Some people here may remember back in 2008, when Candidate Obamessiah’s foreign policy advisor had to step down from His campaign for calling Hillary Clinton a “monster”. Shen then appeared on Hardtalk where she told Stephen Sackur that His campaign platform of immediate withdrawl of all US troops from Iraq was just pandering, and that He didn’t really mean it.
She has also called for a military invasion of Israel to create a Palestinian State.
Just like the BBC, she blamed the Jews for her candidate taking criticism over His foreign policy positions. As President, He appointed her as “Special Assistant to President Barack Obama and Senior Director of Multilateral Affairs on the Staff of the National Security Council”.
Now the President has promoted her again. Meet the new Chair of His Atrocities Board.
Can anyone still credibly claim that He’s controlled by the Jewish Lobby? How about it, BBC?
Looking at the title of this article, you know exactly where they are going with it, and they don’t waste any time getting their ‘out of touch toffs’ point across…
Should politicians know the price of a pint of milk?
A Tory MP has described David Cameron and George Osborne as “two posh boys who don’t know the price of milk”. But why is knowing the price of milk so important?
…but what I found more revealing was…
“Blair had a weekly video of cultural highlights prepared for him by advisers. It would contain things like who was on the X Factor, what Dot Cotton was saying on EastEnders.
…the more I learn about Blair and New Labour, the more detestable they become. At the very least, David Cameron doesn’t pretent to be ‘just a regular guy’, unlike Blair, who was (and is) as fake as they come.
Bored rigid by the BBC’s Levinson obssession I watched the RT interview with the Israeli deputy FM.
What a contrast to the BBC.
A well prepared and courteous interviewer. No dumbed down hectoring and the Israeli was allowed to develop his argument without interuption.
Serious matters seriously discussed.
But then Russia is still a country with a proper education system and a public that expects to be treated as adults. Watch and learn BBC. You never know it might rub off on you.
I wanted to write to you to raise my genuine concern about the way the BBC has chosen to handle and report the story about Newham’s letter on housing benefits today.
I know the BBC prides itself on being a news organisation that the public values and trusts so I was surprised that such an unbalanced story was aired with such prominence before the veracity of what l consider politically motivated claims made by Newham Council were fully checked out.
Your decision to lead on this story today is politically questionable and may be causing real alarm and distress to Newham social tenants. The local and London Mayoral pre-election Purdah period is always a time of heightened political sensitivity and this type of one-sided reporting can only serve to undermine the BBC’s reputation for political impartiality and objectivity.
The BBC should be looking to make every effort to consider the full picture by contacting all parties concerned well in advance so it can check the credibility of the claims being made before deciding to run a controversial story like this.
As it was the Government was only approached at nearly midnight last night to bid for a Minister to go on the Today Progralnme to respond to the claims. That is hardly fair warning and not a serious attempt to engage. It could even be construed as a deliberate attempt to empty chair or catch the government on the hop to cause a media furore. As l understand it Stoke Council was not contacted at all.
At best this episode indicates that the BBC has been hoodwìnked by politically driven scaremongering and at worst claims of complicity could be made. In the interests of transparency can you please clarify the following points:
Why did the Today Programme choose to wait until nearly midnight before contacting the government for a response?
When was the BBC first contacted by Newham council with this story?
Why did the BBC not go to Newham or Stoke to check out the veracity of the story?
Does the BBC think its coverage of this stoly is Consistent with its own election guidelines?
Given the widespread coverage this has caused I plan to place this letter in the public domain.
The Tories only have themselves to blame. They appointed Lord Patten. They have done nothing to address the increasingly open bias of the BBC at almost every level of this publicly funded broadcaster.
Yes, indeed. They had Livingstone on The Sunday Politics this week so it looks as if he has been carrying on as normal with his perpetual studio tour of the Beeboid Corporation.
INBBC-‘Guardian’-Amnesty International are simply ‘useful idiots’ for the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) which has political, and now media campaign to obtain global ban on criticism of Islam:
“The Big Lie: OIC launching aggressive media blitz to fight ‘Islamophobia.'”
INBBC censors the political activities of the OIC which has a direct political influence on the INBBC’s operations.
What about that ‘Muslim Union of Journalists’, INBBC? Any criticism from you?
Just saw the BBC news at 10 doing an oh so politically correct report on the “discrimination of muslims in France” in light of Le Pen’s election success. This came as a response to an Amnesty international report that suggested women wearing religious garb are less likely to get a job. It didn’t occur to them that women hold much more traditional roles in these cultures anyway. There are plenty of right-wing, Christian, and governement reports that are more newsworthy that they could have reported on. Somehow the real systematic oppression and persecution of religious minorities worldwide does not matter to the BBC. Some organisations that are routinely ignored include: One Law for All, the Henry Jackson Society, Christian concern, Students Rights, International Christian Concern, Gatestone Institute, MigrationWatch.
Take a recent report by the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF):
In France they deport hate preachers, in England they give them houses and benefits. Muslims firebomb and try to kill cartoonists. They don’t appear to have a sense of humour. The bBC suffers from Stockholm Syndrome.
I post this not so much for the article itself, which is predictable ‘Englishness doesn’t exist’ fare, but solely for ONE comment that was so succinct and withering it should be shared more…
Johnny Rottenborough :
What does it really mean to be English? Nothing at all.
