Why does the BBC insist on politicising every programme…is there the slightest possibility that I could watch something without being lectured or sold some dodgy political line or social metaphor? Biased BBC’s Alan ponders…
“Their series on ‘Ancient Apocalypses’ continues with every disaster being the result of catastrophic climate change, their election broadcasts flood the airwaves with ‘overwhelming’ Labour victories….whilst leaving for the small print the fact that yes Labour got 39% but it was 39% of a voter turn out of 32%….hardly a ringing endorsement. And now we can’t even watch ‘Traffic Cops’ without some gratuitous political messaging…
Allegedly ‘All across the country the Thin Blue Line is stretched to the limit…because…..of the big cuts in the police budget that are looming.’
Not only that but, shockingly, Romanian immigrants have been forced to steal by the cruel Coalition cuts….’It’s sign of the times that people are turning to scavenging to make a living.’
Not only that but ‘It’s a sign of the times that traffic cops have to help out their colleagues cope with drunken violence in towns.’
I guess the times they are a changing as Tom Watson would quote Bob Dylan saying.
But not at the BBC…they’re still stuck in the 1960’s puffing the weed and praising Karl Marx and Yasser Arafat.
You’d laugh at the BBC’s desperate little ploys but the constant drip drip drip of anti-coalition doom and gloom probably has an effect….and as seen in Bradford a handful of votes can win a seat….combined of course with a bit of electoral chicanery in places.”
Yes, the worrying thing is that that may see this latest voting as a sign of Labour recovery (as labour were laughably trying to claim) and try all the more harder to get a major change for the next general election. I hope and pray that Cameron may be a sleeper and 3 months before the next general election calls an in/out EU referendum, slams immigration control on full steam and gives all armed forces and police a pay rise. game over.
Trouble is he has tried that already, and lied and did NOTHING. People will not forget that.
No he hasn’t and he didn’t lie: this is the problem, he had enough wriggle room. I am saying he should DO it 3 months before not just say he will do it.
The local election results are in reality a gift to Cameron.
The most important outcome is that Miliband minor will be at the helm of the Labour flagship come the next general election.
Cameron could not have wished for better fortune.
The fact that the official broadcast wing of Labour does not recognise this as a disadvantage speaks volumes for their faith in his appeal to the electorate, which is almost non-existent among those with the capacity for concious thought.
conscious ! – must be the schooling.
Sadly I think you are incorrect.
Whilst Milliband minor is a liability for Labour that is his actual purpose. Labour do not want to win next time round because we won’t be out of this mess by then. Labour has never had to bring the country back from economic disaster (mainly because they have been the cause of it) and are not keen to have to fix their last screw up.
My prediction is that Cameron will call an election in 2014 and win, just. We will then have a Tory government with a slim majority with enough clout to get the country back on its feet. 2018 will see the return of Labour to fuck it all up again.
Up until the next election we will get the same old parcel of smears and distortions from Labour via the BBC. That’s because they have lost the argument and have to resort to the Nasty party ruses of old to gain any votes. The people however will not vote them in until it looks safe to do so, i.e. there is some excess cash for them to buy votes with.
Plus ca change …
He can’t call an election. He must contest the next election when the law demands. In 2015. Since the The Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011, the Prime Minister no longer has the power to fix when the election will be.
Ancient Apocalypses; and similar programmes and their presenters that trumpet the climate change agenda over the millennia seem too stupid to realise that they are actually promoting the idea that carbon emmisions are NOT responsible for climate change.
Even the harmless Traffic Cops programme got a sly ‘before the police budget cuts begin’ into the narration.
I watched the Maya ‘Ancient Apocalypse’ on iplayer the other night. As The Technical Team points out, showing evidence of catastrophic climate change in the pre-industrial past doesn’t exactly strengthen the case for AGW. Still, they couldn’t help themselves. Before an interview with a ‘climate modeller’ the camera showed a shot of his office – with a poster advocating man-made global warming displayed very prominently on the door.
It’s this sort of constant drip drip of biased BBC reporting that is so effective in changing opinion.
BBC wildlife programmes all have reference to climate change, and any dramas extol the benefits of mass immigration, and just about any other programme now has references to “current hardships” or similar phrases. They don’t have to be explicit in linking it to the Tory government, that will be made clear in half an hour’s time when the news leads with “Tory cuts” and the viewer will make the subconscious connection; Tories = Hardship. Of course there are no references to who ran up a huge bills in the first place -13 years of Labour government just didn’t happen in BBC land.
It’s probably one of the most effective forms of propaganda. Its subtle and even as someone who is right of centre and alert to BBC bias I sometimes find myself very nearly falling for it.
Oh No no no. 13 years of Labour did happen but according to the BBC it was a time of love and enlightenment and squiggly bunny rabbits hopping through meadows of benefits and plenty.
They can’t change history but the will re-write it.
The BBC will suddenly discover after Millibean wins the next election that the economy is in a terrible mess, and we won’t hear the end of it because……it’s all the fault of the previous Tory government! That may sound laughable now, but would you seriously bet against it?
Romanian immigrants will steal anyway. That’s what they’re here for, cuts or not.
BBC goes on about The Cuts 24/7. They manage to bore us all to death, talk down the economy, and support Labour all in one.
The point is, that only 12% of the proposed cuts have been made, and no cuts in real term spending. 24/7 cut coverage is being used as the scapegoat for everything. Border agency not working….Cuts! Women being abused by their spouse…..Cuts! Economy faltering….. Cuts! Galloway winning an election…..Cuts! Unemployment… Cuts! Pasties…. Cuts!
They should start a new drinking game.
Let’s get this straight. Only 12% of the proposed cuts have been initiated. NO realistic political organisation, whether UK-based or abroad would EVER consider these 12% of cuts to be enough. Yet, the economy is already faltering, and many many more cuts need to be made! This is not a fault of the Government, even if they proposed a fraction of the cuts of Labour, the economy would still be tanking. We are screwed.
The BBC needs to start reporting honestly, using simple logic, why and how Labour left us in this mess.
If there was any sort of honest reporting by the BBC, Labour would not have done so well in the recent Council elections.
You seem to be having a conversation with yourself, but then the conclusion seems OK so carry on.
Yeah, it’d be bad if he disagreed with what he’d just written, but it all seems fairly consistent.
Hell I talk to myself all the time.