“Obama paused for a moment from trying to force the Catholic Church to deny its teachings to assure the Afghan people that the U.S. would strictly abide by Sharia provisions regarding the handling of the Qur’an. Maybe if Roman Catholics regularly flew into violent rages when their religious sensibilities were insulted, they wouldn’t be in this fix. ”
2.) Islam Not BBC (INBBC):
“Barack Obama apology to Afghanistan over Koran burning”
This happened because Muslims engaging in war against the West because of religious principles – not politics or anti-Imperialist anger – defaced the Koran by writing secret strategic messages in it. And that’s perfectly okay, right, BBC?
That story is fascinating it what it doesn’t say. Why would 200 “youths” be trying to shut a takeaway? There must be reasons for these local “tensions”. Why would the owner refer to “white friends”? His name would suggest he isn’t white. Were the youths shouting “EDL” part of the 200 or were they the “white friends” protecting the business? Why did the EDL praise the youths?
If the journalist doesn’t know the answer to these questions, it’s pretty poor journalism. It’s extremely relevant to understanding what what going on, so why not tell us?
However, the BBC has done another news brief about this, one in which they do give you the whole proper context about the sex crimes and especially the fact that the pizza shop was a meeting place for one of the defendants and his victims.
I would suggest that this is exactly the kind of “developing story” that should require the BBC to update the original report to include this all-important context. Yet, in contrast to how they handle other stories, they left it as a separate report. So the uninformed reader can take away the message that this is a random EDL racist attack, without fear of being influenced by facts.
I really can’t see a valid journalistic reason to leave that first report up as it is and not simply update to include the key facts. I know the easy defense is that there’s a link to this other one (and vice versa), but – as usual in these cases – it requires extra effort for the reader to get the real story. This is delivering quality first?
If a muslim abuses a woman or girl it is indeed likely that his religion would play a part in that abuse, how many Christians are now in jail for so called honour killings? NONE
If a muslim murders innocent men women and children by suicide bombing it is likely that his religion played a 99% role, how many Christians have become suicide bombers? NONE.
The BBC has a deliberate policy of hiding the religion of msulim criminals, crimes that are relevant to their religion, crimes like rape within marriage, violence within marriage, forced marriage, honour murders and female genital mutilation. Muslims display a remarkable consistency in the crimes they commit, crimes almost entirely attributable to their religion. In the koran it is permissable for a man to rape a woman, to exploit sex with non muslims and to have sex with children.
Usual bollocks from Dez doing the BBC nightshift. The point is Dez when Muslims commit crimes in the NAME of Islam (like terrorism or gang rape because the Koran teaches them that non Muslim women are slags) the BBC ignores it.
The BBC love to announce that someone is ‘white’ when they commit a crime but when black or a Muslim the BBC don’t mrntion it even if it’s relevant to the story or case.
We see the BBC taking reports from newspapers Dez and stripping out their ethnic background or colour just so they can bE PC, excpet of course when white.
Dez really struggles with the fact that there is no such thing as ‘Biased BBC blogspot philosophy’ and that we are all individuals who come here to articulate and exchange views.
“How dare someone try and aggregate us together and suggest there’s some sort of commonality! That’s our job! How typical of Beeboids/the Left/the gays/Muslims/blacks/socialists/Democrats/delete as applicable…”
Oh dear Scott and Dez. First of all, ‘Some sort of commonality’ is rather different from a “complete” philosophy that can be summed up in any 4 points as you do above. If you feel a sense of achievement at identifying this commonality, however, I would draw your attention to the fact that B-BBC is a blogging site about BBC Bias; thus a commonality is explicit in the very title.
But comparing a blogging site to the groups on your list is very odd indeed, and something of a QED in what I am tempted to describe as your psychosis.
Dez really struggles with the fact that there is no such thing as ‘Biased BBC blogspot philosophy’ and that we are all individuals who come here to articulate and exchange views.
OK Dez, put it the other way round. You are claiming that some people in this forum are suggesting that:
Some crime in the UK is a direct consequence of cultural beliefs which can be found in (South Asian) Muslim communities.
