Thought I would put this up for you. Labour have managed to win 39% of the 31% who bothered to vote and the champagne is flowing in Broadcasting House. My observation of BBC coverage relates to the Conservatives. It has been busy all morning setting up the poor saps that follow Cameron into declaring they will definitely not swing to the right, but rather stick to those essential Tory values of….gay marriage, lords reform, punitive taxation. I heard Hague on Today, he was pretty appalling but jumped through the hoops placed there for him.
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Haven’t seen Charlie Staytt look so happy since someone told him the Norway mass killer was white with blonde hair.
Just saying thats all!
Political parties mentioned so far on INBBC breakfast:
Labour, Conservatives, Limp Dems and Others.
Now why didnt I get “others” on my ballot paper? Dunno, oh hang on they’vs mentioned one of the “others” now: probably UKIP of course. NO bloody way it’s Respect that well known nationally supported party . What a bunch of treacherous twats at al beeb.
I sense a few bottles of flat babycham in the corridors of Media City this morning. Looks like a poor return on two years solid unrelenting coalition bashing. Less than a third turnout – hardly a Salford Spring. As for Boris winning in London? ‘Oh that’s just a showbiz election’ says BBC 5 Live.
And where was all that ‘anger’ over Toricutz? Quick call Owen Jones!
posted this right at the end of last open thread
alarm bells
not for libcons, not for labour
but for anyone with eyes tightly shut to reality on …
muslim insular herd mentality .ie Bradford
does anyone else matter? … not anymore
not in bradford anyway … enclave …hey hey hey
halal food there to stay, and sharia compliance on its way.
tower hamlets? rochdale? leicester?
“does anyone else matter … not anymore”
not in Bradford, expect new increased tensions, (if thats possible) more bias in favour of all things islam, in schools, in the council chamber,
on the high street, on already weak/soft touch policing etc.
yes, the ALWAYS repeated, islamic staple of first
demanding rights others don t have, then consolidating that over ALL the rest of the community, then backing it with political clout.
in Bradford does any one else matter?
ask the new council leader, HIS priorities,
(just like el bbc s head of religious programs )
as bill cotton used to say “wakey wakey!
Or to use the message put out by the BBC and Labour, May 2010… 69% of voters didn’t vote for Labour and a further 61% weren’t even interested in Labour.
Bugger, should have put 61% didn’t vote for Labour and 69% weren’t interested.
Let’s not try to make any sort of excuse or justification for what is a terrible result.
How can anyone apart from a moron or the vindictively motivated vote for a Party who only two years ago was kicked out of Government, yet again, for bankrupting the country both economically and culturally.
Now we have to content with a day or more of BBC presenters smirking and giggling contentedly on every report.
……..or even contend…….. sorry typo !
‘How can anyone apart from a moron or the vindictively motivated vote for a Party who only two years ago was kicked out of Government (?)’
Answer: two main groups – The tribal socialists and the self-interested public payroll vote.
The BBC tick both boxes.
Spot on !
Plus the fiscally incontinent who really, really do believe that they had nothing to do with the financial meltdown and that under Millibean they will be returned to the Promised Land of Northern Rock 125% mortgages and multiple credit cards with non-repayable balances (it’s only the banks’ money – they can afford it).
the fiscally incontinent
Led by a public sector twitterati vanguard for whom balancing the books has only ever meant making sure what was in the personal vs. corporate account never tips into another band for tax purposes.
“(it’s only the banks’ money – they can afford it)”
The bank’s money, accrued from so called profits, never really existed. It was purely ethereal travelling in cyber space between the banks and other financial institutions.
In the case of Northern Rock (in particular) it was borrowed on the money market and amounted to something like eleven times total depositors balances. Bank of England monitored ratios, when they were doing the supervision (every bank had to report monthly, then quarterly in more depth), would never have allowed that to happen. I was being ironic with ‘it’s only the banks’ money’ (a common cry from defaulters). This quickly became ‘look what the banks did with our money’ when the crash occurred.
