DV, glad you fixed the frick’n comments issue, it was harming the sites vital function in providing a forum for showing the increasing disgust at the bbc’s unchecked bias !
I live in hope that the new broom will inject objectivity into “our” tax funded service. My latest squawk, about the “ums” and “ahs”, during the morning press review by the over-paid ones, elicited an astonishing reply. They said that all the ill-preparation and hesitation by the “stars” revealed their personalities. I don’t give a sh… about their personalities. I tune in to the Today show for some decent news reading. If I want drama or comedy I’ll trot off to the West End.
On Toady this morning, some bloke from Lloyds being interviewed about the horrendous rise in insurance claims as a result of “Natural Catastrophes”.
Of course, climate changed reared its ugly head, and the Lloyds bloke assured us that due to continuing warming, there was a significant rise in the number of storms, typhoons, floods in Australia, etc., etc.
WHERE do they get this stuff, when all the evidence suggests that it isn’t getting warmer, and that these weather related events are diminishing, rather than increasing? Don’t they know, aren’t they bothered, or are they all just on the bandwagon?
It’s total misinformation, and utter crap – AKA lying.
As I’ve just commented above, the default setting here was that your first comment is moderated and after that you are unmodded and free to vent!
On the right hand column is a menu option (under “Meta”) to sign up for this site. If you want a global account for all WordPress sites then go to wordpress.com and that’ll carry your account to other sites too.
Interesting, this slipped in like a stiletto to the heart of free speech, all as part of the BBC’s much vaunted moves to get back to telling us what and how to think, and sourcing it.s news and views from two overseas social media outlets:
The opening sentence of the new BBC web posting on the US Supreme Court hearings says, “The US Supreme Court is to ponder whether President Obama’s healthcare law can stand if its core rule that everyone must have medical cover falls”.
This is not the whole truth. The objection is not simply that everyone will be mandated to have health cover. It’s also about the Federal Government saying, “If you are an American citizen you are required by law to have medical insurance – AND THIS IS WHAT YOU HAVE TO BUY”. Hence the argument made by Justice Kennedy yesterday: If the Federal Government can oblige you to have health care, can they dictate that (for the national economic good) you MUST buy a GM car, or for your own health you MUST buy broccoli. More from the site I’ve linked to below which includes a video report on some poll results showing just how unpopular this legislation is:
I sense BBC reporters think that Obamacare is simply a US version of the NHS and therefore a ‘good” thing. But there is more to it than health. The argument here in the US is not only about healthcare but also the future implications of Obamacare. Many fear that a power hungry Federal Government with a Big Government President will initiate changes that will alter forever the relationship between the Government and free individuals.
Whether Obamacare is right or wrong, the President’s water carriers in the media are not presenting the counter argument fully. Beware, BBC viewers and listeners, as with most “news” stories, this one is a little more complicated than you may think at first.
The bBC, its hatred of the British Armed forces and how the the Falklands really belongs to Argentina.
So how many have noticed how the bBC hate anything to do with the British armed forces. They claim (like all leftwing bastards) that in order to remain neutral they don’t report favourably on any one side. (You know like how they claim that Islam is a religion of peace, how Somalia only saw peace when Sharia under the Islamists was in place and how the English Empire was evil) Well today they’ve come out with an article about a Napoleon theme park and how Muslims hid jews inside a mosque during WW2
First of all lets look at the Cpl from Corsica I quote: You have heard of Napoleon the emperor, the general, the reformer, the lover. Of the humble Corsican who took destiny by the throat, whose armies marched through Europe, bringing subjugation yet also emancipation.
Emancipation? So according to the bBC, when France invaded and ruled with an iron boot the whole of Europe that was a good thing. However when the UK did likewise that is colonialism and that Battles which Napoleon won are to be looked at in awe. I quote the bBC: At Montereau, 90km (55 miles) south-east of Paris, he scored a small but brilliant victory over the Austrians. Legend has it that it was here – when loyal soldiers expressed fears for his safety – that Napoleon uttered the much-quoted words: “Fear not my friends. The bullet that will kill me has yet to be cast!”