That a young black male in the UK picked at random from a UK database is statistically more likely to be convicted of a violent crime than a young (Chinese) Asian male picked at random from the same database.
Some crime (such as rioting) is a consequence of having (Leftist) political beliefs.
Which of these claims are you denying?
As for your assertion that people are claiming that to be Christian, White, and Right-Wing is to be ipso facto absolved of any responsibility for their crimes, I simply say, bunk.
Have a look at this report, it shows the reality of electric cars, a reality the BBC is very very careful to hide from the public. You may remember the BBC peddling the most outrageous claims on behalf of the electric car fraud, selling by the millions they would quickly outsell real cars, people would love them etc. It turns out that if you go on your hols for a couple of weeks and either the charge point flips its tripper or blows a fuse or you forget to hook it up before you go, then when you get back you have a car that needs a new battery pack, oops. Didnt tell us that did they? And because the grid has not been so unstable since the 3 day week saga trippers are flipping all over the UK. Dont expect the BBC to tell the truth when the narrative is at stake, they will tell any amount of lies and withhold any amount of evidence to protect its political narrative.
Electric cars die without careful attention
DON’T leave your electric car parked for too long – by the time you get back it could have turned into a $200,000 brick.
Electric car maker Tesla is defending claims its cars become immobilised if the battery ever becomes completely discharged. This results in a battery replacement cost of about one-fifth the car’s $206,000 sticker price.
Tesla owners in the US who have parked their vehicles with low battery power remaining – for as little as a week – have found their cars had become “bricks” that could not be re-charged.
Tesla Australia national sales and marketing manager Jay McCormack said the battery maintenance was explained as part of the company’s customer handover and the car emitted a number of warnings about requiring recharging.
“We explain through our customer ownership experience the recommendations for maintaining the battery,” he said.
“Like all cars, they require some level of care – for us, electric vehicles should be plugged in and charging when not in use, that’s for maximum performance and all batteries are subject damage when at low levels for a long period of time, anything longer than a week for a charge to be kept at zero.”
Nissan’s Leaf electric vehicle has a clause within its US warranty that details what is not covered – damage or failures resulting from “leaving your vehicle for over 14 days where the lithium-ion battery reaches a zero or near-zero state of charge.”
In the US Tesla has countered that “all automobiles require some level of owner care.”
The all-electric car company also said its cars had low-charge (below five per cent) warnings but that electric vehicles should be plugged in and charging when not in use for maximum performance. “Tesla batteries can remain unplugged for weeks (even months), without reaching zero state of charge,” the company said in a statement.
Didn`t Neil Young lose a load of recordings, equipment etc after his electric car destroyed his warehouse?
If only the great old hippie hadn`t listened to Mandelson.
Thanks Cassie…I have now “moved on”…but not in an electric car.
I`ve left the keys in it for Dez, next time he shuffles by!
Who knows?
An electric car must be like one of those Tamagotchi things of a few years back – you can’t let it out of your sight, and need to continuously nurture it, feed it, and fawn over it – or it dies.
Personally I would be quite happy if ALL electric cars died tomorrow, suddenly – just like that!
I expect he’s one of those people who is signed up to a pretty ‘generous’ contract, so they try to use him whenever they can…or perhaps they just assume that we’ve all bought into the ‘national treasure’ label and are bringing to us his infinite wisdom and considerable charm. Of course, it helps that he’s a ‘Luvvie For Labour’ who hates the Tories, and thinks that the plebs need to be told what’s good for them by their betters(him).
He once gave a BBC lecture arguing against the notion of ‘choice’ in public service broadcasting. ‘Protect the BBC’ was the underlying theme.
You really should listen to this lecture. The superiority on display is quite obnoxious. Watch out for the lovingly fawning faces of the enthralled audience. If you can’t be bothered to listen to all 40 odd minutes (can’t blame you) then scroll in to about 25 minutes – the anecdote here about an old Fry & Laurie sketch will give you the flavour of the entire lecture.
I have nothing against Stephen Fry, honest, and I have no interest in his political views .
