Have you been following the BBC coverage of the resignation of Lib Dem Chris Huhne? It strikes me that now that Mr Huhne has gone to spend more time with his windmills, the BBC is rather gutted and if you read through this report it smacks of BBC sadness that one of their own has fallen from grace. Mind you, armed with the ‘simple sword of truth and the trusty shield of British fair play’ I guess we can but hope Huhne will make a speedy return to Government…as it were.
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Yes the BBC’s coverage of this story has been pitiful, ranging from the lie of “he’s resigning because of a speeding offence” to the endless halfwit lefties wheeled out (including the walking joke that is Limpdick Hen peck) to tell us just how wonderful Huhne is. The guy is accused of one of the most serious crimes going, not some silly motoring offence, the BBC know this but have spun the lie all day.
Contract that to how the BBC delighted in the ‘right wing’ Liam Fox resigning, plenty of lefties put the boot into him that day.
‘not some silly motoring offence’
Certainly seems a meme in luvviedom.
On SKY some daft Scottish peroxide sink crone, of a type wheeled out to counter the more right male suit in their heat oif light newspaper reviews, seemed to feel it was simply all about Middle England disapparoving of his infidelity.
No… it’s about him possibly commiting a crime that I would have the book thrown at me for, by state and employer.
His defence should be mounted by lawyers, reported by the media. Not the other way round… ‘But Nick Robinson thinks he is all that stands between the country and Tory rampage!!!!’
He was the “grit in the oyster” repeated 3 times by some Beeboid in his summing up of the greatness that is Huhne as a pain in the side of the evil “Tories”.
“Will it harm the coalition” some female beeboid said with gushing enthusiasm
Personally I would put the whole lot of them in the tower and start again with honest principled people, but that will never happen.
“Will it harm the coalition”
repeated 3 times
‘Tonight we examine where the decision to quit leaves Mr Huhne, how damaging it is for the Liberal Democrats to have a second member forced out of the cabinet, and the impact on the coalition.’
Almost like a strategy playing out.
If anything better shows the paucity of the BBC/Guardian “dream”, it has got to be their wailing at the loss of this pigmy.
To hear the guff about this expense-fiddling, pompous empty suit…as if we`ve lost a Chamberlain or a Churchill…only shows how bankrupt, moribund and pointless their whole flatulent progressive project is.
Still if it has them all snorting sadly tonight with their dalai lama candles, then fine.
Their headlines have during the day referred to “points row charges” and now a “speeding claims charge”. I can’t remember them saying that Jonathan Aitken faced “hotel row charges”.
Nick Robinson is further away with the fairies than ever. He called it wrong yesterday, saying he disagreed with those who thought the press conference was a sign that Huhne would be charged, and this evening he was going on about how if Huhne can clear his name he will be a very dangerous political threat to Nick Clegg and the Coalition. Nick, I think I can guarantee that Cameron and Clegg won’t be tossing and turning tonight worrying about Huhne’s threat to their leadership.
And the BBC live text service had comments from the RSPB and Friends of the Earth in his support – maybe the CPS lawyers have overlooked that being a climate change obsessive now seems to be a defence to perverting the course of justice.
intresting you bring up the Aitken thing: that whole saga wasbased around forged faxes by guardian journalists (no surprise when you nsee wht they have been doing re Murdoch and hacking etc). Aitken could ahve walked if he wasn’t such an arrogant fool by lying in court.
And then there’s the contrast with the treatment of a Mr J Terry, who’s also lost his job as a result of being charged with an offence…
I can’t wait for the BBC’s Quick Reaction Context Squad to explain this one.
Believe it or not, the charge has a possible LIFE sentence! he won’t get that but if ‘Judge Jeffries’ were trying the case he would!
If I was trying the case, he would…
And hard labour, dismantling wind turbines.
Heh…Make the punishment fit the crime!
“Mr Huhne is entitled to a ministerial severance payment of £17,207.”
You simply cannot make this shite up! Give me a minute and I will stop banging my head on the table
He’s not being severed (if only), he resigned!
The BBC online headline is “Huhne resigns over points charge“! Now, admittedly they do mention in the small print that he is being charged with perverting the cause of justice which a sI comment above is VERY serious and if guilty could be sentenced to life imprisonment however it is worth highlighting that Huhne is the first Cabinet minister in living memory to be charged with a serious criminal offence.
Is there some perverse 24 hour rule of remorse being operated by the BBC at the moment?
