According to the Radio 4 news this morning, scientists are drilling to a depth of two miles with surgically sterile equipment, into a buried freshwater lake in the Antarctic – this lake is apparently kept liquid by heat from the earth’s core.
In the following bulletin, they craftily added the line that this activity was occurring so scientists could better understand the cause of Global Warming.
If in doubt, inject (or tack on at the end) one or more of the phrases “Global Warming/Climate Change/Carbon Footprint/Greenhouse Gas Emissions/Eco-something” into any bulletin, article, drama, or other programme to guarantee the propagation of the meme
I wonder if the morons at the BBC think that Global Warming could be caused by man-made geothermal heat caused by pumping Carbon Dioxide into the ground.
It doesn’t matter if it’s true, it matters that it is said. That’s how they operate.
Unfortunately, this obsession ruins many a good programme, as seen in Birdflight, Frozen Planet, Coast, anything with Brian Cox in… and lately Countryfile. It’s as if they can’t help themselves.
It has my finger itching for the change channel button.
“…It doesn’t matter if it’s true, it matters that it is said…”
I really think that sums up the Orwellian approach of the BBBC to AGW. It is a doctrinal thing with them – as if just saying something is so, over and over, makes it true.
And, yes, Natsman, Cox was a c*ck on Stagazing , which I dared myself to watch – increasingly dismissive of anyone who takes a contrary view to his own, I sense hubris creeping in. Cox is very much an ‘on-message’ apparatchik, sadly. I fear thyis is the lot of anyone who gets involved in the BBBC’s particular brand of ‘natural science’ programme making. It comes at a cost; if you’re prepared to compromise your free-thinking skepticism you can have a slice of the pie; if you can’t stick to the agreed narrative…well close the door on your way out.
Cox told the viewers to change channel if they disagreed. I found nothing to disagree with, and didn’t learn anything new in Astronomy from the program. He did say we would all fry due to Global Warming. But I did not change channel because he said this would be caused by the Sun turning into a red giant in a few billion years time and did not mention AGW, so I didn’t change channel.
Cox told the viewers to change channel if they disagreed. I found nothing to disagree with, and didn’t learn anything new in Astronomy from the program. He did say we would all fry due to Global Warming. But I did not change channel because he said this would be caused by the Sun turning into a red giant in a few billion years time and did not mention AGW, so I didn’t change channel.
Heard Book of the Week earlier.
“El Narco” I believe it to be called.
The author had seen friends of his die of heoin overdoses, so he does as anybody else does-and goes out to Mexico to see “The Brave Ones” that grow and distribute the “herb of joy”.
Basically all this Mexican drug cartel unpleasantness is due to the USA blagging California etc from the noble Mexican nation in their war in the 19th Century…as well as the British forcing the Chinese coolies to bring it over with them to ease the pain of separation. The Navy and the East India Company were behind this bit.
Now how long since the Treaty of Guadalope then?…how long do we blame gunboat diplomacy for the Opium Wars?…can`t be long enough if you want to excuse decapitations and bling of the drug lords…who, as you`d imagine: are very nice to their old friends and families!
Must be so easy writing this history by numbers stuff-that always ends up at the doors of the UK/US/Israel by way of blame.
No wonder they hate real historians like Starkey, and barely tolerate Ferguson…but love their Tristrams and Simons.
looking forward to el beebs probable hatchet job on history, the crusades this wednesday? … no me neither
the bbc uses “contemporary evidence” … and “sheds new light” etc etc.
doesn t look good does it π
Well if it doesn t start with a couple of hard facts, the Muslim armies were conquering more Christian land and increasingly terrorizing and persecuting Christians?
Or that the Fatimid caliph al-Hakim had recently desecrated and destroyed a number of important churches—such as the Church of St. Mark in Egypt and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem—
and decreed several, even more oppressive than usual, decrees against Christians and Jews? that murderous retribution was the fate that even attempting a pilgrimage to jersusalem held.
It is in this backdrop that Pope Urban called for the Crusades???
or will we have the usual islamic history of europe/life of moh, pap they ve been dishing up of late … could be time for the off switch.
ala … BBC – History – Crusades and Jihads in Postcolonial Times
Dr S Sayyid considers an alternative way of representing world politics, arguing that there can be no single authorised version of history
π hmmm!
another bit of reality for el beeb news to ponder
yep! … look forward to it on the middle east page π
Yes, we can expert the worst of INBBC history on ‘Crusades’ (Wednesdays, BBC TV).
The two basic fundamental errors in ‘liberal’ histories of the crusades are:
1.) failure to see them as largely defensive measures by the West to support the Christians of the near East from the Islamic imperialist jihad conquest;
2.) failure to analyse the course of Islamic imperialist expansion and the violence of the tenets of Islam imposed on local Christian and other people.
Two works which INBBC habitually censor on this are:
For anyone who can stomach it, 5live & R,(brownhatter).Bacon …
i know, i know … hear me out! .
He has an interview with the producer, approx 14.45pm … no link yet, but we know what to expect, should be ahem!, intriguing π
will we hear this
“It is often assumed that the central goal of the Crusades was forced conversion of the Muslim world. Nothing could be further from the truth. From the perspective of medieval Christians, Muslims were the enemies of Christ and His Church. It was the Crusaders’ task to defeat and defend against them. That was all. Muslims who lived in Crusader-won territories were generally allowed to retain their property and livelihood, and always their religion”
wait and see eh!
Ive just heard the first 3 minutes, between he and Bacon
“it is true … essentially no reason for the crusades”.
urban just tried to show, to contort islam/muslims into being the enemies of christians ?????? …………..
er! right! π …. thats enough lefty sh-tty incorrect views incorrect on the actual facts of history, thank you very much.
ps i think this could end up worse, than life of mohamhead
Given that the writer of this show has just popped into a Beeb studio with Richard Bacon for his plug I do fear the worst. What does the Beeb imagine will be their audience for this show?
the producer has just stated, “muslims do not keep drawing back on the crusades” ….. i don t know what history books he has read, or what planet he lives on, because on this one … it is one of the major reasons used by islamic hatemongers, why … because it works for them …
just, how can that be eh!
On the other open thread was raised the strange business of the Demos (Common Purpose) report on the EDL and Demos not wanting to see it banned.
I suppose in what passes for their brains (Demos that is ) it is dimly perceived that to ban an organisation that has the silent support of huge numbers of Englishmen and women might precipitate events the liberal elite would not like at all.
Fear I suppose- the guiding motivation of a liberal when faced with reality
Someone sent me this email, entitled ‘Letter to Mr Cameron’, which isn’t BBC-related, but I thought I’d include it as it’s pretty funny IMHO:
Dear Mr. Cameron,
Please find below our suggestion for fixing the UK ‘s economy.
Instead of giving billions of pounds to banks that will squander the money on lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan.
You can call it the Patriotic Retirement Plan:
There are about 10 million people over 50 in the work force.
Pay them £1 million each severance for early retirement with the following stipulations:
1) They MUST retire.
Ten million job openings – unemployment fixed
2) They MUST buy a new British car.
Ten million cars ordered – Car Industry fixed
3) They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage –
Housing Crisis fixed
4) They MUST send their kids to school/college/university –
Crime rate fixed
5) They MUST buy £100 WORTH of alcohol/tobacco a week …..
And there’s your money back in duty/tax etc
It can’t get any easier than that!
P.S. If more money is needed, have all members of parliament pay back their falsely claimed expenses and second home allowances
If you think this would work, please forward to everyone you know.
Let’s put the pensioners in jail and the criminals in a nursing home.
This way the pensioners would have access to showers, hobbies and walks.
They’d receive unlimited free prescriptions, dental and medical treatment, wheel chairs etc and they’d receive money instead of paying it out.
They would have constant video monitoring, so they could be helped instantly, if they fell, or needed assistance.
Bedding would be washed twice a week, and all clothing would be ironed and returned to them.
A guard would check on them every 20 minutes and bring their meals and snacks to their cell.
They would have family visits in a suite built for that purpose.
They would have access to a library, weight room, spiritual counselling, pool and education.
Simple clothing, shoes, slippers, PJ’s and legal aid would be free, on request.
Private, secure rooms for all, with an exercise outdoor yard, with gardens.
Each senior could have a PC a TV radio and daily phone calls.
There would be a board of directors to hear complaints, and the guards would have a code of conduct that would be strictly adhered to.
The criminals would get cold food, be left all alone and unsupervised. Lights off at 8pm, and showers once a week. Live in a tiny room and pay £600.00 per week and have no hope of ever getting out.
Think about this (more points of contention):
Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that during the mad cow epidemic our government could track a single cow, born in Appleby almost three years ago, right to the stall where she slept in the county of Cumbria?
And, they even tracked her calves to their stalls. But they are unable to locate 125,000 illegal immigrants wandering around our country. Maybe we should give each of them a cow.
Think about this … If you don’t want to forward this for fear of offending someone — YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM! It is time for us grumpy old folk of Britain to speak up!
Jeff…your pal could use you for his/her running mate, and you`d clean up!
Can I be considered for the Media job in the cabinet?…just the stroke of a pen and everyone will get an extra £145.50 to add to the million.
The oldies are the goodies. This has been doing the rounds for a few years, first version I saw was re USA 3 or 4 years ago. Still good though, and would probably work! Also, the sheer size of what Uk plc pays out in welfare etc can equate to just giving a cheque of 5000 quid to EVERYONE…EVERY YEAR…so why not just do that!
I was talking recently with an Italian friend about benefits. She told me that, in Italy, you only get benefits if you’ve previously paid into the system, and even then you only get it for 180 days.
A system like that hurts people who have worked hard all their lives, and find themselves unemployed and unable to work for no fault of their own. But it also encourages people to work hard – from school upwards – and to take responsibility for their lives.
And why does it cost more to put someone in jail than in a 4 star hotel? There must be a mind-boggling amount of bureaucracy and human rights legislation behind the astronomical costs of imprisonment!
Is it only me who thinks that it is totally inappropriate for the BBC to use ex-BBC journalist Sarah Pennells as an independent financial expert?
Pennells left the BBC and set up a website dealing with financial matters from a women’s perspective. Fine, and good luck to her.
However, she routinely appears on BBC Breakfast with no mention that she is ex BBC. My problem with this is that there must be many other people who could provide similar information and would love the exposure that this would give their business. How is Pennells selected? Is the process open and put out to tender? Or is it just cronyism?
I think that the BBC constantly promoting the business venture of one of their former employees is simply improper.
I have been thinking the exact same thing for months now!… every time she pops up on the Breakfast ‘news’ programme she gets a free plug for her savvy woman website! I know of ecommerce outfits who’d love to have the same advertising – better than Google can offer!
Hopefully the Olympics will have a category for media bungee jumping…or tossing a boomerang like Sarah Pennell , before counting how many days it takes for her to show up again.
At least dwarf-throwing is done just the one time!
From Ex-Newsnight Editors running Google’s PR to BBC types pushing the products of those nearest and dearest, one has to realise that the term ‘expert’ tends to mean ‘person on lazy BBC producer iPhone’ at best.
That said, just had lunch to SKY’s awesome ‘coverage’ of Italian Paper, scissors… boat in the drink story.
Two ‘experts’ wheeled out, with Adam Boulton asking them, ‘So, what can you tell us despite things still being totally unclear and the authrorities still trying to find out?”.
Both.. ‘Er… we don’t know… but here’s another wild stab…’ (Actually both were quite cautious, mindlful of the trial by 24/7 ‘news’ maw, that will a) damn the Captain if innocent or b) ensure no justice for victims once their pea-brains have moved on to the next ‘event’.
Of course it is cronyism. The BBC is the purest model of corporatist corrupt crony capitalism. Part state funded part overseas private sales of BBC created media. In the pocket of the state, whilst pushing an unashemedly statist agenda.
It is no wonder that they wholly oppose free market capitalism and free choice.
I’ve come across this astonishing claim about Nick Robinson admitting at a party that the BBC is deliberately trying to make the English Democrats a pariah party; because they know that if they told the truth about them they would become very popular.
If anyone is unsure, the English Democrats is a democratic English Nationalist Party and absolutely nothing to do with the EDL. The English Democrats do have one extremely dodgy person high in their ranks (in pally talks with the IRA/Sinn Fein for instance) but they are vehemently anti-racist.
I’m a bit sceptical about that claim. Is there a recording of Mr Robinson saying it?
Has anyone tried claiming to the BBC about it, to get Nick Robinson’s version of events? I would, but they are no longer willing to consider claims of left-wing bias from me…
I would speculate that Robinson said something to someone at a party and it has been dressed up to look like a lot more than it really was (in the manner of the BBC). However, the BBC are not averse to telling little porkie pies, great whoppers and complete travesties of the truth themselves so should not be surprised if others are copying their methods.
And who’s on INBBC MARR’s ‘Start the Week’, next week but that liberal supporter of the Gaddafis at the London School of Islamic Economics? -Yes, the unashamed Ms S CHAKRABARTI.
Ah yes George R!
But that was then and this is now!
Lessons will be learned and we all need to draw a line in the sand and move on.
After all Saif Gadhaffi is now a vulnerable orphaned young man who`ll be need ing that EMA and PhD in order to provide healing…seemed to work for Al Magrabhi did it not!
Rather feel that neither you nor noggin attended our BBC Islam Suckup…sorry diversity awareness…module based on those rather informed comments above.
Maybe you`ll reconsider the offer of the Nazi-themed drinking game as constituting 20 credits toward your degree…todays Daily Mail gives full details!
I await the BBC slant on the Crusades in the two part documentary(I Think) that’s going to be served up to us. I have no doubt it will ignore the politics of the time involved and paint Christians as blood thirsty savages and Muslims as Noble peaceful defenders.
Martha Kearney has just said they will be discussing whether the Government should subsidise commercial films “or save its money for smaller arthouse offerings”. The alternative possibility that the Government could save its money by not subsisdising any films at all is way off the BBC mindset.
