Now, being the Graun and CiF being more ‘CiFitsuits’ with the potential for a few community moddings out ‘for harmony’, I might chip in and ask them to also ‘explain how we choose what we DON’T report and why’.
And wonder if the BBC may ever be so minded on this topic, too.
I suppose it would be too much to ask that Today presenters stick to their scripts-thay are truly not fit to be let go “off-piste”.
Yes, I KNOW that any Tory indiscretion could get an extra biscuit at the post-match briefing should it make the 9am headlines…and I know too that Evans scriptwriting minders upstairs are happy for him to sniff around Tory lampposts and leavings too.
But if you`ve a big topic like the EU ,Evan-and whether or not Williiam Hague is going to roll over for Brussels as you`d like-it would surely be best to not spend half the interview hoping that Hague will trash Hester( and therefore the Tories). Hague is Foregn Secretary you see, and it`s nothing to do with him really now is it?
Yes-I know its fresh from the Tories bottom Evan, but a good journalist would stick to the rather complex questions of EU law rather than chase a shitstick presented to you by Balls or Mason.
I mean-f you`re going to tease Hague out on such matters, then even the alloted five minutes might be a stretch-so to rummage in Hasters laundry hamper for half of the piece is NOT competent is it?…and Hester seems to be that at the very least!
Still-Montague did the same…running out of time wondering(or not) whether smacking a kids skin to redden it is good legal basis for the kids of Cindy Butts(Black) and Sunni Hundal(Asian perhaps eh?)…crashed right into the news she did…and I still don`t know if blacking any kids eye is worse that reddening their legs”
And what of beatings in madrassas?…any colour charts available Sarah?
F**k me…we pay for this on-the-jobbie training ,don`t we? Sadly, before I could enquire if this was only this government, and hence as applicable a statement to how many might react to the output of what the most trusted national broadcaster deems impartial ediotorial, I had to note this thread was closed.
Who’s the most influential Brit covering the US elections ? (its not me or TobyH) Katty Kay: The BBC’s Glamorous Voice of Impartiality
As Helen Boadem, our next DG, would say… get your mates to repeat it often enough…
So the camp male on BBC news tells us that Ed Ed is demanding something be done about banker bonuses. Fine, but what did Red Ed do for 13 years in power when Labour had their rancid cocks up the arses of the very same bankers?
Will Red Ed demand that Gordon Brown hand over his pension for trashing the economy of England?
Anyone else noticed how soft the lefty media (including the BBC) has been on black Labour MP David Lamy for wanting parent to be allowed to hit their kids?
Can you imagine if some ‘Tory toff’ had said that? There would be uproar in the lefty press.
Normally I groan when confronted by what I often sexistly and over-generally refer to as media ‘peroxide sinks’ ‘commenting’.
But prepared to make an exception just now on a lady in the States that SKY had on to ‘debate’ with Adam Boulton, who is increasingly becoming more puffed up with his self-importance and failing to elicit anything by way of worthwhile interviewee responses as he simply likes the sound of his own voice too much.
She had him for lunch. In debate, on detail and, frankly, good manners.
Thing was, at least they had her on. I don’t think the BBC would even know how to get hold of her. She’s a Republican.
Don’t necessarily agree with all she said, but it was nice to be offered the opportunity to hear another view, put well, and not by a caricature.
And watch our risible ‘we know best’ UK media splutter in dealing with it.
Ladies propelled to the forefront of news media ‘presenting’ or ‘interviewing’ less by the power of their intellects and more by how the light shines off their locks. Not restricted to BBC telepromter-reading, in-ear guided moppets by any means. Or, frankly, the women. However, the likes of Ms. Maitless do rather make the generic rather the norm than the exception, so I allow myself the un-PC indulgence.
I saw reports from Syria on both itv and bbc news last night. Itv made it sound like the Syrani Army were killing innocent civillians, but bbc described them as rebel forces!
Brilliant! I’ve been vaguely aware of Jackson for a while, but didn’t realize he’s been around since the beginning of the Tea Party movement. I think I might go down to Barnes & Noble and buy his book just to annoy the tattooed-and-pierced crowd at the checkout desk.
I know the type you mean. The way to REALLY annoy them is to go and ask them if they have the book in stock, having already checked that they do, making sure to mention that he’s a right-wing author etc. That way they’ll actually have to look for it themselves. The horror!
Great article this by Kevin Jackson isn`t it?
Thanbk you Reed.
He is the true embodiment of MLKs hope that “one day, people would judge his children not on the colour of their skin…but on the content of their character”
That we give Obama the free pass because he`s black, only shows that Jackson is 100% correct.
We`re racist in effect fot letting Obama get away with being black as cover for incompetent socialism…and no less racist than 1964, if we apply KJs words literally!
Time to stick this to the liberals eh?
I’m sure those ‘liberals’ will just invoke their ‘false consciousness’ argument ; that he’s just doing his masters’ bidding. They pulled the same crap with Herman Cain, I seem to remember. Some of the things said about him by the so-called ‘progressive’ left were anything but progressive. Who are the real racists?
I’d be willing to bet that Mr. Jackson is the kind of guy who could lay waste to that kind of half-witted nonsense in his sleep.
I see Panorama are investigating “Tory supporter” Lord Ashcroft yet again.
I keep waiting for the BBC to investigate the Trade Unions or what Tony Blair got up to and why he seems to pay almost no tax, but I guess hell will freeze over first.
BBC News Channel running yet another report about the coroner’s report on Gary Speed’s death. They keep saying it’s a “narrative verdict”. Sounds like something from the BBC complaints dept.
Stage Performer Maitlis gave a brief explanation, but I didn’t really understand what she meant. Is that a euphemism for doing a David Carradine or something?
Yes, it sounds like a piece of Beeboid jargon all right. It’s a newfangled thing. Before, coroner’s inquests could only return a one- or two-word short verdict such as “lawful killing”, “unlawful killing” “open verdict”, “suicide” etc but in recent years they have been able to give a longer verdict in the form of an account of the facts they found on the evidence. That’s what they mean by a narrative verdict.
Still not very clear. Interesting the Wiki cites another BBC use.
Maybe the educate and inform claiming national treasure might seek to report in terms that explain as opposed to just trotting out legal terms that no one is any the wiser about?
The Tories need to do something about BBC bias and be quick about it.
This is the winning formula for the left:
The Guardian (but given it’s unpopularity and minority circulation) the BBC put up a massive hue and cry.
Unable or unwilling to fight their corner the Tories cave in.
Ed Miliband and his band of millies pop up to take credit.
The BBC award the credit to Ed in spades and trumpet what an effective leader he is and how he feels the pain of the ordinary voters. We know it’s all nonsense but this line of attack is all the traction that the left have.
eg. 1. News of the World phone hacking ‘scandal’.
eg. 2. RBS bonus kerfuffle.
Watch it Tories, this will happen again and again until you move on BBC bias.
BBC News Channel just now worrying that a “disproportionate” number of poorer people from Scotland are not applying to university, and it’s due to high tuition fees. This follows on an earlier segment with some Labour MP pledging that a Labour Government would cut fees down to £6000, because everyone must have a university education and the country would be better off if they did.
Stage Performer Maitlis did not ask if there were less poorer people applying to university because they didn’t even finish high school and had no qualifications for entry. As if tuition fees are the only obstacle.
Yes, BBC-Labour has been trying to build up university application numbers into a crisis with cash-flush Beeboids reporting inaccurate figures from England, Scotland an d Wales, and with some National Union Students rep to hand to re-enforce the BBC-Labour political line.
A sober ‘Spectator’ comment:
“The tuition fee effect, revealed”
On Channel 4 news last night, a reporter was talking to a group of enthusiastic, upcoming university applicants, many of whom had been on the student fees riots. (A little footage of the demo was shown again: some surprisingly old ‘students’ going toe-to-toe with the coppers. SWP field trip?) All of the youngsters were cheerfully resigned to the fees restructuring, & seemed to have consigned the protests to fuzzy memory. They just wanted to get on with their education, realising, once they’d simmered down, that they wouldn’t spend the rest of their lives in debtors gaol. One sensible young man went right off metropolitan liberal elite ‘narrative’, by saying it’s still a good deal, & much cheaper than a lot of other countries, citing the USA in contrast.
So, what really was that totally whipped-up frenzy all about? And who were the Pavlovian dogs salivating at this ‘attack’ on free education? Well, one of them was Paul ‘Its all Kicking Off’ Mason, the smoke of Che Guevara’s cigar still coiling around his flaring nostrils, a man deluded enough to brand psycho looters, ‘political trailblazers’, as they burnt down Enfield & Croydon, & he got his ‘rebel’ rocks off. Well, old Humbert Humbert might still be getting misty-eyed about 2011’s ‘Summer of Love’, & flogging god awful books about world revolution, but this ageing Sandanista is beginning to look much more like the sort of old Onanista who lurks around student gatherings, until told to, ‘F%ck off, Grandad! Get back in your wanking chariot.’ And it can’t come soon enough.
Some may see this as the beginning of a process which brings global capitalism under the control of democratic politicians.
Some may see that statement as blindness to state-run corporations and a state-run economy. And we all know how well that works out. Did he pay attention at all while studying for that PPE degree? Does he not get it at all?
Indeed. Sub-prime mortgages, anyone? These people really do believe in the absolute benevolence of state involvement, and seem oblivious to any unintended consequences even when they’ve been plain to see for some time.
“62. electronicfur 10 HOURS AGO Stephen Hester – Effectively a public servant but runs a Balance Sheet the size of our GDP. Worth £1.2m a year? The media say he should walk if he wishes and they’ll find somebody else.
Fiona Bruce – Effectively a public servant and reads an autocue for a living. Worth £850k a year? Paxman £1.1m, Lineker, £1.5m. The media say you have to pay competitively to “retain talent”. LMAO.
Quentin Lett’s had a dig at the BBC today on the Daily Politics, he pointed out that Cameron’s standing up to the EU was very popular in the Country, except at the BBC.
Fast & Furious ATF Scandal update: Evidence that Attorney General Eric Holder lied to Congress, under oath, about his knowledge of the problem.
Friday, the feds disclosed documents that show that despite Holder’s claim during congressional testimony that he’d only learned of F&F “a few weeks” earlier (a claim later amended to “a couple of months”), he has known (or should have known) about it all along.
That information came in a series of e-mails in which the former US attorney in Arizona, Dennis Burke, discussed the F&F’s first fatality, agent Brian Terry, with a Holder deputy. The e-mails were sent in the early hours of Dec. 15, 2010, the day Terry died of wounds received the day before in a shootout 18 miles inside the US border, near Nogales.
