Ok, I think it is important to be fair and I have to say that I thought this discussion regarding the de-Knighting of Fred Goodwin was in fact pretty balanced. Michael Fallon was on the defensive and rightly so in my opinion and at least the BBC allowed Sir Jackie Stewart his say. Of course one could also see this as a convenient ruse to bash the Coalition using the subterfuge of feeling sorry for Goodwin when in fact the BBC has been to the fore in portraying him as the central villain in the piece – so absolving a certain Mr Gordon Brown.
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Shred is a twat that did a lot of bad and should never have received the knighthood for blatantly being a BAD banker. HOWEVER, this is just another nail in the coffin for UK bank industry (maybe an EU based end game?) what international banking big-wig will be coming to the UK bank in the near future?
The BBC are in full defence mode of the one eyed idiot in Fife, the BBC never allow the name Gordon Brown to be used in any context with the banking collapse, yet when the one eyed twat was in power and the economy was ballooning on an ever increasing meal of borrowing and taxing the BBC couldn’t get enough of Brown the genius. Even when Robert Peston proudly went around the BBC triumphing Brown’s genius at getting Lloyds (a good bank) to buy aonther failing Scottish bank there was no hiding the BBC’ love of Brown.
But they day the Lloyds takeover blew up the BBC calmly wiped their sainted retard from the pages of the history book, instead we get BBC presenters spouting the lie that the banking collapse was the fault of Thatcher, funny that they don’t think she therefore had anything to do with the boom that came with the banking deregulation!!!!
Fred Goodwin didn’t didn’t have the FSA look the other way while telling banks to leverage themsevles to the eyeballs in order to loan money to people who couldn’t repay.
I’m guessing BBC Salford will start employing the locals before anyone at the BBC asks if John Prescott’s £500 million Fire Service fiasco should have any implications for his title.
Of course Sir Jackie had no axe to grind either
Shred, Brown Stewart, Darling – what you saw was the McMafia at its finest. I am shocked at how these people Stewart and Darling have the nerve to say how unfair everything is … boo effing hoo. These people are so far removed from reality its unbelievable.
Ex-Sir Fred does bear more than a passing resemblance to Chris Tarrant, doesn’t he?
Yet again…the BBC have this unerrring ability to make me feel sorry for Sir Frederick Shreddington.
If the BBC and Labour want me to agree with anything-they ought to say the exact opposite.
Fox-hunting, Murdoch and now Sir Frederick….I find myself supporting them all these days!
Brown seems to becoming a word as rarely used as Muslim terrorist by the impartial BBC.
Luckily no-one believes a word that the BBC say these days.
is Gordon Brown still alive? He has dropped out of the news so completely that I thought he had died. In fact, only the other day I was wondering what was taking them so long to call the by election!
…was he ever one of the living?..or just the living dead.
To me, he always looked and acted like a zombie.
I meant to note yesterday that the BBC were spinning for Labour on this story by avoiding the nasty contentious circumstances around Fred’s knighthood by shamelessly dragging the Queen and her office into the story rather than letting facts get in the way and talking about decsisions made by the Labour Government of the day… #justsaying
Yes, where the hell is Gordon Brown these days?
No obligatory denouncement of Westminster from Alex Salmond…where are these great statesmen, when it comes to Sir Frederick?
If I were one of the sad dupes of Kirkcaldy, I`d want a refund on my lobotomy-and then demand another vote to get an MP who actually does give a damn!
And then it hits me!
Gordon Brown, of course, wrote “Courage” didn`t he?
All hat, no cattle!