Quick mention by Evan Davis this morning about some report that…you`ll never guess…wants the age of criminal responsibility…er …”raised from 10 to…well , wotcha offering guv…21?”
No matter the figure to raise it…the report would have been done by the usual suspects and was the work of “experts”…then followed the usual quangocrats and Childrens Commissioners as said “experts” listed. Letter in the Times I think. I`ll not be checking.
Easy peasy-join a quango or cherdiee, get a state posting to back up Shami…and hey presto …you`re an expert!
Sadly, Denise Fergus was not happy-but as she was the mum of Jamie Bulger, we`ll put her down as “entrenched and embittered”.
Believe it was a story in the Sun…for Evan sounded a little sniffy about mentioning such a non-progressive idea as Mrs Fergus saying that it should be “lowered, not raised-for they grow up so fast these days”.
Not at all dear, Blairs boys are forever young until 21…so deal with it.
Evan sure won`t need to anyhoo…that much was clear!
I am struggling to remember the day when I was asked if I wanted to fund a media business that (because of the unique way in which it funded) effectively eliminates its rivals, and establishes an monopoly of radio and television news broadcasting in the UK. I mean this arrangement is so antipathetic to a free society, so against what the public they serve believes in, they must have asked our permission.
I might have missed the vote, just as most of us are too young to have voted on whether or not we wanted to join a Common Market (the history books say that people said “Yes” just so long as it does not turn into a European Superstate) so I would be grateful if the BBC could remind me when I was asked if I want to be forced to be educated by the BBC, forced to support an organisation that tries to eliminate any thought, or fact, or interpretation, that does not serve the interests of the Leftist establishment.
Just tell me the date. I might have been ill, or on holiday, or unborn, and missed it. Just tell me the day.
Because I have to say, if was was asked, I would not agree to this arrangement, not because I despise the Left (which I do) or because I think that the BBC churns out Leftist propaganda 24 hours a day (which it does) but because it is a media arrangement that is a direct attack upon our free society – upon our freedom of choice.
Remind me again. When was I asked if I want this arrangement? Because if I thought that nobody asked me I might get mad.
I think the date was the 32nd of Neverember. Where you asleep that day? It was quite a day. That was also the day that we held elections for the European Commission President, the European Council President and the European Parliament President.
BBC newsreader Zeinab Badawi has been told she can keep a roof conversion at her £1.85 million Belsize Park home that she put up without planning permission.
Councillors went against the recommendation of their own officers after hearing how neighbours were backing the journalist. However, the extension has divided local opinion with the Belsize Conservation Area Advisory Committee objecting to its “size and bulk”.
Badawi, 52, who attended the meeting, claimed she went ahead with the £50,000 work on the six-bedroom Edwardian house after being told she would not need to apply for permission
‘a roof conversion at her £1.85 million Belsize Park home that she put up without planning permission’
It’s that ‘unique’ thing again.
Bet the Dale Farm folk are well impressed.
We had to replace the roof here a decade ago, but the planners demanded changes that cost an extra £2k.
I asked why and was told: ‘to be more in keeping structurally with the natural harmony of the area.
Next door is an area of outstanding armpitness, namely a ‘traveller’ vehicle storage area, mainly rusting hulks and burger trailers. Odd, as it’s only zoned for residential.
There is also a mighty structure in the centre. My suggestion that, instead of Welsh slate, I used rusty corrugated iron to be more in keeping with the tip next door, was felt by the planners to ‘be not helpful’.
Maybe if I hadn’t applied at all, stuck up what I felt like, and then claimed BBC-asylum (the missus is from Ms. Badwani’s neck of the woods too) I could be quids in still?
My problem with most left-wing poiliticians and commentators (many of which reside within the BBC) is that unless they are really willing to live like Ghandi then their repeated appeals for ‘fairness’ ring hollow.
“As I See it”, re “live like Ghandi”: It was once remarked by a British politician that if the British people discovered how much tax payers money was spent allowing Ghandi the luxuy of living in poverty they would be appalled.
As long as his articles reflect the real scientists at the sharp end of actual measurement and research rather than modellers, politico-scientists and tree ring circus acts.
He needs to show that he has the integrity to keep the IPCC and the RS at a professional arm’s length while also taking views of other highly respected scientists on board too.
Those who have been studiously ignored for too long are now more accurately reflecting what is happening to our climate.
Whether David has the ‘cojones’ to show real balance in defiance of his superiors has yet to be seen.
Apparently this playing at Nazis is very popular in the French Alps. I wonder how soon the BBC will move Heaven and Earth to name these students from the LSE and get them sent down, the way they went after that Conservative MP whose involvement seems rather more innocent than these left-wing students.
The Board of Deputies are apparently considering boycotting the Grauniad due to increased, overt anti-semitism. I would like to see them considering boycotting the BBC for the same reason. Even the BBC would have to report something like that.
“Nazi glorification and antisemitism have no place in our universities”, it says in your first link. Doh! Of course they have a place – wasn’t LSE funded by Libya?
I am sure readers here will not be surprised to learn that none of the complaints referred to in the report below was upheld. I believe there is even a phrase for this: We got it about right. A television series about crime-busting Rastafarian mice on the BBC was the most complained about children’s programme last year. Rastamouse attracted more than 200 complaints because of the way it ‘stereotyped black people’ and because of the ‘patois’ language used by the Jamaican mouse characters. – The CBeebies show, which has run for two series, attracted 13 complaints when the first episode was aired last January. There have since been 200 further complaints.
The BBC has defended the Bafta-nominated show, which features an all-mouse reggae band – Rastamouse and Da Easy Crew. The puppet mouse spreads love and respect as leader of the Easycrew. He uses patois language – and phrases such as ‘me wan go’ for ‘I want to go’ and ‘wagwan’ for ‘what’s going on?’.
The Left consider black people to be their intellectual property. The show was done with Leftoid sensibilities in mind – cultural relativism, the soft racism of lowered expectations, Social Cohesion – which is why it got BAFTA attention, so it will escape charges of racism. Then there’s the probable assumption by the decision-makers that most complaints came from time-wasting Mail readers who simply hate the BBC.
Still, it makes you wonder who the people are that make these judgments.
I would just like to jump in here and thank David Vance for his recommendation regarding The Horse at the Gates by DC Alden which he mentioned last month. I have just finished the book and it certainly was a riveting read if scary! Set about 30 years hence the storyline is (sadly) so believable it could almost be just a few years away. (‘Halal meat in the Houses of Parliament anyone?’). Insidious take over of all things British and not only by the EU. The apparently hopeless fate of the innocent youth matched by that of the deposed Prime Minister, all under a highly controlled media. Most Beeboids would love it – in theory at least!
1984 was not a warning but an instruction manual, animal farm with the pigs as the goodies. There are many within the BBC who truly feel that the DDR is a country worth emulating and superior to the West in every way.
“UK: Muslims turn increasingly to Sharia courts, women hardest hit.
“Yet no one, least of all Western feminists, seems in the least concerned about Sharia’s institutionalized discrimination against women. ‘Growing use of Sharia by UK Muslims,’ by Divya Talwar for the BBC
Of course, the above propaganda report is from INBBC’a ASIAN NETWORK, which is part of INBBC’s Islamic apartheid sector, forcibly financed for Islamic interests by British people.
The gradual application of Sharia law in Britain and the West is as promulgated by the Muslim Brotherhood, which INBBC and Obama politically endorse.
Oh dear, the new BBC Science Editor is to be David Shukman!. I suppose that a degree in Geography is better than the zoology degree of his mad colleague Mr Black.
As Environment and Science Correspondent for BBC News since 2003, David Shukman has reported from locations as diverse as the Arctic, the Antarctic and the Amazon.
In his coverage of climate change, he has undertaken a dozen assignments to the polar regions.
David was the first journalist to make a live television broadcast from Britain’s Antarctic base, and he has also made the most northerly television broadcast, only 600 miles from the North Pole.
Recent assignments include voyaging through the fabled North West Passage in the Canadian Arctic, reporting live on the scourge of plastic waste in the Pacific Ocean, and witnessing the threat of rising sea-levels to the tiny island nation of Tuvalu.
David has endured being trapped by blizzards in the Arctic, once in a tent at a NASA camp in Greenland, and on another occasion in a remote research station in Siberia.
Our Mr Shukman is a man of many talents he has also written a book on cooking, I wonder if any of his recipes explained how to cook Polar bear?
Thoroughly enjoyed Sherlock – the leads were terrific, the script wonderfully snappy and whizz-bangery great fun. Mark Gatiss is a gem.
Next up: Birdsong, which starts on 22 January.
Now, I hope the seemingly-ubiquitous Abi ‘White Girl’ Morgan doesn’t do anything too Guardian with the script. I have a terrible nightmare that Isabelle Azaire will be cast as a Muslim who converts bi-sexual Stephen Wraysford (who is having a gay affair with Weir, natch) to Islam.
The BBC managed to make a horlicks of both The Thirty-Nine Steps and The Day of the Triffids, so I suppose I have every right to be apprehensive. π
I didn’t see any of Sherlock (not being a big fan of much TV really) but I heard an except on tehr adio (a trailer for the show) and it seemed totally unrealistic: he said something like “come on Sherl” when talking to himself and others called him Sherlock, it just wouldn’t happen, he’d be called Holmes (as in every single other adaption of Conan Doyle), everbody – at least everybody eductaed in that era – was called by their surname. Little things like that piss me off so I’m glad I didn’t watch.
Span Ows – this Sherlock was updated to the present day – and somehow Mr D and I watched by mistake – and loved it – only if you knew the original stories would you appreciate how much reference to them there was in it. I am very willing to criticise the BBC but this Sherlock was good.
So Holmes and Watson (a doctor of global warming) were in a stable homosexual relationship, and the cocaine use was because it was now legally available, SH’s logical reasoning was all from the Koran, Moriarty looked Jewish but was really a fundamental Christian with a passing resemblance to Sarah Palin…
‘The Hound of the Baskervilles’became The Hound of the EDL, ‘A Study in Scarlet‘ A Study in Labour Red and The Valley Of Fear’ became the ‘USA pre Obama’ and finally but most forcibly, Holmes could have acted faster but the Coalition cuts meant more people would die. π
You did not watch it then… And you come up with that criticism? Thankfully your rather accurate charicature of the BBC’s normal adaptations does not apply in this case.
Loved the two series, although still have to watch the last episode. All rather wonderful but did you appreciate Sherlock deducing the experimental base’s password to access the secret CIA files? all nasty right wing books, four copies of Mrgaret Thatcher’s biography and the hint that he would have been on first name terms with maggie? Always subtle the BBC, but the right buttons are being pressed so often.
Span Ows… The BBC Sherlock was a very well done adaptation into modern times. This was clearly known to anyone that watched it. The adaptation was done with skill and understanding and a great deal of sympathy to the original Holmes stories.
When I first heard that they had created a conemporary version of Sherlock, I was disheartened and expected it to be a crude and politically correct vandalism of the Holmes ‘brand’.
I have to admit, though, it was a brilliant and wonderful adaptation which worked beautifully.
“Leveson Inquiry: The editors’ views
UK newspaper editors have been giving evidence at the Leveson Inquiry into press ethics. Here we look at their stances on some of the key topics.”
“We are probably in technical recession,” the Item Club’s chief economic adviser, Peter Spencer, told the BBC.
In fact he told everyone: the E&Y press release headlines are:
“The UK is probably in technical recession at the moment and likely to remain stalled until the second half of the year when falling inflation should provide a platform for a consumer recovery. However, the current resilience of the US and many other overseas markets and the strength of large company finances mean that the ITEM Club does not envisage a serious double dip.”
The UK is totally fucked, let’s face it.
Mind you a Jubilee and an Olympics or two will divert everyone’s attention, while the perpetrators nick your cash, and steal silently away…
On BBC local radio they have been saying things about “the current recession” for months now.
The fact that we have not even had so much as a month in negative territory in the last six months, let alone six consecutive months of “negative growth”, means nothing to the BBC and their “talk Britain back into recession” agenda.
The BBC have a report on their website informing us that none Muslims are now going to Sharia courts in the U.K., to sort out their differences, along with their Islamic counterparts.
Yet, they give us no proof of this, other than have some Sharia judge blathering on of how it is true…This video is shocking, considering that Sharia law rulings have no binding or lawful credence within the U.K…..
A stable country can only have one currency and one legal system . This is the reality. Sharia has no place in Britain nor should it have. Equality under one law has been at the basis of civil society for centuries. Any arguments to the contrary are absurd. The liberal flirtation with Sharia is further evidence of the liberal’s essentially unreal approach to life and his poor grasp of what constitutes a nation.
Interesting how the article mentions the objection that Shariah discriminates against women, but the example the editor chose to feature in the inset is of a woman saying that the Shariah council protected her rights and helped her “move on”. It doesn’t say anything about whether or not there’s even a point to civil court.
Narrative? What Narrative?
Then there’s the fact of orthodox Jews doing the same thing. If Shariah courts are banned, this will have to affect the Jewish equivalent. There’s an opportunity for Jews and Muslims to work together here, yet I’m not seeing the BBC promote the possibility for such harmony. I wonder why that could be?
They are binding if the people themselves consent to it. Seeing as how consent is at the heart of English law sith the legal maxim, “Consensus Facit Legem” Consent makes the law!
People can create their own courts and apply any law they wish in the UK, so long as those people involved consent to it.
Likewise our statute law is based upon consent. However assumed consent applies if we do not actively revoke our consent.
Jeremy is a tainted and nasty piece of work have no doubt.
I recall his early days when he was commissioned to do a piece on reporting whilst drunk (no lie) Good value for the licence fee, eh? I think he must have hit the bottle hard and perhaps this skunk now needs rehab? Don’t forget that Saif Gadaffi was found with one of alBowen’s notebooks on him. How did that happen?
Funny that the BBC sneers at the idea of building a new royal yacht yet happily thinks throwing billions are luvvie art house bollocks is a good use of money.