Perhaps they would like the Greek alternative.
Just got this rushed to me as a special email by Labour’s uniquely funded PR agency:
‘ Miliband hails election results – Labour leader Ed Miliband hails his party’s success in the local elections, thanking voters for ‘placing their trust in us’.
That would be the 39% of the 31% of the voting nation the BBC and its ideological fellow travellers ‘speak to’ then.
I think I will head elsewhere for news on trust issues and what this result really fortells beyond what our unique national broadcaster chooses to sample and share.
Yet I still have to pay for it all. Apt metaphor for for public sector, PC, multi-culti, positively-skewed, minority-run Britain, mind.
Considering the BBC has 25M licence fee extortees, to still get only 10% of the nation (ie: their idea of a national mandate) onside with a £4Bpa budget may be cause for their (non-paying but sole control) client base to quietly have a word on getting Stuart Hughes as DG and head of social media?
Just read the link in that email:
Forget Editor’s Picks, check out the highest rated.. by almost a factor of two:
82. ACCALove
3RD MAY 2012 – 22:22
There should be a box at the bottom of all ballot papers that says:
“None of the above”
The number of votes for this should be published so that we know just how many people want to vote but just don’t want any of the current parties.
‘Speaking for the nation’ BBC?… you lying, corrupt, delusional pile of….
Current homepage headline states:
“Labour punish coalition at polls”
As an example of wishful thinking, given the above facts, as a ‘news’ medium the BBC is unfit for purpose, and so improper in its deliberate inaccuracies should not be trusted with this nation’s broadcast airwaves any longer.
I bet the BBC wish they could have had Rule Britannia streaming in the background when people read that article…
“Boris is best for London”
On the BBC Radio 4 headlines at 9am thet reported factually what Harriet Harman had said and then played a soundbite from her. OK, don’t agree with her but no problem with that. They then said that William Hague “brushed aside” the results before playing a soundbite from him. To say that he just “brushed aside” the results is unfair and putting a spin on it, presumably designed to give an impression of Tory arrogance.
It has been pure set up collusion on soundbites so far, and the hapless Coalition have walked right in.
Record Hattie saying ‘if they say this, it proves…’ , await dopey Minister to say the only thing they can as specified by SPaD-dogma #101 to try and make the best of a bad job, splice the thing together and… bingo.. Labour party political as news.
I’d say these numpties deserve it, but if the option is getting Miliband’s mighty mind again running us into the ground with his GAOT-herd bleating in tow.. not so much
Loved this comment in Telegraph Blogs:
“The good news is, there’s been a 115% turnout in Bradford. Who says democracy’s dead?”
“for anyone with eyes tightly shut to reality on …
muslim insular herd mentality .ie Bradford”
thats bang on … it sure is
theo-cracy … oops! sorry i mean demo-cracy at work 😀
Interesting to compare the different headlines today from last year:
“Clegg quit call after poll losses”
“Labour to ‘learn from elections’ ”
“‘Tories gaining at Lib Dems’ expense’ in England”
“Greens gain English council seats”
“BNP suffers council seat losses”
All fairly dry and restrained.
“Labour punish coalition at polls”
“Labour makes big gains in Wales”
“Robinson: Why these results matter”
“Warsi in UKIP/BNP comment spat”
The language is different somehow; more sensational, expansive with words and phrases like “punish”, “big gains” and tabloid like references to a “spat” between non-Labour parties.
You can almost see the BBC hacks rubbing their hands with glee over these results. Pathetic.
Ordinarily I’d shake my head with you but move on as such things are nigh on impossible to cite in complaint (keeping powder dry on more factual cases, and given the silences from ECU and Trust so far they seem stuck on where other to turn than ‘we don’t think so/are right because we say we are’) as still too open to subjective semantics.
But that collection is pretty blatant.
