Was going to post the same thing…I bet Blacky wishes he hadn’t, the article is so poor even for him and he is getting ripped to shreads in the comments.
What the hell is a gate-opener? Black seems to almost think Gleick was doing us all a favor. Which I suppose is what he was thinking when he turned the fact that Gleick committed forgery on its head to become proof that the other documents are genuine, ergo the Heartland Institute is evil.
Funny how transparency is important when it comes to the HI, but the machinations of CRU and other climate high priests must be kept private at all costs.
Also, full marks to the moderators there for allowing dissent and strong words against Black’s behavior. Too bad this will just be interpreted as further proof that “denialst” ideas are gaining ground and the BBC needs to ramp up their Warmist prosletyzing even more.
Thanks Merlin for this!
Why the hell don`t the BBC take this one?…I`ve read Ed Stourtons book on the same subject and he`s as craven and mealy-mouthed as Browne is forensic and fearless.
Richard Black is getting another kicking in the comments as he still pushes the bogus information in the fake document as if it was real, based on the flawed assumption that it must be real because some of the other documents are real.
There is a massive difference between how he treats the climategate mails and these fakegate documents. Of course, he is trying to get the phrase deniergate into the public lexicon, but even in his own comments he is being reminded of the fakegate moniker as being the correct label.
My god I actually thought that even though I completely think he is a jerk and a cheap hack I at least felt he had brains some where as something has to remind him to breath in and out! but that statement is utter moron so I get the feeling he is a battery operated manikin[pun intended]! !
Gleicks supporters are now even trying to suggest that the FAKE document has been verified as genuine and truthful due to such a convoluted and twisted self-denial of logic that I cannot possibly fathom it, but they claim something along the lines of, —————————————-
“The other documents leaked are genuine, the information in those documents matches some of the information in the FAKED document, so that validates most of the FAKED document as being genuine, and if most of the the Faked document is genuine, then it pretty much ALL must be genuine. Additionally, because the FAKED document confirms what our suspicions were regarding the Heartland Institute and it’s backers, then it ALL must be genuine, and therefore this is not theft it is whistleblowing… Additionally, Gleicks actions as a Whistleblower mean that the documents were not stolen, because they were legitimately handed over, willingly, by the heartland institute to a whislteblower.
Therefore there has been no crime and Glieck is a hero, who sacrificed his own career for the truth, not a crook!”
I do not believe that I have EVER witnessed a more flagrant breach of the law being explained away in a more ridiculous, false, unrealistic, illogical, wrong-headed and idiotic way before in my four decades of living on this planet.
They have come up with that twisted pile of crap to utterly deny truth, logic and all connection with reality…. And they have the gall to call us rational, sceptical realists “deniers”?
THEY are the deniers. They are in complete and total denial of reality!
If you have to lie, cheat, steal or commit fraud to justify your argument, then your argument is not a just one.
After you have convinced people that you fervently believe your cause to be more important than telling the truth, you’ve lost the power to convince them of anything else.
I must say that I am happy to be on the side of the climate debate that accepts truth, reality and empirical evidence as being critical in the pursuit of scientific truth and to NOT be on the side which supports lies, deception, theft, fraud, bullying, and various forms of criminalty to be acceptable in imposing their warped view onto everyone else.
“By far the biggest single country donor is Japan, with $15 billion. The UK comes next with $2.471 billion and third is the United States with $1.704 billion. The EU member states as a whole, with the commission, have pledged $10.283 billion.
Appalling doublethink…and he`s the new science editor?
The Beeb will go down with its ship very soon…this bloke is the Comical Ali of Global Warming muppets.
Really resent him comparing MPS expenses as being the equivalent of what Gleick and chums were up to.
Black reminds me of a stonefish chucking up mud on the bottom of the sea…awful journalism.
Hope Heartland sue the BBC-and cite Black-for every penny.
I think that accolade falls on the broad shoulders of Mr. Shuckman who, after a hard fought battle, emerged with a very short straw as one of his market rate talents muddies (I think that was what they said it was) an already murky pool.
ps: Sueing the BBC means they… uniquely…pass on the bill to thee and me, whilst keeping the bonusses. I’m more keen on..accountability of a more professionally personal nature.
Wikipedia says that although science editor Shuckman got a BA in Geography (wow) he started as a local newspaper hack. Then he joined the beeb. Since then he’s been a defence/European/world affairs/environment ‘n’ science hack, in that order. So he’s well qualified to push editorial agitprop.
Yes, if Black is sued, we pay. But it would be small beer against the BBC’s £4.3 billion.
I believe Black is one of the “15 Friends” to whom Dr Gleick emailed the stolen Board papers of the Heartland Institute – and the FAKE “strategy paper”. Black published it instantly – without any proper check with the Institute.
The Institute’s likely legal action against the self-confessed document-thief Dr Gleick will through “discovery” find out who the “15 Friends” are. Anyone wanna bet that Black and the Guardian are not included in the list ? Who else could be expected to be such Warmist mugs ?
‘Anyone wanna bet that Black and the Guardian are not included in the list ?’
It’s a distinct possibility.
However, in confirming this I hope the highest principles of watertight oversight are (with certain irony) applied to finger all those quilty and/or complicit.
And, OK, as a fraction of £4Bpa, I might see the BBC using public funds and FoI exemptions a worthy investment in defending yet another example of their contra-piblic interest advocacy under guise of impartila ‘reporting’.
So I’ve just had a letter back from the BBC Trust. It says I have to complain to the BBC twice in order to refer my complaint to them, so they are going to ignore me.
Only problem is that the first sentence of my letter to them states explicitly that I have complained twice and been unhappy with the response to both complaints.
Thing is, when you consider they (claim to) speak for (well, to) the UK public, it’s probably tricky to actually listen. too.
Store that slight disconnect in the final para on what you freely stated and they wilfully ignored.
All adds to the ‘case’ that any individual may be making, or the one being constructed from the sum of all these until now carefully isolated instances.
Ain’t t’interent grand? No wonder the BBC doesn’t like folk hooking up ouside their sphere of… ‘influence’.
Have I misunderstood Newsnight, or are they seriously asking if there should be military intervention in Syria, based on the murder of a single journalist?
That`s what Newsnight has now become.
What a choice of gargoyle for the tawdry tattered irrelevance that this 24 Hours pretender now is.
Screens and a halal certificate please…this old nag isn`t fit even for the Staffies it`ll be worrying about later on the “show”!
I know mate, the bias is appalling isn’t it. The BBC seem to be supporting as oposed to reporting events in Syria. Now, I understand that innocents are being killed on both sides of the Syrian divide but is it any of the West’s business to intervene with blatant propaganda and bias on a daily basis? I think if our national media and politicians start trying to influence events then we are in dangerous territory indeed. The last I heard was that the US want to arm the rebels, many of whom are Al Quaeda militants just like they are in Libya and Egypt. So we now apprantly have a ridiculous situation wherein the US/BBC/Guardian are wanting to arm the true enemies of the west in the name of ethnic minority freedom and democracy? I am coming to the conclusion that the Arabs simply aren’t ready for this thing called democracy and that at the most we should just be sending aid in kind (like food, water and medical supplies for the innocent wounded but not money or arms) but should stay out of any military conflict. AND the BBC should just shut the f88k up with their incessant brainwashing left wing hysterical rants as it’s their job to report not support! All we ever hear about now is the bloody Arab Spring orthe nasty Tory cuts/reforms. I’m f88king sick of it!
The contradictions of INBBC (and its Arab League, and Organisation of the Islamic Conference policially motivated Islam) on West’s intervention:
1.) Iraq: no;
2.) Syria: yes.
Of course, INBBC would be appalled by a Western foreign policy designed to keep militarily weak all Islamic countries which currently oppose the West and its anti-Islamic values.
And the political left in Britain (inc Beeboids and Guardianistas) are forever campaigning for Defence cuts in UK anyway.
Well said Merlin. Every nation and people should be left to advance at their own pace. It’ll be bloody at times, as is every nation’s history, but it has nothing to do with anyone else.
Taking sides in a civil war never seems a good position to be in, especially if you don’t have to, and your interests are largely unaffected by which side wins. With the sole exception of plucky little Israel, I am sick to death of the entire Middle East. Arab Spring is just a form of bottled table water as far as I am concerned.
The bBC has employed far too many people with an Islamic axe to grind, chasing Arab world opinion, and they are ignoring the oncoming civil war in the UK. The one between the long-suffering British People and the Political Class.
Nope, you have understood it pretty well. What you have not been told is that AlQaeda are pouring into Syria to fight against Assad too. It looks like we are going back the the 1999 Kosovo playbook, where we Western powers trained, armed and funded Mujahadeen extremist terrorists and called them the KLA. These people went on to form what is now known as AlQaeda. AlQaeda being the name of the intelligence database which tracked personnel through the Pakistan ISI into Afghan to fight the Soviets. There were numerous databases, some for tracking weapons, others for money, drugs etc… The personnel one was called AlQaeda. The media have told you it was called “the base”. They were nearly right.
You are probably right. The modern liberal, so caring and non judgmental and so fierce in coming to the defence of any perceived slight to a minority, seems to like war. That is War in a Good Cause. That it still means death and misery seems to escape their notice.
Syria is not our problem. It is rightly the Syrians’ problem
That is the correct conservative view though with the left wing government we now have no doubt the usual suspects will be whining for ” intervention” .
Liberalism is a slow descent into madness.
Yes; INBBC supports Islamic countries of Middle East, North Africa and Asia in the demands that the West provide them with:
a.) massive foreign ‘aid’ which is often a transfer of funds from poorer people in the West to richer, corrupt people in Islamic countries. And it is noticeable how little funding the rich Islamic oil states provide to their co-religionists in other countries;
b.) military assistance, meaning that Western governments are
expected to fund Islamic jihadists supporters with our NATO troops – whose lives are on the line for our Islamic enemies in places like Afghanistan and Pakistan.
c.) mass Islamic immigration and colonisation of the West, and the imposition of Islamic rules on non-Muslims in Western countries.
-To reprise this piece from Simon Heffer-
“Mass immigration, and how Labour tried to destroy Britishness”
The Hague/Humphries interview on Toady – ostensibly about Syria – featured enough material for a dissertation on BBC bias, agenda-pushing, unaccountable hypocrisy.
Then let’s see them form a BEEBOID INTERNATIONAL BRIGADE, & get out there & do some fighting themselves. They seem very relaxed about young ‘British’ Somalis popping overseas to fight for Al Shabaab, an Al Qaeda franchise, why don’t they follow their pin-ups. I’m sure a few Poseur Battalions could be rustled up under Paul Mason’s command. Can you get charlie in Syria?
Swedish PM blasts Camerons Veto from last December!
Esler gets a smiley face on his Guardian, and the BBC continues to lead the pack in up-to date-analysis!
If you want to know why many of our public services seem to be so badly run and wasteful, read this article.
The rise and rise of Ms Incompetence Here came her first brush with trouble – a major postal votes scandal that ended up before the courts.
Election judge Richard Mawrey said fraud in the city ‘would have disgraced a banana republic’ and claimed Ms Homer, who was the city’s returning officer in her role as chief executive, had ‘thrown the rule book out of the window’.
He described her decision to allow postal ballot papers to be transported to the count in shopping bags as ‘the direst folly’.
Yet this did not stop her, in 2005, being chosen by the Home Office to run what was then called the Immigration and Nationality Directorate – this time on £200,000, plus bonuses.
Why its almost as if the regime wanted to find the most corrupt stooges available isnt it?
When you have corrupt mandarins in charge anything from vote rigging to allowing milions of illegal migrants in is easy peasy.
With bought off corrupt stooges placed in key positions the regime can do anything it likes and from the BBC to the HMRC to every institution the bought off regime stooges are now in charge.
And , as well as serial trough surfer Lin Homer; another public sector vampire rises from the grave to rave.
Yes folks…Cynthis Bower is leaving the …ahem…”Care and Quality Commission”.
Newly minted quango from Labour in 2009…and who better to run it than the bureaucrat that presided over the Stafford Hospital scandals that ended up killing over 1,000 people over three years?
Who better too that Cyn to pick up yet more consultancies, gongs and awards-and a fine pension and payoff parachute, belt and braces, copper bottomed gratuity-than the woman who watched Panorama in the old folks homes last year, and decided that it was regrettable and disappointing, and that she would have to do something.
So she showed up on Eddie Mairs show to say “something had to be done”
And now she`s done it…bagged a pension, left the place in chaos; but will forever vote Labour and be a chum of the BBC.
Maybe time to bring in Sharon Shoesmith, so we can really see how contemptuous the liberal elite are about us…and I`d not bet against that either!