In the case of both Goodwin and of Huhne , we get the “hunt” on behalf of the mob (as they think of us)…and when they get their headlines and matching scalp; we then get this corkscrew contrition-“maybe this is over the top/maybe he need not have resigned etc”.
The BBC don`t seem to know WHAT they want, as long as they can claim to heva led the cause…once they get their “result”, they want to reconsider it all. As if they were cool customers all along, and rather sad at the witch trial verdicts…that they seem to have been detached from all along.
Bipolar Bull with Contrition….
Not a cartoon for BBC-NUJ-greenies
Is he being hoist by his own petard?
I also like today’s Matt cartoon:
Antidote to BBC-NUJ’s politically servile comments on HUHNE’s resignation on legal charges.
Huhne finally walks to Conservative cheers.”
“Chris Huhne’s downfall began the day he sacrificed his wife for his career.”
By Stephen Glover
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2096197/Chris-Huhnes-downfall-began-day-sacrificed-wife-career.html#ixzz1lQOJSX9H
“Downfall of a deeply divisive minister.”
By Daily Mail Comment
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2096268/Chris-Huhne-resignation-Downfall-deeply-divisive-minister.html#ixzz1lQO02fDQ
One has to despair at the absolute amorality of our current leaders and the media.
Here we have political class constantly involved in grubby corruption, fraud and deceit. The media should be hunting these people out and making them think twice about this behaviour. The West has been brought to its knees financially by this kind of behaviour and yet all we hear is how these models of society will be back to do it again.
A really sick society.
The BBC couldn’t bear to lose Huhne because he was dogmatic about AGW and the completely erroneous ‘need’ for so-called ‘renewables’ over and above readily available clean, cheap fossil fuel alternatives.
Huhne was a delusional militant when it came to ‘green’ issues – i.e. supporting the manifest lies of the AGW narrative in order to promote the agenda of the EU and its’ countless NGOs and bottom-feeding ‘green’ outfits intent on pushing our economy (and our fuel bills) still deeper into the red, whilst taking us all back to the stoneage.
Due to this illogical fixation with AGW and ‘renewables’ Huhne was seen by many as an intractable roadblock to progress on issues around the UK’s fossil fuel future, most noteably the shale gas revolution currently sweeping the US and it’s implications for recent (vast) shale gas discoveries here in the UK (all of which points – inescapably – to cheaper fuel, masses of jobs and a ‘clean’ source of energy for decades to come).
Huhne was a dangerous politician to anyone who considers it the government’s duty to provide sensible, cheap, secure energy to it’s population. Huhne wanted the UK to pursue it’s ruinous policies on over-expensive, inefficient, taxpayer-funded ‘renewables’ – all of which have failed miserably to deliver on their much-vaunted promise. An avowed enemy of shale gas, Huhne consistently – and wilfully – turned a blind eye to the bonanza this new fossil fuel promises the UK.
Personally, I couldn’t be happier this oafish boor has been forced from office – the comically named ‘Minister for Climate Change’. Fatuous, belligerent and above all menacing – Huhne will not be missed by anyone who believes we should be doing all we can to combat the dishonesty and waste of the AGW agenda and all it stands for.
Whether his replacement does any better remains, of course, to be seen, but don’t hold your breath. This lot are hell-bent on pushing their phoney ‘green’ agenda through, come what may. The fight against AGW zealotry and waste is very from over – but I celebrate the end of Huhne!
Yes, it is indeed comical that we should have any sort of “Minister for Climate Change”.
The office seems to attract fatuous idiots. Huhne’s predecessor was Ed Miliband – Sec of State for Energy and Climate Change for 2 years to 2010.
Indeed John, as I posted on the open thread
“let’s not forget WHY these old people are dying and energy companies “must” charge us more: you may recognise the guy in the story below:
“One of the best-kept secrets of British politics – although it is there for all to see on a Government website – is the cost of what is by far the most expensive piece of legislation ever put through Parliament.”
I was struck by DV’s use of the phrase one of their own about the Beeboids’ attitude to Chris Huhne. I suspect he meant like minded or sharing policy stances or something of that sort. However, there is more…
Did a quick search and lo! he could be described as one of their own, in another sense, going back quite a long way. For none other than his grandfather was a senior Beeboid employee and associate of Lord Reith’s, his mother was not only a cousin of Beeboid DG Huw Weldon’s, but also a broadcaster and member of the Beeboid repertory company, doing radio plays, and his father was a Beeboid management trainee before he took to business instead! How’s about that then? as Beeboid Jimmy Savile would say.