If only!
BBC Trust Chairman Patten recently announced that he would be looking for a replacement for top job at the BBC, presently occupied by Mark Thompson the Director General. There’s talk that it might be Helen Boaden, which means at least more of the same, if not worse.
But an outsider, Quentin Letts, has put in for the job. He is described as a freelance journalist writing mainly for the Daily Mail, as its parliamentary sketchwriter and theatre critic, having formerly worked for The Telegraph and The Times. A long-standing critic of the BBC, he named Greg Dyke, a former BBC director-general, and Jay Hunt, ex-controller of BBC1, in his book 50 People who Buggered Up Britain. Which makes him A-OK in my book.
Here’s 2 articles written on his bid. They certainly identify a few of the existing problems at the BBC.
I’m sure many here will be wishing him the best of luck, though because the BBC IS what it IS, I’ll be very surprised if he gets it. He himself thinks he ‘hasn’t got a hope’. Shows he really knows what’s going on at the BBC
Although anybody with any common sense could determine that these men were Islamic terrorists, it makes me question why the BBC avoid labelling them as such. The only logical conclusion could be that if anybody searched the BBC website to see how they were reporting on the subject they would mainly find fairly benign examples.
Sure enough! As the attached picture shows.
Given that there have been over 18,300 deadly attacks by Islamic terrorists since 9/11, isn’t it odd that within the last year, according to the BBC search engine, we only have one instance from last February where they actually termed an incident as such?
Odd for anybody not familiar with the BBC agenda that is.
Although anybody with any common sense could determine that these men were Islamic terrorists, it makes me question why the BBC avoid labelling them as such.
According to BBC editorial policy and the wisdom we’ve heard in the past from defenders of the indefensible, you’ve just answered your own question.
Panorama‘s hatchet job on Lord Ashcroft was a text-book example of BBC bias through its use of labels.
Its ‘talking heads’ included a number of people (former employees, a liquidator, a journalist, a left-wing opposition leader) from the Turks and Caicos, who have been directly involved in the story.
Then there were the ‘experts’.
The main talking head (used three times) was Labour-supporting Kevin Maguire of the Daily Mirror. (Need I go on? Bias proved already!)
Then there was Prem Sikka (who keeps cropping up on the BBC), described by reporter Declan Lawn as an “expert” and simply labelled as a “Professor of Accountancy”. What Declan didn’t mention is that Prof. Sikka is a Marxist professor and a regular ‘Guardian’ columnist who’s been on Lord Ashcroft’s case for some time.
So, two left-wingers who write for two anti-Tory newspapers.
As well as a corporate lawyer called Elliot Shear, there was Lord Oakeshott, the anti-Coalition Lib Dem left-winger.
The other expert was Nicholas Shaxson, merely described by Panorama as a “financial journalist”. Can you guess who he writes for? Declan Lawn wasn’t saying. Inevitably, it’s the Guardian. Plus, he’s not just a “financial journalist”, he’s also a campaigner with the left-wing Tax Justice Network. That’s something else Dec ‘forgot’ to mention.
Declan Lawn said towards the end of the programme that the new evidence, after two years of digging, would be “very useful to the Independent” in their libel case against Lord Ashcroft.
So, the Guardian (twice) and the Mirror and the Independent and the BBC. Who’d have thought it?
Wonder if the assembled experts above would care to take up Costa Concordias offer for a 30% reduction in the price of their cruises next season?
Maybe Michael Ashcroft could find some dosh under the chaise longue to start the appeal!
FYI There was a discussion in an earlier Open Thread on Martin Luther King’s politics. I had the opportunity of asking Prof. Clarence Jones of Stanford University, who was on MLK’s staff from 1960 until his death this question.
His answer was Martin Luther King, Snr. MLK’s father definitely was a Republican. King Jnr., himself, may have been a registered Republican at one time. When he began to enter national prominence it was agreed as a strategy that he would not come out in support of any group.
Prof. Jones said he knew King had voted for Johnson (I didn’t ask how he knew. Presumably he was told) and was fairly sure he voted for Kennedy, who had had him released from prison.
BTW I got the impression Jones was strongly for Obama and he came out unambiguously for the Occupy Wall Street movement.
This BBC online report does use the term, albeit as a so-called “honour” killing. This is pathetic, since it’s Mohammedans who so call it that. So I guess in this case it’s not censoring, as they had no choice but to report what the judge said. It’s too big a story for them to sweep under the rug at this point. But they do relegate it.
In the video, though, Beeboid in Canada Lee Carter says that he thinks the media coverage has been “divisive for the Muslim community” because the media is calling it an “honor killing”. Which is BS because the murderer himself called it that, and the judge talked about the problem of “honor” as well. So it’s a Mohammedan term, not a media epithet. Yet the BBC passes it off.
David, I think you have misinterpreted the so-called “honour” killing remark. I think the point being made is that there is no honour involved and that by labeling it that way, even though the murderer used the term himself, it is somehow being whitewashed and made more acceptable. “I can’t think of any other crime, whether generic or hate, in which we the press uses the terms preferred by the perpetrator of such crimes as its universal standard. Words matter and when we insist on calling torture “enhanced interrogation,” genocide “ethnic cleansing,” or hate crimes “honor killings” (the latter which not only sanitizes the murderous hatred, but makes it virtuous), we normalize and justify the atrocities being committed”.
Not really the BBC’s job to do so, as it seems pretty central to the case.
As to interpretation, it is ‘convenient’ that ‘so-called’ works in a variety of ways. Hence why use it? Other than the risible ‘space’ reason proliferating like Japanese Knotweed across the BBC ediotorial.
They are also open to abuse as well, but as this is a quoted term, what is wrong with ‘honour killing’, which is shorter and spares the subs unique framing?
I did try to listen to the whole lot of “Beyond Belief”(radio4 Mon pm), but gave up after 20 minutes.
It was about “pilgrimage”….now my Bible says that earth is Gods, but Ernie Rae didn`t seem too inclined to press the Muslim apologists about thwy the hell I can`t go to those bits og Gods earth called Mecca and Medina…I mean….if hajj is so grand, then why can`t we kaffirs go along and have a peek?
Another one for Nicky Campbell not to ask anytime soon.
If Ernie DID ask about it, then my apologies-but I doubt he`d see how mocking the programme was.
Oh-by the way-pilgrimage sites may be on ley lines, so the carbon footprint might not ground all those Jeddah-bound flights….New Age meets Islam…wonder who`ll win?
Oh Lordy!
See on tonights Radio 4 the question…”What are the police for?”
It lasts for thirty minutes I think, so let me guess
a) Catching crims and scum and clearing them off the streets
b) Smashing the miners/public sector strikes/wayfarers as in Orgreave or the Beanfield
c)Doling out flip flops to drunken druggies in Newquay
d) Carrying victim impact and crime number leaflets and paperwork around in those vests that look bulletproof….ha!
Only one of the above is wrong in the eyes of the BBC, but still they`ll take half an hour to pad it out.
Poor old Amal Fashanu seeks a gay footballer to “come out”-like that nice Gareth Thomas did in Wales,playing rugby.
She`s spending an awful lot of time trying to coax somebody-no matter how clapped out, minor league or misshapen…just to come out and prove that the BBCs “faeces” is true-that Vinnie, Gazza, Chopper and Norman are/were all “repressed” and “hiding their inner gay”.
Good career and lots of hugs and bunnies for the first one to truly “Bend it like Beckham…and then some”.
Looking forward to Evan Davis, Graham Norton etc leading by example with the Salford Five -A-Side…yes, I`m pretty sure that the Langworthy chaps would be delighted to throw a few pashminis down for goalposts!
Yep, a black lass talking about gays. If only Abu Hamza had come on to tick the disabled and Muslim boxes, we’d have had the BBC equivalent of a Royal Flush.
Still-the BBC continue to pose the question to which no-one has sought an answer…because they`re repressed homophobes at the moment!
We shall learn to get with the programme.
Maybe a Simon Cowell type “search the nation” show…Looking for Dorothy maybe?
Until then-I`m already booked in for 5 minutes silence in honour of Justin Fashanu this Saturday…and maybe Gary Speed might suffice as a martyr to BBC-like oppression…doesn`t matter that he`s not, because intention and wristband opportunities are all that`s required.
In the meantime…any chance of a Monument to the Unknown Footballing Gay until we can find one that is…would Nottingham or Norwich offer us a plinth…and so keep the Fashanu girl in paid work for a bit longer?
Well, that is the question, isn’t it? Does anyone at the BBC see the irony in planning a program to preach about equal opportunities, then fronting it with someone who’s main qualification is who her dad and uncle were?
Many people (myself included) have stated that the bBC goes well overboard on reporting Islamic stories. Be it feel good stories about how Islam is a religion of peace. Nasty stories where Muslims have been picked on. (Usually hate crimes about how abuse was thrown at somebody) or strangely how the bbC doesn’t even bother reporting the story at all. (Usually criminal endeavours) Now before Dez comes on board and opines that actually I am wrong by printing a story from 20 years ago in which to back his case up. Have a look at these headlines about dog attacks and tell me which one stands out: (List taken from a simple search on bBC using ‘dog attacks’)
Well spotted Pounce_uk. The BBC is known for naming and interviewing victims when they are Muslim and leaving them anonymous when they are Christian or Jewish, even when the religious/nationalist aspect is central to the story.
I know DV has done a seperate post on the tosspot that is Dame Nikky, but as sport has now come into play, here are a few questions I would ask NC if I enjoyed the luxury of a connection to his phone-in on BBC R5.
And they would be as follows :
1) Who do you think will win this year’s Super League ?
2) What do you think the Super League is ?
3) Where do you think Super League is played ?
4) Would you like to share your informed liberal opinions about the sexuality of the players in front of the fans.
5) Would you like a Taxi / Ambulance on stand by ?
Apparently, when presented with negative images, conservatives are more likely to focus on the negative aspects of those images and experience negative emotions.
I’d have thought that there are psychologists who can point to flaws in the experiment’s methodology, or to other studies that reached different conclusions. It would have been good to hear from them, as otherwise the message people might take is ‘If you’re conservative, it’s because you have a tendancy to focus on the negative’…
Given that all the greatest songs are sad all the best plays are filled with angst and pain I mean Macbeth was a romp ! all the films that we remember are of failure or lost love/pets/death /end of days, stuff like titanic saving private Ryan/conspiracy/redemption/psycho and we could all list many more ! were so good I assume because they were all so brimming with happy lefty ideas???
I like being positive about my negativity !
