‘The Trump development may at least give Mr Romney’s campaign some respite from negative publicity over ill-chosen remarks he made about the poor on Wednesday morning.’ – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-16861187
What the?!?
Who are the BBC to say whether a politician’s remarks were ill advised, especially in a factual piece?
Reed, He can’t tell his arse from his elbow. Hence his attributing what Louis wrote, to you. Poor dear. He’s completely confused and not someone one can reason with.
I know! It’s very distressing where even Mille Tant – s/he of the “I said you said this, but now you’ve shown you said the exact opposite I think you should apologise to me for calling me out” attitude – can point out an error.
Still, I’ve apologised to Reed. And that’s more than you do when you get something wrong – you just go on the offensive.
Aw, diddums. :'( Haven’t you got it yet? When you made an error, nobody called you a liar. That’s what you do. If you can’t see anything wrong with that – and it seems you cannot see the difference – there is no reasoning with you. It ill behoves you to come on here calling people liars, stupid or any other of your usual insults.
Thank you for your comments on the site. We take reporting BBC bias very seriously and go to great lengths over the course of the year to make sure that all comments on here are fair and balanced. We value comments such as yours but we feel on this occasion we got it just about right.
LOL at the desperation of this. 😀 So much effort invested in trying to come up with some pretext for indignation and name-calling, while displaying the same stupidity over and over. And all because I mistook Scott for Scott M or scottie or was it Scottie or maybe Scotty? Who can tell? Well, I suppose spending all his time reading Beeboid press releases does lead to a build-up in the brain. And then we get this monthly visit to hurl insults and rehash some manufactured grievance.
Anglophobe Dame Nicky Campbell on BBC Salford local radio feels ‘uncomfortable’ that his beloved Scots rugby team are being described as favourites in the upcoming 6 Nations competition.
He prefers being the ‘underdog’. And therein I’m sure lies the root cause of much of the Beeboid lefty mentality. I’ll leave it to the psychologists to make the arguments about his potty training and nannies.
I know that it is the basis of the unwritten 5 Live brief to mix sport and lefty politics but he’s at it again. Should John Terry remain as captain of England while the racist ccharges are hanging over his head?
Just heard Toenails on the BBC News Channel reporting on Huhne – reported as a tragedy. Toenails saying how sad it was that he had lost his job and lost his marriage (‘scuse me Nick, Huhne was having an affair and I assume he had choice in the matter). Could the BBC’s support of Huhne be because of his resistance to the Tories call for the importance of climate change being downgraded – that being Nick’s view of what a good chap Huhne is.
Yes another beeboid just stated that Huhne doesn’t have to resign and can carry on as it’s not up to the court of public opinion to decide his guilt.
Compare that to how the BBC is treating John Terry and I seem to remember that when Tories were up on criminal charges the BBC were not so sympathetic.
Wishful thinking BBC are really pulling out all the stops for Huhne. Just heard them say that he and not Clegg should be really be the Limp Dem leader – if all the postal votes had been counted. (Yeah right, what is it with lefties and postal votes?).
Meanwhile it took Sky News to tell me something that I hadn’t already known; Huhne is ex-Labour, ex-SDP. Now that is educative, informative and downright entertaining.
What’s the postal votes thing about? Let me guess, he made Vicky Pryce sit up all night pretending to be other people filling them in and then expressed self-righteous outrage that they weren’t counted.
The BBC are spinning like crazy for Huhne today, endless left wing arseholes on telling us what a great guy he is and this is all a Tory plot!!!
Of course the real truth is this will come as a shock to anyone who only ever gets their news from the ‘worlds finest broadcaster’ as it’s hardly been covered on the BBC.
Richard Bacon would rather inform us of really funny stuff about Sarah Palin’s disabled kid, dame Nikki Campbell is more interested in bum holes and footballers, Vikki Pollard loves her pikey’s and Radio 4 just loves Red Ed.
And speaking of humour, Jeremy Vine just posted a joke’ about John Terry that seems rather more a prejudicail opinion to me.
theJeremyVineJeremy VineHow many more ways can John Terry find to be stripped of the England captaincy?
It’s all OK in it’s rampant hypocrisy though, because at the top, in amongst all the BBC URLs and mentions is.. ‘All views personal of course.’
Of course. Unique. But of course.
The BBC has been a total disgrace today, their cheerleading for Huhne is bias at it’s highest point.
I’ve not heard a single voice on the BBC saying Huhne is a twat and ruining our economy.
Some lefty twat (a Euro lefty Lib Dem) was almost in tears on BBC news and radio 5 saying how Europe won’t understand how such a great man could be released.
kevinbakhurstKevin Bakhurst Great to see @bbcnormans out at the key veues on the #Huhne story – and congrats to him + team on getting the story 10 mins ahead of most
Out of the way first, maybe, as by being BBC driven its content will be… worthless.
mrrobinmorleyRobin Morley.@chrishams underlining BBC News focus on engagement generated via Twitter accounts, not just raw follower numbers – echoing @lheron#newsrw
Not too sure what he’s on about, but if it is more £4Bpa BBC-charging ‘news’ copied from ‘free’ twitter ‘sources’, then bring it on.
