I don’t know about you but I’m with Conservative MP Priti Patel who has claimed the BBC is showing bias in favour of hard left activists as concerns the current “Workfare” issue;
She claimed BBC 2 Newsnight had ‘spent all week putting solitary Government Ministers up against panels made up of the hard Left’. Sources say David Cameron is ‘determined’ to rescue the scheme and is ‘livid’ at the BBC’s role. On Tuesday’s Newsnight, Tory MP Harriett Baldwin was put up against three critics who had experience of workfare schemes. Jeremy Paxman asked Baldwin four times: ‘Do you understand why people find the schemes offensive?’ And on Thursday, presenter Kirsty Wark said: ‘It’s just essentially cheap labour.’ On Friday morning’s Today programme, Evan Davis said: ‘The amount you are going to learn stacking shelves is not going to be very great – it’s been over-sold. What do you learn when you go and do work experience in supermarkets?’
Throw in some of Stephen Nolan’s comments and you have a full on jihad against Government policy which coincidentally echoes the campaign from the hard Marxist left…
The BBC has willingly taken on this agitprop role and this is but the latest manifestation. I have no sympathy for Cameron, he has consistently failed to confront the monster so he cannot be surprised when it bites.
Yes, I agree David. Have you witnessed the patronising ‘sermon from the pulpit’ tone of voice in the BBC’s numerous interviews (interrogations!) with Stephen hester? So anti-capitalist and biased it’s untrue! And despite the public recognition that it is a small handful of lazy left wing rich kid scum carrying out the aggressive and militant atacks on the businesses signed up to the Back To Work Scheme the BBC still waxes lyrical about how ‘the government just doesn’t get it.’
The fact is that many of our youth have been spoilt and brainwashed by the socialist welfare ‘we the poor victim’ attitude and the self-indulgent left wing culture for the last 40 years. Today’s youth have zero employability skills because they have been brought up by mummy and daddy into thinking that they are above serving in a cafe or stacking shelves. Well, all I can say is there will be a few disappointed middle class students over the next decade as they graduate from their useless drama and pop music degrees and realise that they aren’t the next ‘rock god’ or Robert De Niro.
Also, how pretentious and snooty is the left wing movement? Imagine what poverty-stricken workers from Eastern Europe or India would think reading about some spotty little middle class English student suing for her ‘human’ rights because she had to stack shelves in order for her to receive her bacon roll cheque. Our snooty and arrogant culture is headinf for a crash, I will tell you that for nothing.
I asked several staff in my local Waterstones if they were graduates – or students. Out of 6, 5 said they had degrees. I was too kind to ask “What did you study?”
Likewise there are several young graduates who are bar staff in my local pub – some for a long time now.
My best friend has a nephew who was not academically bright – but a really nice young guy. I had known him since he was a kid – his brother had gone into an engineering apprenticeship and has always had good jobs. His sister trained as a secretary – and has never been out of work. And this is in Wales.
The youngest was being pressed by his school to go into the sixth form to study “anything” – no doubt the school gets paid a per capita allowance to waste young people’s time. Over the course of a year or so I kept advising him that if he wanted to go on to college – his best chance was to avoid all the soft crap. He recognised that he was not very good at maths or science. So he concentrated on computer science (most of the syllabus was rubbish!) and was then able to go on to Uni and go straight into a pretty good job 5 years ago in computer security. Doing well, he will ALWAYS be employed.
Round here, it appears anyone can get into Sixth Form with just 5 GCSEs – with no requirement for a string of (overrated) A’s.
My university education was in music performance, but I was never told to expect a job out of it. In fact I was made painfully aware from the start that there was a lot of competition, and it would be extremely hard to find work. I was always aware that there were a very limited number of jobs to be had, and that I had a limited number of options if I made that choice. At no time did I ever expect there to magically be any number of jobs waiting for someone with my training. As is typical with liberal arts studies, the most common option for someone with a music education is academia. And there are limited slots there as well. If I wasn’t cut out for it, that was my problem, and no one else’s. I certainly wouldn’t expect the government to pay to create more jobs in my field or retrain me in something else.
So I have zero sympathy for liberal arts grads who wonder why there aren’t jobs waiting for them. But at the same time, I can’t blame someone for studying something they love.