Sadly, Lin Homer is typical of the senior ranks of the permanent civil service/ public sector/quango-land who achieve nothing and quickly move on to somewhere else to achieve nothing.
It was one of the same breed who turned the Child Support Agency from one set up to chase the impregnators of those benefit-career single muvvas to one that instead took on the easier task of chasing responsible fathers who already paid support to pay more.
“of 478,000 applications for support made over the past 18 months, just 61,000 absent parents had made any payments”.
MARK Grimshaw, who has spent the last two years in charge of the Child Support Agency, has been appointed as the new chief executive of the Rural Payments Agency (RPA). Announcing the appointment, Defra said Mr Grimshaw brings with him an ‘extensive track record in improving performance and customer focus in the private and public sector’.
Homer is just annother disaster at IND same as the rest of them.
It will be interesting to see how a non-Farage UKIP representative fares on Question Time…
Dear Tim Reed,
This Thursday at 10.35PM I will have the honour of representing UKIP on BBC1’s Question Time, in my role as Deputy Leader.
As George Osborne and the Conservative Party yesterday backed “bailing out” Greece with a further £110 billion, this is a golden opportunity for UKIP to once more demonstrate why we are the fresh choice for people in Britain. Not just on the EU but on immigration, crime, education and so much more.
I will champion our cause on Thursday night. Please do what you can – watch the show, tell your friends and consider making your most generous contribution to help UKIP fight for our democracy and prosperity against Brussels and the Westminster establishment.
5:30am ITV News headline and lead item
– Bar brawl involving Labour MP Eric Joyce.
6:00 am BBC Breakfast News
– RBS expected to announce loss, bonuses (boo hiss) and mention of interview of boss on yesterday’s One show (surely news for last night’s 9pm news, not this morning’s news)
– Somalia aid
– Death of Marie Colvin
– Doctors and illegal secret abortions
– Univeristy courses (figures from a union of course)
– Finally! a man “thought” to be a Labour MP arrested in the house of commons bar. And, err, that’s it. 10 second read out.
No doubt by the time the headlines come around at 8am, it will have been dropped and all forgotten. Move alone, there was never going to be anything to see.
Even here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-17136209 headline is “MP held over Houses of Parliament bar assault”. Wot no room for the word ‘Labour’? You’d never have problem fitting in ‘Tory’ if it were a Tory and you wouldn’t get all mealy mouthed with the uncertainty of the MP’s party.
It was labour MP Frank Joyce, a former Northern Ireland shadow minister who had to resign from Milinband’s shadow cabinet in November 2010 for being convicted of a criminal offence of refusing to provide a sample when arrested for drink driving…
This was the same day that Lord Young resigned as an advisor to the coalition government for making a true, but unwise statement about people with mortgages “doing well out of the recession because of the low interest rates.”
Which of the two resignations on that day did the BBC lead it’s TV, Radio and internet news with all day? Which of the two did the BBC not report AT ALL?
Yup You guessed it, they led their whole day with the no.1 top news item of the vonservative resignation over a heartless and sick comment by the nasty George Young whilst wilfully ignoring the criminal conviction and resignation of Eric Joyce.
Had to laugh this AM with BBC world news so utterly desperate for an economist to spin the euro deal as a good thing they simply brought on a fake economist in the form of a euroslime appologist from Birmingham university and he did the papers review too.
Its all good news according to this fake economist, the EU deal is great news and will fix everything and Greece and the eurozone will march towards a bright new future of growth.
I bet you £100 that the three BBC headlines for the remainder of this month will orbit around Syria, Greece and the Tory NHS reforms (perhaps something about Iran, Africa or Obama if we’re ‘lucky’) . Can anyone spot a socialist thread throughout the three stories?
Dame Nicky Cambell consolidates his lead as arch-feminist on 5 Live.
A BBC discussion on selective abortion by gender goes off at half cock – sabotaged by our Nicky shooting the breeze with some female comediene. Of course Leight-weight is far more interested in his own feminist credentials than with this serious and worrying news report.
‘I have four daughters!’
‘You nearly have your own female five-a-side football team!’
But why would the Beeboid have such contempt for this news story?
The Daily Telegraph carried out an investigation into sex-selection abortions after concerns were raised that the procedures were becoming increasingly common for cultural and social reasons.
However a BBC article based on the Telegraph report fails to mention that these gender based abortions might be on the increase or that there may be a ‘cultural’ motive driving any increase.
‘However a BBC article based on the Telegraph report fails to mention…’
So, bascially, the BBC serves to be handed the facts and then remove any that don’t suit before passing on to an audience who either don’t care, or do but are compelled to swallow it anyway?
“Nicky shooting the breeze with some female comediene”
I noticed he didn’t ask Jimmy Cricket and Sid Little for their opinions on sex selective abortion, did he?
R5L would be screwed if it didn’t have its roster of lefty comedians to call upon for predictable right-on opinion. They’d have to play even more of their tedious shouty trailers to fill the airtime.
Judging by her Twitter feed the female comedian in question is quite matey with Campbell which helps explain the chummy nature of the interview. Since that appearance she has has also been on Jeremy Vine and BBC regionals Newcastle, Essex, Manchester, Foyle, Sheffield, Three Counties, West Midlands, Northampton, and Tees. I wonder if each appearance had to be booked by a different BBC producer.
“What did you do at work today?” “Oh, I’m exhausted! I had to click on the BBC’s List of Approved Guests and book Kate Smurthwaite to appear on our show. Boy, do I need a drink now.”
Yeah, my point. Typical R5L – right-on comic gives chattering class-approved opinion about socio-political issues and is then asked about Frank Carson. Next up, a couple of old school seaside turns talk fondly of Carson, so why not follow the logic of the thing and ask them to pontificate about abortions? Their views are no more or less worthy than some hack comedian Nicky Campbell has taken a shine to because she appeared on the Big Question (wonder if he looked up her skirt). Why is the BBC’s default setting always lefty comedian? Why not ranting taxi driver?
Although they do not repeat any of his jokes. He was a member of UKIP so could not be openly endorsed as a real comic according the the current BBC definition.
You are right Dez. Conservative is mentioned very near the top of the article, his party affiliation is not hidden away as it would be if from the other side.
During Paul Mason’s report from Greece on Newsnight last week he discussed lefty politics with impoverished lefties in a bar “run by one of the far left groups” (approx 5.30 in) Is that a bottle of champagne screwing up the continuity? Surely not!
Like their British counter-parts, this far-left group are no doubt from affluent homogenous neighbourhoods, then at weekends like to dress up in strange costumes and head to inner city areas to patronise those who live there.
Never watch them, but can any of the droid lurkers on here (looking at you dopey dez) tell me how many instances of paedophile grooming by quote unquote men, and ‘honour’ murders have been portrayed on these programmes.
Surprisingly balanced report on what’s happening in Luton. Although a bit ditzy, the presenter is far superior to the average smug, pompous, self-righteous piece of far-left filth that the BBC would usually use for this type of programme, and who would have used it as an opportunity to spend an hour licking Anjem Choudary’s arse.
Yes, I must watch that. I’ve just seen a short clip in which the presenter, a young woman originally from Luton, was stoutly defending herself from insults and intimidation by an aggressive bunch of Muslim fanatics on a march.
As you can see from the blog posts below, some were less than enthusiastic, particularly in regard to the presenter. All opinion and little knowledge seems to be the general view. This is increasingly they way with BBC documentaries, especially on BBC3 – the yoof channel – find someone who is fashionably metropolitan and loaded with ‘attitude’ (code for lippy but vacuous).
The conclusion is that we all need to be more tolerant of the intolerable, and show more understanding. It’s ignorance(ours) that is to blame for this lack of understanding. I really don’t think the British public could be MORE accomodating, it’s already gone way too far, but I guess we will always be considered to be at fault. As Douglas Murray so often says, when it comes to OUR customs and conventions, some things are just NOT negotiable. If only that were so in the eyes of our so-called leaders, who would rather look away and pretend that there’s no problem.
She seems to be under the impression that Sharia Law ought to be up for negotiation! We need to compromise, you see…and if it’s only to be applied within their own communities, then bring on the ghettoisation, in the name of community cohesion – doublethink at it’s finest. Equality under the law is such a culturally Imperialist notion. <sigh>
I do have some sympathy for her, as she’s clearly trying SO hard at some points to not appear disapproving or judgemental – she really can’t afford to take any other approach, publically. I’ll bet she has a great deal of unspoken confict. As she says in the programme, she barely recognises the town where she grew up…and she’s only 25!
Spot on Mr Reed. She was a very stupid girl (in terms of her abstract intelligence) but she tried to make sense of things at an emotional and compassionate level. At times her struggle was almost painful to watch. Usually the BBC supplies predetermined conclusions and these are generally completely at odds with (and completely uninterested in) reality, but for once we were given a glimpse of an uncomfortable reality.
It made me think, which for a BBC programme is extremely unusual. The function of the BBC is generally to supply Leftist correct thinking. It tried to do this at the end, but very unsuccessfully.
One of the most striking things was the complete lack of tolerance showed by the Muslim community. The way the EDF leader was treated as he walked down the street was more reminiscant of Northern Ireland or Pakistan or tribal Africa than it was of England.
It is hard not to conclude that Muslim immigration has been a disaster, and will be the cause of endless problems for centuries to come.
Yet again the Left has a lot to answer for – hate filled nihilists.
Why does the BBC fail to inform the reader that the alleged victim of the assault was the MP’s 24 year old son? Wouldn’t want the reader to get the impression that a a family squabble might have got overheated, I expect.
I am suggesting that your political convictions are not unconnected to your defence of the BBC.
I am suggesting that if the BBC was not made by and for (and in order to further the views interests of) middle class Leftists you would not be so keen to defend it.
To describe this as an “ad hominem” attack is to make a category error.
The claim that your political convictions are RELEVANT to your defence of the BBC is a claim about the RELEVANCE of your (as indicated by your posts) personal political convictions.
“Re: Calder Valley MP Craig Whittaker arrested in assault probe
Why does the BBC fail to inform the reader that the alleged victim of the assault was the MP’s 24 year old son? Wouldn’t want the reader to get the impression that a a family squabble might have got overheated, I expect.”
Quick, change the subject!
Actually, I think being arrested for assaulting ‘your own son’ sounds much worse than ‘some random bloke or other’.
But then again, I’ve never had to call the police because; “a family squabble might have got overheated” before. So what do I know…
No. You posted a link, I read it, found it to be missing an important piece of information and decided to comment about it. Please feel free to carry on with the subject if you wish.
Actually, I think being arrested for assaulting ‘your own son’ sounds much worse than ‘some random bloke or other’
I hope you’re not suggesting that the BBC left this out to spare a Tory MP extra embarrassment. Please don’t – I’ll die laughing.
But then again, I’ve never had to call the police because; “a family squabble might have got overheated”
Last time I watched Eastenders, getting in each others faces and slapping each other around (or worse) is the norm. Is this not correct?
Continuing with the ‘stories that the BBC forgot to mention’ series, here you can find the details of two young white lads who were savagely beaten and mugged by a 15 strong gang of ‘Asians’ (Pakistani Muslims).
Obviously it’s not being classed as a racist hate-crime. I mean, it’s not as serious as a bloke being caught on camera scratching his arm pit at a football match . . .
The story about abortion on basis of sex is reported on the Radio 4 news as abortion of “male and female foetuses”. Yet the Telegraph article mentions that there is some evidence that foetuses aborted are more likely to be female. This is well known anyway. It has been going on for donkeys’ years in parts of Asia, such as India, and China because of the one child policy and is brought to the UK by immigrants. So the Beeboids’ report is misleading, probably deliberately so.
Of course it is girls being selectively aborted. The same problem with the same cultural demographics has been identified in Canada, USA, Australia and New Zealand.
For the same cultural reasons.
It has even shown up in the 2000 US Census data analysis.
So it has been going on for quite a while under the noses of those charged to ‘police’ the industry.
Of course, the BBC omits important information that suggests that a alien cultural preference might be at play.
The story behind it all is an Associated Press Investigation into the NYPD investigation into Islamic Groups and institutions to support counter terrorism efforts.
If it’s old news why is the Beeb running with it now. Might it have something to do with the fact that the AP have recently annouced that the journalists responsible for the story have just won an award for it?
To be honest I smell something of rat here given the age of the story and many outlets revealing this week as though it’s a revelation. Part of that is I suspect this is cut and paste journalism.
Oddly enough though, they’ve covered everyone’s outrage but they haven’t really had much of a dig around the story.
The secret report that they link to is in reality poor. At 60 pages it sounds like a real tome of counter terrorism profiling. The reality is oh so different. The bulk is data probably available off the internet. The surveillance they describe in it, defies description. Hard intel such as this for Newark Fried Chicken:
Location is in good condition and has seating for 10-15 customers
The so called scret report appears to be nothing, yet this is where the empahsis of the report and the outrage seems to lie. It’s easy to present this as an unwarranted intrusion on people’s lives and easy to present as baseless behaviour on the part of NYPD.