Labours vote was 13% of less than a 1/3 of those eligible to vote. People have become disconnected from politics, all politicians are out of touch, not just the Tories.
Essentially Labour rallied their grass roots support, no matter how much Harriet Harperson spins the story, the Tories voted with their feet snuggly in their slippers.
The Apathy Party won yesterday.
Yes, we can all do the maths but it’s worth pointing out that 39% of 31% is a massive… 12%.
Seeing it in black and white really puts it into perspective. The country was so disgusted at the coalition that 12% decided to vote Labour. While 69% were so disgusted at politicians that they voted for no-one. I’d say that was pretty relevant but, as I always say to my nearest and dearest who don’t vote, the low turnouts are forgotten the next day. Go along and vote for anyone but the main parties and perhaps your disillusionment won’t be forgotten so quickly.
we can all do the maths
Sadly there are those who can and forget to, or are lead away from such simple calculations… or those that can’t.
All relied upon on by the most risible politico-media ‘system’ in the democratic world.
NOTA is looking pretty good to me, despite the anarchic aspects and that ‘a mandate’ is claimed no matter how daft that is credibly, but with this still being ‘counted’ as a spoiled vote by the governing elites and their tribal media lackeys, I’ll continue to look for the next best thing.
The only thing I know I can’t vote on still… is the BBC. And the effects of that are becoming clearer as the influence of broadcast media pervades ever further, especially into the fundamentals of ‘one person; one vote’ turning up and placing a cross in a secret ballot once every few years.
The story is worse for all really: the 12% would be 100% stalwart Labourites that would get out and vote Labour NO MATTER WHAT so in fact this result is shit and tells nobody anything, even the BBC constant banging away at the coalition has made absolutely no headway.
Yes, and the 100 percent stalwart Tories have been pushed into voting UKIP by an Eton poonce who wants gay marriage to be his legacy. They said UKIP got 17 percent and have come second in a lot of seats.
You make a good point.
The participation figures are stark, but power is power; the turnout figure will be forgotten and ‘represent’ us all they will, in their way and subject to orders from above.
Endorsed by less than 3 in 20 people they will carry on as if endorsed by all – that is the problem. It is a clear and present danger to us all.
Should have been reply to Roland Deschain says:
It is all so very symptomatic of minority-driven Britain. You only need to look where we’re heading with our energy supplies (or lack of them) to see what a hold the small band of eco-fascist nutters have on the country, as just one example.
Why should any of us have any interest in Cameron’s fate?
The BBC can bring him down for all a real conservative should care. Let the BBC/liberal media do their worst.
A polarisation between real conservative views and modern liberalism in this country is long overdue. The enemy is modern liberalism in all it’s forms.And the Cameron/Clegg entity is one of them.
I wonder how gleefully the Beeb will report Boris’ (expected) re-election.
I also don’t recall such a tone when the Tories did the almost impossible and held their seats last local election time.
Stand by for total ecstasy at the BBC if Ken Livingstone wins through piles of crooked postal votes
I think it may be very close – and may even require a re-count if challenges are made to the veracity of some of the “voting”
I was not able to get to my local polling station until just before 10pm last night. There were 8 staff there, in an otherwise empty room ! All on overtime and meal allowances, no doubt.
let’s not forget one thing
Cameroon is NOT a conservative
with either a big “c” OR a small one
Doesn’t seem that long ago that IDS won over 1,000 councillors on a similar election night, only for the narative to be “his lurch to the right has failed and he should go/won’t hold on”.
Mr Ed wins, what, 650 and the narative is “Labour punish coalition at polls”
Has the BBC asked Labour how many of their votes were postal votes?
Warsi in UKIP/BNP comment spat
BBC . whoops! nurse shes out again.
the OIC plant in residence, & unelected one cell wonder/gobshite has spoken again, she could have been backed up by eric pickles, but sadly, he hadn t finished “eating all the pies” on election night, so she had to do with putting just her own feet firmly in it.