Incidently David, I am an avid jazz/rock guitarist who plays regularly and have studied, not to degree level though, graded exams on the guitar so I have no problem with the classical or traditional academic music degree, which is highly academic and abstract. I do have a problem with the modern pop music degree though as I feel that you can’t really teach pop music, you have to ply your trade through gigging etc. and I do have concerns in this country about ‘mickey moise’ degrees and am worried about the prospect of millions of kids wasting huge amounts of money on degrees that will probably not result in a job and to be honest, in my opinion, will in the long run dilute the unique talent which is so rare in music and what ultimately makes it great; but if they are happy to fund it then I don’t have too much of an issue with them personally. However, where I do object is when you see graduates refusing to accept normality, refusing to realise that they are not Jimi Hendrix or Keith Moon and when they complain about having to fit in with society and contribute i.e. work in a job that may not be exactly what they want. I’m not sure what it’s like in America but we have quite a lot of snooty young kids at the moment with a ‘victim attitude’ who are complaining incessantly about how the jobs they are having to undertake are not suited to their degree, well tough I say as that’s life!
As much as I despise the bbc, I quite enjoy seeing cameron getting a good shafting from them. If our spineless, gutless excuse of a
PM can’t muster the cojones to man-up to be bbc, then he fully deserves all the crap they sling his way.
Therein lies the difference Merlin: a Chinese student would leap at the chance even if from a rich family; an Indian (Hindu or Sikh) student too, knowing that any work experience is a good thing to have on a CV. Any right-leaning younster would too. I bet that stupid bitch trying to sue will now NEVER get the job she wants (unless with a lefty twat soak up taxpeyers’ money firm)now because all self respecting business peole have already been warned by here grosssly OTT and pathetic actions.
The fact that these unpaid jobs are “in return” for benefits received means that everyone with an ounce of decency – a smidgeon of what is right – would do it.
You know what? Ive got very little to no sympathy for the Government BECAUSE they are allowing the BBC to operate this way.
As someone has already pointed out, these schemes will be costing Tesco money simply because they will have to have staff shadowing these people, showing them the ropes, watching over them etc.
However to the left its just slave labour and there is nothing no one can say that will change this scums mind BECAUSE its already made up.
The problem here is the lemons the Tories put up on Newsnight were badly briefed. The BBC as we’ve pointed out here has used unpaid work experience for years and still does today.
The Tories just don’t seem to understand the evil that exists in the BBC, as I pointed out in the general thread EVERY SINGLE POLICY that is announced by the Government is trashed on a daily basis by the combined output from the BBC, I’ve pointed out before how it works. Newsnight kick it off as it gives a chance for the editors of the Guardian, Mirror and Indy to also run the BBC line the following day. The BBC then go all out on the Toady show followed by Dame Nikki and Vikki Pollard on Radio 5.
Then the main BBC news channel picks it up, we then get Toenails having a go followed by endless sound bites off of MaGuire, Toynbee and Sir Michael Shite. The whole 24 hour cycle is rounded off by Newsnight once again.
It’s like the BBC is punching an opponent so often the opponent doesn’t get a chance ot hit back or if they do it’s just the occasional punch.
But go back to the days of Bliar and Brown and the BBC did nothing but support the Government, remember Marr crawling out of Downing Street still wiping Brown’s sperm from his mouth as he announced there would be no election? Remember the MP’s expense scandal? Most of the seriouds abuses of expenses were by Labour MP’s yet the BBC STILL only ever reminds people of Tory moats and duck houses (which were never approved) yet ignores the criminal acts of severla Labour MP’s and the trouching of wankers like Tam Dalziel who tried to claim £18,000 for a couple of BOOK CASES, yes 18K!!!
As I pointed out in the general thread the BBC never went after the Labour Government in the way they do the current one. But I have no sympathy for the Tories, instead of putting a wanker like Chris Patten in as head of the BBC trust it should have been a BBC hater who should have been in to run down the BBC for either selling it off or making it self subsidising.
The Tories will suffer at the next election as the BBC will go full out to get Labour back in.
Well said! Excellent comment! How funny would it be to put a BBC hater as head of the BBC lol. I would love the job; I would be getting rid of all the arty farty drama and ‘avante-garde’ music stations for a start. After a few weeks I’d be the only one left lol
With you quite a bit of the way on all that Martin, apart from when you trash R5L.
I dont want to see someone who hates the BBC running it. I want to see someone who loves it enough to save it from the subversives who riddle it.