Yet would the bbC do the same for the British, nah here is how they reported on Waterloo: A French politician has written to UK Prime Minister Tony Blair demanding that he changes the name of Waterloo Station. Florent Longuepée says it is upsetting for the French to be reminded of Napoleon’s defeat when they arrive in London by Eurostar.
And how does the bBC report on how the French love Napoleon: “As for the British, they have a particular relationship with the man who for so many years was their bitterest foe. There is a school of British historiography which is especially critical of le petit caporal, seeing him as a prototype for later destiny-inspired war-mongers such as Hitler. This infuriates Charles Napoleon. “Do you judge Winston Churchill by the 30,000 he killed in one night in the air raids over northern Germany? Of course not,” he fumes. “Yes, Napoleon made war. But behind the French armies came new institutions, new administrations, new rules – all inspired by the French revolution, by equality and justice. It was liberation through conquest.”
So in a nutshell, according to the Horrible history folks at the bBC, Emperor Napoleon and the France empire good , Churchill defeating Nazis Germany bad. Ok we think it is laughable, but the thing is the children of today are being brainwashed by the bBC that Churchill actually murdered 30,000 people in one night. War crimes anybody?
Which brings me to the Falklands, The arsebandits at the bBC picked their side 30 years ago when like the fifth column they are, they informed the spic argentine bastards of how their bombs weren’t detonating and of our troop movements. Well today it is no different and in the latest twisting of the facts about the Falkland’s they report: The UK has sent HMS Dauntless, one of its largest and most powerful air defence destroyers, to the South Atlantic, but says it is only carrying out routine operations and the warship is only replacing one in the area.
Notice the wording, ambiguous leading to people who don’t know any better that actually it is the British who are shit stirring. when the Ship is still off the British coast. Yup the bBC which made sure how the whole world knew that HMS Dauntless would escort Prince William down to the Falkland’s don’t seem to bother telling folks that both of the above are now in the UK. The former still to deploy and the latter back home after his deployment. The bBC, the traitors in our Midst.
And that bBC article about how Muslims hid jews inside a mosque TaharRahim was considered just another promising young actor in France until his lead role in the hit film A Prophet brought him international acclaim. He’s barely stopped working since and his latest role is in the World War II drama Free Men (Les Hommes Libres)… The story – described as 60% factual – is set in the Arabic community in Paris during the Nazi occupation in World War II. Rahim’s character Younes is leant on by the authorities to spy on a local mosque suspected of sheltering Jews.
Hang on, the bbC headlines is about how French muslims went al out in which to defend the Jew. Unlike those Jews who kill Muslims in Palestine. Here is how French historian Micheal Renard reported on the above film: The film “Les Hommes libres” by Ismël Ferroukhi is enjoyable but its relationship to historical truth is rather remote. It is true that the singer Selim (Simon) Halali was saved by the delivery of papers falsely attesting that he was a Muslim. Other Jews were probably protected by members of the mosque in identical conditions. But to claim that the Paris Mosque sheltered and, even more, organised a resistance network to save Jews, is not based on testimony that has been collected nor on any real archive. It is based on imagination.
Yup just like how according to the bBC how the occupation of Spain under Islam was a good thing , they reinvent the role of Muslims in Europe during the Nazis occupation.
Which is why when the film maker asked to use the grand mosque in Paris as the actual setdrop for his film, the Mosque refused to have anything to do with the film as it showed a side of Islam towards Jews they knew just isn’t true. The bBC the traitors in our Midst.
I lost my bearings and posted this on the old blog:
I had to laugh at the idea of Evan Hostile-Rude-Aggressive to Any-Conservative-Minister/MP-on-Today Davis lecturing anybody about impartiality:
“But are gay people getting a fair hearing, especially on the BBC? The very standards for measuring the Corporation’s supposed impartiality are explained in a ten-minute video presented by Evan Davies on its School of Journalism website. Impartiality, after all, still requires judgments to be made on how to report the story, which facts to report, and whose opinions to include.”