Conservative people start new businesses despite liberal/left state funded public sector jobbed people telling them its too dangerous ,may lose savings/pensions/house etc .
Real conservative minded people say leave the EU and embrace freedom and prosperity despite the liberal/left telling everyone there will be economic crisis /war and famine .
Coinciding with this week’s American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting in New Orleans, the groups, the League of Conservation Voters, and the Citizen Engagement Lab have launched a campaign that exposes television weathercasters who take a contrarian stance on climate change science.
The campaign, called Forecast the Facts, launched a website that identifies 47 TV weathercasters by name who have publicly expressed climate change views considered outside of the mainstream. (It is also pressuring the American Meteorological Society to strengthen its position statement on the science.)
This confrontational approach is the wrong approach and promises to only further divide TV weathercasters whose views on the issue of climate change are already polarized.
The rationale for the campaign are results from a survey conducted by George Mason University in 2010* that found 63% of weathercasters believe global warming is due mainly to natural causes compared to just 31% who think it’s mostly a result of human causes. Some 27 percent of weathercasters referred to global warming as “a scam.” Whereas, the prevailing view among publishing climate scientists is that the Earth is warming primarily as a result of human activities.
This was written by a Warmist in the Washington Post, and even he doesn’t support this attempted purge. Has the Met already done something like this? Has the BBC?
Some unnamed BBC online reporter has written a piece mocking the U.S. Republicans over their ‘Europe-bashing’ and attacks on Obama.
It’s a typically sly piece (“crazy…line of attack”, “But that has not stopped Mr Romney”) and rubbishes anyone who calls Obama a “socialist” (“not even his sternest critics believe it really holds water”) and anyone who dares mention the name ‘Saul Alinsky’ (“an all-but-forgotten community activist from Chicago, who died in 1972, but whose Democratic-leaning writings are thought to have influenced the current president”).
There’s more bias by labelling too. Compare this…
Iain Murray, of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a right-wing Washington DC think-tank, says: “I don’t think what Obama is doing is socialist.
…with this:
Fran Burswell, director of trans-Atlantic relations at the Atlantic Council, says: “There is a real reliance on the individual in America.
Wikipedia says the Atlantic Council has “a center-left political orientation”. Why didn’t the BBC reporter write “at the left-wing Atlantic Council” then, instead of leaving an impression of neutrality and authority?
Just saw a Breakfast feature about how Tower Hamlets is applying for city status. (For the uninitiated Tower Hamlets is a Muslim-dominated district of London notorious for the corruption of its Mayor Lutfur Rahman.)
I’m sure in our enlightened, multi-cultural times that the criteria involved in the designation of city status has been broadened from ‘Cathedral‘ to ‘large scale place of worship‘ – a mega-mosque will probably qualify. >:o
That used to be the case in the same way that a locality had to have a church before it could beome a village. Now you don’t have to have the cathedral to become a city.
The bBC and good price increases agaisnt bad price increases.
Anybody else notice how the bBC has gone well out of its way in which to atatck proce increase put in place by the tories. Pensions,taxes etc are all bad (yup I’ll agree) but there are certain tax increases the bBC champions. Such as this: Water bills in England and Wales to rise 5.7% in April
Average water and sewerage bills in England and Wales will rise by 5.7% from April to about £376 per household.The average figure disguises variations between water and sewerage firms, with customers at Southern seeing an 8.2% rise and those at Dwr Cymru 3.8%.
In 2009 the industry regulator, Ofwat, announced a five-year plan of annual rises from 2010 to 2015 to help fund £22bn of investments.
So a price increase on already expensive water bills is given the bBC thumbs up I quote: “We understand that any bill rise is unwelcome, particularly in tough economic times. We will make sure customers get value for money,” she said.
I wonder if the reason the bBC are championing this is because it was born out of a labour government and because of its green credentials: She said that by 2015, companies will have spent on average £935 for every property in England and Wales on services improvements, including on cleaning up rivers and beaches.
Remind me again why my water bills have been going up year by year for the past 10 years, while I have been using less. Oh that’s right it was to pay to improve the water system and clean up rivers and beaches. and to help fund clean water for third world countries.
You’d think the bBC would have mentioned that already?
Another good price increase took place recently.
The new cost of the BBC’s Radio Times has borne the rate of inflation.
It’s interesting however that the numbers and decimal point bear no similarity to Govt. figures.
Same story with heating oil costs and coal energy costs. We all pay more so the UN and other mandarins can redistribute wealth. All quietly hidden (and not very well) behind the Green Smokescreen.
What a difference in the reporting of the latest report on public sector pensions from the IFS between the Daily Telegraph and the BBC!
Telegraph: Reform of public sector pensions will make ‘little or no difference’ Public sector workers will be “dramatically” better off in retirement and receive significantly higher wages than those in the private sector despite government attempts to scale back the generosity of their pay and pensions, ministers have been warned. They will also continue to earn significantly higher salaries than their private sector counterparts throughout this Parliament — with wages up to a fifth higher in some parts of the country.
BBC: Pension change will save little, IFS says The government’s latest public sector pension changes will make “little or no difference” to their long-term cost, an economic think-tank has said.
The Telegraph article goes into some detail about the IFS’s findings about the contrast between (high) taxpayer-funded public sector pensions and (low) private sector pensions.
The BBC article (as of 7.00am ) mentions nothing about the private sector at all.
It’s as if the BBC couldn’t care less about private sector workers. Quite staggering!
The BBC article ends, “The report said that lower earners in the public sector were better protected that higher earners.”
Yes, it’s all about the public sector for the BBC.
And now I’m off to work. In the private sector. Where my wages will go to pay public sector pensions that are better than my own. Fantastic!
A delight to know that , when it comes to education; the BBC have not forgotten who created the dogs dinner of qualifications shambles, endless reforms and allowing standards to slip into the sea.
So we had Blunkett in this morning…oh, and his successor Estelle Morris(The Lady Morris of Polytechnic of Coventry, so I believe!)-she was on last night, so its not exactly 24/7 Labour flummery(World Service broke up the never-ending PPB for Labour).
Neither were held to account for what they did, but they sure as hell were required to provide solutions to the mess that schools are in now…Tories?…what else d`ya expect?
Cue then, Humphrys sniffing the arse of Blunketts guide dog as the sage of Sheffield held forth( they paid for those Student Games that Dave billed them for yet from 1980 or so?).
Maybe had Humphrys been on a leash, his ears might have been pricked by Blunkett wondering whether John had even been listening to his own shows News headlines at 6 and 7am earlier?…think that gentle tinkle was Sarahs cup rattling sharply on the saucer when he said it?
Imagine the dog got a sly kick on the way out of the studios!…who`d be Blunketts guide dog, with all those Virtual Fathers 4 Attention meetings that she`d have to go to…bloody Andrew Marr again!
Sex Education came too late for these lads!
In the wake of the Arab Spring, an Israeli government minister said that for their own safety all of Tunisia’s remaining Jews should move to Israel.
BTW which minister? Surely competent journalism would require that?
Why might he think the Jews may have safety issues in Tunis? This is a text book case of the BBC reporting the accusation when someone it favours is making an attackand only the reply, ignoring the details of the accusation, when directed against a favourite.
Hundreds of thousands of Jews once lived across North Africa and the Middle East before the creation of Israel in 1948. But the suggestion that the small communities that remain should disband has been largely met with derision – from the Jews themselves.
So why did they leave? Were they pulled by Zionism or pushed out by their Arab neighbours? Could this be ethnic cleansing?
Met with derision? Were they speaking freely? Were you accompanied by a Government minder? Could this be a self or narrative selected interviewee?
“Where would I go – to Europe? Come on, I’m not stupid. To Israel? I’m not that stupid either,”
So what is stupid about either suggestion? That not all Tunisian Jews feel this way is clear. Couldn’t Davies find even one contrary view?
In the interest of fair disclosure, here my sister-in-law came from Tunisia to Israel in the 60s. None of her family have expressed the slightest desire to go back.
Most of Tunisia’s Jewish community live on the southern holiday island of Djerba which is also home to the famous El Ghriba synagogue, which has been in continuous use since the first century.
The last attack on El Ghriba came in 2002, when Al Qaeda killed 21 people in an attacksynagogue. Worth mentioning?
Built in the 1930s when the Jewish population numbered more than 100,000 the synagogue is still an imposing building and is beautifully decorated inside. But it is hardly ever used these days – services take place instead in a small ante-room.
Could this be because the Tunisian community is too small and too old to pay for the upkeep? A tit bit of history: A tradition among the descendants of the first Jewish settlers were that their ancestors settled in that part of North Africa long before the destruction of the First Temple in the 6th century before the common era. After the dissolution of the Jewish state, a great number of Jews were sent by Titus to Mauritania, and many of them settled in Tunis. In other words the Jews were there well before the Arabs invaded in the 7th century.
Today there are armed guards outside the Great Synagogue in Tunis and those few threats are being taken seriously.
Check out the video as to why those guards might be necessary.
Is there any grounds for him saying that? Was he denied a counsel? Was the evidence not proved beyond reasonable doubt?
“I may be guilty of killing people and carrying out a terrorist act but I am not guilty of waging war against the state.”
So is the appeal really that participating in the massacre of 52 unarmed civilians at the railway station is not enough for the death penalty by Indian law? Could that have been investigated?
In classic BBC style the information that the BBC really doesn’t want you to hear is left till the last paragraph: After initial denials, Pakistan acknowledged that the assault had been partially planned on its territory and that Qasab was a Pakistani citizen.
“The favourites were broadcasting insiders, a dismayingly narrow range of urban, fashion-conscious folk, denizens of the London telly schmoozebelt.
Their politics? Pink-tinged or (at best) Centrist, so far as one could discern. Here were creatures of the status quo.
When I saw that list, I was so irritated I thought: ‘What the heck — let’s have a tilt at the windmill.’ Should there not be at least one Right-wing, non-broadcast executive in the pot of applications? Hence my candidacy.
If Boris Johnson can become Mayor of London and John Prescott can talk of standing as a police commissioner, why can I not stick up my paw for the DG-ship?
The Left will laugh. Some of them already are. As Ali G might say: ‘Is it cos I is Right?’
The status quo is a non-starter, and not just in terms of the DG’s £650,000 salary (who does he think he is? Stephen Hester?).
I would do the job for the salary of a backbench MP, around £65,000. I would do without a limousine.
I would charge almost no expenses and would expect the BBC’s executives to accept similarly modest packages.
If our legislators must make do on such money, so can a broadcaster. But you will not hear that from any of my other so-called rivals for this nationally important position. “
“The favourites were broadcasting insiders, a dismayingly narrow range of urban, fashion-conscious folk, denizens of the London telly schmoozebelt.