I see Paxman’s got a programme about the Empire now and is making a lot of Tory sounding noises about that era.
Whose he trying to fool. You want to be a Tory Paxman try a bit of basic manners and common decency. You’re posturing doesn’t cut it with anyone.
Radio 5 should be trashed the majority of its output is utter garbage and riddled with leftist twats like Dame Nikki, Vikki, Peter Allen and Nolan.
The BBC is beyond saving, it needs closing or selling off.
Paxman is a disaster, the trailer for his lefty programme should get him sacked.
this is what happens when you have a idiot like J Hunt in charge of the culture,olympics,media and sports…every week i have emailed this twat with the BBC bias against the tories and the constant drip drip drip of lies and attacks…
I hope you don’t mind – I liked your comment so much that I copied and reposted it on John Redwoods blog – (just taking out a couple of words to make it post-able). Hope he publishes it, but at least we know that he will read it!
I’m intrigued to think what Mr Redwood makes of Toenails, Dame Nikki and Vikki Pollard!
Not sure about this scheme . Does it mean you can move from work experince to work experience until you find a trade or industry that you like ?
I’m OK with it as it seem to be about learning things like getting up for work, experiencing working with others taking instruction from superiors and trying to get youngsters who have no ideas to feel the self worth of actually achieving something with their day !
I thought that an employer might be more impressed with someone who says “I to join your company because I tried Work Experience with XXX ltd, YYYY ltd and ZZZZ co and found I likes working in 3333 trade / working outdoors / working with the general public .
Beats the sham commitment from a university student who has never been in a commercial enviroment .
If you gate-crash a Committee hearing and shove a custard-pie in someone’s face, you get your own slot on Newsnight; if you sit in a tent for four months, you get wall-to-wall coverage and gushing reports by BBC journalists; if you take part in a demo and trash large swathes of central London, you get a hotline to Paul Mason.
But if you are a government minister, a businessman or a banker, or if you admit to being mildly sceptical about the extent of climate change, you get the full weight of the BBC, the liberal commentariat and John Prescott shovelled onto your head.
Nihilism rules, it seems.
I’ve also noticed that Owen Jones (left wing twat and blogger) is never off the BBC these days, this is someone who has little following, yet he gets lots of airtime.
Guido Fawkes for example gets a far bigger following and breaks real news stories, yet he’s amost totally absent from the BBC and when he is on the BBC he’s attacked for being a fascist from the likes of Dame Nikki.
Guido Fawkes is more forgiving than you Martin:-
Staines later added on his blog: ‘Guido is satisfied that BBC Radio 5’s Nicky Campbell meant nothing malicious and it was a bit of early morning banter that went a bit too far.
‘Campbell apologised on air there and then and later in person. His apology is accepted.’
You ignore that Campbell said what he said because he meant it. You don’t call someone that just off the top of your head.
Hippie, I agree with you on many things but this is one where you are too forgiving. Guido has shown he is a big man and accepts the apology, and also has the satisfaction of the apology being public.
However, and this is where we disagree, the fact that Campbell made the accusation at all shows how his mind works. the fact that it slipped out is all the proof you need to know that it is his real belief. It proves beyond any doubt that Campbell is an extreme left-winger and until, or unless, he is able to present a neutral front he should not be allowed on the National Broadcaster to peddle his poison.
The BBC should have a chat with their socialist chums across Europe. Workfare is now seen as empowering the citizen by reintegrating him/her into society on the basis of contract. The redefinition of status from one of passive entitlement on the basis of citizenship to active participation is the state encouraging the ‘right to work’ by empowering the long term unemployed to participate. Refusal to participate will, of course, bring a cost as a contract is not being honoured….as is true for the contract(s) for the great majority of the citizens who are economically active in the marketplace make through employment or self-employment.
The idle, noisy gutter left and barrackroom lawyers hate this, of course, but that is happening everywhere now. All parties will be following this route in the UK.
Brussels is behind it. Europe’s welfare model is perceived to have created a culture of idleness and despair among the low-skilled which is morphing into an underclass ..and it is now, more than ever, unaffordable.
Perhaps Ralf Dahrendorf’s (ex LSE) observation should be pinned to the desk of every Beeboid.
“While it is feasible both economically and politically to tolerate the underclass, ignoring the underclass means suspending the basic values of citizenship for one category of people, and thus, weakening the intrinsic universality of citizenship claims. Doubts will then spread to the validity of other claims. “The majority will pay a high price for turning away from those who consistently fail to make it, and the fact that the price is intrinsically moral rather than economic should not deceive anyone about its seriousness.”
It is to address this deficit in citizenship rights by tolerating social idleness, society is storing up big problems of a moral nature. Workfare is just one, highly important mechanism, to correct this deficit which ultimately is a threat to society at large and its liberties.
The BBC were promoting Cait Reilly’s case against DWP as early as 4th December 2011.
Winifred Robinson’s You and Yours was on the case by 14th December 2011.
Today weighed in on 12th January 2012
The BBC: setting the anti-Govenemnt news agenda.
The whole of Any Answers? yesterday was given over to this subject even though it is supposed to be about the topics discussed in Any Questions?
I laughed at the woman who said she had been advised by a government website designed to help people into work, that she could be a tram driver, a town planner, an actor or a broadcast journalist!
She was a 45-year-old woman who had no experience or qualifications for any of these. Well, she could probably do a better job than some of the broadcasters I see and hear.
Another good one was the small employer who took on a young man to do some shifting of boxes and stocking shelves etc when the business moved to new premises. After a couple of days the employer received a message that the young man’s girlfriend’s dog had been injured by a fox, so the young man had to go to the vet. He hadn’t been seen since!
Bet he’s still getting his handouts though, which he shouldn’t do.
Mark Thompson admits the BBC treat Christians with less respect than Muslims.
This is NOT a shock.
Subversion of a public institution should call for an MI5 inquiry. The Camaroon ‘Tory Party’ is too afraid of the BBC’s propaganda power to do what’s needed.
You let them get away with this Mr Cameron just wait and see how worse things get to bring you down.
hippiepooter, I agree with your sentiment, but for some time now I’ve discounted fear as a reason for Cameron’s complete failure to neuter the BBC. The big give away was when Cameron approved the appointment of Chris Patten as Chair of the BBC govenors. For some reason, that I can’t suss yet, Cameron seems happy with the left wing BBC agenda. even though it continues to relentlessly bite the hand that feeds, the current government.
It’s almost as if Cameron, along with the labour stooges in power before him, are somehow servants of the real power that pulls the strings in the UK.
The reason is that the BBC protects the Tory right flank. Fox UK would be the end of the political class and the 3 Party system to the benefit of UKIP, mostly. The (hideously white Tunbridge Wells) audience on last week’s QT is evidence of this.
Why are people suprised at this story. Here is the current bBC headlines for the Uk. Those boxes I have in red are non-stories. Yes people non-stories yet to the bBC they are the msot important news items they feel the british people should hear and people complain about the daily Mail.
Oops…in case Dezscott call me to task…I meant to call you Pounce!
8 weeks of workfare that gives young people a chance to prove they can get up in the morning and do a bit of graft – to show they’re employable. No, the BBC want Britain’s young to remain lobotomised morons who’ll believe any crap the subversive left pump into them in education and on the airwaves.
Every young, soon to be a voter, person that the BBC can convince not to put a tick against a Tory candidate is a result for the BBC and their master.
A true outrage that we know the BBC aren’t going to work up a head of steam about. It’s exactly due to their key role in Thought Policing since the 90’s that outrages like this occur.
This matter raises important issues but I have no doubt the BBC/Guardian/ Liberty axis of stupidity will never air them.
A statement of fact treated as a thought crime. False imprisonment. Detention without due cause. Coercion – we will release you only if you apologise.-. All the actions of the Gatwick staff are in contravention of our centuries old freedoms under the law .
Eastern Europe circa 1970.
The Gatwick staff should be sued- personally and collectively.
The very last thing the far left wants is for its army of long term unemployed to be offered a way out of their induced dependency on the state. Why the very thought brings a shudder to every self respecting SWP/Maoist/Marxist revolutionary. They need a dispossed cannon fodder which they can fling at the gates of the winter palace. A revolution needs its foot soldiers and these foot soldiers have to be fed on a special diet of rage and jealousy and provided with a suitable scapegoat class enemy, well it worked for the Nazis and Lennin didnt it?
But I have no sympathy with the Tories whatsover, the cabinet of handwringing thickos and cowards and sell out traitors may as well paint a great big bullseye on their foreheads. The BBC are in heaven, their targets are so easy to hit, its almost not fair. Time after time some dribbling hand wringing minister appears to bumble and stutter in a stage show trial setting hit with structured questions perfectly designed to make them look like the drooling retards they are.