If any Biased BBC readers have ever read Gerald Posner’s Why America Slept, one gets a different light on this. The book looks back at the years leading up to 9-11 and presents the terror attack as a collection of missed opportunities to address the issue that was growing up in the US at the time. The opening chapter highlights how within predominantly islamic communities from which the Twin Towers were visible to the naked eye, anti american, jihad related material and activity hid in plain sight. This took place in regular areas such as restaurants, shops and food stores. Everything the authorities needed to know was all around them and visible.
It also charts the rise of the blind cleric Sheik Rahman within New York and how he benefitted from the timely murder of the existing Imam which allowed him to preach his message of jihad within the area.
The book charts how law enforcement authorities backed off addressing this and oh how they paid the price for it because it allowed extremisim to thrive.
In the BBC report, little is made of the comment “we go where the leads take us” suggesting they’ve followed up on tip offs. Probably because it takes them somewhere they don’t want to go.
Speaking of somewhere they don’t want to go, let’s have a quick look at that throwaway reference to the protest from the academics at the top of the report in which the NYPD were looking at the universities. Questionable behaviour? Maybe.
Of course it helps that narrative if you leave out some details about the ongoing problems of on campus radicalisation such as that seemingly being promoted by some branches of the Muslim Students Association founded in 1963 by that moderate group the Muslim Brotherhood:
The problem with the report as presented? It gives the impression that it’s a baseless trail based only on prejudice when digging around shows it to be anything but.
In the light of your comments, I take the opportunity to post the comments of Dr Essam Abdallah. It makes for very interesting reading. (Source link at end)
The article is titled:
Islamist Lobbies’ Washington War on Arab and Muslim Liberals
Dr. Essam Abdallah is an Egyptian liberal intellectual who teaches at Ain Shams University and writes for the leading Arab liberal publication Elaph.
“One of the most important activities of the Islamist lobby in the US is the waging of political and media wars on the liberal Arabs and Middle Eastern figures and groups in America. This battlefield is among the most important in influencing Washington’s policies in the Arab world. If you strike at the liberal and democratic Middle Eastern groups in Washington who are trying to gain support for civil societies in the region, you actually win a major battle. You will be able to influence the resources of the US Government to support the Islamists in the Middle East and not the weak democrats. This huge war waged by the Islamist lobbies in America started at the end of the Cold war and continued all the way till the Arab spring. The two main forces of this lobby are the Muslim Brotherhood fronts and the Iranian fronts. According to research available in the US, the Ikhwan fronts such as CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations), led by Hamas supporter Nihad Awad, as well as the Muslim Public Affairs Council, the Islamic Society of North America, and others waged their political war to block the representatives of Arab liberals and Muslim moderates from making their case to the American public.”
I post this as information. I hope it will be of interest to readers attuned to the light-weight analysis underpinned by BBC bias that purports to report from the ‘Middle East’.
The story is old but the driving force behind it right now appears to be Newark Mayor Cory Booker.
“The mayor of New Jersey’s largest city called for state authorities Wednesday to investigate a widespread spying operation conducted in Newark’s Muslim neighborhoods by the New York Police Department that he characterized as “deeply offensive.”
And of course where the HuffPo leads the beeb follows – a bit like the Guardian in the UK.
So why all the fuss now? A quick look at Mayor Cory Booker’s website answers that question. You can visit the site and if so inclined contribute to his 2012 ELECTION CAMPAIGN.
The added benefit to the BBC is that it can once again post a “Muslims = victims” story. As we’ve discussed here before, it’s the only time the “M” word is ever used on the BBC.
And talking about missing information – how about the “D” word? Try and find out in any news report what party the African American, gay, defender of Muslim rights Mr. Booker belongs to? If he is a proud Democrat why not shout it from the rooftops? Oh yeah…I forgot…the election!
Seething at You and Yours at the moment – the idiot Tim Yeo telling us how we are going to be carbon neutral, and the greenest country in the world, and complaining that the public aren’t “engaging” with “saving” energy.
Maybe it’s because the public are slowly becoming wise to the carbon scam, and that the idea of carbon “emissions” is a lie and means absolutely nothing.
Their main thrust is still carbon – why? When it’s so fucking obvious that carbon (or CO2) has nothing to do with anything, and has been proved to be nothing to do with temeperature change. Why is there never anyone allowed near a studio who questions all this?
The Climate Alarmist’s reasoning as to the fake docment in the fakegate leak actually being genuine, would be similar to me not having a driving licence, and stealing one from someone else with the same name as me and claiming, “of course I must have passed my driving test, I have a driving licence to prove it. And look, the information on it is mostly true, and I always believed I could drive anyway, so combining all these matters I guess I can legally drive now!”
Asked some believer on WUWT if they would be so dismissive if they brought a Van Goch and found that the dealer had stolen the paperwork to cover the fake he sold me ?
no answer !!
The Beeboid Corporation loves to promote its favourites across its vast empire of both television and radio and rarely misses an opportunity to do so, leaving us with the sense of endless recycling of the same few faces here there and everywhere until we feel weary of the sight and sound of them.
Last night Masterchef on television channel Beeboid One provided one of those golden opportunities. The contestants were cooking a formal dinner for luminaries of the legal profession at Middle Temple, including Law Lords of the Supreme Court, Lords Justices of Appeal, Mr and Lady Justices of the High Court and assorted QCs. The Beeboids do their usual thing of course. Guess who is given the spotlight to tell us what’s what – see from 19 03 to 19 22 –
and pops up again at 21 07 for a second go in the spotlight! http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b01cmd4r/MasterChef_Series_8_Episode_9/
I suppose it’s not quite the done thing not to tell you who it is without having to open the link and look but on the other hand you might enjoy the moment of revelation more by seeing it.
Yes, Mrs MVR makes me watch this every week, and I too noted this ‘celebrity’ as well. Shami must have loads of doppelgangers, as she pops up simultaniously it seems on all BBC channels at the same time.
The BBC simply cannot resist shoehorning their little agendas in whatever the programme, including childrens’ programmes. My 1 year old grand daughter loves ‘In the night garden’ on Ceebeeb, and therer is hardly a white face to be seen in any of the characters. Furthermore, the white characters portrayed are shown as ‘thick’.
On the subject of Shami – Didn’t she start her celebrity career playing the Indian assassin in one of the Pink Panther films?
From: xxxxx Sent: 22 February 2012 22:09To: NewsOnline ComplaintsSubject: Complaint {Title:} Mr {First Name:} James{Last Name:} Gowland{Under 13:} No{Email:} xxxxx {Postcode:} NE12{Location:} England{Feedback Type:} I would like to… Make a complaint{Complaint type:} BBC News (TV Radio Online){Complaint about:} BBC News Online{Complaint category:} Bias{Contacted before:} No
{Complaint:} ‘The proposed modules would, for example, state that “whether humans are changing the climate is a major scientific controversy” and that “natural emissions [of CO2] are 20 times higher than human emissions”.
The first is just wrong. It may be a public debate; but within science, the question is how much, not whether.’
Have I really just read this? Is Richard Black trying to state that Global Warming is fact? ‘but within science, the question is how much, not whether’, I think this comment is horrendous as scientists don’t all agree when it comes to global warming, many scientist disagree with the theory that humans are changing the climate, yet Mr Black totally dismisses this.
The BBC sees two kinds of “sting” or “entrapment”.
1. Last night , some airhead popsie took a day trip to her constituency in Liverpool to worry about dangerous dogs…a Labour teenage class warrior from a naice school, and she has Newsnights cameras with her to “demand legislation”, “down with this sort of thing” and “more dog wardens please”, and rabies shots for postmen…that kind of thing.
This is NOT a sting…for this is GOOD…why , eleven people last year died of this…
2. Today the Telegraph reprt on illegal abortions based on the gender of the baby…let me guess..girls?…Asian?…Muslim?
But according to the Abortion Rights UK harpie yelling at us all on “You and Yours”…this is entrapment…this is a BAD thing, and only some off message drum banger like Nadine Dorries could defend that.
Nadine Dorries did…and I`m a fan of hers…she hates Dianne Abbott as much as we do!
My femist scale now ranges from the wondrous Nadine…to the lousy Lucinda/wha`EVA who did the dog thing.
Any dog that goes for Beeboids or blow-in MPs of the Labour persuasion clealy has taste and discernment…and let`s breed some more before Labour know our secret weapon!
Seems like many Argentine intellectuals think the politicians trying to whip up a public furore about the Falklands are fools, and have written to their government to say so. They say, correctly, that Argentina should build links and trust with the islanders No word on this news from the BBC, who are no doubt pondering whether to start calling the islands the Malvinas to avoid “offending” anyone
That way it paints the picture that Labour are being tough, taking decisive action, not standing for any trouble etc.
They could have easily used the more accurate headline – “Labour MP suspended for assault”, but that of course would emphasise the wrong doing by an MP, a Labour MP and doesn’t allow Labour to turn bad news into good.
Notice also the assault being in quotes – let’s make sure there’s a bit of doubt with the claim of assault.
Didn’t make it’s way on to the 10 o’clock news main headlines did it? Some bint no ones heards of with links to Cameron having to resign a voluntary post made number 3 though Did they mention it at all? The missus made me turn over follwong the headlines.
As the oil price surges leading to record petrol and diesel prices shouldn’t the BBC’s economics editor Stephanie Flanders be on the case?
Actually she did move away from politics and promoting Ed Balls at the turn of the year to tell us she expected the oil price to FALL in 2012. Well done Steph!
No wonder floundering Flanders is not writing her blog this week…
After just one day, comments are now closed on Richard Black’s weaselly article attacking the Heartland Institute rather than the fraudster Dr Peter Gleick.
So – he takes 36 hours before he reports Gleick’s confession, surely a hot story that he should have covered immediately, given he was ultra-quick in his original report splashing the stolen documents and the fake “Strategy” paper. Then as soon as his article is trenchantly criticised by commenters – comments are closed down.
Yes, I’m afraid the commenters were decidely ‘off-message’ and therefore had to be shut down. It confuses the Beeboids when the proles fail to respond ‘correctly’.
Oh…forgot to say!
An agry at the hour by hour upgrade from “illegal” ….to “well Lansley can say that but there`s a debate to be had”
Apparently, gender abortions weren`t envisaged in the 67 Act…and surely ` womans mental health might be at risk if she came to term with a baby of the “wrong gender”.
I`d be very surprised if the BBC aren`t frantically ringing round every “social policy” unit at their favoured unis to get as many Ebdons, Leathers, Slipmans, Furedis, Beards and Jardines as they can!
Wouldn`t have anything to do with that female/Islam thing would it…immigrants and incest in the home stuff perhaps?
That the BBC shuts down and skewers debate drives us to extremes…hope I`m wrong.
Yes the BBC 6PM news played it down as well, basically it was a setup, funny that the BBC didbn’t spin that line when Vince Cable got caught out, although we know that the BBC didn’t like it when Sky caught out the one eyed queen from Fife.
‘Urgent government action is the only thing that can stem the crisis…’
‘They were drawn from a daunting range of disciplines…’
‘…he wants governments to wake-up, stressing the need for urgent action.’
Reading these lines from an article posted on the BBC Mid-East webpage, what would you imagine are they referring to?
Well unless you consider that this is the BBC we’re talking about, i wouldn’t expect you to guess correctly.
The BBC have exceeded themselves with this their latest offering.
In one of the most asinine, conceited, head up their arse articles to get people concerned about environmental issues. Especially so as it is at a time and place in the world where the least of concern for most affected would be this.
Yet the BBC believe this issue is worthy of near top spot on their Mid-East webpage. Just below the stories of 50 killed in Iraq attacks, and the journalist who survived the attack in Syria asking to be evacuated. Yet this environmentalist BBC author, Sylvia Smith, seems oblivious to what is really going on in this part of the world, except as an almost aside, so full of her own self-importance. She hasn’t even proof read her article, or simply can’t speak English properly.
But worst of all is some of the assertions she reports, which we in the real world know to be complete bunkum.
There’s this paragraph as an example ‘But with Europeans deterred by a lack of money, or fear by fear of taking holidays in eastern and southern Mediterranean countries, places such as Syria and Egypt are already enjoying reduced tourist pressure on their precious wetlands.’
Enjoying? Sounds like it’s worth having a violent revolution so long as it protects the ‘precious’ wetlands. Never mind about the lives lost.
This is followed by this ‘This optimistic note was echoed by Nejib Benessaiah, the Tunisian co-ordinator of MedWet. “The Arab Spring has brought huge changes,” he states. “It is different in every country but the general trend is towards more democracy.’