You must weep with laughter at our war dead, giving their lives for nothing at all.
What a brilliant PR piece! Uncritical adulation through and through. I hope that, in the name of balance, they are also going to ‘big up’ David Cameron before the May elections…
Karlus Marxus the Roman. I have been watching Mary Beards patronising series Meet the Romans. But the main problem with this programme is that Ms Beard keeps dividing the Romans between the ‘posh rich’ and the ‘poor’. However when every she wants to illustrate what the ‘poor’ thought she uses tombstones from what are obviously middle class Romans. Tombstones of artisans, shop keepers and accountants. These people were hardly poor they could afford tombstones and tombs! Why is the BBC always pushing this leftist version of history which ignores the middle class throughout the ages.
I could only take 5 minutes of Newsnight. Guess what- Levinson Levinson and Levinson.
Nobody really cares out here in the real world.
Never has the incestuous nature of our elites been so obvious. Into the dustbin of history with the lot of them
…and George Galloway all over the TV again. We won’t be able to get away from the bugger – He’ll have regular invites to comment on just about every news/politics programme they can shoe-horn him into.
‘Levinson Levinson and Levinson.’
Nice to see the police, legal and of course media authorities have their deployment and coverage priorities nicely ordered. And, in miniature, if repeated all over the country, with such as this..
Maybe there is a precedent here.
If you cock up, or show clear evidence of bias you should, as critics are saying… ‘go’. Ok, let’s be generous, maybe simply give folk required to fund your perceived bias or ‘questions won’t be asked’ business practices the option of opting out of ‘enjoying’ your ‘service’.
Or are some ‘unique’ whilst calling for heads whilst ‘moving on’ when the spotlight is less comfortably focussed.
On SKY I see our highest levels of government think the biggest issue is ‘Sexting’ and are having yet another dog and pony show to keep the MSM fed.
Quite how, in this day and age, anyone imagines they can interfere effectively with the ability of a human being to use a mobile phone and/or connect on a social network is beyond me.
But if a quango can be created as a further public sector job creation scheme with a £100k talking head to fill a daily 5 mins on the Breakfast sofas on their £5M ‘awareness’ campaign, one supposes various boxes do get ticked.
I said in my little audio blog on Sunday that the mainstream media was in the tank for The Obamessiah during the 2008 election, and probably will be again.
A major indication of that happening is tonight, when Mitt Romney makes a clean sweep of the primaries in New York, Pennsylvania, Deleware, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Deleware. This won’t give him the actual total needed of 1144 delegates, but Gingrich is now dropping out, Santorum isn’t going to get even 25% in his own home state (PA), and Ron Paul’s candidacy exists only the minds of his handful of worshipers. So Romney is it, and is going to give his first real speech as the presumptive nominee.
The mainstream media is blacking it out, refusing to interrupt the X Factor or whatever to show even a minute of it. Romney’s speech, according to the the pre-released copy, will also echo what I said on Sunday. He’ll say, “It’s still about the economy….and we’re not stupid.”
The BBC is actually putting up the briefest of news briefs about it, but won’t mention that their fellow travelers in the US are refusing to broadcast it live. And so it begins.
Ever have the feeling that the Leveson Inquiry has all the integrity of a Stalinist show trial? The BBC’s gleeful reporting of it makes my blood boil. In addition, yesterday, we had the spectacle of irrelevent court jester Russell Brand, giving advice to a government select committee. How much farther can the ‘Mother of Parliaments’ fall? Drug addiction on the whole is a myth, and Russell Brand is an ass. Anyone who doubts the myth of addiction should read ‘Junk Medicine’ by Theodore Dalrymple. I also speak from experience. Of course the BBC was keen to lap up every morsel of Brand’s witterings. The BBC is pure poison. To paraphrase JFK I’d like to “shred the BBC into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the four winds.”
Just popped down for a cuppa and caught a tantalising exchange noted, in part, by another… tom bradby @tombradby
RM; People can stop buying my newspapers at any time they like.
This was only part of a reply to a claim by the interrogator that NI was the most dominant media force at the time in question.
Interestingly Mr. Murdoch clarified that this was true of ‘newspapers’, leaving the question of the real media monopoly rather hanging.
But the ‘people can stop buying’ point is also well made.
What a contrast between last night’s BBC news and the main ITV NEWS bulletin.
Tom Bradby’s summation :
– that the cosying up to the press, in particular the Murdoch press, reached it’s pinnacle with New Labour under Tony Blair.
– that the Conservatives under Cameron had tried to replicate this close relationship, with mixed success.
– that, as a result, nobody was in a position to throw stones.
Contrast with the BBC coverage, where the hacking scandal appears to have started entirely under the watch of the Conservatives, and that Cameron and his MPs are the only ones to court Mr. Murdoch.
Tom Bradby is absolutely the best political correspondant on British TV, cutting through the crap like nobody else (unlike the obscure ramblings of Mr. Robinson). He’s at his most useful during elections.
Contrast with the BBC coverage, where the hacking scandal appears to have started entirely under the watch of the Conservatives, and that Cameron and his MPs are the only ones to court Mr. Murdoch.
