A Biased BBC reader notes;

“I heard this story onRadio 1’s Newsbeat last night, they were trying to claim that in the US 1 in 10young people have been physically attacked in a relationship but then foundsomeone to better the statistic and claim 50% of young people in relationshipshad been subjected to physical violence (I wonder if that means the other 50%of people questioned were the abusers?) Utter rubbish either way and of all the news generated from America, an oddthing to be mentioned (unless you hate the States…)

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8 Responses to ALL IN THE FAMILY

  1. cjhartnett says:

    Only wish that the BBC would analyse their own stats before putting them out…More or Less can be good for this, but…unfortunately…seems not to bite the hand that feeds it.
    An O.U/BBC joint production that ought to look at the maths twaddle that its own “funding stream” slops out for the rest of us.
    I know its Newsbeat-on the anti-intellectual Radio 1-but there`s no excuse…Chris Moyles surely knows enogh maths to blag his expenses doesn`t he?


    • My Site (click to edit) says:

      Lies, damn lies, statistics, and BBC headline-story ‘research’.. via 31… (i read below) ‘journalists’ on public payroll.


  2. ian says:

    These figures of course do not include assaults by females on males, despite Newsbeat’s use of the expression “boyfriend or girlfriend”.


  3. Hugh says:

    It’s been said before, but it bears repeating. Newsbeat has a team of 31 journalists for two quarter hour bulletins a day, 12.45 and 5.45, and hourly news and half hourly headlines on Radio 1 and 1Xtra during daytime. Most large commercial radio stations achieve comparable output with less than a third that number. And I don’t just mean ‘rip and read’ from news agencies, I mean delivering high quality packages on any newsworthy event.


  4. Scott says:

    “Utter rubbish either way”

    Any evidence for claiming it’s utter rubbish?

    No, didn’t think so.


  5. john says:

    Scott – “No, didn’t think so.”
    A little presumptious this morning aren’t we sweetie ?


    • My Site (click to edit) says:

      From the Blackened ‘Ergo’ school of snipe, I’d hazard.


    • Scott says:

      If the report really is utter rubbish, then let Vance’s anonymous “reader” – why the anonymity anyway? – explain why it is.