I’ll leave it to you to decide if the correct term for the the assessment is ‘optimistic’, but I have yet to see where the trend following Arab Spring has been toward democracy. At least any definition that I understand. But then the BBC have never let facts get in the way of their desired narrative.
And in keeping with that they insert this line – “Overuse and pollution of water is forbidden in the Qu’ran and the Sharia,”
Look at most of the other stories going on around the world concerning Islam and see for yourself how impressed you are by the respect it gives to living beings, even of their own faith, never mind about water.
I’ve taken a screenshot of the webpage just in case of stealth edit.
WTF? What next? Polly Toynbee putting the case for abolishing the Duckworth Lewis method? Giles Fraser and Paul Ackford arguing about the rugby union scrummage laws?
Nothing to do with bias, but something very odd happened on the World Servce last night.
I was working late and, as you do, caught the 1am World Service news bulletin. The poor newsreader appeared to go into meltdown and could barely get through the opening story – she was hastily replaced. I don’t think there will be a link but I was wondering if anyone heard it.
It sounded as if she was on the point of fainting. I do hope she is all right.
Well well well, what a shock. How does BBC news report the thug Joyce’s actions? Well they wheel out a fellow jock (Ian Watson) to tell us that this is bad news for ALL MP’s (nice one) and that the Police are normally protecting MP’s but tonight they are investigating them.
Great job BBC, hardly a mention of what the thug Joyce is supposed to have done, but don’t worry Guido has the drop.
Nice job from the BBC there, a big thumbs up from Labour HQ.
Good for Rowan Atkinson. Women get TV presenting jobs because they are (young pretty) women, but when the same women cease to get presenting jobs (because they are not young pretty women any more) they complain about discrimination!
But what about the not-so-pretty women who may be extremely capable but never get a look in? TV seems to be packed with “pretty” vacuous people who have nothing to say.
Rowan Atkinson can be sensible at times but I find his attitude rather odd in this instance. He says “…if creative freedom means anything, it is having complete creative latitude to include or exclude anybody or anything for any reason.” However, the programme in question was a documentary (Countryfile), not Cinderella.
I also wonder whether “…include or exclude anybody or anything for any reason” extends to race, since we seem to have a one way street when it comes to white and black characters.
Einstein was a celebrity, so he would have had no trouble getting on TV. But if you want to REALLY find out about physics, you need to turn off your TV and get to grips with a book (or several books) of equations.
News today is of Labour MP, Eric Joyce, who has been arrested for assaulting a Conservative MP in a Commons bar. Naturally I was curious to see how the BBC would report this story, and they’ve been fairly neutral giving the facts.
The odd thing is when I did a search of this man on the BBC website I see a lot of negative stuff in this guys history, none of which is mentioned in the article on the assault. Seeing how when the BBC are out to discredit anybody they will go back to the year dot and make sure any issues are regurgitated throughout the current article, their neutrality over this Labour MP is clear ‘see no evil’ where he is concerned.
Expense Claim scandal – one of the worst culprits, and not just once.
Driving Ban for Drink-Driving
Scandal about opening 2 constituency offices less than 6 miles apart
Had the fewest backers to be elected to shadow cabinet
There are a few more dubious events surrounding him, and these are just the ones the BBC reports on. Any doubt if he had been Conservative that each of them wouldn’t be mentioned?
There is always a damage limitation exercise when it is one of their own, and any old slur will do if it is a Tory. The excitement the BBC got into when it was reported that the Hamiltons were involved in a rape was a sight to behold.
Oh, sorry, folks, it seems he was referring to the Republican debate on CNN last night. “This one was fast and furious,” he writes, “with the two main rivals of the moment Romney and Santorum repeatedly clashing.”
Does Mardell even realize the irony of using the phrase or is he taking the piss?
For new readers (and listeners and viewers to the BBC) “Fast and Furious” is the name given to the Obama Administration’s scheme to run guns to Mexican drug cartels. The guns went missing and were used against US law enforcement. The subject was not raised by John King last night even though the debate was in a state affected by cartel problems.
Its all about context,Dez. A guy just got fired from ESPN here in the US for saying “chink in the armour” about the Chinese-American basketball player Jeremy Linn. I guess you’d say, “Yeah, cos its a phrase never used by anyone EVAR”? How about calling a “spade a spade”? And countless other phrases wjhose meaing is changed by time and events. It’s something you’re supposed to be aware of when writing news bulletins and op-ed pieces. At least it was when I was in the BBC.
The irony, dear Dez, is that here in America “fast and furious” now means “gun running to the Mexicans” even more than it is the title of an action movie or a common phrase or saying. Mardell should have known that.
“The irony, dear Dez, is that here in America ‘fast and furious’ now means ‘gun running to the Mexicans’…”
Well, ok if you say so. But where as “chink” might obviously be interpreted as having something to do with Lin’s ethnicity; I fail to see how describing the latest Republican debate as “fast & furious” could be be interpreted as something to do Mexican drug cartels.
“The Republican Debate was like illegally smuggled guns” doesn’t really make any sense.
Didn’t Roy Hattersley get into trouble once for saying he believed in calling a spade a spade when talking about racism? In those days, however, nobody got offended but just laughed at the unintended pun. Today the entire “taking offence” industry would be invited on to Today to condemn it.
That on-going court case for which words may have been ‘lost in translation’ or censored.
1.) Daily Mail:
“‘He told me to get on the bed and told me to have sex with him’: Girl, 15, gives harrowing account of being plied with alcohol and passed around Asian gang for sex.”
What makes the BBC think that millions of readers will be interested in reading about the injuries sustained by a journalist they hadn’t even heard of till yesterday?
What makes the BBC anyone gives a shit about Syria in the first place?
Amazing that thousands of muzzie’s can get worked up over the burning of a few stupid books, but when their own are being slaughtered not a single protester in sight.
Where is the SWP? Amnesty International, the trade unions and the other leftist twats? Not a single protester in Trafalgar Square demanding Assad be put on trial.
Don’t you just want to laugh? God knows why the right are getting worked up over Syria.
Newsnight going on about bankers pay again and disclosing pay, but the BBC of course refuse to disclose what beeboids get paid or if they are all PAYE
Having seen four so-called “business leaders” sitting round Kirsty Wark and getting bawled out in regard of “morals and business” : i despair.
Where does the BBC get off on deciding that trying to find work for kids at Tesco is immoral…but aborting baby girls is not?
And more to the point-what kind of sick thinking is going on at the BBC, where the likes of Wark PLC(employees…1 on a perpetual sinecure!) can tell the CEOs of Greggs, Mars,Wates and Waitrose that they`re likely to be taxdodgers, crooks, slavers and predatory scum?
What the hell is WRONG with these people…if this is British business, we`ll be Chinese offshore by 2020…and we`ll deserve no better.
Who among us is going to get ourselves on the BBC to ensure “our legacy” by ruining a few careers of these presumptuous, bumptious and arrogant shits.
Sitting ducks…the BBC is the sleek fat fox that`s eating them, and no-one is blasting the Warks out of the water…what the hell is wrong with us all?
Being a predominantly Marxist-supporting organisation, BBC-NUJ accepts that under Marx’s definition, ‘labour’ is always and everywhere ‘exploited’ by capitalists.
(And it believes that Islam is ‘the religion of peace’.)
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Well my starter for ten is this piece by Richard Black, not me, the real one.
How can this story be completely ignored by the BBC other than this “follow up” opinion piece.
Was going to post the same thing…I bet Blacky wishes he hadn’t, the article is so poor even for him and he is getting ripped to shreads in the comments.
“As a parent and a citizen, if teachers use non-standard curriculum material, the main thing I would be worried about is accuracy.”
Arrange these words into a well-known phrase or sentence:
“Black” “Kettle” “The” “Calling”
C’mon, you have to admire the brass neck of a call for greater transparency from an employee of the Balen Broadcasting Corporation.
What the hell is a gate-opener? Black seems to almost think Gleick was doing us all a favor. Which I suppose is what he was thinking when he turned the fact that Gleick committed forgery on its head to become proof that the other documents are genuine, ergo the Heartland Institute is evil.
Funny how transparency is important when it comes to the HI, but the machinations of CRU and other climate high priests must be kept private at all costs.
Also, full marks to the moderators there for allowing dissent and strong words against Black’s behavior. Too bad this will just be interpreted as further proof that “denialst” ideas are gaining ground and the BBC needs to ramp up their Warmist prosletyzing even more.
They (He) needs a slap.
The empire crumbles, publicly.
An interesting read for anyone who’s got a spare ten minutes.
Click to access cs47-1.pdf
Thanks Merlin for this!
Why the hell don`t the BBC take this one?…I`ve read Ed Stourtons book on the same subject and he`s as craven and mealy-mouthed as Browne is forensic and fearless.
Richard Black is getting another kicking in the comments as he still pushes the bogus information in the fake document as if it was real, based on the flawed assumption that it must be real because some of the other documents are real.
There is a massive difference between how he treats the climategate mails and these fakegate documents. Of course, he is trying to get the phrase deniergate into the public lexicon, but even in his own comments he is being reminded of the fakegate moniker as being the correct label.
he is truly getting ripped a new one, and desrevedly so.
“In saying one of the documents was a fake, the institute also signified that the rest were genuine.”
My god I actually thought that even though I completely think he is a jerk and a cheap hack I at least felt he had brains some where as something has to remind him to breath in and out! but that statement is utter moron so I get the feeling he is a battery operated manikin[pun intended]! !
Black has no inteligence at all. He is an arrogant activist who, if the BBC were to adhere to their guidlines, would be in the dole queue.
Gleicks supporters are now even trying to suggest that the FAKE document has been verified as genuine and truthful due to such a convoluted and twisted self-denial of logic that I cannot possibly fathom it, but they claim something along the lines of, —————————————-
“The other documents leaked are genuine, the information in those documents matches some of the information in the FAKED document, so that validates most of the FAKED document as being genuine, and if most of the the Faked document is genuine, then it pretty much ALL must be genuine. Additionally, because the FAKED document confirms what our suspicions were regarding the Heartland Institute and it’s backers, then it ALL must be genuine, and therefore this is not theft it is whistleblowing… Additionally, Gleicks actions as a Whistleblower mean that the documents were not stolen, because they were legitimately handed over, willingly, by the heartland institute to a whislteblower.
Therefore there has been no crime and Glieck is a hero, who sacrificed his own career for the truth, not a crook!”
I do not believe that I have EVER witnessed a more flagrant breach of the law being explained away in a more ridiculous, false, unrealistic, illogical, wrong-headed and idiotic way before in my four decades of living on this planet.
They have come up with that twisted pile of crap to utterly deny truth, logic and all connection with reality…. And they have the gall to call us rational, sceptical realists “deniers”?
THEY are the deniers. They are in complete and total denial of reality!
If you have to lie, cheat, steal or commit fraud to justify your argument, then your argument is not a just one.
After you have convinced people that you fervently believe your cause to be more important than telling the truth, you’ve lost the power to convince them of anything else.
I must say that I am happy to be on the side of the climate debate that accepts truth, reality and empirical evidence as being critical in the pursuit of scientific truth and to NOT be on the side which supports lies, deception, theft, fraud, bullying, and various forms of criminalty to be acceptable in imposing their warped view onto everyone else.
“By far the biggest single country donor is Japan, with $15 billion. The UK comes next with $2.471 billion and third is the United States with $1.704 billion. The EU member states as a whole, with the commission, have pledged $10.283 billion.
Against that sort of funding, the money going to the Heartland Institute is not even a rounding error. What on earth are the warmists worried about?”
We know what Black is scared of – losing his parasitical job with the BBC.
Dr Gleick is a self-confessed thief of Heartland Institute board documents. Everything points to him also being the author of the FAKE strategy paper.
Dr Gleick emailed his stuff to “15 Friends”
I believe Richard Black was one of the 15
Because Black was out of the trap like a bloody greyhound, No checking with the Heartland Institute as to veracity.
His latest piece is about as weaselly as even he can get
Appalling doublethink…and he`s the new science editor?
The Beeb will go down with its ship very soon…this bloke is the Comical Ali of Global Warming muppets.
Really resent him comparing MPS expenses as being the equivalent of what Gleick and chums were up to.
Black reminds me of a stonefish chucking up mud on the bottom of the sea…awful journalism.
Hope Heartland sue the BBC-and cite Black-for every penny.
‘he`s the new science editor?’
I think that accolade falls on the broad shoulders of Mr. Shuckman who, after a hard fought battle, emerged with a very short straw as one of his market rate talents muddies (I think that was what they said it was) an already murky pool.
ps: Sueing the BBC means they… uniquely…pass on the bill to thee and me, whilst keeping the bonusses. I’m more keen on..accountability of a more professionally personal nature.