Adam Boulton had a ‘panel’ on to ‘analyse’ the day’s events, and I think it was a 2 vs. 2 set up.
What was funny was the two Murdochophobes were getting hammered. One was a rather arch American (why are so many commentators on UK stuff not actually British?) who did not like having her highly selective memory refreshed but ploughed on with tripe regardless, and some hairy, bearded ‘media expert’ slob who, surprise, turned out to be from some BBC media programme!
Beyond it being clear that all the lowlives were at it, the best part was when Mr. Brown’s tenure came into frame.
Sadly this was followed by Ed Balls, so to preserve lunch digestion I decided to pass on his awesome insights.
@NIck. Agree. It’s time for Cameron to take on the BBC on in a full frontal attack. If not, he’ll have them sniping and undermining all the way to 2015. Murdoch has opened the door for him, he should walk through.
I heard this. Early in the exchange Allen carefully warned Hattie (just in case she might gaffe?) that she was now live to air.
I think she knows that at the Beeb she is among friends.
The part that had me chuckling was Allen’s profusely thanking her for her time.
Of course Harperson is more than happy to get her soundbite out there!
Is Allen naive? Is he disingenuous?
Is he simply a toady?
Or is he another complicit Labour agit prop enabler?
Yes, Peter Allan – he of the (in)famous radio chat with Jane Garvey, wherein she brightly stated that, “The corridors of Broadcasting House were littered with empty champagne bottles,” after Labour won the ’97 election, tried damage control once she’d realised what she’d said but was ultimately too honest to continue with the charade, ruefully ending with, “Wish I hadn’t started this now.”
That exchange can of course be linked to from the side bar of this esteemed blog.
Just got back from the Scottish Parliament, where Donald Trump was giving evidence about wind farms. There were, as the BBC reports, “two groups of pro and anti-wind farm activists faced each other outside the building, separated by police officers”.
What the BBC won’t be reporting is that the anti-wind people outnumbered the pro-wind people by about eight to one. The anti-wind people carried placards from all over Scotland, and looked authentically rural. The pro-wind people wore identical tee-shirts and were, bar a couple or so, all students.
Trump is made to sound like a buffoon in that first article (not that he needs any help). He just sounds like a whiny NIMBY, with the BBC putting in the defense that the wind farm is vital to Scotlands energy needs. This makes Trump look like the problem, rather than the possible dishonesty of Salmond and Scottish officials.
As for that poll (no way of knowing the actual wording of the questions) Black cites, people “tending to favour” renewable energy certainly doesn’t mean they support blotting the landscape with turbines that don’t work or provide much energy, or most other thing Black pushes on his BBC blog. It just means they tend to like the concept. I don’t see how he can use this poll as proof that most people specifically support subsidies.
Was there a question specifically about supporting subsidies, and I’ve missed it?
My question exactly. Black cites a poll saying many support the concept of renewable energy, but I saw nothing that said they support subsidies specifically.
nothing that said they support subsidies specifically
A question in clarification possibly well worth asking directly?
Purely on the basis of substantiating professional accuracy and objectivity.
I would do it myself, but now the whole volume being cranked up deal is preying on my mind.
As I say, maybe worth asking?
Then much speculation here might be spared.
It may be here:
And I will check when I have time unless others already have, but on first scope the issue of support for subsidy is not obvious to support Mr. Black’s… ‘projection’: More Britons than not regard subsidies for wind power development as a good deal, an opinion poll suggests.
All I can see is: is questions on use, extent/visual impact & ‘value’ (though this may be where it was derived, based on a very convoluted question and his interpretation of the answers), & benefits.
3. Question: Government research shows that the UK could supply up to a third of its electricity needs from smaller, local renewable energy systems. The Government’s feed-in tariff proposals aim to supply two per cent of UK electricity demand by 2020; at the moment, the amount supplied is negligible. Do you think the Government’s plans are..?
Not ambitious enough – 64 per cent
And what about: 8. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
The Government should strongly invest in renewable energy and energy efficiency to boost an economic recovery, create tens of thousands of new jobs, reduce our reliance on overseas fossil fuels and help tackle climate change, even if this were at the expense of other plans.***
Strongly agree – 39 per cent
Agree – 40 per cent
Via comment of lord Beaverbrook at Bishop *** “Didn’t they miss out ‘end world poverty, stop nuclear weapon expansion’ and any other idealist agenda item that could be added to the list?”…and killing puppies.
I must use this one… ‘new research has suggested… that the BBC has a very ‘creative’ way of shaping the narrative when it suits’. Mainly in what it does not mention vs. what it does… ‘What the BBC won’t be reporting’
That one protest side was an activist assembly that would usually need a BBC tight frame to conceal its woeful numbers, but not necessary this time as there was a pretty big actual concerned ‘public the BBC doesn’t speak for’ contingent to swell the numbers across form them and, if referred to vaguely enough and held far enough away in shot, would not allow any hint of who was whom? Must be that context thing again… as Mr. Miyagi taught young Diane as she perched on that bollard… ‘Context on… context out’.
I wondered about that photo, too. I’m sure if there were far more ‘pro’ banners than ‘anti’ we would have seen close-ups of the wording, perhaps even some quotes from participants. As you say, the photo is distant and indistinct enough to disguise the outnumbering mention by Rueful Red.
Ah, yes…the Beeboids have “previous” when (mis)reporting certain Scottish affairs.
This one, dating from the Beeboid year of phone-in and other scandals, 2007, was about Beeboids misrepresenting a survey (for the now infamous Newsnight) of large Scottish businesses about their opinion on independence and implicated one or two interesting people – or should that be “people of interest”? albeit that they may have “moved on”, as the saying goes:
From a survey to a protest is but a short hop, conceptually, and it is child’s play to adapt and transfer across the empire, well-worn techniques to portray the required image to fit the desired message.
No penalties follow, such as jobs or careers lost or folk demoted, so “step we gaily, on we go”, as the song says, with their tricks and their twisting and turning, though, not in the wind, alas!
“Are the media ‘in the tank’ for Obama?” is a question often asked. If this embarrassing promotional love-in is characteristic then it’s no wonder it’s a question usually asked rhetorically…
No wonder this President was was never properly scrutinised (and probably still isn’t) by much of the media if this fawning adulation is par for the course.
Lovitz sort of gets the point, but that idiot host and the entire audience are certainly champagne socialists and still in the thank for Him. “Occupy Jon Lovitz” and “you should be happy with 50% of a lot of money”, etc. Lovitz was obviously a lone voice in the wilderness, and they all thought he was just greedy, and didn’t agree with his point about being allowed to reap the benefits of hard work.
I posted plenty of evidence that the most powerful parts of the mainstream media were in the tank for The Obamessiah on my Life in These United States post.
“London 2012 Olympics: BBC to have 765 staff working at Games – a 55 per cent increase on Beijing.
“The BBC will have 765 staff working on its round-the-clock coverage of the London 2012 Olympic Games, a 55 per cent increase on the numbers used to produce broadcasts from the Beijing Olympics. ”
A big mistake listening to PM on R4. Is there anything else happening in the world other than Murdoch, Leveson, and Hunt?
Once again who bloody cares about any of it. I don’t like Murdoch much. Hunt is a Cino and no loss. But the interview with Gove went into the realm of not just bias but outright aggression and rudeness.
Is the BBC the official opposition? Silly question of course it is. The liberal elite on this and other matters is so so confident of it’s cause. So self righteous. So determind to impose it’s views and beliefs on those still mad , bad or just plain misguided enough to think there is another way of looking at the world. These people really believe they are on the way to total victory over what they call “the right”
How long before they call for re education camps and confiscation ?
Given the BBC-NUJ’s political verdict on the Murdochs, Hunt and Cameron for the crime of the century, when will BBC-NUJ organise the public hanging of its perceived enemies?
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Fedup2Mar 4, 07:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Today Katie ‘cor’ razzle – the media person at the BBC – tells us that the MP culture committee is…
Fedup2Mar 4, 07:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Ukraine The msm seems surprised that president trump is pulling the plug on Ukraine . I don’t get that -…
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ScrobleneMar 4, 06:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Perfect example of a single-hammer roof structure, with obloid grunches, nibbled flangelets, perpendicular willy-braces, teeteekay phnarghs, decorated scrabsterites, knotted wanquers, plonkette tenants,…
Katty Kay’s economic ignorance:
NYT and FT both have big stories on shift in Europe away from austerity. Vindication for Washington?
In other news: Lemmings in Europe jump off cliff. Vindication for US Lemmings?
Some people here may remember back in 2008, when Candidate Obamessiah’s foreign policy advisor had to step down from His campaign for calling Hillary Clinton a “monster”. Shen then appeared on Hardtalk where she told Stephen Sackur that His campaign platform of immediate withdrawl of all US troops from Iraq was just pandering, and that He didn’t really mean it.
She has also called for a military invasion of Israel to create a Palestinian State.
Just like the BBC, she blamed the Jews for her candidate taking criticism over His foreign policy positions. As President, He appointed her as “Special Assistant to President Barack Obama and Senior Director of Multilateral Affairs on the Staff of the National Security Council”.
Now the President has promoted her again. Meet the new Chair of His Atrocities Board.
Can anyone still credibly claim that He’s controlled by the Jewish Lobby? How about it, BBC?
Looking at the title of this article, you know exactly where they are going with it, and they don’t waste any time getting their ‘out of touch toffs’ point across…
Should politicians know the price of a pint of milk?
A Tory MP has described David Cameron and George Osborne as “two posh boys who don’t know the price of milk”. But why is knowing the price of milk so important?
…but what I found more revealing was…
“Blair had a weekly video of cultural highlights prepared for him by advisers. It would contain things like who was on the X Factor, what Dot Cotton was saying on EastEnders.
…the more I learn about Blair and New Labour, the more detestable they become. At the very least, David Cameron doesn’t pretent to be ‘just a regular guy’, unlike Blair, who was (and is) as fake as they come.
Hat-tip –
First comment…
“God bless the British Falkland islanders! Sean Penn – kiss my sweaty British arse.”
Bored rigid by the BBC’s Levinson obssession I watched the RT interview with the Israeli deputy FM.
What a contrast to the BBC.
A well prepared and courteous interviewer. No dumbed down hectoring and the Israeli was allowed to develop his argument without interuption.
Serious matters seriously discussed.