The so called Tories knew what was coming before they stepped into office, they had a golden chance to win a crushing majority in Parliament just by allowing a referendum on the EU and they had a one off chance to privatise the BBC and they had a chance to enact far reaching right wing fiscal policies. And they blew all their chances and they missed their window of opportunity, and they f*cked up every policy initiative. They allowed the BBC to pull the same tricks and tactics they pulled before and its working yet again.
The so called conservatives stand there like imbeciles and get hit again and again and come back for more like grinning village idiots. But then again this is a government of ideas isnt it? Not their own ideas of course, they are a brain dead hand over team of puppets and 3rd rate lickspittles. Ministers are handpicked for their stupidity, their cowardice, their obedience. But the BBC is an establishment organ preaching the CAGW fraud and the EU fraud and the green ecofascist fraud. The so called Tories do not have the power or authority to touch the BBC as it belongs to the real government that lurks in the background pulling the strings of the pathetic puppets in gocernment.
Dont make the mistake of thinking that the government has any intention of dealing with the BBC, that institution is way beyond their authority and pay grade to challenge. The BBC is the voice of the new world order and consequently has more power and authority than Mr Quislings gang of 3rd rate puppets. The job of the Quislings is to stand there and take it until the BBC can engineer a change from tweedle dum to tweedle dee.
Well said.
Three points that any sensible political party would have been absolutely determined to get across to the public:
1. The unemployed are not unpaid – they receive benefits.
2. The employers do pay them – through taxes.
3. In many instances the benefit to the employer is probably minimal in any case.
As you say, the stupid Tories should have been able to predict the response from the BBC and the Left. Apprenticeships were treated in exactly the same way decades ago.
Todays Oscar of the day…Noble Prize for fine writing goes to?…if not you, then who?
Excellent synopsis!
What that fool Evan Davies lets slip with his comment, “The amount you are going to learn stacking shelves is not going to be very great…” reveals either his stupidity or his detachment from the real world.
Evan, what teenagers learn from “stacking shelves” is how to get up every morning, how to function as a member of a team, how to interface and communicate with colleagues and managers, how working harder leads to greater rewards, etc. In fact, what the specific job entails is not very relevant, it’s the work experience as a whole that is of great value.
At the very least, they learn not to be sanctimonious, ignorant leeches off decent taxpayers…only wish Tinselworm had got himself that modelling job he ought to have had by rights…Andrew Marr Agency were rather smitten with him, so Im` told!
What that fool Evan Davies lets slip with his comment, “The amount you are going to learn stacking shelves is not going to be very great…”
Did Evan Davis really come out with that line? How many successful entrepreneurs and managers started out stacking shelves, doing a paper-round, working the tills at Sainsbury?
Nikki King did; Alan Sugar flogged radios from the back of van; Kirsty Young began life as a secretary.
Unfortunately, most young people can’t wangle internships for the Democrats (Jane Hill) or the Labour Party (Natasha Kaplinsky) or ride on their parents’ coat-tails (just about anyone working in the media and politics) but that doesn’t mean a foot on the ladder at Tesco is worthless.
This whole workfare controversy is deeply depressing and proves that Stoppers really do wield disproportionate influence in UK public life.
“Jobs, welfare and how the BBC went into battle for the Socialist Workers”
By Melanie Phillips
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2106888/Jobs-welfare-BBC-went-battle-Socialist-Workers.html#ixzz1nZSCpKTq
It’s an excellent article and having seen it quite early on the comments section proved her point entirely. The first comments were all against everything she said. It was almost as if a very specific group of people turned up to make a noise and shout here down. All of the anti article comments were getting the votes as well
Go back later that day and all of the early comments are now in the least popular end of the comments.
‘Go back later that day and all of the early comments are now in the least popular end of the comments.’
It’s like that on many Beeboid threads, especially Mr. Black’s.
He writes some tripe, and sends it out on the intranet so the start is packed with sycophantic adoration. Any dissent is marked down or demands made for a banning.
Only once others, in real jobs, manage to dip in, does the thing start reflecting reality.
If it really goes off kilter, a few defenders pack out the last page and then it gets closed.
Katanga Katanga, my friends!
Mandela false alarm on BBC radio this morning!
Dame Nicky interupted the show to announce that the great man had returned to hospital.