Didn`t check!Thanks!
Wikipedia says that although science editor Shuckman got a BA in Geography (wow) he started as a local newspaper hack. Then he joined the beeb. Since then he’s been a defence/European/world affairs/environment ‘n’ science hack, in that order. So he’s well qualified to push editorial agitprop.
My Site
Yes, if Black is sued, we pay. But it would be small beer against the BBC’s £4.3 billion.
I believe Black is one of the “15 Friends” to whom Dr Gleick emailed the stolen Board papers of the Heartland Institute – and the FAKE “strategy paper”. Black published it instantly – without any proper check with the Institute.
The Institute’s likely legal action against the self-confessed document-thief Dr Gleick will through “discovery” find out who the “15 Friends” are. Anyone wanna bet that Black and the Guardian are not included in the list ? Who else could be expected to be such Warmist mugs ?
‘Anyone wanna bet that Black and the Guardian are not included in the list ?’
It’s a distinct possibility.
However, in confirming this I hope the highest principles of watertight oversight are (with certain irony) applied to finger all those quilty and/or complicit.
And, OK, as a fraction of £4Bpa, I might see the BBC using public funds and FoI exemptions a worthy investment in defending yet another example of their contra-piblic interest advocacy under guise of impartila ‘reporting’.
So I’ve just had a letter back from the BBC Trust. It says I have to complain to the BBC twice in order to refer my complaint to them, so they are going to ignore me.
Only problem is that the first sentence of my letter to them states explicitly that I have complained twice and been unhappy with the response to both complaints.
‘ so they are going to ignore me. ‘
Thing is, when you consider they (claim to) speak for (well, to) the UK public, it’s probably tricky to actually listen. too.
Store that slight disconnect in the final para on what you freely stated and they wilfully ignored.
All adds to the ‘case’ that any individual may be making, or the one being constructed from the sum of all these until now carefully isolated instances.
Ain’t t’interent grand? No wonder the BBC doesn’t like folk hooking up ouside their sphere of… ‘influence’.
Have I misunderstood Newsnight, or are they seriously asking if there should be military intervention in Syria, based on the murder of a single journalist?
That`s what Newsnight has now become.
What a choice of gargoyle for the tawdry tattered irrelevance that this 24 Hours pretender now is.
Screens and a halal certificate please…this old nag isn`t fit even for the Staffies it`ll be worrying about later on the “show”!
And how Comrade MASON (NUJ Father of the Chapel to these people at ‘Newsnight’) operates as global socialist agitator on UK licence tax:
“As Greece Erupts, BBC’s Paul Mason on “The New Global Revolutions” over Austerity, Inequality”
I know mate, the bias is appalling isn’t it. The BBC seem to be supporting as oposed to reporting events in Syria. Now, I understand that innocents are being killed on both sides of the Syrian divide but is it any of the West’s business to intervene with blatant propaganda and bias on a daily basis? I think if our national media and politicians start trying to influence events then we are in dangerous territory indeed. The last I heard was that the US want to arm the rebels, many of whom are Al Quaeda militants just like they are in Libya and Egypt. So we now apprantly have a ridiculous situation wherein the US/BBC/Guardian are wanting to arm the true enemies of the west in the name of ethnic minority freedom and democracy? I am coming to the conclusion that the Arabs simply aren’t ready for this thing called democracy and that at the most we should just be sending aid in kind (like food, water and medical supplies for the innocent wounded but not money or arms) but should stay out of any military conflict. AND the BBC should just shut the f88k up with their incessant brainwashing left wing hysterical rants as it’s their job to report not support! All we ever hear about now is the bloody Arab Spring orthe nasty Tory cuts/reforms. I’m f88king sick of it!
The contradictions of INBBC (and its Arab League, and Organisation of the Islamic Conference policially motivated Islam) on West’s intervention:
1.) Iraq: no;
2.) Syria: yes.
Of course, INBBC would be appalled by a Western foreign policy designed to keep militarily weak all Islamic countries which currently oppose the West and its anti-Islamic values.
And the political left in Britain (inc Beeboids and Guardianistas) are forever campaigning for Defence cuts in UK anyway.
Well said Merlin. Every nation and people should be left to advance at their own pace. It’ll be bloody at times, as is every nation’s history, but it has nothing to do with anyone else.
Taking sides in a civil war never seems a good position to be in, especially if you don’t have to, and your interests are largely unaffected by which side wins. With the sole exception of plucky little Israel, I am sick to death of the entire Middle East. Arab Spring is just a form of bottled table water as far as I am concerned.
The bBC has employed far too many people with an Islamic axe to grind, chasing Arab world opinion, and they are ignoring the oncoming civil war in the UK. The one between the long-suffering British People and the Political Class.
Nope, you have understood it pretty well. What you have not been told is that AlQaeda are pouring into Syria to fight against Assad too. It looks like we are going back the the 1999 Kosovo playbook, where we Western powers trained, armed and funded Mujahadeen extremist terrorists and called them the KLA. These people went on to form what is now known as AlQaeda. AlQaeda being the name of the intelligence database which tracked personnel through the Pakistan ISI into Afghan to fight the Soviets. There were numerous databases, some for tracking weapons, others for money, drugs etc… The personnel one was called AlQaeda. The media have told you it was called “the base”. They were nearly right.
Are we doing more of the same in Syria now?
You are probably right. The modern liberal, so caring and non judgmental and so fierce in coming to the defence of any perceived slight to a minority, seems to like war. That is War in a Good Cause. That it still means death and misery seems to escape their notice.
Syria is not our problem. It is rightly the Syrians’ problem
That is the correct conservative view though with the left wing government we now have no doubt the usual suspects will be whining for ” intervention” .
Liberalism is a slow descent into madness.
Yes; INBBC supports Islamic countries of Middle East, North Africa and Asia in the demands that the West provide them with:
a.) massive foreign ‘aid’ which is often a transfer of funds from poorer people in the West to richer, corrupt people in Islamic countries. And it is noticeable how little funding the rich Islamic oil states provide to their co-religionists in other countries;
b.) military assistance, meaning that Western governments are
expected to fund Islamic jihadists supporters with our NATO troops – whose lives are on the line for our Islamic enemies in places like Afghanistan and Pakistan.
c.) mass Islamic immigration and colonisation of the West, and the imposition of Islamic rules on non-Muslims in Western countries.
-To reprise this piece from Simon Heffer-
“Mass immigration, and how Labour tried to destroy Britishness”
BBC are cheerleaders for a war in Syria.
The Hague/Humphries interview on Toady – ostensibly about Syria – featured enough material for a dissertation on BBC bias, agenda-pushing, unaccountable hypocrisy.
Then let’s see them form a BEEBOID INTERNATIONAL BRIGADE, & get out there & do some fighting themselves. They seem very relaxed about young ‘British’ Somalis popping overseas to fight for Al Shabaab, an Al Qaeda franchise, why don’t they follow their pin-ups. I’m sure a few Poseur Battalions could be rustled up under Paul Mason’s command. Can you get charlie in Syria?
Swedish PM blasts Camerons Veto from last December!
Esler gets a smiley face on his Guardian, and the BBC continues to lead the pack in up-to date-analysis!
If you want to know why many of our public services seem to be so badly run and wasteful, read this article.
The rise and rise of Ms Incompetence
Here came her first brush with trouble – a major postal votes scandal that ended up before the courts.
Election judge Richard Mawrey said fraud in the city ‘would have disgraced a banana republic’ and claimed Ms Homer, who was the city’s returning officer in her role as chief executive, had ‘thrown the rule book out of the window’.
He described her decision to allow postal ballot papers to be transported to the count in shopping bags as ‘the direst folly’.
Yet this did not stop her, in 2005, being chosen by the Home Office to run what was then called the Immigration and Nationality Directorate – this time on £200,000, plus bonuses.
Why its almost as if the regime wanted to find the most corrupt stooges available isnt it?
When you have corrupt mandarins in charge anything from vote rigging to allowing milions of illegal migrants in is easy peasy.
With bought off corrupt stooges placed in key positions the regime can do anything it likes and from the BBC to the HMRC to every institution the bought off regime stooges are now in charge.
And , as well as serial trough surfer Lin Homer; another public sector vampire rises from the grave to rave.
Yes folks…Cynthis Bower is leaving the …ahem…”Care and Quality Commission”.
Newly minted quango from Labour in 2009…and who better to run it than the bureaucrat that presided over the Stafford Hospital scandals that ended up killing over 1,000 people over three years?
Who better too that Cyn to pick up yet more consultancies, gongs and awards-and a fine pension and payoff parachute, belt and braces, copper bottomed gratuity-than the woman who watched Panorama in the old folks homes last year, and decided that it was regrettable and disappointing, and that she would have to do something.
So she showed up on Eddie Mairs show to say “something had to be done”
And now she`s done it…bagged a pension, left the place in chaos; but will forever vote Labour and be a chum of the BBC.
Maybe time to bring in Sharon Shoesmith, so we can really see how contemptuous the liberal elite are about us…and I`d not bet against that either!
And look what else they screwed up on.
Sadly, Lin Homer is typical of the senior ranks of the permanent civil service/ public sector/quango-land who achieve nothing and quickly move on to somewhere else to achieve nothing.
It was one of the same breed who turned the Child Support Agency from one set up to chase the impregnators of those benefit-career single muvvas to one that instead took on the easier task of chasing responsible fathers who already paid support to pay more.
“of 478,000 applications for support made over the past 18 months, just 61,000 absent parents had made any payments”.
MARK Grimshaw, who has spent the last two years in charge of the Child Support Agency, has been appointed as the new chief executive of the Rural Payments Agency (RPA). Announcing the appointment, Defra said Mr Grimshaw brings with him an ‘extensive track record in improving performance and customer focus in the private and public sector’.
Homer is just annother disaster at IND same as the rest of them.
It will be interesting to see how a non-Farage UKIP representative fares on Question Time…
Dear Tim Reed,
This Thursday at 10.35PM I will have the honour of representing UKIP on BBC1’s Question Time, in my role as Deputy Leader.
As George Osborne and the Conservative Party yesterday backed “bailing out” Greece with a further £110 billion, this is a golden opportunity for UKIP to once more demonstrate why we are the fresh choice for people in Britain. Not just on the EU but on immigration, crime, education and so much more.
I will champion our cause on Thursday night. Please do what you can – watch the show, tell your friends and consider making your most generous contribution to help UKIP fight for our democracy and prosperity against Brussels and the Westminster establishment.
Yours Sincerely,
Paul Nuttall
UKIP Deputy Leader
5:30am ITV News headline and lead item
– Bar brawl involving Labour MP Eric Joyce.
6:00 am BBC Breakfast News
– RBS expected to announce loss, bonuses (boo hiss) and mention of interview of boss on yesterday’s One show (surely news for last night’s 9pm news, not this morning’s news)
– Somalia aid
– Death of Marie Colvin
– Doctors and illegal secret abortions
– Univeristy courses (figures from a union of course)
– Finally! a man “thought” to be a Labour MP arrested in the house of commons bar. And, err, that’s it. 10 second read out.
No doubt by the time the headlines come around at 8am, it will have been dropped and all forgotten. Move alone, there was never going to be anything to see.
Even here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-17136209 headline is “MP held over Houses of Parliament bar assault”. Wot no room for the word ‘Labour’? You’d never have problem fitting in ‘Tory’ if it were a Tory and you wouldn’t get all mealy mouthed with the uncertainty of the MP’s party.
Someone else raises this on the next page and it is a Conservative MP arrested. His party affiliation is neat the top of the BBC article of course.
It was labour MP Frank Joyce, a former Northern Ireland shadow minister who had to resign from Milinband’s shadow cabinet in November 2010 for being convicted of a criminal offence of refusing to provide a sample when arrested for drink driving…
This was the same day that Lord Young resigned as an advisor to the coalition government for making a true, but unwise statement about people with mortgages “doing well out of the recession because of the low interest rates.”
Which of the two resignations on that day did the BBC lead it’s TV, Radio and internet news with all day? Which of the two did the BBC not report AT ALL?
Yup You guessed it, they led their whole day with the no.1 top news item of the vonservative resignation over a heartless and sick comment by the nasty George Young whilst wilfully ignoring the criminal conviction and resignation of Eric Joyce.
And they claim that they are not biased???
Had to laugh this AM with BBC world news so utterly desperate for an economist to spin the euro deal as a good thing they simply brought on a fake economist in the form of a euroslime appologist from Birmingham university and he did the papers review too.
Its all good news according to this fake economist, the EU deal is great news and will fix everything and Greece and the eurozone will march towards a bright new future of growth.