Too true, Barry. In West Bromwich near where I live, there is a white elephant “arts centre” which has cost over £70m (yes seventy!) so far .and as far as I can see the only people going there are parties of schoolkids. It is called “The Public”, but is known locally as “The Pubic” as it was built by a bunch of pricks!
And it turns out that, unlike the yacht the BBC rented and catered for their 2010 UK election night party, no taxpayer money will be spent on the gift to the Queen. Yet the BBC still quotes Tom Watson as saying the Tories are out of touch for spending all that cash while school budgets are being slashed. And he’s right, sort of, because the BBC then tells you the palace said they should keep the celebrations toned down in accordance with these tough economic times. As if that means private citizens should stifle themselves, yeah.
George, you just have to listen to a couple of minutes, of that factually incorrect, shamefully biased twat, on that other shamefully biased twats programme,(Bacon), to realise that
that shamefully biased twats like he & Esposito, are just going to keep appearing like magic, on the shamefully biased twats network BBC
sad isn t it,( talking of twats, has Drearybyshire jetted up to Salford today?).
One thing which gets me is the people who stand-up and read the Sports News on BBC News 24. These are often rather flabby people with fat arms, or beer guts, who it’s impossible to imagine have any taste for any sporting activity. Anyway, I wish the women would cover up their flabby arms (they’re often uncovered) … for the guys with the beer gut, I suggest they wear a heavy overcoat at all times.
Of course, Islam’s super apologist, Esposito (who rivals other leading apologist Ms K Armstrong in INBBC-Guardian pro-Islam, anti-Christian political affections), praises INBBC’s historian/presenter of ‘Crusades’, Mr Asbridge.
Oh yes folks, its the BBCs favourite hobby horse, electric cars and how Obama was going to use the stimulus to fantastic effect building a new ‘model T’ type of revolution that would sweep the world. Didnt quite turn out that way, with private buyers staying away and the few sold going to lickspittle groups. Its been a gigantic waste of money, the electric car has no future, all that will be left of it in five years is thousands of tons of highly toxic battery packs.
GM’s Flop in Green
by Patrick J. Michaels
At the Detroit Auto Show this week, CEO Dan Akerson admitted that General Motors may have to cut back production of the Chevrolet Volt because the 4,600-plus Volts on the market now are about three times the monthly sales. Other figures put the GM hybrid car’s inventory at an outrageous 120-plus days.
By most accounts, “Government Motors” has stuck with the Volt mainly to please the Obama administration, which still owns a third of its stock in the wake of the 2009 government “rescue” of the company. But just how badly is the effort faring? Well, consider the 1,529 sold in December.
More than a third of those were fleet sales to corporations. None of these were the traditional large-fleet purchasers, i.e. Hertz, Avis and the other big rental companies. They were more like Verizon and General Electric — with GE having committed to buying 12,000 and having already purchased unspecified “hundreds,” with continued “daily” deliveries, as The Wall Street Journal reported recently.
Then there are the direct taxpayer buys. Fifty to New York City. The city of Deland, Fla., brags about buying five with an Energy Department grant. The federal General Services Administration has bought 101 so far, but President Obama has ordered it to procure only hybrid or high-mileage vehicles by 2015. (The taxpayers buy about 60,000 cars a year for GSA.)
Anyway, until GM is transparent and forthcoming about how many (or how few) Volts are selling to private individuals, we aren’t going to know. But several ominous signs suggest that the Volt’s long-term viability may be a risky proposition.
Taxpayers are rightly grumpy about ponying up a $7,500-per-car subsidy on a car that is generally priced around $44,500 (the median for the 4,612 Volts on People who will spend nearly $40K for a small four-passenger car don’t need a subsidy. (Nor, for that matter, do folks who buy a $100,000 Tesla.)
Worldwide, subsidies for all kinds of green energy are being cut — resulting in a true sectoral depression. Solar-energy stocks are down 90 percent. The gigantic wind company Vestas may be acquired or worse.
The Volt will meet a similar fate if the subsidy ends. The chances of that happening are about the same as those of electing a Republican Senate and president: significant.
Then there’s the competition, which starts in earnest this year. The extended-range Prius, which will be on the market in months, will go out the door for about $35,000 (minus a $2,500 subsidy) — bringing the net cost to about $5,500 less than the Volt. Nissan’s Leaf, Ford’s hybrid and Hyundai’s product (said to undercut the Prius price) will all be in this small market by the end of the year. Which, if any, will endure?
Then there’s the half-billion dollars the feds have sunk into the Fisker Karma. At $95,000, who’s really going to buy something that gets a lousy 20mpg once the battery finks out after around 30 miles?
The added cost for a plug-in rather than a conventional model varies from about $14,000 (Toyota Prius vs. Corolla) to $20,000 (Volt vs. Cruze Eco) and on up to the Fisker and Tesla. And the internal-combustion engine is being improved dramatically at far less cost. The Cruze is much cheaper to run than the Volt, once the latter is on its premium-fuel-powered gas engine. (Don’t want to use the Volt’s gas engine? Stay within 15 miles of home.)
Which is why plug-in hybrids won’t sell. Why prolong the agony? Kill the car now. It’s not cost-effective, and it’s irritating taxpayers in an election year. Much has been learned in its development, including a little economics and the folly of subsidies.
Taxpayers and corporations can’t prop up this flop forever. GM management should end the misery before being told off by the voters, the markets and its own technology.
I remember the woman who was running a solar power company critisising Cameron at a business event and complaining that Cameron knows nothing about business, when he cut the subsidy for solar power and she had to lay off workers.
Clearly it was she who knows nothing about business, as she would not need a government subsidy to run a successful business if she did.
Owning a “business” that requires a government subsidy is not actually “running a business.” It is screwing the taxpayer!
oh!,,,,,, that must be sharia” lite” then, bit like “moderate” islamist,…”moderate” brotherhood etc ….. eh “moderate” taliban? … whats next???
when do we get, to … the jews, oh them … well they were just in the way, oh! look!… pretty flowers
words cannot express my loathing for what they are attempting
to do
Spot on!
Tiptoeing through those perfumed gardens as ever…and telling me its because they don`t want to wake up the djinn, and not because they`ll step on a landmine!
Any Islamist nut would only get encouragement from thinking that we`ve all had our spines and gentials removed like thoe Beeb poltroons.
The BBC in fact make us more likey to get attacked…for the suicde nutters are so thick that they DO think that the BBC/Guardian speak for the nation(albeit with big words and well away from the frontline!)
Hang the Beeboids in Chatham dockyards!
Poor old Kirsty Wark must already be in SNP heaven, for her “exclusive” about “academies getting around excluding vulnerable young persons” was a disaster.
It`s as if poor Kirsty had a privileged education back home in Scotland, ensured her own kids got the same…but had a curiousity about things down here and south of the border.
The poor girl didn`t have a clue-both headteachers asked in made mincemeat off her and stuffed her in Salmonds gut and all ready for Bruns Night.
Poor old Liz MacKean(wouldn`t be Scottish either by any chance?) set Gove up on the tee for a Number 9 driver…and all Kirsty could manage was this clueless piece of grievance theatre that embarrassed us all.
Payment by results would have saved us a first class ticket back to Scotland…a worthless whinge worthy of Panorama, so inept and telegraphed was this damp sock of an item.
Wark…only one consonant away from being exactly what it says on the shortbread tin!
‘To call him “independent” is surely very misleading.’
In.. context… simply yet further agenda-based propaganda.
Using the ‘1-degree of separation’ ‘expert’ ‘guest’ to say what the BBC believes but dare not put its name to is bad enough, but to try and polish that turd with claims of independence is beyond a joke.
Thank you. Another question is now winging its way to my new chums at complaints. The content of BBC producer iPhones is worthy of analysis, as one suspects that, out of a broad field that is already dominated by a ‘certain view’, they only seem aware of extremes within that.
Oddly, the promised response from the head honcho has stalled, and the last several have moved back to ‘sorry we didn’t get back to you as promised.. required.. in the time stated, but we were busy brushing off other errors with snotty insincerity’ territory.
Noting two talking heads that are allowed to pronounce at the outset, with no explanation of who they are…. only identified later… and in Rog the Dog’s case, rather less extensively than might be considered honest.
Not just a stich-up, a BBC stitch-up. One of too many.
‘Collecting figures… which suggest..’ So… a BBC PR punt based on bias in favour of ‘dark arts’ ambulance chasing claimants and their grievance industry mates then?
They really do see their mission as serving the slapper pole-dancer types who want private tuition, over the rest of the country’s kids who may simply wish to get educated, and serving ratings by playing up minority exceptions to foul up the chances of the majority still further.
Unique. The emoting Ms. McKean bears careful watching, if not a warning notice.
Thanks Craig.
You could tell by looking at his rumpled suit, no tie and soup stains that he was not the Blue Peter presenter , the State now requires in current child entertainment projects that has replaced teaching in a classroom,…so old school yeah?
I had him down as an Institute of Education monkey who reckons he was being lauded in “The History Man”.
The Iof E is purveyor of socialist re-educational engineering tropes by appointment to the BBC in cases like this…like |Wark-God is really giving them names that make it lear what HE thinks…Balls, Titcombe?…Kirsty Wa*k?…
As you can see, it’s been covered by various sources. Funnily, I’ve yet to find any mention of this by searching the BBC News site, and The Guardian only seems to give it a brief mention, buried deep within it’s ‘Politics Live Blog‘ rather than a full story. Supposedly, Mr. Bozier is ‘trending‘ on Twitter, where it’s getting quite nasty – and we all know that Beeboids love their little Twitter thingies, where they seem thoroughly well plugged into Labour’s socket. It’s strange that they haven’t been able to pick up on this.
Hmmm. They do seem quite keen to tell us all about ‘Tory Defectors’ though, don’t they. Maybe they’ll get to it eventually – must be a busy news day.
Did I miss Len McClusky then?
I put the radio on at 8.10 but he seemes to have gone…for all I got was Sarah chatting to Nick about McCluskys article in the Guardian?
Either he was cleared out pronto or the NuLabor mouthpiece invited in to discuss St Leonard was too low grade to even hold the Toady presenters interest for the usual ten minutes or so.
Maybe its BBC policy now to put their croissant musings of the green room out as “current affairs”…certainly better to cut out the middle man who came up with the “original” material..such as it is!
I suspect McClusky probably didn`t use big words in small case like the Guardian implies-the mittens and crayons possibly mean dear Len was left in the creche downstairs.
Even our smelly socks brigade-a la Fred Kite-seem a bit thicker than of old!
abu quatada, has won his h.rights case, to prevent extradition to syria says el beeb 5live, he is imprisoned for terrorism, and wait for it … using his reigion as a “cover” for his terrorism …. HELLO! ….
i don t think he is imprisoned for that … do you?
mandated ideological jihad, is a …. cover? absolutely false, he is following his ideology.
“i have been made victorious by terror” who said that … yep! mohamhead himself, the perfect example of conduct?
was he using his religion as a cover, for his terrorism
this ahem “seal” of the prophets? …
hmmm looks like he would have had the key thrown away today …
Here is the truth about electric cars, they used to be the future once, the ultimate product of political fantasy over common sense. Nobody wants one, they are expensive and rubbish, they do not work even as promised and they need a huge subsidy and even then nobody wants one. What the politicians have done is recreate the Trabant minus the useability.
Revealed: There are more charging points than electric cars in UK as sales slump
Sales of electric cars have slumped so badly that there are now more charging points than vehicles on the road. Just 2,149 electric cars have been sold since 2006, despite a government scheme last year offering customers up to £5,000 towards the cost of a vehicle.
The Department for Transport says that around 2,500 charging points have been installed, although their precise location is not known.
The government grant has boosted sales – from 138 in 2010 to 1,1082 last year – but only £3.9million of the £300million set aside has been paid out. A spokesman for the DFT told The Sunday Times: ‘It’s fair to say that there hasn’t been a huge take-up over the past year.’
The high cost of electric cars has put many off. The Nissan Leaf still costs £25,990 even after the £5,000 grant has been deducted.
Electric cars are also only suitable for short journeys, with a maximum range of around 100 miles on a full charge.
Mark Goodier, former Radio 1 DJ who owns a Nissan Leaf, told the newspaper: ‘Nissan needs to work on range. If you travel more than 100 miles, this is not for you. ‘You have to think about usage and plan what you are going to do. You can’t wake up and decide to drive to Scotland.’
The government is spending £30million on publicly-funded charging points and those in private companies. These range from points which take between six and eight hours, to those which provide an 80 per cent charge in half an hour.
Drivers can pay an annual fee to use the majority of the points, with authorities charging a membership fee for the year but no extra charge for electricity.
It’s a similar story in the U.S., with Nissan selling 10,000 Leaf cars last year – compared to almost 13million new vehicles every year, The Sunday Times reported.
A spokesman for Nissan said: ‘The Leaf is meeting its business plans but it’s a car that’s going to take a while to be accepted in the market.’
More fuel-efficient petrol engines are also affecting electric car sales.
Norman Baker, transport minister, said the availability of electric cars was the main challenge to the market.
Anyone who has ever owned a rechargeable anything knows that, although they’ve improved, they rarely meet their specification and replacement batteries can be horrendously expensive – particularly non-standard ones.
When electric cars are tested they are always done over a long drive and of course they are totally crap for that. Any idiot (clearly not theBBC types though) knows that no one is going ot take 3 days to get from London to Edinburgh in an electric car. A horse would be faster.
Of course there main use is in urban areas like London, but then of course most people don’t have off road parking so how do you charge it at home.
I won’t bother going into the whole engineering nonsense of electric cars we’ve done that to death here ,but the BBC keep pushing this crap.
We know the real answer is the hydrogen fuelled vehicle.
“Of course there main use is in urban areas like London” In theory, yes. Unfortunately, driving styles have become so aggressive in all urban areas that I wouldn’t want to be targeted repeatedly by the “Get the f*** out of my way NOW !” brigade several times a week. I’m not a slow driver either. The Channel Islands or IOW maybe?
