The National Institute for Economic and Social Research. It sounds important and credible and the BBC always seems to think so and happily reports its findings without any ‘warnings’ about being a ‘pressure group’ or ‘leftwing’.
B-BBC contributor Alan details…
“The NIESR tell us that there is no link between unemployment and mass immigration, it is now telling us that the government should adopt Labour’s ‘Plan B’ to stimulate growth based on its computer modelling and the deep ruminations of its chief. Who is the chief of the NIESR? Jonathan Portes. Who is he, or rather who was he? He was Gordon Brown’s chief economist in the cabinet during Labour’s years of destruction….and presumably one of the architects of that ‘creative destruction’. No wonder he doesn’t want you to link losing your job to Labour’s open door immigration policy. No wonder he thinks splurging on debt and spending is the answer….because that was his policy pre-credit crunch….a dog always returns to its vomit they say. It is rather bad timing for him that facts on the ground apparently point to us not being in his claimed recession:
“Romania’s population falls by 12% as three million flock to richer European countries including Britain
Read more:
Blimey, maybe market forces will come into play and I’ll have competing Big Issue sellers driving the price down?
As they are not allowed to work in the UK and under EU law a country can deport foreign nationals who cannot support themselves we shouldn`t see too mant here …!?
Unlike Italy !
‘The boom not the slump is the right time for austerity at the treasury’
JM Keynes.
Can anyone remember the calls from the NIESR/ Jonathan Portes/ the palace builders/ Labour Party/ The Brothers/ Paul Krugman/ Owen Shoutie/ Penny Stupid/ Polly Thickie/ Dopey Dez The Dimwit Droid et al for austerity during the boom?
Nah – me neither.
Aw sorry… forgot… it wasn’t a boom, becaause Mad Jock McMad kept telling us he’d abolished boom and bust.
They really do have nothing to say and they keep on saying it,
No wonder Robert Peston’s book championing Mr. Brown’s (and Ed Balls’) economic genius is going for 6p on Amazon.
This computer model wouldn’t have been borrowed from Michael Mann would it?
I mean it’s been shown that his computer model will produce a hockey-stick no matter what data you put in, so swap a few numbers and it will flip the stick the other way and we get results that show a decline, always good for when the conservatives are in power.