OK, a ‘to be fair’/balance piece of devil’s advocacy…
Just finished lunch with that walrus Adam Boulton and his ‘show’.
Two of the limpest, wettest Coalition creeps in a 2 vs. one against a slick Chukka, and guess who came out on top, easily slapping back a gasping Boulton trying and failing to put a few of the trite on’ messages every ‘in-touch?’ Labour minister is compelled to trot out in context.
But then we had a solo pollster on next who has informed me that the low score on the low turnout was no biggie and Labour really are on a roll.
Well, if he says so. I didn’t catch an affiliation so it has to be borne in mind unless he turns out to be another stirrer vs. expert that all media serve up to keep the ratings pot boiling.
But sorry, if this country’s future is guided by 10% of the electorate either in public service, on benefits, told what to do by the BBC or any combo of those three, and overseen by a media estate that can’t see beyond tomorrow’s killer sound bite, then UK PLC is screwed.
Brendan O’Neill – Spiked –
Analysts are tying to decipher what message the British electorate sent to the political class through yesterday’s local elections. Were they being pro-Labour, anti-Lib Dem, sceptical-about-mayors? But this all overlooks what the vast majority – 68 per cent – chose to say to the political class: Nothing. Nada. Zilch. With an estimated paltry turnout of 32 per cent, the elections confirmed yet again that a gaping chasm has opened up between the political oligarchy and the man and woman in the street. The real story of this election is the public’s silent, withering cold-shouldering of the elite.
And who is at the cold, dead heart of that ‘elite’, fondly imagining it speaks for any other than those whose gilded cage of delusion they share in pursuit of admittedly healthy rewards in power, influence and money, but having to bear the awful burden of their own complicity in staging the facade for what can only be selfish reasons. That is, if they have a whit of brain or whiff of conscience.
Why do the Lib Dems and Labour get asked about a possible Torry party shift to the right due to UKIP?
Shift to concerned look/voice.
As if the Sky will fall in.
Surely if the electorate don’t want this the Libs/Lab will benefit from the de-crowding of the central ground.
Funny thing about all this is, despite being fairly on top of such things, I was basically unaware of any other election than the London mayoral one. Maybe because my county seems to have dodged that bullet.
However, if I had been asked to predict I would have cited a massive coalition kicking, and deservedly so.
What I would not have even considered was any that inevitable swing to Labour, especially driven by relentless PR from the BBC to do so, would have any significance whatsoever.
To turn this into vindication for that gormless creep they dare not air unless absolutely necessary (like Livingstone only without the interesting personal life and creative tax arrangements) really does get us into ‘tell a lie often enough’ territory.
Was it just me or did the fancy graph Venal Vine was waving at showing the historical trend of percentage differences between the various parties portray the last general election happening in May 2009? There’s a larger reason I’m asking this.
Labour must have failed to live up to the BBC’s hopes and expectations. Quick darlings, luvvies….switch to our plan B ! Try to rip the piss out of the Liberals. Now closing in on Salford for a special guest spot on BBC 5 Live Drive we have….Mr Pongu (some joke candidate from somewhere who beat the LibDems into 4th).
Normal service has been resumed.
‘Evening Standard’:
‘live’ blog on London elections –
Enjoying the little fight between Chukka and the Greenie candidate for London mayor. Dimbleby gave her plenty of opportunity to show that the Greens are more than just Caroline Lucas and bunch of environmentals, and Jones screwed it up. He even asked if they were Socialist. She refused to answer properly – because she so obviously couldn’t without making her party look like a joke – and Chukka called her on it. She spat back at him, and a little snippy exchange ensued.
Very amusing, and she ended up making the Greens look like a joke. I don’t know if that was DD’s intention or not.
Yes, but she got her bit in about combatting climate change wirthout a prompt.
I keep hearing from various Beeboids that results are showing that people just don’t want elected mayors. Except for Doncaster, which voted to keep theirs, does anyone know if the cities that rejected the mayor idea are all heavily Labour-controlled councils?
The Mayor of Doncaster is almost unique in politics. He is just like us lot. He is a member of the Campaign against Political Correctness. He wants Britain to leave the EU, and form a federal government with an English Parliament. He says he has not been conned by the Global Warming/Climate Change scam. It is said that if man well to the Right of the Tory leadership can capture a socialist pit town on Arthur Scargill’s doorstep, anything is possible.
Nottingham certainly is
Interesting results from Wales. The Plaid did badly, despite their new leader, Leanne, who is a declared monarchy insulting republican who wants to create a socialist Wales. Much further to the left than Labour. Perhaps this is a hint that the Welsh support for Labour is not based on socialist values after all.
So Leanna Wood became Leanne wouldn’t?
(or didnt?)
David Dimblebore managed to juxtapose the BNP and UKIP in the same sentence while interviewing Nigel Farrage via a live link this afternoon: once by quoting warsi from last night while pretending “not to understand” quite what she meant, even though it was fine for him to read it for all in case you missed it last night. Then a minute later another BNP and UKIP juxtaposed in case you missed it first time.
What a wanker he is!
At lunchtime I saw a bit of BBC News 24 where John Sopel was having the usual balanced discussion, this time about mayoral elections with one leftie columnist Steve Richards in favour and another leftie columnist who was against them (I didn’t catch his name, but he was I think from Manchester and indeed looked every bit an overgrown 90’s Indie musician) who was against them. The leftie columnist who was against them was appalled by the personal nature of the London contest asking – and let’s take note of this for future reference – “How can people’s tax returns become a political issue?”
At which point Steve Richards and John Sopel really laid into him, pointing out that it was of course Ed Miliband in his budget response outside the context of any mayoral election who had tried to make political capital from opposing politicians’ tax affairs*
* Actually that last paragraph didn’t happen at all. They just nodded quietly along.
The bloody Guardian (especially that disgusting snooty Chardonnay ‘socialist’ lefty Polly Toynbee) and the rest of they lefty prats are having a field day. If Liebour ever get re-elected, I am out of this country for bloody good! New Zealand/Canada here we come 🙂
The lazy sods that stayed at home on Thursday deserve whats coming down the line, you can bet that of the small turnout that there was, most of it was mobilised by the unions, I mean who with 2 braincells to rub together and at least 256mb of memory is going to vote for anything to do with the dismal labour party and a front bench that makes me want to puke. As usual al-beeb is all over labour like a cheap suit, hardly any mention of UKIP who get thrown into the “others” grey column, fek, this country is going down the tubes, Superman, where are you now?
Yep, I agree. If I had the dosh and no family ties, I’d go tomorrow. What a ghastly, two-bit nation we’ve become.
“London mayoral election: Boris Johnson v Ken Livingstone ‘neck and neck’”
Friday, May 4, 2012
5:02 PM
Result: maybe at 8:30 pm
I can’t click ‘like’ because I want Borish to win and ‘neck and neck’ isn’t what I want to see!
Are they telling us it is ‘neck and neck’ to keep viewers until the results at 8.30? The Beeb coverage is rather boring and repetative.
rather Boris’ brass neck and Ken strung by the neck.
As far as I’m concerned it simply beggars belief that my nation is made up of such gormless people that they have voted heavily for Labour. When last in government they drove our economy to the very brink of bankruptcy, allowed every Tom, Dick and Abdul into our once green and pleasant land, so that we now have a population heading inexorably to the 70 million mark. I guess the Tories, particularly under “Dave”, have been so lacking any gumption, fretting as they do about monumental issues like same sex marriage!! These really are the issues that keep us all awake at night. FFS…Winston Churchill must be spinnig in his grave…
Just a thought, everyone blames lack of rain for the “drought”. Well that’s the supply side, but what about the demand side of the equation, the 250,000 net immigration for last year. Where do you suppose their water comes from? Do they bring it with them?..just saying that’s all.
off topic -ish but this is an open thread…….kind of
a useful tool for anyone wishing to probe the currently 903 and counting FOI requests to the bbc
one particularly interesting one caught my eye-
To be honest part of me is happy with this result on a couple of levels. The only conservative govt in power is a CINO govt. They’ve had it coming to them for some time now.