Their politics? Pink-tinged or (at best) Centrist, so far as one could discern. Here were creatures of the status quo.
When I saw that list, I was so irritated I thought: ‘What the heck — let’s have a tilt at the windmill.’ Should there not be at least one Right-wing, non-broadcast executive in the pot of applications? Hence my candidacy.
If Boris Johnson can become Mayor of London and John Prescott can talk of standing as a police commissioner, why can I not stick up my paw for the DG-ship?
The Left will laugh. Some of them already are. As Ali G might say: ‘Is it cos I is Right?’
The status quo is a non-starter, and not just in terms of the DG’s £650,000 salary (who does he think he is? Stephen Hester?).
I would do the job for the salary of a backbench MP, around £65,000. I would do without a limousine.
I would charge almost no expenses and would expect the BBC’s executives to accept similarly modest packages.
If our legislators must make do on such money, so can a broadcaster. But you will not hear that from any of my other so-called rivals for this nationally important position. “
I can accept that no state has perfect 5-star cyber-readiness. But how can I accept that none of the 193 (approx) states in the world have zero no-star cyber-readiness? I demand a BBC investigation into Burkina Faso and Suriname’s readiness. Surely ‘None‘ should read ‘Just about everyone else‘?
INBBC quick to delete this story (from yesterday) on some murderous Muslim family members in Canada from online US/Canada newspage. One has to go to archive for this:
Canada ‘honour’ killings”: [Muslim] “Shafia family found guilty”
“Why shouldn’t Mohammad Shafia have been arrogant and hubristic? It would have been more surprising if he had not been. Just look at how Islamic supremacist spokesmen in the West always deal with anti-jihadists: not with legitimate discussion, not with honest engagement with legitimate concerns, but with exceeding and almost incredible arrogance, endless torrents of abuse, and reflexive charges of ‘bigotry,’ ‘racism,’ and ‘Islamophobia.’ Just look at how the mainstream media and Western governments are endlessly compliant, endlessly accommodating to Islamic supremacist demands, endlessly turning a blind eye to Islamic jihad activity, violent and stealthy, with endless gullibility swallowing the ever more fantastic claims that underneath the behavior of Islamic jihadists who quote Qur’an to support their views and position themselves within the Islamic community as the exponents of Islamic authenticity, it really is a Religion of Peace.”
David Blunkett rang the Today programme to tell us all that he was wrong…Humphrys rather liked this.
Apparently, there are more horses in his constituency that those owned by the police(what…a police station still open up there?)…and that they DO do horse care in schools-whereas he rather thought that they could only do this at Uni once they`d left the security wands and metal detectors at Sheffield Community Academy of Brilliant Things and stuff.
For any of you have have missed All Our Yesterdays-the Labour Years of Wonder-and miss the tones of “our little lad”…iPlayer still has Lord Prescott of Temple on talking about-what else-the case for legal aid “like wot `e got to soo Murdok…”
The BBC.partying now like its 1997…and that`s the way it`ll stay until we scorch the maggots off ourselves
The Great God Sport gets another free pass.
The death of Gary Speed was truly a tragedy for those who loved him.
That said, I could not imagine such a verdict as a “narrative verdict” for anybody but someone from the Olympic/UEFA “families”….for suicide is a bit “weak2 and doesn`t “celebrate positivity” in the secret gardens of sport”.
Imagine if any kid thought that being Wayne Rooney was NOT all that there is in life…bad for the World Cup eh?,,,and those who televise it!
So then…cable around neck, but dozes off?
You believe what you want to beleive-but if that had been put out about Ian Brady, the BBC would be all over it as a cover-up.
Cue respectful silence from the BBC in the case of Mr Speed…one long dozy narrative!
Indeed the subject of the week it would seem. Last night’s Newsnight had that most poisonous of beeboids, Peter Marshall reporting on this theme. Moe on the subject tonight on Radio 4 “Angus Stickler investigates deaths in police custody.”
The Obamessiah faces criticism for all those targeted drone attacks in Pakistan, presents His defense, and the BBC reflexively helps out. This article is scrupulously straightforward about the drone attacks – up to a point. Sure, they mention that drone attacks have “soared” ever since a Nobel Peace Prize laureate took command (oops, my bad, they didn’t mention His Nobel), but no effort is spared to remind you that, while the unwashed citizens may object, Pakistani leaders support them, and He is killing lots of bad guys.
Every time a slight negative is raised, the BBC sub-editor provides two items for the defense. Do they kill civilians? Yes, but they kill loads of baddies, correspondents say. And the government supports them. The Pakistan government says it violates their sovereignty? Yes, but they kill loads of baddies, and it’s really, really hard to tell just how many innocents have been killed. Can’t really tell at all in the murky waters of the tribal areas, so – unlike when we quote Hamas or Hezbollah – please take any assertion that civilians have been killed with a large grain of salt.
What a shock. His comrades in the Left-wing media have been trying to take down Romney by attacking his wealth, and Mardell joins in. No, Mark, we haven’t suddenly become this Progressive country en masse, contrary to the desires of Ezra Klein and other protected members of the nomenklatura. Nice try, though. Romney’s got plenty of negatives as a candidate, but his wealth is the least of them for people who will, you know, NOT be voting for The Obamessiah.
Whem Mardell presents an alternative view, he finds a pantomime villain: a rich banker who declares that he just can’t understand all this anger at wealth. Gosh. Look out behind you, Puss!
I’d bet that there isn’t a single person on the fence who would decide to vote to re-elect the President because Romney is too rich. And a classic Mardell moment: the one regular vox pops he finds isn’t bothered about Romney’s wealth, but that doesn’t stop the intrepid US President editor from pushing the Narrative anyway. It’s like he doesn’t even notice it. The guy probably really is angry at Romney’s wealth “deep down”, right, Mark?
Any opportunity to push a Left-wing agenda is happily taken, I guess.
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Now, being the Graun and CiF being more ‘CiFitsuits’ with the potential for a few community moddings out ‘for harmony’, I might chip in and ask them to also ‘explain how we choose what we DON’T report and why’.
And wonder if the BBC may ever be so minded on this topic, too.
I suppose it would be too much to ask that Today presenters stick to their scripts-thay are truly not fit to be let go “off-piste”.
Yes, I KNOW that any Tory indiscretion could get an extra biscuit at the post-match briefing should it make the 9am headlines…and I know too that Evans scriptwriting minders upstairs are happy for him to sniff around Tory lampposts and leavings too.
But if you`ve a big topic like the EU ,Evan-and whether or not Williiam Hague is going to roll over for Brussels as you`d like-it would surely be best to not spend half the interview hoping that Hague will trash Hester( and therefore the Tories). Hague is Foregn Secretary you see, and it`s nothing to do with him really now is it?
Yes-I know its fresh from the Tories bottom Evan, but a good journalist would stick to the rather complex questions of EU law rather than chase a shitstick presented to you by Balls or Mason.
I mean-f you`re going to tease Hague out on such matters, then even the alloted five minutes might be a stretch-so to rummage in Hasters laundry hamper for half of the piece is NOT competent is it?…and Hester seems to be that at the very least!
Still-Montague did the same…running out of time wondering(or not) whether smacking a kids skin to redden it is good legal basis for the kids of Cindy Butts(Black) and Sunni Hundal(Asian perhaps eh?)…crashed right into the news she did…and I still don`t know if blacking any kids eye is worse that reddening their legs”
And what of beatings in madrassas?…any colour charts available Sarah?
F**k me…we pay for this on-the-jobbie training ,don`t we?
‘“Stop believing what the government tells you”
Sadly, before I could enquire if this was only this government, and hence as applicable a statement to how many might react to the output of what the most trusted national broadcaster deems impartial ediotorial, I had to note this thread was closed.
Within a day.
Just noticed this one, too..
Toast within the weekend.
Otherwise I might have chipped in with a ‘D’uh!’ on this..
the footprints of human fishermen now cover much more of the world’s oceans than half a century ago.
..and a ‘who, again, report?’ on this to our noble ‘reporter’ cum press release retyper:
‘In a WWF-commissioned report out this week, the spread is documented graphically.’
At least there is no ‘could’ in the headline.
Shame Sheena and Toenails didn’t stop believing what Gordon Brown was telling them.
@BBCMarkMardell via Twitter
Who’s the most influential Brit covering the US elections ? (its not me or TobyH)
Katty Kay: The BBC’s Glamorous Voice of Impartiality
As Helen Boadem, our next DG, would say… get your mates to repeat it often enough…
Sadly, no comments enabled đ
Glamour? She’s got a face like Richard Bacon’s arse when it’s parted over the toilet pan.
I have been away for a while but good to see you are still on cracking form !!!
“influential”? Not accurate or truthful, but “influential”?
And Katty’s the most partisan of the lot. Which is why NPR has her as a guest host.
So the camp male on BBC news tells us that Ed Ed is demanding something be done about banker bonuses. Fine, but what did Red Ed do for 13 years in power when Labour had their rancid cocks up the arses of the very same bankers?
Will Red Ed demand that Gordon Brown hand over his pension for trashing the economy of England?
They’ve just said on Breakfast the Miliband is going to be on telling us what he is going to do about banker’s bonuses.
There now follows a Party Political Broadcast for the Labour Party…
Anyone else noticed how soft the lefty media (including the BBC) has been on black Labour MP David Lamy for wanting parent to be allowed to hit their kids?
Can you imagine if some ‘Tory toff’ had said that? There would be uproar in the lefty press.
just remind David Lammy about baby P,wasn’t he involved in it up to his neck.kept quiet for months until it blew over.
Normally I groan when confronted by what I often sexistly and over-generally refer to as media ‘peroxide sinks’ ‘commenting’.
But prepared to make an exception just now on a lady in the States that SKY had on to ‘debate’ with Adam Boulton, who is increasingly becoming more puffed up with his self-importance and failing to elicit anything by way of worthwhile interviewee responses as he simply likes the sound of his own voice too much.
She had him for lunch. In debate, on detail and, frankly, good manners.
Thing was, at least they had her on. I don’t think the BBC would even know how to get hold of her. She’s a Republican.
Don’t necessarily agree with all she said, but it was nice to be offered the opportunity to hear another view, put well, and not by a caricature.
And watch our risible ‘we know best’ UK media splutter in dealing with it.
Sound rather unpleasant but not sure what it is meant by that expression.
