OK folks. This blog stands at a crossroads and I want to take it forward. I need your help to achieve this and I am touched by the emails sent my way in recent days. In essence, we aim to move the site to a new beefed up host and ensure we have a decent and stable commenting system. B-BBC gets some pretty heavy traffic and we need to ensure that going forward there is the capability to handle all of this. So, what do we need? Simple – Β£1000. This gives us the space and capabilities required. Every penny will go to the blog and as MY gesture, I’m throwing Β£100 into the kitty. The rest is up to you. I maintain the greatest asset this blog is YOU – will you now help?
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I cant chuck a ton in but will try and give what i can π
Thank you very much and thanks for the very prompt response.
£100 it is. Where do I send the cheque?
Please email me via the contact address.
Similar to Billy – I can’t lay my hands on £100 but have put something in the pot as it’s a very worthwhile cause. I’m sure I can find the same amount monthly and will try ot keep coming back with more.
If everyone can find the cost of a good bottle of vino each month we can keep this going.
Let me have a think.
Just chipped in via Paypal.
Keep up the good work David!
Thank you Foxgoose. Much appreciated.
I wish I could manage 100 quid, infact i’d like to give you £145 but the TV licencing bandits just robbed me of that. I’ve made a small donation none the less.
Hope you make your target, can you borrow the old Blue Peter Totaliser to make it more exciting?
See my comment below to Pacific Rising. Might be a good idea if every license payer who contributes to this B-BBC fund requests a license fee rebate for the expense they have incurred in helping to expose the Gramscian subversion of the BBC Charter.
Thrown a tenner in, I’m not made of money, might see some future donations, I think this blog is excellent π
As Tesco say – every little helps!
Idea, David, create a UK PO box – then all we ex-pats can simply mail it in and the trolls won’t worry you.
Email me via the contact address! π
I’m afraid I’m only chucking in a measley 15 quid, such are my finances and commitments.
As much as I’m firmly of the belief the BBC has a huge Gramscian cuckoo sat in its nest, I fairly often dont see eye to eye with you DV on what you perceive as bias, and despair at the confluence of the license fee issue and the bias issue, but I’ve every confidence in you as a person and your sheer guts and courage in going into the lion’s den. You deserve all the support you can get in taking B-BBC this next step forward. Sorry my contribution is going to be so measly!
Small donation made; as others have already said, keep up the good work, David.
£50 on the way via Paypal
Me too. What do I do with the donation receipt? – can I claim a tax rebate?
Write to the BBC to claim a license fee rebate.
I will be adding my tuppenyworth (well, a bit more π ) later this month.
A tenner winging its way from France… (pounds, not Euros!)
Good luck
Will be contributing in due course.
Any scope for a share option type thing or profitable publication of some of this stuff that gets written?..like a Community Interest/Charitable fund type idea…the BBC would like that, seeing as it sucks up to every other “cheridee”.
Since I abandoned my TV and the telly-tithe, (about 6 years ago) each year, I donate the equivalent of the current telly tax to my favourite blogs.
As this blog is the first blog I visit daily, £145.50 is on its way via paypal.
aka Roy Stirred-Oyster
Another £50 via Paypal.
Keep up the good work, DV. On to a better a brighter future. Will chip in when I’m back home on a computer which remembers my Paypal password.
Glad to see you have started this, I’ve always been fearful that BiasedBBC might fall down for some reason and hopefully support from followers will keep it strong and healthy. My small sum is on the way and shall be repeated at intervals. Good luck!
οΏ½50 donated.
How about compiling a list of aims – not necessarily exhaustive but certainly indicative. I would like to aim for getting the beeb to release the audience profile for Question Time. What have they got to hide?
Much better value than the licence fee. Good luck on getting to your target. I would certainly miss this forum if it closed.
Hi! I am a daily reader and a infrequent poster. I have sent a tenner to help ‘oil the wheels’ for a bit longer! Thank you for the great job that you all do.
I’ve contacted you via the FAQ.
I hope that’s the right one.
Oh oh !
Stupid me, I see where you can do it now.
God help me in a crisis !
Will donate an amount via paypal, if that’s appropriate?
Ah dinnae hae muckle tae help ye survivor,
but the moths in mah sporran hae left ye a fiver,
here ye go laddie, keep up the guid wirk,
next year I’ll gie ye the tail ‘o mah shirt.
Are you really Ewan McTeagle?
If you could see your way to lending me sixpence.
I could at least buy a newspaper.
That’s not much to ask anyone.
Can I have fifty pounds to mend the shed?
I’m right on my uppers.
I can pay you back
When this postal order comes from Australia.
Hope the bladder trouble’s geting better.
Love, Ewan
Oh gie me a shillin’ for some fags
and I’ll pay yer back on Thursday,
but if you wait till Saturday
I’m expecting a divvy from the Harpenden Building Society
As I find this blog so important I have donated 20 gbp. I hope this helps.
Can only manage £25 but every little helps as you say! Just make sure the blog exposes all the bias for all to see.
£25 from me via my husband’s paypal account! So Mr Vance if you see a donation for that amount from someone who never has appeared to comment – it’s probably mine.
Please David keep us informed if we are getting near to target or stalling. Thanks for what you do and please bear in mind I would be lost if there was no bBBC to keep me informed of what is really going on in this world.
£50 from me as well. Keep up the evidence gathering.
If I must. I am skint and all your blog ever does is raise my blood pressure anyway.
Anyway , I send you a widow’s mite on the basis that many a mickle maks a muckle.
Good Luck with the new blog.
Thank you all for the generous response. I’ve been away for a few days fo just catching up. For those who have emailed me, I will respond shortly.
I have just bunged twenty quid into the kitty. I hope you realise that I will no longer be able to afford my subsciptions to The Guardian, Global Warming Gazette and The Beginners Guide to Jihad. I might even have to put my inflatable Obama doll on hold!
There’s a few subscriptions there that Goat would never have admitted to… π
And your Obama doll will, naturally, be full of holes and have a faulty valve…
I seem to be unable to send money via PayPal, is there another method available as I would really like to make a donation?. I have a credit card but my idiotic Dutch bank seems unable to deal with this system of payment.
Just had the same problems myself. I’ve emailed DV about it.
Problems here also – although I’ve had other (non-technical) problems with PayPal from time to time π . A PO Box Number would be appreciated for my £50 cheque: it would be cheap at twice the price!
Just made my donation. Keep up the good work.
DV, there’s a tenner for you. I will raise it by another Β£40 if you post a pic of you wearing a Celtic shirt