Yes I agree, to be honest if I lived in London I wouldn’t bother owning a car in the first place. The cost of parking, the vandalism and endless traffic jams make them pointless.
“I agree that hydrogen is the way to go… can power your house too!” Good idea. If I filled Abu Qatada’s house with hydrogen, how far do you think he’d go? I reckon a good half mile.
Regarding the charging points, I enjoyed the “We need a map of them across the country.”
I can’t see the mantle of world leaders in technology being passed from Formula 1 (KERS) over to these idiots any time soon.
Speaking of managers George,
Ex RL player and coach Danny Lockwood’s book “The Islamic Republic of Dewsbury” is worth a read.
He currently writes a column in League Weekly.
<img src=”” alt=”Andrew Neil”/> afneilAndrew NeilStrasbourg Court rules deporting Abu Qatada would breach his human rights. Good time to be making BBC doc on human rights!
A topical doc on this subject, maybe.
A BBC one? Hmn. We’ll see.
Di I see lots of BBC interns laying cables into Qutadas “custody suite” from a convenient unmarked van outside Long Lartin?
Surely the file in the cake/message in a bottle stuff is a bit cliched?…but not beyond the BBC when they`ve got one of Shamis boys available for the exclusive 8.10 spot on the Toady Show.
Well it seems that the BBC disease has spread. I’ve just been to Ed West’s piece in the DT: What ‘right’ does Abu Qatada have to stay in Britain? It is dated January 17th, 2012 (ie: today) but it says “Comments are closed”. NUJ strikes again? It seems some people are only prepared to tolerate comments which do not demand tolerance in the first place.
Were any allowed earlier, or was this from the off?
Whichever way, a pernicious further dagger in the heart of free speech in thsi country, when certain topics are either off limits or only to be broached in a controlled way by a select few.
time for V.Drearybyshire, to open her mouth, & put both feet in again π
is there a VD special report on the way?
so abu qutada, has won his h.rights case, to prevent extradition to syria, so says el beeb 5live, he is imprisoned for terrorism, and wait for it … using his reigion as a “cover” for his terrorism …. HELLO! ….
i don t think he is imprisoned for that … do you? … mandated ideological jihad, is a …. cover? absolutely false, he is following his ideology, i see the el beeb bullsh-t meters being revved up already.
I wonder…did anyone at the BBC suggest that the murderous Breivik was using his religion as a cover for his horrid acts? I seem to remember that they put the conservative Christian aspect pretty high up on the motivation list. But then I guess Christianity is not a ‘religion of peace’.
Palin Derangement Syndrome sufferer and Obama fanboy Andrew Sullivan has penned a defence of his beloved president that is so toe-curlingly gushing it would make North Korean state media embarrassed. Of course, Richard Bacon was impressed though:
Why is Bacon wasting everyone’s time disucssing the leader of a foreign country? His show isn’t intended for foreign consumption. Sullivan is a useful tool for the Left these days. They can hold him up as an example of a “conservative” who agrees with them about pet issues. So if Sullivan says The Obamessiah is great, it must be true, a “conservative” says so. Bacon hates Palin as much as Sullivan. I wonder if he’ll point his audience to a comedy routine on YouTube about HIV?
I think Sullivan is on some sort of narcotic; his prose makes sense but he is saying that left, right and centre have misjudged Obama and it’s Obama’s greatness getting this that and the other done…what AS fails to see isn’t Obama isn’t skillfully playing the long game but just incompetently dithering
Sullivan is giving you the number one White House talking point: we need four more years so He can do what He set out to do, and make His changes irreversible. That’s supposed to be a reason to vote for Him, but I can’t think of a better reason not to.
Sullivan is almost completely in thrall to political homosexuality which is a left wing phenomenon. He’s made little secret of his sexual outlook – quite the reverse – and no harm in that. However, the relaxing of the HIV immigration rules by the Redeemer of the White House (allowing Sullivan to get his Green Card) plus the surfacing of the intellectual corruption contracted at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard has finally turned his brain. As to his “conservatism” he blogged about “leaving the right” in 2009: the guy is as “conservative” as the Today team.
I’m seriously trying to stay clear of the BBC for the good of my health, but here’s an interesting piece bemoaning the cap on housing benefit at 400 pounds per week, which will mean many of those on benefit will have to move out of affluent areas to something more affordable!
400 pounds per week!
Well to use a word mentioned the other day and thrown around with ease by the BBC, they will simply have to move to accommodation more suited to their benefits income.
I like how the Beeboid found one tiny flaw in the Government’s argument to jump on, ignoring the real point. The mouthpiece said – after explaining the reality – that ending government housing subsidies in expensive areas will help bring rents down (presumably because landlords will no longer get high guaranteed rates they can use to keep rents up in the neighborhood). That’s the only weak part in the argument, and that’s the only part the BBC decided to focus on. “But is that really true?” Lame.
Then we heard from the advocate who says it will be very difficult because there are 1 million people on housing benefits. So? They’re not all moving, why did the BBC allow that irrelevant point? Oh, right, it’s all about tearing down even an intelligent government program that is unfair to the very working class people BBC Socialists claim to support. And hang on, is it a “cut”, as the advocate said, or a “cap”? Now I’ve been possibly mislead, because it’s not made clear now. And now I’m left wondering if every single family on housing benefits in the entire country will have to move to Wembley or a regional equivalent, rather than the percentage who live in expensive areas. Spin, spin, spin.
Whose fault is the situation, BBC? Why blame the Tories for trying to fix it? Oh, right, I forgot that May 2010 is Year Zero. And it would save money, so quit trying to make people think it wouldn’t. The problem is who picks up the tab? Where did that come from? Pathetic biased report.
Nearly every “news” item from the BBC is a “pathetic biased report” these days. Why do they bother having any news at all? Every report could be written and delivered by somebody from the Labour Party Press Office. They should simply donate the 70 million it costs every year directly to the Labour Party.
Oh I just remembered why they don’t do that. The money they take from the taxpayer goes into the pockets of Guardian readers, who return the favour by subverting the democratic process by taking over the BBC and spinning for the Labour Party.
As I understand it, the money for the Labour Party comes from the Public Sector Unions. Remind me again why the television and radio has to be run by the Public Sector? There must be a good reason.
I`d agree.
Why do we bother to have third party talking heads and useful ciphers talking from the BBCs assorted scripts(which all end up in the same place…Liberal swampland)?
I found it far easier hearing Sarah Montague and Nick Robinson telling me what Len McCluskys piece in the Guardian means to me down here among the civilians.
Much better if the BBC just keep it simple.
I myself do like my news in a blender and sucked up through a straw…shouldn`t it be cheaper though?
I’ve mentioned the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) a few times now. A month ago, I said this was going to be a big deal, and that Wikipedia was threatening to have a blackout in protest if this thing looked like it was going to pass. It’s on hold for the moment now, thanks to a massive public outcry, as well as pressure from Google, Microsoft, and Mozilla.
The bill is just on hold, though, and hasn’t been killed, so tomorrow Wikipedia says they’re going to go dark for the dayl, and other big sites are going to join them. The BBC has finally gotten around to reporting on SOPA. Now that the mainstream media is paying attention, the intrepid BBC is following their lead. It’s only been going on for weeks and weeks, and the recent fuss about Richard “F*ck The Police” O’Dwyer, and the BBC didn’t bother until just now.
If Wikipedia goes blank one day soon, it will be a shock to BBC audiences because they’ve been completely silent on the progress through the US Congress on the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA).
Over a month later, the BBC woke up. Where has Rory Cellan-Jones been? And they think they’re supposed to be a great source of US news?
He was born a Jordanian, holds a Jordanian passport, is a Jordanian citizen.
Even the dreadful European Court of Human Rights makes his nationality quite clear…..
“1. The case originated in an application (no. 8139/09) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Jordanian national, Mr Omar Othman (“the applicant”), on 11 February 2009.
He was born in ‘Bethlehem’ as you point out.. but this a geographical not a political description.
Until 1918 his ancestors would have been Turkish Empire subjects in one of the sajaks or vilayets…if they bothered to tell the sand-ramblers.
After the Treaties oif 1922, his forebears would have been a mandate territory subjects. Then in 1947, Jordan moved in (and moved people around) issuing passports—Jordanian passports… and ID to all inc West Bankers as Jordanian citizens. That persisted until 1988…when Jordan started to make a lot of residents ‘stateless’ taking away their citizenship. Two reasons…to exile troublemakers threatening the Jordanian throne and creating a Palestinian identity to put pressure on Israel and the ‘occupation.
“but this a geographical not a political description”…”to exile troublemakers threatening the Jordanian throne and creating a Palestinian identity to put pressure on Israel and the ‘occupation.”
…which is exactly my point! “Jordan”, NOT Palestine, if the BBC were to put ‘born in Jordan’ they would have to explain to the gormless fools that get their news from these bias twats that it was never a country called Palestine.
It’s more complicated than that. In 1923 Britain divided the Mandate (to provide a Jewish home) of Palestine into two. One part became the independent nation of Tranjordan. Arguably the people living there were Palestinians by the only definition possible. That is, they had lived, however briefly, in the British Mandate of Palestine. However control was given to the Hashemite family formerly of Saudi Arabia (then known as Hejaz) until kicked out by Ibn Saud.
Power was kept by appointing loyal to the Hashemites Bedouin to vital positions. Whether there was historicallya Palestinian people or not, there are two groups in Jordan. One is Palestinian, the other Bedouin. Whether we can tell the difference, they certainly can.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called βfirst among equals β which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I donβt know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
According to the Radio 4 news this morning, scientists are drilling to a depth of two miles with surgically sterile equipment, into a buried freshwater lake in the Antarctic – this lake is apparently kept liquid by heat from the earth’s core.
In the following bulletin, they craftily added the line that this activity was occurring so scientists could better understand the cause of Global Warming.
If in doubt, inject (or tack on at the end) one or more of the phrases “Global Warming/Climate Change/Carbon Footprint/Greenhouse Gas Emissions/Eco-something” into any bulletin, article, drama, or other programme to guarantee the propagation of the meme
I wonder if the morons at the BBC think that Global Warming could be caused by man-made geothermal heat caused by pumping Carbon Dioxide into the ground.
It doesn’t matter if it’s true, it matters that it is said. That’s how they operate.
Unfortunately, this obsession ruins many a good programme, as seen in Birdflight, Frozen Planet, Coast, anything with Brian Cox in… and lately Countryfile. It’s as if they can’t help themselves.
It has my finger itching for the change channel button.
Yes, I’d liked to have watched the programme about star spotting this evening, but because the poster child Cox is involved, i decided not to.
“…It doesn’t matter if it’s true, it matters that it is said…”
I really think that sums up the Orwellian approach of the BBBC to AGW. It is a doctrinal thing with them – as if just saying something is so, over and over, makes it true.
And, yes, Natsman, Cox was a c*ck on Stagazing , which I dared myself to watch – increasingly dismissive of anyone who takes a contrary view to his own, I sense hubris creeping in. Cox is very much an ‘on-message’ apparatchik, sadly. I fear thyis is the lot of anyone who gets involved in the BBBC’s particular brand of ‘natural science’ programme making. It comes at a cost; if you’re prepared to compromise your free-thinking skepticism you can have a slice of the pie; if you can’t stick to the agreed narrative…well close the door on your way out.
Cox told the viewers to change channel if they disagreed. I found nothing to disagree with, and didn’t learn anything new in Astronomy from the program. He did say we would all fry due to Global Warming. But I did not change channel because he said this would be caused by the Sun turning into a red giant in a few billion years time and did not mention AGW, so I didn’t change channel.
Cox told the viewers to change channel if they disagreed. I found nothing to disagree with, and didn’t learn anything new in Astronomy from the program. He did say we would all fry due to Global Warming. But I did not change channel because he said this would be caused by the Sun turning into a red giant in a few billion years time and did not mention AGW, so I didn’t change channel.
Heard Book of the Week earlier.
“El Narco” I believe it to be called.
The author had seen friends of his die of heoin overdoses, so he does as anybody else does-and goes out to Mexico to see “The Brave Ones” that grow and distribute the “herb of joy”.
Basically all this Mexican drug cartel unpleasantness is due to the USA blagging California etc from the noble Mexican nation in their war in the 19th Century…as well as the British forcing the Chinese coolies to bring it over with them to ease the pain of separation. The Navy and the East India Company were behind this bit.
Now how long since the Treaty of Guadalope then?…how long do we blame gunboat diplomacy for the Opium Wars?…can`t be long enough if you want to excuse decapitations and bling of the drug lords…who, as you`d imagine: are very nice to their old friends and families!
Must be so easy writing this history by numbers stuff-that always ends up at the doors of the UK/US/Israel by way of blame.
No wonder they hate real historians like Starkey, and barely tolerate Ferguson…but love their Tristrams and Simons.
looking forward to el beebs probable hatchet job on history, the crusades this wednesday? … no me neither
the bbc uses “contemporary evidence” … and “sheds new light” etc etc.
doesn t look good does it π
Well if it doesn t start with a couple of hard facts, the Muslim armies were conquering more Christian land and increasingly terrorizing and persecuting Christians?
Or that the Fatimid caliph al-Hakim had recently desecrated and destroyed a number of important churches—such as the Church of St. Mark in Egypt and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem—
and decreed several, even more oppressive than usual, decrees against Christians and Jews? that murderous retribution was the fate that even attempting a pilgrimage to jersusalem held.
It is in this backdrop that Pope Urban called for the Crusades???
or will we have the usual islamic history of europe/life of moh, pap they ve been dishing up of late … could be time for the off switch.
ala …
BBC – History – Crusades and Jihads in Postcolonial Times
Dr S Sayyid considers an alternative way of representing world politics, arguing that there can be no single authorised version of history
π hmmm!
another bit of reality for el beeb news to ponder
yep! … look forward to it on the middle east page π
the REAL apartheid for erm… palestinians/jordanian arabs
Yes, we can expert the worst of INBBC history on ‘Crusades’ (Wednesdays, BBC TV).
The two basic fundamental errors in ‘liberal’ histories of the crusades are:
1.) failure to see them as largely defensive measures by the West to support the Christians of the near East from the Islamic imperialist jihad conquest;
2.) failure to analyse the course of Islamic imperialist expansion and the violence of the tenets of Islam imposed on local Christian and other people.
Two works which INBBC habitually censor on this are:
The Real History of the Crusades
by Thomas Madden
‘The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)’
by Robert Spencer (esp Chs 10-14)
Great link this.
Maddens article is brilliant and fair-we are therefore set up for what tripe the Beeb will be gushing forth by way of contrast!
For anyone who can stomach it, 5live & R,(brownhatter).Bacon …
i know, i know … hear me out! .
He has an interview with the producer, approx 14.45pm … no link yet, but we know what to expect, should be ahem!, intriguing π
will we hear this
“It is often assumed that the central goal of the Crusades was forced conversion of the Muslim world. Nothing could be further from the truth. From the perspective of medieval Christians, Muslims were the enemies of Christ and His Church. It was the Crusaders’ task to defeat and defend against them. That was all. Muslims who lived in Crusader-won territories were generally allowed to retain their property and livelihood, and always their religion”
wait and see eh!
Ive just heard the first 3 minutes, between he and Bacon
“it is true … essentially no reason for the crusades”.
urban just tried to show, to contort islam/muslims into being the enemies of christians ?????? …………..
er! right! π …. thats enough lefty sh-tty incorrect views incorrect on the actual facts of history, thank you very much.
ps i think this could end up worse, than life of mohamhead
Given that the writer of this show has just popped into a Beeb studio with Richard Bacon for his plug I do fear the worst. What does the Beeb imagine will be their audience for this show?
Answer: Dumbed-down, know-nothing, vaguely anti-religion, lefty youngsters?
the producer has just stated, “muslims do not keep drawing back on the crusades” ….. i don t know what history books he has read, or what planet he lives on, because on this one … it is one of the major reasons used by islamic hatemongers, why … because it works for them …
just, how can that be eh!
On the other open thread was raised the strange business of the Demos (Common Purpose) report on the EDL and Demos not wanting to see it banned.
I suppose in what passes for their brains (Demos that is ) it is dimly perceived that to ban an organisation that has the silent support of huge numbers of Englishmen and women might precipitate events the liberal elite would not like at all.
Fear I suppose- the guiding motivation of a liberal when faced with reality
Unreported by INBBC:-
“‘kill all the kuffars – Islam will dominate the world’;
Graffitti on Wakefield Castle Yorkshire”
Funny how the BBC treat the word “Kuffar” completely differently from the equivalent word “Nigger” isn’t it?
Could it be that the BBC do not give a shit about offending white people?
Someone sent me this email, entitled ‘Letter to Mr Cameron’, which isn’t BBC-related, but I thought I’d include it as it’s pretty funny IMHO:
Dear Mr. Cameron,
Please find below our suggestion for fixing the UK ‘s economy.
Instead of giving billions of pounds to banks that will squander the money on lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan.
You can call it the Patriotic Retirement Plan:
There are about 10 million people over 50 in the work force.
Pay them £1 million each severance for early retirement with the following stipulations:
1) They MUST retire.
Ten million job openings – unemployment fixed
2) They MUST buy a new British car.
Ten million cars ordered – Car Industry fixed
3) They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage –
Housing Crisis fixed
4) They MUST send their kids to school/college/university –
Crime rate fixed
5) They MUST buy £100 WORTH of alcohol/tobacco a week …..
And there’s your money back in duty/tax etc
It can’t get any easier than that!
P.S. If more money is needed, have all members of parliament pay back their falsely claimed expenses and second home allowances
If you think this would work, please forward to everyone you know.
Let’s put the pensioners in jail and the criminals in a nursing home.
This way the pensioners would have access to showers, hobbies and walks.
They’d receive unlimited free prescriptions, dental and medical treatment, wheel chairs etc and they’d receive money instead of paying it out.
They would have constant video monitoring, so they could be helped instantly, if they fell, or needed assistance.
Bedding would be washed twice a week, and all clothing would be ironed and returned to them.
A guard would check on them every 20 minutes and bring their meals and snacks to their cell.
They would have family visits in a suite built for that purpose.
They would have access to a library, weight room, spiritual counselling, pool and education.
Simple clothing, shoes, slippers, PJ’s and legal aid would be free, on request.
Private, secure rooms for all, with an exercise outdoor yard, with gardens.
Each senior could have a PC a TV radio and daily phone calls.
There would be a board of directors to hear complaints, and the guards would have a code of conduct that would be strictly adhered to.
The criminals would get cold food, be left all alone and unsupervised. Lights off at 8pm, and showers once a week. Live in a tiny room and pay £600.00 per week and have no hope of ever getting out.
Think about this (more points of contention):
Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that during the mad cow epidemic our government could track a single cow, born in Appleby almost three years ago, right to the stall where she slept in the county of Cumbria?
And, they even tracked her calves to their stalls. But they are unable to locate 125,000 illegal immigrants wandering around our country. Maybe we should give each of them a cow.
Think about this … If you don’t want to forward this for fear of offending someone — YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM! It is time for us grumpy old folk of Britain to speak up!
Jeff…your pal could use you for his/her running mate, and you`d clean up!
Can I be considered for the Media job in the cabinet?…just the stroke of a pen and everyone will get an extra £145.50 to add to the million.
The oldies are the goodies. This has been doing the rounds for a few years, first version I saw was re USA 3 or 4 years ago. Still good though, and would probably work! Also, the sheer size of what Uk plc pays out in welfare etc can equate to just giving a cheque of 5000 quid to EVERYONE…EVERY YEAR…so why not just do that!
Span Ows –
I was talking recently with an Italian friend about benefits. She told me that, in Italy, you only get benefits if you’ve previously paid into the system, and even then you only get it for 180 days.
A system like that hurts people who have worked hard all their lives, and find themselves unemployed and unable to work for no fault of their own. But it also encourages people to work hard – from school upwards – and to take responsibility for their lives.
And why does it cost more to put someone in jail than in a 4 star hotel? There must be a mind-boggling amount of bureaucracy and human rights legislation behind the astronomical costs of imprisonment!
Sarah Pennells.
Is it only me who thinks that it is totally inappropriate for the BBC to use ex-BBC journalist Sarah Pennells as an independent financial expert?
Pennells left the BBC and set up a website dealing with financial matters from a women’s perspective. Fine, and good luck to her.
However, she routinely appears on BBC Breakfast with no mention that she is ex BBC. My problem with this is that there must be many other people who could provide similar information and would love the exposure that this would give their business. How is Pennells selected? Is the process open and put out to tender? Or is it just cronyism?
I think that the BBC constantly promoting the business venture of one of their former employees is simply improper.
I have been thinking the exact same thing for months now!… every time she pops up on the Breakfast ‘news’ programme she gets a free plug for her savvy woman website! I know of ecommerce outfits who’d love to have the same advertising – better than Google can offer!
Hopefully the Olympics will have a category for media bungee jumping…or tossing a boomerang like Sarah Pennell , before counting how many days it takes for her to show up again.
At least dwarf-throwing is done just the one time!
From Ex-Newsnight Editors running Google’s PR to BBC types pushing the products of those nearest and dearest, one has to realise that the term ‘expert’ tends to mean ‘person on lazy BBC producer iPhone’ at best.
That said, just had lunch to SKY’s awesome ‘coverage’ of Italian Paper, scissors… boat in the drink story.
Two ‘experts’ wheeled out, with Adam Boulton asking them, ‘So, what can you tell us despite things still being totally unclear and the authrorities still trying to find out?”.
Both.. ‘Er… we don’t know… but here’s another wild stab…’ (Actually both were quite cautious, mindlful of the trial by 24/7 ‘news’ maw, that will a) damn the Captain if innocent or b) ensure no justice for victims once their pea-brains have moved on to the next ‘event’.
Of course it is cronyism. The BBC is the purest model of corporatist corrupt crony capitalism. Part state funded part overseas private sales of BBC created media. In the pocket of the state, whilst pushing an unashemedly statist agenda.
It is no wonder that they wholly oppose free market capitalism and free choice.
I’ve come across this astonishing claim about Nick Robinson admitting at a party that the BBC is deliberately trying to make the English Democrats a pariah party; because they know that if they told the truth about them they would become very popular.
If anyone is unsure, the English Democrats is a democratic English Nationalist Party and absolutely nothing to do with the EDL. The English Democrats do have one extremely dodgy person high in their ranks (in pally talks with the IRA/Sinn Fein for instance) but they are vehemently anti-racist.
See the link
I’m sure Nick Robinson may deny saying these things but it is interesting nonetheless.
Maybe Nick is rather embarrassed by his much smarter and more honest younger brother that set up the EDL!
OK, that’s a ‘sources are saying… questions being asked’, but as Mr. R and his employer are fans of that technique too, I’ll stay with.
If true, and proven, that is a heck of a thing.
And Mr. R has done the country a great service, if perhaps unwittingly.
I’m a bit sceptical about that claim. Is there a recording of Mr Robinson saying it?
Has anyone tried claiming to the BBC about it, to get Nick Robinson’s version of events? I would, but they are no longer willing to consider claims of left-wing bias from me…
I would speculate that Robinson said something to someone at a party and it has been dressed up to look like a lot more than it really was (in the manner of the BBC). However, the BBC are not averse to telling little porkie pies, great whoppers and complete travesties of the truth themselves so should not be surprised if others are copying their methods.
And who’s on INBBC MARR’s ‘Start the Week’, next week but that liberal supporter of the Gaddafis at the London School of Islamic Economics? -Yes, the unashamed Ms S CHAKRABARTI.
Dumb fat female beeboid on Radio 5 demanding that the Government put more money into luvvie movies.
The BBC just don’t get it do they?
Ah yes George R!
But that was then and this is now!
Lessons will be learned and we all need to draw a line in the sand and move on.
After all Saif Gadhaffi is now a vulnerable orphaned young man who`ll be need ing that EMA and PhD in order to provide healing…seemed to work for Al Magrabhi did it not!
Rather feel that neither you nor noggin attended our BBC Islam Suckup…sorry diversity awareness…module based on those rather informed comments above.
Maybe you`ll reconsider the offer of the Nazi-themed drinking game as constituting 20 credits toward your degree…todays Daily Mail gives full details!
I await the BBC slant on the Crusades in the two part documentary(I Think) that’s going to be served up to us. I have no doubt it will ignore the politics of the time involved and paint Christians as blood thirsty savages and Muslims as Noble peaceful defenders.
“Geert Wilders: The Failure of Multiculturalism and How to Turn the Tide.
“Geert Wilders’s speech at the Annual Lecture at the Magna Carta Foundation in Rome on March 25, 2011”
Well if Richard Bacon’s interview with the bloke who has done the seires is anything to go by, you’re spot on.
Bacon couldn’t hide his hatred of those nasty Christians.
Nice bit of diversity there though, allowing someone with the provocative name of “Bacon” to strut his stuff.
Martha Kearney has just said they will be discussing whether the Government should subsidise commercial films “or save its money for smaller arthouse offerings”. The alternative possibility that the Government could save its money by not subsisdising any films at all is way off the BBC mindset.
‘its money’?
Quick mention by Evan Davis this morning about some report that…you`ll never guess…wants the age of criminal responsibility…er …”raised from 10 to…well , wotcha offering guv…21?”
No matter the figure to raise it…the report would have been done by the usual suspects and was the work of “experts”…then followed the usual quangocrats and Childrens Commissioners as said “experts” listed. Letter in the Times I think. I`ll not be checking.
Easy peasy-join a quango or cherdiee, get a state posting to back up Shami…and hey presto …you`re an expert!
Sadly, Denise Fergus was not happy-but as she was the mum of Jamie Bulger, we`ll put her down as “entrenched and embittered”.
Believe it was a story in the Sun…for Evan sounded a little sniffy about mentioning such a non-progressive idea as Mrs Fergus saying that it should be “lowered, not raised-for they grow up so fast these days”.
Not at all dear, Blairs boys are forever young until 21…so deal with it.
Evan sure won`t need to anyhoo…that much was clear!
Typical BBC: they want to raise the age of criminal responsibility, but they also want to lower the age of sexual consent.
I am struggling to remember the day when I was asked if I wanted to fund a media business that (because of the unique way in which it funded) effectively eliminates its rivals, and establishes an monopoly of radio and television news broadcasting in the UK. I mean this arrangement is so antipathetic to a free society, so against what the public they serve believes in, they must have asked our permission.
I might have missed the vote, just as most of us are too young to have voted on whether or not we wanted to join a Common Market (the history books say that people said “Yes” just so long as it does not turn into a European Superstate) so I would be grateful if the BBC could remind me when I was asked if I want to be forced to be educated by the BBC, forced to support an organisation that tries to eliminate any thought, or fact, or interpretation, that does not serve the interests of the Leftist establishment.
Just tell me the date. I might have been ill, or on holiday, or unborn, and missed it. Just tell me the day.
Because I have to say, if was was asked, I would not agree to this arrangement, not because I despise the Left (which I do) or because I think that the BBC churns out Leftist propaganda 24 hours a day (which it does) but because it is a media arrangement that is a direct attack upon our free society – upon our freedom of choice.
Remind me again. When was I asked if I want this arrangement? Because if I thought that nobody asked me I might get mad.
I think the date was the 32nd of Neverember. Where you asleep that day? It was quite a day. That was also the day that we held elections for the European Commission President, the European Council President and the European Parliament President.
It’s all right for some.
From the Standard:
BBC newsreader Zeinab Badawi has been told she can keep a roof conversion at her £1.85 million Belsize Park home that she put up without planning permission.
Councillors went against the recommendation of their own officers after hearing how neighbours were backing the journalist. However, the extension has divided local opinion with the Belsize Conservation Area Advisory Committee objecting to its “size and bulk”.
