With Cameron in charge of things they will probably pick the bloke who quit over St Pauls.
It is a key position and the liberal consensus needs one of their own in the job. No forthright bishop from Africa need apply despite the large and vigorous Anglican community in that continent.
Hey, don’t knock it – the only positive we’ll get out of the whole farce is the joy of listening to ever-PC Beeboids twisting themselves into knots finding subtle ways to say that ‘those people’ are just too ‘divisive’ to be allowed proper representation in the Church.
As long as his successor doesn’t believe that ‘Sharia Law in the UK is unavoidable‘ because ‘some of its citizens do not relate to the British legal system‘ <Christ!> it will be a step in the right direction. Personally, not ever having to hear that twit’s prissy manner of speech again will be the greatest reward. How apt that he will be taking a position in the academic world. Where else would an obsolete old Marxist be employable? (except The Labour Party/Guardian/BBC, of course) 🙂
Wikipedia on Fiona Bruce – the feminist who waggles her arse for the cameras to get some attention –
Bruce set up a service company called “Paradox Productions”. Daily Telegraph journalist Stephen Adams alleged the purpose of the company is for Bruce to avoid paying the new 50p tax rate as it enables her to be employed freelance by the BBC. A number of other highly paid BBC staff also use the practice.[26] Bruce is paid approximately £500,000 per year by the BBC.[1]
‘Blasphemy is just part of everyday language’: BBC’s dismissive response to vicar who complained about Jeremy Clarkson’s offensive language Car enthusiast Reverend Graeme Anderson has vowed never to watch Top Gear againClarkson’s comments ‘trivialised, belittled
“The 2010 Boxing Day edition of the show caused anger with a nativity scene that depicted the new Stig – the show’s mystery test driver – as the baby Jesus.”
Can’t wait to see a pig test-driving a car on Top Gear wearing a Mohammed t-shirt.
Imagine the quandry the BBC would face if Clarkson declared himself to be a Muslim and said “Anyone who insults the Prophet Mohammed should be taken outside and shot in front of their families”.
R4 today around 430. Some feedback programme. A question of bias on the Now show concerning an item on gay marriage and the Catholic Church.
The woman who heads BBC comedy does not seem to understand that a question of factual accuracy is exactly that. Smearing the current Pope and by implication the Scottish Cardinal with covering up child abuse is either based on fact or on supposition.
She resorted to bluster and a lame defence of “it is only a comdey show etc”
I am very surprised she was challenged on the BBC but she did not acquit herself well. Interesting.
I heard that. It was exactly the same type of side-stepping and avoidance of the real issue that I’ve had from them every single time I’ve written a complaint.
I had a good chortle at this BBC chat with some Goldman Sachs executive about how the so-called revelations about the inner culture from that whiner who quit might change the way the corporation operates.
While the BBC is loving what they see as a smackdown of the evil Goldman Sachs – making the extra effort to reference that dopey Rolling Stone simile of a “vampire squid” – they apparently fail to realize what it means when the company takes better care of their clients: they’ll just end up helping the rich get richer, thus further contributing to the horrors of income inequality.
But the emotional juveniles can’t think past the immediate story, so don’t bother to think things through, and instead end up celebrating it.
For the second time in a week, a Muslim has attacked a mosque, killing one of the faithful inside. A few days ago it happened in Belgium. This time it’s Arras in France. A Muslim came in with a baseball bat and started hitting people. One person died and another has been seriously injured. The Muslim has been arrested. He has been described as a “practising Muslim” and someone with a “psychiatric history” who was known to be “mentally unbalanced”. Imagine this had been a Breivik-style Counterjihadist. Then there would have been a relentless media focus on these incidents, with demands to shut down blogs and suppress free speech even more. But because these are Muslim-on-Muslim attacks, we can expect no significant reaction. How many fatal attacks have their been on mosques in Europe by anti-Muslim “extremists”? I can’t think of any. But now we have two fatal attacks in a week committed by Muslims.
I notice of the 2 articles the BBC ran on the Brussels attack, the one with the video clip omits the fact that the perpatrator was also a Muslim. I’m waiting to see how the BBC will avoid or downplay the Muslim element in this French attack, when they work out the wording and produce an article.
From “Nick Robinson’s video from America” “These are pictures (basketball, dinners, pomp) they want the world to see”. Thanks, Nick, we see them. Job done. The publicity arm of No10 and the White House in operation. Despite the “laconic” asides, it was a puff piece. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-17394559 (Full disclosure: I like Nick Robinson as a man very much. I was one of the producers and he was a junior researcher in 1986 on The Pamela Armstrong Show (BBC2) and was a star on his way to top from the start. I nearly caught up with him at a Pebble Mill reunion a couple of years ago but it didn’t work out. I’d love to talk to him right now. Boy, would I?)