Ladies propelled to the forefront of news media ‘presenting’ or ‘interviewing’ less by the power of their intellects and more by how the light shines off their locks. Not restricted to BBC telepromter-reading, in-ear guided moppets by any means. Or, frankly, the women. However, the likes of Ms. Maitless do rather make the generic rather the norm than the exception, so I allow myself the un-PC indulgence.
Dana Perino, former press sec for GW and one of the few voices i lisen to when it comes to covering American Politics. She knows her stuff
I saw reports from Syria on both itv and bbc news last night. Itv made it sound like the Syrani Army were killing innocent civillians, but bbc described them as rebel forces!
Great article here. This guy’s got some balls – we need more people like this!
Brilliant! I’ve been vaguely aware of Jackson for a while, but didn’t realize he’s been around since the beginning of the Tea Party movement. I think I might go down to Barnes & Noble and buy his book just to annoy the tattooed-and-pierced crowd at the checkout desk.
I know the type you mean. The way to REALLY annoy them is to go and ask them if they have the book in stock, having already checked that they do, making sure to mention that he’s a right-wing author etc. That way they’ll actually have to look for it themselves. The horror!
Great article this by Kevin Jackson isn`t it?
Thanbk you Reed.
He is the true embodiment of MLKs hope that “one day, people would judge his children not on the colour of their skin…but on the content of their character”
That we give Obama the free pass because he`s black, only shows that Jackson is 100% correct.
We`re racist in effect fot letting Obama get away with being black as cover for incompetent socialism…and no less racist than 1964, if we apply KJs words literally!
Time to stick this to the liberals eh?
I’m sure those ‘liberals’ will just invoke their ‘false consciousness’ argument ; that he’s just doing his masters’ bidding. They pulled the same crap with Herman Cain, I seem to remember. Some of the things said about him by the so-called ‘progressive’ left were anything but progressive. Who are the real racists?
I’d be willing to bet that Mr. Jackson is the kind of guy who could lay waste to that kind of half-witted nonsense in his sleep.
More of Kevin Jackson here…
Great line on the front page animation…
“360,000 Republicans died to end slavery – 258,000 Democrats died to preserve it”
Ouch – that’s gotta hurt. (as the truth often does)
I see Panorama are investigating “Tory supporter” Lord Ashcroft yet again.
I keep waiting for the BBC to investigate the Trade Unions or what Tony Blair got up to and why he seems to pay almost no tax, but I guess hell will freeze over first.
views at one
ms Mincin to beeboid on the spot opinion former-
” a good day for Ed Milliband today wasn’t it?”
and in contrast-
“Cameron” off to block some EU machinations or other
the bias is subtle,but when you know what they’re at it sticks out like a sore thumb
BBC News Channel running yet another report about the coroner’s report on Gary Speed’s death. They keep saying it’s a “narrative verdict”. Sounds like something from the BBC complaints dept.
Stage Performer Maitlis gave a brief explanation, but I didn’t really understand what she meant. Is that a euphemism for doing a David Carradine or something?
Yes, it sounds like a piece of Beeboid jargon all right. It’s a newfangled thing. Before, coroner’s inquests could only return a one- or two-word short verdict such as “lawful killing”, “unlawful killing” “open verdict”, “suicide” etc but in recent years they have been able to give a longer verdict in the form of an account of the facts they found on the evidence. That’s what they mean by a narrative verdict.
Thanks. They way it was reported still sounds suspicious, though. And I don’t mean about murder or suicide.
I didn’t have a clue what that meant either, which is why I went & found out…ish:
Still not very clear. Interesting the Wiki cites another BBC use.
Maybe the educate and inform claiming national treasure might seek to report in terms that explain as opposed to just trotting out legal terms that no one is any the wiser about?
Maybe keeping it vague suits.
The Tories need to do something about BBC bias and be quick about it.
This is the winning formula for the left:
The Guardian (but given it’s unpopularity and minority circulation) the BBC put up a massive hue and cry.
Unable or unwilling to fight their corner the Tories cave in.
Ed Miliband and his band of millies pop up to take credit.
The BBC award the credit to Ed in spades and trumpet what an effective leader he is and how he feels the pain of the ordinary voters. We know it’s all nonsense but this line of attack is all the traction that the left have.
eg. 1. News of the World phone hacking ‘scandal’.
eg. 2. RBS bonus kerfuffle.
Watch it Tories, this will happen again and again until you move on BBC bias.
BBC News Channel just now worrying that a “disproportionate” number of poorer people from Scotland are not applying to university, and it’s due to high tuition fees. This follows on an earlier segment with some Labour MP pledging that a Labour Government would cut fees down to £6000, because everyone must have a university education and the country would be better off if they did.
Stage Performer Maitlis did not ask if there were less poorer people applying to university because they didn’t even finish high school and had no qualifications for entry. As if tuition fees are the only obstacle.
Yes, BBC-Labour has been trying to build up university application numbers into a crisis with cash-flush Beeboids reporting inaccurate figures from England, Scotland an d Wales, and with some National Union Students rep to hand to re-enforce the BBC-Labour political line.
A sober ‘Spectator’ comment:
“The tuition fee effect, revealed”
On Channel 4 news last night, a reporter was talking to a group of enthusiastic, upcoming university applicants, many of whom had been on the student fees riots. (A little footage of the demo was shown again: some surprisingly old ‘students’ going toe-to-toe with the coppers. SWP field trip?) All of the youngsters were cheerfully resigned to the fees restructuring, & seemed to have consigned the protests to fuzzy memory. They just wanted to get on with their education, realising, once they’d simmered down, that they wouldn’t spend the rest of their lives in debtors gaol. One sensible young man went right off metropolitan liberal elite ‘narrative’, by saying it’s still a good deal, & much cheaper than a lot of other countries, citing the USA in contrast.
So, what really was that totally whipped-up frenzy all about? And who were the Pavlovian dogs salivating at this ‘attack’ on free education? Well, one of them was Paul ‘Its all Kicking Off’ Mason, the smoke of Che Guevara’s cigar still coiling around his flaring nostrils, a man deluded enough to brand psycho looters, ‘political trailblazers’, as they burnt down Enfield & Croydon, & he got his ‘rebel’ rocks off. Well, old Humbert Humbert might still be getting misty-eyed about 2011’s ‘Summer of Love’, & flogging god awful books about world revolution, but this ageing Sandanista is beginning to look much more like the sort of old Onanista who lurks around student gatherings, until told to, ‘F%ck off, Grandad! Get back in your wanking chariot.’ And it can’t come soon enough.
‘cash-flush Beeboids reporting inaccurate figures ‘
Hardly ‘reporting’ then, is it?
Happens a lot.
ITV’s Tom Bradby’s take on Hester
A good piece, now compare it to the shite churned out by Toenails
Jesus, but Robinson really misses the point.
Some may see this as the beginning of a process which brings global capitalism under the control of democratic politicians.
Some may see that statement as blindness to state-run corporations and a state-run economy. And we all know how well that works out. Did he pay attention at all while studying for that PPE degree? Does he not get it at all?
Indeed. Sub-prime mortgages, anyone? These people really do believe in the absolute benevolence of state involvement, and seem oblivious to any unintended consequences even when they’ve been plain to see for some time.
No he doesn’t as he has his nose up Red Ed’s arse, I guess Toenails enjoys lefty shit.
‘Robinson really misses the point’
Rather a generous explanation for what seems a deliberate editorial slant on any story, that really can no longer be described any more as ‘rporting’
some great comments:
“62. electronicfur
Stephen Hester – Effectively a public servant but runs a Balance Sheet the size of our GDP. Worth £1.2m a year? The media say he should walk if he wishes and they’ll find somebody else.
Fiona Bruce – Effectively a public servant and reads an autocue for a living. Worth £850k a year? Paxman £1.1m, Lineker, £1.5m. The media say you have to pay competitively to “retain talent”. LMAO.
Quentin Lett’s had a dig at the BBC today on the Daily Politics, he pointed out that Cameron’s standing up to the EU was very popular in the Country, except at the BBC.
Fast & Furious ATF Scandal update: Evidence that Attorney General Eric Holder lied to Congress, under oath, about his knowledge of the problem.
Friday, the feds disclosed documents that show that despite Holder’s claim during congressional testimony that he’d only learned of F&F “a few weeks” earlier (a claim later amended to “a couple of months”), he has known (or should have known) about it all along.
That information came in a series of e-mails in which the former US attorney in Arizona, Dennis Burke, discussed the F&F’s first fatality, agent Brian Terry, with a Holder deputy. The e-mails were sent in the early hours of Dec. 15, 2010, the day Terry died of wounds received the day before in a shootout 18 miles inside the US border, near Nogales.
BBC: Zzzzzzzz
So Toenails (under orders from Red Ed) tells us that other bankers have bonuses due, based on a deal done “three years ago”.
Well done Nick, assume the average voter can’t be bothered to work out that was 2009 and just WHO was in charge back then?
Robinson managed to avoid mentioning Gordon Brown or the Labour party in his whole piece except to say well done to Red Ed.
Tom Bradby on the other hand is quick to point out it was Labour who set these deals up.
Toenails under orders from Nu Liebore? Whatever makes me think that?
More BBC-Democrat political propaganda for its ‘OCCUPY’ in U.S.
BBC-Democrat allows no counterview to its propaganda.
“Occupy DC plan to resist Monday noon eviction deadline”
In contrast, ‘Front Page Magazine’ has this:
“Will Occupiers Get Their Violent Chicago Riot?”
If only!
BBC Trust Chairman Patten recently announced that he would be looking for a replacement for top job at the BBC, presently occupied by Mark Thompson the Director General. There’s talk that it might be Helen Boaden, which means at least more of the same, if not worse.
But an outsider, Quentin Letts, has put in for the job. He is described as a freelance journalist writing mainly for the Daily Mail, as its parliamentary sketchwriter and theatre critic, having formerly worked for The Telegraph and The Times. A long-standing critic of the BBC, he named Greg Dyke, a former BBC director-general, and Jay Hunt, ex-controller of BBC1, in his book 50 People who Buggered Up Britain. Which makes him A-OK in my book.
Here’s 2 articles written on his bid. They certainly identify a few of the existing problems at the BBC.
I’m sure many here will be wishing him the best of luck, though because the BBC IS what it IS, I’ll be very surprised if he gets it. He himself thinks he ‘hasn’t got a hope’. Shows he really knows what’s going on at the BBC
First is from The Independent.
Let me be the People’s Director-General, says Quentin Letts
And one from The Telegraph
Quentin Letts for BBC director general? He couldn’t make things any worse
A Tory Prime Minister(sort of), Boris as Mayor of London, and The Daily Mail’s Quentin Letts as DG of the BBC.