He’s a bright chap and has a good track record: his and Laurie’s Jeeves and Wooster was TV magic and is the definitive adaptation and A Bit of Fry and Laurie was very good indeed.
But he is inescapable. No medium is immune from his not-inconsiderable presence. Stephen Fry Swims With Dolphins in Room 101; Come Strictly Come Dancing With Me Stephen Fry; Stephen Fry Does Dallas…
Hugh Laurie, on the other hand, has proved that less is more.
Wasn`t he great?
Subtle, nuanced and clearly speaking from personal experience.
Grayling must have been stood in the Beeb naughty part of the carpark overnight…for he was similarly screeched at by wee Kirsty Wark on Newsnight.
And didn`t Evan give Grayling an open goal in terms of “technology placements-as opposed to stacking shelves placements”
One good(of course) and one bad.
Now then-would someone tell Grayling for next time that the BBC uses slave labour, but use words like researcher or intern (hardly Orwell, but seems to befuddle the Tories)…and these slaves are sloshing coffees and polishing Evans jewellery, nor doing the Today programme!
Of course they should-cheaper, more “yoofful”…and they simply could NOT be as bad as Humph and his Tinselworm.
Well got to go-Davis has an intern to show how an Oystercard works, and so will be directed to a Poundland or an Iceland.
No surprise that they`ll risk Sarah Montague in one of these Kerry Katona outlets again…after her trip to Bradford to seek the spirit of Karen Matthews.
As for Kirsty…she`ll be flying back to Edinburgh…probably not to
Poundland I expect! F888 the BBC….my new meditative mantra…F888 the BBC…F666the BBC…
Shameful you two!
Nicholas Campbell is needed on the real frontline…his Sunday show is at the cultural cutting edge and we can`t spare this fearless class warrior for distractions such as Syria.
That`s why Rupert is allowed to keep a few journalists as long as they`re out there somewhere ropey.
Campbell is just the bag from Alistairs bagpipes, but doesn`t he look well on it?
Must be that healthy Ship Canal air up there.
Rough house Labour MP Eric Joyce’s bar room exploits are receiving scant BBC headlines.
There is also very little background given despite several previous colourful stories about him being on record.
‘He was PPS to the then defence secretary Bob Ainsworth until 2009, and prior to that had been a parliamentary aide to John Hutton, Mike O’Brien and Margaret Hodge.’
Not even a ‘controversial’ ?
Where’s Ed?
First rule of BBC/Labour Fight Club…You don’t talk about Fight Club.
MarcoMar 3, 18:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 No more wars please we are broke and so is Europe ,the loons in parliament are all deluded and all…
JeffMar 3, 18:23 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, I agree, but… Within a couple of generations the native British will be a minority in our own homeland.…
NW NinepenceMar 3, 18:19 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sorry Fed in response to your earlier comment, Posted this a few times. (Have it on a poster behind my…
Fedup2Mar 3, 18:18 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 X misinformation prize winner – claim that the car which killed at least 2 people was driven by an afgee…
Fedup2Mar 3, 18:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Richard – always on the pulse – I think withdrawing from NATO completely would be extreme – but certainly cutting…
Richard PinderMar 3, 18:09 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Trump will probably say: (1) We will withdraw from and stop funding the NATO Military Command Structure and bureaucracy, but…
MarcoMar 3, 18:08 Weekend 1st March 2025 No more wars please we are broke and so are Europe ,the loons in parliament are deluded and I am…
Mrs KittyMar 3, 17:51 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I struggled through season 1 with him and Mr Kitty asked me if I wanted him to record season 2,…
tomoMar 3, 17:41 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I re-watched some of the Oval Office stuff – high as a kite, involuntarily sniffling – seen it before….
Fedup2Mar 3, 17:40 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Just think – if the US pulls out of NATO those RAF bases they lease can become the third /…
Obama’s dhimmitude on Koran burning.