I thought it was all a bit too self-indulgent. Far too much time spent talking about himself and the awful grind of being a reporter, Bush making fun of his baldness, etc. Far too much narcissism and not enough actual reporting. I’m sure, though, that Robinson and his producer felt that the “Ooh, 9/11, oooh, Afghanistan”, pointing at Ground Zero, pseudo-somber ending made up for the rest of the lightweight drivel. But I guess that’s what their polls and audience tracking tells them the viewers want, so they delivered quality first. Money well spent.
Thanks to Google’s continued messing about, I find that this site (and others) has now been redirected to my national (French) domain, and I couldn’t see the comments.
There is a way around it, if anyone else is exepriencing this.
just add ” /ncr ” after the “.com” (NCR meaning No Country Redirect)..
Anyone hear Nicholas Parsons on Toady, allegedly “monitoring” the “ums” and “ers” uttered by the presenters, and toadying his way around. At the outset, he said that they were all good and not guilty of excessive “umming”, and that it was most noticeable in the interviewees.
What utter bollocks. I’ve commented here on this before, and even refer to Davis as “Um” Davis because he does it so often, even the first word he utters is usually “Um”. They all do, especially him, Naughtie, and Webb. They all seem to say “I mean” a lot too – what does that mean? The worst offender I’ve encountered is John Snow on Channel 4 news. Why DO people say “I mean”, again, often before they say anything else?
No matter what your opinion of settlers are, you cannot deny that Judea and Samaria is their home.
Well, if you are the BBC, maybe you can.
From Kevin Connolly at the BBC:
A French parliamentary report, for example, recently concluded that the 450,000 Israeli settlers who live on the West Bank of the River Jordan, in defiance of international opinion, use more water than the 2.3 million Palestinians whose home it is.
The article itself is also quite misleading about water usage in the Middle East, as much as it tries to pretend to be unbiased. But as we see, anti-Israel bias is part and parcel of the discussion, often without people even realizing it.
For some facts, see this JPost article that details how Palestinian Arabs are stealing Israeli water, and this useful factsheet as well.
@David Vance – could you highlight the issue of the good redirects since a lot of foreign readers are unable to see the comments any more and it would be useful to put up a note at the top of the page telling them what to do.
i.e. you need to type biasedbbc.tv/ncr The ncr means “No country redirect”.
I don’t know if the mods intended everyone to start commenting there already, as it’s still a work in progress, but most people seem to be over there now anyway. All posts are the same, but comments here don’t show up over there (yet).
Time for a further reprise of that scene about the media from Yes, Prime Minister.
If Jim Hacker were to be invited onto Biased BBC, he might observe….
Oh the media, don’t tell me about the media:
*People who read the Daily Mirror reckon a couple of millionaires run the country;
*People who staff the BBC reckon a couple of Milibands should run the country;
*The Evening Standard and the Sun are owned by millionaires from another country;
*Many BBC2 viewers want to escape to the country;
*Many BBC London viewers have just escaped from another country;
*Racing Post readers would bet their mortgages on a horse;
*BBC staff have bet their pension on windmills;
*Jewish Chronicle readers have a loyalty to the UK and another country;
*BBC staff have a loyalty to 26 other countries;
*The people who produce Russia Today sound as though they love their country;
*People who produce BBC output sound as though they loath their country;
And ITV? Well, ITV viewers don’t care who runs the country as long as Ant and Dec are in it somewhere!
Search Biased BBC
Recent Comments
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Good news on the BBC for once with the marxist Ronan Williams to step down as Archbishop of Canterbury.
With Cameron in charge of things they will probably pick the bloke who quit over St Pauls.
It is a key position and the liberal consensus needs one of their own in the job. No forthright bishop from Africa need apply despite the large and vigorous Anglican community in that continent.
Hey, don’t knock it – the only positive we’ll get out of the whole farce is the joy of listening to ever-PC Beeboids twisting themselves into knots finding subtle ways to say that ‘those people’ are just too ‘divisive’ to be allowed proper representation in the Church.
As long as his successor doesn’t believe that ‘Sharia Law in the UK is unavoidable‘ because ‘some of its citizens do not relate to the British legal system‘ <Christ!> it will be a step in the right direction. Personally, not ever having to hear that twit’s prissy manner of speech again will be the greatest reward. How apt that he will be taking a position in the academic world. Where else would an obsolete old Marxist be employable? (except The Labour Party/Guardian/BBC, of course) 🙂
If Semantu doesn’t get the top job because of his outspokenness against homosexual marriage, it will be due to racism. You know it makes sense.
how depressing to have the antiques woman reading the 6oclock news, her of the manueveable eyebrows and the frowney eyebrows
Does she have a name?
