Here’s one for you. Spend a moment or two studying the “Issues” page of the Mia Love for Congress website. Ms. Love is a Republican candidate for the US House of Representatives from Utah.
Notice the issues listed, and her positions on them. Note especially the ethnicity of all the people in the accompanying photos. Also notice how close her positions on certain issues tie in with those of the Tea Party movement. Now, try to guess Mia Love’s background.
Once you have a good guess, check out the main page. How well did you do?
Does anyone think the BBC US President editor will be discussing Mia Love’s candidacy any time soon? He’s all about politics, you know, a well-traveled, experienced political junkie, finger on the pulse of the country. The BBC expects you to trust his take on US politics and the feelings of the people. If Mardell doesn’t find a moment to bang out a short blog post about her in the next few months from the hotel bar while on the road following a Republican joke candidate for President, he’s useless and biased.
Just above the silence from the BBC you can hear the sound of liberals desparately scrabbling around to find something remotely dodgy about this very impressive lady. Should anything emerge you can bet your ass that the overstaffed DC Bureau will suddenly find Ms Love very interesting indeed!
She doesn’t need to be dodgy. Just newsworthy, which she isn’t. Or electable, which is far from certain in a state overwhelmingly populated and run by Mormons, whose holy book teaches them this:-
“And [God] had caused the cursing to come upon them, yea, even a sore cursing, because of their iniquity. For behold, they had hardened their hearts against him, that they had become like unto a flint; wherefore, as they were white, and exceedingly fair and delightsome, that they might not be enticing unto my people, the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them. And thus saith the Lord God; I will cause that they shall be loathsome unto thy people, save they shall repent of their iniquities.” (2 Nephi 5:21)
Now, it’s not my place or anyone else’s to pass judgement on whether or not Ms. Love is “authentically black”, as someone remarked here earlier (whatever that means); but it is a fact that she is trying to get elected to office in a state where the overwhelming mass of the population subscribe to a teaching that says that the fact that she *is* black is curse, conferred on her by no less than God himself, as a punishment and pennance for the inherent sinfulness of her and her people.
Not only that, it’s in fact a teaching that she herself subscribes to, by being a member of said Church herself.
I don’t care whether she’s “authentically black” or not, it’s none of my business and doesn’t impact you or me in the slightest; I do think though, it represents quite poor judgement that someone who considers herself, as well as her parents, any of her own children and anyone who vaguely looks like her to be “loathsome unto thy people” (i.e., all the other practicing Mormons in Utah), thinks that the State of Utah and it’s electors should ignore their own divine teaching and elect her to represent them in the Congress.
If she, or any other Mormon of faith, believes in that teaching, they they must then therefore believe that she is cut-off from and stands in opposition to God himself; the passage is fairly clear – if she were not inherently sinful in her nature and if she were to repent and return to the true teaching of her God and return to the fold, she would immediately turn white.
Since she hasn’t done so yet, why would you essentially elect someone who opposes your God and is condemned by him by physical and visible demarkation to represent you, as a faithful follower of God to the national government? You wouldn’t.
And I expect Utah to roundly reject her on that basis, regardless of what policies she has or her personal popularity or charisma; I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t think I am.
In the event that she *does* get elected, it really *will* be newsworthy and believe me, I will be the first in line to lobby the Today programme to have her on and engage in a substantive discussion of the issue and what her election means for US politics in general.
Time will tell.
You’ve missed the point again, spikey. The issue isn’t her electability: it’s that – contrary to BBC reporting – the Republican Party is not based on race, and opposition to the President’s policies is not based on racism, openly or “deep down”. The simple fact that Mia Love is running for Congress as a Republican with the values she espouses is enough. It goes against the stereotypes the BBC has been feeding their audience.
“Quick, look over here; I’m not racist some of my best candidates are black!”