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’:
Obama apologizes to Afghans for violating Sharia provisions regarding Qur’an
[Excerpt] –
“Obama paused for a moment from trying to force the Catholic Church to deny its teachings to assure the Afghan people that the U.S. would strictly abide by Sharia provisions regarding the handling of the Qur’an. Maybe if Roman Catholics regularly flew into violent rages when their religious sensibilities were insulted, they wouldn’t be in this fix. ”
2.) Islam Not BBC (INBBC):
“Barack Obama apology to Afghanistan over Koran burning”
“The Stream Of Apologies Do Harm, Not Good”
This happened because Muslims engaging in war against the West because of religious principles – not politics or anti-Imperialist anger – defaced the Koran by writing secret strategic messages in it. And that’s perfectly okay, right, BBC?
Interesting to say the least. I wonder who the liberal elite will support, whilst the white under class fight for their rights.
That story is fascinating it what it doesn’t say. Why would 200 “youths” be trying to shut a takeaway? There must be reasons for these local “tensions”. Why would the owner refer to “white friends”? His name would suggest he isn’t white. Were the youths shouting “EDL” part of the 200 or were they the “white friends” protecting the business? Why did the EDL praise the youths?
If the journalist doesn’t know the answer to these questions, it’s pretty poor journalism. It’s extremely relevant to understanding what what going on, so why not tell us?
However, the BBC has done another news brief about this, one in which they do give you the whole proper context about the sex crimes and especially the fact that the pizza shop was a meeting place for one of the defendants and his victims.
I would suggest that this is exactly the kind of “developing story” that should require the BBC to update the original report to include this all-important context. Yet, in contrast to how they handle other stories, they left it as a separate report. So the uninformed reader can take away the message that this is a random EDL racist attack, without fear of being influenced by facts.
I really can’t see a valid journalistic reason to leave that first report up as it is and not simply update to include the key facts. I know the easy defense is that there’s a link to this other one (and vice versa), but – as usual in these cases – it requires extra effort for the reader to get the real story. This is delivering quality first?
The Complete Philosophy of biasedbbc.tv:
If an ‘Asian‘ person commits a crime; it’s because they’re a Muslim.
If a ‘Black‘ person commits a crime; it’s because of their skin colour.
If a ‘White‘ person commits a crime; it’s because they’re a Socialist.
And if a ‘White, Right-Wing, Christian‘ commits a crime; it’s because of the BBC.
What a ridiculous post but typical of you.
If a muslim abuses a woman or girl it is indeed likely that his religion would play a part in that abuse, how many Christians are now in jail for so called honour killings? NONE
If a muslim murders innocent men women and children by suicide bombing it is likely that his religion played a 99% role, how many Christians have become suicide bombers? NONE.
The BBC has a deliberate policy of hiding the religion of msulim criminals, crimes that are relevant to their religion, crimes like rape within marriage, violence within marriage, forced marriage, honour murders and female genital mutilation. Muslims display a remarkable consistency in the crimes they commit, crimes almost entirely attributable to their religion. In the koran it is permissable for a man to rape a woman, to exploit sex with non muslims and to have sex with children.
Awesome post, Dez.
Usual bollocks from Dez doing the BBC nightshift. The point is Dez when Muslims commit crimes in the NAME of Islam (like terrorism or gang rape because the Koran teaches them that non Muslim women are slags) the BBC ignores it.
The BBC love to announce that someone is ‘white’ when they commit a crime but when black or a Muslim the BBC don’t mrntion it even if it’s relevant to the story or case.
We see the BBC taking reports from newspapers Dez and stripping out their ethnic background or colour just so they can bE PC, excpet of course when white.
Dez really struggles with the fact that there is no such thing as ‘Biased BBC blogspot philosophy’ and that we are all individuals who come here to articulate and exchange views.
It’s quite sad, really.
“How dare someone try and aggregate us together and suggest there’s some sort of commonality! That’s our job! How typical of Beeboids/the Left/the gays/Muslims/blacks/socialists/Democrats/delete as applicable…”
Ha ha! Classic!
Oh dear Scott and Dez. First of all, ‘Some sort of commonality’ is rather different from a “complete” philosophy that can be summed up in any 4 points as you do above. If you feel a sense of achievement at identifying this commonality, however, I would draw your attention to the fact that B-BBC is a blogging site about BBC Bias; thus a commonality is explicit in the very title.
