Another of our legion of alert readers draws our attention to this…
“The link below is a news ‘item’ from Newsbeat, the BBC’s service for youngerteenagers. You will note the mealy-mouthed disclaimer below the clip that thisis part of a wider ‘investigation’ of pornography, but the woman featured isnot challenged on any of her (somewhat outlandish) claims regarding thepornographic business. I wonder how many impressionable young girls will watchthis and consider a career in the sex industry lucrative and enjoyable? Theshamelessness of the BBC seems to know no bounds…“
I’ve often wondered why the BBC doesn’t manufacture porn programmes.
Porn is extremely popular as entertainment and is entirely legal.
The BBC has a duty to entertain so it seems odd that it has entirely neglected this form of entertainment.
I can see why ITV or Sky might not want to make porn as it could alienate family audiences and damage them commercially.
But the licence fee system is designed to insulate the BBC from vulgar commercial concerns, enabling it to serve all sections of the community.
So why doesn’t it serve the huge community which enjoys porn?
Sexual pornography would be a hard sell for the BBC. It would alienate several key groups: the Islamists (although it would perhaps also make them more docile); the feminists (porn as a sign of male domination) and the GLTG group (bandwidth may vary). Most importantly (for the BBC) it might draw a reaction from the sleepers in the House of Lords at Charter Renewal time.
Yes but the BBC would do homosexual porn and the BBC would love that.
can you imagine the BBC’s version of interracial gay porn?
Wrong, when the Islamists aren’t blowing up people or in the dole queue, porn is their number one activity.
That is outrageous. They have no sense of responsibility whatsoever. The daft idiots at the BBC should be hauled before the courts. They are promoting pornography and prostitution as a career without even the slightest hint that it is, harmful or dangerous and just wrong, wrong, wrong.
If there is a stance to be taken on any subject the BBC will always take the opposite one to that of common sense and decency. There simply has to be an explanation for this behaviour it cannot just be ignorance and immaturity, there must be subversive element at work in the BBC which wishes to see the absolute destruction of Britain and its people and in my opinion they have done a brilliant job of it in the nearly seventy years that I have wandered about on this planet.
Of course with a £3,200,000,000 budget every year and answerable to no one what else should we expect. Never mind the Biased BBC; they are probably the mightiest corporate dinosaur the world has ever seen, but with a brain no bigger than a peanut’s backside.
Can you prove that pornography is more harmful than any other career? Would you feel proud stopping a young, sexually proud and active women from earning a very good living, doing what she loves doing, and leaving her with no other option but a low paid menial boring job which could leave her suicidal?
I know many women and couples, who create their own porn, for free, for the love of it. How dare you try to oppress them?
Do you have any idea how many ‘Johns’ get their giggles by abusing their hired girls? How they are abused by their ‘owners’ ie: Pimps not to mention the STDs that shorten their lives and affect it’s quality. Letting oneself be used by strangers does not contribute to ‘pride’ and the money isn’t all that great either except at the top of the industry and no one stays there forever.
Can’t see anything wrong with porn, myself, or prostitution. It’s a trade, just like everything else, and probably supersedes everything else, in terms of longevity too.
I have no problem with porn as such as long as it is between a man and his computer I’m OK with it !but I have to say if the B-BBC could start making proper porn not their Benny hill type faked up nudey drama story’s on 2 then the quality of lesbians on the B-BBC would come on a treat !
Maybe Dez or Scotty would like to comment on this post showing the BBC Newsbeat interview with an ex-Page 3 girl who is extolling her new life in the US porn industry ? “Committed to Quality” Sheer bloody filth to put to young viewers.
Certainly John,
“Sheer bloody filth…”
I couldn’t see any “filth” in this interview; just a woman saying why she works in the porn industry.
Should her reasons not be broadcast simply because you disagree with them?
I am all in favour of porn, and a lot more of it. It might make the BBC worth watching for a change!
Well why not if you pay for it. But don’t expect me to.
Sorry…I feel that the Bradford Mosque might take a Dhimmi view of this one.
Presumably free sex is slave labour and reduces womens pay , so the Beeb probably prefer porn and prostitution…as long as they pay their taxes eh?
Your licence fee at work.
This video was recorded in April 2011 and appeared online as part of a detailed piece of journalism (see link below) drawing on NHS research exploring attitudes towards porn and the dangers in its use for people aged 18-24.
Please be advised the video contains adult subject matter.
Notice the weaselling words in the attempts above to present this as something respectable. It just appeared online. Like a ghost, it just appeared?
And the claim to some sort of depth to this tawdry exercise in promotion of pornography as a career to young women, is pathetic. Part of a detailed piece of journalism! I wouldn’t call it journalism. Even the NHS is dragged in to give some sort of cover. NHS research, no less. Hm. And I don’t see anything in this so-called piece of journalism to the dangers which it says the supposed NHS research looked into. And then we get the final weasel- worded warning that it contains adult subject matter. So why then is it being promoted to young teenagers and possibly even pre-teens?
Vile piece of garbage, larded with lies, being peddled by the publicly funded public service broadcaster to impressionable youngsters.
The BBC is an immoral organisation – their purpose is to encourage teenage promiscuity and undermine the family. Decent moral citizens are a threat to the immoral degenerates who inhabit the BBC.
The BBC use the principles of the Frankfurt School as their guidlines to “Inform Entertain and Educate”
1. The creation of racism offences.
2. Continual change to create confusion
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking
7. Emptying of churches
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits
10. Control and dumbing down of media
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family
How did you come by this confidential Labour Strategy document? Was it leaked or did you blag it?
does this also mean that girls will aspire to make their lips look like a ducks bill ?