Dez, your drive-by sneer is without substance. Whatever argument you think you have won’t hold up unless you can explain not only how a racist political party or group of voters will support a black candidate, but how a black person would willingly join with a bunch of racists or expect racists to vote for them.
I’ll won’t expect an answer until after you tell us if you’ve discovered what “crypto-” means.
A few years ago thhe BNP pushed Rajinder Singh in front of the news cameras; their first ‘non-white’ member:
BNP signs its first non-white member…
This, they supposed, would show that the BNP wasn’t a racist party.
Similarly, for you to excitedly jump up and down because you have a black candidate, as if that’s something special; gives the exact opposite impression to that which you intend.
I’m not ‘sneering’, I’m just pointing out the obvious flaw in your argument.
Comparing the Republican Party to the BNP – a huge great “CUCKOO!” on behalf of Scez’s Gramscian chums at the BBC.
I agree with Dez: Preiser hasn’t quite realised the whole concept of the exception priving the rule, has he?
How many exceptions do you need, Scott? Aren’t Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell good enough for you?
Dez’s comparison to the BNP is laughable.
Dez, you’re still pretending that there’s only the one black candidate, claiming that is why I was “jumping up and down”. Of course in reality I’m just adding Ms. Love to the growing list of black Republicans (or just non-Democrats) which the BBC and people like you keep claiming don’t exist. There have been far more than just Mia Love, and will continue to be. You can’t keep them all down on the Democrat plantation forever. And still no substance to back up your sneer.
What’s really amusing is that you and Scott and other defenders of the indefensible use exceptions like Andrew Neil and Nick Robinson’s college years to prove that the BBC isn’t biased and full of Left-wingers. Yet here it’s the other way round when you need it to be.
And again, dodging the challenge to your dishonesty about the meaning of “crypto-“.
Oh my goodness, Scott is putting likes by his own posts in the name of Dez!!
Dez darling, we have TONS of Black candidates and distinguished black republicans – all of whom have been mercilessly vilified by the Left for leaving the plantation.
The benefit of Scez’s sneers are that they confirm BBC bias.
…an irony lost on Dez himself!
Surely the least ‘authentic’ black candidate is Barak Obama?
The Americans create a Mia Love-who thinks like this!
We in Britain get given an Oona King-who is well-paid by the established placemen in politics and medai to say what they reward her to say.
That tells me all I need to know about the greatness of the USA still(despite Obamas meddlings)…and the monoculture mindset of the toadies and tugbutts that make up current beehive wisdom over here in EuroManche 1.
Oona King, who left politics after her defeat by Galloway to become ‘head of diversity‘ at Channel 4…
Who is now ‘Baroness King of Bow‘ – Labour Life Peer…
*double facepalm*
“How well did you do?”
I’ve got it. She’s a Mormon.
Do I win £5?
When Americans talk about American Ideals , that applyies to the made up nation that is getting genuinely multiracial and is big enough to be multicultural becuse of its landmass . A binding force within it is patroitism and shared sense of identity.
Meanwhile over the pond , the likes of the BBC and left/liberal EU sinecured bods talk of European values .
What are European values , and why are they superior to American values?
Or for that matter , why are they superior to Asian or African values ?
People have been moved from every part of the world to seek Destiny in America , to be free and pursue their goals .
Now why do people from other parts of the world come to Good Benefits EUrope , and what values do they have , what shared destiny do they hold , what freedoms do they hold dear , what aspirations do they have for their offspring ? Do the have European ideals ?( If ever there was such a thing )
There are American ideals sure, just as there are Christian ideals, Mormon ideal and the ideals of the people of the State of Utah.
That she embodies the hopes and aspirations of the one (American ideals) is as nothing if she doesn’t embody the ideals of the others, which will be far more consequential to the people who are charged with electing her.
America may well want to see an African American Right-wing Republican Christian Congresswoman from Utah.
If the people of Utah don’t (and there’s good evidence that they won’t), it’s completely moot.
‘Made up nation?’ Created from scratch I grant you, inclusive yes, but ‘made up’???
