The National Institute for Economic and Social ResearchIt sounds important and credible and the BBC always seems to think so and happily reports its findings without any ‘warnings’ about being a ‘pressure group’ or ‘leftwing’.

B-BBC contributor Alan details…

“The NIESR tell us that there is no link between unemployment and mass immigration, it is now telling us that the government should adopt Labour’s ‘Plan B’ to stimulate growth based on its computer modelling and the deep ruminations of its chief. Who is the chief of the NIESR? Jonathan Portes. Who is he, or rather who was he? He was Gordon Brown’s chief economist in the cabinet during Labour’s years of destruction….and presumably one of the architects of that ‘creative destruction’. No wonder he doesn’t want you to link losing your job to Labour’s open door immigration policy. No wonder he thinks splurging on debt and spending is the answer….because that was his policy pre-credit crunch….a dog always returns to its vomit they say. It is rather bad timing for him that facts on the ground apparently point to us not being in his claimed recession: