I’m cross posting this by my fellow writer Mike Cunningham over at A Tangled Web as it is spot on topic;
“When I first read David’s other blog ‘Biased BBC’, which concentrates on exposing the ridiculous and harmful attitudes resident with the Beeb, I will admit that I thought I had perhaps spotted a flaw, but for the life of me, I just couldn’t place a finger and state ‘’That is the problem’. This feeling remained in the background until this morning, when I heard the latest hard- and soft-lefty ideal tripping gaily out of the mouths of two of the BBC’s favourite people on the Today Programme at 07.32 a.m..
The subject was a report on the employment statistics regarding young Black people, and the inevitable conclusion that young Black people were routinely subject to discrimination in the employment market because of the colour of their skin. We were treated to two short ‘interviews’ with two young black men, and given a short treatise on their searches for work, and their rejections after numerous interviews; and so on, and on, and on!
Bonnie Greer, the Beeb’s favourite coloured person, along with Tony Sewell, mutually agreed that the British ideal of an open labour market was totally biased in favour of white people, and what they longed for was a short, sharp helping of the American ideal of ‘Affirmative action’ which would then help ‘level’ the labour market, whilst giving all these underprivileged black youngsters a ‘leg up’ into the jobs market. It is true that these two black people probably honestly believe that they know the solution to an immensely difficult problem, without ever stepping back and asking themselves, “Is this the correct solution, to legislate on the basis that everyone, of whatever skin colour, is exactly equal in terms of mental capacity, upbringing, social cohesion or work ethic? Should we push for the British equivalent, for ‘positive discrimination’, because we just know that is has worked so well in America?”
I then realised why the title of ‘Biased BBC’ Blog was wrong all along. It should be re-named, ‘The BBC is the Bias’.
After that turgid listening experience, I just knew exactly how Edvard Munch, the subject of the previous slot broadcast on the Today Programme, felt during the time he spent painting his masterpiece!”
Affirmative action/ positive discrimination, call it what you will It’s divisive and always will be.
I think they just want the right sort of discrimination as long as their kids are educated privately they can leapfrog over all the “underprivileged” kids.
They look after their own first and then try to engineer the scraps that the rest fight for and woe betide anyone who dares mention the grammar school system.
Money is privilege and they have it in bucket loads along with hypocrisy.
’We weren’t told about their educational qualifications’
It is a common MSM technique. Not long ago I saw an MSc grad on the whinge run around all London studios about how she could not get a gig… an MSc grad!!!! Thing is, an MSc in what? My wife’s company has been trying to replace her for a great little step-up CV job in the world of performance art agency work, and after a few weeks not a single Media Studies grad from the county has darkened their door.
Meanwhile, speaking of hideously BBC viewpoints, check out the picture chosen for this story….
By my estimate, in all the folk there, I count just one woman. And she’s… blonde. What… about the redheads! Laurie Penny will have a conniption.
There is also something else, in context, that Diane Abbott may be able to help with, but I can’t place what.
The two jobseekers interviewed didn’t seem to be particularly articulate or well-spoken, which might be a factor in their challenges in the labour market. We weren’t told about their educational qualifications (or if we were I missed it) so it’s difficult to form an opinion as to whether they are victims of racism as opposed to being victims of the education system.
Being black of course means that, to the average Beeboid, they can only be victims, and nothing else.
A few years back I found an interesting piece on ‘The Rules of Political Correctness’.
See Rule 8
Larry, thanks, that is very good.
Unless I misheard (I was only half listening which is the best thing to do with the Today programme) one of the young men had written 6 or 7 applications – as the mother of a young man with post graduate qualifications who must have applied for well over 1000 jobs -I really didn’t feel sympathetic.
It concentrate on young male afro-caribbeans. Now in order to show evidence for discrimination, the sensible question to ask is how their siblings who are female are doing in comparison. Since they share the same ethnic origin, you can work out whether there is a confounding effect, namely sex. Lo and behold, they are do markedly better. The race effect is not as simple as is being made out.
Then factor in education, and it becomes even clearer. If you don’t do well at school you don’t do well in work, and more of the effect is explained. It’s the biggest effect by a long way.