Badawi, 52, who attended the meeting, claimed she went ahead with the £50,000 work on the six-bedroom Edwardian house after being told she would not need to apply for permission
‘a roof conversion at her £1.85 million Belsize Park home that she put up without planning permission’
It’s that ‘unique’ thing again.
Bet the Dale Farm folk are well impressed.
We had to replace the roof here a decade ago, but the planners demanded changes that cost an extra £2k.
I asked why and was told: ‘to be more in keeping structurally with the natural harmony of the area.
Next door is an area of outstanding armpitness, namely a ‘traveller’ vehicle storage area, mainly rusting hulks and burger trailers. Odd, as it’s only zoned for residential.
There is also a mighty structure in the centre. My suggestion that, instead of Welsh slate, I used rusty corrugated iron to be more in keeping with the tip next door, was felt by the planners to ‘be not helpful’.
Maybe if I hadn’t applied at all, stuck up what I felt like, and then claimed BBC-asylum (the missus is from Ms. Badwani’s neck of the woods too) I could be quids in still?
My problem with most left-wing poiliticians and commentators (many of which reside within the BBC) is that unless they are really willing to live like Ghandi then their repeated appeals for ‘fairness’ ring hollow.
Same goes for the Greenies.
“As I See it”, re “live like Ghandi”: It was once remarked by a British politician that if the British people discovered how much tax payers money was spent allowing Ghandi the luxuy of living in poverty they would be appalled.
Shukman (BA Geog) gets the BBC Science Editor gig.
Could have been worse.
It could have Been Black (BS-see, PRR – Press Release retyping).
However, as with all things, it’s mostly relative.
But he’ll have less excuse for claiming he was being mis-directed on the facts vs. opinion thing in this field.
He will have been to the Harrabin indoctrination sessions tho’.
We will have to follow this guy closely.
As long as his articles reflect the real scientists at the sharp end of actual measurement and research rather than modellers, politico-scientists and tree ring circus acts.
He needs to show that he has the integrity to keep the IPCC and the RS at a professional arm’s length while also taking views of other highly respected scientists on board too.
Those who have been studiously ignored for too long are now more accurately reflecting what is happening to our climate.
Whether David has the ‘cojones’ to show real balance in defiance of his superiors has yet to be seen.
Judging by all his past articles – Shukman is a raving Greenie and Warmist.
What a disgraceful appointment.
The BBC is entirely lost in its idiocy and bias.
A couple of things Isaw from someone’s link to the Jewish Chronicle. Not exactly BBC related but of interest to them.
Apparently this playing at Nazis is very popular in the French Alps. I wonder how soon the BBC will move Heaven and Earth to name these students from the LSE and get them sent down, the way they went after that Conservative MP whose involvement seems rather more innocent than these left-wing students.
The Board of Deputies are apparently considering boycotting the Grauniad due to increased, overt anti-semitism. I would like to see them considering boycotting the BBC for the same reason. Even the BBC would have to report something like that.
“Nazi glorification and antisemitism have no place in our universities”, it says in your first link. Doh! Of course they have a place – wasn’t LSE funded by Libya?
Thankfully, there are people keeping an eye on these scumbags…
I am sure readers here will not be surprised to learn that none of the complaints referred to in the report below was upheld. I believe there is even a phrase for this: We got it about right.
A television series about crime-busting Rastafarian mice on the BBC was the most complained about children’s programme last year.
Rastamouse attracted more than 200 complaints because of the way it ‘stereotyped black people’ and because of the ‘patois’ language used by the Jamaican mouse characters.
– The CBeebies show, which has run for two series, attracted 13 complaints when the first episode was aired last January. There have since been 200 further complaints.
The BBC has defended the Bafta-nominated show, which features an all-mouse reggae band – Rastamouse and Da Easy Crew.
The puppet mouse spreads love and respect as leader of the Easycrew.
He uses patois language – and phrases such as ‘me wan go’ for ‘I want to go’ and ‘wagwan’ for ‘what’s going on?’.
Read more:
“He uses patois language – and phrases such as ‘me wan go’ for ‘I want to go’ and ‘wagwan’ for ‘what’s going on?’.”
But language is constantly evolving blah blah blah
The Left consider black people to be their intellectual property. The show was done with Leftoid sensibilities in mind – cultural relativism, the soft racism of lowered expectations, Social Cohesion – which is why it got BAFTA attention, so it will escape charges of racism. Then there’s the probable assumption by the decision-makers that most complaints came from time-wasting Mail readers who simply hate the BBC.
Still, it makes you wonder who the people are that make these judgments.
I would just like to jump in here and thank David Vance for his recommendation regarding The Horse at the Gates by DC Alden which he mentioned last month. I have just finished the book and it certainly was a riveting read if scary! Set about 30 years hence the storyline is (sadly) so believable it could almost be just a few years away. (‘Halal meat in the Houses of Parliament anyone?’). Insidious take over of all things British and not only by the EU. The apparently hopeless fate of the innocent youth matched by that of the deposed Prime Minister, all under a highly controlled media. Most Beeboids would love it – in theory at least!
1984 was not a warning but an instruction manual, animal farm with the pigs as the goodies. There are many within the BBC who truly feel that the DDR is a country worth emulating and superior to the West in every way.
“UK: Muslims turn increasingly to Sharia courts, women hardest hit.
“Yet no one, least of all Western feminists, seems in the least concerned about Sharia’s institutionalized discrimination against women. ‘Growing use of Sharia by UK Muslims,’ by Divya Talwar for the BBC
Of course, the above propaganda report is from INBBC’a ASIAN NETWORK, which is part of INBBC’s Islamic apartheid sector, forcibly financed for Islamic interests by British people.
The gradual application of Sharia law in Britain and the West is as promulgated by the Muslim Brotherhood, which INBBC and Obama politically endorse.
Muslim Brotherhood’s Yusuf al-Qaradawi calls for “gradualism” in applying Sharia
Oh dear, the new BBC Science Editor is to be David Shukman!. I suppose that a degree in Geography is better than the zoology degree of his mad colleague Mr Black.
Here is his bio at the BBC:
As Environment and Science Correspondent for BBC News since 2003, David Shukman has reported from locations as diverse as the Arctic, the Antarctic and the Amazon.
In his coverage of climate change, he has undertaken a dozen assignments to the polar regions.
David was the first journalist to make a live television broadcast from Britain’s Antarctic base, and he has also made the most northerly television broadcast, only 600 miles from the North Pole.
Recent assignments include voyaging through the fabled North West Passage in the Canadian Arctic, reporting live on the scourge of plastic waste in the Pacific Ocean, and witnessing the threat of rising sea-levels to the tiny island nation of Tuvalu.
David has endured being trapped by blizzards in the Arctic, once in a tent at a NASA camp in Greenland, and on another occasion in a remote research station in Siberia.
Our Mr Shukman is a man of many talents he has also written a book on cooking, I wonder if any of his recipes explained how to cook Polar bear?
At least the bird off Newsnight has a degree in physics.
However, as I recall the Obama speech edit, her qualifications in integrity are a smidge tarnished.
Having the letters can always help, but if they are hired for toeing a line over simply reporting fact, won’t make a blind bit of difference.
In other words Mr Shukhman, in common with most other prominent Beeboids, it seems, has a carbon footprint to shame Claude Hopper.
But with a Geography degree from Durham one presumes Shukhman know where he is when he get there.
Typical BBC, making excuses for Tom Harris’s Hitler spoof film. You see it’s all about context and having a sense of humour.
Of course if a Tory MP had done it, then no context would be needed it would just be typical Tories from the BBC.
Thoroughly enjoyed Sherlock – the leads were terrific, the script wonderfully snappy and whizz-bangery great fun. Mark Gatiss is a gem.
Next up: Birdsong, which starts on 22 January.
Now, I hope the seemingly-ubiquitous Abi ‘White Girl’ Morgan doesn’t do anything too Guardian with the script. I have a terrible nightmare that Isabelle Azaire will be cast as a Muslim who converts bi-sexual Stephen Wraysford (who is having a gay affair with Weir, natch) to Islam.
The BBC managed to make a horlicks of both The Thirty-Nine Steps and The Day of the Triffids, so I suppose I have every right to be apprehensive. π
I didn’t see any of Sherlock (not being a big fan of much TV really) but I heard an except on tehr adio (a trailer for the show) and it seemed totally unrealistic: he said something like “come on Sherl” when talking to himself and others called him Sherlock, it just wouldn’t happen, he’d be called Holmes (as in every single other adaption of Conan Doyle), everbody – at least everybody eductaed in that era – was called by their surname. Little things like that piss me off so I’m glad I didn’t watch.
Span Ows – this Sherlock was updated to the present day – and somehow Mr D and I watched by mistake – and loved it – only if you knew the original stories would you appreciate how much reference to them there was in it. I am very willing to criticise the BBC but this Sherlock was good.
Didn’t like it meself, it gave me a headache. Sir Arthur might just have turned in his grave, but perhaps not. What do I know, I’m only a mere goat…
So Holmes and Watson (a doctor of global warming) were in a stable homosexual relationship, and the cocaine use was because it was now legally available, SH’s logical reasoning was all from the Koran, Moriarty looked Jewish but was really a fundamental Christian with a passing resemblance to Sarah Palin…
‘The Hound of the Baskervilles’ became The Hound of the EDL, ‘A Study in Scarlet‘ A Study in Labour Red and The Valley Of Fear’ became the ‘USA pre Obama’ and finally but most forcibly, Holmes could have acted faster but the Coalition cuts meant more people would die. π
You did not watch it then… And you come up with that criticism? Thankfully your rather accurate charicature of the BBC’s normal adaptations does not apply in this case.
Loved the two series, although still have to watch the last episode. All rather wonderful but did you appreciate Sherlock deducing the experimental base’s password to access the secret CIA files? all nasty right wing books, four copies of Mrgaret Thatcher’s biography and the hint that he would have been on first name terms with maggie? Always subtle the BBC, but the right buttons are being pressed so often.
Span Ows… The BBC Sherlock was a very well done adaptation into modern times. This was clearly known to anyone that watched it. The adaptation was done with skill and understanding and a great deal of sympathy to the original Holmes stories.
When I first heard that they had created a conemporary version of Sherlock, I was disheartened and expected it to be a crude and politically correct vandalism of the Holmes ‘brand’.
I have to admit, though, it was a brilliant and wonderful adaptation which worked beautifully.
What Geyza said. x2.
I love the way the Bow Street Runners have been updated to be the “Homeless Network.” Who apparently all have iphones.
“Leveson Inquiry: The editors’ views
UK newspaper editors have been giving evidence at the Leveson Inquiry into press ethics. Here we look at their stances on some of the key topics.”
Unfortunately – a sof 17:30 on 16th Jan – most (if not all) major UK dailies appear…except two: the Mirror and The Guardian.
To the point of farce.
“We are probably in technical recession,” the Item Club’s chief economic adviser, Peter Spencer, told the BBC.
In fact he told everyone: the E&Y press release headlines are:
“The UK is probably in technical recession at the moment and likely to remain stalled until the second half of the year when falling inflation should provide a platform for a consumer recovery. However, the current resilience of the US and many other overseas markets and the strength of large company finances mean that the ITEM Club does not envisage a serious double dip.”—Forecast-headlines-and-projections
Context is for when Diane Abbott gets in trouble, not when the BBC has a Narrative to support.
The UK is totally fucked, let’s face it.
Mind you a Jubilee and an Olympics or two will divert everyone’s attention, while the perpetrators nick your cash, and steal silently away…
Unless we get another burst of “extreme shopping” just before.
If that happened, the reaction of the authorities would be interesting.
“Jubilee and an Olympics”…a classic case of bread and circuses!
On BBC local radio they have been saying things about “the current recession” for months now.
The fact that we have not even had so much as a month in negative territory in the last six months, let alone six consecutive months of “negative growth”, means nothing to the BBC and their “talk Britain back into recession” agenda.
The BBC have a report on their website informing us that none Muslims are now going to Sharia courts in the U.K., to sort out their differences, along with their Islamic counterparts.
Yet, they give us no proof of this, other than have some Sharia judge blathering on of how it is true…This video is shocking, considering that Sharia law rulings have no binding or lawful credence within the U.K…..
A stable country can only have one currency and one legal system . This is the reality. Sharia has no place in Britain nor should it have. Equality under one law has been at the basis of civil society for centuries. Any arguments to the contrary are absurd. The liberal flirtation with Sharia is further evidence of the liberal’s essentially unreal approach to life and his poor grasp of what constitutes a nation.
Interesting how the article mentions the objection that Shariah discriminates against women, but the example the editor chose to feature in the inset is of a woman saying that the Shariah council protected her rights and helped her “move on”. It doesn’t say anything about whether or not there’s even a point to civil court.
Narrative? What Narrative?
Then there’s the fact of orthodox Jews doing the same thing. If Shariah courts are banned, this will have to affect the Jewish equivalent. There’s an opportunity for Jews and Muslims to work together here, yet I’m not seeing the BBC promote the possibility for such harmony. I wonder why that could be?
They are binding if the people themselves consent to it. Seeing as how consent is at the heart of English law sith the legal maxim, “Consensus Facit Legem” Consent makes the law!
People can create their own courts and apply any law they wish in the UK, so long as those people involved consent to it.
Likewise our statute law is based upon consent. However assumed consent applies if we do not actively revoke our consent.
“Answering BBC Muslim propaganda” (video clip)
another, here
oh here is Tom Asswipe, erm “discussing” his upcoming crusades doc with R Bacon (45 mins in)
sickbags at the ready π
INBBC’s historian, Mr Asbridge teaches here:
Queen Mary’s College, University of London, Mile End Road, E1.
Here are some of the student activities there:
“Radical Islam on UK Campuses”
-pdf, 46 page document.
(scroll to pages 25-27)
And look who spoke for Mr Asbridge’s course at Mile End Road (2011) – yes, it’s full circle on Islam, with INBBC’s Jeremy BOWEN:
“Jeremy Bowen lectures Queen Mary students in Islam & The West”
Did Bowen assist Asbridge (he praised by Esposito) to get INBBC commission to do the three part series for INBBC licencepayers, ‘The Crusades’?
good digging George R!