The BBC, never knowingly honest about anything.
I bet you £100 that the three BBC headlines for the remainder of this month will orbit around Syria, Greece and the Tory NHS reforms (perhaps something about Iran, Africa or Obama if we’re ‘lucky’) . Can anyone spot a socialist thread throughout the three stories?
Perhaps we can have Obama singing ‘Sweet Home Chicago’, instead of the national anthem, when R4 hands over to The World Service each night?
Dame Nicky Cambell consolidates his lead as arch-feminist on 5 Live.
A BBC discussion on selective abortion by gender goes off at half cock – sabotaged by our Nicky shooting the breeze with some female comediene. Of course Leight-weight is far more interested in his own feminist credentials than with this serious and worrying news report.
‘I have four daughters!’
‘You nearly have your own female five-a-side football team!’
But why would the Beeboid have such contempt for this news story?
I was just going to post about this.
From the original Telegraph article…
The Daily Telegraph carried out an investigation into sex-selection abortions after concerns were raised that the procedures were becoming increasingly common for cultural and social reasons.
However a BBC article based on the Telegraph report fails to mention that these gender based abortions might be on the increase or that there may be a ‘cultural’ motive driving any increase.
The PC filter at work.
‘However a BBC article based on the Telegraph report fails to mention…’
So, bascially, the BBC serves to be handed the facts and then remove any that don’t suit before passing on to an audience who either don’t care, or do but are compelled to swallow it anyway?
“Nicky shooting the breeze with some female comediene”
I noticed he didn’t ask Jimmy Cricket and Sid Little for their opinions on sex selective abortion, did he?
R5L would be screwed if it didn’t have its roster of lefty comedians to call upon for predictable right-on opinion. They’d have to play even more of their tedious shouty trailers to fill the airtime.
Judging by her Twitter feed the female comedian in question is quite matey with Campbell which helps explain the chummy nature of the interview. Since that appearance she has has also been on Jeremy Vine and BBC regionals Newcastle, Essex, Manchester, Foyle, Sheffield, Three Counties, West Midlands, Northampton, and Tees. I wonder if each appearance had to be booked by a different BBC producer.
“What did you do at work today?”
“Oh, I’m exhausted! I had to click on the BBC’s List of Approved Guests and book Kate Smurthwaite to appear on our show. Boy, do I need a drink now.”
Funny that you refer to the idea that Leight-weight might ‘ask Jimmy Cricket and Sid Little for their opinions on sex selective abortion’.
I heard him ask ‘Is it ok to laugh at Frank Carson?’
He obviously got the nod from the PC police and he was thus able to go ahead with impunity and celebrate the life and work of a 1970s comedian.
Yeah, my point. Typical R5L – right-on comic gives chattering class-approved opinion about socio-political issues and is then asked about Frank Carson. Next up, a couple of old school seaside turns talk fondly of Carson, so why not follow the logic of the thing and ask them to pontificate about abortions? Their views are no more or less worthy than some hack comedian Nicky Campbell has taken a shine to because she appeared on the Big Question (wonder if he looked up her skirt). Why is the BBC’s default setting always lefty comedian? Why not ranting taxi driver?
Although they do not repeat any of his jokes. He was a member of UKIP so could not be openly endorsed as a real comic according the the current BBC definition.
BBC Website headline “MP held after Commons assault “.
Why do I not have to read further to know it must be a Labour MP ?
“Why do I not have to read further to know it must be a Labour MP?”
I can think of a few reasons…
“Calder Valley MP Craig Whittaker arrested in assault probe“
You are right Dez. Conservative is mentioned very near the top of the article, his party affiliation is not hidden away as it would be if from the other side.
“Conservative is mentioned very near the top of the article, his party affiliation is not hidden away as it would be if from the other side.”
Oh, like the last time Eric Joyce was in the news you mean?
“Labour MP Eric Joyce banned from driving“
Ah, Dez has been given the day shift at last.
Watching BBC with the missus in our hotel room.
Up pops a slot with some Aussie author flogging her book about living with Aspergers.
My wife asks how you get on to promote such a thing.
I merely advise that she waits a brief moment..
‘I made the main character a single mother..‘ Tick
‘Also, with all the cuts…‘
That’s how you get to flog your book on the BBC.
Her husband is a famous left-wing lawyer. That helps. She makes disparaging jokes about men. That helps as well.
During Paul Mason’s report from Greece on Newsnight last week he discussed lefty politics with impoverished lefties in a bar “run by one of the far left groups” (approx 5.30 in) Is that a bottle of champagne screwing up the continuity? Surely not!
LOL! (as the kids would say)
Like their British counter-parts, this far-left group are no doubt from affluent homogenous neighbourhoods, then at weekends like to dress up in strange costumes and head to inner city areas to patronise those who live there.
Waterloo Road, Eastenders – brilliant drama, gritty, cutting, edgy, hard-hitting, true-to-our-times.
Never watch them, but can any of the droid lurkers on here (looking at you dopey dez) tell me how many instances of paedophile grooming by quote unquote men, and ‘honour’ murders have been portrayed on these programmes.
Hey, hey, hey – only asking.
Surprisingly balanced report on what’s happening in Luton.
Although a bit ditzy, the presenter is far superior to the average smug, pompous, self-righteous piece of far-left filth that the BBC would usually use for this type of programme, and who would have used it as an opportunity to spend an hour licking Anjem Choudary’s arse.
Yes, I must watch that. I’ve just seen a short clip in which the presenter, a young woman originally from Luton, was stoutly defending herself from insults and intimidation by an aggressive bunch of Muslim fanatics on a march.
As you can see from the blog posts below, some were less than enthusiastic, particularly in regard to the presenter. All opinion and little knowledge seems to be the general view. This is increasingly they way with BBC documentaries, especially on BBC3 – the yoof channel – find someone who is fashionably metropolitan and loaded with ‘attitude’ (code for lippy but vacuous).
The conclusion is that we all need to be more tolerant of the intolerable, and show more understanding. It’s ignorance(ours) that is to blame for this lack of understanding. I really don’t think the British public could be MORE accomodating, it’s already gone way too far, but I guess we will always be considered to be at fault. As Douglas Murray so often says, when it comes to OUR customs and conventions, some things are just NOT negotiable. If only that were so in the eyes of our so-called leaders, who would rather look away and pretend that there’s no problem.
She seems to be under the impression that Sharia Law ought to be up for negotiation! We need to compromise, you see…and if it’s only to be applied within their own communities, then bring on the ghettoisation, in the name of community cohesion – doublethink at it’s finest. Equality under the law is such a culturally Imperialist notion. <sigh>
I do have some sympathy for her, as she’s clearly trying SO hard at some points to not appear disapproving or judgemental – she really can’t afford to take any other approach, publically. I’ll bet she has a great deal of unspoken confict. As she says in the programme, she barely recognises the town where she grew up…and she’s only 25!
Spot on Mr Reed. She was a very stupid girl (in terms of her abstract intelligence) but she tried to make sense of things at an emotional and compassionate level. At times her struggle was almost painful to watch. Usually the BBC supplies predetermined conclusions and these are generally completely at odds with (and completely uninterested in) reality, but for once we were given a glimpse of an uncomfortable reality.
It made me think, which for a BBC programme is extremely unusual. The function of the BBC is generally to supply Leftist correct thinking. It tried to do this at the end, but very unsuccessfully.
One of the most striking things was the complete lack of tolerance showed by the Muslim community. The way the EDF leader was treated as he walked down the street was more reminiscant of Northern Ireland or Pakistan or tribal Africa than it was of England.
It is hard not to conclude that Muslim immigration has been a disaster, and will be the cause of endless problems for centuries to come.
Yet again the Left has a lot to answer for – hate filled nihilists.
Here’s a headline
Biased BBC’s Grant shames BBC into strory change
The story is now headlined
Labour suspends MP Eric Joyce after Commons ‘assault’
Re“Calder Valley MP Craig Whittaker arrested in assault probe“
Why does the BBC fail to inform the reader that the alleged victim of the assault was the MP’s 24 year old son? Wouldn’t want the reader to get the impression that a a family squabble might have got overheated, I expect.
Dez (BBC supporter) rushes to defend the Labour Party in his earlier post.
BBC supporter.
Labour Party supporter.
I wonder what the connection could be?
Pavlovian. Dog. Bell. Salivate.
Aww now play fair Dezzidemoana cannot be a B-BBC /Labour supporter and use their brain for anything else! remember one cause at a time !
“BBC supporter. Labour Party supporter.”
Resorting to ad-homs already? Blimey, that didn’t take long ;p
If you want to take the description ‘BBC supporter’ and ‘Labour Party supporter’ as insults that is your choice.
“If you want to take the description ‘BBC supporter’ and ‘Labour Party supporter’ as insults that is your choice.”
wild, look up the definition of “ad hominem”. Think about it for a few days; and then try again once you’ve figured out what it means.
I am suggesting that your political convictions are not unconnected to your defence of the BBC.
I am suggesting that if the BBC was not made by and for (and in order to further the views interests of) middle class Leftists you would not be so keen to defend it.
To describe this as an “ad hominem” attack is to make a category error.
The claim that your political convictions are RELEVANT to your defence of the BBC is a claim about the RELEVANCE of your (as indicated by your posts) personal political convictions.
Have you got it yet?
“Re: Calder Valley MP Craig Whittaker arrested in assault probe
Why does the BBC fail to inform the reader that the alleged victim of the assault was the MP’s 24 year old son? Wouldn’t want the reader to get the impression that a a family squabble might have got overheated, I expect.”
Quick, change the subject!
Actually, I think being arrested for assaulting ‘your own son’ sounds much worse than ‘some random bloke or other’.
But then again, I’ve never had to call the police because; “a family squabble might have got overheated” before. So what do I know…
Quick, change the subject!
No. You posted a link, I read it, found it to be missing an important piece of information and decided to comment about it. Please feel free to carry on with the subject if you wish.
Actually, I think being arrested for assaulting ‘your own son’ sounds much worse than ‘some random bloke or other’
I hope you’re not suggesting that the BBC left this out to spare a Tory MP extra embarrassment. Please don’t – I’ll die laughing.
But then again, I’ve never had to call the police because; “a
family squabble might have got overheated”
Last time I watched Eastenders, getting in each others faces and slapping each other around (or worse) is the norm. Is this not correct?
Continuing with the ‘stories that the BBC forgot to mention’ series, here you can find the details of two young white lads who were savagely beaten and mugged by a 15 strong gang of ‘Asians’ (Pakistani Muslims).
Obviously it’s not being classed as a racist hate-crime. I mean, it’s not as serious as a bloke being caught on camera scratching his arm pit at a football match . . .
The story about abortion on basis of sex is reported on the Radio 4 news as abortion of “male and female foetuses”. Yet the Telegraph article mentions that there is some evidence that foetuses aborted are more likely to be female. This is well known anyway. It has been going on for donkeys’ years in parts of Asia, such as India, and China because of the one child policy and is brought to the UK by immigrants. So the Beeboids’ report is misleading, probably deliberately so.
Of course it is girls being selectively aborted. The same problem with the same cultural demographics has been identified in Canada, USA, Australia and New Zealand.
For the same cultural reasons.
It has even shown up in the 2000 US Census data analysis.
So it has been going on for quite a while under the noses of those charged to ‘police’ the industry.
Of course, the BBC omits important information that suggests that a alien cultural preference might be at play.
Christian: It is better to give than to receive
Asian: It is better to receive a dowry than have to pay it
What’s this one about?
This is an odd report from the BBC:
It’s not odd that only the BBC are covering it because they aren’t the only ones. It seems several sites are running with it right now.
What is odd is that this isn’t really breaking news. In fact it’s quite old news from October 2011:
The story behind it all is an Associated Press Investigation into the NYPD investigation into Islamic Groups and institutions to support counter terrorism efforts.
If it’s old news why is the Beeb running with it now. Might it have something to do with the fact that the AP have recently annouced that the journalists responsible for the story have just won an award for it?
To be honest I smell something of rat here given the age of the story and many outlets revealing this week as though it’s a revelation. Part of that is I suspect this is cut and paste journalism.
Oddly enough though, they’ve covered everyone’s outrage but they haven’t really had much of a dig around the story.
The secret report that they link to is in reality poor. At 60 pages it sounds like a real tome of counter terrorism profiling. The reality is oh so different. The bulk is data probably available off the internet. The surveillance they describe in it, defies description. Hard intel such as this for Newark Fried Chicken:
Location is in good condition and has seating for 10-15 customers
The so called scret report appears to be nothing, yet this is where the empahsis of the report and the outrage seems to lie. It’s easy to present this as an unwarranted intrusion on people’s lives and easy to present as baseless behaviour on the part of NYPD.