Shows a complete lack of intellectual ability by the BBC
Same old same old. Many years ago in the civil service we had an “Ethnic survey”. In my opinion this was only going to be used for positive discrimination so I and several others consigned it straight to the bin file. We had been told at the time of issue that it was anonymous, so imagine our suprise a few weeks later when thoses of us who hadn’t completed it had a reminder. On closer examination this form had our staff numbers printed on it. Of course in that time scale we were also oblidged to watch a video of the new chief executive givinbg his speech to the staff and in it stating that there were not enough coloured faces in the audience. Sorry my view is that promotion and work should be handed out on ability not for any other reason, that is equality some how the hypocrisy of positive discrination is lost on these people. As one of the other contributors has stated 6 or 7 applications that’s pathetic.
In the 90s I remember that the council had an ethnic survey in our department. They identified two ethnics, one in our section. This was a surprise because we did not have any ethnics in our department. Our section manager was called up to meet the boss over the exiting news. However he had to tell him that he suspected that a well known joker had deliberately ticked the wrong box. The same thing happened in the accounts section.
The best idea to eliminate racism and discrimination is to exactly match the number of white Christians, preferably Anglo-Saxons, elevated to unjustified high office or given massive government handouts in Ghana, Zimbabwe, South Africa and all the other made up pretend countries on the African continent.
For islamics, job creation should be directly tied to the creation of government handout sponsored Christian churches in Saudi Arabia and the rest of the drawn-on-a-map fictions masquerading as nations in the middle east.
Can’t be long now until a movie or serial set in world war two casts a negroid as Winston Churchill. Hitler will, of course, always be white. And preferably played by an Anglo-Saxon for full anti-cultural effect.
Naughty. And of course the people you’re making fun of wouldn’t understand what you mean.
Getting a job should be based on merit and tenacity NOT colour of skin or some politically correct ‘inclusion for all’ nonsense. Perhaps if certain communities stopped feeling sorry for themselves and blaming failures on others they might enjoy more success in the labour market. It’s the same Marxist silliness that we see dictated to companies where they are forced to employ an equal ratio of women and men in the boardroom – regardless of merit! The only way we will ever remove inequality in society is through teaching ALL youngsters, regardless of skin colour, the importance of responsibility, self-discipline, willingness to learn and respect for society; you can’t just continue to blame everyone else for your failures or refer to historical injustices ad infinitum as a reason for your community’s lack of progress and integration; otherwise you’re doomed to a self-inflicted failure. I should bloody know I’m Scottish!!!!!!!! It’s a pity the BBC and the rest of the lefty Marxist apologists don’t understand that a rigorous education is key to teaching self-respect and respect for society not the promotion of maudlin feelings of self-pity.
I see stories like these and think of videos like these:
RB, many thanks for that link – a super video. Another great site to add to my bookmarks!
It’s fascinating to watch their internal struggle as they offer a knee-jerk approval of affirmative action in theory when initially approached, but eventually realise that they don’t really support it in practice. How many of them will dare to change their minds? Not many, I’m sure.
…it’s all coz dey is blick innit.
You might think this interview would be a cert for the Today programme’s selection of clips. Well, yes and no.
The notes for 7 32 to 7 40 http://news.bbc.co.uk/today/hi/today/newsid_9712000/9712730.stm tell us there is an interview with two black unemployed youth and provide both an audio clip and a live link in the text but neither actually has the interview with the youth. You get instead the interview with Bonnie Greer and Tony Sewell. Funny that.
You have to go and search for the youths on the complete programme on iPlayer. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/b006qj9z/console
The whole topic begins at 1 31 46 with an intro that tells us the Guardian claimed last month that half of young black men are unemployed. The intro to the interview with the youths is at 1 32 19 and the interview itself is from 1 32 30 to 1 34 02.
The Beeboid’s selected audio clip (my first link above) doesn’t actually start at the claimed 7 32 but at 7 34 55 or (1 34 55 on the whole programme on iPlayer) with Justin Webb intoning to Greer and Sewell about affirmative action in the US. Since by the end of the interview both Greer and Sewell say that they don’t think affirmative action is the answer in the UK, maybe that was just a Beeboid line all along.
I noticed too that the programme managed to skate around any references to Tony Sewell’s charity providing programmes to develop black and mixed-race youth. He himself never once used the word black in that connection and they were carefully referred to by the Beeboid Webb as “underrepresented groups”. Hm… Tony Sewell has been doing this type of thing for years for black male youth but of course it wouldn’t do to bring in the fact that it isn’t black male youths who do worst at school. How inconvenient and embarrassing if a Beeboid were to let that slip. Wouldn’t help the agenda at all or enable them to meet the Beeboid daily quota for black content.
Neither Greer nor Sowell advocated positive discrimination in the UK, so a fundamental tenet of the post is wrong, I’m afraid.
Which is a shame, because the rest of it is pretty spot on.
Personally, I’d have been more interested in what Tony’s namesake Thomas Sowell had to say about affirmative action in the US. No chance of that on the Beeb, though…
I didn’t hear the interview so I cannot comment on the validity of the post BUT you can’t deny the prevailing ethnic minority apologist attitude that saturates much of the BBC’s current affairs output. Some of the fawning BBC/Sky/Guardian coverage of the riots and their subsequent views aimed at ‘explaining’ the reasons behind the unrest were nauseating to say the least.
Indeed they did not. And if you know anything about Tony Sewell, his background and views you’d know he was there to provide balance to Greer’s outlook.
Sewell wasn’t really there to balance Greer, though, was he? She said outright that affirmative action wasn’t the answer in Britain, which is exactly his scene. (Loved his line about getting black kids studying science and not media studies.) Greer was really there to provide Left-wing approval to the idea that you need more programs to train black youths rather than diversity quotas.
Ol’ Justin said that the President has told black kids they need to appreciate education and get a grip, but He said that exactly one time, early on, and has never made it a regular theme, never done any outreach programs, never lifted a damn finger after He was elected. Bill Cosby, also referenced by Webb, has done far more in this area.
Still, I’m glad Greer admitted that we elected a black man President because of affirmative action and not because He was actually qualified. 😉
But the ‘balance’ is wholly within the leftist narrative, Jim!
Someone who pointed out that black boys have a higher level of truancy, lower academic achievement, and are more likely to get criminal records as they grow up would’ve provided real balance.
Chances of that?
A point that was made in my comment above – penultimate para.
While the intentions behind affirmative action are lovely, their strongest advocates never address the actual problem: what’s producing all these under-qualified, under-performing black men who need special treatment to find employment (or admission to university). Why don’t Greer and the rest of them start trying to fix the source? Sometimes I think it’s because they don’t actually care about the children.
It’s simple-they don’t want to admit that a large percentage of certain ethnic communities have issues that are self inflicted. This refusal to accept to ‘victimhood’ attitude is classic left wing cultural Marxism. Take a look at the Frankfurt school of thought from the 1920s/30s. There you’ll find everything you need to know about ethnic minority apologists.
PS: I didn’t mean to include Sewell in my complaint about Greer and the hand-wringing white Beeboids.
Once utopia has been created, a final problem would be identified, that of white males creating more jobs than women and blacks, especially the racist self employment problem. That is unless white males are prevented from creating employment under a new government law called “The Equal Creation of Employment Act”.
I remember reading in Mensa a few years ago that the reason that Black people are about 20 percent less intelligent than White people is that when the African ancestors of Europeans left Africa about 40,000 years ago for a colder environment there brains where able to generate more heat without the need to cool down the brain in a hot environment and that this was the reason for the so called rewiring that appeared about 20,000 years ago. More active brains are more intelligent brains and are hotter brains which is less of a problem in a cold environment, if not an advantage.
If Mensa presented that bullshit as ‘the reason’ for, in their observation, lower intelligence among black people, then standards of intelligence there must have dropped considerably.
Sounds like the same type of ‘logic’ the global warming crowd use.
The Mensa magazine reports scientific studies into human intelligence. I remember that the studies where made by Japanese scientists using brain scans and then correlating the persons skin colour with their IQ. The correlations where with skin colour irrespective of the persons race. Such studies are very difficult to do in European countries without a violently aggressive reaction from left wing students who believe in the creationist dogma that all men are created equal. But I believe that the study confirmed the findings of Richard Lynn and other scientists as well as providing an explanation for the findings.
I have to wonder what the findings from these Japanese scientists were in relation to yellow peoples brains.
I have no problem with it as a theory, but not for anybody to claim as fact.
There’s got to be an element that if one being is living in a complex and continually changing society, and another is living in a traditional and continual one, the former will have to develop the mental skills necessary -REGARDLESS OF COLOUR.
If we look at the white beings within our own society who have flunked out at any type of growth we see a corresponding lack of intelligence.
I think the urban environment means that the Japanese are white nowadays, and the fact that the Japanese thrived on contact with European culture, unlike most other none Europeans, shows why they have an above average IQ. A statistical correlation for genetic effects needs a large number of people, so it does not say much for an individual and it does not say if this is more than one gene or not. I do not think this means that if you get a tan that your IQ will get any lower, if that is possible for a Teddy Bear. I think the evidence is that an increase in intelligence came first, and then the culture became more advanced as a consequence. Farming which led to advanced civilisations was a cultural development that gave an advantage over hunter gatherers. It also answers the question of why advanced cultures have only developed within that last 12,000 years, and not before.
To this:- I think the urban environment means that the Japanese are white nowadays, and the fact that the Japanese thrived on contact with European culture, unlike most other none Europeans, shows why they have an above average IQ.
Do you really think that the Japanese were not advanced thinkers before ‘contact with Europeans’? Do you realise how racist your comment is?
To this:- I do not think this means that if you get a tan that your IQ will get any lower, if that is possible for a Teddy Bear. Not sure if you mean getting a tan or whether my IQ ‘can get any lower’, but I’ll assume you mean the former unless you want to say differently.
To this:- I think the evidence is that an increase in intelligence came first, and then the culture became more advanced as a consequence. Farming which led to advanced civilisations was a cultural development that gave an advantage over hunter gatherers. It also answers the question of why advanced cultures have only developed within that last 12,000 years, and not before.
Hunter gatherers could not exist before the discovery of salt, or the means to preserve meat. This is the factor that enabled our ‘society’ to evolve, and there is a case to think – not for the better, from the need to hunt and share TOGETHER, to a more individualistic and selfish state. Again, it is the necessity for change that creates the desire or need in the individual to address it, so when you claim the EVIDENCE is that the intelligence came before the need, I find that EVIDENCE suspect.
To the ancient adage of what came first – the chicken or the egg – I would say THE COCK 😉
No wonder there are no Teddy Bears in Mensa. The Meiji Restoration
Or Japanese enlightenment was a response to the realisation that Japan was a thousand years behind Europeans culture. On the other hand Multiculturalism does not recognise European culture as superior to other cultures, but instead sees inferior cultures as victims of European culture. A more intelligent Hunter would learn the life cycle and an animals needs to the point of domesticating the animal for mutual benefit. A more intelligent gatherer would learn more about the plants being gathered to the point of creating agriculture. The Chicken and egg problem does not exist for explaining human development because of the creation of the class system in human society. These are answers to questions that have already been asked when considering these issues and I am sorry but I cannot continue a debate with people as thick as the middle class morons with arts degrees that dominate the BBC.
You clearly couldn’t or wouldn’t understand the relevance of salt to your argument.
Up till now I have been giving you the benefit of the doubt. Now, by the paucity of your ‘argument’, ignoring my points, and resorting to insults to deflect this lack in yourself, you are showing your true colours.
By this you also show why it is you want to believe the things you do, which is common to most, if not all, racists.
When you are confident in your own intelligence as a being you won’t need to make blanket assumptions about ANY others which give you the false impression that you really are intelligent.
I wish you a better development, which will begin when you realise your present status quo.
The dumbing-down of GCSEs, A levels and degrees from secondary modern standard “new universities”, has been nothing but a futile exercise in positive discrimination. They’ve all got to win prizes, even the retards. What next – an MA in looting from Neasden Poly? And the beeb wil pretend that it’s as good as one in classics from Oxford.
‘.. there brains where able… ‘
What about all those clever Johnnies from India, china and Greece. I got terrible sunburn in Greece once.
I know you seem to try your best to appear intelligent here Jim, despite the losing battle, but since you picked up on a grammar and spelling mistake in the post as ‘proof that you really are intelligent’, but once again you completely miss the point.
Since when is India, China, and Greece in Africa?
They’re frigging hot though.