But yes, the article linked below cites Davis’s effort for the College of Journalism and also tells us that the Beeboids are biased for listening to churches and paying attention to religion: http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2012/03/27/comment-biased-bbc-skews-the-debate-on-lgbt-issues/
Davis and Iain Dale got an entire segment to themselves on Today to giggle about David Laws getting treated unfairly for a bit of how’s your father and the straights just don’t get it.
I do consider all the ideas you have presented on your post.
They are very convincing and can definitely work.
Nonetheless, the posts are too quick for newbies. Could you please prolong them a bit from subsequent time?
Thanks for the post.
Search Biased BBC
Recent Comments
Fedup2Mar 3, 20:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Someone made the observation that the woke king did 3 happy Islam twitters but noe for Wales on St David’s…
Up2snuffMar 3, 19:50 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 tomo, I have watched the Oval Office stuff, just now, and I did not get the same impression as you.
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MarcoMar 3, 18:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 No more wars please we are broke and so is Europe ,the loons in parliament are all deluded and all…
JeffMar 3, 18:23 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, I agree, but… Within a couple of generations the native British will be a minority in our own homeland.…
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Just checking how this thing works
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gh-QcHKSpGE&w=420&h=315%5D
So this cant embed then?
Anyone in here yet?
DV, glad you fixed the frick’n comments issue, it was harming the sites vital function in providing a forum for showing the increasing disgust at the bbc’s unchecked bias !
Just testing the
new system.The inability to post graphics and video is a big minus.
Ditto no pictures on the home page for each post. I suggest a plug in.
Will we be able to upload photos?
I live in hope that the new broom will inject objectivity into “our” tax funded service. My latest squawk, about the “ums” and “ahs”, during the morning press review by the over-paid ones, elicited an astonishing reply. They said that all the ill-preparation and hesitation by the “stars” revealed their personalities. I don’t give a sh… about their personalities. I tune in to the Today show for some decent news reading. If I want drama or comedy I’ll trot off to the West End.
Wonderful. It appears I’ve been uploading comments only viewed by people in Eastern Canada and parts of Oman.
Nice design.
On Toady this morning, some bloke from Lloyds being interviewed about the horrendous rise in insurance claims as a result of “Natural Catastrophes”.
Of course, climate changed reared its ugly head, and the Lloyds bloke assured us that due to continuing warming, there was a significant rise in the number of storms, typhoons, floods in Australia, etc., etc.
WHERE do they get this stuff, when all the evidence suggests that it isn’t getting warmer, and that these weather related events are diminishing, rather than increasing? Don’t they know, aren’t they bothered, or are they all just on the bandwagon?
It’s total misinformation, and utter crap – AKA lying.
Just noticed that my last comment is “awaiting moderation”. Is this a new thing, and are we no longer allowed to be, er, forthright?
The default setting is that all comments are allowed freely as long as you’ve had your first one approved.
Cuts down on spam. I have, though, just turned that off and we’ll see what happens.
Do I take it my first two a few hours ago were not approved?
‘Cos if they were, lord knows where they went!
Try MI5!
*looks around* – Done the place up nicely, haven’t they!
Give it a while for the paint to dry and I’m sure everything will be just super.
Thanks for all the hard graft, Mr. Eye, DV and MaxF.
Just wondering if there will be a way to ‘sign up’ – to get avatars visible & avoid moderation etc.
Anyway – it’s looking good!
As I’ve just commented above, the default setting here was that your first comment is moderated and after that you are unmodded and free to vent!
On the right hand column is a menu option (under “Meta”) to sign up for this site. If you want a global account for all WordPress sites then go to wordpress.com and that’ll carry your account to other sites too.
Hurray! I’va actually managed it! Wonders never cease. Many thanks, ASE.
Hoping this new facility is as good as it looks.
Lets hope Google’s shareprice takes a beating when the world migrates off blogspot. Well done lads
All seems well.
