. Consequently all the liberal strings were pulled and luckily the husband of one of the founders of Matrix Chambers happened to be the prime minister at the time so that the necessary legislation was flung through an acquiescent Parliament.
Coming to this morning’s celebrations, the procession of lefties of all parties – and none – on Today this morning was quite vile in its bias. Even so, it’s bound to get worse since this has been a famous victory for the political class and its mouthpiece the BBC: as at least one of the interviewees (from Matrix Chambers) implied, all the liberal nonsense stemming from disquiet over the Lawrence murder has been good news but, even so, “it doesn’t go far enough”. You’ve been warned!
“it doesn’t go far enough”
Ahh – that explains the recent building work at Tyburn.
It never goes far enough.
The BBC seem very unhappy with the sentences for the two scumbags. Will the BBC be as outraged the next time Ken Clarke wants to let prisoners out early?
The killers of James Bulger had a lot of sympathy from the lefty media, but then they only killed a whitey child.
To achieve this conviction, let us remember that Labour had to overturn an 800 year old law.
The judge directed to jury that ‘if the accused took part in the chase, and intended to hurt’, they should be found guilty. There were 6 men and 1 knife, so there is a 66% chance that two non-murderers are in jail now.
Lastly, premeditation is a key part of a murder conviction, otherwise it is manslaughter.
Sympathetic as I am to the Lawrences, I fear this is an unsafe conviction.
On an unrelated matter, it is disappointing to note that no newspaper has mentioned Duwayne Brooks’ long criminal record and lies told at the original trial, as well as the delay in calling 999 ‘because he hated the police’, which may have cost his friend’s life.
“it is disappointing to note that no newspaper has mentioned Duwayne Brooks’ long criminal record”
That would be Duwayne “Who called you fucking cunts anyway, pigs……I only called the fucking ambulance” Brooks (according to WPC Smith) who subsequently received £100,000 in compensation because the police had unfairly stereotyped him?
I think it’s more likely that Duwayne (sic) Brooks did iit. Although Lawrence was a racist bigot like Brooks (see BP salute), local rumour has it that he drew the line at getting into drug-dealing. Brooks might have then feared being grassed up by his more respectable friend, and knifed him – being clearly mentally unstable.
Will I now be sued for libelling him as a murderer, or do I get the same exemption thats the Mail has always enjoyed?
this is what worries me, this has all been done from a spot of blood that could have got there by SL’s hand on his wound waving about, from Brooks hand trying to stem blood, or a spot flying off as SL ran past…OK, to get the spot of blood means he was nearby but it isn’t anyway near being even partly conclusive.
Well, this is internetland ian, and one of the costs of having a free and open forum is that Nazi scum like you get to post your drivel.
Personally I feel sorry for you. It can’t be nice having head cancer.
You don’t feel sorry for anyone, but you certainly have a guilt complex about being white. Perhaps you should take a stroll through Brixton on a Saturday night – your blood sacrifice might atone for the sins of your slave-owning ancestors.
Your condescending fake pity toward a regular commentator for getting beaten up – and your assumption that it was blacks who did it – mark you as a Guardian reader who knows the extent of black-against white hate crime, but who is in denial – preferring to blame the victim on grounds of colour.
Truly, self-haters like you are the enemy within, and the world will be a better place after you shuffle off your mortal coil.
Joint enterprise.
Which apparently doesn’t apply in the case of Somalian Muslims, where it’s necessary to prove exactly who said ‘kill the white bitch’ to make the charge stick….
Written by Trevor Philips today in the Telegraph on an article on how much Britain is better than in the days when Lawrence was killed:
‘And the best news of all is that we are steadily transforming what it means to be British in the most natural and permanent way of all. As many families gathered for their Christmas dinner, the faces around the table would no longer have been the uniformly cheery pink-and-white of Dickens’s Yuletide.
Nearly one in 10 children are growing up in households where at least one parent is of a different race to themselves. Millions of us have children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins, uncles and aunts who bring a new flavour to our table. In at least one household I know, the traditional goose, turkey, bread and cranberry sauces shared the space with Guyanese garlic pork and black cake.
And he thinks this is good?!
Would he think it good to transform Africa in this way – a few more white (and less black) faces around the table?
How do we let him get away with this sort of stuff?
Mr Philips, if you happen to see this blog – could you please F**k off. I want to see the happy faces of white children. If you don’t, then you have somewhere else to go to. We don’t. We are white, we come from here. We are Christian, mainly, and we celebrate Christmas as a festival for our saviour. He is the redeemer. If you don’t like it, then shut the f**k up or else go and live elsewhere. we didn’t ask for you to come here, we don’t need you and sure as hell, we will be here when you have departed this mortal coil.