Fiona something
AKA: Get Out Of My Way I’m Fabulous.
Bruce – rule three, no poofters, Bruce…
Wikipedia on Fiona Bruce – the feminist who waggles her arse for the cameras to get some attention –
Bruce set up a service company called “Paradox Productions”. Daily Telegraph journalist Stephen Adams alleged the purpose of the company is for Bruce to avoid paying the new 50p tax rate as it enables her to be employed freelance by the BBC. A number of other highly paid BBC staff also use the practice.[26] Bruce is paid approximately £500,000 per year by the BBC.[1]
‘Blasphemy is just part of everyday language’: BBC’s dismissive response to vicar who complained about Jeremy Clarkson’s offensive language
Car enthusiast Reverend Graeme Anderson has vowed never to watch Top Gear again Clarkson’s comments ‘trivialised, belittled
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2115875/BBC-tells-vicar-complained-Jeremy-Clarksons-blasphemy-offensive-phrases-just-everyday-language.html#ixzz1pIxFzFvv
Dangerous argument. Racism is also “just a part of everyday language”. So is anti-semitism.
Not, however, as far as the BBC is concerned, dissing the prophet nonce Mohammed.
From Millie Tant’s link –
“The 2010 Boxing Day edition of the show caused anger with a nativity scene that depicted the new Stig – the show’s mystery test driver – as the baby Jesus.”
Can’t wait to see a pig test-driving a car on Top Gear wearing a Mohammed t-shirt.
Wait, this time Clarkson doesn’t have to apologize?
Imagine the quandry the BBC would face if Clarkson declared himself to be a Muslim and said “Anyone who insults the Prophet Mohammed should be taken outside and shot in front of their families”.
R4 today around 430. Some feedback programme. A question of bias on the Now show concerning an item on gay marriage and the Catholic Church.
The woman who heads BBC comedy does not seem to understand that a question of factual accuracy is exactly that. Smearing the current Pope and by implication the Scottish Cardinal with covering up child abuse is either based on fact or on supposition.
She resorted to bluster and a lame defence of “it is only a comdey show etc”
I am very surprised she was challenged on the BBC but she did not acquit herself well. Interesting.
when is all this cuting edge “comedy” going to poke a bit of fun at the “religion of peace”?
sorry…..what was that now?……..never?????
whaddaya mean they scare the crap right out of you?Where did all that audacious edgy humour go???
I heard that. It was exactly the same type of side-stepping and avoidance of the real issue that I’ve had from them every single time I’ve written a complaint.
Not being pursued by the BBC any time soon:-
Apologies for non-BBC comment, but Socialist hypocrisy nonetheless.
Bare in mind that Red Ken is chairman of UAF:
We the undersigned demand a public inquiry into the BBC’s propagandising of the threat of Anthropological Global Warming.
<——–Site membership breaks the 400 barrier! 😎
I had a good chortle at this BBC chat with some Goldman Sachs executive about how the so-called revelations about the inner culture from that whiner who quit might change the way the corporation operates.
While the BBC is loving what they see as a smackdown of the evil Goldman Sachs – making the extra effort to reference that dopey Rolling Stone simile of a “vampire squid” – they apparently fail to realize what it means when the company takes better care of their clients: they’ll just end up helping the rich get richer, thus further contributing to the horrors of income inequality.
But the emotional juveniles can’t think past the immediate story, so don’t bother to think things through, and instead end up celebrating it.
Another Fatal Muslim-on-Muslim Mosque Attack
For the second time in a week, a Muslim has attacked a mosque, killing one of the faithful inside. A few days ago it happened in Belgium. This time it’s Arras in France. A Muslim came in with a baseball bat and started hitting people. One person died and another has been seriously injured. The Muslim has been arrested. He has been described as a “practising Muslim” and someone with a “psychiatric history” who was known to be “mentally unbalanced”.
Imagine this had been a Breivik-style Counterjihadist. Then there would have been a relentless media focus on these incidents, with demands to shut down blogs and suppress free speech even more. But because these are Muslim-on-Muslim attacks, we can expect no significant reaction. How many fatal attacks have their been on mosques in Europe by anti-Muslim “extremists”? I can’t think of any. But now we have two fatal attacks in a week committed by Muslims.
I notice of the 2 articles the BBC ran on the Brussels attack, the one with the video clip omits the fact that the perpatrator was also a Muslim. I’m waiting to see how the BBC will avoid or downplay the Muslim element in this French attack, when they work out the wording and produce an article.