You just know that the bBC is biased when they push this headline out of a story. Anti-wind farm campaign ‘selfish’ Attempts to have the Yorkshire Wolds designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) have been criticised by the Green Party.More than 1,000 people have signed a petition calling for the status in an effort to block wind farm development. But the Green Party said they were standing in the way of progress and opposing wind farms was “selfish”.
‘Yorkshire Wolds protection plans attacked by Greens
But so some twat on an iPhone doesn’t have to scroll,ore think they have taken accuracy, ditched it, and spun a misrepresentation online, hidden in the all-purpose “quotes” excuse on top of character constraints.
One favourable review has this….’Gordon Brown is portrayed here (by Robert Peston) with some degree of admiration, both for what he has achieved as Chancellor since 1997 and for his undoubted and strongly-held ideological underpinnings’
JohnCMar 1, 02:53 Weekend 1st March 2025 The classic definition of a fascist was basically someone who supresses the opinions of other people. As that became more…
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StewGreenMar 1, 00:32 Weekend 1st March 2025 a complicated road to a better destination ?
taffmanMar 1, 00:08 Weekend 1st March 2025 Northern Voter Diolch yn fawr! From the land of the red dragon, thankyou very much.
DeborahFeb 28, 23:59 Weekend 1st March 2025 I wish I understood what we saw at the White House today. I remember reading 3 years ago in an…
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Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiFeb 28, 22:23 Midweek 26th February 2025 “Today, it became clear that the free world needs a new leader.” I might simply change one thing, crossing out…
‘The Trump development may at least give Mr Romney’s campaign some respite from negative publicity over ill-chosen remarks he made about the poor on Wednesday morning.’ – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-16861187
What the?!?
Who are the BBC to say whether a politician’s remarks were ill advised, especially in a factual piece?
‘Who are the BBC to say whether a politician’s remarks were ill advised, especially in a factual piece? ‘
Ah, that will be the ‘critics who are saying’.
The critics being… the BBC, mainly.
Control the ‘guest list’ and the edit suite and the narrative can be whatever is required.
Oh, God! Look who they have wheeled on to The Daily Politics: Loony Lembit. Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Reed, He can’t tell his arse from his elbow. Hence his attributing what Louis wrote, to you. Poor dear. He’s completely confused and not someone one can reason with.
I know! It’s very distressing where even Mille Tant – s/he of the “I said you said this, but now you’ve shown you said the exact opposite I think you should apologise to me for calling me out” attitude – can point out an error.
Still, I’ve apologised to Reed. And that’s more than you do when you get something wrong – you just go on the offensive.
Aw, diddums. :'( Haven’t you got it yet? When you made an error, nobody called you a liar. That’s what you do. If you can’t see anything wrong with that – and it seems you cannot see the difference – there is no reasoning with you. It ill behoves you to come on here calling people liars, stupid or any other of your usual insults.
Thank you for your comments on the site. We take reporting BBC bias very seriously and go to great lengths over the course of the year to make sure that all comments on here are fair and balanced. We value comments such as yours but we feel on this occasion we got it just about right.
Thank you for the time for posting here etc etc
Let me break this down for you in a way that even you might be able to understand it:
I called you a liar because you lied.
You told people I did somehting I didn’t do.
You lied.
When I challenged you – including, yes, truthfully calling you a liar – you tried to wriggle out of it.
Because lying as a result of being both lazy and stupid apparently doesn’t count.
It’s not.. no longer called ‘lying’, irrespective of whatever the truth may, or may not be.
It’s ‘evolving the story’.. or something…
It’s on the BBC, so it must be so.
Maybe the memo missed?
LOL at the desperation of this. 😀 So much effort invested in trying to come up with some pretext for indignation and name-calling, while displaying the same stupidity over and over. And all because I mistook Scott for Scott M or scottie or was it Scottie or maybe Scotty? Who can tell? Well, I suppose spending all his time reading Beeboid press releases does lead to a build-up in the brain. And then we get this monthly visit to hurl insults and rehash some manufactured grievance.
There is far to much Gayness on the BBC, they seem to like ramming it down our throats.
Anglophobe Dame Nicky Campbell on BBC Salford local radio feels ‘uncomfortable’ that his beloved Scots rugby team are being described as favourites in the upcoming 6 Nations competition.
He prefers being the ‘underdog’. And therein I’m sure lies the root cause of much of the Beeboid lefty mentality. I’ll leave it to the psychologists to make the arguments about his potty training and nannies.
I know that it is the basis of the unwritten 5 Live brief to mix sport and lefty politics but he’s at it again. Should John Terry remain as captain of England while the racist ccharges are hanging over his head?
Please let the BBC put a stop to this nonsense.
“Huhne to face points row charges” according to the BBC.
For “points row” please read “perverting the course of justice”
‘according to the BBC.’
The narrative… is under threat… must… be… enahanced…
The last gasp of a very sick entity.