But then Russia is still a country with a proper education system and a public that expects to be treated as adults. Watch and learn BBC. You never know it might rub off on you.
“BBC spends £15,000 of licence fee money so staff can learn leadership by playing ROUNDERS.”
Read more:
I think they might have put the wrong address on the envelope…The BBC never puts the ‘M’ word in a bad story.
Letter to BBC:
Amnesty International calls on western media et al to stop “stereotyping” Muslims.
Hat-tip –
“The Housing Minister Grant Shapps has sent the following letter to Helen Boaden the Director of News for the BBC.”
I wanted to write to you to raise my genuine concern about the way the BBC has chosen to handle and report the story about Newham’s letter on housing benefits today.
I know the BBC prides itself on being a news organisation that the public values and trusts so I was surprised that such an unbalanced story was aired with such prominence before the veracity of what l consider politically motivated claims made by Newham Council were fully checked out.
Your decision to lead on this story today is politically questionable and may be causing real alarm and distress to Newham social tenants. The local and London Mayoral pre-election Purdah period is always a time of heightened political sensitivity and this type of one-sided reporting can only serve to undermine the BBC’s reputation for political impartiality and objectivity.
The BBC should be looking to make every effort to consider the full picture by contacting all parties concerned well in advance so it can check the credibility of the claims being made before deciding to run a controversial story like this.
As it was the Government was only approached at nearly midnight last night to bid for a Minister to go on the Today Progralnme to respond to the claims. That is hardly fair warning and not a serious attempt to engage. It could even be construed as a deliberate attempt to empty chair or catch the government on the hop to cause a media furore. As l understand it Stoke Council was not contacted at all.
At best this episode indicates that the BBC has been hoodwìnked by politically driven scaremongering and at worst claims of complicity could be made. In the interests of transparency can you please clarify the following points:
Why did the Today Programme choose to wait until nearly midnight before contacting the government for a response?
When was the BBC first contacted by Newham council with this story?
Why did the BBC not go to Newham or Stoke to check out the veracity of the story?
Does the BBC think its coverage of this stoly is Consistent with its own election guidelines?
Given the widespread coverage this has caused I plan to place this letter in the public domain.
I look forward to receiving your swift response
LOL. I hope this doesn’t automatically go in the trash folder like all complaints sent to the short-listed lady.
The Tories only have themselves to blame. They appointed Lord Patten. They have done nothing to address the increasingly open bias of the BBC at almost every level of this publicly funded broadcaster.
I had to laugh at “The local and London Mayoral pre-election Purdah period…”
Yes, indeed. They had Livingstone on The Sunday Politics this week so it looks as if he has been carrying on as normal with his perpetual studio tour of the Beeboid Corporation.
What Will You Do To Celebrate Earth Day?
Well worth a read!
INBBC, as usual, gives big political plug for pro-Islam political propaganda here:
INBBC-‘Guardian’-Amnesty International are simply ‘useful idiots’ for the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) which has political, and now media campaign to obtain global ban on criticism of Islam:
“The Big Lie: OIC launching aggressive media blitz to fight ‘Islamophobia.'”
INBBC censors the political activities of the OIC which has a direct political influence on the INBBC’s operations.
What about that ‘Muslim Union of Journalists’, INBBC? Any criticism from you?
“OIC to launch channel to counter’Islamophobia'”
Just saw the BBC news at 10 doing an oh so politically correct report on the “discrimination of muslims in France” in light of Le Pen’s election success. This came as a response to an Amnesty international report that suggested women wearing religious garb are less likely to get a job. It didn’t occur to them that women hold much more traditional roles in these cultures anyway. There are plenty of right-wing, Christian, and governement reports that are more newsworthy that they could have reported on. Somehow the real systematic oppression and persecution of religious minorities worldwide does not matter to the BBC. Some organisations that are routinely ignored include: One Law for All, the Henry Jackson Society, Christian concern, Students Rights, International Christian Concern, Gatestone Institute, MigrationWatch.
Take a recent report by the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF):
Click to access Annual%20Report%20of%20USCIRF%202012(2).pdf
In France, how many Jews dead and property and graves vandalized at the hands of Muslims versus how many Muslims actually harmed in any way?
In France they deport hate preachers, in England they give them houses and benefits. Muslims firebomb and try to kill cartoonists. They don’t appear to have a sense of humour. The bBC suffers from Stockholm Syndrome.
That’s the INBBC running their “Islam for Dhimmis” message to the greater populace. Bless them!
Apolgies to whoever wrote windows for dummies.
I post this not so much for the article itself, which is predictable ‘Englishness doesn’t exist’ fare, but solely for ONE comment that was so succinct and withering it should be shared more…
Johnny Rottenborough :
What does it really mean to be English? Nothing at all.
You must weep with laughter at our war dead, giving their lives for nothing at all.
Currently at 27 recommends.
Ed Miliband: I’ll be methodical leader –
What a brilliant PR piece! Uncritical adulation through and through. I hope that, in the name of balance, they are also going to ‘big up’ David Cameron before the May elections…
Ed Miliband: I’ll be methodical leader –
Still top of the home page. Must be a slow news day. I wonder if there is anything he issues they will not be on hand to ‘analyse’ approvingly?
Karlus Marxus the Roman. I have been watching Mary Beards patronising series Meet the Romans. But the main problem with this programme is that Ms Beard keeps dividing the Romans between the ‘posh rich’ and the ‘poor’. However when every she wants to illustrate what the ‘poor’ thought she uses tombstones from what are obviously middle class Romans. Tombstones of artisans, shop keepers and accountants. These people were hardly poor they could afford tombstones and tombs! Why is the BBC always pushing this leftist version of history which ignores the middle class throughout the ages.
Middle class people are poor compared to highly-paid, ivory tower academics and Beeboids.
To INBBC, the following only rates as a local Luton story, reported on ‘East’ region online only:
“Five men arrested in Luton anti-terror raid”
‘Daily Mail’
“Five men arrested in Luton on terrorism charges ”
Read more:
“the following only rates as a local Luton story, reported on ‘East’ region online only”
That’s how they do it, hidden away, whilst allowing Dez and co to claim they are reporting it.
Yes it’s their usual trick !
BBC traitors in our midst: copyright pounce
No doubt the INBBC will be in a real hurry to name them once the police release their names.
I wonder what common cause unites them? religion perhaps?……baptists? Pentecostalist? presbyterians? Catholic? Now I wonder……..
I could only take 5 minutes of Newsnight. Guess what- Levinson Levinson and Levinson.
Nobody really cares out here in the real world.
Never has the incestuous nature of our elites been so obvious. Into the dustbin of history with the lot of them
…and George Galloway all over the TV again. We won’t be able to get away from the bugger – He’ll have regular invites to comment on just about every news/politics programme they can shoe-horn him into.
‘Levinson Levinson and Levinson.’
Nice to see the police, legal and of course media authorities have their deployment and coverage priorities nicely ordered. And, in miniature, if repeated all over the country, with such as this..
Maybe there is a precedent here.
If you cock up, or show clear evidence of bias you should, as critics are saying… ‘go’. Ok, let’s be generous, maybe simply give folk required to fund your perceived bias or ‘questions won’t be asked’ business practices the option of opting out of ‘enjoying’ your ‘service’.
Or are some ‘unique’ whilst calling for heads whilst ‘moving on’ when the spotlight is less comfortably focussed.
On SKY I see our highest levels of government think the biggest issue is ‘Sexting’ and are having yet another dog and pony show to keep the MSM fed.
Quite how, in this day and age, anyone imagines they can interfere effectively with the ability of a human being to use a mobile phone and/or connect on a social network is beyond me.
But if a quango can be created as a further public sector job creation scheme with a £100k talking head to fill a daily 5 mins on the Breakfast sofas on their £5M ‘awareness’ campaign, one supposes various boxes do get ticked.
I said in my little audio blog on Sunday that the mainstream media was in the tank for The Obamessiah during the 2008 election, and probably will be again.
A major indication of that happening is tonight, when Mitt Romney makes a clean sweep of the primaries in New York, Pennsylvania, Deleware, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Deleware. This won’t give him the actual total needed of 1144 delegates, but Gingrich is now dropping out, Santorum isn’t going to get even 25% in his own home state (PA), and Ron Paul’s candidacy exists only the minds of his handful of worshipers. So Romney is it, and is going to give his first real speech as the presumptive nominee.
The mainstream media is blacking it out, refusing to interrupt the X Factor or whatever to show even a minute of it. Romney’s speech, according to the the pre-released copy, will also echo what I said on Sunday. He’ll say, “It’s still about the economy….and we’re not stupid.”
The BBC is actually putting up the briefest of news briefs about it, but won’t mention that their fellow travelers in the US are refusing to broadcast it live. And so it begins.
Is the Beeb packed with latte-sipping, self-loathing Anglophobes?
Well, this moring Dame Nicky asks Radio Salford’s listeners to comment on the proposition : was Chelsea’s victory over Barcelona a travesty?
Seems there are no end of BBC speed-dial friends and relations coming out to shed a tear at Barca’s defeat.
Is it just my imagination or are the anti-English Euro-centric BBC staffers getting ever bolder?
Next week Auntie asks: Did the wrong side win at Dunkirk?
Ever have the feeling that the Leveson Inquiry has all the integrity of a Stalinist show trial? The BBC’s gleeful reporting of it makes my blood boil. In addition, yesterday, we had the spectacle of irrelevent court jester Russell Brand, giving advice to a government select committee. How much farther can the ‘Mother of Parliaments’ fall? Drug addiction on the whole is a myth, and Russell Brand is an ass. Anyone who doubts the myth of addiction should read ‘Junk Medicine’ by Theodore Dalrymple. I also speak from experience. Of course the BBC was keen to lap up every morsel of Brand’s witterings. The BBC is pure poison. To paraphrase JFK I’d like to “shred the BBC into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the four winds.”
Just popped down for a cuppa and caught a tantalising exchange noted, in part, by another…
tom bradby @tombradby
RM; People can stop buying my newspapers at any time they like.
This was only part of a reply to a claim by the interrogator that NI was the most dominant media force at the time in question.
Interestingly Mr. Murdoch clarified that this was true of ‘newspapers’, leaving the question of the real media monopoly rather hanging.
But the ‘people can stop buying’ point is also well made.
What a contrast between last night’s BBC news and the main ITV NEWS bulletin.