“Jeremy very much has his finger on the pulse of the Middle East,” said Dr Tom Asbridge from the college’s School of History.
“He offers a unique perspective through his well-honed journalistic expertise and background as a published author in the field.”
That unique persepective…we know what that is!
surprising what comes out in the wash eh! ..wink wink
well done George (or is that George P.I. :-D).
Jeremy is a tainted and nasty piece of work have no doubt.
I recall his early days when he was commissioned to do a piece on reporting whilst drunk (no lie) Good value for the licence fee, eh? I think he must have hit the bottle hard and perhaps this skunk now needs rehab? Don’t forget that Saif Gadaffi was found with one of alBowen’s notebooks on him. How did that happen?
“You can expect Queen Mary to insist that it has no extremism problem”
Funny that the BBC sneers at the idea of building a new royal yacht yet happily thinks throwing billions are luvvie art house bollocks is a good use of money.
Yes. It occurred to me that similar amounts are spent on unnecessary public buildings on a regular basis. No controversy there.
Too true, Barry. In West Bromwich near where I live, there is a white elephant “arts centre” which has cost over £70m (yes seventy!) so far .and as far as I can see the only people going there are parties of schoolkids. It is called “The Public”, but is known locally as “The Pubic” as it was built by a bunch of pricks!
Good example. I was just thinking of new offices for civil servants when I wrote it.
And it turns out that, unlike the yacht the BBC rented and catered for their 2010 UK election night party, no taxpayer money will be spent on the gift to the Queen. Yet the BBC still quotes Tom Watson as saying the Tories are out of touch for spending all that cash while school budgets are being slashed. And he’s right, sort of, because the BBC then tells you the palace said they should keep the celebrations toned down in accordance with these tough economic times. As if that means private citizens should stifle themselves, yeah.
Toilets McGuire was on Breakfast this morning – it’s all about the Tories killing off cancer victims and massive redundancies etc.
The NHS has been killing more cancer victims than other western countries for some time.
True, they killed several members of my family with overdoses of Morphene. I believe that is a common way of the NHS killing cancer patients.
As well as fobbing people off with aspirin to save the cost of a scan.
George, you just have to listen to a couple of minutes, of that factually incorrect, shamefully biased twat, on that other shamefully biased twats programme,(Bacon), to realise that
that shamefully biased twats like he & Esposito, are just going to keep appearing like magic, on the shamefully biased twats network BBC
sad isn t it,( talking of twats, has Drearybyshire jetted up to Salford today?).
One thing which gets me is the people who stand-up and read the Sports News on BBC News 24. These are often rather flabby people with fat arms, or beer guts, who it’s impossible to imagine have any taste for any sporting activity. Anyway, I wish the women would cover up their flabby arms (they’re often uncovered) … for the guys with the beer gut, I suggest they wear a heavy overcoat at all times.
Of course, Islam’s super apologist, Esposito (who rivals other leading apologist Ms K Armstrong in INBBC-Guardian pro-Islam, anti-Christian political affections), praises INBBC’s historian/presenter of ‘Crusades’, Mr Asbridge.
Oh yes folks, its the BBCs favourite hobby horse, electric cars and how Obama was going to use the stimulus to fantastic effect building a new ‘model T’ type of revolution that would sweep the world. Didnt quite turn out that way, with private buyers staying away and the few sold going to lickspittle groups. Its been a gigantic waste of money, the electric car has no future, all that will be left of it in five years is thousands of tons of highly toxic battery packs.
GM’s Flop in Green
by Patrick J. Michaels
At the Detroit Auto Show this week, CEO Dan Akerson admitted that General Motors may have to cut back production of the Chevrolet Volt because the 4,600-plus Volts on the market now are about three times the monthly sales. Other figures put the GM hybrid car’s inventory at an outrageous 120-plus days.
By most accounts, “Government Motors” has stuck with the Volt mainly to please the Obama administration, which still owns a third of its stock in the wake of the 2009 government “rescue” of the company. But just how badly is the effort faring? Well, consider the 1,529 sold in December.
More than a third of those were fleet sales to corporations. None of these were the traditional large-fleet purchasers, i.e. Hertz, Avis and the other big rental companies. They were more like Verizon and General Electric — with GE having committed to buying 12,000 and having already purchased unspecified “hundreds,” with continued “daily” deliveries, as The Wall Street Journal reported recently.
Then there are the direct taxpayer buys. Fifty to New York City. The city of Deland, Fla., brags about buying five with an Energy Department grant. The federal General Services Administration has bought 101 so far, but President Obama has ordered it to procure only hybrid or high-mileage vehicles by 2015. (The taxpayers buy about 60,000 cars a year for GSA.)
Anyway, until GM is transparent and forthcoming about how many (or how few) Volts are selling to private individuals, we aren’t going to know. But several ominous signs suggest that the Volt’s long-term viability may be a risky proposition.
Taxpayers are rightly grumpy about ponying up a $7,500-per-car subsidy on a car that is generally priced around $44,500 (the median for the 4,612 Volts on People who will spend nearly $40K for a small four-passenger car don’t need a subsidy. (Nor, for that matter, do folks who buy a $100,000 Tesla.)
Worldwide, subsidies for all kinds of green energy are being cut — resulting in a true sectoral depression. Solar-energy stocks are down 90 percent. The gigantic wind company Vestas may be acquired or worse.
The Volt will meet a similar fate if the subsidy ends. The chances of that happening are about the same as those of electing a Republican Senate and president: significant.
Then there’s the competition, which starts in earnest this year. The extended-range Prius, which will be on the market in months, will go out the door for about $35,000 (minus a $2,500 subsidy) — bringing the net cost to about $5,500 less than the Volt. Nissan’s Leaf, Ford’s hybrid and Hyundai’s product (said to undercut the Prius price) will all be in this small market by the end of the year. Which, if any, will endure?
Then there’s the half-billion dollars the feds have sunk into the Fisker Karma. At $95,000, who’s really going to buy something that gets a lousy 20mpg once the battery finks out after around 30 miles?
The added cost for a plug-in rather than a conventional model varies from about $14,000 (Toyota Prius vs. Corolla) to $20,000 (Volt vs. Cruze Eco) and on up to the Fisker and Tesla. And the internal-combustion engine is being improved dramatically at far less cost. The Cruze is much cheaper to run than the Volt, once the latter is on its premium-fuel-powered gas engine. (Don’t want to use the Volt’s gas engine? Stay within 15 miles of home.)
Which is why plug-in hybrids won’t sell. Why prolong the agony? Kill the car now. It’s not cost-effective, and it’s irritating taxpayers in an election year. Much has been learned in its development, including a little economics and the folly of subsidies.
Taxpayers and corporations can’t prop up this flop forever. GM management should end the misery before being told off by the voters, the markets and its own technology.
I remember the woman who was running a solar power company critisising Cameron at a business event and complaining that Cameron knows nothing about business, when he cut the subsidy for solar power and she had to lay off workers.
Clearly it was she who knows nothing about business, as she would not need a government subsidy to run a successful business if she did.
Owning a “business” that requires a government subsidy is not actually “running a business.” It is screwing the taxpayer!
Growing use of Sharia by UK Muslims –
The subtext seems to be Sharia courts in the UK are a good thing, but at the moment they are too male-dominated.
oh!,,,,,, that must be sharia” lite” then, bit like “moderate” islamist,…”moderate” brotherhood etc ….. eh “moderate” taliban? … whats next???
when do we get, to … the jews, oh them … well they were just in the way, oh! look!… pretty flowers
words cannot express my loathing for what they are attempting
to do
Spot on!
Tiptoeing through those perfumed gardens as ever…and telling me its because they don`t want to wake up the djinn, and not because they`ll step on a landmine!
Any Islamist nut would only get encouragement from thinking that we`ve all had our spines and gentials removed like thoe Beeb poltroons.
The BBC in fact make us more likey to get attacked…for the suicde nutters are so thick that they DO think that the BBC/Guardian speak for the nation(albeit with big words and well away from the frontline!)
Hang the Beeboids in Chatham dockyards!
Poor old Kirsty Wark must already be in SNP heaven, for her “exclusive” about “academies getting around excluding vulnerable young persons” was a disaster.
It`s as if poor Kirsty had a privileged education back home in Scotland, ensured her own kids got the same…but had a curiousity about things down here and south of the border.
The poor girl didn`t have a clue-both headteachers asked in made mincemeat off her and stuffed her in Salmonds gut and all ready for Bruns Night.
Poor old Liz MacKean(wouldn`t be Scottish either by any chance?) set Gove up on the tee for a Number 9 driver…and all Kirsty could manage was this clueless piece of grievance theatre that embarrassed us all.
Payment by results would have saved us a first class ticket back to Scotland…a worthless whinge worthy of Panorama, so inept and telegraphed was this damp sock of an item.
Wark…only one consonant away from being exactly what it says on the shortbread tin!
There’s a write-up of Liz MacKean’s report on the BBC website.
One of the people criticising academies is someone she calls “independent educational consultant Roger Titcombe”.
Roger Titcombe is a leading member of the anti-academies campaign group, Our Schools Are Not For Sale (OSANFS):
To call him “independent” is surely very misleading.
The name ‘Liz MacKean’ on a report always makes me suspicious.
‘To call him “independent” is surely very misleading.’
In.. context… simply yet further agenda-based propaganda.
Using the ‘1-degree of separation’ ‘expert’ ‘guest’ to say what the BBC believes but dare not put its name to is bad enough, but to try and polish that turd with claims of independence is beyond a joke.
Thank you. Another question is now winging its way to my new chums at complaints. The content of BBC producer iPhones is worthy of analysis, as one suspects that, out of a broad field that is already dominated by a ‘certain view’, they only seem aware of extremes within that.
Oddly, the promised response from the head honcho has stalled, and the last several have moved back to ‘sorry we didn’t get back to you as promised.. required.. in the time stated, but we were busy brushing off other errors with snotty insincerity’ territory.
Watching this now.
Noting two talking heads that are allowed to pronounce at the outset, with no explanation of who they are…. only identified later… and in Rog the Dog’s case, rather less extensively than might be considered honest.
Not just a stich-up, a BBC stitch-up. One of too many.
‘Collecting figures… which suggest..’ So… a BBC PR punt based on bias in favour of ‘dark arts’ ambulance chasing claimants and their grievance industry mates then?
They really do see their mission as serving the slapper pole-dancer types who want private tuition, over the rest of the country’s kids who may simply wish to get educated, and serving ratings by playing up minority exceptions to foul up the chances of the majority still further.
Unique. The emoting Ms. McKean bears careful watching, if not a warning notice.
Thanks Craig.
You could tell by looking at his rumpled suit, no tie and soup stains that he was not the Blue Peter presenter , the State now requires in current child entertainment projects that has replaced teaching in a classroom,…so old school yeah?
I had him down as an Institute of Education monkey who reckons he was being lauded in “The History Man”.
The Iof E is purveyor of socialist re-educational engineering tropes by appointment to the BBC in cases like this…like |Wark-God is really giving them names that make it lear what HE thinks…Balls, Titcombe?…Kirsty Wa*k?…
Seems you’re right about Kirsty’s background, CJ…
From Wikipedia: “Wark was educated at Kilmarnock Grammar Primary and subsequently Ayr‘s independent Wellington School“
Oh dear. After his spectacularly unspectacular relaunch, more bad news for Miliflop…
Luke Bozier, Former Labour Adviser, Defects To The Tories!/oflynnexpress/status/158823357201133568
As you can see, it’s been covered by various sources. Funnily, I’ve yet to find any mention of this by searching the BBC News site, and The Guardian only seems to give it a brief mention, buried deep within it’s ‘Politics Live Blog‘ rather than a full story. Supposedly, Mr. Bozier is ‘trending‘ on Twitter, where it’s getting quite nasty – and we all know that Beeboids love their little Twitter thingies, where they seem thoroughly well plugged into Labour’s socket. It’s strange that they haven’t been able to pick up on this.
Hmmm. They do seem quite keen to tell us all about ‘Tory Defectors’ though, don’t they. Maybe they’ll get to it eventually – must be a busy news day.
Nikki Campbell on fine form today, just attacked another caller for being a “Tory” for daring to attack Red Ed.
He does it day in and day out yet the BBC never pick him up on it, he NEVER attacks someone for being a leftist.
He treats the work ‘Tory’ as if it’s a swear word.
Did I miss Len McClusky then?
I put the radio on at 8.10 but he seemes to have gone…for all I got was Sarah chatting to Nick about McCluskys article in the Guardian?
Either he was cleared out pronto or the NuLabor mouthpiece invited in to discuss St Leonard was too low grade to even hold the Toady presenters interest for the usual ten minutes or so.
Maybe its BBC policy now to put their croissant musings of the green room out as “current affairs”…certainly better to cut out the middle man who came up with the “original” material..such as it is!
I suspect McClusky probably didn`t use big words in small case like the Guardian implies-the mittens and crayons possibly mean dear Len was left in the creche downstairs.
Even our smelly socks brigade-a la Fred Kite-seem a bit thicker than of old!
abu quatada, has won his h.rights case, to prevent extradition to syria says el beeb 5live, he is imprisoned for terrorism, and wait for it … using his reigion as a “cover” for his terrorism …. HELLO! ….
i don t think he is imprisoned for that … do you?
mandated ideological jihad, is a …. cover?
absolutely false, he is following his ideology.
“i have been made victorious by terror” who said that … yep! mohamhead himself, the perfect example of conduct?
was he using his religion as a cover, for his terrorism
this ahem “seal” of the prophets? …
hmmm looks like he would have had the key thrown away today …
oh dear π
Here is the truth about electric cars, they used to be the future once, the ultimate product of political fantasy over common sense. Nobody wants one, they are expensive and rubbish, they do not work even as promised and they need a huge subsidy and even then nobody wants one. What the politicians have done is recreate the Trabant minus the useability.