Interesting, this slipped in like a stiletto to the heart of free speech, all as part of the BBC’s much vaunted moves to get back to telling us what and how to think, and sourcing it.s news and views from two overseas social media outlets:
So far, safe to say, not going well.
Kinda funny they can’t even get the headline right.
Maybe it was to ‘fit’ within the new character limit to accommodate twitter and mobile screens?
Talk about shooting both feet while in their mouths.
But our Steve, being ‘senior management’ doesn’t ‘do’ interactivity, hence…
Looks nice, good start. Thanks for all the hard work.
ASE, I’m reasonably competent with WordPress, so if you need any help with drudge work, please let me know.
David, DV mentioned your offer to me too. Ping me an email.
To quote the great Michael Caine: “Hang on a minute, lads, I’ve got a great idea!”
The opening sentence of the new BBC web posting on the US Supreme Court hearings says, “The US Supreme Court is to ponder whether President Obama’s healthcare law can stand if its core rule that everyone must have medical cover falls”.
This is not the whole truth. The objection is not simply that everyone will be mandated to have health cover. It’s also about the Federal Government saying, “If you are an American citizen you are required by law to have medical insurance – AND THIS IS WHAT YOU HAVE TO BUY”. Hence the argument made by Justice Kennedy yesterday: If the Federal Government can oblige you to have health care, can they dictate that (for the national economic good) you MUST buy a GM car, or for your own health you MUST buy broccoli. More from the site I’ve linked to below which includes a video report on some poll results showing just how unpopular this legislation is:
I sense BBC reporters think that Obamacare is simply a US version of the NHS and therefore a ‘good” thing. But there is more to it than health. The argument here in the US is not only about healthcare but also the future implications of Obamacare. Many fear that a power hungry Federal Government with a Big Government President will initiate changes that will alter forever the relationship between the Government and free individuals.
Whether Obamacare is right or wrong, the President’s water carriers in the media are not presenting the counter argument fully. Beware, BBC viewers and listeners, as with most “news” stories, this one is a little more complicated than you may think at first.
Got it in one, Louis. That’s exactly how the Beeboids see it, and how they’ve been spinning it for three years now.
This is a test comment from Alfie Pacino
The bBC, its hatred of the British Armed forces and how the the Falklands really belongs to Argentina.
So how many have noticed how the bBC hate anything to do with the British armed forces. They claim (like all leftwing bastards) that in order to remain neutral they don’t report favourably on any one side. (You know like how they claim that Islam is a religion of peace, how Somalia only saw peace when Sharia under the Islamists was in place and how the English Empire was evil) Well today they’ve come out with an article about a Napoleon theme park and how Muslims hid jews inside a mosque during WW2
First of all lets look at the Cpl from Corsica I quote:
You have heard of Napoleon the emperor, the general, the reformer, the lover. Of the humble Corsican who took destiny by the throat, whose armies marched through Europe, bringing subjugation yet also emancipation.
Emancipation? So according to the bBC, when France invaded and ruled with an iron boot the whole of Europe that was a good thing. However when the UK did likewise that is colonialism and that Battles which Napoleon won are to be looked at in awe. I quote the bBC:
At Montereau, 90km (55 miles) south-east of Paris, he scored a small but brilliant victory over the Austrians. Legend has it that it was here – when loyal soldiers expressed fears for his safety – that Napoleon uttered the much-quoted words: “Fear not my friends. The bullet that will kill me has yet to be cast!”
Yet would the bbC do the same for the British, nah here is how they reported on Waterloo:
A French politician has written to UK Prime Minister Tony Blair demanding that he changes the name of Waterloo Station. Florent Longuepée says it is upsetting for the French to be reminded of Napoleon’s defeat when they arrive in London by Eurostar.
And how does the bBC report on how the French love Napoleon:
“As for the British, they have a particular relationship with the man who for so many years was their bitterest foe. There is a school of British historiography which is especially critical of le petit caporal, seeing him as a prototype for later destiny-inspired war-mongers such as Hitler. This infuriates Charles Napoleon.