More importantly whilst Labour might be quite smug about their victories, they’ve now actually got to get on and start delivering. They can no longer sit their throwing their “what needs to happen is” type bombs – they now have to deliver.
At the last election, part of me wanted them to get back into power so that they actually had to try and clear up the mess that they had created, especially with the scorched earth policy that our Gordy ran with. Part of me still wants it now – to blow their rhetoric right out of the water.
“Am now hearing they’ve found two more boxes in Brent and Harrow. The count goes on!”
by Evening Standard news5/4/2012 9:02:02 PM 10:02 PM
“Interesting stuff from Rob Parsons at Alexandra Palace…
“‘Very slow going here at Ally Pally. Two extra boxes of votes for Brent & Harrow, the final seat to be called, were discovered late in the day and are now being counted manually. ‘
“‘No obvious sign of a finish. Interestingly the Labour source I spoke to has suggested that a large number of votes for Ken won’t count because of the forms weren’t filled in properly.'”
by Evening Standard news 10:13 PM
Mr S. NOLAN, BBC-NUJ-Labour has been running Radio 5 as a PRPOPAGANDA MACHINE for the Labour Party and Livingstone from 10:07 to 10:31 pm.
Labour’s Tessa Jowell was given all that uninterrupted air-time to politically propagandise for that beacon for Islam, Livingstone.
Totally unacceptable propaganda from Nolan and BBC-NUJ-Labour.
NOLAN, Radio 5 now in attack dog mode against a Tory politician (23:20).
A total contrast to the compliant Nolan treatment of Labour’s Jowell an hour earlier.
NOLAN now appalled to hear (from UKIP) that BBC-NUJ-Labour may not be imparital in its political output! (11:28 pm)
Brent…that’ll be 80% Ken… any-more from Tower Hamlets and similar areas? Ah yes, here’s another 17 boxes, got dust on them as if they’ve been hidden away…ah well, let’s get counting. I say there’s an awful lot in this Khan family isn’t there.
I’m watching the BBC 10 O’Clock News and it seems UKIP have changed its name to ‘Others’.
Strewth, a democratic national party gets 13% of the vote, its best ever showing in local elections and close to the LibDems, and it doesn’t mention a showing on BBC graphs.
Is it possible to exaggerate how appalling that is?
BBC London News:-
“Conservative candidate Mr Johnson is thought to be ahead of Ken Livingstone”
Our cuddly Ken and frostiness for ‘Mr Johnson’, eh BBC London?
Have they mentioned that ‘Our Ken’ is a full-fledged badges-and-gas-chambers anti-Semite yet?
Paul WESTON, of Britsh Freedom Party:-
“The last election, Cameron’s main sort of claim [for defence] on this is that he can’t do what he wants to do because his hands are tied by the Liberal Democrats. But the only reason he does not have a majority rule in this country now is because there was fraudulent Muslim voting in the last election. Baroness Warsi came out and said the only reason the Conservatives lost the last election was basically from three seats and those three seats were Muslim seats. They had a huge amount of election – postal, electoral – vote fraud going on, so Cameron’s government only exists today in its weakened state because of Muslim voting fraud in this country. That again should have been a huge story. Warsi came out and said this. She was invited onto Question Time the night after she said it, but apparently she had a cold, so she couldn’t go. Now obviously that was something from on high: don’t go out there, don’t talk about it, don’t mention it because this is not something we want the general population in this country to know. So the government today is basically… as far as I’m concerned, the government today is complicit in allowing creeping Sharia law to go further in this country.”
Note: in his acceptance of defeat speech, LIVINGSTONE unsurprisingly singled out BBC-NUJ-Labour for praise.