Revealed: There are more charging points than electric cars in UK as sales slump
Sales of electric cars have slumped so badly that there are now more charging points than vehicles on the road. Just 2,149 electric cars have been sold since 2006, despite a government scheme last year offering customers up to £5,000 towards the cost of a vehicle.
The Department for Transport says that around 2,500 charging points have been installed, although their precise location is not known.
The government grant has boosted sales – from 138 in 2010 to 1,1082 last year – but only £3.9million of the £300million set aside has been paid out. A spokesman for the DFT told The Sunday Times: ‘It’s fair to say that there hasn’t been a huge take-up over the past year.’
The high cost of electric cars has put many off. The Nissan Leaf still costs £25,990 even after the £5,000 grant has been deducted.
Electric cars are also only suitable for short journeys, with a maximum range of around 100 miles on a full charge.
Mark Goodier, former Radio 1 DJ who owns a Nissan Leaf, told the newspaper: ‘Nissan needs to work on range. If you travel more than 100 miles, this is not for you. ‘You have to think about usage and plan what you are going to do. You can’t wake up and decide to drive to Scotland.’
The government is spending £30million on publicly-funded charging points and those in private companies. These range from points which take between six and eight hours, to those which provide an 80 per cent charge in half an hour.
Drivers can pay an annual fee to use the majority of the points, with authorities charging a membership fee for the year but no extra charge for electricity.
It’s a similar story in the U.S., with Nissan selling 10,000 Leaf cars last year – compared to almost 13million new vehicles every year, The Sunday Times reported.
A spokesman for Nissan said: ‘The Leaf is meeting its business plans but it’s a car that’s going to take a while to be accepted in the market.’
More fuel-efficient petrol engines are also affecting electric car sales.
Norman Baker, transport minister, said the availability of electric cars was the main challenge to the market.
Surprise surprise.
Anyone who has ever owned a rechargeable anything knows that, although they’ve improved, they rarely meet their specification and replacement batteries can be horrendously expensive – particularly non-standard ones.
I’ve had some real lemons.
When electric cars are tested they are always done over a long drive and of course they are totally crap for that. Any idiot (clearly not theBBC types though) knows that no one is going ot take 3 days to get from London to Edinburgh in an electric car. A horse would be faster.
Of course there main use is in urban areas like London, but then of course most people don’t have off road parking so how do you charge it at home.
I won’t bother going into the whole engineering nonsense of electric cars we’ve done that to death here ,but the BBC keep pushing this crap.
We know the real answer is the hydrogen fuelled vehicle.
“Of course there main use is in urban areas like London”
In theory, yes. Unfortunately, driving styles have become so aggressive in all urban areas that I wouldn’t want to be targeted repeatedly by the “Get the f*** out of my way NOW !” brigade several times a week. I’m not a slow driver either.
The Channel Islands or IOW maybe?
Yes I agree, to be honest if I lived in London I wouldn’t bother owning a car in the first place. The cost of parking, the vandalism and endless traffic jams make them pointless.
3 days? The last time the BBC tried this it took them 5 days.
I agree that hydrogen is the way to go. The sooner the better! Not only can this fuel your car, it can power your house too!
“I agree that hydrogen is the way to go… can power your house too!”
Good idea. If I filled Abu Qatada’s house with hydrogen, how far do you think he’d go?
I reckon a good half mile.
Regarding the charging points, I enjoyed the “We need a map of them across the country.”
I can’t see the mantle of world leaders in technology being passed from Formula 1 (KERS) over to these idiots any time soon.
“BBC flouts its bonus ban with payouts of £275,000 to four top managers”
By Paul Revoir
Read more:
Speaking of managers George,
Ex RL player and coach Danny Lockwood’s book “The Islamic Republic of Dewsbury” is worth a read.
He currently writes a column in League Weekly.
And they dare to criticise bankers. The hypocritical shitfaces!
About the BBC-NUJ’s political chums at ‘The Guardian’:
“”he Guardian has turned itself into a hub of unrestrained anti-Americanism”
(by Tom Wilson)
<img src=”” alt=”Andrew Neil”/> afneil Andrew Neil Strasbourg Court rules deporting Abu Qatada would breach his human rights. Good time to be making BBC doc on human rights!
A topical doc on this subject, maybe.
A BBC one? Hmn. We’ll see.
Di I see lots of BBC interns laying cables into Qutadas “custody suite” from a convenient unmarked van outside Long Lartin?
Surely the file in the cake/message in a bottle stuff is a bit cliched?…but not beyond the BBC when they`ve got one of Shamis boys available for the exclusive 8.10 spot on the Toady Show.
Well it seems that the BBC disease has spread. I’ve just been to Ed West’s piece in the DT: What ‘right’ does Abu Qatada have to stay in Britain? It is dated January 17th, 2012 (ie: today) but it says “Comments are closed”.
NUJ strikes again? It seems some people are only prepared to tolerate comments which do not demand tolerance in the first place.
Were any allowed earlier, or was this from the off?
Whichever way, a pernicious further dagger in the heart of free speech in thsi country, when certain topics are either off limits or only to be broached in a controlled way by a select few.
“Were any allowed earlier, or was this from the off?”
The blog is dated 17th January, 11:39. I saw it for the first time early afternoon and the comments, if any, had gone by then.
time for V.Drearybyshire, to open her mouth, & put both feet in again π
is there a VD special report on the way?
so abu qutada, has won his h.rights case, to prevent extradition to syria, so says el beeb 5live, he is imprisoned for terrorism, and wait for it … using his reigion as a “cover” for his terrorism …. HELLO! ….
i don t think he is imprisoned for that … do you? … mandated ideological jihad, is a …. cover?
absolutely false, he is following his ideology, i see the el beeb bullsh-t meters being revved up already.
oh VD, has she fleeced us again with a jetscapade today?
I wonder…did anyone at the BBC suggest that the murderous Breivik was using his religion as a cover for his horrid acts? I seem to remember that they put the conservative Christian aspect pretty high up on the motivation list. But then I guess Christianity is not a ‘religion of peace’.
Palin Derangement Syndrome sufferer and Obama fanboy Andrew Sullivan has penned a defence of his beloved president that is so toe-curlingly gushing it would make North Korean state media embarrassed. Of course, Richard Bacon was impressed though:
@richardpbacon richard bacon
RT: @blakehounshell: Andrew Sullivan is a better advocate for Obama than Obama is…”
17 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone Favorite Retweet Reply
Why is Bacon wasting everyone’s time disucssing the leader of a foreign country? His show isn’t intended for foreign consumption. Sullivan is a useful tool for the Left these days. They can hold him up as an example of a “conservative” who agrees with them about pet issues. So if Sullivan says The Obamessiah is great, it must be true, a “conservative” says so. Bacon hates Palin as much as Sullivan. I wonder if he’ll point his audience to a comedy routine on YouTube about HIV?
I think Sullivan is on some sort of narcotic; his prose makes sense but he is saying that left, right and centre have misjudged Obama and it’s Obama’s greatness getting this that and the other done…what AS fails to see isn’t Obama isn’t skillfully playing the long game but just incompetently dithering
Sullivan is giving you the number one White House talking point: we need four more years so He can do what He set out to do, and make His changes irreversible. That’s supposed to be a reason to vote for Him, but I can’t think of a better reason not to.
Sullivan is almost completely in thrall to political homosexuality which is a left wing phenomenon. He’s made little secret of his sexual outlook – quite the reverse – and no harm in that. However, the relaxing of the HIV immigration rules by the Redeemer of the White House (allowing Sullivan to get his Green Card) plus the surfacing of the intellectual corruption contracted at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard has finally turned his brain. As to his “conservatism” he blogged about “leaving the right” in 2009: the guy is as “conservative” as the Today team.
I’m seriously trying to stay clear of the BBC for the good of my health, but here’s an interesting piece bemoaning the cap on housing benefit at 400 pounds per week, which will mean many of those on benefit will have to move out of affluent areas to something more affordable!
400 pounds per week!
Well to use a word mentioned the other day and thrown around with ease by the BBC, they will simply have to move to accommodation more suited to their benefits income.
I like how the Beeboid found one tiny flaw in the Government’s argument to jump on, ignoring the real point. The mouthpiece said – after explaining the reality – that ending government housing subsidies in expensive areas will help bring rents down (presumably because landlords will no longer get high guaranteed rates they can use to keep rents up in the neighborhood). That’s the only weak part in the argument, and that’s the only part the BBC decided to focus on. “But is that really true?” Lame.
Then we heard from the advocate who says it will be very difficult because there are 1 million people on housing benefits. So? They’re not all moving, why did the BBC allow that irrelevant point? Oh, right, it’s all about tearing down even an intelligent government program that is unfair to the very working class people BBC Socialists claim to support. And hang on, is it a “cut”, as the advocate said, or a “cap”? Now I’ve been possibly mislead, because it’s not made clear now. And now I’m left wondering if every single family on housing benefits in the entire country will have to move to Wembley or a regional equivalent, rather than the percentage who live in expensive areas. Spin, spin, spin.
Whose fault is the situation, BBC? Why blame the Tories for trying to fix it? Oh, right, I forgot that May 2010 is Year Zero. And it would save money, so quit trying to make people think it wouldn’t. The problem is who picks up the tab? Where did that come from? Pathetic biased report.
Nearly every “news” item from the BBC is a “pathetic biased report” these days. Why do they bother having any news at all? Every report could be written and delivered by somebody from the Labour Party Press Office. They should simply donate the 70 million it costs every year directly to the Labour Party.
Oh I just remembered why they don’t do that. The money they take from the taxpayer goes into the pockets of Guardian readers, who return the favour by subverting the democratic process by taking over the BBC and spinning for the Labour Party.
As I understand it, the money for the Labour Party comes from the Public Sector Unions. Remind me again why the television and radio has to be run by the Public Sector? There must be a good reason.
I`d agree.
Why do we bother to have third party talking heads and useful ciphers talking from the BBCs assorted scripts(which all end up in the same place…Liberal swampland)?
I found it far easier hearing Sarah Montague and Nick Robinson telling me what Len McCluskys piece in the Guardian means to me down here among the civilians.
Much better if the BBC just keep it simple.
I myself do like my news in a blender and sucked up through a straw…shouldn`t it be cheaper though?
‘third party talking heads and useful ciphers talking from the BBCs assorted scripts’
Especially those clearly invited on for that reason, but as clearly not identified for their partiality.
Propaganda controlled by producer iPhone and the dit suite, pure and simple.
I’ve mentioned the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) a few times now. A month ago, I said this was going to be a big deal, and that Wikipedia was threatening to have a blackout in protest if this thing looked like it was going to pass. It’s on hold for the moment now, thanks to a massive public outcry, as well as pressure from Google, Microsoft, and Mozilla.
The bill is just on hold, though, and hasn’t been killed, so tomorrow Wikipedia says they’re going to go dark for the dayl, and other big sites are going to join them. The BBC has finally gotten around to reporting on SOPA. Now that the mainstream media is paying attention, the intrepid BBC is following their lead. It’s only been going on for weeks and weeks, and the recent fuss about Richard “F*ck The Police” O’Dwyer, and the BBC didn’t bother until just now.
Me on Dec. 14th open thread:
If Wikipedia goes blank one day soon, it will be a shock to BBC audiences because they’ve been completely silent on the progress through the US Congress on the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA).
Over a month later, the BBC woke up. Where has Rory Cellan-Jones been? And they think they’re supposed to be a great source of US news?
Why does the BBC describe Katada as ‘Palestinian-Jordanian’.
as in:
“The Palestinian-Jordanian preacher has been convicted in his absence of involvement in two major terrorism plots in Jordan.”
He was born a Jordanian, holds a Jordanian passport, is a Jordanian citizen.
Even the dreadful European Court of Human Rights makes his nationality quite clear…..
“1. The case originated in an application (no. 8139/09) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Jordanian national, Mr Omar Othman (“the applicant”), on 11 February 2009.
Is it, just is it perhaps, a bias induced addition to ellicit some tinge of ‘understanding’ for the extremist sh*t.
Doesn’t the BBC go out of its way to associate ‘Palestinian’ with some sort of spurious victimhood?
Indeed, he was born in Bethehem in 1960…when it was still Jordan, if the wrote that they’d have to start dismantling their silly Pal story.
He was born in ‘Bethlehem’ as you point out.. but this a geographical not a political description.
Until 1918 his ancestors would have been Turkish Empire subjects in one of the sajaks or vilayets…if they bothered to tell the sand-ramblers.
After the Treaties oif 1922, his forebears would have been a mandate territory subjects. Then in 1947, Jordan moved in (and moved people around) issuing passports—Jordanian passports… and ID to all inc West Bankers as Jordanian citizens. That persisted until 1988…when Jordan started to make a lot of residents ‘stateless’ taking away their citizenship. Two reasons…to exile troublemakers threatening the Jordanian throne and creating a Palestinian identity to put pressure on Israel and the ‘occupation.
“but this a geographical not a political description”…”to exile troublemakers threatening the Jordanian throne and creating a Palestinian identity to put pressure on Israel and the ‘occupation.”
…which is exactly my point! “Jordan”, NOT Palestine, if the BBC were to put ‘born in Jordan’ they would have to explain to the gormless fools that get their news from these bias twats that it was never a country called Palestine.
…had to reply as it seems you have totally misunderstood the point of “when it was still Jordan” in my original comment
It’s more complicated than that. In 1923 Britain divided the Mandate (to provide a Jewish home) of Palestine into two. One part became the independent nation of Tranjordan. Arguably the people living there were Palestinians by the only definition possible. That is, they had lived, however briefly, in the British Mandate of Palestine. However control was given to the Hashemite family formerly of Saudi Arabia (then known as Hejaz) until kicked out by Ibn Saud.
Power was kept by appointing loyal to the Hashemites Bedouin to vital positions. Whether there was historicallya Palestinian people or not, there are two groups in Jordan. One is Palestinian, the other Bedouin. Whether we can tell the difference, they certainly can.