If any Biased BBC readers have ever read Gerald Posner’s Why America Slept, one gets a different light on this. The book looks back at the years leading up to 9-11 and presents the terror attack as a collection of missed opportunities to address the issue that was growing up in the US at the time. The opening chapter highlights how within predominantly islamic communities from which the Twin Towers were visible to the naked eye, anti american, jihad related material and activity hid in plain sight. This took place in regular areas such as restaurants, shops and food stores. Everything the authorities needed to know was all around them and visible.
It also charts the rise of the blind cleric Sheik Rahman within New York and how he benefitted from the timely murder of the existing Imam which allowed him to preach his message of jihad within the area.
The book charts how law enforcement authorities backed off addressing this and oh how they paid the price for it because it allowed extremisim to thrive.
In the BBC report, little is made of the comment “we go where the leads take us” suggesting they’ve followed up on tip offs. Probably because it takes them somewhere they don’t want to go.
Speaking of somewhere they don’t want to go, let’s have a quick look at that throwaway reference to the protest from the academics at the top of the report in which the NYPD were looking at the universities. Questionable behaviour? Maybe.
Of course it helps that narrative if you leave out some details about the ongoing problems of on campus radicalisation such as that seemingly being promoted by some branches of the Muslim Students Association founded in 1963 by that moderate group the Muslim Brotherhood:
Click to access 84.pdf
The problem with the report as presented? It gives the impression that it’s a baseless trail based only on prejudice when digging around shows it to be anything but.
In the light of your comments, I take the opportunity to post the comments of Dr Essam Abdallah. It makes for very interesting reading. (Source link at end)
The article is titled:
Islamist Lobbies’ Washington War on Arab and Muslim Liberals
Dr. Essam Abdallah is an Egyptian liberal intellectual who teaches at Ain Shams University and writes for the leading Arab liberal publication Elaph.
“One of the most important activities of the Islamist lobby in the US is the waging of political and media wars on the liberal Arabs and Middle Eastern figures and groups in America. This battlefield is among the most important in influencing Washington’s policies in the Arab world. If you strike at the liberal and democratic Middle Eastern groups in Washington who are trying to gain support for civil societies in the region, you actually win a major battle. You will be able to influence the resources of the US Government to support the Islamists in the Middle East and not the weak democrats. This huge war waged by the Islamist lobbies in America started at the end of the Cold war and continued all the way till the Arab spring. The two main forces of this lobby are the Muslim Brotherhood fronts and the Iranian fronts. According to research available in the US, the Ikhwan fronts such as CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations), led by Hamas supporter Nihad Awad, as well as the Muslim Public Affairs Council, the Islamic Society of North America, and others waged their political war to block the representatives of Arab liberals and Muslim moderates from making their case to the American public.”
I post this as information. I hope it will be of interest to readers attuned to the light-weight analysis underpinned by BBC bias that purports to report from the ‘Middle East’.
The story is old but the driving force behind it right now appears to be Newark Mayor Cory Booker.
“The mayor of New Jersey’s largest city called for state authorities Wednesday to investigate a widespread spying operation conducted in Newark’s Muslim neighborhoods by the New York Police Department that he characterized as “deeply offensive.”
And of course where the HuffPo leads the beeb follows – a bit like the Guardian in the UK.
So why all the fuss now? A quick look at Mayor Cory Booker’s website answers that question. You can visit the site and if so inclined contribute to his 2012 ELECTION CAMPAIGN.
The added benefit to the BBC is that it can once again post a “Muslims = victims” story. As we’ve discussed here before, it’s the only time the “M” word is ever used on the BBC.
And talking about missing information – how about the “D” word? Try and find out in any news report what party the African American, gay, defender of Muslim rights Mr. Booker belongs to? If he is a proud Democrat why not shout it from the rooftops? Oh yeah…I forgot…the election!
Seething at You and Yours at the moment – the idiot Tim Yeo telling us how we are going to be carbon neutral, and the greenest country in the world, and complaining that the public aren’t “engaging” with “saving” energy.
Maybe it’s because the public are slowly becoming wise to the carbon scam, and that the idea of carbon “emissions” is a lie and means absolutely nothing.
Their main thrust is still carbon – why? When it’s so fucking obvious that carbon (or CO2) has nothing to do with anything, and has been proved to be nothing to do with temeperature change. Why is there never anyone allowed near a studio who questions all this?
Bloody biased, conniving, shameful BBC.
Because “energy saving” really means “higher taxes” something all politicians like
Correction: higher taxes “in the interest of saving the planet”. They are so selfless, these politicians. So noble.
The Climate Alarmist’s reasoning as to the fake docment in the fakegate leak actually being genuine, would be similar to me not having a driving licence, and stealing one from someone else with the same name as me and claiming, “of course I must have passed my driving test, I have a driving licence to prove it. And look, the information on it is mostly true, and I always believed I could drive anyway, so combining all these matters I guess I can legally drive now!”
They are criminaly insane!
Asked some believer on WUWT if they would be so dismissive if they brought a Van Goch and found that the dealer had stolen the paperwork to cover the fake he sold me ?
no answer !!
The Beeboid Corporation loves to promote its favourites across its vast empire of both television and radio and rarely misses an opportunity to do so, leaving us with the sense of endless recycling of the same few faces here there and everywhere until we feel weary of the sight and sound of them.
Last night Masterchef on television channel Beeboid One provided one of those golden opportunities. The contestants were cooking a formal dinner for luminaries of the legal profession at Middle Temple, including Law Lords of the Supreme Court, Lords Justices of Appeal, Mr and Lady Justices of the High Court and assorted QCs. The Beeboids do their usual thing of course. Guess who is given the spotlight to tell us what’s what – see from 19 03 to 19 22 –
and pops up again at 21 07 for a second go in the spotlight!
I suppose it’s not quite the done thing not to tell you who it is without having to open the link and look but on the other hand you might enjoy the moment of revelation more by seeing it.
Yes, Mrs MVR makes me watch this every week, and I too noted this ‘celebrity’ as well. Shami must have loads of doppelgangers, as she pops up simultaniously it seems on all BBC channels at the same time.
The BBC simply cannot resist shoehorning their little agendas in whatever the programme, including childrens’ programmes. My 1 year old grand daughter loves ‘In the night garden’ on Ceebeeb, and therer is hardly a white face to be seen in any of the characters. Furthermore, the white characters portrayed are shown as ‘thick’.
On the subject of Shami – Didn’t she start her celebrity career playing the Indian assassin in one of the Pink Panther films?
Dear Mr Gowland,
Thanks for your email. You are, however, wrong.
Best regards,
Richard Black
From: xxxxx Sent: 22 February 2012 22:09 To: NewsOnline Complaints Subject: Complaint {Title:} Mr {First Name:} James {Last Name:} Gowland {Under 13:} No {Email:} xxxxx {Postcode:} NE12 {Location:} England {Feedback Type:} I would like to… Make a complaint {Complaint type:} BBC News (TV Radio Online) {Complaint about:} BBC News Online {Complaint category:} Bias {Contacted before:} No
{Complaint:} ‘The proposed modules would, for example, state that “whether humans are changing the climate is a major scientific controversy” and that “natural emissions [of CO2] are 20 times higher than human emissions”.
The first is just wrong. It may be a public debate; but within science, the question is how much, not whether.’
Have I really just read this? Is Richard Black trying to state that Global Warming is fact? ‘but within science, the question is how much, not whether’, I think this comment is horrendous as scientists don’t all agree when it comes to global warming, many scientist disagree with the theory that humans are changing the climate, yet Mr Black totally dismisses this.
{URL:} http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-17126699
{Reply:} Yes
The BBC sees two kinds of “sting” or “entrapment”.
1. Last night , some airhead popsie took a day trip to her constituency in Liverpool to worry about dangerous dogs…a Labour teenage class warrior from a naice school, and she has Newsnights cameras with her to “demand legislation”, “down with this sort of thing” and “more dog wardens please”, and rabies shots for postmen…that kind of thing.
This is NOT a sting…for this is GOOD…why , eleven people last year died of this…
2. Today the Telegraph reprt on illegal abortions based on the gender of the baby…let me guess..girls?…Asian?…Muslim?
But according to the Abortion Rights UK harpie yelling at us all on “You and Yours”…this is entrapment…this is a BAD thing, and only some off message drum banger like Nadine Dorries could defend that.
Nadine Dorries did…and I`m a fan of hers…she hates Dianne Abbott as much as we do!
My femist scale now ranges from the wondrous Nadine…to the lousy Lucinda/wha`EVA who did the dog thing.
Any dog that goes for Beeboids or blow-in MPs of the Labour persuasion clealy has taste and discernment…and let`s breed some more before Labour know our secret weapon!
Seems like many Argentine intellectuals think the politicians trying to whip up a public furore about the Falklands are fools, and have written to their government to say so.
They say, correctly, that Argentina should build links and trust with the islanders
No word on this news from the BBC, who are no doubt pondering whether to start calling the islands the Malvinas to avoid “offending” anyone
“Our top story; Bankers, RBS, bonuses, losses, gnash, gnash”
A quick look on the BBC website shows this isn’t even in the top ten most read!
In step with the public at large as ever.
I wonder what is most read on the Graun site today?
So I’m confused, Sky News runnig thug Eric Joyce as the top story, but BBC news zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
This is a serious matter yet the BBC seem to be trying to kill this story.
I notice the BBC are spinning for Labour by using this headline on the main page:
Labour suspends MP over ‘assault’ and as the articles headline:
Labour suspends MP Eric Joyce after Commons ‘assault’
That way it paints the picture that Labour are being tough, taking decisive action, not standing for any trouble etc.
They could have easily used the more accurate headline – “Labour MP suspended for assault”, but that of course would emphasise the wrong doing by an MP, a Labour MP and doesn’t allow Labour to turn bad news into good.
Notice also the assault being in quotes – let’s make sure there’s a bit of doubt with the claim of assault.
BBC: always try harder to work for Labour.
Classic B-BBC:
“So I’m confused, Sky News runnig thug Eric Joyce as the top story, but BBC news zzz…”
“I notice the BBC are spinning for Labour by using this headline on the main page: Labour suspends MP over ‘assault’ “
Didn’t make it’s way on to the 10 o’clock news main headlines did it?
Some bint no ones heards of with links to Cameron having to resign a voluntary post made number 3 though
Did they mention it at all? The missus made me turn over follwong the headlines.
Can’t wait to see how the BBC will spin the Joyce story this evening, Toenbails will be on his Blackberry right now getting his orders from Red Ed.
You can bet that the BBC will claim Joyce was ‘goaded’ by Tories or that he’s got personal problems.
Whatever the BBC do they won’t just point out he’s a wanker.
I know it’s a long time ago but apparently he was expelled from school for assaulting 2 (1 pregnant) female teachers.
Seems a nice guy.
Daniel Clucas,
“…apparently he was expelled from school for assaulting 2 (1 pregnant) female teachers.”
Do you have a cite for that Daniel? The only reference I can find on the web comes from here:
(bottom of the page)
Hardly a credible source.
And seeing as “The Mail” makes no mention of it today; most likely completely false.
Marina says
Olde trivia: As a schoolboy, Eric Joyce was expelled after assaulting two female teachers (one pregnant, bless him)
And when asked if this was one incident or two, Marina says
separate. he was convicted for one of them.
As Marina is Grauniad, this must be uneqivocally true, yes?
“As Marina is Grauniad, this must be uneqivocally true, yes?”
Erm, you seem to have answered your own question ;p
Labour supporter who reads The Guardian defends the BBC shocker. Stop the presses!
wild, lacking any other sort of argument resorts to ad-hom shocker! ;p
I refer the honourable gentleman to the answer I gave some moments ago.
She started out for Rupert at the Sun though, shouldn’t she be forever tarnished in your eyes?
She worked on the showbiz desk when phone hacking was rife, I wonder…
No, she’s on the side of the angels now tbf 😀
As the oil price surges leading to record petrol and diesel prices shouldn’t the BBC’s economics editor Stephanie Flanders be on the case?
Actually she did move away from politics and promoting Ed Balls at the turn of the year to tell us she expected the oil price to FALL in 2012. Well done Steph!
No wonder floundering Flanders is not writing her blog this week…
After just one day, comments are now closed on Richard Black’s weaselly article attacking the Heartland Institute rather than the fraudster Dr Peter Gleick.
So – he takes 36 hours before he reports Gleick’s confession, surely a hot story that he should have covered immediately, given he was ultra-quick in his original report splashing the stolen documents and the fake “Strategy” paper. Then as soon as his article is trenchantly criticised by commenters – comments are closed down.
“Move along, nothing to see here”.