“Do you judge Winston Churchill by the 30,000 he killed in one night in the air raids over northern Germany? Of course not,” he fumes. “Yes, Napoleon made war. But behind the French armies came new institutions, new administrations, new rules – all inspired by the French revolution, by equality and justice. It was liberation through conquest.”
So in a nutshell, according to the Horrible history folks at the bBC, Emperor Napoleon and the France empire good , Churchill defeating Nazis Germany bad. Ok we think it is laughable, but the thing is the children of today are being brainwashed by the bBC that Churchill actually murdered 30,000 people in one night. War crimes anybody?
Which brings me to the Falklands, The arsebandits at the bBC picked their side 30 years ago when like the fifth column they are, they informed the spic argentine bastards of how their bombs weren’t detonating and of our troop movements. Well today it is no different and in the latest twisting of the facts about the Falkland’s they report:
The UK has sent HMS Dauntless, one of its largest and most powerful air defence destroyers, to the South Atlantic, but says it is only carrying out routine operations and the warship is only replacing one in the area.
Notice the wording, ambiguous leading to people who don’t know any better that actually it is the British who are shit stirring. when the Ship is still off the British coast. Yup the bBC which made sure how the whole world knew that HMS Dauntless would escort Prince William down to the Falkland’s don’t seem to bother telling folks that both of the above are now in the UK. The former still to deploy and the latter back home after his deployment.
The bBC, the traitors in our Midst.
And that bBC article about how Muslims hid jews inside a mosque TaharRahim was considered just another promising young actor in France until his lead role in the hit film A Prophet brought him international acclaim. He’s barely stopped working since and his latest role is in the World War II drama Free Men (Les Hommes Libres)… The story – described as 60% factual – is set in the Arabic community in Paris during the Nazi occupation in World War II. Rahim’s character Younes is leant on by the authorities to spy on a local mosque suspected of sheltering Jews.
Hang on, the bbC headlines is about how French muslims went al out in which to defend the Jew. Unlike those Jews who kill Muslims in Palestine. Here is how French historian Micheal Renard reported on the above film:
The film “Les Hommes libres” by Ismël Ferroukhi is enjoyable but its relationship to historical truth is rather remote. It is true that the singer Selim (Simon) Halali was saved by the delivery of papers falsely attesting that he was a Muslim. Other Jews were probably protected by members of the mosque in identical conditions. But to claim that the Paris Mosque sheltered and, even more, organised a resistance network to save Jews, is not based on testimony that has been collected nor on any real archive. It is based on imagination.
Yup just like how according to the bBC how the occupation of Spain under Islam was a good thing , they reinvent the role of Muslims in Europe during the Nazis occupation.
Which is why when the film maker asked to use the grand mosque in Paris as the actual setdrop for his film, the Mosque refused to have anything to do with the film as it showed a side of Islam towards Jews they knew just isn’t true.
The bBC the traitors in our Midst.
I lost my bearings and posted this on the old blog:
I had to laugh at the idea of Evan Hostile-Rude-Aggressive to Any-Conservative-Minister/MP-on-Today Davis lecturing anybody about impartiality:
“But are gay people getting a fair hearing, especially on the BBC? The very standards for measuring the Corporation’s supposed impartiality are explained in a ten-minute video presented by Evan Davies on its School of Journalism website. Impartiality, after all, still requires judgments to be made on how to report the story, which facts to report, and whose opinions to include.”
But yes, the article linked below cites Davis’s effort for the College of Journalism and also tells us that the Beeboids are biased for listening to churches and paying attention to religion:
Davis and Iain Dale got an entire segment to themselves on Today to giggle about David Laws getting treated unfairly for a bit of how’s your father and the straights just don’t get it.
They get a fair hearing.
‘Otherwise, just what are we paying our licence fees for?’
Doubtless a final thought that will be used to show they get asked questions they don’t answer equally from all sides.
I do consider all the ideas you have presented on your post.
They are very convincing and can definitely work.
Nonetheless, the posts are too quick for newbies. Could you please prolong them a bit from subsequent time?
Thanks for the post.