Just heard Toenails on the BBC News Channel reporting on Huhne – reported as a tragedy. Toenails saying how sad it was that he had lost his job and lost his marriage (‘scuse me Nick, Huhne was having an affair and I assume he had choice in the matter). Could the BBC’s support of Huhne be because of his resistance to the Tories call for the importance of climate change being downgraded – that being Nick’s view of what a good chap Huhne is.
Now I bet John Terry’s thinking ‘if only I’d spoken out on the threat from Gerbil Worming’…
Yes another beeboid just stated that Huhne doesn’t have to resign and can carry on as it’s not up to the court of public opinion to decide his guilt.
Compare that to how the BBC is treating John Terry and I seem to remember that when Tories were up on criminal charges the BBC were not so sympathetic.
I think Wally just got added to most BBC QT and Newsnight producer Vox Op iPhone speed dials..
Wishful thinking BBC are really pulling out all the stops for Huhne. Just heard them say that he and not Clegg should be really be the Limp Dem leader – if all the postal votes had been counted. (Yeah right, what is it with lefties and postal votes?).
Meanwhile it took Sky News to tell me something that I hadn’t already known; Huhne is ex-Labour, ex-SDP. Now that is educative, informative and downright entertaining.
What’s the postal votes thing about? Let me guess, he made Vicky Pryce sit up all night pretending to be other people filling them in and then expressed self-righteous outrage that they weren’t counted.
“Sky TV, Special Brew, Superkings…those benefit cuts in full”
By Richard Littlejohn
“The BBC has been doing sterling work in highlighting the ‘victims’ of the ‘savage’ cuts.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2095623/UK-benefits-cap-welfare-reform-Sky-TV-Special-Brew-Superkings–benefit-cuts-full.html#ixzz1lJmg8PrT
The BBC are spinning like crazy for Huhne today, endless left wing arseholes on telling us what a great guy he is and this is all a Tory plot!!!
Of course the real truth is this will come as a shock to anyone who only ever gets their news from the ‘worlds finest broadcaster’ as it’s hardly been covered on the BBC.
Richard Bacon would rather inform us of really funny stuff about Sarah Palin’s disabled kid, dame Nikki Campbell is more interested in bum holes and footballers, Vikki Pollard loves her pikey’s and Radio 4 just loves Red Ed.
‘The BBC are spinning like crazy for Huhne today’
And speaking of humour, Jeremy Vine just posted a joke’ about John Terry that seems rather more a prejudicail opinion to me.
theJeremyVine Jeremy Vine How many more ways can John Terry find to be stripped of the England captaincy?
It’s all OK in it’s rampant hypocrisy though, because at the top, in amongst all the BBC URLs and mentions is.. ‘All views personal of course.’
Of course. Unique. But of course.
The BBC has been a total disgrace today, their cheerleading for Huhne is bias at it’s highest point.
I’ve not heard a single voice on the BBC saying Huhne is a twat and ruining our economy.
Some lefty twat (a Euro lefty Lib Dem) was almost in tears on BBC news and radio 5 saying how Europe won’t understand how such a great man could be released.
I swear the beeboid was almost in tears at this.
kevinbakhurst Kevin Bakhurst Great to see @bbcnormans out at the key veues on the #Huhne story – and congrats to him + team on getting the story 10 mins ahead of most
Out of the way first, maybe, as by being BBC driven its content will be… worthless.
mrrobinmorley Robin Morley .@chrishams underlining BBC News focus on engagement generated via Twitter accounts, not just raw follower numbers – echoing @lheron #newsrw
Not too sure what he’s on about, but if it is more £4Bpa BBC-charging ‘news’ copied from ‘free’ twitter ‘sources’, then bring it on.
You just know that the bBC is biased when they push this headline out of a story.
Anti-wind farm campaign ‘selfish’
Attempts to have the Yorkshire Wolds designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) have been criticised by the Green Party.More than 1,000 people have signed a petition calling for the status in an effort to block wind farm development. But the Green Party said they were standing in the way of progress and opposing wind farms was “selfish”.
The actual, context-providing headline is:
‘Yorkshire Wolds protection plans attacked by Greens
But so some twat on an iPhone doesn’t have to scroll,ore think they have taken accuracy, ditched it, and spun a misrepresentation online, hidden in the all-purpose “quotes” excuse on top of character constraints.
BBC on Huhne today. Compare and contrast with the hue and cry they put up at the downfall of Tory Liam Fox.
For example: the regretful tones of John Pienaar sounded like a state funeral for the Tory-bashing green.
How forgiving we find are the left of their fellows’ peccadilloes.
Metaphor alert:
Brown’s Britain: 12 Used from £0.06
One favourable review has this….’Gordon Brown is portrayed here (by Robert Peston) with some degree of admiration, both for what he has achieved as Chancellor since 1997 and for his undoubted and strongly-held ideological underpinnings’
You could have knocked me down with a feather.
I saw that as well. The same review remarks that Ed Balls receives even higher praise. I wonder if Peston sleeps easily at night.
I’m sure he does – it was probably him that wrote those reviews.