Yes, I’m afraid the commenters were decidely ‘off-message’ and therefore had to be shut down. It confuses the Beeboids when the proles fail to respond ‘correctly’.
Have a look at what the bBC are pushing out on their article about the faux riots over the buring of a couple of Korans: (Unlike the silence observed by the Islamic world over how Muslims yes muslims blew up a mosque destroying lots of korans at the weekend.)
The bBC the traitors in our midst.
BBC radioWales is reporting “a man has been jailed for 8 months for threatening anti terror police who were breaking up a meeting in Cardiff”
any clues anywhere what that can involve?
And here is my version of the story which for some strange reason tells you so much more than what the bBC do.
Ah I am enlightened now! That makes a whole lot of sense…..many many thanks
Graham Evans,
“any clues anywhere what that can involve?”
Muslims Against Crusades meeting: Mohammed Abdin jailed for Canton threats
Oh…forgot to say!
An agry at the hour by hour upgrade from “illegal” ….to “well Lansley can say that but there`s a debate to be had”
Apparently, gender abortions weren`t envisaged in the 67 Act…and surely ` womans mental health might be at risk if she came to term with a baby of the “wrong gender”.
I`d be very surprised if the BBC aren`t frantically ringing round every “social policy” unit at their favoured unis to get as many Ebdons, Leathers, Slipmans, Furedis, Beards and Jardines as they can!
Wouldn`t have anything to do with that female/Islam thing would it…immigrants and incest in the home stuff perhaps?
That the BBC shuts down and skewers debate drives us to extremes…hope I`m wrong.
Yes the BBC 6PM news played it down as well, basically it was a setup, funny that the BBC didbn’t spin that line when Vince Cable got caught out, although we know that the BBC didn’t like it when Sky caught out the one eyed queen from Fife.
‘Urgent government action is the only thing that can stem the crisis…’
‘They were drawn from a daunting range of disciplines…’
‘…he wants governments to wake-up, stressing the need for urgent action.’
Reading these lines from an article posted on the BBC Mid-East webpage, what would you imagine are they referring to?
Well unless you consider that this is the BBC we’re talking about, i wouldn’t expect you to guess correctly.
The BBC have exceeded themselves with this their latest offering.
In one of the most asinine, conceited, head up their arse articles to get people concerned about environmental issues. Especially so as it is at a time and place in the world where the least of concern for most affected would be this.
Yet the BBC believe this issue is worthy of near top spot on their Mid-East webpage. Just below the stories of 50 killed in Iraq attacks, and the journalist who survived the attack in Syria asking to be evacuated. Yet this environmentalist BBC author, Sylvia Smith, seems oblivious to what is really going on in this part of the world, except as an almost aside, so full of her own self-importance. She hasn’t even proof read her article, or simply can’t speak English properly.
But worst of all is some of the assertions she reports, which we in the real world know to be complete bunkum.
There’s this paragraph as an example ‘But with Europeans deterred by a lack of money, or fear by fear of taking holidays in eastern and southern Mediterranean countries, places such as Syria and Egypt are already enjoying reduced tourist pressure on their precious wetlands.’
Enjoying? Sounds like it’s worth having a violent revolution so long as it protects the ‘precious’ wetlands. Never mind about the lives lost.
This is followed by this ‘This optimistic note was echoed by Nejib Benessaiah, the Tunisian co-ordinator of MedWet. “The Arab Spring has brought huge changes,” he states. “It is different in every country but the general trend is towards more democracy.’
I’ll leave it to you to decide if the correct term for the the assessment is ‘optimistic’, but I have yet to see where the trend following Arab Spring has been toward democracy. At least any definition that I understand. But then the BBC have never let facts get in the way of their desired narrative.
And in keeping with that they insert this line – “Overuse and pollution of water is forbidden in the Qu’ran and the Sharia,”
Look at most of the other stories going on around the world concerning Islam and see for yourself how impressed you are by the respect it gives to living beings, even of their own faith, never mind about water.
I’ve taken a screenshot of the webpage just in case of stealth edit.
As an aside, I was intrigued to hear Guardian columnist Deborah ‘Chosen People’ Orr offered as an expert witness on racism in football during this morning’s Today programme.
WTF? What next? Polly Toynbee putting the case for abolishing the Duckworth Lewis method? Giles Fraser and Paul Ackford arguing about the rugby union scrummage laws?
Nothing to do with bias, but something very odd happened on the World Servce last night.
I was working late and, as you do, caught the 1am World Service news bulletin. The poor newsreader appeared to go into meltdown and could barely get through the opening story – she was hastily replaced. I don’t think there will be a link but I was wondering if anyone heard it.
It sounded as if she was on the point of fainting. I do hope she is all right.
Well well well, what a shock. How does BBC news report the thug Joyce’s actions? Well they wheel out a fellow jock (Ian Watson) to tell us that this is bad news for ALL MP’s (nice one) and that the Police are normally protecting MP’s but tonight they are investigating them.
Great job BBC, hardly a mention of what the thug Joyce is supposed to have done, but don’t worry Guido has the drop.
Nice job from the BBC there, a big thumbs up from Labour HQ.
Amazing how Guido (man, laptop & dog) seems to have the drop on the BBC (£4.2b pa) every day.
It’s not like the BBC aren’t trying.
Sorry, should be…
It’s like the BBC aren’t trying.
My bad 🙁
It is OK both versions are correct.
I had to have a lie down after going through that one.
I mean, BB’s still correct which ever way you look at it.
Rowan Atkinson wades into TV ageism row – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-17145591
A nice, dispassionate headline…
Good for Rowan Atkinson. Women get TV presenting jobs because they are (young pretty) women, but when the same women cease to get presenting jobs (because they are not young pretty women any more) they complain about discrimination!
But what about the not-so-pretty women who may be extremely capable but never get a look in? TV seems to be packed with “pretty” vacuous people who have nothing to say.
Rowan Atkinson can be sensible at times but I find his attitude rather odd in this instance. He says “…if creative freedom means anything, it is having complete creative latitude to include or exclude anybody or anything for any reason.” However, the programme in question was a documentary (Countryfile), not Cinderella.
I also wonder whether “…include or exclude anybody or anything for any reason” extends to race, since we seem to have a one way street when it comes to white and black characters.
He is saying that all TV (to a lesser or greater extent) is showbiz.
Maybe he is, but I thought the BBC was supposed to allow freedom from this sort of commercial pressure.
“Sorry Einstein, you’re too old and your nose is too big. Piss off – we’ll get Ant and Dec to do the documentary instead.”
Einstein was a celebrity, so he would have had no trouble getting on TV. But if you want to REALLY find out about physics, you need to turn off your TV and get to grips with a book (or several books) of equations.
Yes, I know what books are for.
Glad to be of help.
News today is of Labour MP, Eric Joyce, who has been arrested for assaulting a Conservative MP in a Commons bar. Naturally I was curious to see how the BBC would report this story, and they’ve been fairly neutral giving the facts.
The odd thing is when I did a search of this man on the BBC website I see a lot of negative stuff in this guys history, none of which is mentioned in the article on the assault. Seeing how when the BBC are out to discredit anybody they will go back to the year dot and make sure any issues are regurgitated throughout the current article, their neutrality over this Labour MP is clear ‘see no evil’ where he is concerned.
Just going back to October 2009 here are a few of the escapades this disgrace for an MP has been up to.
Expense Claim scandal – one of the worst culprits, and not just once.
Driving Ban for Drink-Driving
Scandal about opening 2 constituency offices less than 6 miles apart
Had the fewest backers to be elected to shadow cabinet
There are a few more dubious events surrounding him, and these are just the ones the BBC reports on. Any doubt if he had been Conservative that each of them wouldn’t be mentioned?
There is always a damage limitation exercise when it is one of their own, and any old slur will do if it is a Tory. The excitement the BBC got into when it was reported that the Hamiltons were involved in a rape was a sight to behold.
STOP PRESS!!! Mark Mardell actually mentions ‘fast and furious’.
Oh, sorry, folks, it seems he was referring to the Republican debate on CNN last night. “This one was fast and furious,” he writes, “with the two main rivals of the moment Romney and Santorum repeatedly clashing.”
Does Mardell even realize the irony of using the phrase or is he taking the piss?
For new readers (and listeners and viewers to the BBC) “Fast and Furious” is the name given to the Obama Administration’s scheme to run guns to Mexican drug cartels. The guns went missing and were used against US law enforcement. The subject was not raised by John King last night even though the debate was in a state affected by cartel problems.
Louis Robinson,
“For new readers (and listeners and viewers to the BBC) “Fast and Furious” is the name given to the Obama Administration’s scheme…”
Yeah, coz it’s a phrase never used by anyone else EVAR.
Its all about context,Dez. A guy just got fired from ESPN here in the US for saying “chink in the armour” about the Chinese-American basketball player Jeremy Linn. I guess you’d say, “Yeah, cos its a phrase never used by anyone EVAR”? How about calling a “spade a spade”? And countless other phrases wjhose meaing is changed by time and events. It’s something you’re supposed to be aware of when writing news bulletins and op-ed pieces. At least it was when I was in the BBC.
The irony, dear Dez, is that here in America “fast and furious” now means “gun running to the Mexicans” even more than it is the title of an action movie or a common phrase or saying. Mardell should have known that.
Ignore the typos. It’s late and I’m going to bed.
Louis Robinson,
“The irony, dear Dez, is that here in America ‘fast and furious’ now means ‘gun running to the Mexicans’…”
Well, ok if you say so. But where as “chink” might obviously be interpreted as having something to do with Lin’s ethnicity; I fail to see how describing the latest Republican debate as “fast & furious” could be be interpreted as something to do Mexican drug cartels.
“The Republican Debate was like illegally smuggled guns” doesn’t really make any sense.
Didn’t Roy Hattersley get into trouble once for saying he believed in calling a spade a spade when talking about racism? In those days, however, nobody got offended but just laughed at the unintended pun. Today the entire “taking offence” industry would be invited on to Today to condemn it.
That on-going court case for which words may have been ‘lost in translation’ or censored.
1.) Daily Mail:
“‘He told me to get on the bed and told me to have sex with him’: Girl, 15, gives harrowing account of being plied with alcohol and passed around Asian gang for sex.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2104360/Girl-15-gives-harrowing-account-plied-alcohol-passed-Asian-gang-sex.html#ixzz1nEhWYVJ4
2.) INBBC:
“Rochdale ‘child sex-ring’ trial: Girl ‘grabbed by throat’.”
Hurt reporter asks to leave SyriaWhy is this currently the BBC news website’s lead story?
What makes the BBC think that millions of readers will be interested in reading about the injuries sustained by a journalist they hadn’t even heard of till yesterday?
What makes the BBC anyone gives a shit about Syria in the first place?
Amazing that thousands of muzzie’s can get worked up over the burning of a few stupid books, but when their own are being slaughtered not a single protester in sight.
Where is the SWP? Amnesty International, the trade unions and the other leftist twats? Not a single protester in Trafalgar Square demanding Assad be put on trial.
Don’t you just want to laugh? God knows why the right are getting worked up over Syria.
Newsnight going on about bankers pay again and disclosing pay, but the BBC of course refuse to disclose what beeboids get paid or if they are all PAYE
A bit O/T but Bonnie ‘mad as a dog’ Greer is doing the paper review on Sky News.
Like a good feminist she defends the right of the ‘sistahood’ to put thier own gender to death in abortion clinics (don’t you just laugh at that one).
Then she defends Joyce.
If anyone ever needed a reason to want to ask why the left are barking mad, Greer is a great model to study.
i notice the BBC havn’t done a report on the struggle of the gays in Homs, i suppose the saunas havn’t been bombed yet
Having seen four so-called “business leaders” sitting round Kirsty Wark and getting bawled out in regard of “morals and business” : i despair.
Where does the BBC get off on deciding that trying to find work for kids at Tesco is immoral…but aborting baby girls is not?
And more to the point-what kind of sick thinking is going on at the BBC, where the likes of Wark PLC(employees…1 on a perpetual sinecure!) can tell the CEOs of Greggs, Mars,Wates and Waitrose that they`re likely to be taxdodgers, crooks, slavers and predatory scum?
What the hell is WRONG with these people…if this is British business, we`ll be Chinese offshore by 2020…and we`ll deserve no better.
Who among us is going to get ourselves on the BBC to ensure “our legacy” by ruining a few careers of these presumptuous, bumptious and arrogant shits.
Sitting ducks…the BBC is the sleek fat fox that`s eating them, and no-one is blasting the Warks out of the water…what the hell is wrong with us all?
Being a predominantly Marxist-supporting organisation, BBC-NUJ accepts that under Marx’s definition, ‘labour’ is always and everywhere ‘exploited’ by capitalists.
(And it believes that Islam is ‘the religion of peace’.)