Tom Bradby’s summation :
– that the cosying up to the press, in particular the Murdoch press, reached it’s pinnacle with New Labour under Tony Blair.
– that the Conservatives under Cameron had tried to replicate this close relationship, with mixed success.
– that, as a result, nobody was in a position to throw stones.
Contrast with the BBC coverage, where the hacking scandal appears to have started entirely under the watch of the Conservatives, and that Cameron and his MPs are the only ones to court Mr. Murdoch.
Tom Bradby is absolutely the best political correspondant on British TV, cutting through the crap like nobody else (unlike the obscure ramblings of Mr. Robinson). He’s at his most useful during elections.
Contrast with the BBC coverage, where the hacking scandal appears to have started entirely under the watch of the Conservatives, and that Cameron and his MPs are the only ones to court Mr. Murdoch.
Adam Boulton had a ‘panel’ on to ‘analyse’ the day’s events, and I think it was a 2 vs. 2 set up.
What was funny was the two Murdochophobes were getting hammered. One was a rather arch American (why are so many commentators on UK stuff not actually British?) who did not like having her highly selective memory refreshed but ploughed on with tripe regardless, and some hairy, bearded ‘media expert’ slob who, surprise, turned out to be from some BBC media programme!
Beyond it being clear that all the lowlives were at it, the best part was when Mr. Brown’s tenure came into frame.
Sadly this was followed by Ed Balls, so to preserve lunch digestion I decided to pass on his awesome insights.
@NIck. Agree. It’s time for Cameron to take on the BBC on in a full frontal attack. If not, he’ll have them sniping and undermining all the way to 2015. Murdoch has opened the door for him, he should walk through.
Cameron won’t do it. Hasn’t the nous to see the elephant in the room.
I had a feeling they would win. Wish I had backed them.
The average beeboid just cannot understand that it is winning that counts. Nothing else.
Tuesday’s 5LiveDrive: anyone else hear Peter Allan’s interview of Harriet Harperson ?
“Hi Harriet, it’s Pete here”.
Compare the first name terms and familiarity with the way he interviews Tories or UKIP.
I heard this. Early in the exchange Allen carefully warned Hattie (just in case she might gaffe?) that she was now live to air.
I think she knows that at the Beeb she is among friends.
The part that had me chuckling was Allen’s profusely thanking her for her time.
Of course Harperson is more than happy to get her soundbite out there!
Is Allen naive? Is he disingenuous?
Is he simply a toady?
Or is he another complicit Labour agit prop enabler?
Yes. I heard that and thought it odd, out of place.
I wondered what Harriet might have said if he had not warned her.
Yes, Peter Allan – he of the (in)famous radio chat with Jane Garvey, wherein she brightly stated that, “The corridors of Broadcasting House were littered with empty champagne bottles,” after Labour won the ’97 election, tried damage control once she’d realised what she’d said but was ultimately too honest to continue with the charade, ruefully ending with, “Wish I hadn’t started this now.”
That exchange can of course be linked to from the side bar of this esteemed blog.
Incredible to think that Radio 5 Dead had these two in ‘a show’ together for a decade.
What’s the phrase again?
Ah yes.
Producer capture.
Just got back from the Scottish Parliament, where Donald Trump was giving evidence about wind farms. There were, as the BBC reports, “two groups of pro and anti-wind farm activists faced each other outside the building, separated by police officers”.
What the BBC won’t be reporting is that the anti-wind people outnumbered the pro-wind people by about eight to one. The anti-wind people carried placards from all over Scotland, and looked authentically rural. The pro-wind people wore identical tee-shirts and were, bar a couple or so, all students.
Some BBC News items…see what you think…
Trump is made to sound like a buffoon in that first article (not that he needs any help). He just sounds like a whiny NIMBY, with the BBC putting in the defense that the wind farm is vital to Scotlands energy needs. This makes Trump look like the problem, rather than the possible dishonesty of Salmond and Scottish officials.
As for that poll (no way of knowing the actual wording of the questions) Black cites, people “tending to favour” renewable energy certainly doesn’t mean they support blotting the landscape with turbines that don’t work or provide much energy, or most other thing Black pushes on his BBC blog. It just means they tend to like the concept. I don’t see how he can use this poll as proof that most people specifically support subsidies.
Was there a question specifically about supporting subsidies, and I’ve missed it?
I note the BBC reports that the public back subsidies for wind farms. Do they?
My question exactly. Black cites a poll saying many support the concept of renewable energy, but I saw nothing that said they support subsidies specifically.
nothing that said they support subsidies specifically
A question in clarification possibly well worth asking directly?
Purely on the basis of substantiating professional accuracy and objectivity.
I would do it myself, but now the whole volume being cranked up deal is preying on my mind.
Maybe that was one of the questions? I can’t tell if the link Black posted is the same poll he’s citing re: “tend to favour” or not.
As I say, maybe worth asking?
Then much speculation here might be spared.
It may be here:
And I will check when I have time unless others already have, but on first scope the issue of support for subsidy is not obvious to support Mr. Black’s… ‘projection’:
More Britons than not regard subsidies for wind power development as a good deal, an opinion poll suggests.