But comparing a blogging site to the groups on your list is very odd indeed, and something of a QED in what I am tempted to describe as your psychosis.
Dez really struggles with the fact that there is no such thing as ‘Biased BBC blogspot philosophy’ and that we are all individuals who come here to articulate and exchange views.
It’s quite sad, really.
Don’t be daft, Dez.
OK Dez, put it the other way round. You are claiming that some people in this forum are suggesting that:
Some crime in the UK is a direct consequence of cultural beliefs which can be found in (South Asian) Muslim communities.
That a young black male in the UK picked at random from a UK database is statistically more likely to be convicted of a violent crime than a young (Chinese) Asian male picked at random from the same database.
Some crime (such as rioting) is a consequence of having (Leftist) political beliefs.
Which of these claims are you denying?
As for your assertion that people are claiming that to be Christian, White, and Right-Wing is to be ipso facto absolved of any responsibility for their crimes, I simply say, bunk.
Have a look at this report, it shows the reality of electric cars, a reality the BBC is very very careful to hide from the public. You may remember the BBC peddling the most outrageous claims on behalf of the electric car fraud, selling by the millions they would quickly outsell real cars, people would love them etc. It turns out that if you go on your hols for a couple of weeks and either the charge point flips its tripper or blows a fuse or you forget to hook it up before you go, then when you get back you have a car that needs a new battery pack, oops. Didnt tell us that did they? And because the grid has not been so unstable since the 3 day week saga trippers are flipping all over the UK. Dont expect the BBC to tell the truth when the narrative is at stake, they will tell any amount of lies and withhold any amount of evidence to protect its political narrative.
Electric cars die without careful attention
DON’T leave your electric car parked for too long – by the time you get back it could have turned into a $200,000 brick.
Electric car maker Tesla is defending claims its cars become immobilised if the battery ever becomes completely discharged. This results in a battery replacement cost of about one-fifth the car’s $206,000 sticker price.
Tesla owners in the US who have parked their vehicles with low battery power remaining – for as little as a week – have found their cars had become “bricks” that could not be re-charged.
Tesla Australia national sales and marketing manager Jay McCormack said the battery maintenance was explained as part of the company’s customer handover and the car emitted a number of warnings about requiring recharging.
“We explain through our customer ownership experience the recommendations for maintaining the battery,” he said.
“Like all cars, they require some level of care – for us, electric vehicles should be plugged in and charging when not in use, that’s for maximum performance and all batteries are subject damage when at low levels for a long period of time, anything longer than a week for a charge to be kept at zero.”
Nissan’s Leaf electric vehicle has a clause within its US warranty that details what is not covered – damage or failures resulting from “leaving your vehicle for over 14 days where the lithium-ion battery reaches a zero or near-zero state of charge.”
In the US Tesla has countered that “all automobiles require some level of owner care.”
The all-electric car company also said its cars had low-charge (below five per cent) warnings but that electric vehicles should be plugged in and charging when not in use for maximum performance. “Tesla batteries can remain unplugged for weeks (even months), without reaching zero state of charge,” the company said in a statement.
Thank for this Cass I nearly spat tea all over me screen reading this story ! 😀
Didn`t Neil Young lose a load of recordings, equipment etc after his electric car destroyed his warehouse?
If only the great old hippie hadn`t listened to Mandelson.
Thanks Cassie…I have now “moved on”…but not in an electric car.
I`ve left the keys in it for Dez, next time he shuffles by!
Who knows?
An electric car must be like one of those Tamagotchi things of a few years back – you can’t let it out of your sight, and need to continuously nurture it, feed it, and fawn over it – or it dies.
Personally I would be quite happy if ALL electric cars died tomorrow, suddenly – just like that!
Just when I thought I had chanced upon a Stephen Fry-free oasis of calm, I turn on the World Service to hear him chuntering away about Lundon.
No one is safe. There is no escape from the Ubiquitous Fry.