Five Live minutes later and its red faces all round when Light-weight has to issue an about face. ‘Sorry’. So its colourful print shirts back in the wardrobe kids. Put away your Specials records for the time being.
To think there was a time when if the Beeb told us we had sunk the Bismark you could believe what they said. “Sorry, false alarm; its still afloat”
This lady is rapidly becoming my favourite current MP. We could do with a few like her on the front bench to replace the dripping-wet, limp-wristed, socialist C.I.N.O’s.
Plus there is something deeply nasty about the attacks on these schemes! what is wrong with stacking shelves ? only a very few will end up being the B-BB’C Brainy [luv me] Cox’s or Beckhams most will never run a bank or the local lesbian badger confused and ethnic brass band collective on £30.000 + or even get this mystical ‘average wage ‘
We are at the bottom of the ladder and many down here like it ,it’s us it’s what we we born to we won’t get PHD’s but that is just academic stuff and that rarely equates to brains in the real world ! Fred Dimnah loved his life and gave lot’s of folk entertainment and he spent his years up to his neck in crap and steel !
So B-BBC stop running down those who stack shelves for a living you know mostly those women you pretend to care about sooo much yet get yer thugs to lock up in terrifyingly high numbers for not paying you your tax money go on tell us how media studies graduates are superior to one grunt in Afghanistan !!!
In my time monitoring the far-left, I’ve discovered that almost all of them come from very affluent back-grounds, but despite being given the best education and many opportunities, have still managed to fail miserably in life, thus leaving them very confused, battling with both superiority and inferiority complexes at the same time.
When they talk about the ‘workers’ they’re referring to public-sector seat warmers. They treat the average brickie, chippie or store worker with utter contempt.
The SWP website had a major overhaul a year or so back. They removed their praise for Stalin, Che Guevara as well as various other mass-murderers and no longer even have a manifesto (which included lowering the age of consent to 6! Not surprising that they protest in support of Muslim peados!)
It seems that now, in true far-left fashion, they prefer to just whinge about anything they don’t like, rather than having the courage to spell out and stand up for what you truly believe in.
It’s deliberate. It leaves their critics chasing ghosts. The whole thing comes straight out of Alinsky’s rule book. It’s a bit like the saying don’t fight pigs – you’ll only get dirty and the pig loves it.
It is the essential nature of the Left that it opposes things, never happier than when explaining what is wrong with Capitalism, but without the foggiest what might successfully replace it. If you ever ask the Left what they are for they fall back on a “fair and just society” i.e. they are against unfairness and injustice. A permanent state of “mum mum, his slice of pie is bigger than mine”, never more when they know they will inherit the whole damn pie-factory from mummy and daddy.
pie-factory lol LC good one ! now I know why rich/ennobled Lard pressalott calls him self a socialist , he’s looking for a big slice of inheritance !
Unfortunately, the British pie is small and getting smaller.
More of a tart than a pie. A bit stale too. Reminds me of the BBC.
Now I could say something about lard pressalot and tarts but that would be pure speculation and I have to keep me lunch down unlike him !!!
To get the picture all Dave (or anyone) need do is expose themselves to any given day of BBC output. Toady, News 24, World at One, News 24 again, PM, then the drivel pumped out on BBC 1 in the evening and rounded off by Newsnight.
In Re ; Stacking shelves .
Naturally a BBC person would see that as demeaning , as would , unfortunately , the country .
We dont care about JOBS in Britian , it must be CAREERS , in exciting things like finance , media , law and IT .
Never mind that our education system isn`t geared for it , that some school leavers are hardly literate , we must have a High Tech Economy .
This is the mantra from both Conservative and Labour , that superior Britons will have nice clean careers while stupid lumpen johnnie foreigner can do the menial stuff . Racism is the word for it . But the likes of Ed Balls and our Powers That Be seem too stupid themselves to see it .
One thing that has occured to me (and tells me all I need to know about call me Dave) is why only Patel has lodged a complaint? I mean why can’t every single one of the approximately 300 MPs lodge a complaint on this one?
The BBC couldn’t tuck that one under the carpet with their usual “we don’t answer to anyone” type replies could they?
Stacking shelves is a crucial part of a super markets operation. How else does the BBC think the ciabata and houmous gets bought from Waitrose?
Perhaps they think their little Phillipino slave, sorry nanny, magics it out of thin air?