Until the last couple of days the BBC has virtually ignored Rick Santorum.
But this morning on From Our Own Correspondent I finally got the gen. A gushing Beeboid girl was wittering on from Lake Garda, whence Santorum’s grandfather emigrated in 1920. Pretty tenuous connection these days, maybe – but it lets the Beeboid have a nice trip to the Lakes at our expense.
The BBC – fatuous as usual.
The previous snippet had been about Greece. which “somehow has got itself into a mess. How about “which has bankrupted itself, just like Brown tried for the UK”
I’d put good money on this lass’s name only ever being mentioned in the context of an inteview with some race-hustling academic who’s explaining that Mia Love, Colonel West and friends aren’t authentically black.
Still no droll, drawling sophisticated BBC comment on the whiteness of Occupy I see. Or how ‘angry’ they are.
Black out on the white out, as it were.
Mia Love is not a stereotype. She does not advance the BBC’s agenda. So she will be ignored. If she is voted into office she will be sidelined as an abberation. If she becomes powerful she will be identified as a traitor to her “race’. If she rises to the very top she will be “Palinised”. A tough road and I wish her all the luck.
Mark Mardell and his ilk will never be convinced they are wrong because they are British, upper middle-class, university educated snobs. If they did admit they are blind to reality, they will have to admit they have spent all their little lives jumpng through the wrong hoops.
Preisser, thank you for introducing me to this woman. I will open my meager wallet at once and contribute to her campaign.
Whatever reasons they have for giving her zero press coverage, it certainly wasn’t due to race – most of those positions are exactly the same as those of Herman Cain. I don’t know what you’re getting at with playing the race card there.
As for why she has recieved no coverage – probably more to do with the fact that she’s not running for president, she’s running for a congressional district in Utah. The US President is a highly influential postion on the world stage, whereas the junior congresswoman for Utah (if she even wins, which is far from certain) never would be.
There’s no reason why they *would* cover her – in Utah, it’s news. In Britain, it’s not.
If she wins, it’s news only in the sense that it will be a heck of an achievement, given that Utah is a state run by and almost entirely populated by Mormons and Mormon doctine teaches that black people have black skin because they are evil (or were in a previous life) and can’t go to heaven.
That she managed to get elected Mayor of a city of 1009 people (which is, I’m sorry to say, a very Palin-y trait), the first black mayor anywhere in the history of Utah is a massive achievement in and of itself – but then again, it’s far harder to condemn and class as evil someone you have met and know well personally.
Statewide, she will really struggle and I doubt whether Utah is ready for that.
I wasn’t saying the BBC should be covering her now. Not at all. I’m saying that at some point during the whole election year, they ought to mention her. Mardell and the other 54 Beeboids currently employed in the US have most certainly reported on Senate and House of Reps. elections in various states in the past. So the defense that she’s not running for President so they don’t have to bother simply doesn’t wash.
As even Mardell knows, control of the Congress is just as important as who wins the White House when it comes to getting things done in Washington. So they do cover Congressional races once things get close to November. So they better pay attention, especially given how their anti-Tea Party and bigoted agenda led them to ignore people like Col. West during the 2010 mid-terms.
And how nice of you to condemn all Mormons. As it happens, in the 1970s, the church elders actually had one of those “revelations” where they do a 180 on controversial issues, and have since allowed blacks to become priests and bishops. I’m pretty sure these people would beg to differ with your assertion that Mormons think they’re evil.
In any case, whether or not Mia Love will fail due to Mormon racism is kind of beside the point. So is any derogatory comparison to Sarah Palin. The issue is that this woman is yet another example of how non-Left values are color-blind, and how it’s possible to oppose the President’s policy without being a crypto-racist. This is the kind of thing that will cause cognitive dissonance at the BBC. They’ll censor news of people like Ms. Love, and continue to mislead on the US political scene.
How’s that for “playing the race card”?