I expect he’s one of those people who is signed up to a pretty ‘generous’ contract, so they try to use him whenever they can…or perhaps they just assume that we’ve all bought into the ‘national treasure’ label and are bringing to us his infinite wisdom and considerable charm. Of course, it helps that he’s a ‘Luvvie For Labour’ who hates the Tories, and thinks that the plebs need to be told what’s good for them by their betters(him).
He once gave a BBC lecture arguing against the notion of ‘choice’ in public service broadcasting. ‘Protect the BBC’ was the underlying theme.
You really should listen to this lecture. The superiority on display is quite obnoxious. Watch out for the lovingly fawning faces of the enthralled audience. If you can’t be bothered to listen to all 40 odd minutes (can’t blame you) then scroll in to about 25 minutes – the anecdote here about an old Fry & Laurie sketch will give you the flavour of the entire lecture.
I recommend that you just listen rather than watch…the spittle that gathers in the corner of his lips made me queasy.
I have nothing against Stephen Fry, honest, and I have no interest in his political views .
He’s a bright chap and has a good track record: his and Laurie’s Jeeves and Wooster was TV magic and is the definitive adaptation and A Bit of Fry and Laurie was very good indeed.
But he is inescapable. No medium is immune from his not-inconsiderable presence. Stephen Fry Swims With Dolphins in Room 101; Come Strictly Come Dancing With Me Stephen Fry; Stephen Fry Does Dallas…
Hugh Laurie, on the other hand, has proved that less is more.
His analogy that the BBC is silver cutlery whereas all the rest are disposable plastic is risible.
Even BBC interviewers seem incapable of asking a question in a concise way “…in other words…that is to say…blah blah blah…”.
I wonder what Evan Davies thinks of unpaid work experience schemes?
Wasn`t he great?
Subtle, nuanced and clearly speaking from personal experience.
Grayling must have been stood in the Beeb naughty part of the carpark overnight…for he was similarly screeched at by wee Kirsty Wark on Newsnight.
And didn`t Evan give Grayling an open goal in terms of “technology placements-as opposed to stacking shelves placements”
One good(of course) and one bad.
Now then-would someone tell Grayling for next time that the BBC uses slave labour, but use words like researcher or intern (hardly Orwell, but seems to befuddle the Tories)…and these slaves are sloshing coffees and polishing Evans jewellery, nor doing the Today programme!
Of course they should-cheaper, more “yoofful”…and they simply could NOT be as bad as Humph and his Tinselworm.
Well got to go-Davis has an intern to show how an Oystercard works, and so will be directed to a Poundland or an Iceland.
No surprise that they`ll risk Sarah Montague in one of these Kerry Katona outlets again…after her trip to Bradford to seek the spirit of Karen Matthews.
As for Kirsty…she`ll be flying back to Edinburgh…probably not to
Poundland I expect!
F888 the BBC….my new meditative mantra…F888 the BBC…F666the BBC…
I bet it’s not just Davis’s jewelery that’s getting a polish…
BBC Salford local radio phone-in this morning. Light-weight Dame Nicky Campbell asks…..Syria: Is it time for us to go in?
After you then Nicky.
Private N. Campbell – Queen’s Own Freeloaders.
Shameful you two!
Nicholas Campbell is needed on the real frontline…his Sunday show is at the cultural cutting edge and we can`t spare this fearless class warrior for distractions such as Syria.
That`s why Rupert is allowed to keep a few journalists as long as they`re out there somewhere ropey.
Campbell is just the bag from Alistairs bagpipes, but doesn`t he look well on it?
Must be that healthy Ship Canal air up there.
Pantomime Dame Batallion
Fight Club
Rough house Labour MP Eric Joyce’s bar room exploits are receiving scant BBC headlines.
There is also very little background given despite several previous colourful stories about him being on record.
‘He was PPS to the then defence secretary Bob Ainsworth until 2009, and prior to that had been a parliamentary aide to John Hutton, Mike O’Brien and Margaret Hodge.’
Not even a ‘controversial’ ?
Where’s Ed?
First rule of BBC/Labour Fight Club…You don’t talk about Fight Club.