‘And the best news of all is that we are steadily transforming what it means to be British in the most natural and permanent way of all. As many families gathered for their Christmas dinner, the faces around the table would no longer have been the uniformly cheery pink-and-white of Dickens’s Yuletide.
That statement comes across as if it is a bad thing we have got rid of, in the way we say we no longer send children up chimneys, as they did in Dickens’s time.
What is his problem with pink – and – white faces?
His inferiority complex. I don’t think he ever got over the discovery that the pile of stones called “Zimbabwe” wasn’t really evidence of an ancient black civilisationl, but was merely the ruins of a medieval Arab slave trading fort, where blacks brought in other blacks for sale.
So glad we came from this
To this
All within my lifetime. Thank you Trevor.
If it hadn’t’ve been for the lunacy that resulted from the Lawrence Inquiry we wouldn’t have seen the mayhem that developed in London in August, the Police would have blatted it without giving it a second thought.
“As many families gathered for their Christmas dinner, the faces around the table would no longer have been the uniformly Black of the Caribbean Yuletide. ”
Would that be “racist”?
“Would he think it good to transform Africa in this way…”
I wonder what he thinks of the “transformation” of Tibet?
Brendan O’NEILL:-
“Lawrence verdict: this isn’t justice – it’s politics. “
“The cultural elite has exploited and politicised the murder of
Stephen Lawrence to a degree that would have made Machiavelli
Unfortunately, O’Neill seems to agree with Jo Brand that racism is about power only, and only a problem when it’s authority figures. I’m not excusing the tarring of all whites with the broad brush, but O’Neill needs to rethink his argument about what racism is.
I think it’s a Marxist concept originally. Not an expert on the great man though.
I turned on the radio (BBC 5 Live) this morning and after 10 minutes I literally wanted to brick the radio. The sycophanty and fawning over various Black commentators truly was sickening. like any normal human being I am glad that justice is being done for the Lawrence family but what I find unacceptable is if the victim had been white and the perpatrators Black or Asian there is no way that justice would have been done 20 years later. Doors would have been slammed in your face way before now. Yes the two found guilty were scumbags but being a racist scumbag isn’t a white only infliction although you would thin so if you listen to our msn. I am also sick to death of the charge of racism being levelled at a population that has had to accomadate an unprecedented influx of foreign cultures with no say over the consequences whatsoever.
Why does BBC-NUJ spend so much time on the ‘racism’ of the killers in the Lawrence case, but so little time on the ‘racism’ of the killers in e.g. the Donald case?
“Trio” [of Muslims] “jailed for Kriss race murder” (2006)http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/glasgow_and_west/6123014.stm
The beeeb did get soe stick for neglecting this case rather. They responded – so I understand – with some guff about it being in Scotland.
Which was one excuse. The problem is that we on this forum have been keeping an eye out for this, and know that they pretty much always neglect to mention crimes done by Blacks or Asians (witness the “grooming” story last year) and then shout from the rooftops about any racism from white to blacks.
They do this routinely. What is scary is the rationale some people give for this – that they don’t want to inflame racism, or give a “negative portrayal of ethnic minorities”.
I strongly suspect this is what BBC people think. I do know that some people are actually prepared to give (or be given) a propagandised version of the news, for dubious reasons
Seriously messed up
In the Kris Donald case there was no hampering of the investigation by Police incompetence or corruption. The victim’s family was treated with the utmost respect it deserved.
George, would you like to share with us how you feel about the racist murder of Stephen Lawrence?
As I read it, George R is commenting on attitudes to the mindset of the killers, not the police.
The reaction of the police was, by definition, after the event.
Beeboids express a differentiated politics and morality against white murderers of blacks, which is much more condemnatory than e.g. Muslim murderers of whites.
The wheels of justice seem to have ground pretty slowly, but some sort of a result has oozed out.
However, not just the BBC, but all media seem to have spun this one as an M&S murder, namely not just any murder, but a [prefix] murder.
Hence, in future, in reporting (and possibly messing up any fair trial), I am anitcipating headlines revolving the ‘pissed-out-their-chavvy-treeist murder’ or ‘too-thick-to-not-drive-awayist murder of all kinds of folk who were simply unlucky enough to be of a certian type topped by another type.
Unless, of course, exceptions apply. Then the unique thing kicks in.
‘Justice must not only done, but seen to be done. Depending’
But weren`t these troubled youngsters all vulnerable and naive at the time, coming from challenging backgrounds?
Aren`t our prisons full already?
Why no community service option cleaning up at the Damilola Taylor Institute in Peckham?
Or -even better-why not a few days work at Kids Company, and them an OBE for renouncing their pasts?