That must read like the triumvirate from hell for ALL lefties!!!!!!
How can we ensure that this evil alignment comes to pass? =-O đ
OH DEAR ‘Secrets of te Tory billioniare’ is on BBC One tonight!
INBBC censorship: omits that jailed Muslims were motivated by Islam to commit murderous jihad attack against Denmark.
“Norway jails two” [Islamic jihadists] “for Danish newspaper terror plot.”
Islamic terrorists living in Norway convicted for terror plans against Denmark
Although anybody with any common sense could determine that these men were Islamic terrorists, it makes me question why the BBC avoid labelling them as such. The only logical conclusion could be that if anybody searched the BBC website to see how they were reporting on the subject they would mainly find fairly benign examples.
Sure enough! As the attached picture shows.
Given that there have been over 18,300 deadly attacks by Islamic terrorists since 9/11, isn’t it odd that within the last year, according to the BBC search engine, we only have one instance from last February where they actually termed an incident as such?
Odd for anybody not familiar with the BBC agenda that is.
Although anybody with any common sense could determine that these men were Islamic terrorists, it makes me question why the BBC avoid labelling them as such.
According to BBC editorial policy and the wisdom we’ve heard in the past from defenders of the indefensible, you’ve just answered your own question.
Panorama‘s hatchet job on Lord Ashcroft was a text-book example of BBC bias through its use of labels.
Its ‘talking heads’ included a number of people (former employees, a liquidator, a journalist, a left-wing opposition leader) from the Turks and Caicos, who have been directly involved in the story.
Then there were the ‘experts’.
The main talking head (used three times) was Labour-supporting Kevin Maguire of the Daily Mirror. (Need I go on? Bias proved already!)
Then there was Prem Sikka (who keeps cropping up on the BBC), described by reporter Declan Lawn as an “expert” and simply labelled as a “Professor of Accountancy”. What Declan didn’t mention is that Prof. Sikka is a Marxist professor and a regular ‘Guardian’ columnist who’s been on Lord Ashcroft’s case for some time.
So, two left-wingers who write for two anti-Tory newspapers.
As well as a corporate lawyer called Elliot Shear, there was Lord Oakeshott, the anti-Coalition Lib Dem left-winger.
The other expert was Nicholas Shaxson, merely described by Panorama as a “financial journalist”. Can you guess who he writes for? Declan Lawn wasn’t saying. Inevitably, it’s the Guardian. Plus, he’s not just a “financial journalist”, he’s also a campaigner with the left-wing Tax Justice Network. That’s something else Dec ‘forgot’ to mention.
Declan Lawn said towards the end of the programme that the new evidence, after two years of digging, would be “very useful to the Independent” in their libel case against Lord Ashcroft.
So, the Guardian (twice) and the Mirror and the Independent and the BBC. Who’d have thought it?
Unbelievable…no, totally believable and totally unacceptable.
Wonder if the assembled experts above would care to take up Costa Concordias offer for a 30% reduction in the price of their cruises next season?
Maybe Michael Ashcroft could find some dosh under the chaise longue to start the appeal!
‘What Declan didn’t mention ‘
So, not really a proper ‘report’ at all, then?
Just a single-mission piece of hatchet propaganda, from selected guest input to edit suite shaping.
Money well taken from the public without choice.
FYI There was a discussion in an earlier Open Thread on Martin Luther King’s politics. I had the opportunity of asking Prof. Clarence Jones of Stanford University, who was on MLK’s staff from 1960 until his death this question.
His answer was Martin Luther King, Snr. MLK’s father definitely was a Republican. King Jnr., himself, may have been a registered Republican at one time. When he began to enter national prominence it was agreed as a strategy that he would not come out in support of any group.
Prof. Jones said he knew King had voted for Johnson (I didn’t ask how he knew. Presumably he was told) and was fairly sure he voted for Kennedy, who had had him released from prison.
BTW I got the impression Jones was strongly for Obama and he came out unambiguously for the Occupy Wall Street movement.
Black Republicans in Tennessee say the same thing:
This is where FOX NEWS beats INBBC.
Whereas INBBC censors/relegates the huge issue of honour killings in Islam, FOX NEWS has this:
Michael Coren on Fox speaks out on honor killing: “this was something intrinsic to Islam”
This BBC online report does use the term, albeit as a so-called “honour” killing. This is pathetic, since it’s Mohammedans who so call it that. So I guess in this case it’s not censoring, as they had no choice but to report what the judge said. It’s too big a story for them to sweep under the rug at this point. But they do relegate it.
In the video, though, Beeboid in Canada Lee Carter says that he thinks the media coverage has been “divisive for the Muslim community” because the media is calling it an “honor killing”. Which is BS because the murderer himself called it that, and the judge talked about the problem of “honor” as well. So it’s a Mohammedan term, not a media epithet. Yet the BBC passes it off.
David, I think you have misinterpreted the so-called “honour” killing remark. I think the point being made is that there is no honour involved and that by labeling it that way, even though the murderer used the term himself, it is somehow being whitewashed and made more acceptable.
“I can’t think of any other crime, whether generic or hate, in which we the press uses the terms preferred by the perpetrator of such crimes as its universal standard. Words matter and when we insist on calling torture “enhanced interrogation,” genocide “ethnic cleansing,” or hate crimes “honor killings” (the latter which not only sanitizes the murderous hatred, but makes it virtuous), we normalize and justify the atrocities being committed”.
‘But they do relegate it’
Not really the BBC’s job to do so, as it seems pretty central to the case.
As to interpretation, it is ‘convenient’ that ‘so-called’ works in a variety of ways. Hence why use it? Other than the risible ‘space’ reason proliferating like Japanese Knotweed across the BBC ediotorial.
They are also open to abuse as well, but as this is a quoted term, what is wrong with ‘honour killing’, which is shorter and spares the subs unique framing?
I did try to listen to the whole lot of “Beyond Belief”(radio4 Mon pm), but gave up after 20 minutes.
It was about “pilgrimage”….now my Bible says that earth is Gods, but Ernie Rae didn`t seem too inclined to press the Muslim apologists about thwy the hell I can`t go to those bits og Gods earth called Mecca and Medina…I mean….if hajj is so grand, then why can`t we kaffirs go along and have a peek?
Another one for Nicky Campbell not to ask anytime soon.
If Ernie DID ask about it, then my apologies-but I doubt he`d see how mocking the programme was.
Oh-by the way-pilgrimage sites may be on ley lines, so the carbon footprint might not ground all those Jeddah-bound flights….New Age meets Islam…wonder who`ll win?
Oh Lordy!
See on tonights Radio 4 the question…”What are the police for?”
It lasts for thirty minutes I think, so let me guess
a) Catching crims and scum and clearing them off the streets
b) Smashing the miners/public sector strikes/wayfarers as in Orgreave or the Beanfield
c)Doling out flip flops to drunken druggies in Newquay
d) Carrying victim impact and crime number leaflets and paperwork around in those vests that look bulletproof….ha!
Only one of the above is wrong in the eyes of the BBC, but still they`ll take half an hour to pad it out.
no 1 purpose is to relentlessly pursue “hate” crimes as per the lefty PC handbook
Poor old Amal Fashanu seeks a gay footballer to “come out”-like that nice Gareth Thomas did in Wales,playing rugby.
She`s spending an awful lot of time trying to coax somebody-no matter how clapped out, minor league or misshapen…just to come out and prove that the BBCs “faeces” is true-that Vinnie, Gazza, Chopper and Norman are/were all “repressed” and “hiding their inner gay”.
Good career and lots of hugs and bunnies for the first one to truly “Bend it like Beckham…and then some”.
Looking forward to Evan Davis, Graham Norton etc leading by example with the Salford Five -A-Side…yes, I`m pretty sure that the Langworthy chaps would be delighted to throw a few pashminis down for goalposts!
At the risk of stealing Martin’s thunder on this one….I hear most Beeboids are ardent Queen’s Park Rangers.
Ian Roberts, a former top Australian Rugby League player came out as gay.
Did anyone watch Britain’s Gay Footballers bollocks?
The FA Equality Manager ticked all BBC boxes
Yep, a black lass talking about gays. If only Abu Hamza had come on to tick the disabled and Muslim boxes, we’d have had the BBC equivalent of a Royal Flush.
Still-the BBC continue to pose the question to which no-one has sought an answer…because they`re repressed homophobes at the moment!
We shall learn to get with the programme.
Maybe a Simon Cowell type “search the nation” show…Looking for Dorothy maybe?
Until then-I`m already booked in for 5 minutes silence in honour of Justin Fashanu this Saturday…and maybe Gary Speed might suffice as a martyr to BBC-like oppression…doesn`t matter that he`s not, because intention and wristband opportunities are all that`s required.
In the meantime…any chance of a Monument to the Unknown Footballing Gay until we can find one that is…would Nottingham or Norwich offer us a plinth…and so keep the Fashanu girl in paid work for a bit longer?
Well, that is the question, isn’t it? Does anyone at the BBC see the irony in planning a program to preach about equal opportunities, then fronting it with someone who’s main qualification is who her dad and uncle were?
Maybe that’s not her qualification, though. Is she by any chance black? They have their quotas to meet, you know.
I’m sure they wouldn’t like what Mr. Hamza had to say about gay people.
Many people (myself included) have stated that the bBC goes well overboard on reporting Islamic stories. Be it feel good stories about how Islam is a religion of peace. Nasty stories where Muslims have been picked on. (Usually hate crimes about how abuse was thrown at somebody) or strangely how the bbC doesn’t even bother reporting the story at all. (Usually criminal endeavours) Now before Dez comes on board and opines that actually I am wrong by printing a story from 20 years ago in which to back his case up. Have a look at these headlines about dog attacks and tell me which one stands out: (List taken from a simple search on bBC using ‘dog attacks’)
Dog leaves hole in Manchester boy Mohammed Ali Kamal’s leg
Boy injured in Armagh city dog attack
Man arrested after girl mauled in Chingford dog attack
Rottweilers ‘dragged girl from bike’ in Dundee attack
Probe into Perth dog attack on nine-year-old girl
Well spotted Pounce_uk. The BBC is known for naming and interviewing victims when they are Muslim and leaving them anonymous when they are Christian or Jewish, even when the religious/nationalist aspect is central to the story.
I know DV has done a seperate post on the tosspot that is Dame Nikky, but as sport has now come into play, here are a few questions I would ask NC if I enjoyed the luxury of a connection to his phone-in on BBC R5.
And they would be as follows :
1) Who do you think will win this year’s Super League ?
2) What do you think the Super League is ?
3) Where do you think Super League is played ?