From “Nick Robinson’s video from America”
“These are pictures (basketball, dinners, pomp) they want the world to see”.
Thanks, Nick, we see them. Job done. The publicity arm of No10 and the White House in operation. Despite the “laconic” asides, it was a puff piece.
(Full disclosure: I like Nick Robinson as a man very much. I was one of the producers and he was a junior researcher in 1986 on The Pamela Armstrong Show (BBC2) and was a star on his way to top from the start. I nearly caught up with him at a Pebble Mill reunion a couple of years ago but it didn’t work out. I’d love to talk to him right now. Boy, would I?)
I thought it was all a bit too self-indulgent. Far too much time spent talking about himself and the awful grind of being a reporter, Bush making fun of his baldness, etc. Far too much narcissism and not enough actual reporting. I’m sure, though, that Robinson and his producer felt that the “Ooh, 9/11, oooh, Afghanistan”, pointing at Ground Zero, pseudo-somber ending made up for the rest of the lightweight drivel. But I guess that’s what their polls and audience tracking tells them the viewers want, so they delivered quality first. Money well spent.
Are we all aware of this site?
I was not. It is not bookmarked. Thanks for the tip, Natsman
Thanks to Google’s continued messing about, I find that this site (and others) has now been redirected to my national (French) domain, and I couldn’t see the comments.
There is a way around it, if anyone else is exepriencing this.
just add ” /ncr ” after the “.com” (NCR meaning No Country Redirect)..
If you’re already aware, sorry!
Thanks! I’m in Spain and had the same problem. I found the solution here via the Google forum:
Anyone hear Nicholas Parsons on Toady, allegedly “monitoring” the “ums” and “ers” uttered by the presenters, and toadying his way around. At the outset, he said that they were all good and not guilty of excessive “umming”, and that it was most noticeable in the interviewees.
What utter bollocks. I’ve commented here on this before, and even refer to Davis as “Um” Davis because he does it so often, even the first word he utters is usually “Um”. They all do, especially him, Naughtie, and Webb. They all seem to say “I mean” a lot too – what does that mean? The worst offender I’ve encountered is John Snow on Channel 4 news. Why DO people say “I mean”, again, often before they say anything else?
EofZ has spotted another bit of BBC bias:
A bit of BBC bias
No matter what your opinion of settlers are, you cannot deny that Judea and Samaria is their home.
Well, if you are the BBC, maybe you can.
From Kevin Connolly at the BBC:
A French parliamentary report, for example, recently concluded that the 450,000 Israeli settlers who live on the West Bank of the River Jordan, in defiance of international opinion, use more water than the 2.3 million Palestinians whose home it is.
The article itself is also quite misleading about water usage in the Middle East, as much as it tries to pretend to be unbiased. But as we see, anti-Israel bias is part and parcel of the discussion, often without people even realizing it.
For some facts, see this JPost article that details how Palestinian Arabs are stealing Israeli water, and this useful factsheet as well.
Ooops, sorry!
Just realised that’s an old story already covered here.
@David Vance – could you highlight the issue of the good redirects since a lot of foreign readers are unable to see the comments any more and it would be useful to put up a note at the top of the page telling them what to do.
i.e. you need to type biasedbbc.tv/ncr
The ncr means “No country redirect”.
For “good” read “google”
For those who haven’t been redirected, you may as well head over to the new domain:
I don’t know if the mods intended everyone to start commenting there already, as it’s still a work in progress, but most people seem to be over there now anyway. All posts are the same, but comments here don’t show up over there (yet).
It’s not a “new domain”. It’s Google breaking things!
Please everybody read this:
Anybody visiting any of those country specific domains will not see comments posted on any other country specific domain.
The sooner B-BBC can move away from Google/Blogspot the better, IMVHO.
Time for a further reprise of that scene about the media from Yes, Prime Minister.
If Jim Hacker were to be invited onto Biased BBC, he might observe….
Oh the media, don’t tell me about the media:
*People who read the Daily Mirror reckon a couple of millionaires run the country;
*People who staff the BBC reckon a couple of Milibands should run the country;
*The Evening Standard and the Sun are owned by millionaires from another country;
*Many BBC2 viewers want to escape to the country;
*Many BBC London viewers have just escaped from another country;
*Racing Post readers would bet their mortgages on a horse;
*BBC staff have bet their pension on windmills;
*Jewish Chronicle readers have a loyalty to the UK and another country;
*BBC staff have a loyalty to 26 other countries;
*The people who produce Russia Today sound as though they love their country;
*People who produce BBC output sound as though they loath their country;
And ITV? Well, ITV viewers don’t care who runs the country as long as Ant and Dec are in it somewhere!