I joke-of course-but Shami, Trevor,Lee, Ken and all thus usual useless idiots of the race industry-have not been every time they trot out this tripe for their favoured perpetrators.
Yes…Trot...that might be the word!
Why isn’t the BBC News Channel having anyone on to discuss whether or not what Stage Performer Maitlis just read out as “the racist murder” was a worse crime than any other pre-meditated murder? I understand that racism as motive can be used to show that it was pre-meditated, which has a bearing on sentencing guidelines. But why is there no discussion as to why racism is a more important motive? A rhetorical question, I know, but should be asked.
Murders happen for a variety of reasons, and I don’t see anything wrong with mentioning the motive. We hear about crimes of passion, etc., so no big deal there. But somehow this is a more important motive than, say, a father killing his daughter because she was seen with a male outside the immediate family. When the BBC refuses to have honest discussions about this stuff, they only further alienate their audience.
Hey, some legal talking head just told Maitlis that the convictions are due to advances in science. Does that mean the whole deal about a racist police force deliberately messing this up is a false narrative peddled by the BBC?
The killing may or may not have been racist; and I thoroughly dislike that term; but the investigation was not racist. It was a corrupt police force trying to protect the scum that gives it bungs. The ‘instututionalised racism’ was just a socialist scam. the met is corrupt and that’s the true story. The lawrences are being used as a tool for the socialists to perpetuate the myth that white people are more ‘racist’ than others. The truth is that non-whites are more racist than whites can ever hope to be. Again, look at the evidence. See South Africa. Can you imagine any non-white country accepting millions of white people as immigrants? No, neither can I.
According to a DC formerly on the take with the South East Regional Crime Squad, Det Sgt John Davidson who led the murder inquiry was on the take from one of the suspect’s fathers.
About half way through:-
No prizes for guessing what story ‘Newsnight’ is virtually repeating from last night tonight, and what political angle it’s taking.
Haven’t got time to read all these comments, alas.
It’s not just the BBC in this case. I’ve never seen such a clear case of Macaulay’s quote: “We know no spectacle so ridiculous as the British public in one of its periodical fits of morality”. And the issue that sparked it is, predictably, race
That murder would always have been horrible, not better or worse depending on who the victim was. Yet the British press have been falling over each other to say “Justice has been done” in the most pompous way imaginable. Basically everybody in the UK is competively playing the race card.
I think I stand a good chance of beoing called a racist for saying this. Those who know me know, I hope, that nothing could be further from the truth. I understand there is the question of institutional racism in the police force, and would like to see an end to it, if so.
But we seem to be told that NOTHING is so important as stamping out racism. This is what our children will learn. Pretty soon someone will say that respect for human life itself is less important, if your quote is correct, then Lord Blair thinks that equality before the law is less important. That’s a sad day
We can’t seem to keep a level head about the fight against racism. For whatever reason it has turned into nauseating point-scoring. The nicest quote I have found about Lawrence is from his mother: “Maybe he would have been the one to bridge the gap between black and white because he didn’t distinguish between black or white. He saw people as people.”
That’s all we need to do, see people as people. Perhaps he could. Many still can’t.
DP and JiC are on the money. With the benefit of hindsight, instead of McPherson dreaming up the ludicrous and mischevious concept of “Institutional Racism” (they are all guilty, no-one is guilty) he should have called for more investment and improvements in forensic science. Instead, thanks to that superannuated legal scumbag McPherson we have had eighteen years of the police standing on their heads trying to prove they are not racists, instead of catching criminals of whatever colour.
White> racist> killers> = supercrime: a narrative for continuing white guilt and black victimhood.
The murder in itself was particularly heinous, but what compounded its ‘news value’ was the Police bungling.
Still, the legacy of Lawrence is a disaster for this country. Mark Easton was on boasting yesterday how the campaigning for the Orwellian concept of ¡institutional racism’ to be recognised paved the way for diversity culture. The BBC has been in the propaganda vanguard in bringing this about. It’s truly ghoulish the way the likes of Easton and the sundry other Marxist cuckoos in the BBC nest exploited the Lawrence’s grief to advance their ‘death by leftism’ agenda for Britain.
As a result of Macpherson letting himself get goosed by Britain’s Der Sturmer of multi-culturalism the Guardian and its broadcasting arm, and getting spooked by the intimidatory conduct of the ‘Brixton possee’ at the farce of an Inquiry he presided over, the Marxist left scored its most seminal triumph of Macfarsan declaring the Met to be institutionally racist.
The legacy of this is the profound reluctance of the police to deal with black gangs which led to abject lawlessness across the capital in August.