4) Would you like to share your informed liberal opinions about the sexuality of the players in front of the fans.
5) Would you like a Taxi / Ambulance on stand by ?
6) Although Tanya Arnold is a visual improvement on Clare Balding what’s up with her blokey voice?
Btw, the answer to 1) is the Wire, John!
Only 3 days to kick-off now now – long live Sky Sports who give it proper coverage rather than put highlights at 4.30am on a Monday.
I could not agree more with your answer to 1)
Now whether fans of the Rhinos or Warriors feel the same is another matter !
Great to hear it – let’s hope they finish the job off this season…I think Saints may be very dangerous this year though.
Fear factor: The science behind America’s red/blue divide –
Apparently, when presented with negative images, conservatives are more likely to focus on the negative aspects of those images and experience negative emotions.
I’d have thought that there are psychologists who can point to flaws in the experiment’s methodology, or to other studies that reached different conclusions. It would have been good to hear from them, as otherwise the message people might take is ‘If you’re conservative, it’s because you have a tendancy to focus on the negative’…
Given that all the greatest songs are sad all the best plays are filled with angst and pain I mean Macbeth was a romp ! all the films that we remember are of failure or lost love/pets/death /end of days, stuff like titanic saving private Ryan/conspiracy/redemption/psycho and we could all list many more ! were so good I assume because they were all so brimming with happy lefty ideas???
I like being positive about my negativity !
Conservative people start new businesses despite liberal/left state funded public sector jobbed people telling them its too dangerous ,may lose savings/pensions/house etc .
Real conservative minded people say leave the EU and embrace freedom and prosperity despite the liberal/left telling everyone there will be economic crisis /war and famine .
Presumably Richard Black and the BBC support this:
Global warming activists launch misguided campaign against skeptical TV weathercasters
Coinciding with this week’s American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting in New Orleans, the groups, the League of Conservation Voters, and the Citizen Engagement Lab have launched a campaign that exposes television weathercasters who take a contrarian stance on climate change science.
The campaign, called Forecast the Facts, launched a website that identifies 47 TV weathercasters by name who have publicly expressed climate change views considered outside of the mainstream. (It is also pressuring the American Meteorological Society to strengthen its position statement on the science.)
This confrontational approach is the wrong approach and promises to only further divide TV weathercasters whose views on the issue of climate change are already polarized.
The rationale for the campaign are results from a survey conducted by George Mason University in 2010* that found 63% of weathercasters believe global warming is due mainly to natural causes compared to just 31% who think it’s mostly a result of human causes. Some 27 percent of weathercasters referred to global warming as “a scam.” Whereas, the prevailing view among publishing climate scientists is that the Earth is warming primarily as a result of human activities.
This was written by a Warmist in the Washington Post, and even he doesn’t support this attempted purge. Has the Met already done something like this? Has the BBC?
Some unnamed BBC online reporter has written a piece mocking the U.S. Republicans over their ‘Europe-bashing’ and attacks on Obama.
It’s a typically sly piece (“crazy…line of attack”, “But that has not stopped Mr Romney”) and rubbishes anyone who calls Obama a “socialist” (“not even his sternest critics believe it really holds water”) and anyone who dares mention the name ‘Saul Alinsky’ (“an all-but-forgotten community activist from Chicago, who died in 1972, but whose Democratic-leaning writings are thought to have influenced the current president”).
There’s more bias by labelling too. Compare this…
Iain Murray, of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a right-wing Washington DC think-tank, says: “I don’t think what Obama is doing is socialist.
…with this:
Fran Burswell, director of trans-Atlantic relations at the Atlantic Council, says: “There is a real reliance on the individual in America.
Wikipedia says the Atlantic Council has “a center-left political orientation”. Why didn’t the BBC reporter write “at the left-wing Atlantic Council” then, instead of leaving an impression of neutrality and authority?
It’s like the tag on the sidebar: PRO OBAMA AT ALL COSTS
Some people on the American left clearly didn’t get the memo that Saul Alinsky is all-but-forgotten…
Just saw a Breakfast feature about how Tower Hamlets is applying for city status. (For the uninitiated Tower Hamlets is a Muslim-dominated district of London notorious for the corruption of its Mayor Lutfur Rahman.)
So the balkanisation begins…
I wish Tower Hamlets was in the Balkans.
How does having city status benefit Tower Hamlets?
How does city status benefit them? More government money going directly into the pockets of local leaders, I should think.
Shouldn’t a city have a cathedral?
Tower Hamlets Cathedral? Fat chance.
Build a new Cathedral in Britain ?? Ha ! Ha !
I’m sure in our enlightened, multi-cultural times that the criteria involved in the designation of city status has been broadened from ‘Cathedral‘ to ‘large scale place of worship‘ – a mega-mosque will probably qualify. >:o
That used to be the case in the same way that a locality had to have a church before it could beome a village. Now you don’t have to have the cathedral to become a city.
oops…become a village
This was the case until 1889. Having a cathedral usually meant city status, I`ve no idea why it changed.
The bBC and good price increases agaisnt bad price increases.
Anybody else notice how the bBC has gone well out of its way in which to atatck proce increase put in place by the tories. Pensions,taxes etc are all bad (yup I’ll agree) but there are certain tax increases the bBC champions. Such as this:
Water bills in England and Wales to rise 5.7% in April
Average water and sewerage bills in England and Wales will rise by 5.7% from April to about £376 per household.The average figure disguises variations between water and sewerage firms, with customers at Southern seeing an 8.2% rise and those at Dwr Cymru 3.8%.
In 2009 the industry regulator, Ofwat, announced a five-year plan of annual rises from 2010 to 2015 to help fund £22bn of investments.
So a price increase on already expensive water bills is given the bBC thumbs up I quote:
“We understand that any bill rise is unwelcome, particularly in tough economic times. We will make sure customers get value for money,” she said.
I wonder if the reason the bBC are championing this is because it was born out of a labour government and because of its green credentials:
She said that by 2015, companies will have spent on average £935 for every property in England and Wales on services improvements, including on cleaning up rivers and beaches.
Remind me again why my water bills have been going up year by year for the past 10 years, while I have been using less. Oh that’s right it was to pay to improve the water system and clean up rivers and beaches. and to help fund clean water for third world countries.
You’d think the bBC would have mentioned that already?
Another good price increase took place recently.
The new cost of the BBC’s Radio Times has borne the rate of inflation.
It’s interesting however that the numbers and decimal point bear no similarity to Govt. figures.
Same story with heating oil costs and coal energy costs. We all pay more so the UN and other mandarins can redistribute wealth. All quietly hidden (and not very well) behind the Green Smokescreen.
What a difference in the reporting of the latest report on public sector pensions from the IFS between the Daily Telegraph and the BBC!
Telegraph: Reform of public sector pensions will make ‘little or no difference’
Public sector workers will be “dramatically” better off in retirement and receive significantly higher wages than those in the private sector despite government attempts to scale back the generosity of their pay and pensions, ministers have been warned.
They will also continue to earn significantly higher salaries than their private sector counterparts throughout this Parliament — with wages up to a fifth higher in some parts of the country.
BBC: Pension change will save little, IFS says
The government’s latest public sector pension changes will make “little or no difference” to their long-term cost, an economic think-tank has said.
The Telegraph article goes into some detail about the IFS’s findings about the contrast between (high) taxpayer-funded public sector pensions and (low) private sector pensions.
The BBC article (as of 7.00am ) mentions nothing about the private sector at all.
It’s as if the BBC couldn’t care less about private sector workers. Quite staggering!
The BBC article ends, “The report said that lower earners in the public sector were better protected that higher earners.”
Yes, it’s all about the public sector for the BBC.
And now I’m off to work. In the private sector. Where my wages will go to pay public sector pensions that are better than my own. Fantastic!
‘What a difference in the reporting’
The BBC article (as of 7.00am ) mentions nothing about the private sector at all.
Hard then to feel, if large chunks in one are being omitted, that what is being generated by the BBC could be called ‘reporting’ by any measure.
A delight to know that , when it comes to education; the BBC have not forgotten who created the dogs dinner of qualifications shambles, endless reforms and allowing standards to slip into the sea.
So we had Blunkett in this morning…oh, and his successor Estelle Morris(The Lady Morris of Polytechnic of Coventry, so I believe!)-she was on last night, so its not exactly 24/7 Labour flummery(World Service broke up the never-ending PPB for Labour).
Neither were held to account for what they did, but they sure as hell were required to provide solutions to the mess that schools are in now…Tories?…what else d`ya expect?
Cue then, Humphrys sniffing the arse of Blunketts guide dog as the sage of Sheffield held forth( they paid for those Student Games that Dave billed them for yet from 1980 or so?).
Maybe had Humphrys been on a leash, his ears might have been pricked by Blunkett wondering whether John had even been listening to his own shows News headlines at 6 and 7am earlier?…think that gentle tinkle was Sarahs cup rattling sharply on the saucer when he said it?
Imagine the dog got a sly kick on the way out of the studios!…who`d be Blunketts guide dog, with all those Virtual Fathers 4 Attention meetings that she`d have to go to…bloody Andrew Marr again!
Sex Education came too late for these lads!
Compare this: Tunisia’s Jews shun ‘migrate to Israel’ idea By Wyre Davies BBC News, Tunisia with this: Video of the attack against the Great Synagogue of Tunis
In the wake of the Arab Spring, an Israeli government minister said that for their own safety all of Tunisia’s remaining Jews should move to Israel.
BTW which minister? Surely competent journalism would require that?
Why might he think the Jews may have safety issues in Tunis? This is a text book case of the BBC reporting the accusation when someone it favours is making an attackand only the reply, ignoring the details of the accusation, when directed against a favourite.
Hundreds of thousands of Jews once lived across North Africa and the Middle East before the creation of Israel in 1948. But the suggestion that the small communities that remain should disband has been largely met with derision – from the Jews themselves.
So why did they leave? Were they pulled by Zionism or pushed out by their Arab neighbours? Could this be ethnic cleansing?
Met with derision? Were they speaking freely? Were you accompanied by a Government minder? Could this be a self or narrative selected interviewee?
“Where would I go – to Europe? Come on, I’m not stupid. To Israel? I’m not that stupid either,”
So what is stupid about either suggestion? That not all Tunisian Jews feel this way is clear. Couldn’t Davies find even one contrary view?
In the interest of fair disclosure, here my sister-in-law came from Tunisia to Israel in the 60s. None of her family have expressed the slightest desire to go back.
to be continued
… continued
Most of Tunisia’s Jewish community live on the southern holiday island of Djerba which is also home to the famous El Ghriba synagogue, which has been in continuous use since the first century.