To my knowledge, the phenomenon of Congressman Col Allen West has got no mention from Mark Muddle or any of his ‘ever so unbiased’ colleagues.
Allen joining the left wing dominated congressional black caucus and then threatening to resigning Sept last year due to anti-white racist remarks from one of its members was certainly of huge news value but didn’t register a dicky bird on ‘finger on the pulse’ BBC.
As DP says, Mardell and the BBC’s US Correspondents as a whole are he BBC’s ‘US Presdident Correspondents’.
Mardell eventually did get around to mentioning Col. West a few days before the Nov. 2010 mid-terms. But it was in passing, and the BBC censored reporting of any other black Republican candidates, all while continuing to suggest that opposition to the President was quietly driven by racism, even though Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and Barney Frank and Chris Dodd and the various Democrat Governors and other Democrat incumbents who lost were white. And then there’s the strange notion that there are racists who dislike only black people, and have no problem with Hispanics or people of Indian descent.
Spike, how welcome it is to have a critic of B-BBC who actually presents arguments and opinions, rather than the sneers and jeers of a far left homobigot like Scez.
Must come as a relief to some at the BBC that not all the people here who come on to defend it are so tacky and lacking in self-awareness.
“he’s useless and biased“? Say it ain’t so!
When I saw this I read the website memories of Bill Whittle’s “The Narrative” video came back to me. In fact many things came back to me. I thought of the comments of former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov on the subject of demoralisation, especially those so lost to a cause that if you showed them empirical proof that black is black, you could not convince them that it isn’t white. That’s where people like Mardell and the BBC are with their viewpoint of many subjects including US politics.
They’re lost to anything that affects their worldview and when it crops up they employ a more sophisticated version of fingers in their ears going “la la la, I’m not listening to you”. We won’t hear of Mia Love unless she’s done something worthy of criticism. Just like we only really got a whiff of Herman Cain once the trouble started. Alan West is Alan Who? right now. After the flash mobs in Philadelphia we didn’t get much of Mayor Alan Nutter’s tour de force. Also, whatever happens the BBC will never permit sidebar commentary from people like Kevin Jackson at
Well you let these people have a voice and you end up with a major problem. One in which the illusion of the so called progressives is shattered into a thousand pieces. One in which the black nation within the US learns that they’ve been had. They’ll learn that the so called progressives don’t want these people standing on their own two feet, because there are no votes in it for them. once they learn they have the talent and capability to go it alone, the progressives have no one to tout their big government snake oil to. With that gone there’s no dependency which means no taxpayers cash to buy votes with.
So of course we won’t hear a damn thing about the messages from people like Mia Love.
Small correction – Michael Nutter.
Excellent comment, Andrew. Recently, we had a prominent black, New Labour politician, displaying precisely this enforcement of the ‘progressive’ status quo. This arrogant politician, approached by a personable young black woman of a social conservative bent, told the young lady that ‘She didn’t do black stuff’, implying she was some kind of ‘coconut’, & should go & ‘Work for a Tory’. The politician was, of course, Diane Abbott: the overflowing grease gun of the Racial Grievance Machine. A so-called champion of black people, but one who wants to keep them in a perpetual state of dependency & resentment. Abbott couldn’t have given the game away more blatantly. Nothing more than a destructive anachronism: like the BBC.
She said ‘Go work for a white Tory’.
Exactly right. ‘Progressives’ NEED a permenently alienated and aggrieved dependency class to maintain their power. They have been using the Black community for nigh on a century now but some are starting to rebel.
More here…
“Here’s the problem,” she said. “Government is not going to save us from ourselves; at some point, we’re going to have to take responsibility for ourselves, make decisions for ourselves and either reap the benefits or suffer the consequences of our own decisions.”
Like Allen West, who passed us in the hall and greeted Love with a brisk “Mayor” and nod of the head, Love seems to be the embodiment of the motto, “Take away excuses and all that’s left are results.”