Notwithstanding, insofar as serving the interests of justice goes, the Lawrence murder deserves the coverage its had. The scum who murdered him are the epitome of evil, and were they of age when committing the offence they should swing.
A little bit of perspective.
Since 2005, 133 teenagers have been murdered in London alone, the overwhelming majority of them black and Asian.
So while the media, the Trevor Phillipses, the Ian Blairs and the Jack Straws pat themselves on their backs for ‘tackling racism’ in the Met, youngsters are dying in their droves.
The murder in itself was particularly heinous, but what compounded its ‘news value’ was the Police bungling.
Still, the legacy of Lawrence is a disaster for this country. Mark Easton was on boasting yesterday how the campaigning for the Orwellian concept of ¡institutional racism’ to be recognised paved the way for diversity culture. The BBC has been in the propaganda vanguard in bringing this about. It’s truly ghoulish the way the likes of Easton and the sundry other Marxist cuckoos in the BBC nest exploited the Lawrence’s grief to advance their ‘death by leftism’ agenda for Britain.
As a result of Macpherson letting himself get goosed by Britain’s Der Sturmer of multi-culturalism the Guardian and its broadcasting arm, and getting spooked by the intimidatory conduct of the ‘Brixton possee’ at the farce of an Inquiry he presided over, the Marxist left scored its most seminal triumph of Macfarsan declaring the Met to be institutionally racist.
The legacy of this is the profound reluctance of the police to deal with black gangs which led to abject lawlessness across the capital in August.
Notwithstanding, insofar as serving the interests of justice goes, the Lawrence murder deserves the coverage its had. The scum who murdered him are the epitome of evil, and were they of age when committing the offence they should swing.
I was listening to the Six O’Clock news on Radio 4 this evening and the language being used by the newsreader was so emotive and subjective initially I thought that she must be quoting one of the relatives.
But she wasn’t. Those were the BBC’s words.
They devoted 1/3 of the entire 1/2 hour allotted to the case. Crazy.
Just to confirm: the newsreader herself used the words “terrible and evil crime” to describe the murder. I have never heard a newsreader use such words other than when quoting a source.
Not quite the way they covered the Fogel family murder.
When it all dies down, perhaps the country can go back to having good murders, as opposed to bad murders, like this one.
Bullshit and humbug – the BBC is full of it.
The BBc no longer report news dispassionately.
I listened to 5Live today from Breakfast through to Vicky D then Shelagh Fogarty and thought its coverage of the Stephen Lawrence murder verdicit was excellent.
Take a listen to a couple of callers on Vicky D (1:25 – then again at about 1:30 then another caller at 1:42 making fantastic points that VD really seemed glad having the opportunity to broadcast).
just listened, I agree, good points.
Both callers making them said they were black as well, To my ear Vicky D sounded relieved to have some black callers on talking common from the perspective of common humanity after the raft of sub-literate ‘gangsta yoof’ spooling out their poo. Especially as the first black caller of the above said you could tell from the way they speak they are just ‘ghetto gangstas’ or some such.
From what I have read, the socialists and the multiculturalists, you should be quaking in your boots. because you are on the list, my friends. you will be paying the price of what you have sown. And it’s not me who will be delivering, you will be the ones who are a quivering. when the righteous are smiting, you will be asking for forgiveness and lighting to a brighter day. Crap rap, I know, But I’m not black.
The bBC has gone beyond reporting “news” it is now broadcasting autocue-readers opinion as though it was news. As far as I can see, Norris and Dobson are guilty of what they did, not what they thought. Taking the life of another person is the crime.
A poor lad was murdered around the corner from us on a Saturday evening some months ago. Nobody asked what the murderer thought of their victim. The best the police could come up with was “a robbery that went wrong”. Good job it wasn’t “hate”. Just as dead mind you.
It seems not only do we no longer have freedom of speech, we no longer have freedom of thought either. We have just fallen off the edge of the slippery slope into totalitarianism, and the stupid media are cheering.
I see Guido has another racist statement from Dianne Abbot, tweeting about “white people”. Now just imagine if she said that on a train, surely she would be in jail – oh thats right this is the Britain new Labour made – she is black and black people cannot be racist, thats only for the evil honkeys. On this the BBC/Guardianistas will no doubt remain silent
Another thing. I’m sure you’ve noticed how many of us feel we need to preface everything we say with “Of course this was a horrible crime etc” I did)
Why did we say this? Apparently, because we believe that others might say or think “this person doesn’t care if a black person is mudered”. Does this tell us something about how much racism there actually is in this society, or how much fear of it there is – how much we’ve talked about it?
Another subtlety lost on Guardianistas. And Beeboids
I think it shows how defensive and sometimes apologetic we are. Unlike that oaf on Vine’s show.