Oh, dear, looks like Boris won because of AV. And the Beeboids lobbied so hard for it.
Given the demographic trends in London, will this be the last ever Conservatives win there?
In Livingstone’s words: ‘London as a beacon for Islam’.
Will INBBC censor this?:
“Religious butchering now commonplace in Britain, leading vet claims.
“Non-Muslim Britons are being forced to eat animals slaughtered in ‘appalling’ pain because religious butchering is becoming so common, a former chief vet has claimed. ”
Radio 5’s Up All Night now on suicide watch: they have some academic berk on now explaining why everyone who didn’t vote yesterday should be shot… well, not exactly, but it’s heavily implied.
Apparently, the thought that real people might have better things to do than vote for members of the three-headed expense gobbler has npt yet sunk in.
‘Guest Who says:May 4, 2012 at 11:45 am
Current homepage headline states:
“Labour punish coalition at polls”
That headline has now ‘evolved’ to “Vote 2012: Labour are back throughout country, says Ed Miliband”.
So…. we have gone from what the BBC wished were the case to a factual report on the victor’s speech, the audience having corrected them.
I find that interesting.
Maybe it was something to do with a large number of British licence fee payers asking those who claim to speak for them (as opposed to blindly PR’ing a joke leader of a minority political force) what the hell they are on about in the comments (3285 – now closed):
Editor’s pick (+12) – 2780. Adam
4TH MAY 2012 – 17:49
Labour have done well to regain this much support just 2 years have doing disastrously badly in a general election. I understand why people might want to vote for them as an anti-tory or anti-Lib Dem protest vote, but they’ve still go a long way to go to regain the trust of some parts of electorate.
Highest Rated (+374) – 2. ACCALove
3RD MAY 2012 – 22:22
There should be a box at the bottom of all ballot papers that says:
“None of the above”
Nothing like wish fulfillment when you have control of the edit suite levers.
I also note the contrast of a rather more sombre ‘some bloke somehow did better than another’ email I had announcing Boris’ win vs the ‘people of UK love Ed (well 10% shackled to Labour)’ gush earlier in the day:
‘Johnson wins London mayor vote’ –
Conservative Boris Johnson is re-elected London mayor, beating Labour rival Ken Livingstone after delay-hit count.
Now on reflection I see all this as still possibly positive in a few ways.
There is the winnowing aspect, as clearly Mr. Cameron and his policies are less than appealing to most. I do however worry that we see Boris seen more as of value on personality than policy.
But also there is a sense that the media is on notice that playing bloody silly games (commercial press and broadcast – just watching SKY peroxide sink on SKY shrieking on on single premise with, of all spokespersons put up, that idiot May) with splits and stuff for a on day news bite, and playing favourites (our anything other than impartial, not-to-be-trusted public broadcaster) is really making our MSM a laughing stock. Albeit one that is crippling this country.
Possibly Nic R, has sensed the way the wind is blowing and looking at what people are saying rather than trying to impose the BBC’s hopes on them…
‘2. feedbackloop
4TH MAY 2012 – 16:34
The voters are saying –
1. I cant be bothered to vote.
2. If I can be bothered to vote I am fed up with the condems.
3. I am not prepared to give labour a huge endorsement.
4. I prefer Boris to Ken (tbc).
When it comes to gen election will the majority be more scared of the prospect of balls/moribund back in charge of the economy or the condems lurching from one pr disaster to the next.
Fine example of BBC bias here on Scottish elections. SNP are quoted as gaining 57 seats and Labour 58 seats when the actual results was 61 seats gained for the SNP and 46 seats for Labour. This can be seen here and on any other website/newspaper covering the results.
The BBC then claim on Newsnight Scotland that Labour won the election because they gained more seats even though the truth is the SNP won the most seats and gained more seats than anyone else.
Complete manipulation of the figures to suit there own agenda when it comes to Scots politics.
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