All I can see is: is questions on use, extent/visual impact & ‘value’ (though this may be where it was derived, based on a very convoluted question and his interpretation of the answers), & benefits.
The questions are in full on the friends of the earth site:
Scroll down…
When you read the questions you see exactly how they managed to get the answers they did:
3. Question: Government research shows that the UK could supply up to a third of its electricity needs from smaller, local renewable energy systems. The Government’s feed-in tariff proposals aim to supply two per cent of UK electricity demand by 2020; at the moment, the amount supplied is negligible. Do you think the Government’s plans are..?
Not ambitious enough – 64 per cent
And what about:
8. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
The Government should strongly invest in renewable energy and energy efficiency to boost an economic recovery, create tens of thousands of new jobs, reduce our reliance on overseas fossil fuels and help tackle climate change, even if this were at the expense of other plans.***
Strongly agree – 39 per cent
Agree – 40 per cent
Via comment of lord Beaverbrook at Bishop *** “Didn’t they miss out ‘end world poverty, stop nuclear weapon expansion’ and any other idealist agenda item that could be added to the list?”…and killing puppies.
Well, that pretty much backs up what Black said. One point to him.
No David, not one point to Black: the question is so loaded as to be ridiculous: with it worded that way they should have got 90% or more in favour!
I must use this one… ‘new research has suggested… that the BBC has a very ‘creative’ way of shaping the narrative when it suits’. Mainly in what it does not mention vs. what it does…
‘What the BBC won’t be reporting’
That one protest side was an activist assembly that would usually need a BBC tight frame to conceal its woeful numbers, but not necessary this time as there was a pretty big actual concerned ‘public the BBC doesn’t speak for’ contingent to swell the numbers across form them and, if referred to vaguely enough and held far enough away in shot, would not allow any hint of who was whom? Must be that context thing again… as Mr. Miyagi taught young Diane as she perched on that bollard… ‘Context on… context out’.
I wondered about that photo, too. I’m sure if there were far more ‘pro’ banners than ‘anti’ we would have seen close-ups of the wording, perhaps even some quotes from participants. As you say, the photo is distant and indistinct enough to disguise the outnumbering mention by Rueful Red.
Ah, yes…the Beeboids have “previous” when (mis)reporting certain Scottish affairs.
This one, dating from the Beeboid year of phone-in and other scandals, 2007, was about Beeboids misrepresenting a survey (for the now infamous Newsnight) of large Scottish businesses about their opinion on independence and implicated one or two interesting people – or should that be “people of interest”? albeit that they may have “moved on”, as the saying goes:
From a survey to a protest is but a short hop, conceptually, and it is child’s play to adapt and transfer across the empire, well-worn techniques to portray the required image to fit the desired message.
No penalties follow, such as jobs or careers lost or folk demoted, so “step we gaily, on we go”, as the song says, with their tricks and their twisting and turning, though, not in the wind, alas!
That shot was taken from behind the pro-wind demonstrators, which has the effect of making the anti-wind demonstration look smaller.
“Are the media ‘in the tank’ for Obama?” is a question often asked. If this embarrassing promotional love-in is characteristic then it’s no wonder it’s a question usually asked rhetorically…
In contrast, when Michele Bachmann appeared on the same show, she was greated by the house band with a song called “Lyin’ Ass Bitch”.
No wonder this President was was never properly scrutinised (and probably still isn’t) by much of the media if this fawning adulation is par for the course.
Some of them are starting to get it, though…
Lovitz sort of gets the point, but that idiot host and the entire audience are certainly champagne socialists and still in the thank for Him. “Occupy Jon Lovitz” and “you should be happy with 50% of a lot of money”, etc. Lovitz was obviously a lone voice in the wilderness, and they all thought he was just greedy, and didn’t agree with his point about being allowed to reap the benefits of hard work.
I posted plenty of evidence that the most powerful parts of the mainstream media were in the tank for The Obamessiah on my Life in These United States post.
Here’s another Occupier – one of those darlings of the BBC – expressing his love for humanity and sense of civic duty:
Occupy DOJ Speaker: “I want ya’ll to start killing mother f–kers”
I wonder if Katty Kay will ever retract or at least reconsider her biased praise for them?
“London 2012 Olympics: BBC to have 765 staff working at Games – a 55 per cent increase on Beijing.
“The BBC will have 765 staff working on its round-the-clock coverage of the London 2012 Olympic Games, a 55 per cent increase on the numbers used to produce broadcasts from the Beijing Olympics. ”
A big mistake listening to PM on R4. Is there anything else happening in the world other than Murdoch, Leveson, and Hunt?
Once again who bloody cares about any of it. I don’t like Murdoch much. Hunt is a Cino and no loss. But the interview with Gove went into the realm of not just bias but outright aggression and rudeness.
Is the BBC the official opposition? Silly question of course it is. The liberal elite on this and other matters is so so confident of it’s cause. So self righteous. So determind to impose it’s views and beliefs on those still mad , bad or just plain misguided enough to think there is another way of looking at the world. These people really believe they are on the way to total victory over what they call “the right”
How long before they call for re education camps and confiscation ?
Given the BBC-NUJ’s political verdict on the Murdochs, Hunt and Cameron for the crime of the century, when will BBC-NUJ organise the public hanging of its perceived enemies?
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