Only the BBC would dare to present Gordon Brown as some sort of model politician, not on the make, in any way. As B-BBC Alan points out;
“Evan Davis standsguard over the corpse of Gordon Brown’s dignity this morning when theIndependent runs a story outlining the profitable new career in making speechesthat Brown has embarked upon. Davis admits Brown has raked in over £1.4 million since being debagged of hisPrime Ministerial office….but Evan reassures us, Brown, the Son of the Manse,has not lost his moral compass….most has gone to charity. Erm…except it hasn’t…the Independent reveals of the £1.4 million only£127,000 has gone to charity..
‘More than £127,000 has been given to charities, while nearly £997,000 in feesand just over £293,000 in expenses that he has generated have been paid to theOffice of Gordon and Sarah Brown, which they set up to facilitate theircampaigning and charitable work.’
Wonder if that charitable donation was set against tax? Still every little helps…as Brown’s constituents say when he occassionallygraces them with his presence and attends to the business of parliamentaryrepresentation that he was elected and is paid to do!
‘Goldfinger’ Brown has as keen a sense of entitlement as Blair, Mandelson, Straw, Prescott, Hewitt, Stephen Byers, Geoff Hoon & so on. They may have had their squabbles, but on one thing they put forward a united front, they are strictly on message: we’re worth it, besides, we’re shameless: & who are you to question our gross remuneration for trashing the British nation state? You little people, you bigots, so lacking in ‘nuanced opinions’. New Labour are obscene. And their top troughers should all have one more residence to add to their swollen portfolios – The Tower of London: after squirming through ‘Traitor’s Gate’.
Just who would pay this vast amount of money to listen to a failed politician? It says more about them than Brown.
England is on the way to failed state status.
Mr Brown, just like Mr Blair has to be brought to account for his actions. I don’t see why being a politician somehow exempts the individual for his actions. Rather than making millions of pounds after they walk away from the car crash, they have to be prosecuted, just like any other common criminal. If we don’t do this, we’ll never be rid of destructive parasites such as these.
Well we could start with the murder of Dr Kelly. He was either driven to suicide or killed by the Blair government.
Either way they deserve to pay for it.
Strewth, right wing political correctness – eew!
Which “charities” have benefitted, I wonder? The so-called “Smith Institute”, given a bollocking by the Charity Commission for just being Brown’s personal think tank?
This charity aspect has been made much of.
In yesterday’s paper review on SKY, the obligatory airhead luvvie jumped up and down that it was going to ‘charidee’, so all assembled decided that was OK then.
Guess they were unaware of the facts, along with the viewers they serve.
As a metaphor for our media, not bad.
Sure BBC ensured the distinction was made very clear.
“not a single penny” of the money went to Mr Brown personally.”
So important, they wrote it twice.
Mr. Brown at least can save on PR expenditure.
So when Helen Baoden talks of holding the powerrful to account, actual accounting not, as such, part of the remit?
“I see the traitor* Gordon Brown has been making a lot of money (albeit dwarfed by that “earned” by arch-vampire Blair: “The former Prime Minister’s secretive business empire declared a £12million turnover, up from £8.5million the year before”): Brown has received 1.4 million since leaving the job he should never have been allowed to take. I make that 66,666 quid a month (an appropriate number for such an evil shit). However, no word of whether this includes the £173,633.35 (click on image) by the British taxpayer**; I suspect it doesn’t include it; is he even doing his job as an MP?
* I am not sure whether it is warped Scottish nationalism, hidden Soviet sympathies, gross dumbfuckery or merely blinkered, lefty-twat incompetence but whichever it is he is in my top five (along with Blair) of those responsible for the ruination of the UK.
** Annualised 2010-2011 tax year only, from IPSA.”
Amazing that considering the bankers had a supporting role in the 2008 crash and the BBC calls them all names and demands most venomously that they must give up part of their contracted payments (including Barclays who were never bailed out by the government) they are remarkably supportive of the main architrect of said crash. Brown should be treated more severely than the bankers, but the BBC would rather confer sainthood on him. Is it coz he is red?
“ Still every little helps…as Brown’s constituents say when he occassionally graces them with his presence and attends to the business of parliamentary representation that he was elected and is paid to do! ”
Indeed. Somehow Davis forgot to balance his comments out with this. Oh well. I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation.
How could he lose his “moral compass”, he never had one and still hasn’t.
I thought Gordon Brown was charitable and that`s why he gave away our gold and sent money to the EU . Its just a pity that the dotty old fool didnt send it to the Battersea Dogs Home instead.
Mind you , were his actions more looney than Cameron sending money to India despite them saying they dont want it ?
I wonder if the ‘office of S&G Brown’ has registered as a charity?? That would enable Evan Davies to correctly report the situation, as 1.2m went to the S&GB charity and 127k to another charity…
Nice if we could catch him here! Alternatively, I may just set up my own ‘home office charity’ if there is a precedent for that kind of thing!