The last attack on El Ghriba came in 2002, when Al Qaeda killed 21 people in an attack synagogue. Worth mentioning?
Built in the 1930s when the Jewish population numbered more than 100,000 the synagogue is still an imposing building and is beautifully decorated inside. But it is hardly ever used these days – services take place instead in a small ante-room.
Could this be because the Tunisian community is too small and too old to pay for the upkeep? A tit bit of history: A tradition among the descendants of the first Jewish settlers were that their ancestors settled in that part of North Africa long before the destruction of the First Temple in the 6th century before the common era. After the dissolution of the Jewish state, a great number of Jews were sent by Titus to Mauritania, and many of them settled in Tunis. In other words the Jews were there well before the Arabs invaded in the 7th century.
Today there are armed guards outside the Great Synagogue in Tunis and those few threats are being taken seriously.
Check out the video as to why those guards might be necessary.
Photo op. for Ennadha.
BBC invited.
BBC knows the Tunisian Jews were invited to Israel.
So does Ennadha.
Israel is still there should the Tunisian Jews need it.
Let’s see what the next few years bring.
In German:
‘Man soll den Tag nicht vor dem Abend loben’
(Don’t say its been a good day until the evening comes)
The Tunisian Jews must and will decide for themselves.
At the moment, political Islamism is waging a hearts and minds campaign for opinion. Western opinion.
The basic issues have not gone away.
Tolerance, and ‘hearty gestures, are in order.
Islamists like Jews is the message. Small populations with little influence.
On their little island.
Protected by armed guards.
From whom?
Let’s ignore the missing ‘I’ and ‘M’ words. That is standard BBC practise.
Mumbai gunman Qasab appeals in India Supreme Court
Mohammad Ajmal Amir Qasab, 24, said he had been denied a fair trial and that the prosecution had failed to prove its case.
Is there any grounds for him saying that? Was he denied a counsel? Was the evidence not proved beyond reasonable doubt?
“I may be guilty of killing people and carrying out a terrorist act but I am not guilty of waging war against the state.”
So is the appeal really that participating in the massacre of 52 unarmed civilians at the railway station is not enough for the death penalty by Indian law? Could that have been investigated?
In classic BBC style the information that the BBC really doesn’t want you to hear is left till the last paragraph: After initial denials, Pakistan acknowledged that the assault had been partially planned on its territory and that Qasab was a Pakistani citizen.
“Put a stop to Leftie bias, restore religion, and bring back culture!
QUENTIN LETTS throws his hat into the ring for the top job at the
By Quentin Letts
“The favourites were broadcasting insiders, a dismayingly narrow range of urban, fashion-conscious folk, denizens of the London telly schmoozebelt.
Their politics? Pink-tinged or (at best) Centrist, so far as one could discern. Here were creatures of the status quo.
When I saw that list, I was so irritated I thought: ‘What the heck — let’s have a tilt at the windmill.’ Should there not be at least one Right-wing, non-broadcast executive in the pot of applications? Hence my candidacy.
If Boris Johnson can become Mayor of London and John Prescott can talk of standing as a police commissioner, why can I not stick up my paw for the DG-ship?
The Left will laugh. Some of them already are. As Ali G might say: ‘Is it cos I is Right?’
The status quo is a non-starter, and not just in terms of the DG’s £650,000 salary (who does he think he is? Stephen Hester?).
I would do the job for the salary of a backbench MP, around £65,000. I would do without a limousine.
I would charge almost no expenses and would expect the BBC’s executives to accept similarly modest packages.
If our legislators must make do on such money, so can a broadcaster. But you will not hear that from any of my other so-called rivals for this nationally important position. “
Read more:
“Put a stop to Leftie bias, restore religion, and bring back culture!
QUENTIN LETTS throws his hat into the ring for the top job at the
By Quentin Letts
“The favourites were broadcasting insiders, a dismayingly narrow range of urban, fashion-conscious folk, denizens of the London telly schmoozebelt.
Their politics? Pink-tinged or (at best) Centrist, so far as one could discern. Here were creatures of the status quo.
When I saw that list, I was so irritated I thought: ‘What the heck — let’s have a tilt at the windmill.’ Should there not be at least one Right-wing, non-broadcast executive in the pot of applications? Hence my candidacy.
If Boris Johnson can become Mayor of London and John Prescott can talk of standing as a police commissioner, why can I not stick up my paw for the DG-ship?
The Left will laugh. Some of them already are. As Ali G might say: ‘Is it cos I is Right?’
The status quo is a non-starter, and not just in terms of the DG’s £650,000 salary (who does he think he is? Stephen Hester?).
I would do the job for the salary of a backbench MP, around £65,000. I would do without a limousine.
I would charge almost no expenses and would expect the BBC’s executives to accept similarly modest packages.
If our legislators must make do on such money, so can a broadcaster. But you will not hear that from any of my other so-called rivals for this nationally important position. “
Read more:
Does this graph look a little odd?
I can accept that no state has perfect 5-star cyber-readiness. But how can I accept that none of the 193 (approx) states in the world have zero no-star cyber-readiness? I demand a BBC investigation into Burkina Faso and Suriname’s readiness. Surely ‘None‘ should read ‘Just about everyone else‘?
INBBC quick to delete this story (from yesterday) on some murderous Muslim family members in Canada from online US/Canada newspage. One has to go to archive for this:
Canada ‘honour’ killings”: [Muslim] “Shafia family found guilty”
‘Jihadwatch’, unlike INBBC, has this follow up analysis:
Islamic honor killer Shafia’s “arrogance” and “hubris” convinced him that he could get away with murder
“Why shouldn’t Mohammad Shafia have been arrogant and hubristic? It would have been more surprising if he had not been. Just look at how Islamic supremacist spokesmen in the West always deal with anti-jihadists: not with legitimate discussion, not with honest engagement with legitimate concerns, but with exceeding and almost incredible arrogance, endless torrents of abuse, and reflexive charges of ‘bigotry,’ ‘racism,’ and ‘Islamophobia.’ Just look at how the mainstream media and Western governments are endlessly compliant, endlessly accommodating to Islamic supremacist demands, endlessly turning a blind eye to Islamic jihad activity, violent and stealthy, with endless gullibility swallowing the ever more fantastic claims that underneath the behavior of Islamic jihadists who quote Qur’an to support their views and position themselves within the Islamic community as the exponents of Islamic authenticity, it really is a Religion of Peace.”
Ezra Levant on the Shafia Verdict
(inc 11 min video clip).
David Blunkett rang the Today programme to tell us all that he was wrong…Humphrys rather liked this.
Apparently, there are more horses in his constituency that those owned by the police(what…a police station still open up there?)…and that they DO do horse care in schools-whereas he rather thought that they could only do this at Uni once they`d left the security wands and metal detectors at Sheffield Community Academy of Brilliant Things and stuff.
For any of you have have missed All Our Yesterdays-the Labour Years of Wonder-and miss the tones of “our little lad”…iPlayer still has Lord Prescott of Temple on talking about-what else-the case for legal aid “like wot `e got to soo Murdok…”
The BBC.partying now like its 1997…and that`s the way it`ll stay until we scorch the maggots off ourselves
The Great God Sport gets another free pass.
The death of Gary Speed was truly a tragedy for those who loved him.
That said, I could not imagine such a verdict as a “narrative verdict” for anybody but someone from the Olympic/UEFA “families”….for suicide is a bit “weak2 and doesn`t “celebrate positivity” in the secret gardens of sport”.
Imagine if any kid thought that being Wayne Rooney was NOT all that there is in life…bad for the World Cup eh?,,,and those who televise it!
So then…cable around neck, but dozes off?
You believe what you want to beleive-but if that had been put out about Ian Brady, the BBC would be all over it as a cover-up.
Cue respectful silence from the BBC in the case of Mr Speed…one long dozy narrative!
“the BBC would be all over it as a cover-up”
Indeed the subject of the week it would seem. Last night’s Newsnight had that most poisonous of beeboids, Peter Marshall reporting on this theme. Moe on the subject tonight on Radio 4 “Angus Stickler investigates deaths in police custody.”
I still say the reporting on this sounds like they’re dancing around the reality. Still waiting for someone to mention David Carradine.
BBC report:
“What do people on £1m salaries do with their money?”
(We decided not to ask our Director General, Mark THOMPSON.)
And we decided not to ask BBC’s Jeremy PAXMAN.
The Obamessiah faces criticism for all those targeted drone attacks in Pakistan, presents His defense, and the BBC reflexively helps out. This article is scrupulously straightforward about the drone attacks – up to a point. Sure, they mention that drone attacks have “soared” ever since a Nobel Peace Prize laureate took command (oops, my bad, they didn’t mention His Nobel), but no effort is spared to remind you that, while the unwashed citizens may object, Pakistani leaders support them, and He is killing lots of bad guys.
Every time a slight negative is raised, the BBC sub-editor provides two items for the defense. Do they kill civilians? Yes, but they kill loads of baddies, correspondents say. And the government supports them. The Pakistan government says it violates their sovereignty? Yes, but they kill loads of baddies, and it’s really, really hard to tell just how many innocents have been killed. Can’t really tell at all in the murky waters of the tribal areas, so – unlike when we quote Hamas or Hezbollah – please take any assertion that civilians have been killed with a large grain of salt.
And so on. Ah, the joys of what Mark Mardell calls “justice at the point of a gun”.
Oh, look: Mark Mardell is pushing the Leftoid media attack on Romney’s wealth from a different angle:
Has America fallen out of love with wealth?
What a shock. His comrades in the Left-wing media have been trying to take down Romney by attacking his wealth, and Mardell joins in. No, Mark, we haven’t suddenly become this Progressive country en masse, contrary to the desires of Ezra Klein and other protected members of the nomenklatura. Nice try, though. Romney’s got plenty of negatives as a candidate, but his wealth is the least of them for people who will, you know, NOT be voting for The Obamessiah.
Whem Mardell presents an alternative view, he finds a pantomime villain: a rich banker who declares that he just can’t understand all this anger at wealth. Gosh. Look out behind you, Puss!
I’d bet that there isn’t a single person on the fence who would decide to vote to re-elect the President because Romney is too rich. And a classic Mardell moment: the one regular vox pops he finds isn’t bothered about Romney’s wealth, but that doesn’t stop the intrepid US President editor from pushing the Narrative anyway. It’s like he doesn’t even notice it. The guy probably really is angry at Romney’s wealth “deep down”, right, Mark?
Any opportunity to push a Left-wing agenda is happily taken, I guess.